AUGUST 2017 • NO. 20
Hand-in-Hand, Face-to-Face, Creating Connection Through Technology by Philip De Rita - with Elizabeth Jodice & Kathy Howe For more than twenty years, twinning, which pairs ministries from the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) with Lwanga District ministries, has been a major source of financial support for our African schools. This effort helps raise funds and awareness of the larger Lasallian family, providing for new technology, updating school facilities, and expanding educational programs in areas of extreme poverty. As the Provincial/Visitor of the Lwanga District, Br. Ghebreyesus Habte, FSC, oversees the Brothers, Partners-in-Mission, Communities, and Lasallian ministries in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. He has resolved to expand and enhance the twinning program, meeting with schools throughout North America. “For many of our twinned ministries, the relationship is stronger now than ever, thanks to technology,” said Br. Ghebreyesus on a recent trip to the District of Eastern North America (DENA). A number of our schools have
created Skype video conferencing connections with their twinned schools for a face-to-face experience. “I truly believe these types of collaboration are creating a sense of nearness to each other.” commented Br. Ghebreyesus (Ghebres for short), who has been diligent in sharing photos and stories with Districts and their ministries. In a first-of-its-kind effort, all five RELAN ministries that are twinned with Mount La Salle College in Naka Nigeria skyped for approximately one hour in December 2016. DENA schools involved were: Calvert Hall College High School, Towson MD; De La Salle College “Oaklands,” Toronto Ontario; and St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute,
Buffalo NY. They were joined by De La Salle North Catholic High School, Portland OR and La Salle High School, Pasadena CA. After praying together, Mount La Salle students talked about life and school in Nigeria. Then students and twinning coordinators from each school had the opportunity to ask questions and share information on extracurricular activities and service projects. “We are happy to know that people care about us, and we feel blessed to belong to the Lasallian family. We now feel challenged to also be of service to others.” Mount La Salle students Udubbu Hezekiah and Uuma Patricia commented after the Skype. (continued on page 4)
Students and faculty from the Lwanga District in Africa are excited about new opportunities made possible by the support of their twinned schools in the USA.
Seen here on-screen, Child Discovery Centre Administrator, Br. Paul Anderson, FSC and his students connect with students from CBA Syracuse.
A MESSAGE FROM BROTHER DENNIS MALLOY, FSC “Why the Only Future Worth Building Includes Everyone” (TED Talk by Pope Francis, April 2017) Shortly after Easter this year, Pope Francis gave a surprise TED Talk, pre-recorded earlier in Vatican City, to an audience gathered in Vancouver for TED’s annual international conference. The theme of this year’s conference was, “The Future You”. In typical Francis fashion, his presentation was simple, concrete, clear, and centered on the parable of the Good Samaritan, which he called the “story of today’s humanity”. The story of a world in which “people’s paths are riddled with suffering, as everything is organized around money and things instead of people”. A world in which we are not so good at taking care of others, “thus leaving behind thousands of human beings, or entire populations, on the side of the road.” Continuing to draw on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Francis reminds us that all it takes is for one person to stop along the side of that road to help. “A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you. And then there will be another ‘you’, and another ‘you’, and it turns into an ‘us’.” As disciples of Jesus in the footsteps of John Baptist de La Salle, we are compelled to stop along the side of that road to help, particularly those young people who have been wounded by life, who are the least loved, and who lack the opportunities for an education that can draw out their gifts and give them what they need to resume their journey on that Good Samaritan road, well and full of life. The stories in this edition of Lasallian Visions give inspiring witness to the vitality of our mission today within DENA and in solidarity with our Lasallian sisters and brothers
around the world. They testify to the Spirit’s movement through us and are evidence that the Good Samaritan is alive and well in our midst—in all the ‘YOU’ who turn us into an ‘US’! Together we are a formidable force for faith, hope, and love’s action in our world! At the end of this month, I finish my mandate as the Brother Visitor/Provincial of DENA. It has been the greatest privilege of my life! You, and God’s grace, have caused me to grow in the Spirit of Faith & Zeal for our Mission over these past eight years in DENA and two years in the legacy Baltimore District. The Holy Spirit has been abundantly good in helping us to discern the second Visitor/Provincial of DENA, Brother Dennis (the Greater!) Lee. Dennis is an extraordinary Brother and a man of contagious faith, joy, and love who we are blessed to have take up the mantle of leadership. Please keep Dennis in your prayers and welcome him warmly. Thank you for all that you do to give life to our shared mission, the young men and women who are entrusted to our care. Thank you for continuing to remember them generously in your prayers and giving! And, thank you for being in Francis’ words an “US”.
Live Jesus in “Our” hearts!
Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC Provincial/Visitor, DENA
THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. We welcome you to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.
S T. J O H N B A P T I S T
FACE OF THE FUND: MARCOS RODRIGUEZ by Mr. William Gault – Executive Director, The De La Salle School Marcos Rodriguez has just finished the sixth grade at The De La Salle School in Freeport NY. In August 2014 he emigrated from the Dominican Republic with his family. Moving to the United States with limited English skills, he faced an uphill battle as he entered the fourth grade in the public school system. Through a family friend, Marcos’ parents learned of De La Salle and applied. While his English was quite limited, his comprehension was strong. It was decided that his needs matched the mission of our school. He was accepted in August of 2015, and was awarded a scholarship from the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund to help make this possible. Motivated, Marcos set goals for himself and was determined to achieve honor roll status. However, health issues were interfering with his progress. After several medical tests, Marcos was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in December 2015. Marcos does not view his disease as an obstacle but as something that God has given him to handle. With courage and a smile, Marcos has achieved honor roll status each quarter this past school year and is looking for the same success in seventh grade. “The De La Salle School is an awesome school with teachers that care for us and are right there for you,” says Marcos. “God gave me the gift of this school to rise up to be all that I want to be.” Like many kids his age, Marcos would like to be a professional baseball player, but has realistic plans of becoming an architect. Marcos is creative and in art class, his favorite subject, he enjoys the design and construction process. A wonderful role model for his peers, Marcos is an upbeat, respectful, friendly, gracious young man, epitomizing what it means to be a De La Salle gentleman.
The life of the Brothers of the Christian Schools is one of taking the “good news” of Jesus seriously as the challenge and source of great joy that it is. It is a way to wholeness. It must be lived in solidarity with those in need. Such a journey would be impossible without the grace of God and the company of the good men with whom I have served and have made my home for many years. I came to the Brothers out of the very typical experience (for the time) of first meeting them in high school in Queens NY, during the 1960s. The “light bulb” did not go off in my head until senior year. But in senior year the cumulative effect of the Brothers on me was palpable. Men such as Brothers Omer Malachy, Timothy Murray, Robert Daskiewiecz, Maurice Frechette, John Buckley, David Carroll, Paul Goodwin, John Norton, Anselm Scott, Kevin Malinowski, Raymond Blixt, Andrew Cordell, Eugene Gorman, Francis Mulligan, Thaddeus Aubrey, and Francis O’Rourke guided, supported, and challenged me. My early years of teaching were adventurous and lifegiving. I learned to appreciate the men and women with whom I served and the young people who were great sources of joy, amusement, and puzzlement for me. When I began the ministry of school administration in the 1980s, I found more to ponder, question, and confirm about Lasallian Catholic education and grew to see why it is so treasured. The Brothers have been men who lift me up and continue to be great companions on the journey. They are men who are alive with energy and vitality. Wherever I have served—east coast, west coast, New York, Washington DC, New England, California—I have tried to serve young people in ways that reflect what the Brothers have done for me. We do this together, exploring and celebrating the embracing presence and love of God in and through our communities and schools. What a life! For the full spotlight on Br. Robert Wickman visit
ANSELM HALL BLESSING & DEDICATION by Br. Richard Kestler, FSC Saturday, June 17 was a beautiful day for the blessing of Anselm Hall. This residence for active and semi-active retired Brothers is named in honor of Brother Anselm Murphy, FSC, a formidable personage in the history of the District. A man of action, Br. Anselm is often credited with two things: his strong guidance which kept La Salle University in Philadelphia PA alive through the Great Depression, and his influence on vocations in the Philadelphia area. He also held many other positions across sixty-three years as a Brother. More than one hundred supporters, Brothers, friends, and relatives joined in the blessing and dedication. The Most Reverend Timothy Senior, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, presided. All guests enjoyed the atmosphere and attention to detail of our new community. As the first Director of the new Community, I formally welcomed our guests, and Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC, Provincial/Visitor, offered remarks from the District. Bishop Senior, a friend of the Brothers from his days overseeing Catholic Social Services for the Archdiocese, was joined by several other priest friends of the Brothers. The Bishop blessed each room for its intended purpose. The social that followed gave guests an opportunity to tour Anselm Hall and renew friendships with the Brothers. The Anselm Hall community would like to thank Strada Architecture LLC, architects; Daniel J. Keating Company, builders; Brothers Joseph Juliano, FSC and Joseph Willard, FSC, clerks of the construction process; and La Salle University’s Board of Trustees, Administration, and Brothers Community for their openness to helping meet the needs of the Christian Brothers. th
Bishop Timothy Senior blesses each of the rooms in Anselm Hall, assisted by Br. Don Alger, FSC.
(B) La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (N) Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI
As Brothers and supporters mingle, Br. Gerard Molyneaux, FSC chats with Jim & Jennifer Anagnos.
(L) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (T) Loretto Abbey - Toronto ON
for your continued support of our Christian Brothers in their retirement (as of 4/1/2017) at: Br. Anthony Baird (L) Br. Andrew Bartley (L) Br. Henry Betz (L) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. John Coates (T) Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Jerome Cox (N)
Br. Stephen Creagh (L) Br. Lawrence Dempsey (B) Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Brendan Foley (N) Br. Brendan Garwood (B)
Br. Lawrence Hartung (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. John Herron (L) Br. John Karl (B) Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. James Kelly (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Leo Leary (L) Br. James Loxham (N)
Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Richard McAlice (L) Br. Eugene Morgan (B) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. John Perry (L) Br. Patrick Power (L) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Kevin Strong (L) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N)
Br. John Vella (T) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. William Wilcox (T) Br. John Wilson (L) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Paul Yuzuk (L) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)
(continued from page 1)
Hand-in-Hand, Face-to-Face Spencer Frome, a junior at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute noted, “It was amazing that we could bring together so many Lasallian schools separated by great distances, and be able to talk with and learn from each other.” During his visits to Calvert Hall and St. Joe’s, Br. Ghebres explained to the young men that with their support, along with that of the other RELAN schools, Mount La Salle was able to purchase fifty-one new computers and create a new computer lab. “The entire atmosphere at Mount La Salle has changed. The students are extremely grateful for this wonderful enhancement to their education.” For St. John’s College High School, Washington DC, their Skype connection with the Child Discovery Centre (CDC) in Nakuru Kenya took place while preparing for their annual twinning fundraiser during Poverty Education Week. They heard that the most urgent need of the Centre was to repair an exterior wall of the girl's dormitory that collapsed during severe weather. Despite an imperfect Skype connection, the students were delighted to see each other.
Brother Ghebres states that the support from St. John’s, as well as Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh PA, and Christian Brothers Academy, Syracuse NY, is allowing CDC to provide for more impoverished children than ever before. “Being able to connect with our school so far away was a wonderful thing to be a part of. Their enthusiasm lit up my heart,” said Diana Rodriguez, a junior at SJCHS. The half-hour session was led by St. John’s Peer Ministers, with senior Widad Mukhar conducting prayer and senior Mica House providing the CDC students with a description of St. John's. “The Skype call with CDC was a wonderful experience for our students to start a true relationship with our twin school. They were so excited to actually put faces to the organization that, up until now, they have only heard about,” said Campus Minister Peter Walz. “The students at CDC have
so many challenges to overcome, but they were genuinely excited to simply talk to our students. You could see the joy in their faces as they introduced themselves.” Brother Ghebres shared with Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft NJ, twinned with the Nativity School in Shinara Village, Eritrea, that this was where he was educated as a child. The example of the Brothers who taught him inspired him to become a Christian Brother. In each of his visits, Br. Ghebres, thanked students and faculty for their generosity. “I am grateful for the impact that the twinning program has had on our Lasallian ministries here in DENA, and Lwanga. Know that each day, as you remember that we are in the holy presence of God, you walk hand-in-hand with a Lasallian student in Lwanga. Your sacrifices create a bond that makes his or her education possible.”
Students at St. John’s College High School connect with fellow Lasallian students in Kenya.
CBA Lincroft students feature Br. Ghebreyesus in an interview for their student news webcast. Br. Ghebreyesus reminds St. Joe’s men that they walk hand-in-hand with Lasallian students in the Lwanga District.
TOUR OF DUTY Teacher, Saint Gabriel’s Parish School Queens NY Parish work, Saint Cecilia’s Parish Brooklyn NY Religion Teacher, Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS Brooklyn NY Campus Minister, Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS Brooklyn NY
The Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, has announced the appointment of Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, as the second Visitor of the District of Eastern North America (DENA), beginning September 1, 2017. After serving the maximum commitment of two consecutive four-year terms, the mandate of Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC as Visitor concludes August 31, 2017. Per District Chapter guidelines, the Brothers of DENA entered a process of nominating the next Visitor in September 2016. In late January, the results of the final nominating round were sent unopened to the Generalate in Rome. On February 22, 2017, Br. Dennis Lee was appointed by the Superior General of the Institute. “I want to thank our Superior General and my fellow Brothers from the District, for their confidence in my becoming the second Visitor of DENA,” said Br. Dennis. A native of Queens NY, educated at Immaculate Conception School, and Mater Christi Diocesan High School, Dennis’ vocation was awakened by the many Brothers who were his teachers.
by Ms. Chelsey Rovesti Director of Communications, Central Catholic High School
Campus Minister, Manhattan College Bronx NY Missionary, Christ the Teacher Institute for Education Kenya Auxiliary Visitor, Legacy LINE District Missionary, Christ the Teacher Institute for Education Kenya Auxiliary Visitor, District of Eastern North America
Brothers gathered to witness the Rite of Profession of Br. Tony.
Brother Anthony T. Baginski, FSC, Principal of Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh PA, professed perpetual vows as a Brother of the Christian Schools on May 15, 2017. Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC, Visitor/Provincial, witnessed the Rite of Profession. Approximately 900 alumni, students, friends, family and staff, including 24 Christian Brothers, gathered for the Mass of Perpetual Profession. “One of the greatest privileges I have as the Visitor for the District of Eastern North America is to witness and receive the final profession of our Brothers on behalf of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools,” said Brother Dennis. “The Gospel nature of his life, his professional competence, and the abundant care and dedication for each of his students and staff make Br. Tony a prime example of what it means to be a Christian Brother.” Br. Tony expressed his deep gratitude for the support of the Central Catholic community. “I joined the Brothers when I was 40 and within three months, I knew that
my vocation was to be a De La Salle Christian Brother,” said Br. Tony. “When it was time for my final vows, I wanted to take my vows in the presence of the Brothers, my family, and the Central Catholic community that has supported me in my vocation.” Highlighting Brother Tony’s fine leadership, Central Catholic’s Lasallian Youth presented a check for $23,101.82 to Br. Dennis, which was raised through various activities of their annual Lenten Mission Drive. The donation was designated for their Twinned School, Child Discovery Centre in Nakuru Kenya and for The Fratelli Project, a De La Salle and Marist Brothers’ ministry educating Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.
LASALLIAN VISIONS La Salle School graduates with the tools, confidence, and hope to build a great future.
Providing Hope for Youth Through Education, Science, and Love by Marita Jadlos - Director of Development, La Salle School
Mr. Jefferson Weidman
More than 900 youth and family service professionals from around the northeast gathered at the ACEs Symposium.
As part of our Lasallian Association of Youth & Family Services, La Salle School for Boys in Albany NY has been a respected provider of Child Welfare Services for more than 160 years. La Salle School has evolved to offer innovative alternatives to detention, court-based assessment services, outpatient mental health and substance abuse services for adolescents and young adults, specialized residential treatment for male youths with complex behavioral health needs, intensive family work to support reunification, and unique programming for older foster care youth preparing for independent living. Called upon nationally as trainers and consultants on the understanding and
successful treatment of juvenile sexual abuse, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and other trauma related issues, La Salle’s ACEs and Brains Science Advancement Team (ABSAT) is committed to implementing and disseminating strategies based on emerging information on neurobiology and the impact of trauma on the brain. Since 2016, ABSAT has conducted more than thirty trainings. Their most recent ACEs Symoposium this past May drew more than 900 professionals from throughout the northeast. Youth are at the heart of La Salle’s mission. For former student, Jefferson Weidman, now a board member and on staff, it was the caring relationships at La Salle that gave his life purpose.
“I was lost with no direction when I came to La Salle in 1992,” said Weidman. “It was the influence of Brothers and staff, in small moments of conversation, asking me, ‘What are your goals?’ telling me ‘There is a future for you,’ that gave me hope.” Weidman credits Brothers Richard Leo McAlice and Robert McCann, as well as friends Chaplin Walter Flock and La Salle’s current Executive Director Mr. William Wolff, AFSC for where he is today. “It was their understanding of kids’ needs that guided me these past twenty-plus years. Lasallian education has a true, profound purpose that led me to want to teach and foster at-risk youth who are searching for their own purpose.” As with many Lasallian staff and board members, Weidman has affected young people through his career, at La Salle, and at home. He and his wife McKinley, also an educator, recently finalized the adoption of their two long-term foster children, Sarah and Summer, who join their two-year-old biological son, Carter. At La Salle School for Boys, every member of the faculty, staff, administration, and volunteer leadership are considered to be a vital part in the success of the youths in their care. “It’s that team approach that makes La Salle something special,” said Weidman. “I was blessed, just as all the students at La Salle, to have had the Christian Brothers and dedicated staff in my life.”
Our host, Br. Jean (second from left) led the tour of Parménie for Brothers Dominic Smith, Leonard Marsh, Richard Kestler, John Bassett, and John McManus.
“Following in the Footsteps of the Founder” was for the five of us masterfully planned and faithfully executed in the best traditions of the Christian Brothers. For me it was informational and inspiring to see history come alive and be brought down to size where De La Salle’s life events took place. “This pilgrimage proved to be historic and confirming of all that we have heard and lived by,” said Br. Richard Kestler, FSC. “The Brothers at each stop were warm and welcoming. Conversations were always interesting, and language proved no barrier to our common heritage.” The Cathedral of Notre Dame of Reims was of particular note to me, as this is where a young De La Salle (age 15) was appointed Canon. He renounced this position
REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at
Born in 1939 in Hazelton PA, Brother James Bednar, FSC, entered the Novitiate in Ammendale MD at age 21, and one year later in 1961, received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Gabriel Alphonsus. Afterward, he majored in French at La Salle University in Philadelphia. He pronounced his Perpetual Vows in Adamstown MD in 1967. He worked mainly as a high school teacher throughout his career, with additional positions including Community Director, Sub-Director, and Attendance Moderator, most notably at St. John’s College High School in Washington DC and Calvert Hall College High School in Towson MD. In his eulogy, Brother Joseph Kines, FSC, commended Br. James for his dedication to his duties as a Christian Brother while enduring chronic health problems with dignity and humility. “We truly have a vivid example in Brother James’ life, of the suffering servant for the greater glory of God.” noted Brother Joseph.
Born in 1949, Brother Thomas Bondra, FSC, entered the Ammendale MD Novitiate at the age of 18. He taught literature and English not only at schools in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, such as Hudson Catholic High School and Seton-La Salle High School, but was also a Professor for a year at St. John’s College in Portsmouth England. Br. Thomas served the La Salle Hall community as an event planner and prayer leader with reverence and pride. Brother Donald Dimitroff, FSC, described Br. Thomas’ passion for books and movies, from the classics to science fiction and high fantasy. Br. Thomas was also an avid fan of tennis and hockey and a master Scrabble player. Br. Donald was especially grateful to Br. Thomas for encouraging him to travel and introducing him to new experiences. He offered a farewell by saying, “I wish you, Tom, the best on your continued journey through the infinite, through prayer, to God.”
Upon receiving the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Joseph Canisius, born Earl Kenneth Cook in 1938, life as a Christian Brother was about academics and caring for others. With an encyclopedic knowledge of religious history and scripture, Br. Ken taught at numerous Philadelphia high schools, including West Catholic Boys’ High School, Archbishop Carroll Boys’ High School, and La Salle College High School and served as a Specialist, Department Chair and Parish Coordinator of Religious Education. Moreover, according to Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC, Br. Ken had an exceptional talent for relating to students and made every effort to keep in touch with several of them in school and beyond. His zeal for his students even allowed him to excel at roles, such as Wrestling Coach, for which he had no formal training. “Respect for Ken grew because of his many gifts,” wrote Br. Andrew, “but chiefly because he was both a world-class listener and a professional encourager.”
Born Lawrence Michael Higgins in 1927, Brother Patrick Higgins, FSC, entered the Barrytown Juniorate in 1941, then the Novitiate in 1945, where he received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Adelbert Patrick. He taught at several schools throughout New York, including La Salle School, Lincoln Hall, Good Shepherd School, and La Salle Academy. He also taught at De La Salle Collegiate in Warren MI and studied in the Manhattan College theology program. Though he majored in French, Br. Patrick filled a needed role as a Biology teacher, which intersected with his love of gardening. Brother Joseph Brienza, FSC recalled his time together with Br. Patrick at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ and noted his appreciation for Br. Patrick’s guidance and friendship by quoting the Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he (or she) who finds a faithful friend finds a treasure.”
in this same spot where kings of France had been crowned since 492! What a sense of humility and practical urgency in responding to such poverty around him. He would no longer “have it all made” when things got tough. Rouen brought us to modern Lasallian education centers and to St. Yon, the place where De La Salle came to spend his final days. Then as now, the efforts of the Holy Spirit cannot be impeded as new ways to implement education, especially for the marginalized, continue. The retreat and restoration center at Parménie, with its rich tradition and history, brought us to the French Alps as we passed through Grenoble, with its sheer mountains reaching high into the sky. “How exciting to finish off our 10-day trip with a renewal retreat at Parménie!” said Br. Richard. The interior prayer life observed at Parménie offers great resilience with the singing of the Office and simple lifestyle, especially in this age of technology. The next chapter is up to us, for as our founder says, “The work is in (y)our hands.”
The Brothers were thrilled to spend time in quiet retreat at Parménie, just as De La Salle did.
District Office 444-A Hwy 35 South Eatontown NJ 07724
Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying the summer and all it brings. For those in education, summer is a season of change. Our students move from one grade to the next, or graduate from the school. Our faculty take this time to learn, refresh, and prepare for the new school year. Our schools themselves receive needed upgrades and renovations. It is a time of transition. In a few weeks, our District itself will experience a transition. Brother Dennis Lee has been elected by the Brothers, and officially appointed by the Superior General in Rome, to be the next Provincial/Visitor of the District of Eastern North America. He is a tremendous man whom you can read about inside this issue. I must also say that it has been my honor and privilege to have worked for and gotten to know our outgoing Visitor, Brother Dennis Malloy. He has been truly inspirational. The Christian Brothers and our Lasallian mission have benefited greatly from his leadership. I wish him all good blessings in his future ministries. Please continue to keep our new Visitor, our outgoing Visitor, and all of us in your prayers. Know that you are in ours. Sincerely,
Mr. Patrick J. Donahue Director of Development
Do you have enough cards on hand? Request your free supply any time! Simply remember to mail in enrollment/donation envelope when you use the card.
District Director
Narragansett RI
Lincroft NJ • (732) 842.4359