@study guide l module 1 introduction to paradigms and research

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17703 Paradigm and Communication Arts Research

Module I Introduction to paradigms and research

School of Communication Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

17703 Paradigm and Communication Arts Research


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Module 1 Introduction to paradigms and research l Study Guide

Module I Introduction to paradigms and research Assoc. Prof.Chantana Thongprayoon Contents Outline: Lesson 1.1: Paradigms, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing Issues to be discussed: Topic 1.1.1 What is a paradigm? Topic 1.1.2 Paradigms and the inquiry Topic 1.1.3 Three paradigms of knowing Lesson 1.2: Research and research approach Issues to be discussed: Topic 1.2.1 What is research? Topic 1.2.2 Research approach Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process Issues to be discussed: Topic 1.3.1 Research questions Topic 1.3.2 Research process Lesson 1.4: Research designs Issues to be discussed: Topic 1.4.1 Research designs: Population and sample Topic 1.4.2 Research designs: Methodology Topic 1.4.3 Research designs: Methods Lesson 1.5: Scope of research, research proposal, quality of good research Issues to be discussed: Topic 1.5.1 Scope of communication research Topic 1.5.2 Research proposal Topic 1.5.3 Quality of good research

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Objectives of Module 1 After being introduced to Module 1: Introduction to paradigms and research, students will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the concepts of paradigms and the inquiry; 2. Understand and explain the concepts of research and research approach; 3. Understand and explain the concepts of research questions and research process; 4. Understand and explain the research designs related to population and sample, methodology, and methods; 5. Understand and explain the scope of communication research, research proposal, and research quality.

Main Concepts of Module 1 This module intends to introduce paradigms and research in a variety of dimensions. The focuses are on the concepts of paradigms, the inquiry, paradigms of knowing, research approaches, research questions, research process, research designs, the scope of communication research, research proposal, and research quality.

Learning Activity Read module and watch VDO to support your learning about Module I: Introduction to paradigms and research.

Learning Resources 1) E-Book / Synthesis content of Module 1 (accessible in Moodle e-Learning system). 2) Six Modules uploaded on STOU e-Learning Platform. 3) Key readings, online videos, STOU e-Library international database of scholarly works, infographics, reports, among others.

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Module 1 Introduction to paradigms and research l Study Guide

Self Pre-Test Module 1: Introduction to paradigms and research Objectives: To assess the prior knowledge of the student about Module 1 Suggestions: Read the questions, then answer them in the provided space within 30 minutes. 1. Please explain the concepts of paradigms, research, and the quality of good research. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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2. Please explain the concepts of research designs in terms of population, sample, methodology, and methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Module 1 Introduction to paradigms and research l Study Guide

Lesson 1.1: Paradigms, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing Issues to be discussed:

Topic 1.1.1 What is a paradigm? Topic 1.1.2 Paradigms and the inquiry Topic 1.1.3 Three paradigms of knowing

Objectives of Lesson 1.1: Paradigms, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing After students study Lesson 1.1, they will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the concepts of paradigms; 2. Understand and explain the concepts of paradigms and the inquiry; 3. Understand and explain the concepts of three paradigms of knowing.

Main Concepts of Lesson 1.1: Paradigms, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing Topic 1.1.1 What is a paradigm? Paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. In research, paradigms can be characterized through Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology. The dominance of these paradigms are Positivism, Post-positivism (Antipositivism), Critical theory, and Interpretivism or Constructivism. • Positivism paradigm focuses on quantitative research approach. Research methods under this paradigm are surveys, longitudinal, cross-sectional, correlational, experimental, etc. • Post-positivism (Anti-positivism) paradigm focuses on qualitative research approach. Research methods under this paradigm are phenomenological, ethnographical, case study, etc. • Critical theory paradigm focuses on critical and action-oriented research approach. Research methods under this paradigm are ideology critique and action research.

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• Interpretivism or Constructivism paradigm focuses on qualitative research approach. Research methods under this paradigm are ethnographical study, in-depth interviews, analytical approaches.

Topic 1.1.2 Paradigms and the inquiry The research paradigms of Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology are concerned with “disciplined inquiry.” The questions around these three basic paradigms are: Ontological: What is the nature of “reality” or the “knowable”? Epistemological: What is the nature of the relationship between the “knower” and the “known”? Methodological: How does one go about finding out “knowledge”?

Topic 1.1.3 Three paradigms of knowing The paradigms of knowing are that of the Epistemology which is the “theory” or “the study of knowledge.” It is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge, its possibility, scope, and general basis. It answers the questions ‘how’ and ‘what’. The study of knowledge helps us understand our cultural differences and leads to the get along relationship.

Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 1.1: Paradigms, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing 1. Please explain the concept of paradigms in one paragraph. 2. Please explain the association of paradigm and the inquiry (Less than 300 words). 3. Please explain the three paradigms of knowing (Less than 300 words). Answers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Lesson 1.2: Research and research approach Issues to be discussed:

Topic 1.2.2 What is research? Topic 1.2.2 Research approach

Objectives of Lesson 1.2: Research and research approach After students study Lesson 1.2, they will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the concepts of research; 2. Understand and explain the concepts of research approach.

Main Concepts of Lesson 1.2: Research and research approach Topic 1.2.1 What is research? Research is a scientific and systematic search for relevant information into a specific topic. It is organized and systematic of finding answers to questions. “Systematic” means a definite set of procedures and steps to follow in order to set the most accurate results. “Organized” means a structure or method about doing research with a planned procedure, rather than being spontaneous. It is focus on limited to a specific scope.

Topic 1.2.2 Research approach The research approach can be viewed from the disciplined inquiry as the qualitative inquiry and the quantitative inquiry. The similarity of quantitative and qualitative research are: *Raw data are ultimately qualitative; *Both have data collection steps; *Both have to report the research problem; *The end of the research is to find answer. The difference between quantitative and qualitative research are: *Both have different approaches to gather and analyze the information; Su k h ot h ai T h a m m a thi r a t O p e n U ni v er si ty l 9

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*Both examine different type of data; * Both have different objectives and purposes; * Both require different levels of understanding what is being sought; *The researchers have different roles.

Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 1.2: Research and research approach 1. Please explain the concept of research in one paragraph. 2. Please explain the concept of research approach in 300 words. Answers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process Issues to be discussed:

Topic 1.3.1 Research questions Topic 1.3.2 Research process

Objectives of Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process After students study Lesson 1.3, they will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the concepts of research questions; 2. Understand and explain the concepts of research process.

Main Concepts of Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process Topic 1.3.1 Research questions The purpose of research is to answer the question, but not the question that have already been answered. Research is focused or relevant, useful, and important questions. If research has no question, it will have no focus, drive, or purpose. Questions are central to research. A research question helps to keep the research focus and on track. The answer to this question will turn into the thesis statement, or the main argument of the paper.

Topic 1.3.2 Research process Research process requires the following steps: 1) Selection of research problem/topic; 2) Review of relevant literature; 3) Statement of research question or hypothesis; 4) Determination of appropriate methodology and research design; 5) Data collection; 6) Analysis and interpretation of data; 7) Presentation/ publication; and/or 8) Replication/ further research

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Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process 1. Please explain the concept of research questions in one paragraph. 2. Please summarize the research process. Answers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Lesson 1.4: Research designs Issues to be discussed:

Topic 1.4.1 Research designs: Population and sample Topic 1.4.2 Research designs: Methodology Topic 1.4.3 Research designs: Methods

Objectives of Lesson 1.4: Research designs After students study Lesson 1.4, they will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the concepts of research designs for population and sample; 2. Understand and explain the concepts of research designs for methodology; 3. Understand and explain the concepts of research designs for methods.

Main Concepts of Lesson 1.4: Research designs Topic 1.4.1 Research designs: Population and sample The key to choose an appropriate population, sample and research methodology is the literature review. Population is the group to which the researcher would refer the results of the study to generalizable. It includes all individuals with certain specified characteristics. Population can be a group or class of objects, subjects, or units. Samples are subgroups or subsets of a population or universe. Sample is a subset of a larger group on which information is obtained. A sample represents a population of something. Sampling is the process of selecting a number of individuals from a population. Sampling should be the way that the individuals or samples are representatives of the larger group from which they were selected. The basic idea behind sampling is to learn about the characteristics of a large group of individuals referred to as a population by studying a smaller group referred to as a sample.

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Types of Sampling: Probability and Non-probability Probability sampling explains that each element in the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected. There are four sets of probability sampling: • Simple random sampling; • Stratified random sampling; • Cluster sampling; • Systematic sampling Non-probability sampling explains in the opposite way of the probability sampling. Three types of Non-probability sampling frequently used are: • Convenience sampling; • Snowball sampling; • Purposive sampling

Topic 1.4.2 Research designs: Methodology Methodology refers to how you go about finding out knowledge and carrying out your research. It is your strategic approach, rather than your techniques or data analysis. Research design is a plan that guides the decision to: - When and how often to collect data? - What data to gather and from whom? - How to analyze the data? - How to examine linkage, causation, or relationships? - Ensure evidence enabled to answer the research question as clear as possible. - Logic or structure of the research.

Topic 1.4.3 Research designs: Methods Methods are sets of specific technics for selecting cases, measuring, and observing aspects of social lives, gathering, refining data, analyzing data and reporting results. There are several types of research methods. The ones that are mentioned often in communication research are: 14 l S c ho o l of Co m m u ni c ati o n A rt s

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Survey; Interviews/ Interviewing; Experiment; Observation/ Participant observation; Secondary data analysis.

Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 1.4: Research designs 1. Please explain the concept of population and sample within one paragraph. 2. Please explain the concept of methodology within one paragraph. 3. Please explain the concept of research methods within one paragraph. Answers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Lesson 1.5: Scope of research, research proposal, quality of good research Issues to be discussed:

Topic 1.5.1 Scope of communication research Topic 1.5.2 Research proposal Topic 1.5.3 Quality of good research

Objectives of Lesson 1.5: Scope of research, research proposal, quality of good research After students study Lesson 1.5, they will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the scope of communication research; 2. Understand and explain the components of research proposal; 3. Understand and explain the concepts of research quality.

Main Concepts of Lesson 1.5: Scope of research, research proposal, quality of good research Topic 1.5.1 Scope of communication research Communication is complex to define and has many contextual frameworks that researcher can investigate the phenomena. Considering the number of humans involved, the general contexts are the communications at the levels of intrapersonal, interpersonal, group communication, public communication, mass communication, and online or machine-assisted. Some communication study approaches the inquiry from a strictly method-driven perspective, often making a broad distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods. Many approaches it from a theory-driven perspective, discussing the particular and often multiple methods that have been applied in research guided by each specific theory. Others take a mediadriven approach, focusing in the methods and theories which have been used in research on each individual medium. Many use a mixture of media organizing perspectives, or attempt to

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place their discussion of methods and approaches in chronological and historical context (Hansen and Machin 2013: 2-3). Research methods cannot and should not be discussed or understood in isolation from the theories, models and socio-political concerns which have guided media and communication research. Furthermore, neither method nor theory can be understood in isolation from the technological and economic possibilities and arrangements, or from the social and political struggles and concerns which characterize different historical periods (Ibid).

Topic 1.5.2 Research proposal The reason of a proposal in general is to be approved, get funding, or refine ideas and methods. Components of research proposal 1) Introduction. Introduction consists of research questions and hypothesis. The research questions should be important and have current knowledge while hypothesis should be rationale. 2) Method. Method consists of design, population, sample, methods of measurement and manipulation, and data collection. 3) Data analysis. Data analysis clarifies the test and the expected pattern of results.

Topic 1.5.3 Quality of good research Research that has good quality should have: - Informative title; - Self-sufficient and convincing abstract; - Clear research questions; - Scholarly and pertinent background and rationale; - Relevant previous work; - Appropriate population and sample; - Adequate sample size; - Appropriate methods of measurement and manipulation; - Quality control; - Sound analysis plan;

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Good schematic diagrams and tables; Subheadings; Ethical issues; Tight budget; Realistic timetable; Clear, concise, well-organized; Neat and free of errors.

Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 1.5: Scope of research, research proposal, quality of good research 1. Please explain the scope of communication research in one paragraph. 2. Please explain the components of research proposal within one page (Less than 500 words). 3. Please explain the concepts of research quality in one paragraph. Answers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Recommended reading Anderson, Terry. From http://image.slidesharecdn.com/researchmethodsuoc2013-131015064855phpapp02/95/research-paradigmsontologys-epistemologies-methods-54638.jpg?cb=1381819850. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Brady, Michelle. (nd.). Positivist Post-positivist Epistemology (Critical realism). From http://admn502awiki.pbworks.com/w/page/10245563/Positivist%20%20Postpositivist%20Epistemology%20%28Critical%20Realism%29. Retrieved April 6, 2016). Chauncy, Eddie (2012). What are ontology and epistemology? From http://eddiechauncy.blogspot.com/2012/01/what-are-ontology-and-epistemology_12.html. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Dash, Nirod K. (2005). Module: Selection of the research paradigm and methodology From http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/researchmethods/Modules/Selection_of_methodology/. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Davie, Gavin. (2012). Beginners guide to the research proposal. From http://masscommtheory.com/2011/05/05/writing-good-qualitative-researchquestions/. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Effective communication research proposal sample. From http://ivythesis.typepad.com/term_paper_topics/2008/08/does-effective.html. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. Data definitions. Adapted from the Glossary: How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. From http://www.johnlpryor.com/JP_Digital_Portfolio/EDU_7901_files/EDU%207901%20Data% 20Definitions.pdf. Retrieved April 9, 2016. Getting started- What is paradigm. From http://www.erm.ecs.soton.ac.uk/theme2/how_does_data_become_knowledge.html. Retrieved April 6, 2016. Hansen, Anders and Machin, David (2013). Media and communication research methods. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hiles, Dave (1999). Paradigms lost-Paradigms regained. From http://www.psy.dmu.ac.uk/drhiles/Paradigms%20Lost.htm. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Lincoln and Guba's evaluative criteria. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. http://www.qualres.org/HomeLinc-3684.html. Retrieved April 7, 2016.

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Maraqah, Hatem (2014). Difference between Ontology vs Epistemology. From https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_define_Epistemology_Ontology. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Merrigan, Gerianne and Huston, Carole L. (2009). Communication Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ontology and epistemology. From http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/engl257/classical/ontology_and_epistemology.htm. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Paradigm. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/paradigm. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Ray, William and Ravizza, Richard (1985). Methods towards a Sscience of behavior and experience. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Wainright (1997). University of Southampton From http://www.erm.ecs.soton.ac.uk/theme2/what_is_your_paradigm.html. Retrieved April 8, 2016. Watson, Allen. Characteristics of a Good Research Paper. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPioi7dTgRs Retrieved April 9, 2016. Wimmer, Roger D. and Dominick, Joseph R. (2011). Mass media research: An introduction. (international edition). Canada: Wads

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Module 1 Introduction to paradigms and research l Study Guide

Self Post-Test of Module 1: Introduction to paradigms and research Objectives: To assess the knowledge of the students after study Module 1 Suggestions: Read the question, then answer in the provided space within 30 minutes. 1. Please explain the concepts of paradigms, the inquiry, and three paradigms of knowing. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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2. Please explain the concepts of research approach, research questions, and research process. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Assignment of Module 1: Introduction to paradigms and research 1. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.1: Paradigm, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). 2. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.2: Research and research approaches (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). 3. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). 4. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.4: Research designs (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). 5. Write a research proposal relating to the topic you intend to do for your Master’s thesis (within 10 pages or not more than 5,000 words). Answers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Guided answers for Self Pre-Test of Module 1 1. Please explain the concepts of paradigms, research, and the quality of good research. Paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. In research, paradigms can be characterized through Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology. The dominance of these paradigms are Positivism, Post-positivism (Anti-positivism), Critical theory, and Interpretivism or Constructivism. The research paradigms of Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology are concerned with “disciplined inquiry.� The questions around these three basic paradigms are: Research that has good quality should have: Informative title, Self-sufficient and convincing abstract, Clear research questions, Scholarly and pertinent background and rationale, Relevant previous work, Appropriate population and sample, Adequate sample size, Appropriate methods of measurement and manipulation, Ethical issues, Tight budget, Realistic timetable, Clear, concise, well-organized, Neat and free of errors.

2. Please explain the concepts of research designs in terms of population, sample, methodology, and methods. Population is the group to which the researcher would refer the results of the study to generalizable. It includes all individuals with certain specified characteristics. Population can be a group or class of objects, subjects, or units. Samples are subgroups or subsets of a population or universe. Sample is a subset of a larger group on which information is obtained. A sample represents a population of something. Methodology refers to how you go about finding out knowledge and carrying out your research. It is your strategic approach, rather than your techniques or data analysis. Methods are sets of specific technics for selecting cases, measuring, and observing aspects of social lives, gathering, refining data, analyzing data and reporting results. There are several types of research methods that are used often in communication such as surveys and interviews.

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Guided Answers of Lesson 1.1 1. Paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. In research, paradigms can be characterized through Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology. The dominance of these paradigms are Positivism, Post-positivism (Anti-positivism), Critical theory, and Interpretivism or Constructivism. 2. The research paradigms of Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology are concerned with “disciplined inquiry.” The questions around these three basic paradigms are: Ontological: What is the nature of “reality” or the “knowable”? Epistemological: What is the nature of the relationship between the “knower” and the “known”? Methodological: How does one go about finding out “knowledge”? 3. The paradigms of knowing are that of the Epistemology which is the “theory” or “the study of knowledge.” It is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge, its possibility, scope, and general basis. It answers the questions ‘how’ and ‘what’. The study of knowledge helps us understand our cultural differences and leads to the get along relationship.

Guided Answers of Lesson 1.2 1. Research is a scientific and systematic search for relevant information into a specific topic. It is organized and systematic of finding answers to questions. 2. The research approach can be viewed from the disciplined inquiry as the qualitative inquiry and the quantitative inquiry. Both have similarity and differences.

Guided Answers of Lesson 1.3 1. The purpose of research is to answer the question, but not the question that have already been answered. Research is focused or relevant, useful, and important questions. If research has no question, it will have no focus, drive, or purpose. Questions are central to research. A research question helps to keep the research focus and on track. The answer to this question will turn into the thesis statement, or the main argument of the paper. 2. Research process requires the following steps: 1) Selection of research problem/topic 2) Review of relevant literature 3) Statement of research question or hypothesis

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4) Determination of appropriate methodology and research design 5) Data collection 6) Analysis and interpretation of data 7) Presentation/ publication and/or 8) Replication/ further research

Guided Answers of Lesson 1.4 1. Population is the group to which the researcher would refer the results of the study to generalizable. It includes all individuals with certain specified characteristics. Population can be a group or class of objects, subjects, or units. Samples are subgroups or subsets of a population or universe. Sample is a subset of a larger group on which information is obtained. A sample represents a population of something. 2. Methodology refers to how you go about finding out knowledge and carrying out your research. It is your strategic approach, rather than your techniques or data analysis. 3. Methods are sets of specific technics for selecting cases, measuring, and observing aspects of social lives, gathering, refining data, analyzing data and reporting results. There are several types of research methods that are used often in communication such as surveys and interviews.

Guided Answers of Lesson 1.5 1. Communication is complex to define and has many contextual frameworks that researcher can investigate the phenomena. Considering the number of humans involved, the general contexts are the communications at the levels of intrapersonal, interpersonal, group communication, public communication, mass communication, and online or machine-assisted. 2. Components of research proposal 1) Introduction: consists of research questions and hypothesis. The research questions should be important and have current knowledge while hypothesis should be rationale. 2) Method: consists of design, population, sample, methods of measurement and manipulation, and data collection. 3) Data analysis: clarifies the test and the expected pattern of results. 3. Research that has good quality should have: Informative title, Self-sufficient and convincing abstract, Clear research questions, Scholarly and pertinent background and rationale, Relevant previous work, Appropriate population and sample, Adequate sample size, Appropriate

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methods of measurement and manipulation, Ethical issues, Tight budget, Realistic timetable, Clear, concise, well-organized, Neat and free of errors.

Guided answers for Self Post-Test of Module 1 1. Please explain the concepts of paradigms, the inquiry, and three paradigms of knowing. Paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. In research, paradigms can be characterized through Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology. The dominance of these paradigms are Positivism, Post-positivism (Antipositivism), Critical theory, and Interpretivism or Constructivism. The research paradigms of Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology are concerned with “disciplined inquiry.” The questions around these three basic paradigms are: Ontological: What is the nature of “reality” or the “knowable”? Epistemological: What is the nature of the relationship between the “knower” and the “known”? Methodological: How does one go about finding out “knowledge”? The paradigms of knowing are that of the Epistemology which is the “theory” or “the study of knowledge.” It is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge, its possibility, scope, and general basis. It answers the questions ‘how’ and ‘what’. The study of knowledge helps us understand our cultural differences and leads to the get along relationship.

2. Please explain the concepts of research approach, research questions, and research process. The research approach can be viewed from the disciplined inquiry as the qualitative inquiry and the quantitative inquiry. Both have similarity and differences. The purpose of research is to answer the question, but not the question that have already been answered. Research is focused or relevant, useful, and important questions. If research has no question, it will have no focus, drive, or purpose. Questions are central to research. A research question helps to keep the research focus and on track. The answer to this question will turn into the thesis statement, or the main argument of the paper. Research process requires the steps from topic selection to publication.

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Guided answers for Assignment of Module 1 1. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.1: Paradigm, inquiry, and paradigms of knowing (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). Paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. In research, paradigms can be characterized through Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology. The dominance of these paradigms are Positivism, Post-positivism (Anti-positivism), Critical theory, and Interpretivism or Constructivism. The research paradigms of Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology are concerned with “disciplined inquiry.” The questions around these three basic paradigms are: Ontological: What is the nature of “reality” or the “knowable”? Epistemological: What is the nature of the relationship between the “knower” and the “known”? Methodological: How does one go about finding out “knowledge”? The paradigms of knowing are that of the Epistemology which is the “theory” or “the study of knowledge.” It is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge, its possibility, scope, and general basis. It answers the questions ‘how’ and ‘what’. The study of knowledge helps us understand our cultural differences and leads to the get along relationship.

2. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.2: Research and research approaches (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). Research is a scientific and systematic search for relevant information into a specific topic. It is organized and systematic of finding answers to questions. The research approach can be viewed from the disciplined inquiry as the qualitative inquiry and the quantitative inquiry. Both have similarity and differences.

3. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.3: Research questions and research process (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). The purpose of research is to answer the question, but not the question that have already been answered. Research is focused or relevant, useful, and important questions. If research has no question, it will have no focus, drive, or purpose. Questions are central to research. A

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Module 1 Introduction to paradigms and research l Study Guide

research question helps to keep the research focus and on track. The answer to this question will turn into the thesis statement, or the main argument of the paper. Research process requires the step from the selection of research problem/topic to publication.

4. Synthesize what you have learned from Lesson 1.4: Research designs (within 2 pages or not more than 1,000 words). Population is the group to which the researcher would refer the results of the study to generalizable. It includes all individuals with certain specified characteristics. Population can be a group or class of objects, subjects, or units. Samples are subgroups or subsets of a population or universe. Sample is a subset of a larger group on which information is obtained. A sample represents a population of something. Methodology refers to how you go about finding out knowledge and carrying out your research. It is your strategic approach, rather than your techniques or data analysis. Methods are sets of specific technics for selecting cases, measuring, and observing aspects of social lives, gathering, refining data, analyzing data and reporting results. There are several types of research methods that are used often in communication such as surveys and interviews.

5. Write a research proposal relating to the topic you intend to do for your Master’s thesis (Within 10 pages or not more than 5,000 words). Students choose the research topic due to their interest and intend to do for their Master thesis. The components of research proposal should include: 1) Introduction: consists of research questions and hypothesis. The research questions should be important and have current knowledge while hypothesis should be rationale. 2) Method: consists of design, population, sample, methods of measurement and manipulation, and data collection. 3) Data analysis: clarifies the test and the expected pattern of results.

Su k h ot h ai T h a m m a thi r a t O p e n U ni v er si ty l 29

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