@study guide l module 6 communication research and publication

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17703 Paradigm and Communication Arts Research

Module 6 Communication Research and Publication

School of Communication Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

17703 Paradigm and Communication Arts Research


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Module 6 Communication Research and Publication l Study Guide

Module 6 Communication Research and Publication Miss Vivien Chiam Contents Outline: Lesson 6.1: Strategic Communications for Researchers Issues to be discussed: Topic 6.1.1 Building a communication stategy Topic 6.1.2 Building media relations Topic 6.1.3 Outreach to policymakers Lesson 6.2: Research Publishing Issues to be discussed: Topic 6.2.1 Channels available for research publishing Topic 6.2.2 Publishing in print Topic 6.2.3 Publishing online Objectives: After being introduced to Module 6: Communication Research and Publication, students will be able to: 1. Understand the importance of strategic communications in order to publicize their research; 2. Draw up a Communication Strategy for their research project; 3. Identify the different groups of people who would be interested in their research and find appropriate ways to engage with each of them; 4. Build relations with the media to help widen their publicity and outreach; 5. Learn to find suitable channels and sources for publishing their research work in print and online; 6. Understand how to organize content and write effectively to get a research paper published in the desired medium.

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Main Concept of Module 6: Communication Research and Publication This Module intends to introduce students to valuable communication strategies in the context of research, including, media and public relations, outreach, and research publishing.

Learning Activity Through key readings, media toolkits, video materials, and interactive online tasks, students will learn key communication strategies to promote and present their research nationally, regionally and internationally. Read module and watch VDO to support your learning about Module 6: Communication Research and Publication.

Learning Resources 1) E-Book / Synthesis content of Module 6 (accessible in Moodle e-Learning system). 2) Six Modules uploaded on STOU e-Learning Platform. 3) Key readings, online videos, STOU e-Library international database of scholarly works, infographics, reports, among others.

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Module 6 Communication Research and Publication l Study Guide

Self Pre-Test Module 6: Communication Research and Publication Objectives: To assess the prior knowledge of the student about Module 1 Suggestions: Read the questions, then answer them in the provided space within 30 minutes. 1. Why is strategic communication important to promote your research findings? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Lesson 6.1: Strategic Communications for Researchers Issues to be discussed:

Topic 6.1.1 Building a Communications Strategy Topic 6.1.2 Building Media Relations Topic 6.1.3 Outreach to Policy Makers

Objectives of Lesson 6.1: Strategic Communications for Researchers After students study Lesson 6.1, they will be able to: 1. Understand how to build strategic communication plans to promote their research; 2. Use different communication channels to reach out to their intended audience.

Main Concepts of Lesson 6.1: Strategic Communications for Researchers 1. Understanding strategic communication. 2. Learning the skills to build a strategic communication plan in the context of research. 3. Recognizing the importance of building media relations. 4. Learning how to reach out to policy makers. Topics: 6.1.1 Building a Communication Strategy Most researchers tend to think about how to distribute or promote the outcomes of their research only at the end of their project. The danger of doing that is some very good research work will just end up in a neatly bound book or file on a shelf or in a drawer. This lesson will focus on building an effective communication strategy, following the guidelines provided by the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC), A Toolkit for Researchers.

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Module 6 Communication Research and Publication l Study Guide

Topics: 6.1.2 Building Media Relations Researchers often miss the opportunity to engage the media, because they do not allocate the time and resources to it, lack the skills, or simply feel it is not as important as other tasks related to their research. This lesson explains why it is important to reach out to media organizations in order to raise awareness about your research and promote your findings.

Topics: 6.1.3 Outreach to Policymakers This lesson will explain strategies you can use to communicate your research to policymakers. It will also explain the three main parts of a policy brief.

Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 6.1: Strategic Communications for Researchers 1. In which ways a good communication strategy may help you promote your research? 2. What is the difference between a press interview and a press conference? 3. Do you think policy dialogues are an effective strategy to reach out to policymakers? Answers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Lesson 6.2 Research Publishing Issues to be discussed:

Topic 6.2.1 Channels Available for Publishing Topic 6.2.2 Publishing in Print Topic 6.2.3 Publishing Online

Objectives of Lesson 6.2 Research Publishing After students study Lesson 6.2, they will be able to: 1. Understand and learn the requirements for publishing their work in international scholarly journals; 2. Understand different models for publication (online and offline).

Main concepts of Lesson 6.2 Research Publishing 1. 2. 3. 4.

Open Access publications. Creative commons licenses. Research contents and structure for publication. Scholarly databases.

Topics: 6.2.1 Channels available for research publishing Before you choose either print or online publishing for your research, you should be aware of two key models adopted by publishers with respect to accessibility and licensing. This lesson will explain open access and creative commons licensing.

Topics: 6.2.2 Publishing in Print – Books and Journals There are several publishers interested in the area of media and communications research. This lesson will explain the guidelines and steps for publishing your research in scholarly journals and books.

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Module 6 Communication Research and Publication l Study Guide

Topics: 6.2.3 Publishing Online Almost without exception, scholarly journals are now also published online as e-journals. This lesson will showcase some of the main online journals where to publish your research.

Self-Assessment Exercise Lesson 6.2 Research Publishing 1. Explain how open access journals differ from subscription journals. 2. Which is the most appropriate channel for you to publish your research work? 3. What are the benefits of publishing your research online? Answers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Recommended readings Module 6: Communication Research and Publication Academic Journals Creative Commons Licensing Policy. From http://www.academicjournals.org/creative_commons ASEAN Communication Master Plan. ASEAN Secretariat, Oct 2014. From http://www.asean.org/images/pdf/2014_upload/ACMP_Print_pdf_final.pdf. Asia Research News magazine. ResearchSEA. From http://issuu.com/asiaresearchnews/docs/asia_research_news_2014. Asian Media Information and Communication Centre website. From http://www.amic.org.sg/ Bennett, G and Jessani N. The Knowledge Translation Toolkit. 2011. International Development Research Centre. Cambridge University Press website. From http://www.cambridge.org/sg/academic/authors/author-hub. Conducting a Policy Dialogue to Achieve Results. July 2013. Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO). Available at: http://wiego.org/sites/wiego.org/files/resources/files/WIEGO_Policy_Dialogue_Guide_Englis h.pdf Creative Commons Licensing. From http://creativecommons.org/about Contemporary Southeast Asia. From http://www.iseas.edu.sg/contemporary-southeast-asia-.cfm. Crossref website. From http://www.crossref.org/. Elsevier website. From http://www.elsevier.com/editors/journal-marketing/social-media. Elsevier website: “How to Get Published” From http://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/239294/Get-Published-QuickGuide.pdf Ewing, I. (1998). Media Skills in Good Times and Bad. Ewing Communications Pte. Ltd. From http://www.ewingcomm.com.sg/top3.htm. How to Get your Journal Article Published. From http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journalgateway/files/how_to_get_published.pdf. Information for Authors – Submitting a Book Proposal. From http://www.routledge.com/info/authors/ Institute of Southeast Asia Studies website. From http://iseas.edu.sg.

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Module 6 Communication Research and Publication l Study Guide

Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. From http://www.iseas.edu.sg/sojourn.cfm. JournalPrep From “How to Write and Publish a Research Paper” From http://www.journalprep.com/en/how-to-write-and-publish-a-research-paper.php Media Asia. From http://www.amic.org.sg/research-and-publications/product/view/1/2.html Media, Culture & Society. From http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journals/Journal200958?siteId=sageuk&prodTypes=Journals&q=Media+Culture+and+Society&fs=1. Mefalopulos. (2008). Development Communications Sourcebook – Broadening the Boundaries of Communication. The World Bank. Available at: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTDEVCOMMENG/Resources/DevelopmentCommSo urcebook.pdf Mobile Media & Communication. From http://www.sagepub.com/journals/Journal202140. New Media & Society. From http://nms.sagepub.com/. Open Access Publishing. From http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-recommendations. PR Newswire. From http://www.prnewswire.com Project MUSE website From http://muse.jhu.edu/. Proquest website. From http://www.proquest.com/. Research SEA News Portal. From http://www.researchsea.com/. Routledge website: Information for Authors – Submitting a Book Proposal. From http://www.routledge.com/info/authors/. Sage website: “How to Get your Journal Article Published” From http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journalgateway/files/how_to_get_published.pdf Sage Publishing Policies website. From http://www.sagepub.com/journalgateway/pubPolicies.htm SAGE Publications website. From http://www.uk.sagepub.com/home.nav?crossRegion=asia. Scopus website. From http://www.scopus.com/. The Asian Journal of Communication. From http://www.amic.org.sg/research-and-publications/product/view/1/1.html Toolkit for Researchers. International Development Research Centre. Available at: http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Resources/Tools_and_Training/Pages/Toolkit-for-researchers.aspx The Asian Journal of Communication. From http://www.amic.org.sg/research-andpublications/product/view/1/1.html

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Self Post-Test Module 6: Communication Research and Publication Objectives: To assess the knowledge of the student after study Module 6 Suggestions: Read the questions, then answer them in the provided space within 30 minutes. 1. Why is strategic communication important to promote your research findings? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Module 6 Communication Research and Publication l Study Guide

Assignment of Module 6: Communication Research and Publication For this module you can choose Assignment 1 or Assignment 2 Assignment 1: Use the template provided to build a Communication Strategy to show how you plan to convey your research findings to your intended target audiences and what are your expected outcomes. Or Assignment 2: Choose up to 3 publication channels which you feel would be a good match to publish your research work and explain how these channel(s) will help you achieve your communication goals. Use the template provided in this Module to build a Communication Strategy to show how you plan to convey your research findings to your intended target audiences and what your expected outcomes are.

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Guided answers for Self Pre-Test and Post-Test of Module 6 Students are encouraged to read carefully the contents explained in the Module in order to justify and support their answers.

Guided Answers of Lesson 6.1 1. Students are encouraged to carefully consult the communication strategy template provided in the Module in order to justify and support their answers. 2. Students are encouraged to carefully read the contents in the Module and the recommended key resources in order to justify and support their answers. 3. Students have to develop a strong argument and clearly explain their answer.

Guided Answers of Lesson 6.2 1. Students are expected to conduct research online and compare and contrast one example of open access journal and one subscription journal. 2. Consider what resources or strengths you have to work towards your publication goal. 3. Think about your communication and outreach strategy and your target audience.

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