Wagte ontvoer, perlemoen gebuit Security in Gansbaai, is oorrompel. Hy is in sy poging gestuit om alarm te maak en is in ‘n motorvoertuig gelaai. In dieselfde tyd het 4 Xhosasprekende mans met ‘n voertuig wat ‘n blou lig op die dak gehad het, soos die van ‘n polisiemotor, voor Willjarro se gebou stilgehou. Hulle het hulself na bewering voorgedoen as lede van ‘n spesiale taakmag en toegang tot die gebou verkry. Die 3 sekuriteitsbeamptes van die Kaapse onderneming, Prosec wat by Willjarro se gebou diens gedoen het, is oorrompel en die rowers het hulle in die pakhuis ingeneem. Vervolg bl 2
Festivities open with parade Emma Tolmie (front), Veronica Zuccolo (left) and Felicity Spoort (right) are volunteers at the shark companies and was part of the festive street parade at the Funky Fynbos Festival on Saturday morning. More inside. Photo: André Roux
Eagle Security Gansbaai Industriële Gebied
Ons koop en verkoop 2de Handse goedere
‘n Goed beplande rooftog in Gansbaai se hawe het daartoe gelei dat 1.4 ton gedroogde perlemoen uit ‘n pakhuis gebuit is en 4 sekuriteitswagte ontvoer is. Die rooftog het Sondagaand, 24 September 2017 omstreeks 20:30 plaasgevind by die pakhuis skuins oorkant Boat House restaurant, wat deur die onderneming, Willjarro gehuur word. ‘n Sekuriteitswag, aan diens by Gansbaai Marine se geboue, was besig met sy rondtes toe die rowers hom skynbaar geïdentifiseer het as ‘n bedreiging vir hulle bose planne. Die sekuriteitswag, ‘n werknemer van Eagle
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Klein– en groothandel verkope van vars vis, vis produkte, kreef, perlemoen, aas en droë vis.
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29 September 2017
Propvol Mond breek oop see toe Hierdie pragtige lugfoto van Uilenkraalsmond wat oopgespoel het, is deur Gansbaai se befaamde fotograaf, Hugh-Daniel Grobler met sy hommelvliegtuigie (drone) geneem. Beamptes van Overstrand Munisipaliteit moes ‘n vorige keer toe die mond so hoog opgestoot het, van masjienerie gebruik maak om dit oop te breek. Vanjaar het Moeder Natuur, met ‘n bietjie hulp van ‘n paar inwoners en hul grawe, na dae van afwagting, hierdie pragtige stukkie see- en landverbinding bewerkstellig. Van bl 1
Wagte ontvoer
Die gebou waar 1.4 ton perlemoen Sondagaand gebuit is.
Dit blyk dat daar reeds in daardie stadium 7 ander voertuie bygekom het. Terwyl die voertuie se bestuurders in die motors bly wag het, het pakkers die gebou gestroop van die perlemoeninhoud. Sowat 15 persone was blykbaar betrokke by die rooftog. Al 8 betrokke voertuie het saam vertrek, met die 4 sekuriteitsbeamptes as aangehoudenes steeds in die motors. Een sekuriteitsbeampte is kort daarna in die omgewing van De Kelders afgelaai. Die ander 3 beamptes is by Strandfontein naby Mitchellsplein afgelaai. Die sekuriteitsbeampte wat
by Eagle Security werksaam is, vertel dat die rowers langs die pad stilgehou het om vir die aangehoudenes brood te koop. Geen skote is afgevuur nie en geen beserings is aangemeld nie. Die hoof uitvoerende bestuurder van Willjarro, Chaile Seretse het Woensdag bevestig dat 1.4 ton perlemoen gebuit is en nie 6 ton soos aanvanklik bekend gemaak is nie. 3 selfone en 2 vuurwapens is by die sekuriteitsbeamptes afgeneem. Speursersant Brendon Bergstedt, een van die ondersoekbeamptes in die saak, doen ‘n beroep op enigiemand wat inligting kan verskaf oor die voorval, om hom te skakel by 028 384 0196.
29 September 2017
Marine debris awareness raised at festival The Funky Fynbos Festival was an absolute success over the long weekend attracting many to our beautiful town. With something for the whole family to get involved in there was a fantastic vibe throughout town and at the various venues. One of the highlights of the weekend was most definitely the Carnival Street Parade from the municipal offices down to the Gansbaai harbour. Organised by Adrie Nigrini, this was a chance for the local community and companies to parade through town and celebrate some of Gansbaai’s local stars and attractions. Included in the parade was the drama team from Gansbaai Academia, Mr & Ms Gansbaai Academia, The Klopsies and a few local companies including shark companies such as White Shark Projects, White Shark Diving Company and Marine Dynamics, as well as the local coastal clean up company, 7seasrope. The parade was enjoyed by all, creating a funky atmosphere in town and at the Main Road event. The beautiful outfits organised by Adrie for the drama team captured the attention of the crowds. The Klopsies attracted even more attention with their performance in the harbour after the parade.
Also included in the parade was the Marine Dynamics and Dyer Island Conservation Trust research boat, highlighting the importance of conservation and research in our area, and a shark float made by the volunteers at White Shark Projects, White Shark Diving Company and 7seasrope. The thought behind the shark float and trailer, was that whilst the team wants to celebrate our ocean’s magnificent great white sharks that attract so many tourists, they also want to send a message to the public and create awareness around potentially the most significant issue facing our oceans today: marine debris. As such, volunteers covered the trailer with plastic, rope and other litter, picked up during the beach clean up at Die Gruis last week. With the festival being a celebration of Gansbaai, the beach clean up team felt it important to raise this issue, as Gansbaai is so dependent on the ocean and the animals within it. Marine debris is a huge issue all over the world and it is becoming more and more of a problem each year with 8 million tonnes of plastic dumped into the ocean every year, which is equivalent to two garbage trucks full every minute. Gansbaai is no exception to
this problem. Spokesperson, André Roux, founder of 7seasrope said: “We have conducted beach clean ups and surveys at a number of sites from Die Plaat to Pearly Beach and we are yet to find a clean section of coastline. As the whole town is so dependent on the ocean, it is vitally important we protect our marine ecosystem. Anyone can start doing this by simply throwing away their litter responsibly, reducing their waste and helping clean up their local beaches.” To end the parade off White Shark Projects, White Shark Diving Company and 7seasrope conducted a clean up in Gansbaai Harbour to the right of the dry dock and in front of the Birkenhead Boat Club hall. “This was one of the worst sites we have attempted to
clean, with a mind-blowing amount of micro-plastic and rope. We will be returning to the same spot within the next week to continue the clean up there, although it is a vast on-going job as the ocean will bring more debris in,” André said. The team therefore reaches out to everyone working in the harbour and the area, as well as the rest of local community to please help with this problem. André pleads: “If you see some rubbish in the harbour, on the beach, by the coast or even in town, just give 5 minutes of your day to clean up that area and dispose of your trash responsibly. A collaborative effort is the way forward if we are going to defeat the problem.” Mary Rowlinson
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29 September 2017
Live stranding of Staff from the Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) were on the scene of a stranded humpack whale within 20min, after they received a report from David Stimpson. The whale had stranded on some rocks close to Kleinbaai on the 18th of September. The animal had already managed to refloat itself when the team arrived and was seen swimming nearby. It had several raw wounds from the sharp rocks, and was swimming slowly back and forth along the coast.
Over the course of the next three hours it repeatedly became trapped in the kelp and on the rocks and managed to free itself several times. This animal had been observed at sea 3 times in the days leading up to this stranding event by the Dyer Island Cruises’ whalewatching vessel. Onboard marine biologist, Sandra Hörbst, reported that its behaviour was unusual, swimming in circles and only making shallow dives. Continue p 5
The humpback whale which stranded and died at Kruismansbaai this past week. The photograph (left) is of the animal alive at sea on the day before stranding (taken by Karli van Straten) middle: the animal on the rocks (photo by Hennie Otto) and the stranding photograph, taken by Meredith Thornton – all the photographers are from DICT.
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29 September 2017
a humpback whale The pelagic dive vessel of Marine Dynamics also responded and tried to encourage the whale to head further offshore but it seemed determined to strand itself and kept heading back inshore and into the kelp. Humpback whales have flippers more than 3m long, and they cannot swim backwards, so once they are entangled or wedged on a rock it is very difficult for them to free themselves. Eventually, just before dark, the whale stranded itself for the last time on a rocky ledge on the outside of Kruismansbaai, near Danger Point. It died overnight and over the course of the next three days the carcass became bloated and floated closer to shore, each time becoming more accessible for Meredith Thornton, from the Dyer Island Conservation Trust and Research Associate of the Mammal Research Institute (University of Pretoria), to collect more measurements and samples. She was assisted by Marié Botha and the team from International Marine Volunteers. The carcass eventually washed up within a few meters of the Danger Point road and it became necessary for teams from the Overstrand Municipality to remove it. If the whale had stranded somewhere more remote, the carcass would have been left to decompose naturally providing food for millions of tiny rocky and sandy shore organisms as well as birds, hagfish, sharks and other animals that would be attracted to the feast. Recently a stranded bowhead whale in the Arctic tundra attracted 150 polar bears that came to feed on the carcass!
“It is heart-wrenching to witness such a large animal helpless in the surf but this is Mother Nature’s way and such stranding events have been happening for centuries. Stranded animals provide scientists with an opportunity to collect samples, like skin for genetics, baleen and parasites for museum collections and anatomical measurements for comparative studies. It is seldom that one can determine the cause of death but it does provide an incredible educational opportunity for all involved,” said Meredith. This whale was a sub-adult female 11.3m long and there was no obvious sign of why the animal died. It had a fairly thick layer of blubber, was not entangled in rope and did not have any outward signs of vessel collisions or other wounds. The only wounds sustained were as a result of scraping on the rocks. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, humpback whales are classified as being of Least Concern. Their numbers off South Africa are increasing and in summer time they form superpods of hundreds of animals feeding together on euphasiids in areas of nutrient upwelling. Response to marine animal strandings in the Overstrand area is conducted in terms of a partnership between the Overstrand Municipality, Dyer Island Conservation Trust, CapeNature, Working for Coasts and the Overberg District Municipality. (Information by Meredith Thornton: Dyer Island Conservation Trust)
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29 September 2017
Supermarkte vier
Klante en personeel het die Suid-Afrikaanse volkslied uit volle bors gesing as deel van Gansbaai Superspar se Erfenisdagvieringe. De Wet van Niekerk (mede-eienaar) regs agter – het nie vir een noot gestuit nie! Foto onder: Groeneweide Kwekery het Gansbaai Superspar se ingang versier vir Erfenisdag. Die groepie personeellede was baie ingenome met die feestelikheid.
Foto regs: Trots op beide hul tradisies het die Xhosa-vrou, Brenda Hlekiswa en Mariëtte Coetzee in haar eg Afrikaanse Voortrekkerdrag hul Erfenisdag by Gansbaai Superspar deurgewerk.
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29 September 2017
Klante was verras met personeellede in vrolike, tradisionele kleredrag wat Erfenisdag gedenk het by Gansbaai OK Foods. Links is Khuthala Ntshwence, Nandi Nongayiyana en Akona Maguney.
Dr. J.E. Myburgh M.B.Ch.B., M.Med Rad. D.
Diagnostiese Radioloog
Digitale Mammografie Mickey Ndiazi en Chris van Rensburg (mede-eienaar) van Gansbaai OK Foods gereed vir ‘n tradisionele dans tydens hul Erfenisdagvieringe.
Borsbewustheid WAAR?
Barnardstraat 2 GANSBAAI TEL: 028-384 0048 E-POS: drmyburghgansbaai@gmail.com
Sassa lede ook baie welkom Skakel ons gerus vir daardie BELANGRIKE afspraak wat nie uitgestel moet word nie.
Gansbaai OK Foods se vrolike personeellede was getooi in hulle tradisionele drag vir Erfenisdag. Chris van Rensburg (mede-eienaar) sit voor regs.
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Deon Kloppers Hoek van Fabriek- en Barnardstraat, Gansbaai Corner of Fabriek and Barnard Street, Gansbaai
UITGEWER PUBLISHER MARINDA VAN DER WALT Sel: 082 561 8655 Kantoor: 028 384 3800 marinda.courant@itec.co.za
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Die ware pad van redding begin tog hier... “Is jy seker jy is gered?” “Is jy seker jy is op pad hemel toe?” Hierdie vraag is vanoggend met baie erns deur een van ons manne gevra tydens ons Manne-byeenkoms. Op die oog af lyk dit na ‘n maklike vraag om te beantwoord: “Ja, want ek weet Jesus het vir ons sondes gesterf.” “Ek glo dat Jesus die Verlosser en Saligmaker is!” As Christene glo ons mos almal wat Johannes 3:16 sê: “Want só lief het God die wêreld gehad, sodat elkeen wat in Hom glo, nie verlore sal gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe sal hê.” Tog wil ek vandag vir jou ook vra: Is dit regtig al wat ons doen op die pad na verlossing? Ons glo net, en ons word gered. Ja, die Woord bevestig dit tog self: “Julle is inderdaad uit genade gered, deur geloof. Hierdie redding kom nie uit julleself nie; dit is 'n gawe van God. Dit kom nie deur julle eie verdienste nie, en daarom
het niemand enige rede om op homself trots te wees nie.” (Ef. 2:8,9) Ons word gered uit genade. Ons verdien dit nie self nie. Maar…..is dit regtig waar jou pad na redding begin? Ek onthou mos nou ewe skielik wat ek in my Sondagskool-tyd geleer het. Ons moes die Heidelbergse Kategismus uit ons koppe leer. Die derde vraag het só gelui: “Hoeveel stukke is daar vir jou nodig om te weet om welgetroos salig te leef en te sterwe?” Antwoord: “Drie stukke. Ten eerste moet ek weet hoe groot my sonde en ellende is. Ten tweede moet ek weet hoe ek van my sonde en ellende verlos kan word. Derdens moet ek weet hoe ek God vir só ‘n verlossing dankbaar kan wees.” Sonde. Verlossing. Dankbaarheid. Elke Christen se pad na verlossing begin die dag as hy weet dat hy ‘n sondaar is wat homself nie kan red nie. Jy moet regtig bewus raak van jou eie sondigheid en dat
29 September 2017 jy daarvoor verlossing nodig het. Dit is dan ook die werk van die Heilige Gees om jou tot die besef te bring van jou diep sondetoestand. “As ons beweer dat ons nie sonde het nie, bedrieg ons onsself en is die waarheid nie in ons nie. Maar as ons ons sondes bely – Hy is getrou en regverdig, Hy vergewe ons ons sondes en reinig ons van alle ongeregtigheid.” (1 Joh. 1:8,9) Dan eers begin daar in jou die ernstige behoefte ontstaan om jou verlossing te gaan soek op die enigste plek wat God vir jou moontlik gemaak het: In die bloed en dood van Jesus aan die kruis. Aan die voete van Jesus bely jy jou sondes en bid jy dat God jou hart en lewe sal reinig van alle sonde. Ja, net Jesus kan ons red, maar ons moet eers ons eie sondigheid besef en dit bely. In die gelykenis van die Fariseër en die tollenaar (Lukas 18) wys Jesus duidelik die pad aan. Dis nie die werke van die godsdienstige Fariseër wat God wil hoor nie, maar die nederige belydenis van die tollenaar: “O God, wees my, arme sondaar genadig!” Jy moet eers jou sonde bely. Dan kom die verlossing van Jesus. En o ja, die derde deel sal dan beslis volg: ‘n Lewe van dankbaarheid, vrug dra en toewyding aan God! Onthou die volgorde op die pad na verlossing!
Die Gansbaai Courant aanvaar
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DIGITAAL Lees vorige uitgawes ISSUU - www.issuu.com + search Gansbaai Courant Read previous issues
Funny things people say and write INSURANCE CLAIMS
How about these excuses sent in to support insurance claims? “In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telegraph pole” “I bumped into a lamp-post which was obscured by human beings”
“Car had to turn sharper than was necessary owing to invisible lorry” “The pedestrian had no idea which way to run so I ran him down” “I glanced at my mother-in-law and headed over the embankment”
“I had been driving for 40 years when I fell asleep at the wheel” “I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way” “I discovered the window was closed when I put my head through it” “I told the police I was not injured but, on removing my hat, I found I had fractured my skull”
29 September 2017
'Stapper vir Jesus' maak tweede draai Met dieselfde rooi kruis in sy hand as 7 jaar gelede, het Inus Baard (68) Vrydag, 22 September 2017 sy tweede draai as “Stapper vir Jesus” in Gansbaai kom maak. Inus, wat motoriste met die rooi kruis begroet, sien heelwat skraler daarna uit as tydens sy eerste besoek in 2010. Hy het in dié 7 jaar verskeie staptogte onderneem. Inus is tans besig met ‘n staptog oor ‘n afstand van 1 000km wat strek vanaf Saldanha tot by Port Elizabeth. Inus het Donderdag, 14 September weggestap uit die Weskus-dorp na Port
Elizabeth, waar hy vertrou hy hom op 13 Oktober sal bevind. “Ek stap sowat 50km per dag, maar net op weeksdae, sodat ek naweke kan uitrus vir die volgende week,” het Inus gesê. “Hierdie staptog wat ek aangepak het, is ten bate van die MTR Smit Kinderoord in Port Elizabeth, waar ek ook op die raad dien.” Inus se eerste staptog deur Gansbaai was gedurende Oktober 2010 (Gansbaai Herald, 20 Oktober 2010), waar hy vanaf Port Elizabeth na Stellenbosch, 750km, gestap het.
Thought of the week “Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it if you can” - Danny Kay -
Inus het destyds gesê hy het ‘n roeping van die Here ontvang om met sy staptalent “sonder om moeg te word”, solo-staptogte ten bate van liefdadigheid aan te pak, waartydens hy ook as ‘n getuie vir God optree. Daardie spesifieke staptog was ten bate van Veritas College.
Inus het 9 jaar gelede afgetree en het al sowat 21 staptogte aangepak, met ‘n afstand van meer as 34 000km. Vanjaar word Inus deur sy vrou, Gerda vergesel wat saamgaan as motorbestuurder terwyl hy stap. Die egpaar het die afgelope naweek in Pearly Beach oorgebly.
CHURCH SERVICES | KERKDIENSTE AGS Ebenhaezer Sondagoggend: 09:30 Sondagaand: 18:00 Past. R Dyk Tel: 082 430 0266
New Hope Ministries - Stanford
Past Johnny v/d Schyff 028-341 0422
Service: 09:30 Sunday c/o Bezuidenhout/Victoria St. Stanford NGK : B’Bos AGS Blompark 1ste + 3de Sondag vd maand 09:30 Ma 19:00 Biduur Wo 19:00 Susters NGK: Gansbaai Vry 18:00 Jeug Sondagskool 09:00 09:00 Erediens in Kerkgebou Sondae 10:00 Erediens 09:00 Gesinsdiens in Pretoriussaal Past JA Conradie 076 571 6769 18:00 Gemeente Biduur Woensdae Herberg-aan-See AGS Mullerstraat NGK : Pearly Beach Gewone Sondag Erediens 09:30 2de + 4de Sondag vd maand 09:30 Past Frikkie Zeelie 082 498 6992 Nuwe Lewe Pinkster Sending Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk Ma 19:30 Biduur | Di 19:00 Jeugdiens 028-388 0406 of 028-381 9940 Wo 19:00 Moederdiens Birkenhead Bootklub 10:00 Sondagskool 08:30 Erediens 10:00 Navrae: Past A Sauls 071 839 3880 B.M.I.C Ministries Pastoor S. Jacobs 083 721 6114 o.m.G.e.e. Bediening Dienstye Sondae 10h00 Kerkstraat 30, Gansbaai Maandae 19h30, Woensdae 19h30 Deon 083 234 2199 Linda 0825507313 Vrydae (Jeugdiens) 19h00 Normale dienste elke Sondag 09:00 o.m.G.e.e. Puren Bediening Gansbaai Family Church Pearly Beach Buitekant Street, Gansbaai Normale dienste elke Sondag 11:00 Sunday Services 09:00 Deon Kloppers 083 234 2199 Melissa Bester 081 389 3817 Alan Lowenthal 082 822 1122 Pearly Beach Christian Fellowship Grace Community Fellowship The 1st + 3rd Sundays per month Meets every Sunday 09:00 at 09:30 in the NG Church Hall Gansbaai Library Hall SUNDAY 4 JUNE ONLY - 11:00 Let us exalt the LORD together Pastor Brian Bartlett 074 6523 158 Contact Dave Roos Richard Binedell 084 588 0835 Tel 028 384 1107 or 082 686 4244 St Marks Anglikaanse Kerk Blompark, Gansbaai, Rev C Meyer Lede in Christus Kerk 028 314 0947 e.stthomas201@gmail.com Past J Hamman 082 849 9614 1ste & 3de Son 10:00 Sondag Kinderbediening 08:30 2de & 4de Son Engelse diens 08:00 Sondag Erediens 10:00 4de Sondag Evangeliediens Sondag Evangeliediens 18:30 St Peter the Fisherman Woensdag Biduur 19:00 Catholic Church Vrydag Jeugdiens 19:00 Kerk Street, Gansbaai 028 384 1869 10:00 2nd+4th Sundays of every month Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Eredienste elke 1ste en 3de Sondag 17:00 Tuesdays following 1st+3rd Sundays of every month in Hermanus om 11:15. Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe from the Reserved Sacrament 073 418 2346. 10:00 1st+3rd Sundays of every month (Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion) New Apostolic Church Verenigende Gereformeerde Rector 076 651 6789 Tourist Info Centre Hall (next to Spar) Gemeente, Stanford & Pearly Beach Oggenddienste 10:00 Gansbaai, Sunday 09:00 Wed: 19:30 Aanddiens 18:00 Gansbaai. New Damasko Apostolic Church Baardskeerdersbos 09:30 Eluxolweni 10:30 Sunday Sermon by 1ste en 3de Sondag. J. Golomba. Elke Sondag. Leraar: Ds Dirk van Dyk 0283880098 Stanford: Sel 082 220 4996
29 September 2017
Kos's club promotes astronomy and science Born from the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club, and based just outside Pearly Beach, is the Southern Cape Astronomy Club. The Club was founded in 2002 in Louis Trichardt, Limpopo, with Kos Coronaios one of the founding members and current Chairman. Relocating to Pearly Beach with his family Kos will continue with the Club's activities, namely promoting astronomy and related science in the region, while
offering a means for people in the area who are interested in the subject to meet once a month for a stargazing evening where members are free to use one of his telescopes or bring their own. Weather permitting, various astronomical events such as occultations, meteor showers, novae, comets, asteroids among others are observed/photographed and members are welcome to attend these events, which are advertised via the various channels available.
These are on the Club's Facebook page, via email, local press and radio, and soon via the SAC WhatsApp group. Active in both public and school outreach, the Club looks forward to promoting astronomy and science in the region during local, national and worldwide events such as International Observe the Moon Night, Earth Hour, Science Week and World Space Week to name but a few. Kos contributes to various local and international astronomy societies and is
currently the Observing Director and Outreach Officer of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa. Membership to the Southern Cape Astronomy Club is free, the only prerequisite is an interest in astronomy. Membership forms available on request via email, or on arrival. Contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or via email elephantcastle@lantic.net for more information on Club activities, to download a membership form, or volunteer to assist during outreach events.
Gateway Park Gansbaai Industria Gansbaai, 7220 Tel 063 091 3853 / 076 249 9443
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Australiër kom kuier Oud- Pearly Beach inwoner, Sylvia Nortier (links), het by haar suster, Toekie Geyer van Franskraal kom kuier vanuit Australië. Sylvia woon al bykans 5 jaar in Sunshine Coast, Brisbane. Sy maak die Overstrand vir 3 maande lank haar blyplek om weer al haar familie en vriende te sien.
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083 677 4261
29 September 2017
Kom wandel saam Die Volmaanstappers (Full Moon Walkers) van Pearly Beach het niks te make met “met die maan gepla” nie. “Die inisiatief om met ‘n maandelikse volmaanstap te begin, het by Pearly Beach Bewarea (PBB) begin,” vertel Suretha Cloete. “Die PBB se doelwit hiermee is om die bewaring van ons natuurlike habitat vir wilde diere en ons natuurskoon hier in Pearly Beach te bewaar en sodoende ons as mens, dier en natuur in harmonie te laat saam lewe.” Suretha sê die volmaanstappery dien as ‘n bewusmakingspoging vir die natuur en om inwoners byeen te bring om die natuur op ‘n ander wyse te bewonder – ‘n maandelikse volmaanstap! Die groep stap strandlangs vir sowat ‘n uur, vertoef ‘n rukkie op die strand, rotse en poele in die maanlig en keer dan terug na PBB. Daar kuier hulle saam en geniet ‘n warm koffie en verversings. Donasies wat maandeliks op hierdie wyse ingesamel word, word vir een van PBB se
verskeie projekte beskikbaar gestel. Voorbeelde van projekte is onder andere ‘n Swop Shop in Eluxolweni, die instandhouding van die Herbarium en Fynbos Tuin, die skoonmaak van die strand en andere. “Honde aan leibande is welkom om saam te stap,” sê Suretha. “Met ons stap van 6 September het ons ons eerste viervoetige volmaanstappers saam met ons gehad.” Die 2 viervoetige volmaanstappers is Glee, Johan en Ronel Mouton se Belgium Sheppard kruising en Jessie, Chantelle Stewart se chiwhawha. Die groep se fotograaf is Dawid Smuts en die meegaande foto is tydens die stap van 6 September 2017 deur hom geneem. Die volgende volmaanstap in Pearly Beach is Donderdag, 5 Oktober en die stappers kom om 19:00 by die Herbarium in Pearly Beach (oorkant die Rooibier) bymekaar. Suretha Cloete kan vir verdere inligting by 071 318 5297 geskakel word. (Foto’s: Dawid Smuts)
Bewonderaars van die natuur onder die volmaan. Van voor (middel) links om is Annetjie Anderson, Sheryll Steyn, Suretha Cloete, Quinten Stewart, Rosemary van Wyk, Phil Anderson, Johan Mouton, Ronel Mouton en Chantelle Stewart.
I geb ude S aap a er
Ben-Louis Fourie : 083 330 8049
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Faks: 086 266 1160
Email: kleinmondskrynwerke@live.co.za
23 Church Street, Gansbaai (above Shell petrol station, opposite harbour entrance)
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Sonja at 0744 220 227 or Riaan 082 923 5400
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Gansbaai : Industriesirkel, Winkel 2, agter Supa Quick, oorkant Build It. Hermanus: Hoek van Hoof- & Mimosastraat, Gateway Sentrum, Winkel 5D
155/80R13 vanaf R430 175/65R14 vanaf R470 195/50R15 vanaf R545 215/80R15 vanaf R1100 245/75R15 vanaf R1330 245/70R16 vanaf R1430 evm Bay Tyres spesialiseer in hoëverrigting en kwaliteit produkte Alle 4x4, bakkie, motor, trok, trekker en grondverskuiwings bande
* Nuut en Gebruikte Bande * Rotering van Bande
* Balansering * Papwiel herstel
* Velddiens - Kommersieel en Agri * Na-ure: Stefan 061 433 4538 Normale pryse vir passing en balansering. Karkas bly op perseel.
29 September 2017
Top 10 Graad 5's besoek Megaweek
Wiskunde leerders presteer uitstekend
Die Top 10 Graad 5-leerders van Laerskool Gansbaai het Vrydag, 15 September op uitnodiging van die organiseerders, die jaarlikse Megaweek-skou op Bredasdorp besoek. Hulle het dit baie geniet en het ook die aanbieding van "BeSafe Schools" bygewoon, waar die brandweer hulle ingelig het oor vure en noodnommers. Die groepie was (van links): Lisa-Marie van Wyk, Nevellia October, Ralph Smit, Danica du Toit, Nel Stieger en Fayannette Kruger. Voor: Luphelo Dyoli, Heinrich Kok, Lara Strydom, Hilke Swanepoel en Catherine Minnie. Heel voor: MC Botbyl (Seun van Leana Botbyl, ‘n onderwyseres by die skool, wat die uitstappie moontlik gemaak het)
5 leerders van Laerskool Gansbaai het onlangs uiters briljant gevaar in ‘n Wiskunde Probleemoplossing-kompetisie oor 2 rondtes. In die eerste rondte het ‘n leerder uit elke Graad (Gr 1 - 6) in Hermanus deelgeneem. 5 van hierdie leerlinge het deurgedring na die finale rondte waarin al die skole van die Overbergstreek deelgeneem het. Hierdie rondte het Maandag, 21 Augustus by Laerskool Overberg in Caledon plaasgevind. Al 5 dié leerders het plekke onder die Top 3 verwerf. Hulle uitslae is soos volg (sien foto): Agter van links: Adriaan Basson (Gr 2) - 2de; Janiel Klotz (Gr 6) - 2de; Lara Strydom (Gr 5) - 1ste. Voor: Stefan Stieger (Gr 3) - 3de en Justin Bailey (Gr 1) - 2de.
Prokureurs Attorneys Tel 0283840100 Faks 0283840509 Hoofstraat 25 Posbus 35 GANSBAAI 7220 gansbaai@gtlaw.co.za
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Johan Goossen:
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Industriesingel, Industriële Gebied, Gansbaai
Melanie 072 715 0988
Fanie Bothma 083 296 2676
Nettie 082 455 5751
(028) 384 0189
Soliede Scaffolding & hoë-kwaliteit bouersmasjiene soos konkreetmengers, kompakteermasjiene, kragopwekkers, "grinders", "jackhammers", poker, ens.
Hoëdruk spuit Vir skoonmaak van dakke & mure
PROTEA CENTRE (next to Hot Coffee)
29 September 2017
Demonstrasies & Gelukkige trekkings Aanbod geldig tot 14 oktober 2017 of solank voorraad hou
Glass Fibre Steel Hammer
R659 Koordlose Boor met hammeraksie
Boor 650watt
Screwdriver Set
R119 5 Drawer Tool Chest Set R2280
TAPES: 10mtr
R85 5mtr
R59.90 3mtr
R34.90 R33.90 Roof & Waterproof 20L
Rotary Hammer 800w
Contractors Hi Hiding
Satin Wall Pure Acrylic 20L
Filler Coat
Flash 6w LED
9w / 5 per pack LED Bulbs
Cutting disks steel 115x1mm 10 FOR
Foto bo: “Ons dorp se senior burgers is die fondasie vir ons nageslag,” het Dave Sawtell (foto), voorsitter van die Funky Fynbos Feeskomitee Vrydagmiddag gesê tydens die opening van die jaarlikse feestelikheid in die Birkenhead Bootklubsaal. Hier glimlag hy saam met een van ons dorp se oudste inwoners. Foto middel: Jasper en Roeline Coetzee, wat reeds 61 jaar getroud is, was deel van die gaste.
29 September 2017
Foto bo: Mona Julies (links voor) het ‘n gelukspakkie ontvang, omdat sy Silwerjare Dienssentrum se oudste lid is (sedert 1999). Langs haar sit Magrieta Adams. Agter staan Emmie October en Annie Arends. Foto links: Die bekende glimlag van Gansbaai Toerisme se Doulene Els (middel) wat 2 van die senior fynbosblomplukkers bedank vir hulle harde werk. Hulle is Liana Brits en Sophia Witte.
29 September 2017
SAVEMOR Hondekos 8kg
Colgate Tandepasta 100ml
SPAR SPAR Melk Toiletpapier 6x1Liter 9’s L/raklewe
Lays Chips 125g
SPAR 18’s Large Eiers
SPAR Koekmeel 2.5kg
Oros 2 liter
750ml Opwas-
Blitz Vuuraanstekers
Mrs Ball’s Blatjang 470g
Ricoffy 750g
SUNLIGHT waspoeier 2in1 2kg
29 September 2017
Fynbos, dans en plesier by Funky Fynbos Fees Foto links: Die 4 deelnemers aan Maandag se fynbosblommerangskik kompetisie het ‘n halfuur gehad om hul talent te wys. Foto van links agter: Michelle Kemp het die prys gewen vir die mees kreatiewe rangskikking, Sylvie Agenbach was tweede, Ally Msweli derde en Angela Caie was die wenner. Voor van links is Caron Lee, organiseerder Funky Fynbos Fees, saam met die beoordelaars Anita Botha, Maraika van Wesse, Claudine Wheeler en Glenda Kitley van Gansbaai Toerisme. Foto links: Die Snater Teater dansers het luister aan die fees verskaf met ‘n verskeidenheid van danse. Foto regs: Sylvie Agenbach (foto) het vanjaar aan die stuur van die fynbosuitstalling gestaan wat in die hawe aangebied is. Haar helpers was Wilhelm en Liana Brits, Walter en Sophia Witte, Tania, Johan en Diana Nortman. Gansbaai Superspar het vir ‘n hele week die span se middagetes voorsien.
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29 September 2017
A very lucky chap is Italy’s, Andrea Biffie who walked away with a voucher from Grootbos, worth R12 000! Andrea took part in both the 50km mountain bike race and the 30km trail run and was crowned as Funky Fynbos Ysterman 2017. He won the 30km trail run (and received R500 for his effort), came 7th in the MTB race (‘not my thing”, he said) and walked away with the BIG PRIZE. Foto onder: Amanda van Staden, WPhengelaar van Overstrand Hengelklub, was baie ingenome met die baadjie wat sy gewen het. Hier ontvang sy dit van Caron Lee, Funky Fynbos Feesorganiseerder.
Kloeks van Zyl wens haar man, Henk - Gansbaai se ‘koffieman’ geluk met die GoPro kamera wat hy tydens die gelukstrekkings losgeslaan het. Photo left: Another lucky young man, was Tom Lloyd from Cape Town, who won a drone as part of the lucky draws. Here he is with his ecstatic mother, Alison who was the lucky winner of an eco boat trip!
Foto bo: Feesgangers wat na rustigheid gesmag het, kon ontspan in die Melkboswoud by Lomond Wynlandgoed.
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29 September 2017
Klavier en Klawerbord Sang Pieter Kitaar 072 390 8084 Blokfluit
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To Let : Long term, De Kelders, 1 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, beautiful views, in cul de sac, single person, non smoker, references required. Contact 082 469 7452 29 Sep
Baie geluk met jou 8ste verjaarsdag
Tel: 082 893 6329 COFFEE SHOP GIFTS
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Versekering, Finansiële– en Boedelbeplanning
Te Koop : Venter 6vt sleepwa met neuskas. Het aandag nodig. Gelisensieer. R5000 kontant. Sel: 072 550 9620 29 Sep
Cahlrich Pitzer 028 384 1514 028 312 2512 082 843 5437
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Order your newspaper photos today.
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Learners License Classes
(FSP NO 37212) (Gemagtigde Finansiële Raadgewer)
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Villet Consult
Tel: 028 384 1473
Spitbraai Catering, Delivery & Events
Te Koop : Echo Bossiekapper CLS5800, volledig vir parte, maak aanbod. Sel: 072 963 5000 29 Sep Te Koop : Fishfinder, R6500; Opblaas Seahawk 2 opblaasrubberboot, R700; 2 x Staal draaibanke, R9000 elk. Alle pryse onderhandelbaar. Kontak 063 091 3853 29 Sep
29 Sep
Hout Te Koop Rooikrans R800 / 1000. Kaggelhout R450 / bakkievrag Rooikrans offcuts R450/ bakkievrag. Sel: 082 447 8958 29 Sep
29 Kerkstraat 060
966 8833
Te Koop : Hi-Tex swart baadjie met ritssluiter en sakke in baie goeie toestand. Net te klein vir 12-jarige dogter. Prys onderhandelbaar. Sel: 072 995 4091. 29 Sep
Elroy Cupido
Mamma is baie lief vir jou. van Desiré Cupido
WERK GESOEK WORK WANTED Jobseeker: A malawian motor vehicle mechanic with city & guilds diploma. References available. Contact 065 340 3757 29 Sep
A malawian Jobseeker: designer (sewing/clothing) is looking for any available job. Contact 078 3488 590 29 Sep Privaat kinderoppasser/Au Pair: Jong dame met matriek en ondervinding in kindersorg verlang betrekking. Besit bestuurslisensie en eie vervoer. Goeie verwysings beskikbaar. Skakel 028 384 1384. 29 Sep
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29 September 2017
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& Hoofstraat
29 September 2017
39th annual air VAKATURE
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VAKATURES Bayview, u plaaslike meubelhandelaar en Baysat, u plaaslike DSTV ge-akkrediteerde installeerder het die volgende vakatures beskikbaar. Stuur CV aan jan@bayview.co.za 1. Jong dame vir verkope en admin. 2. Dame met Pastel (voorraad) vir admin en verkope.
Discount Furnishers
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Beskik oor ‘n vakature vir ‘n persoon met ondervinding. Kennis van PUBLISHER sal as aanbeveling dien. Stuur ‘n volledige CV voor/op 15 Oktober 2017 na marinda.courant@itec.co.za Indien u nie binne 14 dae terugvoer kry nie, het u nie die kortlys gehaal nie.
The Whale Unit of the University of Pretoria’s Mammal Research Institute will be conducting their annual aerial survey of southern right whales from the 2nd of October through to midOctober. Having commenced in 1979, this is the 39th consecutive annual survey and the resulting dataset is one of the longest running datasets on any marine mammal worldwide. The survey is flown annually between Nature’s Valley and Muizenberg (although may extend further westwards if conditions allow) at an altitude of approximately 300m and some 500 to 800m offshore using an Airbus H120B helicopter. Flying will only be carried out under adequate survey / weather conditions between 08h00 and 16h00 as light and glare outside of these times compromises survey photography. During the survey, all encountered whale species will be recorded, but special focus will be given to encounters of southern right whales. As such, all southern right whale females with calves, as well as all individuals with distinctive brindle colouration or markings, will be photographed in order to allow individual identification. Vertical images of both the heads and the backs of the animals will be taken, which will allow recognition of the pattern formed by the wart-like callosities on their heads, and in some cases of the white and grey pigmentation patterns on their backs. Photography of each group usually takes less than five minutes, during which time the helicopter decreases in altitude to hover some 150200m above the whales. When photographs are obtained, the helicopter returns
to the 300m altitude to continue searching for whales, although in areas of high whale densities the aircraft may move directly from group to group at the lower altitude. After the survey, the collected photographs and associated data will be analysed. The best images of each individual will be selected from each encounter and compared to all other selected images from the 2017 survey as well as to the Whale Unit’s catalogue of identification photographs of just over 2300 recognisable adults from the previous 38 annual surveys. Sorting of images is initially done using a computerassisted image recognition system, followed by final matching of the whales by eye. These analyses allow for sighting histories of known individuals to be compiled and a subsequent investigation of individual movement and distribution patterns as well as the reproductive/ calving histories of females. These data will then be used to further investigate the vital parameters of the population, including abundance estimatio n, pop ulation growth rate, survival, calving intervals, and age at first parturition (age at when a female has her first calf ), which will and over the longer term allow researchers to accurately model the population demographic parameters. Southern right whales received their name from the historic whalers who believed them to be the “right whale” to hunt, as they are predictable in distribution, generally slow swimming, and most importantly float when killed. Continue p 21
29 September 2017
survey starts Indeed, the species was heavily whaled in the past (particularly by the Moby Dick style foreign open-boat whaling fleets between about 1780 and 1835), and it reduced the global population from an estimated 70,000 80,000 individuals to a mere 60 reproductive females at the termination of right whaling in 1935. However, since their international protection in 1935, the three breeding populations (in coastal waters of Australia, Argentina and South Africa) have been increasing at about 7% per annum. Currently, the regional (Southern African) abundance is estimated at 5,000 to 6,000 individuals, with a global population size of just under 15,000 individuals. Thus, one of the main objectives of the annual aerial survey is to monitor this remarkable recovery! Despite this increase in local and global population size, in the last 2 years a decrease in southern right whale sightings was noticed along the South African coast. A similar trend has been recently recognized in the breeding grounds of Argentina & Brazil, as well as in Australia, although there the changing trend seemed to be
a year off. Reasons for this decline are currently being investigated but remain speculative. Luckily, this year the whales are back with hundreds of sightings over the last three months! The MRI Whale Unit’s 2017 survey is being flown in association with Silvercross Aviation and is being generously funded by the International Whaling Commission and will be run with the assistance of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust, and support of De Hoop Collection, Denel Overberg Test Range, CapeNature, and private citizens along the route. The survey is carried out under a permit from the Department of Environmental Affairs to approach whales and under specific Marine Protected Area permits from the relevant conservation authorities. Weather plays an important part in achieving the full survey coverage and flying will be required over weekends. For further enquiries please contact Dr Els Vermeulen (Research Manager at the Whale Unit) on 060 9714301 or Chris Wilkinson (Technical Manager at the Whale Unit) on 083 580 8247.
Walvisse baljaar in Walkerbaai Gansbaai het besoekers hierdie naweek verras met ‘n skouspel van natuur- en mensgemaakte gebeure. By Walkerbay het talle toeriste op die rotse rondgeklouter, die blommeprag langs die netjiese wandelpaaie bewonder en oral op bankies gesit en kuier, om die skouspel deur ons walvisbesoekers te bewonder. ‘n Suidelike Noordkapper walvis het naby Danger Point uitgespoel en hoewel hartseer, kon nuuskieriges ervaar hoe groot en besonders hierdie seedier werklik is. Die Funky Fynbos Fees het ‘n see van fietsryers en hardlopers na die Lomond Wynlandgoed gelok en varswaterhengelaars kon die dag op die dam geniet tydens die fees se hengelkompetisie. So tussendeur het die toe mond by Uilenkraal sy eie skare gelok en is dié deur bekommerde inwoners aangehelp sodat die water kon deurbreek na die see.
‘n Paar huiseienaars het maar onrustig geraak met die vloed wat raak-raak aan hul huise se trappe. Die stil massa water het veroorsaak dat die karavaanstaanplekke nie uitverhuur kon word oor die gewilde uitspannaweek in die Overstrand nie. Dorpelinge wat ‘n geldmaakgeleentheid gesien het, het plek-plek hul ware uitgestal by Lomond, die hawe en by die Protea Sentrum. Van die restaurante het hul werksure verleng en was gereed vir die toeloop van besoekers. Die ligging van die fynbosuitstalling het baie positiewe kommentaar uitgelok. Gansbaai Toeristekantoor se teetuin en die Birkenhead Bootklub se visbraaikompetisie is goed ondersteun, met ‘n pragtige uitsig oor die hawe as ‘n bonus. BARC se potjiekoskompetisie het ook vir heelwat vrolikheid gesorg. … en vir die res was daar Erfenis- en Braaidag!
LEGAL NOTICE Please take notice that Desmond Patrick Fortune and Linda Jean Fortune intends making application to the Commissioner of CIPC for the reinstatement of
Des Fortune Builders Registration number 2003/031850/23 Please take notice that any objection to the applicants must be lodged with the Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of the publication hereof.
Gebore : 1930-02-12 Identiteitsnommer : 300212 0077 08 9 Van : GANSBAAI, WES-KAAP Datum van afsterwe : 15 Julie 2017 Meester verwysingsnommer : 011429/2017 Krediteure en Debiteure van bogemelde boedel word hiermee versoek om hul vorderinge in te lewer en hul skulde te betaal by ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 29 September 2017. NAAM EN ADRES VAN EKSEKUTEURSFIRMA Deon Pitzer Ingelyf, Posbus 273, GANSBAAI,7220 35 BARNARD STRAAT, GANSBAAI, 7220 Tel: 028 384 1514 e-pos: cpitzer@villetgroup.co.za
29 September 2017
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 47 of the Overstrand Municipality By-Law on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2016 of the applications mentioned below applicable to Erf 210, Gansbaai namely:
Kragtens Artikel 47 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit Verordening vir Munisipale Grondgebruikbeplanning, 2016 word hiermee kennis gegee van die onderstaande aansoeke van toepassing op Erf 210, Gansbaai, naamlik:
Esi sisaziso esikhutshwa ngokwemiba yeSolotya lama47 loMthethwana kaMasipala wase-Overstrand weSicwangciso soYilo lokuSetyenziswa koMhlaba, sonyaka wama-2016 ngokwezicelo ezichazwe ngezantsi ezisebenza Isiza 210, Gansbaai ezizezi:
Subdivision in terms of Section 16(2)(d) read with Section 22, to subdivide Erf 210 Gansbaai into an Application Area A (± 26.62 Ha), an Application Area B (± 6.81 Ha) and a Remainder of ± 688 Ha. 2. Rezoning in terms of Section 16(2)(a) of the subdivided portions (Application Areas A & B) from Undetermined Zone to Subdivisional Area Zone (SA). 3. Subdivision in terms of Section 16(2)(d) as follows: Application Area A ⋅ 1184 Less Formal Development Zone erven; ⋅ 5 Community Zone I erven; ⋅ 6 Business Zone III erven; ⋅ 7 Open Space Zone II erven; and ⋅ All roads / streets to Transport Zone II (public road). Application Area B ⋅ 295 Residential Zone I (SR1) erven; ⋅ 1 Community Zone I erf; ⋅ 4 Open Space Zone II erven; and ⋅ All roads / streets to Transport Zone II (public road). 4. Departure appicable to all Less Formal Development Zone and Residential Zone I (SR1) erven in terms of Section 16(2)(b) to relax the following: ⋅ Lateral building lines from 1,0m to 0m on one lateral boundary to accommodate semidetached houses; and ⋅ Street building lines from 2,0m to 1,0m. 5. Deviation of the Overstrand Growth Management Strategy (2010) in terms of Section 10 to provide for a gross residential density of 45 units per hectare on the application site in lieu of the designated density of 20-30 units per hectare. 6. Approval of new street names in terms of Section 96. Detail regarding the proposal is available for inspection during weekdays between 08:00 and 16:30 at the Department : Town Planning at 16 Paterson Street, Hermanus and at the Gansbaai Library, Main Road, Gansbaai. Any written comments must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 51 and 52 of the said By-law to the Municipality (16 Paterson Street, Hermanus / (f) 0283132093 / (e) aconradie@overstrand.gov.za) on or before Friday, 3 November 2017, quoting your name, address, contact details, interest in the application and reasons for comments. Telephonic enquiries can be made to the Senior Town Planner, Mr. S. van der Merwe at 028-313 8900. The Municipality may refuse to accept comment received after the closing date. Any person who cannot read or write may visit the Town Planning Department where a municipal official will assist them in order to formalize their comment.
Onderverdeling in terme van Artikel 16(2)(d) saam gelees met Artikel 22, om Erf 210, Gansbaai in ‘n Aansoekarea A (± 26.62 Ha), ‘n Aansoekarea B (± 6.81 Ha) en ‘n Restant van ± 688 Ha. te onderverdeel. 2. Hersonering in terme van Artikel 16(2)(a) om die onderverdeelte gedeeltes (Aansoekareas A & B) vanaf Onbepaaldesone na Onderverdelingsgebiedsone (SA) te hersoneer. 3. Onderverdeling in terme van Artikel 16(2)(d) soos volg: Aansoekarea A ⋅ 1184 Minder Formele Ontwikkelingsone erwe; ⋅ 5 Gemeenskapsone I erwe; ⋅ 6 Sakesone III erwe; ⋅ 7 Oopruimtesone II erwe; en ⋅ Alle paaie / strate na Vervoersone II (publieke pad). Aansoekarea B ⋅ 295 Residensiëlesone I (SR1) erwe; ⋅ 1 Gemeenskapsone I erf; ⋅ 4 Oopruimtesone II erwe; en ⋅ Alle paaie / strate na Vervoersone II (publieke pad). 4. Afwyking van toepassing op alle Minder Formele Ontwikkelingsone erwe en Residensiëlesone I (SR1) erwe in terme van Artikel 16(2)(b) om die volgende te verslap: ⋅ Laterale boulyne vanaf 1,0m na 0m op een laterale grens om semi-losstaande huise te akkommodeer; en ⋅ Straatboulyne vanaf 2,0m na 1,0m. 5. Afwyking vanaf die Overstrand Groeibestuur Strategie (2010) in terme van Artikel 10 om voorsiening te maak vir 'n bruto residensiële digtheid van 45 eenhede per hektaar op die aansoek terrein in plaas van die aangewese digtheid van van 20-30 eenhede per hektaar. 6. Goedkeuring van nuwe straatname in terme van Artikel 96. Besonderhede aangaande die voorstel lê ter insae gedurende weeksdae tussen 08:00 and 16:30 by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning te Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus en by die Gansbaai Biblioteek, Hoofweg, Gansbaai. Enige kommentaar moet s kriftelik ingedien word in terme van Artikels 51 en 52 van die bogenoemde Verordening aan die Munisipaliteit (Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus / (f) 0283132093 / (e) aconradie@overstrand.gov.za) voor of op Vrydag, 3 November 2017, stipuleer u naam, adres, kontak besonderhede, belang in die aansoek en redes vir kommentaar. Telefoniese navrae kan gerig word aan die Senior Stadsbeplanner, Mnr. S. van der Merwe by 028-3138900. Die Munisipaliteit mag weier om kommentare te aanvaar na die sluitingsdatum. Enige persoon wat nie kan lees of skryf nie kan die Departement Stadsbeplanning besoek waar hul deur ‘n munisipale amptenaar bygestaan sal word ten einde hul kommentaar te formuleer.
Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200
Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200
Municipal Notice No 133/2017
Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr 133/2017
Isicelo sokucebenzisa ngokwemvume ngokweSolotya 16(2)(d) esifundeka neCandelo 22 ukuba kohlulwe umhlaba ibe zizigaba ezibini iscelo sendawo yokuqala A (± 26.62 Ha), isicelo sendawo yesibini B (± 6.81 Ha) kunye neNtsalela eyi ± 688 Ha. 2. Utshintsho lwesimo somhlaba ngokweCandelo 16(2)(a) semihlaba esele yahlulwe (isicelo sendawo yokuqala neyesibini A & B) ibisenza njenge Undetermined Zone ukuya kwiSubdivisional Area Zone (SA). 3. Ulwahlulwa-hlulo lomhlaba ngokwe Candelo 16 (2)(d) olu lulandelayo: Isicelo sendawo yokuqala (A) ⋅ 1184 ye Less Formal Development Zone erven; ⋅ 5 Community Zone I erven; ⋅ 6 Business Zone III erven; ⋅ 7 Open Space Zone II erven; and ⋅ Zonke indlela / nezitalato eziya kwi Transport Zone II (public road). Izicelo zendawo yesibini (B) ⋅ 295 Residential Zone I (SR1) erven; ⋅ 1 Community Zone I erf; ⋅ 4 Open Space Zone II erven; Kunye ⋅ Zonke indlela / nezitalato eziya kwi Transport Zone II (public road). 4. Ukuphambuka okucetywayo ukukhawulelana nolwakhiwo kuzo zonke i- Less Formal Development Zone and Residential Zone I (SR1) erven ngokweCandelo 16(2)(b) ukuba kunyenyiswe oku kulandelayo : ⋅ Umgca osecaleni ukusuka ku-1,0m ukuya- 0m kudonga olusecaleni ukukhlangabezana zindlu ezizakudityaniswa; ⋅ kunye nokunyenyiswa komngca wesi Talato ukusuka ku - 2,0m ukuya ku-1,0m. 5. -Ukucatshulwa kwi Deviation ye Overstrand Growth Management Strategy (2010) ngokweCandelo 10 ukuse kukhuthswe i gross residential density of 45 units per hectare kwindawo leyo yezakhiwo ukuya kwindawo leyo ilungiselelwe ezi ndawo ziyi 20-30 yanamagunjana ngokumlinganiselo obekiweyo we- hectara. 6. Ukuvunywa ngamagama amatsha weziTalato ngokweCandelo Section 96. Iinkcukacha ngokwemiba yesi sindululo ziyafumaneka ukuze zihlolwe ngulowo ngolowo ufuna ukuzifundela ngeentsuku zokusebenza ngamaxesha okusebenza aphakathi kwentsimbi yesi-08:00 ne-16:30 kwiCandelo: Zicwangiso ngeDolophu kwa-16 Paterson Street, Hermanus naselayibrari yaseGansbaai eMain Road eGansbaai. Naziphi na izimvo ezibhaliweyo zingangeniswa ngokwezibonelelo zamaSolotya ama-51 nama-52 kwaMasipala (16 Paterson Street, Hermanus / (f) 0283132093 / (e) aconradie@overstrand.gov.za) ngoLwesihlanu okanye ngaphambi koLwesihlanu, 3 Eye Nkanga (Novemba) 2017, ukhankanye igama lakho, idilesi, iinkcukacha ofumaneka kuzo, umdla wakho kwesi sicelo nezizathu zokunika izimvo. Imibuzo ngefowuni ingabhekiswa uMyili-dolophu oPhezulu, Umnu. S. van der Merwe ku-028-313 8900. UMasipala angala ukwamkela izimvo ezifike emva komhla wokuvala. Nabani na ongakwazi ukufunda okanye ukubhala angaya kwiCandelo leDolophu apho igosa likamasipala liza kumnceda avakalise izimvo zakhe ngokusemethethweni. UMlawuli kaMasipala, kuMasipala wase-Overstrand, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Inombolo yesaziso sikaMasipala 133/2017
29 September 2017
Mon-Thurs 08:30-16:30
Lounge Suites Headboards Ottomans Recliners Dining Chairs Scatter Cushions Repairs
Die groot oomblik van dankbare feesvieringe: Gansbaai Lionsklub se 30ste verjaardag. Van links is bestuurslede wat kersies aangesteek en heildronke ingestel het: Ina Ogilvie, Ivy van Huyssteen, Marietta Hatting (President), Lance Maythan (voormalige Distriksgoewerneur), Boats van Staden en Pieter de Vries.
Fri until 13:00
Wingback Chairs Loose Covers Outdoor Cushions Motorcycle Seats Filling of Cushions Custom made Headboards
No 2, Meyershof Centre, Main Rd, Gansbaai
* No Job too Small * 028 384 0350 | 073 532 5019 Fax: 086 547 2544 Email: franco_marcellino@yahoo.com
Washing is our game and crisp laundry is our aim
7A Strandlopertjie Slot, Industrial area, Gansbaai (next to L&S Motors)
Lions dien reeds 30 jaar Built-in-cupboards Laminated Flooring • Knottipine / Isofoam Ceilings •
Gansbaai Lionsklub se 30ste verjaardag is op 9 September 2017 gesellig saam met vriende en oud-lions gevier. Onder die eregaste was die voormalige Distriksgoewerneur (PDG), Lance Maythan, wat ‘n heildronk op Lions Internasionaal ingestel het. Petrus du Preez van Pearly Beach, Lionpresident vir die tydperk 19961997, was ook teenwoordig. ‘n Verskeidenheid van projekte oor die afgelope 30 jaar is deur kabinetslede uitgelig, met Lion -president Marietta Hattingh wat oor die ontstaan en groei van Gansbaai Lionsklub gepraat het. Die gebruiklike aansteek van kersies, die instel van heildronke en verslagdoening oor projekte, is soos volg hanteer: PDG Lance Maythan (Lions Internasionaal); Lionpresident Marietta Hattingh (die ontstaan en toekoms van Gansbaai Lionsklub en Lions Suid-Afrika); Lion Ina Ogilvie (hulde gebring aan afgestorwe lede van Gansbaai Lionsklub); Lion Boats van Staden (Projekte: Jaarlikse Halfmarathon en Ligtoring na Ligtoring Fietswedrenne); Lion Pieter de Vries (Projekte: Tehuise vir Bejaardes); Lion Ivy van Huyssteen (Projekte: Brille en gemeenskap). Nadat die formaliteite afgehandel is, is daar gesellig saamgekuier en geëet, met eetgoed genoeg vir Afrika se Lions.
Gansbaai Lionsklub se eerste President, JC Rademeyer, is in 1987 ingehuldig, met Marietta Hattingh wat tans vir die tweede agtereenvolgende termyn as die klub se 26ste President dien. Gansbaai Lions se doelwitte is om donasies, ondersteuning en hulpverlening aan die gemeenskap ‘n realiteit te maak. Twee uitstaande fondsinsamelingsprojekte met behulp van hoofborge, waarmee Gansbaai Lionsklub al deeglik "naam gemaak" het, is die jaarlikse Halfmarathon (31 Desember) en die jaarlikse Lighuis tot Lighuis Fietswedren (± Februarie). Ander projekte ten bate van behoeftiges in die gemeenskap wat deur hulle aangepak word, is onder andere Herberg-aanSee Tehuis vir Bejaardes (HaS), Nasorgsentrum (HaS), die jaarlikse HaS Basaar, Silwerjare Dienssentrum, Gansbaai se skole, gereelde uitdeel van toebroodjies (2 x week), brille en skoolklere aan behoeftige leerders, verjaardagkoeke vir bejaardes en veel meer. “Ons beskikbare fondse bestaan net uit fondsinsamelingsprojekte wat net so weer in die gemeenskap teruggeploeg word,” vertel Lionpresident Marietta Hattingh. Deur al die jare heen het Gansbaai Lionsklub net een doel voor oë gehad en dit is om hulle leuse voluit na te streef: “Ons Dien/We Serve”.
Operating in the Overberg area & WC (N-suburbs only)
Hein Goedde 072 822 9897 Tel / Faks:
028 384 0703
Deon Meyer 08239 29023 08239 26589 deonmeyer@live.co.za
Renovations Klein bouwerkies Conservancy drains Teëlwerk Drywall Verfwerk Skakel Marius
072 536 2054
B.A. Hons., M.A. , M.Ed., D. Phil., T.H.O.D
Angs, depressie, stres, alkohol– en dwelm-afhanklikheid, huweliksprobleme, gesinsprobleme, persoonlike probleme, konsentrasie en aandaggebrek, studie– en leesprobleme, vakkeuses ( gr. 9 ) en beroepskeuses (gr.11+ 12 ) Duikerstraat 24, Kleinbaai, Gansbaai
Tel: 071 378 9674 Mediese fonds tariewe Praktyknommer: 8641811
Carpets Upholstry Mattress sanitizing Flood Dewatering Bev Swart 082 565 8411 Francis Swart : 082 417 1314 Email : info@fcsdistributors.co.za
Operating in the Overberg Area
Clive : 084 510 1604 Sylvia : 072 082 0991
29 September 2017
Okkie Smuts se spellers Laerskool Okkie Smuts in Stanford spog met vier eerste plekke, drie tweede plekke en ‘n derde plek in die Overberg Distrik Sanlam WOW Spelfees te Caledon. Die kompetisie het op 5 September 2017 plaasgevind en die laerskool se leerders het goed gevaar. Uitslae: Die volgende plekke is behaal: Gr 5 Afrikaans Abigail Barkhuizen (1ste plek); Gr 1 Engels - Samantha Horn (3de plek); Gr 2 Engels - Liya Pike (1ste plek); Gr 3 Engels Emily Stafford (1ste plek); Gr 3 Engels - Rachel Horn (2de plek); Gr 4 Engels - Siyolisi Mcothama (2de plek); Gr 5 Engels - Kelsey Montagu (2de plek); Gr 6 Engels - Ababalwe Molisi (1ste plek). Abigail het ook op Saterdag, 9 September by die Wes-Kaap Spelfees ‘n 6de plek uit 32 leerders in haar graadgroep behaal. Foto: Die knap spellers is voor van links Emily Stafford, Abigail Barkhuizen, Samantha Horn en Liya Pike. Agter van links Rachel Horn, Kelsey Montagu, Ababalwe Molisi en Siyolisi Mcothama. Links is die skoolhoof, mnr GJ Koekemoer en regs die leerders se opvoeder, me L Lourens.
Domestic and commercial pest control. Professional solutions to your pest problems.
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29 September
17◦ rain showers, gentle breeze, 5 m/s W, 1.0 mm rainfall
30 September
18◦ clear sky, moderate breeze, 7 m/s SE, 0 mm rainfall
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2 October
24◦ clear sky, moderate breeze, 7 m/s ESE, 0 mm rainfall
3 October
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Jannie Cronje 028-384 2450 / 082 371 7283
5 October
14◦ partly cloudy, moderate breeze, 7 m/s W, 0 mm rainfall
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Ons voorsien en installeer alle soorte blindings. SABS goedgekeur Beste kwaliteit Beste pryse Gratis kwotasies Skakel: 028 388 0101 of 072 563 7228
Plumbing & Electrical
Pieter Kellerman
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29 September 2017
'n Landy se gebruik Enige iemand wat ‘n voertuig soos ‘n Landy, beach buggy, Jeep of ‘n soortgelyke voertuig besit waarmee hy in die veld, maar veral op die strand baljaar, moet trots wees op sy ryding. Deesdae, sover dit strandry betref, is daar perke gestel en reëls wat nagekom moet word wat nie jare terug gegeld het nie. Indien jy nie daardie dae beleef het nie, gaan ek jou nou so bietjie teister en laat verlang na die vleispotte van Egipte. Toe die nuwe reëls ingestel is en almal daaraan moes voldoen, was daar meer as een hengelaar wat nie gelukkig was nie en dit het ‘n hele “gemoan” aan die gang gesit. Die algemene gevoel was dat die manne so baie gekla het omdat hulle te gewoond was om met ‘n voertuig tot op die plek te ry en duidelik te lui was om die pad te loop. Dit vertel egter nie die hele storie nie. Ek verduidelik graag. Die dag voor die hengelekspedisie al is die hengelgerei gereed gemaak en die Landy gepak. Meeste van die manne het meer as een visstok ingepak en daar was genoeg kos, klere en kampgoed en ook ’n verskeidenheid ase is voor gesorg. Die krewels is die vorige dag al gepomp, en indien nie, is die pomp en net ook ingepak vir aksie êrens. Vroeg al word daar in die pad geval en almal wat moontlik kon saamgaan is óók geakkommodeer. Plekke soos (hier in ons omgewing) Die Plaat, Die Gruis, Pearly Beach, Die Damme, Rietfontein en sommer hiernatoe of
daarnatoe, wat maak dit saak, is in die vooruitsig gestel. Almal is opgewonde, ons gaan visvang! Wat het dan die destydse ontevredenheid veroorsaak? Eers die lekker van dit alles: Jy stel die Landy op 4-trek en ry die strand op. Dadelik is almal ene oë en elke hengelplek word bekyk en bespreek. By die eerste en beste plek word die Landy veilig staangemaak en dan sien jy net stokke waai en dis aasplankies en stokhouers en beentjies wat wikkel water toe. Dis steenbraswater en bloedwurm en krewels kry voorkeur. Omtrent almal maak gebruik van glysinkers. Die lyne is in die water en die wag begin. Ongelukkig byt die vis nie en die stokke met die ase nog aan, word êrens in ‘n gat gedruk en ons is weer vort! Hierdie keer is dit galjoenwêreld en die “tackle” word verander. Daar word sommer koffie gedrink -- met een oog op die ander manne wat nie kon wag om te gooi nie, net vir geval van aksie by hulle. Die groot genot was dus al hierdie aktiwiteite, die kom en gaan en vang soos jy wou en wanneer jy wou en die saamkuier. Daar was begrip waarom die regulasies nodig geword het, maar dit verhoed nie daardie verlies van vryheid nie. Indien jy nooit die geleentheid gehad het om jou voertuig so te gebruik nie, dink net hoe jý sou baljaar het. Lekker vang en geniet die see. Baie groete, Seemeeu
MAT SKOONMAKERS • Gou Droog • Spesialiste in stoom skoonmaak van: • matte • sitkamerstelle
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Sel: 082 412 8633 028 388 0886 Gansbaai - Hermanus
Verfwerk Bouwerk Loodgieterwerk Plaveisel Teëls Elektries ens.
White, Charcoal, Bronze
082 658 5577 Freddie Engelbrecht
Vervaardiging van Aluminium Vensters, Deure, Hekke, Ballustrade & Raamwerke Francois
079 273 6734 fskotze@gmail.com Eenheid 6, Industriesirkel
Ten volle toegeruste saal te huur vir troues, funksies, verjaardae, ens. Kroegfasiliteit beskikbaar Kontak M du Plessis 082 652 4459
Sel: 082 879 7841
Alle bouwerk NHBRC Reg
HS DECKINGS Casting of all concrete slabs and beams. Contact No: 0828797841
ONDER NUWE BESTUUR Cassie Carstens van Overstrand Medical Response
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Industrial Crescent Industrial Area, Gansbaai
Hoek van Fabriek– en Kerkstraat
073 064 9808
Tel: 028-384 0613 Faks: 0862969393 Heinrich : 082 879 7841 rraluminium@telkomsa.net
29 September 2017
Etienne en Heino is 4BBB Stableford wenners
J’hanco Botha (met die bal) neem in Desember deel aan die wêreld 7’s reeks in Dubai.
J'hanco blink uit J’hanco Botha, ‘n graad 11 leerling van Hoërskool Hermanus maak later vanjaar deel uit van ‘n gekombineerde 7’s rugbyspan wat in Dubai gaan speel. Die span met die naam, Peregrines 7’s Rugbyspan is saamgestel uit skole in die Boland-streek wat op meriete gekies is om aan die o/19 internasionale toernooi deel te neem tydens die wêreld 7’s reeks in Desember vanjaar. Hulle sal ook die geleentheid kry om die Springbok 7’s span te ontmoet. J’hanco was in 2013 Laerskool Gansbaai se onderhoofseun. In 2012 het hy agtsteman
gespeel in die o/12 Boland rugbyspan. Hy is 2 jaar agtereenvolgend (2012 en 2013)) as Laerskool Gansbaai se Sportman van die Jaar aangewys. Op die oomblik speel hy agtsteman vir Hermanus se eerstespan. J’hanco het in Julie vanjaar ook deelgeneem aan die Coca Cola Craven-week in Johannesburg waar hy vir die o/18 Akademiespan gespeel het. Sy ouers, Johan en Luzaan Botha is hard besig om geld bymekaar te maak vir die jong man se Dubai-toer. Indien u ‘n bydrae wil maak, skakel Luzaan by 073 237 1140.
Etienne en Heino Engelbrecht, wat die trotse wenners van Saterdag se 4BBB Stableford was. Die smaak van oorwinning in die 4BBB Stableford tydens Saterdag se gholfkompetisie behoort aan Etienne en Heino Engelbrecht. Woensdag se Sloegterskompetisie is gewen deur George Hunt met 40 punte, gevolg deur Solly Wessels 38, Bev Swart 35, Etienne Engelbrecht 35, Daan Victor 35, Leon Lombaard 33, Lieb Louw 31, Leon Hattingh 31, Andre Roos 29 en Mike Visser 29. Naaste aan die pen was Wally van Coller op no 2, George Hunt op no 17 en Leon Hattingh op no 15. Vrydag se 9-putjie OK Foods kompetisie is gewen
deur Leon Lombaard met 18 punte, gevolg deur George Hunt 18, Etienne Engelbrecht 16 en Frikkie van Eeden 15. Saterdag was die Electric City borgdag en die formaat was ‘n 4BBB Stableford. Die wenners was Etienne en Heino Engelbrecht met 46 punte, gevolg deur Pieter Loubser en Lambert Smith 45, Daniel van der Merwe en George Hunt 44, Jakkie Beukes en Francois van der Merwe 44, Hugo Groenewald en Sextus Neethling 43, Leon Lombaard en Frikkie van Eeden 42, Melvin Tobias en Wally van Coller 41, Chris Wium en Phillip Sanderson 41, Barry en Marie Fourie 40 en Cobus Dippenaar en Fanus Walters 39. Naaste aan die pen was Phillip Sanderson op no 11 en Francois van der Merwe op no 17. Phillip Sanderson teken ‘n Arend aan op putjie no 5. Volgende Saterdag is die Beeskraal Ope en die formaat is ‘n Enkel Stableford. Dit word geborg deur FCS Distributors (Pty) Ltd. Vrydag is die maandelikse Steak ‘n Chips aand. Johan Coetzee 082 878 0534 gbgholf@gmail.com
29 September 2017 This past weekend NABBA/WFF South Africa, hosted yet another successful show in Camps Bay, the WP Provincials. 3 Members of the local gym, Health and Active Gansbaai in conjunction with TEAMPaC participated at this event, with the athletes giving it their atmost best. It was a long and hard 16 weeks of show prepping as Jaco Louw, Joelene Badenhorst & Nicola Immelman decided to take on the stage. It was Jaco’s as well as Joelene’s first time to take part in a prestigious event of this calibre. Jaco took part in the Male Fitness Model category, with a tough line-up of 9 athletes competing in his division. It was really a hard decision for the judges to call out the top 6 in this category. Jaco took a spot under the top 6 for the first-round eliminations, thereafter he had to strut his stuff and give it his all. He finished off by taking 4th place in his lineup. Nicola Immelman who took part last year in this same event decided to take it to the next level and entered 2 divisions.
Body builders excel at provincials She entered both the over 30 Bikini Model as well as the Ladies over 1.62m tall division. She looked absolutely incredible and showed lots of confidence. The judges scores were in and she was placed 5th in both her divisions. Both her line ups had a minimum of 12 athletes per line up. Joelene Badenhorst did not want to do a normal bikini or fitness entry as she set her goals for the tougher competition. Her mind was set on something a bit bigger than what people expected. She chose to participate in the Ladies Figure division, which presents a bit more muscular definition than the other categories as well as distinctive style of posing routine, and a posing routine that she had to do with music. She made Gansbaai proud when she took first place in this division.
The management of Health and Active are proud to have people with this much passion for the sport at their gym and are extremely blessed to have trainers and coaches such as
27 Cobus Briedenhann and Pieta Botes from TEAMPaC as part of their staff. All 3 of the athletes were chosen to take part at this year’s National Championships in Pretoria, with only Joelene deciding to accept the invitation and take part at nationals next weekend. If our readers would like to follow the event during the weekend of the 7th October then "like" the TEAMPaC facebook page.
Is jy al deel van ons dorp se buurtwag toepgroepe Gansbaai: Hugh-Daniel Grobler – 072 352 7776 Perlemoenbaai: Johan Pieterse – 082 876 7700 Add. nommer: Lawrence Badenhorst – 083 691 6504 Franskraal Buurtwag: Willem vd Merwe – 083 791 8497 Kleinbaai: Janine Taylor – 082 499 0222 De Kelders: Mark Collings – 074 465 1058 Pearly Beach: Johan du Toit – 072 627 9535 Pearly Beach Oord: Theuns Scholtz 082 379 0462 Baardskeerdersbos Plaaswag: Japie Swart 082 325 8530
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Nicola Immelman showed lots of confidence in the over 30 Bikini Model category as well as the Ladies over 1.62m tall division.
Jaco Louw took part in the Male Fitness Model category.
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Joelene Badenhorst will take part in the National Championships in October. Read article on page 27
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