2017 junie 15 courant

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Maan - Do Vrydag Saterdag Sondag

08:00 - 19:00 08:00 - 20:00 08:00 - 19:00 08:00 - 15:00

Noodhelpers (foto regs bo) was vinnig op die toneel om die gebou te ontruim. Hendrik Groenewald (links bo) het ter nouer dood ontkom.

sessiewinkel in die sentrum geopen het, was oppad om uit die manskleedkamer te stap kort voordat ‘n gedeelte van die sentrum se dak ingestort het weens die erge wind wat met daardie dag se Kaapse storm gepaard ge-

gaan het. Die kleedkamer is op die linkerkant aan die einde van die wandelgang geleë en Rikkie was besig om die traliehek oop te maak om uit te stap toe ‘n ander persoon wou inkom. Vervolg bl 3

'Battle of the Titans' Bl 31

Eagle Security Gansbaai Industriële Gebied

Ons koop en verkoop 2de Handse goedere

‘n Beleefde gebaar van ‘n sakeman in die Great White Junction, het Woensdag, 7 Junie waarskynlik sy lewe gered. Hendrik Groenewald (Rikkie, soos almal hom ken) wie onlangs die Postnet kon-


Tel (028) 384 0001

WINKELURE Maan - Don 07:00 - 19:00 Vrydag: 07:00 - 20:00 Saterdag 07:00 - 19:00 Sondag 07:00 - 17:00

Baie Welkom ! You’re Welcome !

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028 384 0761 028 384 0704



15 Junie 2017

The Colour Box 58 Main Road, Gansbaai

028 384 3510 the-colour-box@hotmail.com

Die South West Condor van Bertie Ramsauer (Dyer Eiland Visserye) lê weer vasgemeer in die kalm waters van die nuwe hawe nadat dit so byna-byna seebodem toe gestuur is tydens Woensdag, 14 Junie 2017 se stormwinde.

South West Condor land byna-byna op seebodem

Wait… Wait… Just imagine… What if you can SCAN anything?!!…


The New SPECTROMETER OPENS UP a new world to DULUX colouring

Bring your favourite pants, hair, cushion, keyring, carpet, etc. and this machine will give you the nearest DULUX colour possible. Come and play with us. Hope to see you soon.

Die buitengewone sterk stormwinde van Woensdag, 14 Junie 2017, het skade in die omgewing aangerig. So ook is die vissersboot, die South West Condor van Bertie Ramsauer (Dyer Eiland Visserye), byna seebodem toe gestuur. Charl Tredoux was die eerste wat gesien het die boot is besig om los te ruk en dit aan Dyer Eiland Visserye gerapporteer. ‘n Groot span vrywilligers, wat spesiaal op bladsy 17 van hierdie uitgawe bedank word, het ingespring om te help. Die span het vanaf ongeveer 17:30 onverpoos deur die nag geveg vir die behoud van die boot. Eers teen ongeveer 07:30 die volgende oggend is dit veilig vasgemeer. Die South West Condor was, soos die gebruik is, stewig in die nuwe hawe aan twee vasmeerblokke (“mooring blocks), geketting. Hierdie blokke, wat sowat 10 ton elk weeg met ‘n mate van 2.4m x 1.4m, lê op die bodem van die hawe. Behalwe die dik kettings is daar nog drie toue so dik

soos ‘n koffiebeker se ronding wat ook met die vasmaakproses gebruik word. Die voorste vasmeerblok se ketting is met brute geweld afgebreek, asook die drie dik toue. Daarna is die boot deur die sterk stroom water na die nuwe hawe se ingang meegesleur - met ‘n slepende anker, asook die 10 tonner agterste vasmeerblok, wat saamgesleep is. Buite die hawe is die boot met toue en die hulp van vrywilligers “gevang” en aan die buitemuur van die kaai, waar die Pelagiese bote vasgemeer is, vasgemaak. Met die hulp van die span wat opgedaag het, kon die agterste vasmeerblok wat saamgesleep is losgemaak word. “Die uitgekalwerde onderkant van die nuwe hawemuur is gereeld gedurende stormtye ‘n groot probleem,” het Bertie gesê. “Dit veroorsaak ‘n geweldige sterk stroom in die rigting van die nuwe hawe se ingang wat ‘n boot soos hierdie met gemak kan meesleur.”

15 Junie 2017



Haarsalon in geheel verwoes Van bl 1 Hy het beleefd teruggetree om die persoon te laat binnekom en ‘n paar sekondes getalm voordat hy die hek weer toegemaak het. “Ek het skaars drie treë gestap toe ek die geweldige slag hoor en sien die dak stort ineen,” vertel Hendrik. “Ek het instinktief na die symuur gespring en sodoende die ergste deel van die massa bourommel en stene vrygespring.” Sou hy die hek dadelik toegemaak het, het hy homself direk onder die grootste gedeelte van die dak bevind wat ineen gestort het. “Ek glo daar was ‘n Hoër Hand betrokke wat my lewe vir my gespaar het,” het Rikkie gesê. Een van die balke het aan die kant van sy kop neer getuimel, wat ‘n paar snymerke veroorsaak het en die plafonborde het sy onderlyf teen die vloer vasgepen. “Ek het die plafongedeeltes probeer aftrek sodat ek kon opstaan, maar het vasgesit,” sê hy. Hy het pastoor Frikkie Zeelie gewaar en na hom geroep om te sê hy sit vas onder die bourommel. “Behalwe vir die snymerke aan die kant van my kop, is net my voet wat vasgesit het effens dood en ek kan voel

my skouer het ook in die proses seergekry.” Overstrand Medical Rescue en ander noodwerkers was vinnig op die toneel en het die gebied afgespan. Spar is veilig verklaar De Wet van Niekerk van Gansbaai Superspar het gesê die grootste verligting was dat daar geen ernstige ongevalle plaasgevind het nie en hy besef dat dit veel erger kon gewees het. Die winkel is dadelik ontruim en gesluit en kon eers Vrydag, 9 Junie 2017 omstreeks 15:00 weer oopgemaak word. “Ons het vir die ingenieursbrief gewag om te verseker dit is veilig om oop te maak,” het hy gesê. Die projekbestuurder, Deon Muller van Red Chair, sê die herstelwerk sal sowat 14-15 werksdae duur. Die ineengestorte gedeeltes is reeds verder afgebreek en die rommel is verwyder. Die bou- en herstelwerk is in volle swang. Haarsalon Snippets Hair van Chantelle Gericke, wat direk langs die ineengestorte gedeelte van die dak geleë is, het die ergste deurgeloop. Vervolg bl 4

Die een oomblik was die twee vaalkusbome (silver oak) nog fier en regop en die volgende oomblik – onderstebo. Die Foto’s is tydens verlede Woensdag se erge storm geneem. Die boonste foto is in die parkeerterrein van die White Shark Junction geneem en die onderste een by OK Foods Gansbaai se agterste parkeerterrein. Twee huise se dakke het onderskeidelik in De Kelders en Klipfonteyn gelig en dakplate het afgewaai. In Stanford het ‘n vallende boom ‘n woonhuis rakelings gemis. Net die geut is afgeslaan. Nog twee ander bome is ook daar ontwortel.

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15 Junie 2017

Verlies aan inkomste is groot Van bl 3 Die haarsalon was in chaos gedompel, maar was ten tyde van die voorval reeds toe vir die dag. Chantelle en haar personeellede het die oggend om 10:30 gesluit en was nie in die salon toe die dak ingestort het nie. “Met my aankoms by die chaos, het ek met groot hartseer in my staan en kyk na 10½ jaar van my harde werk,” het Chantelle gesê. Van die salon se toerusting is beskadig, asook ‘n bank. In haar geval is die verlies aan inkomste groot, aangesien ‘n nuwe salon langs Overcell Vodacom vir haar in gereedheid gebring word. “Dit sal nog sowat twee weke of langer duur voordat my nuwe haarsalon gereed is, maar intussen sit my vier personeellede tuis sonder ‘n

inkomste,” het sy gesê. Ander winkeleienaars Ander winkeleienaars in die wandelgang met wie Gansbaai Courant onderhoude gevoer het, was dit eens dat hulle baie groot geskrik het. Vir sommiges het dit na ‘n ontploffing geklink. Die grootste probleem waarmee almal eens is, nadat die skok bedaar het, is die verlies aan inkomste. Die winkeldeure was vir tot twee dae gesluit. In The Crazy Store se geval het die winkel se valsplafon gesak. Plafonne is volgens kontrak die huurders se eie verantwoordelikheid. Die besigheid se hoofkantoor het hul eie kundiges beskikbaar gestel om die herstelwerk te doen. Met die ter perse gaan van hierdie Franskraal

berig was die winkel steeds gesluit. Careen Fourie van Protea Flora het skade met haar voorraad opgedoen.

Snippets Hair van Chantelle Gericke het die meeste skade opgedoen. ‘n Nuwe salon is reeds in aanbou in ‘n ander gedeelte van die sentrum. De Kelders

3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 leefareas met binne- 4 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers en groot sit- en eetkamer, braai en buite onderdak braai, ruim dubbel motorhuis. binnebraai, dubbel motorhuis. Pragtige see uitsig. Kobus 083 493 4982 Sarel : 082 493 3520 De Kelders

De Kelders

3 slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers , 2 leefareas, enkel motorhuis. See uitsig vanaf die agterste leefarea. Sarel: 082 493 3520



“Lockup and go” 'n deeltiteleenheid in De Kelders. 3 ruim slaapkamers, 2½ badkamers. Oopplan kombuis Eenheid op tweede vloer met goeie uitsig. 2 slaap- met sitkamer. Ekstra woonstel met kombuis leefarea, kamers, ruim badkamer, groot kombuis en aparte slaapkamer en badkamer. braaifasiliteit. Enkel motorhuis. Ewald: 083 419 4143 Kobus : 083 493 4982

Perlemoenbaai Franskraal De Kelders Franskraal Groenberg Klipfonteyn Perlemoenbaai

“My lelies het almal oopgemaak en ek het sowat 20 bakkies met plantjies weggegee wat nie meer verkoop kon word nie,” het sy gesê.

R190,000 R330,000 R330,000 R220,000 R215,000 R215,000 R165,000

Sarel Kobus Sarel Kobus Ewald Ewald Sarel

Kothuis met 1 slaapkamer, meubels ingesluit. Sarel: 082 493 3520


028 384 0298

Christo Sentrum, Eenheid 3, Hoofweg, Gansbaai

15 Junie 2017



Honde getraumatiseer toe dakke afwaai Verlede week se stormwind het oral vernietigende spore agtergelaat, ook by BARC (Birkenhead Animal Rescue Center) se hondehokke. “Vyf hokke se dakke is afgewaai, maar ons is dankbaar dat geen van die diere seergekry het nie,” het ‘n geskokte Annalie Jonker van BARC gesê. “Ons kon daarin slaag om die honde vinnig in ander hokke te kry, of saam met ander honde te plaas.” Sy sê die hokke is in elk geval nou so vol dat daar in sommige hokke tot 3 honde bymekaar is. Van die groot dakplate wat hulle vir die nuwe aanbouings gekry het, het ook begin rondwaai. In ‘n stadium was hulle bevrees dat die kantoor, waarin onder andere baie medikasie gestoor word, ook sou om-

waai. “Die ervaring tussen die hokke, dakplate wat rondwaai en die honde wat paniekbevange geraak het, was absoluut vreesaanjaend” Vera Swart het hulp vir Nols Jonas, BARC se Veldwagter en Hannelie Jonas via Fac-ebook gevra. Binne ‘n uur was Samantha Thompson, Martin Butler en ‘n paar jongmanne by die hokke om te help. Samantha is ook deurgaans behulpsaam met die rehabilitering van die honde wat soms erg getraumatiseer is. “Sy tree soos ‘n ware ‘Dog Whisperer’ op soos wat sy met die diere kommunikeer,” vertel Annalie. Annalie sê die dag nà die storm het Johan Strydom en van sy werkers die dakplate wat afgewaai het, gratis kom vasslaan. ‘n Gebaar waarvoor sy opreg

Tel : 028 384 0269 Great White Junction, GANSBAAI

dankbaar was. Sy het haar opregte waardering teenoor al die vrywillige helpers uitgespreek

Martin Butler hou een van die groot dakplate vas wat by BARC se hokke afgewaai het, terwyl van die ander helpers aan die anderkant besig is om dit weer reg te buig.

en gesê sy, Nols en Hannelie sou magteloos gewees het sonder almal se hulp.

Edward Smit is hard besig om dakplate weer vas te kap nadat dit onder die stormwind deurgeloop het.

SPAR Sonneblom olie 750ml

SPAR Skottelgoed Wasmiddel 750ml

OMO Handwaspoeier 2kg

SPAR Wit /Bruin Suiker 2kg

KOO Perske skywe / halwes 410g

PROTEX Seep 175g/150g

SPAR Koekmeel 2.5kg

MILO 500g

SPAR Boontjies in tamatiesous 410g

SPAR Graanvlokkies 500g

Ouma Beskuit 450g/ 500g

Wellington Tamatiesous 700ml


Colgate Tandepasta 100ml

150g Sea Queen Gesnipperde Tuna



15 Junie 2017

Een van die geliefde inwoners van Herberg-Aan-See, mev Christine Jordaan, het Vrydag, 12 Mei die mylpaal van 90 jaar jonk gehaal. Sy is Sondag die 7de Mei deur die meeste van haar familie met liefde omring tydens ‘n gesellige ete by Pearly Beach Hengel Klub. Teenwoordig was 5 van haar 7 kinders, 6 skoonkinders, 15 van haar 21 kleinkinders en 10 van haar 18 agterkleinkinders.



OPERATING TIMES Mon/Maandag Tues/Dinsdag Wed/Woensdag Thurs/Donderdag

Fri/Vrydag Sat/Saterdag

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15 Junie 2017



Leerders reageer flink op noodkrete Daar word gesê: vra is vry en weier daarby. Dit was dus vir Madelein Fourie en Alanda Brown van Badisa ‘n uitdaging om Laerskool Gansbaai se hoof te nader om te help met die voedselnood wat dié organisasie gedurende wintermaande ondervind. Die skoolhoof, mnr Eben van der Merwe het hulle egter met ope arms ontvang en 2 weke lank is ‘n insamelingsprojek van stapel gestuur vir die insameling van nie-bederfbare kruideniersware. Die bydraes van ouers en hul kinders was geil en dit is duidelik dat hierdie gemeenskap vir sy medemense omgee. Kort voor lank was daar 7 groot kartondose vol nie-bederfbare produkte.

Madelein en Alanda was oorstelp met die ‘bakkie vrag’ voedsel vir hulle noodkamer – net betyds vir die koue winterseisoen. BADISA Badisa is ‘n Tswana woord wat "caregiver" beteken. Dit staan vir BA (barmhartigheid), DI (diens) en SA (saam). In kort is Badisa 'n kerk-gebaseerde maatskaplikediensorganisasie wat dienste in die Wes-, Noord- en Oos-Kaap lewer. Hulle fokus op die versorging, ontwikkeling en behandeling van mense in armoede en in nood, ongeag ras, geslag, kleur of geloof.

maar dit tref diep: "Christelike Barmhartigheid - ons is 'n naaste van elkeen in nood!". Die volgende waardes word deur Badisa gehandhaaf: "Diensbaarheid, Geregtigheid, Uitnemendheid en Rentmeesterskap!".

Ondersteuning Vir die ondersteuning van projekte of enige navrae kan Badisa Gansbaai by 028 384 0151 geskakel word, of stuur ‘n epos aan hulle by adming@badisahsg.org.za.


Visie en waardes Badisa se visie is eenvoudig,

028 – 384 0086 info@gamco-sa.co.za *

Hydraulic – pumps, hoses & Installations

Die “bakkie vol” nie-bederfbare kruideniersware is deur alle leerders van Laerskool Gansbaai en hul ouers geskenk. Dit het ten doel om Badisa se noodkamer aan te vul. Voor van links is Mia van Eeden (onderhoofdogter) en Christoff Dahl (onderhoofseun). Agter van links is Alanda Brown (Badisa administrasie), Monique Hugo (hoofdogter), Gavin Middleton (hoofseun) en Madelein Fourie (Badisa Maatskaplike Hulpwerker).


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Verhuring van: Soliede Scaffolding & hoëkwaliteit bouersmasjiene soos konkreetmengers, kompakteermasjiene, kragopwekkers, "grinders", "jackhammers", poker, ens.

Industriesingel, Industriële Gebied, Gansbaai Fanie Bothma Tel/Faks: (028) 384 0189 / Sel: 083 296 2676

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p eted i" "e day

084 558 1902 i"f @a"g wi"d ws-c -.a WI D WS • F







Deon Kloppers Hoek van Fabriek- en Barnardstraat, Gansbaai Corner of Fabriek and Barnard Street, Gansbaai

UITGEWER PUBLISHER MARINDA VAN DER WALT Sel: 082 561 8655 Kantoor: 028 384 3800 marinda.courant@itec.co.za

NUUS NEWS HARDUS BOTHA Sel: 082 786 0494 Kantoor: 028 384 1473 Epos: hardus@maxitec.co.za

ADMIN & DRUKWERK SAMANTHA OTTO 028 384 1473 028 384 3800 Epos: courant@itec.co.za

ADMIN & PRINTING ADVERTENSIES MONICA HAYES Kantoornommer: 028 384 3800 Epos: monica.courant@itec.co.za

DEADLINE: Dinsdag | Tuesday 12:00

ADVERTISEMENTS Die Gansbaai Courant aanvaar

geen verantwoordelikheid of aanspreeklikheid vir enige advertensies, promosies, dienste of produk wat gepubliseer word nie. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die adverteerders wat dit plaas.

DIGITAAL Lees vorige uitgawes ISSUU - www.issuu.com + search Gansbaai Courant Read previous issues


Die verterende krag van vuur Ek glo ons almal se harte gaan in deernis en empatie uit na die mense van die brandgeteisterde Knysna en omgewing. Die verwoestende krag van sulke brande sal ons nooit kan beskryf of begryp nie! Ons almal sal graag wil help en daar is geleentheid geskep waar ek en jy bydraes in enige vorm kan maak. Dit is baie belangrik om in hierdie tye ons hoop en vertroue op ons hemelse Vader te stel en in ons gebede te smeek dat Hy Sy hand oor mense se lewens sal hou. Weer eens kan ons nie verstaan hoekom Hy nie in alles ingryp nie en uitkoms bring nie – maar dat Hy daar is en weet wat is Sy groter doel, daarmee moet ons vrede maak en Hom as Skepper loof en prys. Dit bring ons by hierdie week se teksvers uit die Woord: “Laat ons wat 'n onwankelbare koninkryk ontvang het, dan nou dankbaar wees. Laat ons GOD dankbaar dien met eerbied en ontsag, soos Hy dit

Lag-'n-Slag Kinders sal alles eet – snot, rofies, grond, oorwas, toonnaels. Maar nie Brusselse spruitjies nie. Tony Burgess, Kanadese skrywer Mans wat in die grusaamste oorloë geveg het, sal waarlik omkap as hulle ‘n gruwelike babadoek oopmaak. Gary Christenson, Amerikaanse politikus

wil, want ons GOD is 'n verterende vuur.” (Heb 12:28,29) “For our GOD is a consuming fire.” (Heb 12:29) Wanneer ek die Bybel lees en alles wat gebeur met GOD se volk, die Israeliete, en met al die vervolging, swaar en lyding wat Christene deurgaan in die naam van Jesus Christus, dan besef ek hoe belangrik dit vir GOD is dat ons aan Hom moet gehoorsaam wees en ons lewens toewy aan die Koninkryk van Jesus op aarde. Ons, ja jy ook, het van GOD in Jesus Christus ‘n onwankelbare koninkryk ontvang. Ons het die beste deel van wat GOD wil gee gekry – naamlik die wete dat ons ewig saam met Jesus in die hemelse Vaderhuis sal leef. Omdat ons dit weet, sê Hebreërs 12:28, moet ons ‘n lewe van dankbaarheid hê. Ons moet GOD loof en dankie sê vir elke klein genadegawe en geskenke wat ons uit Sy hand ontvang. Ons raak so maklik ontevrede as ons nie het wat Dit maak meer sin om vir mans ‘n voorbehoedpil voor te skryf. Dit is mos beter om die koeëls uit die pistool te haal, eerder as om ‘n koeëlvaste baadjie aan te trek. Greg Travis, Amerikaanse komediant en akteur My ouers het met my geraas oor ek so jok. Ek het my skouers opgehaal en toe gesê: “Kersvader, die Tandemuis, die Paashaas.” I rest my case… Johan (9)

15 Junie 2017 ander het, of ons gebede nie verhoor word as ons iets van GOD vra nie. “Wees in alles dankbaar, want dit is die wil van GOD in Christus Jesus oor julle.” (1Tess. 5:18) Luister mooi: Dankbaarheid is wat GOD van Sy kinders verwag! Daarom moet ons Hom met eerbied en ontsag dien, nie soos ons dit goeddink nie, maar soos Hy dit wil. (Heb. 12:28) Eerbied en ontsag vir GOD omvat jou hele lewe en alles wat jy dink en doen moet tot Sy eer wees. Dit vra baie van ons, maar die beloning is só groot – die ewige, onwankelbare koninkryk! En dan kom hierdie verskriklike teksvers: “want ons GOD is 'n verterende vuur.” (Heb 12:29) Geen brand, geen vuur, selfs nie dié wat rondom Kaapstad gebrand het, of dié wat hulle self nou uitwoed in Knysna kom naby die krag van GOD se vuur wat Hy gaan stuur wanneer Hy dié mense wat nie in Jesus Christus wou glo nie, gaan verteer. (Open 20:9) Hebreërs 10:31 stel dit duidelik: “Vreeslik is dit om te val in die hande van die lewende GOD.” GOD laat toe dat brande die aarde verwoes – en maak ons oë oop om raak te sien hoe vreeslik dit eendag gaan wees as Hy die finale oordeel oor die mense van die aarde bring. Dit laat jou dink, nê! Ek dink nie egskeiding is so ‘n ongelukkige, aaklige ding nie. Dis immers die einde van ‘n ongelukkige huwelik. As gelukkige mense sou skei, nou dit sou tragies gewees het. Louis CK, Amerikaanse akteur en komediant ‘n Pa was so bly oor sy tweelingseuns se geboorte, dat hy sommer die hele personeel vir ‘n braai by hulle huis genooi het, Nodeloos om te sê, daardie braaivleisvuur is nou nog nie aangesteek nie. Uittreksels uit LAPA Uitgewers se boek Superma (en ander mites) deur Chantelle de Wet

15 Junie 2017



The Great Knysna Fire I happened to be in Knysna on family business when the fire first broke out last week. The first warnings were already there: a fitful bergwind had been blowing from the west all that Wednesday morning and the bone-dry fynbos was just waiting for a spark. Later that morning it suddenly happened: smoke started billowing up from the dense shrubbery above Brenton-on-Lake and soon there was a huge flame front advancing on The Heads with a dense pall of smoke in its trail. As the word spread, people in town came out of their houses to watch this awesome scene. Sirens started sounding, bringing an initial sense of relief. This feeling did not last long, as the wildfire just marched on westwards, unchecked.

Those who could got into their cars, left Brenton and Belvidere but soon the narrow road became too dangerous and many were trapped. An NSRI launch then went across and started ferrying people from around Belvidere into town. In town we felt safe, but not for long. By the next day the fire had crossed the lagoon at the bridge and was marching across Welbedacht towards the high ground at Simola above Knysna. The village was soon covered by a pall of smoke that drove the population indoors wheezing and sneezing while sirens howled all round. Shortly after dark, with fires lighting up the evening sky all around us, phones started ringing and police vans drove around town sounding

Gansbaai reik uit na rampgebied Ongeveer 400 huise in Knysna en 100 huise in Plettenbergbaai was teen druktyd vernietig deur brande wat reeds oor dae woed in hierdie pragtige deel van ons land. Duisende mense is dakloos en werkloos gelaat. Suid-Afrika staan saam in die grootste ramp wat die meeste mense in hul lewens beleef het. ‘n Beroep word op donateurs gedoen om veral toiletbenodigdhede, huishoudelike items, en meubels te skenk. Wanneer jy ‘n skenking wil maak, dink aan vogroom, grimering, onderarmaanrol, parfuum, handdoeke, naelstelletjies, naaldwerkstelletjies, toiletpapier, vadoeke, besems, waterbekers, koppies, glase en borde, vullismandjies, ketels, broodroosters, ens. In ‘n gesprek met Elmarie van Dalen van die Overstrand Afri-forum tak in Hermanus het sy gesê dit is ‘n tyd om hande te vat en saam te staan. Enige iemand wat skenkings wil maak of hulle hulp wil aanbied met voertuie en hande om dit te vervoer en te verpak, kan aan Elmarie ‘n epos stuur by elmarievandalen2014@gmail.com Share, Pieter Deon Interiors en PostNet is die afsetpunte wat in Gansbaai gebruik kan word.

Knysna staan op uit die as - die Oesterfees gaan voort!

a dire warning: all town people had to evacuate their homes. Fortunately we had friends with a biggish holiday home on Leisure Isle and they invited us across to safety. The whole tribe – grandparents, parents, grandchildren and sundry in-laws – were carted across the Causeway to safety along with the three family dogs. But first some quick and rather disturbing decisions had to be made: what to grab in an emergency like this. Cell phones of course, and laptops, the dogs and children, some emergency rations, tinned food, a brown bottle or two, a book, some sheets, the most valuable jewellery, a small treasured trinket or painting, a suitcase. And if the house was really burnt down, were the policies paid up? Was there time for an emergency phone call to the broker? No, too late for that and the convoy sets off for safety. As time went by it became apparent that the houses on the lower slopes above town were going to be spared and soon after midnight the call came that it was safe to return home. It had started raining gently just before dawn and it seemed as if the threat was over. The next morning we looked in awe at all the burnt-out houses just one street above us. The following day of course the fires flared up again and

9 moved on, bridging The Heads to march across Pezula towards Plett, also doubling back towards Sedgefield and Karatara. By now all local resources had been exhausted and the Defence Force turned up to render aid, with heavy military helicopters passing overhead to dowse fires all over town with great bags of sea water. By Friday there were calls for aid to the indigent in the hard-hit informal settlements and the family pitched in, boiling up huge pots of mealie meal, filling containers with drinking water and ferrying it up to the people in those places we rarely, if ever, went to. When the time came to return home last Sunday, the fires were officially under control and the road to Sedgefield and beyond declared safe, despite the plumes of smoke lingering between the trees in the plantations. The official death toll by then was seven and the most notable effect strict water rationing to preserve what had remained after the fire-fighting operations. Some salutary lessons were learnt: Never say “Never”; our country is still populated by groups of people living in greatly diverging circumstances; this disaster brought people together who would otherwise never have met and in the process some of us have rediscovered some of our common humanity.


E 2a"

RIA tteri"g

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SERVICE 10:30 - St Marks Church, Blompark In loving memory of Jan, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, uncle and friend. You will be missed. From all your loved ones



15 Junie 2017

White Shark Projects wins recycling award The White Shark Projects’ Recycle Swop Shop in Masakhane has been honoured by PETCO ((PET Plastic Recycling South Africa) with the award in the category “Best Recycling Public Education Programme”.


The award was received at the PETCO AGM Awards Ceremony on the 7th of June 2017. There to receive the award was Charmaine Beukes, Owner Manager of White Shark Projects, and Nellie

083 677 4261



Moolman, Manager of The White Shark Projects Recycle Swop Shop in Masakhane, Gansbaai. “Two months ago we were informed by PETCO that we were nominated for a PETCO Award,” Charmaine said. “PETCO, with a professional film crew in tow, visited the White Shark Projects’ Recycle Swop Shop in Masakhane to witness and document this well-oiled recycling collection machine based in the community of Masakhane.” She said PETCO was impressed with the fact that the children of Masakhane managed to collect an average of 15 tonnes of recyclable materials per year. Add that to the environmental education the children receive and it equates to an evergreen solution to waste responsibility. The Swop Shop

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The White Shark Projects’ Recycle Swop Shop has been operating since 2007 and is an empowerment initiative for children in Gansbaai, with a three-fold aim: Educating children about recycling and the benefits of keeping their community clean; Teaching them trading

skills and establishing a culture of working for a benefit - nothing in life is free, if you want something, there is always a way to work for it; Providing children with basic school supplies, no child has a reason to go to school without a pen or a book. Operating procedures The Swop Shop operates on Tuesday afternoons. The children bring bags of tins, bottles, plastics and other recyclable rubbish from the streets to the Swop Shop in Masakhane. The Swop Shop opens at 14:00 but long before that time the children are already gathering in lines with their recyclables in bags and even in wheelbarrows! In return for these recyclables, the children receive points relating to the quantity of recyclables brought to the Swop Shop. These points are then swopped for goods in the ‘shop’. The Swop Shop is stocked with school supplies, toiletries, second hand clothing and some toys. PETCO and PET In 2016, it was estimated that 56 million tons of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) are produced each year. Continue p 11

15 Junie 2017 That is an unimaginable amount of plastic, most of which is only used once and then discarded, sometimes, not very responsibly. This is where PETCO comes in to help rescue the day. PETCO takes responsibility, on behalf of the PET industry, to find environmental solutions for post-consumer PET plastic and to educate everyone (from schools to municipalities) on the value of recycling PET bottles. Basically, they want to inform people that PET bottles are just too valuable to simply throw them away! PET bottle recycling is more practical than many other plastic applications because of the high value of the resin. White Shark Projects was congratulated for keeping their Recycle Swop Shop running and growing since

GANSBAAI COURANT its inception 9 years ago. PETCO also congratulated the children of Masakhane for their dedication and hard work. “Once more the children of Masakhane teach all of us that OUR waste is OUR responsibility, regardless of our age or our socio-economic status,” Cheri Scholtz, CEO PETCO said. On winning the award Charmaine Beukes said: “We could not do this without the hard work and dedication of Nellie Moolman that runs the project; our White Shark Projects team and all the volunteers who are always willing to help; friends, family and industry colleagues who help by donating stock. And the real stars of course, the children from Masakhane who are so diligent in recycling and bringing their recyclables to us.”


Charmaine Beukes, Managing Director of White Shark Projects (middle) and Nellie Moolman, Manager: Recycle Swop Shop (right) received the winning award for the Recycle Swop Shop in Masakhane, managed by White Shark Projects from Cheri Scholtz (left), CEO PETCO.

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The full Council of Overstrand Municipality has unanimously approved its Integrated Development Plan and a R1.135 billion budget for the 2017/18 financial year on Wednesday, 31 May. The total 2017/18 budget is comprised of a capital budget of R97.6 million and an operational budget of R1.038 billion. With the exception of property rates, which will increase by 7.4%, other service tariffs, will, on average, increase by 6%. Electricity consumption increases by a maximum of 1.88%. The charge for the first 6kl of water increases by 11.5% or 46 cents per 1 000 litres. Indigent households, will continue to receive 6kl of water free per month. Operating Revenue Budget The total operational revenue amounts to R993.2 million, with a budget deficit of R44.6 million. The deficit is mainly due to noncash items such as depreciation,

15 Junie 2017

R1.135 billion budget approved provision for post-retirement benefits and debt impairment for traffic fines amounting to R160 802 798, of which a major portion of depreciation relates to unbundled assets with the implementation of GRAP. “This means that, despite the deficit, our budget is fully cashbacked, as confirmed by Provincial Treasury in their assessment of the new budget”, Executive Mayor Smith said. Funding for the 2017/18 operating budget will be obtained from various sources. These include service charges such as electricity, water, sanitation and refuse collection. Other major funding sources include property rates as well as grants and subsidies received from national and provincial government.

13 on Main Gansbaai

VEGGIE SOUP SUNDAY ROAST...or AFVAL...or VEGETARIAN LASAGNA...or PORK BELLY RIBS SAGO or MALVA PUDDING *Reservations* Tel : 02838 42076 We are not small child friendly. Children over the age of 6 and can remain seated are most welcome.

Tariffs The impact on the average household in terms of municipal accounts will be as follows: Property rates: Residential 7,40%; Electricity 1,86%; Water 6,37%; Sewerage tariffs 6%; Refuse tariffs 6%. Capital Budget The Capital budget for 2017/18 totals R97.6 million, which is 13% more than the 2016/17 adjustments budget. This now includes an amount of R1 632 000, which was identified as roll over projects from 2016/17, as well as a reduction in the Housing allocation that was brought forward to the 2016/17 financial year and reprioritisation of the 2017/18

allocation. A total of R7.8 million of the capital budget will be used to purchase new vehicles from own funds. Other highlights on the capital budget include: R9.4m for Hawston housing project: Integrated Residential Development Plan - IRDP (Ward 08); R8.2 for WWTW upgrade in Stanford - (Ward 11); R5m towards upgrading of pump stations – Overstrand; R4.65m to Hermanus: Medium Voltage (MV) & Low Voltage (LV) Electricity upgrade/replacement (Ward 03); R4.5m to Hawston: bulk water upgrade for housing project (Ward 08); R4.1 towards installation of civil services for Beverly Hills housing project (Ward 02); R4m to Hawston housing project – Access and Main Collector Roads (Ward 08); R4m towards electrification of low cost housing areas (Wards 04,05,06); R3.9m to Hawston housing project bulk storm water (Ward 08); R3.8m towards new reservoir for Pringle Bay (Ward 10).

15 Junie 2017



Restaurant - Gansbaai Hawe - Tel: 071 657 5421 Bring vriende en familie - Kom kuier onder in die hawe - 10:00 tot laat


Early Bird Breakfast Special R30 (served from 10:00 - 12:00)

2 eggs, 2 bacon, 1 vienna, chips + 1 slice of toast/butter/jam. Served with coffee, tea or orange juice

to with

Combo Special

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Served with Chips


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Served with Rice


Served with Salad


Served with Salad


Served with Veggies


Served with Veggies


While stock lasts !!!


Served with Chips

While stock lasts !!!



15 Junie 2017

Dankfees vir seën oor die oes - Ds Dirk vra Pinksterdienste word jaarliks deur Gansbaai NG-gemeente met ‘n spesifieke tema vir die week se dienste aangebied. Vanjaar se tema, “Waarom gaan ons kerk toe?”, is vanjaar vanaf Sondag, 28 Mei tot Vrydag, 2 Junie 2017 onder die soeklig geplaas.

Maar waaroor gaan pinkster en wat is pinkster? Ds Dirk van Dyk het Sondag, 28 Mei 2017 lig op hierdie vraag gewerp en het Handelinge 2:1-4 en 1:8 as basis gebruik. “Kom ons begin by die woord pinkster en die oorsprong daarvan soos ons in vers 1 gelees

het, “toe die dag van die Pinksterfees aangebreek het..,” het hy gesê. “Die woord pinkster hou dus verband met die pinksterfees…..wat was dit?” Die Jode het verskillende feeste gehad waartydens hulle belangrike gebeurtenisse her-

denk het. So was daar paasfees, waar hulle die uittog uit Egipte herdenk het en die loofhuttefees waar hulle hul oorlewing in die woestyn herdenk het. Vervolg bl 15

Die knap grondslagfase koor, graad 1 tot 3, van Laerskool Gansbaai het ‘n verskeidenheid van kinderliedere onder groot toejuiging gesing. Marlette Longland (voor) het as dirigent opgetree.

Winkel 2, Protea Sentrum, Hoofweg, Gansbaai


Tel/ Faks:



028 384 3898 / Sel: 082 417 5590 Epos: blindsflooring@gmail.com

Prokureurs / Attorneys Tel: 028-384 0100 Faks: 028-384 0509 Hoofstraat 25, Posbus 35 GANSBAAI 7220 gansbaai@gtlaw.co.za

15 Junie 2017


waarom gaan ons kerk toe? Nog ‘n fees was pinksterfees waar hulle die Here gedank het as die gewer van reën, graan op vrugbare lande en brood om te kan eet. Op hierdie dag het hulle twee brode na die tempel gebring om die Here te dank dat Hy dit alles moontlik gemaak het. Hierdie dag is soos volg uitgewerk: “Dit was die dag nà die 7de sabbat, of dan die 7de Saterdag, dit wil sê 49 dae plus 1 dag, wat die 50ste dag nà paasfees was.” Die Griekse naam vir die fees is “pentekoste” wat die 50ste dag beteken, waarvandaan die woord pinkster kom. Die woord pinkster hou dus verband met pinksterfees wat op die 50ste dag nà paasfees plaasgevind het. In die Nuwe Testament het daar op hierdie 50ste dag iets baie

buitengewoon gebeur: daar was skielik uit die hemel ‘n geluid soos diè van ‘n geweldige stormwind en daar was ook iets soos vuur wat soos tonge verdeel het en op elkeen teenwoordig gekom het. Wind en vuur in die Bybel hou verband met die teenwoordigheid van God - die Here was hier besig - en almal is met die Heilige Gees vervul en het in ander tale gepraat. In sy boodskap daarna het die apostel Petrus verduidelik dat hulle nie dronk was nie. Die mense het net met die Here se hulp begin getuig van die groot dinge wat God deur Jesus gedoen het - die belofte van Jesus voor sy hemelvaart het dus nou waar geword, naamlik dat Hy weggaan, maar sy volgelinge nie alleen sou agterlaat nie.

“Met pinksterfeeste dank ons dus eintlik die Here ook vir die ontstaan van die kerk - waarvan ons deel is - die dag wanneer ons die Here dank vir Sy Gees wat ook vir ons help om Hom te dien en van Jesus te getuig,” het ds van Dyk gesê. “Sonder die Heilige Gees kan geen gelowige en geen kerk bestaan nie.” Wanneer ons dus aan pinkster dink, hou dit verband met die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees op die Pinksterdag wat ‘n fees van die Jode was waarop hulle die Here gedank het vir die seën van die graanoes. “Vandag dank ons die Here ook vir elke dag se seëninge, maar veral vir die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees op daardie dag.”

15 Na afloop van die laaste diens (Vrydagaand), het die NGKerkkoor onder leiding van Aletta Löchner en met begeleiding deur Annelene Reinke, die week met die sing van “Hoe lieflik is U woninge” in die kerkgebou afgesluit. In die saal het Laerskool Gansbaai se grondslagfase koor, graad 1 tot 3, onder leiding van Alana Louw verskeie kinderliedere onder groot toejuiging gesing. Marlete Longland het as dirigent opgetree, met Susan Cilliers agter die klavier vir begeleiding. Daarna kon gelowiges ontspan en saam die gebruiklike Pinkstermaal geniet, met ‘n verskeidenheid van soppe en tuisgebakte brode wat deur die vroue voorberei en voorgesit is om die koue 'n bietjie te verdryf.

Something Asian Curried Tripe, Rice and Pumpkin OR Roasted Saucy Pork Belly with Apple Sauce, Potato Wedges, Pumpkin, Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cheese Sauce, Rice & Gravy Cold with Ice Cream OR Hot with Custard Bookings Open Today - Limited Portions - Karin 076 372 8426

Lekka Take away Die NG-gemeente se koor, onder leiding van Aletta Löchner en begeleiding deur Annelene Reinke, het die pinksterweek met die sing van “Hoe lieflik is U woning” afgesluit.

21 Hoop Street, Gansbaai


Specials 19 - 23 Junie Sel: 073 049 2871 menu 19 Monday Koolbredie, Rys, Groenslaai Special : Chicken Mayo Toasted

R35 R17

20 Tuesday Pasta Alfredo, Wortelslaai Special : Chip Roll

R35 R9 R50

21 Wednesday Roast Beef, Roast Baby Potatoes, Sweet Pumpkin, Rice with Gravy & Something Sweet Special : GIANT VETKOEK, CURRY MINCE R25 R35 22 Thursday Chicken Pie, Mixed Veg Special : Vienna Roll R10 ¼ Chicken Leg with 3 Salads R35 23 Friday Special : Toasted Cheese R8 !! ELKE VRYDAG - BURGER SPECIAL !! BUY 1 Burger + Chips - GET 1 Burger FREE @ R36. Bestelling moet voor 10:00 die vorige dag deurgeskakel word



15 Junie 2017

Researchers collaborate on an exciting Over the last two weeks a team of nine researchers from Sea Search Research and Conservation, the Dyer Island Conservation Trust, the Mammal Research Institute’s Whale Unit (University of Pretoria) and Center for Statistics in Ecology,

Environment and Conservation (University of Cape Town) collaborated on an exciting project to collect acoustic and behavioural data, photo ID’s and biopsy samples from dolphins and whales in the Overstrand area.

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The main focus of the study was the endangered Indian Ocean humpback dolphin, Sousa plumbea. This is a very shy species and can be particularly elusive, so time was also spent sampling bottlenose and common dolphins, as well as Brydes’, humpback and southern right whales. This work forms part of a larger project which is investigating the environmental factors limiting the range ends of small cetaceans around the Western Cape, with the long-term goal of predicting the impacts of climate change on these animals. Data collected from humpback dolphins will also contribute to the broader Sousa Project, which is an intergroup collaboration on the scientific research on Indian Ocean humpback dolphins in South Africa. Through data collection and sharing, the project aims to assess in detail the conservation status of humpback dolphins along our coastlines. Humpback dolphins utilise exactly the same areas of the coast that man does, so besides for shark predation, threats are usually as a result of human activities. Power boats and jetskis disturb their behaviour, shark nets put up to protect bathers indiscriminately catch dolphins too

and, because they favour estuarine areas, they are especially vulnerable to exposure to pesticides and other pollutants that make their way from agricultural areas down the river system and into the sea – often being accumulated in the prey that humpback (and other dolphin species) consume. Two rigid inflatable boats were used for the work, covering different areas simultaneously, so that there was maximum coverage of the study area. Dependent on the swell forecast for the day, one boat usually launched from Kleinbaai Harbour, surveying the waters from Danger Point towards Pearly Beach, while the second boat launched from Gansbaai Harbour, focusing on Walker Bay. One vessel was set up primarily for acoustic work and the other for biopsying, while both vessels collected behavioural and photo ID data. Acoustic monitoring is used in conjunction with the behavioural sampling and allows scientists to describe the dolphins’ vocalisations, measure the frequency thereof and to infer what sounds are made during certain behaviours or as a result of natural or man-induced stressors. Continue p 17

DE KELDERS R742 000 HOUTHUIS MET SEESIG Oopplan leefarea, 2 slks, 1 bdk. Houtvloerbedekkings. Motorafdak. Seesig oor groengebied. MARIA 083 982 0023

15 Junie 2017


marine project Biopsy samples are used for genetic and isotope work, answering questions about how populations may be different from other populations within one species, and how these things can change over time, while isotope analysis provides informa-

tion about what the dolphins have been feeding on. Photo ID determines who’s who in the population and provides answers on population size, calving intervals and success. Previous data collected by the Dyer Island Conservation Trust and Dyer

Island Cruises has already allowed for identification of about 30 different humpback dolphins from the Greater Dyer Island area! When high swells reduced the work efficiency locally, one of the vessels was towed to Struisbaai to work in the lee of Cape Agulhas in an area previously identified as a humpback dolphin hotspot. The team had 8 encounters of humpback dolphins, 16 of bottlenose dolphin and over 20 whale encounters of three species (Bryde’s, southern right and humpback). They managed to get 6 recordings from humpback dolphins, and identify individuals which were previously seen off Strandfontein in False Bay. They also obtained biopsy samples from bottlenose, common and humpback dolphins. One individual dolphin was photographically identified in Walker Bay, Kleinbaai and Struisbaai during the trip

17 covering a distance of at least 120 km in just a few days. Future plans are to continue with these fieldtrips every couple of months as they provide valuable information that can aid conservationists and environmental managers in decision making on marine spatial planning in order to help to protect whales and dolphins and preserve important habitats for them in the long term. The research team members were: Dr Simon Elwen, Dr Tess Gridley, Bridget James, Monique Laubscher, Barry McGovern, Meredith Thornton, Sandra Hoerbst, Dr Els Vermeulen and Chris Wilkinson. All work was conducted under permit from CapeNature and the Department of Environment Affairs in terms of Section 83 of the Marine Living Resources Act. Meredith Thornton: Dyer Island Conservation Trust

Data recording by Sandra Hoerbst (left) and photo ID’s by Meredith Thornton (middle), with Dr Simon Elwen on one of the two research boats. (Picture: Monique Laubscher.)

GANSBAAI Ons wil almal graag bedank wat met die storm gehelp het om die South West Condor te red. Die volgende persone word uitgesonder. * Nico Kotze met sy boot * Pieter Mannie & Wafra se bemanning * JP en Rietgans se bemanning * Calvin Combrink * Alfred Raisi * Barend van Vuuren * Chris Ferreira * Anton Ferreira * Billy Williams op "I DO" * Wilhelm Buhr * Elliot Raisi * Mvelilli Siyila * Amos Xaki


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15 Junie 2017

Gansbaai Courant wens elke Bejaarde ‘n Gelukkige en Geseënde JUNIE VERJAARSDAG toe. Mag die Jaar wat voorlê Geluk, Goeie Gesondheid, Vreugde en baie Liefde bring. Spreuke 16:31 “Grysheid is ‘n sierlike kroon; dit word gevind op die weg van geregtigheid.”

1 Junie Er-Marie Aylward Seniorklub

5 Junie Mona Julies Silwerjare

9 Junie Emily Macauly Herberg-aan-See

9 Junie 14 Junie Sibiena van Dyck Bets van der Merwe Silwerjare Seniorklub

15 Junie Elsie Arries Oak Grove

17 Junie Dries Vermeulen Herberg-aan-See

20 Junie Hedwig Cronje Herberg-aan-See




AA STANFORD Elke Vrydagaand 19:30 Laerskool Okkie Smutssaal. Navrae: 082 575 1819. BIETOUBOSKLUB Oop vir De Kelders, Stanfordsbaai, Perlemoenbaai, Gansbaai. 028-384 1963. CAD: Elke tweede Maandag 19:00, Bergstraat 38, De Kelders. Mike Kemp 072 070 3055 of 082 425 8901. FRANSKRAAL DAMESKLUB Eerste Woensdag (nie vakansies) in Franskraal Rolbalklub se saal. Yvonne Smith 028 388 0605 of 073 143 0556. GANSBAAI ARCHERY CLUB Every Saturday 09:30 at the Pistol Club, next to Lions building. 082 957 9698, own chairs, soft drinks. GANSBAAI FOTOGRAFIEKLUB Eerste en derde Maandag 18:30 Groeneweide Kwekery (ou Joli Fleur). Riaan Jacobs 082 373 8270 of Veronica du Plessis 084 826 8781. GANSBAAI LEESKRING Derde Dinsdag 10:00 Gansbaai Biblioteek. Annemarie du Plessis 082-486-0135. GANSBAAI SHOOTING CLUB Regular shooting practices are held every Saturday morning 08:30 - 10:00. 0833792275 | 082 979 7698 | 084 510 4873. GANSBAAI TENNISKLUB Sosiale tennis: Woensdae 14:30 en Saterdae 14:00 Laerskool GB. Alle tennisspelers welkom. Daniël 072 117 3473. Tweede laaste Vrydagaand 19:00 by GANSBAAI WYNPROEGILDE verskillende restaurante. Verskeidenheid van wynkelders en aanbieders. Amanda de Vries 028-388-0708 of 082-832-1614. LIONSKLUB GANSBAAI Eerste Dinsdagaand 19:00 Lionsklub, oorkant Polisie -stasie in Rietstraat. Boats van Staden 072 789 3627. KLEINBAAI SEE– EN TEEKRING Eerste Woensdag 10:00 Overberg Bootklubsaal. Maryna Rossouw 028-384-1358. OVERBERG HOUTWERKKLUB Eerste Donderdagaand Progress Design (Hennie se plek) 18:00 (regdeur die jaar). Navrae: Hennie 083 414 7962 of Ben de Lange 028-384 1963 of 084 581 2801. OVERSTRAND DRAAI GILDE Elke tweede Donderdag 16:00 Halfkoordstraat 3, Kleinbaai. Hannes Lüdick 028 384 1170 of 081 271 2312. PEARLY BEACH JUKSKEI Elke Maandag 16:00 somerkwartale en 15:00 winterkwartale. Nie skoolvakansies. Navrae: 084 209 4295. SHARK COAST RADIO FLYERS Radiobeheer vliegtuig byeenkomste oor naweke by Groeneweide. André Barkhuizen 081 580 5371. STRANDVELD VOETSLAANKLUB Elke tweede Saterdag van elke maand 07:00 (somer) en 08:00 (winter). Vertrek vanaf Gansbaai Toerisme. Otto Booysen 028-384-1309 of 083-654-7540. VLV BYEENKOMSTE eerste Dinsdag 15:00 Pretoriussaal, Gansbaai. Rienie Lüdick 028 384 1170.

24 uur Mediese Bystand Noodnommer: 078 699 6995 Alle mediese fondse welkom vir ambulans vervoer Vir volle gemoedsrus Teken in op ons maandelikse lidmaatskap vir besighede (kontak ons vir besigheidsfooie), huishoudings teen slegs R100 per maand Let wel: Ons doen ook die volgende ⋅ Mediese bystand vir byeenkomste ⋅ Noodhulp kursusse vanaf vlak 1 tot vlak 3 ⋅ Vervoer van pasiënte met ons privaat ambulansdiens Vir verdere inligting kontak Tel: 083 881 3631 E-mail: overstrandmedics@gmail.com

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Email: kleinmondskrynwerke@live.co.za

15 Junie 2017 What I'm writing to you today may seem a little off topic, but honestly it couldn't be any more "on topic". Life is happening all around us, and as passionate as I am about health and fitness, sometimes there are more important things to talk about than the latest and greatest 5 foods for a flat stomach. "I love you." I can't think of any number of words in the entire English language more powerful than these 3 simple words when set one after the other. They're calming, they're refreshing, they're restorative. They speak healing, they're heartwarming, and encouraging. They make all the difference. At the same time, when is the last time you've said them to or heard them from the people who mean the most to you? For most, it's been too long. In life, you can't go back. When it's too late, it's too late. We never know what tomorrow will bring, or even today. I've lost loved ones and I've seen others lose some of the closest people to them, unexpectedly, without warning. Did they have regrets about not telling them they cared enough? Failing to say those 3 simple words as often as they should? I don't ever, ever want to find myself in that position. And really, how often is often enough? Once or twice a year in a greeting card? The reality is this -- you, your family, your closest friends...nothing is guaranteed.


An 'on' topic The closest person to you could be gone tomorrow. Did you tell them you loved them today? Did you express to them how much they mean to you? I tell my wife and kids that I love them all throughout the day, every day. My closest friends and my family know they are loved. Not because they are left to assume it, but because I tell them. I made a decision a long time ago that I would make sure the people around me know how important they are to me. Life is too short for the things that matter most to go unsaid. For the people who are close to me, I don't want them to ever have to wonder if I love them. I never want someone to have to assume that I care about them. If I'd do anything for someone, they will 100% know it. How? I'll say it. I'll show it. I'll do it. In the big things, in the little things, in the deep conversations, and in the little "reminder" phrases. "You know I love you, right?" Try asking that question without making someone's day. Without filling them with warmth. Without evoking a huge smile. Do they know you love them? Of course they do. But it's little reminders like that that make all the difference. It lets the person know "You're important to me. Right now, in this moment." It's current.

It's edifying. It's encouraging. It's what people need. Cherish the people around you today. Let them know they're important to you. Let them know you love them. Say it today. Say it like you mean it. Say it often.

19 No one gets tired of being reminded that you love them, or hearing that you care. Yes, show it, but also say it. You never know when someone needs to hear those 3 simple words most. With love and gratitude Joel Marion Co-Founder BioTrust Nutrition

May all you wonderful

enjoy a

Tel : 087 943 6671 Industrial Circle, Shop 2, behind Supa Quick, across Build It.

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15 Junie 2017


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GESOEK TE HUUR TE KOOP WANTED TO LET FOR SALE Gesoek: Erf in Perlemoenbaai/ vir Franskraal/ Kleinbaai R100 000 kontant. Sel: 071 594 15, 22, 29 Junie 9931 Te Huur: 1 Slaapkamer huis, 10 kms buite Gansbaai, R3500 pm, w+e ingesluit. Sel: 082 325 8530. 15 Junie VERHURINGS DRINGEND OP SOEK NA HUISE TE HUUR

DIENSTE SERVICES Baie betroubare verwer: Werk netjies en ons beveel hom aan vir enige verfwerk, binne of buite. Skakel Mike 063 708 4283. Verwysings: N Rossouw by 082 899 5226, Louis Oosthuizen by 082 467 7277 en Thys De Vries by 082 771 9077. 15Junie


Kontak my vir 'n kwotasie vir verf van Huise binne/ buite/ houtwerk of dak Elana Bosman

Skoonmaak van erwe. Bou van wendyhuise en Nutec huise. Skakel Johan 082 553 2548. 15, 22, 29 Junie

We Drop You Fill We Collect

'Container' te huur vir stoorplek buite Gansbaai. R500 /maand. Sel: 082 325 8530 15 Junie Watertech

Sand / Klip / Rommel Erwe skoonmaak Algemene Vervoer

Skakel Andrea Cowley 028 384 0695 083 284 1541

Tel: 028 384 1473


Riaan 071 541 8787

Laat ek jou help met die optrek van jou huisplan. Riaan van Staden

082 929 8688 riaanvs38@gmail.com

• Alle loodgieterswerk • Lek-opsporingstelsel • PIRB GEREGISTREER

JC Oosthuizen:






(Onderskryf deur ALMSA Akademie vir ligte musiek) Kom besoek ons: h/v Voortrekker

& Hoofstraat

Adele: 074 451 4907 FAX: 086 589 2222 Email: eksteen@omail.co.za 1 July 2017 We are

MOVING to: Abalone Centre, Shop 5, Main Road, across the Gansbaai Police Station

Villet Consult (FSP NO 37212) (Gemagtigde Finansiële Raadgewer)

Versekering, Finansiële– en Boedelbeplanning

Cahlrich Pitzer 028 384 1514 028 312 2512 082 843 5437

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073 254 1747

Kontak my vir alle bou, verf, teëls lê en skrynwerk. GRATIS kwotasies beskikbaar. Kontak William

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Epos: almsa@mweb.co.za Gee jou kind 'n voorsprong met ABACUS MATHS 3 - 13 jaar www.abacusmaths.co.za Skakel Sarie Mommsen 082 826 3020 of sarie@abacusmaths.co.za

Top Bouers Alle bouwerk Groot of Klein André Mostert

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15 Junie 2017





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HOUT WOOD Droë Hout Te Koop: Black wattle, bloekom, kaggelhout. Gratis aflewering. R450 per LWB bakkie vrag. Sel: 082 5532548 15, 22, 29 Junie

Te Koop: 2009 Ford Bantam 1.6 iXL Bakkie met kappie, nuwe aansitter en is pas gediens, R52000. Sel: 071 594 9931 15, 22, 29 Junie

Te Koop: 1999 Opel Corsa vol diensgeskiedenis, R34000 Sel: 071 594 9931 15, 22, 29 Junie For Sale: Pitbull puppies available. Contact 028 384 2064 15 June

Te Koop: Enkelfase waterpomp HP2/KW1.5. Sel: 082 775 8919 15 Junie

For Sale: Nissan 1 Tonner 4x4. Breaking up for spares. Phone 0722 7777 23. 15 June Te Koop: Gas Geyser Atlas, 10L per minuut (groter geysers net op bestelling), R2300 nuut. Skakel 072 838 0556 15 Junie For Sale: Ski boat 4-5 men. R30 000. 2 x 40w Marina motors (good condition). Galvanised trailer, Hammond Fishfinder & GPS, serviced. Key starting. Good condition. 15 June Contact 083 817 5153



15 Junie 2017

Melvyn Knox maak spontaan musiek

P 22 P23

Die 74-jarige Melvyn Knox (foto links) is ‘n spontane musiekmaker. Alhoewel hy ‘n hele klompie musiekinstrumente kan bespeel, is die harmonika sy gunsteling, omdat hy “ander sleutels het.” Ons kuier aan tafel by Franskraal Rolbalklub, waar hy bydra tot die geselligheid van die aand met sy veelsydige ‘bekfluitjie’ – die harmonika. Melvyn vertel dat musiek, sang en dans hom al in ver lande besorg het. Hy het in Bloemfontein onder andere saam met wyle Gé Korsten opgetree en was in 1964 3 maande lank oorsee waar hy aan internasionale volkspelekompeti-

sies deelgeneem het. Hoewel hy eers op 47-jarige ouderdom en na 22 jaar se skeiding met sy buurmaatjie, Colleen getroud is, het sy al die jare na aan sy hart gelê. Op hierdie stadium van die geselligheid kom neem sy vrou Colleen (neé Byrne) deel aan die gesprek. Hulle vertel hoe hulle as kinders saam boom geklim het, ‘cowboys en crooks’ gespeel het en dat hy eintlik vir haar soos ‘n broer was. Melvyn se ma het Colleen as ‘Kaallenie’ aangespreek omdat sy altyd kortbroeke gedra het. Toe die twee se paaie in 1990 weer kruis, is hulle getroud en woon reeds 13 jaar in Franskraal.

Wenner van spogwyne Discount Furnishers


Die gelukkige wenner van die gesogte geskenkpak van Wildekrans Wynlandgoed is Helene Kotze. Die antwoord: Braam Gericke. Baie geluk!

Bayview, u plaaslike meubelhandelaar en Baysat, u plaaslike DSTV ge-akkrediteerde installeerder het die volgende vakatures beskikbaar. 1. Jong dame vir verkope en admin. 2. Dame met Pastel (voorraad) vir admin en verkope. 3. Manlike persoon met bestuurderslisensie vir installasie werk. Stuur CV aan jan@bayview.co.za


VAKATURE Administratiewe/Ontvangs Dame Vereistes

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Graad 12/Matriek

Bereid wees om onder druk te werk

Geen kriminele rekord

Stuur ‘n volledige CV na gansbaai@safesecurity.co.za of handig dit by ons kantoor in.

15 Junie 2017



Is jy al deel van die oplossing? - Sluit by jou Whatsapp-groep aan Gansbaai: Hugh-Daniel Grobler – 072 352 7776 Perlemoenbaai: Johan Pieterse – 082 876 7700 Addisionele nommer: Lawrence Badenhorst – 083 691 6504 Franskraal Buurtwag: Willem van der Merwe – 083 791 8497 Kleinbaai: Janine Taylor – 082 499 0222 De Kelders: Mark Collings – 074 465 1058 Pearly Beach: Johan du Toit – 072 627 9535 Pearly Beach Oord: Theuns Scholtz 082 379 0462 Baardskeerdersbos Plaaswag: Japie Swart 082 325 8530

TRUCK DRIVER POSITION AVAILABLE Company Location: Gansbaai Starting Date: ASAP Email short CV to: ebosch@tcck.co.za before 21 June 2017

REQUIREMENTS • • • • • • • • •

Matric Valid Code 14 License Valid PDP Own transport to and from work Contactable references required Must work well with labour Irregular working hours including Sundays English/Afrikaans speaking, Xhosa will be to your advantage We need an honest person who can increase output and can keep the expenses in check and wants a long term, stable job with this established company.

MAINTENANCE MANAGER (GANSBAAI, WESTERN CAPE) Aqunion Romansbaai is one of the world’s leading abalone farming businesses; supported by sound leadership with great passion for continuous improvement and excellence. Well known for our good retention strategy; Aqunion offers market related salaries; a healthy working environment; and as a learning organisation with extensive industry knowledge and continued development we are committed to providing equal opportunities to all our employees. We have an exciting opportunity for a highly competent, dynamic and innovative Farm Maintenance Manager. Reporting to the Group Engineer and liaising with the Farm Manager, the primary purpose of the position is to plan, coordinate and effect all repairs and maintenance for Romansbaai Farm. Mentoring and managing a large technical team will be required in order to fulfill all requirements. Key Performance areas include: 1. Maintenance & repairs to the abalone sea-water system 2. Employee management 3. Financial management, budgeting & due diligence with regard to spending 4. Procurement, stores & stock control, using a modern project management program 5. Farm compliance: maintenance of Health & Safety and Environmental standards 6. Fleet maintenance 7. Maintenance of security systems 8. Writing reports and general administration Minimum Requirements: Relevant tertiary qualification (Electrical/ Mechanical/ Technical); • Technical experience and an electrical background would be advantageous; • A minimum of 3 years’ management experience, preferably in an Aquaculture or Agricultural environment; • Previous experience in managing a large team of people; • Excellent planning and organizational skills; • Computer literacy and working knowledge of MS Office at intermediate level; • Fluency in English and the ability to communicate effectively and write professional reports; • Candidate must be physically fit and willing to work in outdoor conditions; • Candidate will be required to work after-hours and week-ends on a rotational basis; • A valid driver’s license and own transport; • Contactable references are required. •

GANSBAAI – ESTATE AGENT VACANCY The successful candidate must be: • • • • • • •

Older than 30 years and a resident in the Gansbaai area Fully computer literate (Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, Outlook + Powerpoint) and bilingual A person of integrity and have good people skills Willing to attend training Prepared to occasionally work after hours Candidate must own a laptop and maintain own vehicle Should be actively involved in community

Salary is commission based Persons who are already qualified will be given preference

A market related remuneration package is offered and the company supports the Employment Equity legislation. Please forward application by email to leana@aqunion.co.za.

Email: agri2@seeff.com Closing date: 23 June 2017 Commencement: As soon as possible. If not contacted within 14 days after closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.



Use common sense The much needed rain has arrived, bringing welcome drought relief throughout the Western Cape. The South African Weather Service says downpours will continue for some time and temperatures are expected to drop significantly. “Rain not only reduces visibility, but also the amount of grip on your tyres,” says Senior Superintendent: Traffic Services Xen Titus. “So it is important to use common sense when driving during foul weather and increase stopping distances,” he added. “Please make sure all headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals are functioning properly so other drivers will see you during downpours," he requested. One of the simplest and most effective ways to stay safe while travelling is choosing to wear a seatbelt.

· · · · ·


E-mail: timberlog@telkomsa.net

Tel/Fax: 028 384 1587

Gansbaai Gholfklub/Golf Club

"Wearing a seatbelt can be the difference between life and death - for drivers and passengers," Titus says. Staying safe on the road Keep headlights on during inclement weather regardless of the time of day; Slow down; Allow more time for travel; Keep greater distances between cars; Have a safety kit in car, including blanket and shovel; 4-wheel drive means you can drive faster but you won’t be able to stop faster - and having to stop suddenly can make you skid in wet weather; Always clean your car of fog or ice; Use common sense when deciding to travel during foul weather; Always wear your seatbelt.

• • • • •

• •



15 Junie 2017

Alle bouwerk

Sel: 082 879 7841 NHBRC Reg

HS DECKINGS Casting of all concrete slabs and beams. Contact No: 0828797841

Gure weer kniehalter kompetisie Woensdag se gure weer het die weeklikse sloegterskompetisie gekniehalter en dit kon nie plaasvind nie. Vrydag het 13 spelers aan die OK Foods se nege-putjie kompetisie deelgeneem. Die wenner was Solly Wessels met 21 punte en hy teken ook ‘n arend aan op putjie no 6. Tweede was Daan Victor met 20 punte, gevolg deur George Hunt 18, Leon Lombaard 17, Leon Hattingh 17 en Johannes van der Walt 17. Leon Lombaard teken ‘n spog twee op putjie no 8 aan en Daan Victor was naaste aan die pen op putjie no 8. Saterdag se kompetisie was ‘n Enkel Stableford en 11 spelers het deelgeneem. Die wenner was Etienne Engelbrecht met 36 punte, ge-

volg deur Jaco Bosman 34, Solly Wessels 33, Leon Hattingh 31, Fanus Walters 29, Leon Lambaard 29 en Niel Harrison 28. Naaste aan die penne was Bev Swart op no’s 2 en 11, Erik Becht op no 17 en Niel Harrison op no 15. Erik Brecht teken ‘n spog twee aan op putjie no 17 en Niel Harrison teken ‘n arend aan op putjie no 6. Die Ligaspan het Saterdag teen Theewaterskloof met 5.5/.5 verloor. Volgende Saterdag se kompetisie is ‘n 4BBB Stableford. Saterdag, 24 Junie 2017 is ‘n 2 Bal American Scramble en dit word deur die Rookkamer geborg. Johan Coetzee 082 878 0534 gbgholf@gmail.com

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Wingback Chairs Loose Covers Outdoor Cushions Motorcycle Seats Filling of Cushions Custom made Headboards

* No Job too Small * 028 384 0350 | 073 532 5019 Fax: 086 547 2544 Email: franco_marcellino@yahoo.com

7A Strandlopertjie Slot, Industrial area, Gansbaai (next to L&S Motors)

• •

Nuwe Mure Vervangings en Verhogings • GRATIS Kwotasies • Vervaardig ook ander Produkte Johan Cronjé 028-384 0480 082 923 4204

Tydelike enkel garage om te huur gesoek, verkieslik in Kleinbaai, Duikersfontein, Groenberg & Klipfonteyn 2. Ander areas ook welkom. Kontak Ruben 082 477 4800

15 Junie 2017



Are your portable possessions insured? When it comes to protecting your most treasured possessions against loss, damage or theft, there’s nothing like a well-scoped insurance plan for peace of mind. Chances are if you own a home, then the building and everything in it are likely to be your biggest financial investment, so having building and home contents insurance to take care of any nasties that can and do go wrong from time to time is an absolute must. In getting to grips with what each one covers, Hollard provides some helpful insights into the difference between buildings and home contents insurance. Buildings insurance covers the bricks and mortar structure and all the fixtures attached to it, like geysers, gate motors, swimming pool, windows and so on. Home contents insurance covers all the items inside and outside the building – furniture, appliances, artworks, tech gadgets, jewellery, crockery, tools, clothing and all your gear. This is where we come to a really important topic. According to Hollard, home contents insurance covers all your possessions while they are in your home, but the

We fix leaks. For all roof and waterproofing problems. Please call 079 881 4422

minute they leave the property, they cease to be covered under your home contents insurance. This is why it’s important to have ‘Portable Possessions’ cover – think of it as insurance for all your portable, high risk items that may travel outside your home and with you from time to time. Your Hollard Portable Possessions cover allows you to cover your items in several ways: Unspecified cover – you don’t have to specify the details and value of each item, but rather the total value of all the items. This cover is generally more expensive than specified cover. Specified value – you don’t have to specify the details and value of each item, but you need to specify what category of cover it falls in, for example cell phones and tablets, or sports equipment. Specified items – you have to specify the details and value of every item, including make, model and serial number. You may not realise it at first, but those seemingly small gadgets that most of us cannot live without, like your smart phone, tablet, iPod and laptop can quickly

OVERBERG BOOTKLUB Ten volle toegeruste saal te huur vir troues, funksies, verjaardae, ens. Kroegfasiliteit beskikbaar Kontak M du Plessis 082 652 4459

add up to R40k or more, and if stolen or accidently damaged, leave a serious dent in your budget and your demeanour. If you don’t have such valuable items correctly insured under Portable Possessions, you may find that you’re not covered for them come claims time, so it’s worth checking out the terms of your insurance. Yes we know, reviewing your insurance policy isn’t exactly riveting reading, but it’s certainly going to get riveting when you find yourself unable to finish that annual report layout on time because your laptop was liberated along with your backpack and cell phone in a smash and grab incident – and you realise with horror it wasn’t insured and you can’t afford to replace it out of your own pocket. Also remember to specify any modifications that would increase the replacement value of the item, for example, the addition of a solid state hard-drive instead of the standard hard drive that comes with a laptop or additional memory – if you don’t, your claim will only settle on the replacement cost of an equivalent, standard machine. If you have portable possessions cover,

then your items are covered for anywhere, including inside your home, so you won’t need to ensure them under your home contents cover as well. Keeping track of all the items you need to specify under Portable possessions cover is best done with the help of an asset register – it can be as simple as a spread sheet that documents all your items, the make, model and serial number and if you really want to be savvy about it, a photo of each item along with the serial numbers. Remember that you need to present proof of purchase come claims time. A register helps to keep track of any new assets so that you can easily update your policy, and at the same time, ensures that you’re not paying to insure items you no longer own. Being prepared and understanding and complying with the terms of your insurance cover is the first step to peace of mind and a smooth claims experience. So the next time Bob Marley’s “Don’t worry” pops up on your iPod or radio, you really can rest easy knowing that “every little thing is going to be alright,” no matter what life may throw at you.

Martiena 079 339 1522

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Du Toit 083 469 9727



15 Junie 2017

Clean up operation from Franskraal to In light of World Oceans Day on the 8th June, 7Seasrope, White Shark Diving Company and White Shark Projects, got together to clean up a very long stretch of one of the local beaches – all the way from Franskraal beach to Die Gruis. Our oceans, our future With so much rubbish ending up in our oceans it is important that everyone

makes an effort to clean up our beaches and oceans as much as possible. The theme for World Oceans Day this year was ‘Our Oceans, Our Future’ - as life on earth is dependent on the ocean, as well as being home to over one million different species. The deep blue sea employs millions of workers, feeds billions of people and contributes trillions to the

world economy. Despite being so important to humans and to their survival, the oceans are often taken for granted with exploitation of species, habitat encroachment, illegal and poor fishing practices, pollution and marine debris all being pressing issues. With regards to marine debris or marine rubbish, it is estimated that an approxi-

mate 635,000 tonnes of rubbish enters our oceans every year according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Much of this rubbish ends up on our beaches, washed in with the waves and tides, some of it sinks, some of it accumulates, and some is eaten by marine animals that mistake it for food. Continue p 27

World Oceans Day provided a great opportunity for 7Seasrope to hold their first big clean up. 18 Volunteers got together and between them collected 63kg of rubbish in a matter of a few hours.

Renovations Our Specialised Services • Garage Doors • Automation • Gate motors • Service and Repairs Rene Viljoen

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15 Junie 2017


Die Gruis for World Oceans Day Millions killed It is thought that over 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles, and over one million seabirds are killed each year due to plastic ingestion. Fish have also shown to ingest plastic and it is believed that if you eat an average amount of seafood you could be ingesting up to 11,000 particles of plastic yourself every year. More plastic than fish Studies have found that if we continue to dump rubbish in the ocean in the way that we do, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2040. Given that more than every second breath we breathe is dependent on oxygen coming from plankton from the oceans, it is concerning that we are moving towards oceans where you will find more plastic particles than plankton – the very thing we depend on for our oxygen. Awareness and recycling 7Seasrope is a local company set up by Andre Roux and Jennifer Tomuschat to help clean up the local beaches working with the community and volunteer projects. Not only do they want to clean up the local area, but they also strive to raise awareness in the community and around the world and reuse as much of the debris picked up as possible.

• • • • • • • •

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They have started off with recycling all ropes, fishing lines and fishing nets, making them into bracelets that can be purchased. Proceeds from the products sold are then donated to different marine conservation and research initiatives. Their first big clean up World Ocean’s Day provided a great opportunity for 7Seasrope to hold their first big clean up. Already working to do cleanups themselves over the past few months, covering the area from Franskraal to Kleinbaai, this time they teamed up with the volunteers and staff from White

Shark Diving Company and White Shark Projects to clean up the area from Franskraal beach to Die Gruis, covering a stretch of almost 5km on the 9th June 2017. 63kg rubbish in a few hours Over the course of just a few hours the volunteers collected 63kg of rubbish. Of this, 28kg was plastic, 23kg was glass, 18kg was rope and 5kg was metal. The beginning stretch of the clean up from Franskraal beach was found to be quite clean, but as they approached Die Gruis, huge amounts of rubbish and de-

A volunteer taking part in the clean up day from Franskraal to Die Gruis collects a bottle. It is estimated that approximately 635,000 tonnes of rubbish enters our oceans every year.

27 bris were found. Some of the main culprits were plastic straws, lollipop sticks, glow sticks, polystyrene pieces, plastic bottles, glass bottles, rope and fishing line. Still a lot to be done Andre Roux founder of 7Seasrope stated at the end of the day that “there was still a lot of work to be done in the area, we could have continued to clean up for hours”. Next time they intend to start at Die Gruis and make their way towards Pearly Beach. The accumulation of rubbish in this area was found to be incredibly high, so they intend to focus on this area in the near future as much as possible. Get involved 7Seasrope will be holding beach clean up events throughout the year, but intend to conduct weekly beach clean ups with the help of White Shark Diving Company and White Shark Projects staff and volunteers. Whilst their focus will be on Pearly Beach for a while, with a lot of cleaning up to do in that area, they also intend to work on all local coastline areas, stretching all the way from Die Plaat to Pearly Beach. Get in touch with Andre Roux by e-mail on 7seasrope@gmail.com for more information and learn how to get involved! Written by: Mary Rowlinson and Tom Slough, both Marine Biologists.

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15 Junie 2017


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Daily: The whales are here – when you see them, please let us know! Gansbaai Courant tel 082 561 8655. Vrydag 16 Junie: Die manne tree op by Gansbaai Sea View Sports Bar. Saterdag 17 Junie: Pearly Beach Oord stalletjies. Navrae: 076 616 3378. 19 Junie: 18:30 Gansbaai Fotografieklub byeenkoms by Groeneweide Kwekery. Besigtiging van foto’s. Veronica du Plessis 084 826 8781 of Nelleke Ferreira 082 403 3372. Saterdag 17 Junie: Leon Carstens tree op by Gansbaai Sea View Sports Bar. Sondag 18 Junie: Vadersdag. Ons adverteerders staan gereed om ons dorp se pappas te bederf! 08:00 – 22:00 Great White House. See p 12. 10 to late Boat House Restaurant. See p 13. 11:00 – 15:00 Tuscany Coffee Shop. Kyk op bl 6. From 12:00 McClarke’s Hide-Away. See p 15. 12:00 – 13:30 Groeneweide Restaurant. Kyk op bl 11. 12:00 – 14:30 Karin’s Kitchen. See p 15. Rosemary @ 13 on Main. See p 12. Monday 19 June: The

Overberg Quilters' Guild will be meeting at 9:00 at the De Wet Hall, Roos Street, Onrus. The speaker is Karool Johnson. Chairlady 082 444 9172. Dinsdag 20 Junie: Gansbaai Leeskring. Annetjie Visagie behandel Engelse gedigte. Navrae: Annemarie du Plessis 082 486 0135. Thursday 22 June: 17:15 Sunset Walk. Gather at Gansbaai Tourism office. Walk starts at 17:30. In aid of Gansbaai Academia Marimba Band. Vrydag 23 Junie: Leon Carstens tree op by Gansbaai Sea View Sports Bar. Saterdag 8 Julie: Stalletjies by Pearly Beach Oord. Navrae: Anton Swart 076 616 3378. Sunday 2 July: Karaoke with Leon Carstens at Gansbaai Sea View Sports Bar. Monday 17 July - Food and Blanket Drive. Donate food, blankets or toys for BARC animals and drop it off at the Tourism Bureau. Tuesday 18 July: 10:00 Support A BARC Dog – Donate 30 minutes of your time and join the team at the BARC kennels when they

will be sharing much needed love and attention to these shelter animals. Tuesday 18 July: Mandela Day “Our Youth, Our Future” – Donate stationery, non-perishable food or toys. Make a difference in lives that truly need it. This will be given to the crèches or organizations in the Gansbaai area such as the Rainbow Kids. You are invited to join the Tourism Bureau to distribute the donations. Tuesday 18 July: 14:00 at Tourism Bureau. “Plant a tree to light up a life” – Donate a plant that will be planted at some of the crèches in Masakhane. Interested parties will be leaving from the bureau at 14h00 to go and plant trees. All hands are welcome. Contact Doulene on 028 384 1439 / 082 841 1670 Vrydag 21 Julie Wynproegilde-byeenkoms. Navrae: Annemaredewitt@yahoo.com

RSVP. Dinsdag 18 Julie: Gansbaai Leeskring. Emily Stoffberg behandel Rubi Alameddine se boek ‘An unnecessary woman’. Navrae: Annemarie du Plessis 082 486 0135.

15 Junie 2017




Foto gee gestalte aan skildery Menige hengelaar maak gebruik van die geleentheid op see om ‘n toneel of gebeurtenis op film vas te lê en so uiting te gee aan hul gevoel van waardering van die natuur. Vir sommige is dit iets soos ‘n sonsondergang of ‘n groot seeskilpad of sommer net iets wat nie verlore moet gaan nie. Ek vra vandag die kans om te verduidelik hoe ook ek dit wil doen. Wat ek benodig is ‘n foto geneem van ‘n roman of ‘n rooistompneus, maar dit sal ‘n uitsonderlike foto moet wees. Daarvoor benodig ek ‘n kundige fotograaf wat bereid is om saam see toe te gaan, in die regte toestande, vir daardie besonderse foto. Die idee is om die vis aan die lyn te kry en dan tot net onder die oppervlak te lei vir die geleentheid. Die helder water sal dan lewendig gehou word deur die aksie van die vis en so kry jy hopelik ‘n foto geneem wat

‘n “opgebreekte” beeld met helder kleure, maar steeds ‘n getroue weergawe van die rooiroman of PW sal lewer. Wat dan baie belangrik gaan wees is dat die vis onmiddelik na die fotonemery toegelaat gaan word om ongeskonde sy gang te gaan. Dan volg die eintlike doel van hierdie hele episode -vanaf hierdie foto moet ‘n skildery gemaak word deur iemand wat die idee van dit alles sal verstaan en gestalte sal gee aan wat ek al so lankal voorsien. Stel jou voor, die helder kleure, die vis wat lyk asof dit beweeg en jy kan dit amper glo, die oë, wat lyk asof daar ‘n vonkel in is! Hierdie skildery gaan ‘n ereplekkie êrens in die huis kry. Waar almal dit kan geniet. Met stiltetyd sal ek verduidelik dat hierdie vis nog iewers …hopelik ….vry rondswem. Met al my veronderstellings is dit heel


: 15 Junie : 16 Junie : 17 Junie : 18 Junie : 19 Junie : 20 Junie : 21 Junie

HOOG WATER V.M. 0636 0730 0838 0956 1110 1215 0034

N.M. 1914 2014 2123 2233 2337 1311

LAAG WATER V.M. 0035 0131 0237 0352 0503 0605 0700

N.M. 1246 1341 1450 1608 1720 1822 1918


15 June

16◦ partly cloudy, gentle breeze, 4 m/s WSW, 0 mm rainfall


16 June

15◦ partly cloudy, light breeze, 2 m/s WNW, 0 mm rainfall


17 June

14◦ clear sky, fresh breeze, 10 m/s WSW, 0 mm rainfall


18 June

15◦ clear sky, light breeze, 2 m/s SSE, 0 mm rainfall


19 June

15◦ cloudy, strong breeze, 11 m/s WNW, 0 mm rainfall


20 June

14◦ cloudy, light breeze, 3 m/s SSW, 0 mm rainfall

Wednesday 21 June 14◦ cloudy, fresh breeze, 9 m/s WNW, 0 mm rainfall

moontlik ‘n onbegonne taak. Maar gebeur dit wel beteken dit iets wat in die toekoms net bewonder sal word. Die gure weer het see toe gaan amper onmoontlik gemaak, maar terselfdertyd gee dit hoop op beter vooruitsigte. Ase is losgespoel, gate en sloepe behoort oop te wees en dat die vis gaan nader staan is vir seker. Geniet die see. Seemeeu

Creches: in sandpits against Sand Lice Creches: in sandpits against Sand Lice

Fynbos Coffee Shop 028 3840146

Hier is ons twee bundelwenners Die drukkersduiwel was bedrywig in die berig Resensent kry sy ‘job’ terug van Donderdag, 8 Junie 2017. Die 1ste vraag was: Waar woon Johan Coetzee van Naledi Uitgewers. Toe nie in Franskraal soos berig is nie, maar wel in De Kelders – en dit maak die lesersvraag waarin twee lesers die digbundels Knapsekêrels kan wen, dus van geen waarde. Gansbaai Courant se redaksie het besluit om slegs die tweede vraag in ag te neem vir die kompetisie: Waar woon die skrywer Pieter Fourie? Die antwoord is: Onrus. Lida Oosthuizen en Marie Groenewald is die wenners. Baie geluk!

Hein Goedde 072 822 9897 Tel / Faks:

028 384 0703

No 2, Meyershof Centre, Main Rd, Gansbaai

Washing is our game and crisp laundry is our aim

Built-in-cupboards Laminated Flooring • Knottipine / Isofoam Ceilings • •

Operating in the Overberg area & WC (N-suburbs only)

Deon Meyer 08239 29023 08239 26589 deonmeyer@live.co.za



2de van links agter is Sandri Lourens, bestuurder van die Boland Varswater Hengelklub se Penkopspan, met voor van links haar twee dogters, Zandre en Juandre Lourens saam met die res van die Penkopspan.

Varswater is hul speelplek

Juandre (links) en Zandre Lourens (regs) wat in die Boland Varswaterhengelklub se o/13 Penskopspan opgeneem is en wat in Desember vanjaar in Bloemhof aan die SuidAfrikaanse Provinsiale Kampioenskappe gaan deelneem.

Sandri en Dirk Lourens van Perlemoenbaai, twee kranige varswaterhengel kampioene, was altwee deel van die Voorsittersliga wat vir die 4de agtereenvolgende jaar met die goue medalje tydens die Westelike Provinsie Varswater Hengelunie se jaarlikse prysuitdelingsfunksie op Saterdag, 10 Junie 2017 weggestap het. Dirk en Sandri hengel vir die Boland Varswater Hengelklub wat vir die 5de agtereenvolgende jaar as die Top Klub in die Westelike Provinsie aangewys is. Die Westelike Provinsiale spanne is ook tydens die prysuitdelingsfunksie aangekondig, nadat proewe op 3 en 4 Junie in buitengewone gure weer plaasgevind het, wat nie die Lourense afgeskrik het nie. Hul twee laerskooldogters, Juandre en Zandre, is altwee in die o/13 Penkopspan op-

15 Junie 2017 geneem wat in Desember vanjaar in Bloemhof aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Provinsiale Ka mp io e n skap p e gaan deelneem. Hierdie twee kranige jong hengelaartjies moet nie op hul baadjies getakseer word nie - hulle het ook al hul Westelike Provinsiale kleure verwerf. Ma Sandri dien ook op die bestuur van die Penkopspan. Dirk is in die Westelike Provinsiale Meestersspan opgeneem, wat in November in Bloemho f gaan deelneem. Sandri is ook in die Meestersspan as bestuurder opgeneem, asook in die Westelike Provinsiale Damesspan wat in Februarie 2018 ook in Bloemhof gaan deelneem. ‘n Besige tydjie wag dus op die kranige Lourens-varswaterhengelspan, veral met al die voorbereiding en oefening wat vir hulle wag.

Sandri Lourens (2de van links) staan hier saam met die res van die Westelike Provinsiale Damesspan waarin sy opgeneem is en wat in Februarie 2018 in Bloemhof gaan deelneem.

SIELKUNDIGE PROF. P. P. BOTHA B.A. Hons., M.A. , M.Ed., D. Phil., T.H.O.D

Angs, depressie, stres, alkohol– en dwelm-afhanklikheid, huweliksprobleme, gesinsprobleme, persoonlike probleme, konsentrasie en aandaggebrek, studie– en leesprobleme, vakkeuses ( gr. 9 ) en beroepskeuses (gr.11+ 12 ) Duikerstraat 24, Kleinbaai, Gansbaai

Tel: 071 378 9674 Mediese fonds tariewe Praktyknommer: 8641811

Verfwerk Bouwerk Loodgieterwerk Plaveisel Teëls Elektries ens.

Carpets Upholstry Mattress sanitizing Flood Dewatering Operating in the Overberg Area

Clive : 084 510 1604 Sylvia : 072 082 0991

15 Junie 2017

Gretha Hanekom


Deidre Scholtz

Na maande en baie ure se sweet in die gimnasiumsaal is Pieta Botes van Health And Active Gansbaai wat in Hoofstraat geleë is, met ‘n welverdiende eerste plek beloon. Dit was ook die eerste goue toekenning waarmee hy huiswaarts kon keer - ‘n uitsonderlike prestasie vir die toegeweide liggaamsbouer. Die TeamPaC span van Health and Active Gansbaai het op 2 en 3 Junie 2017 aan die “5th Battle of the Titans” vir liggaamsbouers in die Durbanville Ouditorium deelgeneem. Die span het uit 4 Gansbaaiers bestaan: Pieta Botes, Deidre Scholtz, Gretha Hanekom en Staci Groenewald. Dit was Pieta se derde keer om sy vernuf in liggaamsbou op die verhoog te vertoon, maar

hierdie keer was hy gereed vir ‘n titaniese beeldboustryd. Sy prominente selfvertroue, asook ‘n permanente glimlag op sy gesig, het die deurslag gegee en ook gewys dat hy werklik geniet wat hy doen. Die gehalte van sy optrede en die uitstekende toestand waarin sy liggaam is, het soveel verbeter na sy vorige optredes, dat dit reeds voor die aankondiging van die wenners duidelik was dat hy as Nommer 1 aangewys sou word. Deidre Scholtz is die eerste Gansbaaier wat verhoog toe gestap het. Sy het aan die “Beach Bikini” item onder 1,63 meter deelgeneem en teen 14

Vervaardiging van Aluminium

Ek is nog hier en nog besig. Skakel gerus. SAKKIE MYBURGH

Vensters, Deure, Hekke, Ballustrade & Raamwerke Francois

079 273 6734 fskotze@gmail.com Eenheid 6, Industriesirkel

Staci Groenewald

Goud vir Pieta

Nuwe Kontaknommers: Tel: 087 808 2175 Faks: 086 583 5384 Sakkie Myburgh: 083 771 0753

wêreldklas vrouedeelnemers opgetree. Die kompetisie was uiter mate straf en die deelnemers se punte-uitslag het baie naby aan mekaar geëindig. Al het sy nie gewen nie, het Deidre haar stempel deeglik afgedruk vir iemand wat die eerste keer aan so ‘n spiermeting deelneem. Gansbaai se Gretha Hanekom het teen 17 vroue kragte gemeet tydens ‘n taai stryd in die “Beach Bikini” item vir vroue langer as 1.63 meter. Gretha het slegs 9 weke gehad waarin sy haarself kon voorberei en haar spanmaats is baie trots op wat sy bereik het.

Glas Spieëls Alum. Vensters Skuifdeure Stortdeure


Pieta Botes

Met Staci Groenewald se instap op die verhoog - ook ‘n eerste keer - het die toeskouers “histeries” geraak aldus die verslag wat ontvang is en dit het gelyk asof sy dit al vir jare doen. Sy het soos ‘n “supermodel” aan die “Beach Bikini” item vir vroue ouer as 35 jaar deelgeneem en het die derde posisie ingepalm. “Ons sien daarna uit om al drie hierdie Gansbaaiers weer op die verhoog te sien,” het ‘n trotse Pieta gesê. “Hulle neem net ‘n kort ruskansie voordat hulle weer vir die volgende vertoning begin oefen.” Hy het hulle gelukgewens met die prestasies en gesê hulle het Gansbaai en die klub se naam hoog gehou met hul uitstekende vertonings.

Danse, troues, verjaardae, konferensies, ens BIRKENHEADBOOTKLUB (IN DIE HAWE)

Kontak: R Gibbs

028 384 2973

083 561 6917

Buyers of 2nd-hand furniture

028 38 4 38 38 Barnard st - Agter ABSA Bank

Hierdie groep karatekas het almal hulle eerste gradering geslaag (wit gordels) en sien uit om voortaan aan kompetisies deel te neem. Tweede Dan Sensei, Enrico Delport staan links agter en Sesde Dan swart gordel, Renshi Billy Chellan, is gereed vir die gradering.

Hier is respek en dissipline baas Min mense is bewus van die karategroepie wat elke Maandag in die Blompark Gemeenskapsaal vergader. Alhoewel hulle soos ‘n groepie jong kindertjies lyk wat rondstaan in gewone dagklere, is hulle gereed vir hulle eerstevlak karateka gradering, wat die betrokke middag kort na die fotosessie plaasgevind het. Die energieke Enrico Delport is die Tweede Dan Sensei, wat

elke week spesiaal uit die Kaap ry om hulle in dié gedissiplineerde vegkuns te kom oplei. Renshi Billy Chellan, ‘n 6de dan swart gordel, lyk streng waar hy gereed staan om as gradeerder op te tree. Wanneer hulle graderinginstrukteur praat, luister hulle onmiddellik en skielik besef jy dat die eed wat hulle weekliks in hulle Dojo Kun (Japanees vir

Kontak ons vir: Alarmstelsels Gewapende Reaksie Ondersoeke Wagte Tel: 028 384 2911 Faks: 028 384 3911 Epos: sales@secma.co.za Terme & Voorwaardes Geld Voorheen Safe Security Systems

vegkuns opleidingsaal) aflê, alreeds vir hulle betekenis inhou. Die karatekas word geleer om te alle tye beskeie, oplettend, geduldig en eerbaar te wees. Hulle streef na kennis, krag, onverstoordheid en vrede. Hulle leer om hulself en dit wat aan hulle behoort, te respekteer, asook om ander en hul besittings te respekteer.

Alenore Baardman van Blompark tree op as sameroeper vir die junior groep kinders van 5 tot 15 jaar wat elke Maandag tussen 16:00 en 17:00 saam oefen sedert Februarie vanjaar. Enrico sê hy sal graag ‘n senior groep van 16 jaar en ouer ook aan die gang wil kry. Belangstellendes kan Alenore skakel by 062 982 7284 of vir Enrico by 076 152 7348.

Fashion Furniture 54 Main Rd (Opposite ABSA)


Double Base Set Bed With 2 Year Warranty CASH ONLY

R 2,500

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