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Livania Foundation Project

January 2011 1

Fundaci贸n Livania Livania Foundation works to transmit culture and training in the center of the professional sector, and, for this reason, it develops a series of entities and activities which contribute to create a high value as for training, innovation, creativity and quality. The fact of being a member of the foundation implies receiving a great amount of training and information on the job itself. The foundation helps to make teams for the worldwide competitions and these teams have some benefits as for as price, priority and participation in those events taken in the name of the entity. Livania Foundation is the first non-lucrative entity in the sector. Its aim is to bring an emotive value to all the kitchens, bakeries and icecream parlors. At the same time, it allows those inquiring professionals to enjoy activities of a high formative scope. The Foundation has two main objectives: first, a purpose which has to do with numbers, join more than 50,000 professionals among restaurants, bakeries and ice-cream parlors and to foster among them a concept of culture which will bring and receive a great amount of information. Our second objective, which is basically corporative, is to create the most important communication channel in Spain where we will be able to transmit and channel great amounts of formative and cultural information. This channel will be a three-monthly magazine, a weekly newsletter , and a series of 8 web that,some of them will be as part as the well-known social webs.


Concept Thus, Livania Foundation is born to lead one of the most prominent communication channel in the Horeca restauration, bakeries and icecream parlors in two geographic areas: first, the national market, second, the Hispanic international market. Likewise, the possibility to launch to the English-speaking area is being considered; it all depends on the two first initial projects. The aim is to activate both the member’s and possible member’s emotional side as for profesional, emotive, creative, innovative and different aspects.

Aim The main aim is to obtain the maximum quantity of members to promote all possible formative activities. The foundation should increase the number of members in both the national market and the international one, by means of actions and activities. The objective is to achieve a mass channel of communication, with the maximum quantitiy of possible professionals , and that, thanks to the value they are provided, they will take profit of the channel to communicate the contributors’ and sponsors’ values and interests (culture and training). The communication tools These tools are: -

Livania magazine Livania web Livania Newsletters Alfredo Livania in Facebook and community



Livania Technic school Livania TV as a televisión channel through Internet Web Club Livania World cup Web Provoke inside the kitchen Web Livania Prizes Livania Congress Technifira “Copa España” competitions in 4 modalities

Events As a result of the experience in organizing important events such as Technifira and Forum Livania, the Foundation will create numerous small sized, personalised, local, diversified and segmented events in those interested areas. “ Microevents” are resulting a great success. Livania magazine Livania magazine is a basic tool for the Foundation because of its three-monthly periodicity and a capacity of 140 pages. Its important circulation allows to spread culture and information among more than 7,000 professionals, through a series of reports and interviews of chefs, bakers and ice-cream vendors from all over the world, providing a minimum of 30 recipes per magazine. The philosophy of the magazine is to inform about training, avoiding any commercial intention. Sendings of monthly material Apart from the magazine, the Foundation also sends other kind of publications, catalogs and leaflets to the members’ home. Caracteristics: -

140 pages 30 recipes minimum Participacition from professionals all over the world Synergy creation among Spanish professionals all over the world, fomenting knowledge and tecniques. Promotion for the training centres through the publication of information of schools in any country


Web Livania In this website we introduce the door to the future in communication Web 2.0. In this website, there is professional information in order to coordinate all the members, facilitating information exchange. The foundation wishes to reflect an excellent capacity to design and work at all levels with concepts related to innovation. Not only in technology, but also in communication, tecniques and innovation. Web Livania web is a powerful entry to communicate all activities related to Livania, as well as to keep contact among the members of the entity in a social web Web 2.0. The content of the web is: -

Consultancy firm More than 1,000 recipes concepts and searcher Bookshop School Blogs Advices Work searcher Livania television channel On line courses Formation Contact with the professional world, Web 2.0

The online courses are one of the most innovative and important aspect of, which will start from October 2009 onwards.


Livania TV One of the mid-term project is to create a virtual televisión channel to make courses, documentaries, interviews and news. The channel broadcasting will be daily between17:00h and19:00 h. The long term objective is to broadcast daily from 16.00h to 20h . In the future, Livania TV will publish: -

Livania Technique school courses Demonstrations Presentations Documentaries on companies Restaurants, , bakeries and ice-cream parlor’s documentaries Interviews to chefs, bakers, ice-cream vendors Documentaries on gastronomic areas, products and raw material Programs on national and international competition Etc.

Chat Together with the TV braodcasting, the foundation will try to create a chat in order that all entity members may communicate in a practic and quick way.


Newsletters Livania Livania newsletter will be basically used to keep the members informed about all kind of activities and news. The Foundation will communicate the best recipes, as well as information on innovative products, active trademarks, etc . The Foundation managers have set as objective that the communications, which at the moment are at every fortnight to all the members and once a month for the non-members, can be weekly for all the members. Information in the newsletter: -

Main recipe Information on products News Current Affairs Information on national and international competitions Companies presentations Etc.

Each newsletter is divided in 4 parts: the first one: this is the most important for the chef or baker because of its interest. It consists in a recipe and the three remaining parts are composed of news, articles, products presentations or trademarks. The information provided is on basis to training or promotion of the gastronomic culture. Parallely, the Foundation will send monthly a newsletter to possible professionals who are not members of the foundation. They will be informed about the work of the foundation and they will be invited to become part of it.


Alfredo Livania in Facebook and community It is one of the ways to connect and inform quickly, and, at the same time it is a good way to obtain more members. Almost daily, Alfredo sends messages to provoke conversations and new contacts, so his friends list grows constantly.

Club Livania world cup This club has the mission to obtain all the information related to cooking ,bakery, ice-cream worldwide competitions. It also contains a very important informative web which is used to promote competitions and to inform about events and results, rules, recipes, participants and teams. The Information is obtained directly from the competitions themselves. The Foundation intents to transmit the culture of competition in order to motivate the youngsters from our country. It is an excellent way to learn.

8 this web informs about all the contents and values which take place in the club. It is a social web that tries to cover four objectives: -

To inform about all competitions related to the four modalities (cooking, pastry, ice-cream and bakery) organized all over. To gather all the professionals who have participated in, on the one side, any world cup, and on the other side, Spain Cup with the intention of promoting them. To prepare, coordinate, help, promote and select to those who are going to participate in any national or international competion. To inform and communicate in relation to the Livania Prizes course and the Spain Cup for Cooking, Pastry, Ice-cream and Pizza

The club in the competition world This entity also has the objective to organise and prepare teams to participate in the World Cup: search financiation, coordinate the promotion, etc. Thus, its main job will be promoting the team members, their sponsors and all their environment. In order to coordinate with quality in all the trainings and assessment to the team, the club will design a tecnic comission to take care of tecnic designs, team preparation. Trainings will be hard, intense, long and really controlled.

1 team director Tecnic comission (team president) Chocolate group 2 advisories 1 member of the team Sugar group 2 advisories 1 member of the team Bakery group 2 advisories 1 member of the team Ice group 2 advisories Icecream group 2 advisories

1 member of the team 1 member of the team


Web Provokes in kitchen It is a web that intends to invite any cooking or pastry inquiring professional to play with recipes, innovate and create new concepts from provocation, with the finality to foment design and innovation in kitchens and bakeries. The objective of the web is, by means of proposals, competitions and provocations, to receive the maximum of recipes. Constantly, the program for the year will be updated with several prizes, in cooking and pastry. The idea is that provocation brings daring , and that is exactly the idea that the foundation pretends to apply to contribute to the evolution of the autochthonous gastronomy and bakery. The contestants who take part in the competition connect via web, with a link to their Web, Blog, Facebook or others. All the winners will promote their businesses, kitchen or bakery, with own recipes. For the Foundation, motivation is really important. It is a unique and devised web and it is exclusively to participate in virtual competitions via the same web , promoting base products. Three competitons will take place in a year, in periods of 4 months in a worldwide context and receiving recipes from all over the world. The jury will be composed of 20 Spanish cooks who will punctuate according to: -

Best recipe Best Photography Best presentation

Moreover, all the recipes from all the competitions will be compiled at the web library. Web Livania Prizes The Foundation also wants to pay tribute to those professionals that with their work have contributed to the evolution of the sector in our country. Cooks, bakers and other professionals will be prized in a modern event, with show included, enjoying an unforgettable experience. The event will last for 90 minutes and it will be conducted by mediatic presenters who will bring a VIP touch to the event. The winners will be awarded with the LIVANIA trophy. The prizes will be awarded every two years, coinciding with the Technifira dinner, which is biennial.


Livania prizes will be awarded to: -

Cooking o o o o o


Bakery o o o o o o


Livania Restaurant Livania Chef Livania Dessert chef Livania hotel and restaurant management school

Livania Baker Livania Bakery Best Chocolate Professional Best Sugar Professional Best Bakery Professional Best Iceman Professional

Others o Media Communication Livania o Best School o Best web

Livania conference Innova congress, which is held every two years, was born to orientate companies in terms of management and to reinventate small and mĂŠdium size enterprises in the distribution chanel. Because of the need of constant doses of creativity due to the crisis and the market evolution, Livania Foundation and Contorni Caoland organize an event which in its first edition gathered more than 200 companies from all Spain. The Livania congress will be hold every two years and it will have as a main aim to analize the economic evolution and the development of the sector among distributors, sponsors and collaborators.



One of the great events that Livania Foundation , together with Contorni Caoland , is technifira fair with more than 150 stands, where visitors may taste and elaborate their products, as well as resolve their tecnichal doubts because each stand has a kitchen inside. It also has demonstrations that allow to hold more than 40 sessions. These sessions are directed by national and international professionals. This fair lasts two days and it offers a great variety of high-quality courses and it presents new tendencies and innovation in the sector. Moreover, technifira offers other parallel activities such as conferences, presentations ... this makes Technifira the most representative tecnichal fair in Spain. Technifira houses important events such as Livania Prizes and the Spain Cups. It is in Technifira where the national competition for cooking, bakery, ice-cream and pizza is held. The “art” corner is an extensive area where professionals make chocolate, candy and ice figueres…as well as dessert dishes to motivate and involve young people who have just come out from the hotel and restaurant management schools. It is a way to “hunt” new competitors to the World cups. Technifira is a project of great magnitude which tries to organize the maximum activities to invite the highest possible number of professionals around Spain. The next Technifira edition will have the following structure: -

Demonstration area ( 4 rooms to make cooking, bakery,ice-cream and pizza demonstrations). Craft area. Conference area. Livania prizes dinner, with the awarding of 15 prizes to professionals.



Competitions area, where the Spain cup for the following modalities will be held: Stands area (Contorni and Livania Foundation). With a capacity for 150 stands. It will hold demonstrations and practical activities in training. o o o o

Cooking Bakery Ice-cream parlor Pizza

Spain Cup Competitions The competitions which are organized in Livania Foundation are called Spain Cup and they are held in the course of Technifira . The competitions will promote, during the two previous years, during the competition and during the the following years, contestants, sponsors and collaborators. Firstly, the competitions which will be held will be: -

Spain Cup for: o o o o

Cooking Bakery Ice cream parlor Pizza

Entities and Unions Gathering all, the restaurant unions and hotel and restaurant management schools, bakeries and ice-cream parlors, is one of the Foundations wish. Compiling knowledge, experiences, information for a gruop who dedicate to training, makes an important source of knowledge to share. One of the intentions of the Foundation is to gather all the hotel and restaurant manegement, baker’s schools to exchange training and to promote schools in order to work parallely with Alicia Foundation or to incorporate to high-level entities such as Relais Chateau, Relais Dessert, Lenotre School, etc


School project – 360º Communication

It is the first itinerant school in Spain which has been created to teach courses of any gastronomic, cooking, desserts, confectionery, cocktails and establishments management themes taught by high-level teaching staff. Livania school objective For Livania school, training represents an strategic objective aimed to reinforce productivity and competitiveness of the companies in the new global scenary and to promote employability to employées in a world of constant change and evolution. This training (professional, ocupational and continuous) is aimed to active workers and unemployed people arised frome the new economic and social reality, as well as to the necessities of the labor market. Our objective The school will promote the necessary initiatives to facilitate and to genaralize the access to the small and medium sized companies to the training of their employées. They will be given assessment and information about courses and centres. Purposes for this professional training Their purposes are: -

Favor training for the active workers, and unemployed to improve their professional and personal development. Provide knowledge and adequate practices required in the market and satisfy companies necessities.



Contribute to the improvement of productivity and competitiveness among companies. Improve empleability, especially among those people who have more difficulty. Promote that the professional acquired competences as well as laboral experience would be object of accreditation.

Competitiveness Constantly, market studies will be made in order to know the evolution of the sector and to be able to train on basis to evolutive and competitive models of business. In these courses, training and contents will be provided, such as -

Food intolerence o Biological food o Celiac food o Food without sugar


Business management: o Purchases o Profitability rentability o Accounting


Image and concept: o o o o

Communication Concept development Environment study I+D+i

Courses Formative action means a better adquisition and an improvement of competences and professional qualifications, being able to structure in various formative units with own objectives, contents and duration.


Courses scope The courses will have 3 different fields: - Presencial courses.- Both teacher and students will be physically in class. -

On line courses.- presencial courses, but broadcasted on live through Livania TV. These courses will be only seen by the members of Livania, without inscription(only with the membership fee and the password)


Off line courses.- Presencial courses but filed in Livania library and they will be able to look up by any member.


“Cloud school” courses.

Courses profile Courses will be orientated to a business profile (business management). Students will become businesspeople. The courses will try to create or promote a mentality and a professional profile based on quality, innovation, creativity and with a business basis or management responsability. CAR Courses These courses will be theorized on a concept of high-performance: Special courses, with special trainers and totally designed to prepare specialiased professionals. Courses filled with design, I+D+i, creativity and a lot of quality. CAR stands for Cursos Alto Rendimiento in Spanish. Bonificated courses Companies dispose of credit for their workers’ training, its total import results from the total amount of money that the company came in the year before, in concept of professional training. The percentage is established by Presupuestos Generales del Estado. Studies should be recognized with oficial qualifications ( a degree or an acreditation).


“Cloud School” Livania school will have three evolutive stages as for the course procedure: 1) Presencial courses 2) On – Line courses 3) Courses in Cloud School Step by step, the Foundation not only will develop with great efficency the number of on line courses in Spain via Livania TV, but also to LatinoAmerica through the Facebook and other social webs, which operate well enough in this area . Once the Foundation has a great number of friends through social webs and a great efectiveness in the on line courses, courses, demonstrations and short presentations (less than 2 hours) will be held for all those members anywhere. With time, many courses at the same time will be taking place and all will have a virtual base 2.0. Quality The Servicio Público del Empleo Estatal will yearly establish a plan of tecnichal improvement of formative instructors. Sructure professors Cooks: -

Trainers coordinator .- X cook 1 .- Oriol Castro cook 2 .- Montse Estruch cook 3 .- A. Pelliser cook 4 .- X cook5 .- X cook 6 .- X

Pastry cook: -

pastry cook1 .- Ramón Freixe pastry cook 2 .- Jordi Roca pastry cook3 .- Nuria Gironés


Bakers: -

Trainers coordinator .- Ezequiel MartĂ­ baker 1 .- Carles Mampel baker 2 .- Michel Willaume baker 3 .- Amador Castillo baker 4 .- Mario Padial baker 5 .- X

Ice cream: -

ice cream maker1 .- Antoni Sirvent ice cream maker 2 .- Jordi ice cream maker 3 .- Carlos Arribas

Cocktails: -

Cocktail barman1 .- Javier de las Muelas

Various: -

Laboral risk.Customers’ reception.maitre.Establishment marketing.- David Boada Business quality.-

Each professor needs to design the following course program: Course coordinator: -

Complete course of 9 months length, with all the modules and submodules to split the content in parts. 4 CAR courses, previously analized to offer the maximum training with the less possible time. Its length will be between 20 and 25 hours. 2 monographic courses of 8 hours. 2 virtual courses, high-valued in content.

Teaching staff: -

2 presencial couses of 8 hours. 1virtual course of 30 minutes. 1 virtual course of 60 minutes. 1 monographic of 10 minutes.


Student’s profile The students’ profile will be as diversified and segmented as possible. Los different areas are: -

Professional area: o Professionals in specialization o Professionals in orientation


School area: o Courses based on promotion and primary school o courses based on future orientation


Personal area: o Coaching o Personal development o Elder people, parallel activities

Professional area Students who finish the Hotel and Restaurant management school: -

Courses taken just after fininshing Hotel bussiness school and the professional world. Business management studies. Specialized courses.

Future courses: -

Courses aimed for Kindergatens, primary schools to promote products, culture, group activities, foof, etc. Courses for Secondary school (laboral orientation: what does it mean to be a cook, a baker, an ice-cream maker?)

Other profiles: -

Reintegration into society Courses on ocupational training and controversial youngsters


Private area: -

People who want to learn cooking Groups of training in coaching management, such as team project management.

Sponsors: At the school, there should be some sponsors to help to realize CAR courses, as well as to help searching for and designing new syllabus in order to increase theme quality. These sponsors will have the promotion in the following school actions: -

During the couse development – Anagrams at backdrop or at roll up At the web banners – At the screen sides where the courses are announced. Advertisement posters – with all sponsors Home web – Banners at the Home web main part Advertisements in each course Flyer – given together with the documents in each course, with: -

Livania Sponsors Event Sponsor

Marketing management Livania Foundation has to be totally directed under a marketing philosophy. New tendencies need to be studied constantly and the Foundation members have to be provided with training and information. The objectives of the Marketing Department of the school will be: -


Coordination with all the Livania Foundation digital communication vias and Contorni group to communicate and promote each course. Make actions to communicate and attract at the maximum communication channels Create and develop the structure as well as to take the best profit of it, with its own resources. Create the school corporative image to give value to the image, to the courses and to the management. Pass on culture and training, in the way that all members wish, providing them with value and optimization.



Gain income as the power supply for the school: o Own resources with sponsors (create a good return) o Students’ deposit for the courses. o Other resources:

Subsidies Atypical incomes

Communication Politics All the school courses communication and its promotion will be made in the following communication vias: -

Contorni communication strategy (Communication tools): o o o o


Livania Foundations communication strategy: o o o o o o


Catalogs Web Newsletters SMS

Accions Magazine Web Newsletter SMS Social webs

Livania Technical school communication strategy: o o o o

Web Newsletters SMS Social webs

What are the minimum advantatges for the teaching staff What should be given to the cook, demonstrator or professor? -

Become free member of Livania. Be paid for the presencial courses that he/she teaches. All the expenses needed for the course development.



Image and information publication at Livania Foundation, magazine, web, newsletter for the promotion of the trainer. Part of the benefits should go to I+D+i training, and at the same time, a percentatge for training and teaching staff preparation.

Sponsors card Apart from all the advantatges the sponsors may have to be part of Livania, we can relate more actions to develop according to investment: -

Send catalogs to the Foundation members (posting cost should be taken into consideration). Bring 20 new members to the Foundation with personalized character. Participate at parallel events, as for example, having a stand in Technifira or other Forums.

SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship concept In Marketing, we know that companies promotion and communication is changing at a vertiginous velocity. Consequently, we need to look for more effective and less costing alternatives. Nowadays, reaching the market with the sales delegates, advertisement, conventional fairs or classic demonstrations isn’t enough. To seek for effectiveness, we need to enter the market by means of an especialized communication system, segmenting all potential clients in micro markets. Livania Foundation communication channel will try to reach everybody to promote concepts such as culture and training in the sector, and to promote all sponsors who contribute to the mentioned culture and training.


Objectives The Foundation objective is to achieve the creation of a low cost communication channel and a basic Marketing concept to communicate the maximum at the minimum cost. Two kind of incomes need to be searched: -


Sponsorships and collaborations in the Foundation (a limited quantity of sponsors in order not to lose effectiveness in communication). Possible subsidies. Membership fees (this is the amount that the Foundation should be massively came in to achieve the maximum communication effectiveness in the entity)

Communication tools Many communication tools will be used in order to, first, obtain the maximum amount of Foundation members and to, second, communicate effectively. These tools are : -

Livania Magazine Livania Web Livania Newsletters Alfredo Livania in Facebook and in community Livania Technical school Livania TV (Internet TV channel) Livania Web club World Cup Web Provoke in Kitchen Web Livania prizes Livania congress Technifira “Spain Cup” competitions in the 4 modalities

Minimum sponsorship for Livania Foundation Being sponsor in Foundation Livania………………….

3.500 €

The fact of being a Foundation sponsor does not mean that one should pay for the publication of an advertisement in the magazine. The sponsorship itself includes the publication of an advertisement at a fullpage size for the 4 three-monthly magazines published in a year.


Being sponsor of The Livania Foundation includes the following actions: 1) Full page advertisement: 4 times/ year. 2) 2 minimum newsletters a year, for 12,000 professionals 3) 1 fix banner in Web as sponsor. 4) 1 temporary banner in a visible place at Web de Livania. 5) Be present at all the places where the Foundation sponsors be . 6) Be present at 7) Publish articles at Web como such as news. 8) Possibility to send a catalog to all Livania members. 9) The sponsor may register 10 special clients at the Foundation. 10)Any training or promotional proposal from the sponsor should be taken into consideration. Livania magazine Extra advertisement cost Apart from the full page advertisment published at the magazine, the sponsors may choose to make a other advertisments or articles presentations: Especial single pages cost………………………….. Especial doble page cost.………………….............

95 € 165 €

Communication advantatges The magazine can be used to create any communication action. Moreover, we need to notice the following: -

Published more advertisements. Write down articles about the brand, products, actions, company, etc. Publish any news on products or any other activity the sponsor wish: events, fairs parties, demonstrations etc. Any proposal coming from the supplier marketing department.

Livania web Sponsorship cost fee.

The cost for being at the Livania web is in the yearly membership


Communication advantatges Sponson and collaborator may publish all what they wish. There will be a charge on the needed material and on the labor cost. Conditions for the Foundation sponsors: -

Publish an article a year to promote brand, product or activity. Publish a banner for 2 weeks a year Introduce the sponsor anagram in the sponsors list.

Livania TV On Livania Tv, the sponsor may broadcast documentaries, presentations, commercials and different types of advertisements to promote the brand, as well as to visualize the brand in banners at the screen side and at the commercials. (the cost of communication will be also calculated separately, depending on the project and the communication capacity. Newsletters Livania Only for the fact of being sponsor, the sponsor should publish 2 news per year in relation to any event, product, activity or brand.. The most efficient communication way through the newsletter will be always seeked to obtain an important success in the communication itself. Web Club Livania Copa del Mundo The main purpose of the web in respect to communication is divided into two aspects: -

Create effectiveness in the doubts the professionals have in respect to any world cup competition. Create a group of people who have participated in any world competition.

In this web, sponsors may publish a banner for two weeks a year. Moreover, all the information will be published with the corporative image corresponding to those brands who are sponsors of any national team for the World cup.


These teams will be organized and coodinated from Livania Foundation and, when there will be the need to organize a team, a project with an especific budget will be created. Web Provoke in kitchen Provoke in Kitchen web will use 3 competitions a year which will last 4 months each with the intention to promote one only product on basis to its producer promotion . This product and its producer will be exclusively promoted, a way to provide the maximum promotion and information to those professionals who surfed the web or who compete in the competition. The name of the brand will be communicated to the jury , contestants, and web visitors, ....meanwhile Livania members and other web visitors will be provoked to visit . Web Livania prizes Livania prizes will be awarded every two years to 15 Spanish professionals, coinciding with the Technifira Dinner, an event which is biannual. In the dinner, which until now has had an important attendance – 1000 people in the last dinner), the prizes are awarded. Being widely spread, 4 sponsors will be asked to publish in the prize awarding through posters (with backdrops), webs and all the Foundation communiquÊs. Technifira Technifira will be a project of great magnitude which tries to organize the maximum amount of activities to attract the highest number of Spanish professionals as possible. Technifira will have the following structure: -

Stands area.- Direct or indirect collaborating companies with Contorni and Livania Foundation will be able to exhibit Demonstration area.- Direct or indirect collaborating companies with Contorni and Livania Foundation will be able to make demonstrations



Craft area.- Direct or indirect collaborating companies with Contorni and Livania Foundation will be able to make crafts Conference area.- Direct or indirect collaborating companies with Contorni and Livania Foundation will be able to participate in conferences.

(the cost will be calculated in terms of stand price and the rest of activities will be totally free from being a Contorni and Livania supplier) “Spain Cup”competitions The competitions will be: -

Spain cup of:

o o o o

Cooking Bakery Ice cream parlor Pizza

The communication will be materialized through conventional magazines from the sector (External magazines to the Foundation) and also in the Livania Foundation communication structure. -

Livania Magazine Livania Web Livania Newsletters Alfredo Livania in Facebook and in community Livania Technical school Livania TV (Internet TV channel) Livania Web club World Cup Web Provoke in Kitchen Web Livania prizes Livania congress Technifira “Spain Cup” competitions in the 4 modalities

One of the important projects is to broadcast all competitions, from 8.00 to 19.00 for 3 days with interviews to the contestants, jury, sponsors, visitors , etc.


School project – Comunicación a 360º Sponsors -

Courses– Anagrams at backdrop or at roll up. Banners – screen sides where the courses are published Advertisement posters – with all sponsors. Home web – Banners at the main part of the web. Advertisements in each course. Samples – Special posting to members who had made courses. Flyer – given together with the documents for the course -

Livania sponsors Event sponsors

At the school we will try to take benefit from the subsidies to: -

Creation of the school Creation of the web. Communication channel promotion (very important) Benefit the school structure Constantly training design and innovated contents to create updated courses, with quality

Promotion of the Foundation Livania Foundation hast to communicate and advertise constantly and to achieve members, also from the alien resources or atypical resources. The tools to promote and advantages will be realized through: -




Leaflets Corporative commercials in external tecnic magazines Distributors link webs Sponsors link webs Inscription Sheets Folders and courses material Parallel events inscriptions. Communications through Alfredo in the web. Etc…


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