PILLAR 2018 Q1

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MAKING AN IMPACT! Those with the Loudest Voices Get Heard


t is often said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It can

he delivers his annual Host Breakfast address to a coalition of

also be said of voices impacting decisions in Sacramento.

business leaders from around the state.

Those with the loudest voices get heard.

Each year issues arise at the state and federal levels that

Chambers of Commerce have a long history of actively advocating

demand the business community take action to show our elected

on behalf of the business community, and the North Orange

representatives how a piece of legislation can have a positive or

County Chamber (NOCC) is no different. NOCC continues to work

negative impact on their business. At the same time, the Chamber

alongside member businesses and other partner organizations to

staff and board of directors can be found in city halls around the

fight for a better environment in which to do business.

region speaking in support or opposition of agenda items that

The Chamber offers an opportunity for you to join us and hold

affect the business community.

elected officials accountable for the decisions they make. In this

If you are interested in learning more about this trip or how you can

issue, we have published a record of Orange County’s officials

become more involved, call the Chamber office or email Theresa

elected to state office on some of the key votes affecting

Harvey at tharvey@nocchamber.com.

businesses and your ability to operate cost effectively. This year, the Chamber is hosting an opportunity for you to travel to Sacramento, learn about the legislative process in California, and advocate for your voice to be heard. On May 22, 2018, a delegation of business leaders from the region will fly from Orange County to our state’s capitol for a Sacramento Business Impact Trip. As business leaders, you will spend time with our legislators sharing your experiences. The trip will include an overview of the legislative process and how a bill becomes a law. Highlights will include a presentation by Allan Zaremberg, President and Chief Executive Officer, California Chamber of Commerce, who will discuss their priority legislation and what business leaders can do to influence Sacramento. The program will also offer a variety of opportunities to sit with members of the California State Legislature and other state officials. Finally, the delegation will hear from Governor Jerry Brown as



Each year issues arise at the state and federal levels that demand the business community take action to show our legislators how a piece of legislation can have a positive or negative impact on their business.

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