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Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

COVER: Angela @silverphoenixrising PHOTO CREDIT: @silverphoenixrising

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tan gled

SILVER M agazin e

TSMagazine is published quarterly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. Editor & Publisher Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com Content Assistant David Salls david@tangledsilvermag.com Copy Editor Debra Proud Contributing Writers Tina @grey.grace.andgrit Vanessa @silverliberation Stevie @Silverilocks Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Lauren @embracethegreys Layout Designer Robin Salls Advertising Rates & Inf ormation Sales@tangledsilvermag.com Mailing Address Girls Gone Grape, Inc./TangledSIlverMag PO Box 503 Johnstown, CO 80534 Submissions|Inquiries Email : sales@tangledsilvermag.com Tangled SIlver Magazine - ISSN PENDING. Spring 2021. Printed in USA. Tangled Silver is published quarterly (4x per year) January, April, July, October by Girls Gone Grape, Inc. Subscription prices f or print $49 Tangled Silver Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content or artwork is prohibited in any print or electronic f orm without prior written permission by the publisher.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Contributor Meet & Greet

Hi! I?m Vanessa. I teach women to love themselves from the inside out, using self loving inspiration, food, breath, movement and meditation. I believe that with the right tools and willingness to let go of

what no longer serves you? one can tap into the most powerful inner wisdom of all ? ..Your inner guru. It?s about shedding the masks we have been hiding behind for far too long. It?s about learning how to be our most authentic self. It?s about redefining beauty. It?s about setting yourself free. It?s about coming home.

Vanessa | NV Age 51 Certif ied Holistic Health & Lif estyle Practitioner (AADP), Motivational Speaker, Author, Certif ied Kundalini Yoga Instructor, grey hair inf luencer, passionate jazz singer and Mother of three beautif ul daughters.

It?s about radical self love. My book ?The Fire Driven Life?is a road map to your own ?daily method of operation?- Helping you to create and live your own healthiest happiest life.

I Believe there has never been a better time than now ? . To fall madly deeply in love? with yourself. I promise its worth the effort.

Silver since 2019

Process chosen to achieve her grey hair - The Cold Turkey slow grow out method!

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021



Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Loving yourself

is so crucial f or overall

health, but it?s a step that many people skip. No matter how much love we f eel f rom those around us, if we?re not taking care of our own physical, mental, and spiritual needs f or self -love and care, then we are depriving ourselves of true happiness. It can be hard to develop self-love as a habit. Many of us are working against years of poor relationships, parents who didn?t instill that love in us, or the heavy burden of societal pressures to always do more and be better than others. For that reason, I suggest using easy tips to work self love into your daily routine. Start slowly if you need to, and leave yourself notes and reminders. Just make sure that you are being kind to yourself and focusing on the positive aspects of who you are. Here are 15 ways to bring more self love into your daily routine.

In the Morning: 1. Before you get out of bed, think about one thing you?d like to accomplish for yourself today. 2. Put positive notes on your mirror and look at them each morning. 3. Wear something that makes you feel fabulous because you are fabulous! 4. Tell yourself that you?re going to do great today, whether it?s just leaving your bedroom, or leaving your house for faraway adventures! 5. Before you start your tasks for the day, take a second to think about how hard you?ve worked to get where you are, whether it?s supreme patience as a caregiver or pouring yourself into career pursuits or life as a steadfast student of others.

During the Day: 1. Drink water to feel good, but treat yourself by infusing it with fruits and herbs. 2. Forgive yourself if you make a mistake. 3. Don?t dwell on qualities that you think are negative, whether it?s being forgetful or running late. You?re doing your best. 4. Keep a list of affirmations handy and say them to yourself at least once a day. 5. Take a few minutes to sit in quiet reflection. Let your mind rest, then think something positive about your life.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021



Bef ore You Go to Sleep: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Compliment yourself on something you did well or something you learned. Plan out a healthy breakfast for the following day. Same for lunch! And dinner! Or, at least make time to get the plant-based ingredients you?ll need to fuel your beautiful self. 5. Make sure you got in a workout, whether it?s a morning run, afternoon stop at the gym, or an evening walk or yoga. If you make a list like this for your day and start reminding yourself to follow them as much as you can every day of the week, I guarantee you?ll start feeling better about everything. You will glow, and your health?physical and mental?will improve. If you feel awkward doing these things at first, that?s okay. Just keep doing it and you will find that your feelings become more sincere over time as you realize that you are the most valuable person in your life. Give yourself time and put effort into developing the relationship with your self and see what self-love can do for you!

Vanessa Chamberlin is a Certified Holistic Health and lifestyle Practitioner,accredited through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP),Yoga Alliance certified Kundalini yoga instructor, motivational speaker, and author ofTheFire-Driven Life: Howto IgnitetheFireof Self-Worth, Health, andHappinesswitha Plant-BasedDiet. In addition, to being a grey hair influencer and advocate, Vanessa is a passionate jazz singer and mother of three beautiful daughters. For more information, please visit,www.vanessachamberlin.comand connect with her on facebook and instagram @silverliberation.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


EM BRACE | You 13

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

BE | St yle 15

Contributor Meet & Greet

Hello Star Shine! I'm Stevie and my goal is to help you navigate the beauty industry so that it serves you, your health, and your dreams more than it serves a corporate bottom line. I am here to un-distract you and remind you that beauty standards were created to make you feel "less than" in order to keep you in pursuit of some mythical fountain of perfection. You are more than enough and you are going to do amazing things! I'll only share products that I have personally tried and loved. Products that are cruelty free, clean and scientifically plausible. I'll share my thoughts on subjects, not to tell you what to think, but to inspire you to think. I'm a West Coast gal that moved to the East Coast who finds life an adventure.

Stevie | NC

I'm excited to be a part of Tangled Silver Magazine and look forward to watching our silver sister community grow, inspire and push back on the status quo of what aging means.

Age 49

JustRight Beauty Grown-ass Goldilocks Digital beauty consultant Beauty diversity not standards Pro-Age

You'll also find me over at my YouTube channel or my website at www.silverilocks.com.

Silver since 2016

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021

EM BRACE | Joy 17 There?s lots of talk about PRO-AGE around here, but what does it mean aside f rom being the antonym f or ANTI-AGE.

wellness naturally will make you feel relevant, timeless, and vibrant.

I have a f ew thoughts.

you move through the world.

PRO-AGE means loving and appreciating the human experience and showing up for every stage of life.

Your vibe will be so highly tuned, it will harmonize with THE GREATER HALLELUJAH.

It means not trying to engage the hands of time into a never-ending arm wrestling match with the intention of bullying them into submission

And, your charisma will turn heads, hearts, and curious minds towards you, AND ALL THEY WILL FEEL ISPURE BEAUTY.

? which is really just an act of delusion keeping you from being present in your own life ?

And age will have nothing to do with it.

Which will show up on your skin, your hair, your eyes, your voice, and your beautiful body and affect the way

Instead, you treat each moment of physical, mental, spiritual change as an important stop along an incredible journey.

Writer StevieWeisend @silverilocks These are the moments when you walk out onto the edge and soak it all in? . Don?t stay where it?s safe because you will miss out on portions of your life? ? .and missing portions of your life is the same as cutting it short through other means. Pro-age means not trying to be younger, or rather, not trying to be any age but just enjoying where you are at right now. Pro-age BEAUTY begins by locating and triggering your J-spot ? that is your joy spot that can only be accessed by you? Your J-spot is personal, but the signature energy that emits from it will attract kindred spirits as well as those who want to vibe as well as you do. Finding your own joy, and then cultivating health and

Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

EM BRACE | You 21

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Note Fr om Robin

Hello Silver Sisters, I'm so humbled and amazed by the support you've shown the magazine since we launched this year! It fills our hearts with joy to know that we're doing our part to help change the story line going forward for all women embracing their natural silvers. One woman at a time. One day at a time. Silver, gray and white hair will rise above the notions that imply these colors on women should be frowned upon. We're here to stay and the rest of the world will soon see that embracing silver is as natural as breathing. We're excited to dive deeper into our connections with the silver community this month. All of our experiences are different, but we're like a beautiful quilt sewn together...individual squares that once connected create a masterpiece of warmth and good vibrations. This community is like none other and we're honored to be a part of your silver adventures. This month's EMBRACE section starts with 15 Ways for Self Love, followed up with Finding Your J-Spot brought to you by two of our newest contributors!

And, finally we close with BE. Being stylish, being beautiful, being creative and being you. Spring is all about colors bursting from their buds and we've got several thoughts on color. We're also introducing you to several creative sisters whose passions lead there lives. You'll meet the Director behind the movie Gray Is The New Blonde, an International Eco Artist and another artist working to bring you pieces of joy for your soul in her jewelry. Embracing your silvers is just the beginning to the adventures that lie ahead for you. This simple or maybe not so simple choice will open up doors you might not have imagined up until now. Doors to your soul, doors to new friendships, doors to creativity... I hope you'll grab a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and curl up in your favorite chair and join us in these pages. Silver for the win!

Robin Salls

Then we enter CELEBRATE where we do just that...we celebrate women in the journey at all stages. We think it's important to meet them and know you're never alone in this wild ride or "tangled" life. So, we're bringing you MORE beautiful silver sisters, along with their stories to inspire your journey.

Editor & Publisher @tangledsilver on Instagram robin@tanglesilvermag.com


Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

EM BRACE | You 25

Contributor Meet & Greet

Hello Ladies! I'm always finding Silver Linings and helping others find theirs! I've been working in health & wellness with skincare and nutrition for over 10 years! I especially enjoy making connections with women and helping them reach their dreams. I feel fabulous and free for midlife and more and want to inspire you to embrace where you are at in life too! I feel your mind, body , skin and spirit are intertwined and I love to share tips and thoughts on encouraging overall well-being in these areas of life.

Joanne | England

The Lockdown finally made me curious to discover what was under the dye I'd been using since my 20"s...and there it was, the hair I'd dreamed of all my life!

Shining, silver and FREE!

Age 51

VP with Arbonne International Laugh and love your silver linings my motto! Happy, holistic, healthy, hopef ul & hormonal.

Silver since 2020

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


hat do you think seems like a harmless question yet a question that

yields power to the answer-er. The moment you ask this simple phrase, you?ve opened the seal for that person to express their personal viewpoint, one that may cause battle lines to be drawn with what you think. What do you think of my outfit?What do you think of my silver curls?What do you think of this color on me?Do you see where I?m going? Becoming a silver sister is one of the most rewarding, self-love adventures you?ll experience in your lifetime. You?ll also discover that in making this bold choice for yourself, you suddenly feel a bit like a dart board with everyone aiming those darts right for the center spot. Family, friends, and complete strangers will suddenly become your personal guardians to protect you from letting your silvers shine through? . ?I think I can see your roots. It might be time for a touch up.? ?I know Covid changed the world, but you don?t have to stop taking care of yourself altogether.? ?Gray hair will wash you out and make you look older. You really don?t want that, right?? ?I?m just looking out for you as I want you to look and feel your best.? You might give a pass to family and friends, but suddenly complete strangers will deem it appropriate to throw in their two cents. I?m all about First Amendment rights, but when did my hair color choice become their protest? After talking with numerous silver sisters who expressed this same frustration, I started noticing a pattern. A pattern that we, as silver sisters, slip into without really noticing. As human beings we naturally want approval, so we start asking for it--What do you think?It?s fabulous when we get the responses we?re hoping for and frustrating when we get the complete opposite. I compare this to my daughter being pregnant. Everyone, including strangers, wanted to touch her belly. She didn?t want people all up in her business. She wasn?t asking, ?What do you think of my being pregnant??She was pregnant, take it or leave it. I?m choosing to let my natural silver take over? .take it or leave it. I?ve learned in the last two years to use this phrase very carefully and selectively and only among my inner circle of those whose opinions I appreciate. You won?t catch me asking, ?What do you think of my silvers?? Frankly, I don?t care if you like them or not. I only care that I feel amazing at this point in my life, and I love my superpower hair and all the freedom it has helped me to discover. Stop asking and just enjoy your silvers, ladies. Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET ANGELA a.k.a. @silverphoenixrising on Instagram 50 | Doctor | Silver since 2018 "Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure." Three years ago my hand was forced to stop coloring my hair...not that the ritual was something that I ever looked forward to. My severe allergic reaction to the toxic ingredients was one of the best things that could have happened for my well-BEing. And, so my adventure began. I learned a deeper level of patience and self-acceptance during the first 6 months while at first cringing at the line of demarcation and sharpened my "sword" of humor for defense against critics. As my silver streaks grew bolder I realized what a fool I had been to hide my silvering authenticity under a boring mask of hair color.

@Silver ph oen ixr isin g | New Yor k Being a long time long-haired girl, my silver transition took me 2.5 years and was completed in August of last year. Those who seemed to be questioning critics became curious supporters. I stand "bolder, not older" in the ashes of who I once was.

"I am a 50 year old woman hoping to empower and inspire others' Silver Streaks of Nature one photo post at a time."

Angela Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021





Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021



MEET LAUREN a.k.a. @embracethegreys on Instagram 26 | School Teacher | Silver since 2018 I found my first grey hair when I was 12 and after having to dye my hair more and more frequently, I decided to stop covering my grey in April 2018 at 24 years old.

I've been getting low lights to ease the transition as was actually encouraged by my hairdresser to embrace my grey hair. My older brothers also have grey, but of course they are considered "distinguished"whereas I am either told I should cover it or I'm met with shock and awe...how could someone so young actually want grey hair?

@em br acet h egr eys | Can ada But I have learned to embrace it and am proud to be a silver sister. I am also inspired by my beautiful mom (she's the beauty in the middle photo) who has now completely grown out her grey hair, and as she puts it, together we are spreading the grey love! I also teach 6 and 7 year olds and some of the girls lately have been asking me more about my hair. They seem to already have the idea that grey hair should be covered and grey means old. They tell me I should dye it and ask me why it's grey all the time. I'mtrying to help them see that they should embrace who they are, even if those things aren't the norm. It's scary to me that such young girls already have the preconception of grey hair so I hope that this grey hair movement will help more women and young girls to see that they don't need to hide who they are!


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

MEET FERNA a.k.a. @ferna.canas on Instagram 48 | Publicist, TV Media | Silver since 2018 Hello! In July 2018 I decided not to dye my hair anymore and leave my gray hair. Contrary to what many people think, I never felt fear. I had no doubts and I never wanted to paint my hair again. I'm currrenlty working in TV media and programming, but I never looked back. Today, I've completed the transition and I feel free and happy. It was the best decision I had made lately and I invite all those women who are in transition or want to stop coloring their hair, to go ahead without fear!

@f er n a.can as | Ven ezu ela The main advice for turning gray is acceptance and self-love. When we assume those two aspects, we just have to be patient, since the process is long. You'll encounter stumbling blocks, but with patience, determination and courage it becomes much easier to achieve your transformation. My advise for care of gray hair to use hydrating natural oils, like coco's . I also use a purple shampoo to tone at least 2x a week to keep my gray as gray hair turns yellowish over time. . Also, gray hair produces frizz, so it's advisable to use styling creams, conditioner and oils. I also like to trim the ends every 3 or 4 months so that the new gray is born stronger and healthier. Again, I just ecourage you to go ahead without fear!


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021



MEET THERESE a.k.a. @theresegoesgrey on Instagram 57 | 100% Grey Hair Advocate | Silver since 2018 I want to emphasize that I'm very passionate about the #proage movement. I really feel that advertising and the media in general tend to put women over 50 on the shelf and that needs to stop, we are vibrant, we have much to offer and we are a huge segment of the population that needs to be addressed and acknowledged! It is very frustrating to see a 20 something in anti-aging skincare ads, in fact it's kind of ridiculous if you ask me! Also, I have been very fortunate that my account has garnered attention from Meder Beauty & Own Your Sparkle. I have been interviewed by both in

@t h er esegoesgr ey | M ich igan the past six months and it was a pleasure to discuss my journey going gray. Going gray has truly opened so many doors for me and has provided opportunities that I never thought would happen at this stage in my life and I'm truly grateful for that! I have some amazing collaborations I'm really proud to be a part of. I work with Earth's Cure which is a skincare company made right here in the USA that prides themselves on using natural ingredients and they target women over 50. It is an affordable and effective skincare line that I use and have seen my skin get better each month I use it. And, you can use my code Therese10 for 10%their products. I'm an ambassador for Wallaroo Hats (the most stylish hats ever!) and highly recommend them, and you can use my code ThereseC20 for 20%off all full price merchandise. All opportunites that have come from embracing myself!


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

MEET PAMELA @nifty.shades.of.grey on Instagram 48 | Director of Arts | Silver since 2018 I live in North Carolina and I turned 48 in February. I am a director for the arts in a public high school, in addition to teaching classes n Creative Writing and American Indian Studies, which I'm very passionate about, having been one of my research focuses in graduate school. I will be starting studies for my doctorate in the fall... I get really bored whenI'm not intellectually stimulated. It's a bit of a curse. I never even THOUGHT about letting my silver do what she wanted until I saw a high school friend embrace her like a boss. I had so many preconceived notions about family response, support, or lack of. The first few months were the most difficult and I struggled with SO MUCH self doubt. I would question my decision nearly

@n if t y.sh ades.of .gr ey | Nor t h Car olin a every day. But my family was incredibly supportive. My husband and children became my cheering section...over and over...because when you decide to stop dyeing, it's really a minute by minute struggle for a REALLY long time. Or it was for me. That part was interesting because I've always thought I was comfortable just beig myself. It turned out that I was comfortable being what I thought everyone else/society thought beautiful looked like. And that definitely didn't include silver hair. Fast forward to now, and I struggle to remember a time when I felt more confident in who I am. There is a powerful peace that comes when you finally realize that you were always enough. There is also an incredible strength that comes from encouraging and supporting other women who are in the beginning stages. Those naked moments that have you imagining there's a spotlight on your hairline wherever you go and imaginary conversations happening when you walk into or leave a room. My goal is to help them replace that narrative with a "Because I can" confidence that was given me by the Silver Sisters community.


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021



MEET ASHELY @grey.roots Instagram 24 | School Teacher | Silver since 2019 Hi, I'm Ashely! I'm 24. I'm 70%grey! I found my first grey hair at the age of 14, and immediately wanted to hide it. I felt embarassed. I turned to hair dye for the next 10 years in hope it would be the solution, but it wasn't. My grey was growing in faster as I got older. I went from 20%grey to 60%grey so quickly. Buying box dye started to make me feel depressed as I felt I was trying to hide myself. I still couldn't believe that I could have grey at 14.

@gr ey.r oot s | Can ada Then I found the community of silver sisters and they changed my mindset. I am now 1 year and four months dye free! I feel confident. I want to share my grey to others and encourage women that grey is beautiful at any age. Let's not hide our grey! Grey is freedom!

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

MEET SANDRA a.k.a. @be.greyceful on Instagram 45 | Marketing Executive | Silver since 2020 I was working as a Marketing Executive in the aircraft? business when the pandemic hit. As I was working from home, I decided that the time had come for me, to start my silver hair journey. The decision was made. I was also going to do a natural transition : Cold Turkey. I suddenly felt the need to connect with other women in the same situation. I went on Youtube, joined a group on Facebook and decided to open an account on Instagram. Although I?m bilingual, I was looking to connect with French speaking women as well. I couldn?t find anything on Facebook or on Youtube. My daughter told me : «Why don?t you start your own French Youtube channel?»«Me!?»«Why not?»And I did it.

@be.gr eycef u l | Can ada My will to help other women was stronger than my fears. So I started my French Youtube channel in order to provide support, share my journey, a few tips and exchange with them. You know what?If I can only help 1 woman out there, to me, it's a mission accomplished! So here I am today. I had no idea that this journey would lead me to create a Youtube channel, become a brand ambassador for Reitmans in order to celebrate women's diversity, to do a collaboration with Mac Cosmetics Canada (in French) and most important of all to connect with a wonderful and inspiring silver sisters? community that is so generous, all about women empowerment and mutual support. I also made new sincere friendships! Should you know any French speaking woman out there that is looking for support and motivation, do not hesitate to lead her to my Youtube channel : Élégance du gris-Be.greyceful www.begreyceful.com Love you all


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

BE | St yle 47 RECLAIM. RECYCLE ? REPURPOSE. REBIRTH. RE-INVENT. International Sculptor, Painter, Muralist and Professor of the Fine Arts, Laura Marie Panozzo does just that through her creativity. She's a native of Indiana. Lover of the Dunes and Lake Michigan and has had studios here in the USA, along with studios in Italy and Puerto Rico over the past 24 years. She's creating custom, green, eco art for all dwelling spaces, interior and exterior. Her new series featuring botanicals will soon be offered in lines for wallpaper, bedspreads and home design. What's her silver story?A silver sister who accidentally discovered her beautiful silvers under all the color after a horrifying haircut. She realized that being silver didn't make her feel less of who she was, but actually more in sync with who she already was. Allowing her natural hair to shine through has become another canvas to express her artistic creativity while inspiring silver sisters around the world. She has a creative heart and soul that shines in all her endeavors. "My works are created with the purpose and intention of creating a sense of strength and inspiration. Each Sculpture evokes a sense of empowerment, peace and healing. Cheers to some determination to carry you along on your journey. My work celebrates the beauty of nature and wonder in all its glorious forms. Let us not be wasteful, but reuse, rebirth, and embrace raw, natural beauty." Lauren Marie

Tangledsilvermag.com | SPring 2021


?One day an army of gr ay-h air ed women may quietly take over the earth.? ~ Glor ia St ein em . In fact, that is exactly what is ?quietly?happening. There IS, most definitely a #grayhairmovement taking place and it is happening all over the world. When I first discovered how much gray I had (in 2002) there was no support at all. Facebook was not born yet (2004) hence there were no gray-hair support groups like there are now (toomany tocount), Instagram also was not born yet (2010) and of course there were no inspiring photos on Pinterest to help a new silver sister stay committed because it too was yet to be born

VICTORIA | Califor nia

Behind TheCamera

@gr ayist henewblonde on Inst agr am 60 | Pr oduer | Silver since 20 0 2

(2010), so I was very much alone. Persevered I did though. Little did I know those gray roots back in 2002 would become my legacy.

?Real change, enduringchange, happens onestepat a time.?~ RuthBader Ginsburg The horrific events of 9/11 were the impetus to my own personal transition story. New York City is my home. It is where I grew up and where I spent the first 40 years of my life. Three weeks after 9/11, I left the city for good, not because I wanted to but because I HAD to and while going through the aftermath of 9/11 I definitely did not think about my hair. Not even once. In fact, my hair was the furthest thing from my mind. Recovery was at hand and my hair did its own thing. I did not recall having gray hair though before 9/11 except for a few strands, maybe?, but after 9/11 it came in with a vengeance. They say stress does not cause gray hair; I beg to differ. I left NYC and headed to

North Carolina where, if people noticed my roots and did not like them, I was blissfully unaware. Though I had one friend so vehemently opposed to it that he actually made an appointment for me to get my hair dyed and was going to pay for it too!? well, of course I laughed it off then but today we?re not that close anymore. Just sayin?. Once it came in, I felt unique (I actually wasbut didn?t knowit at thetime) and I preferred that over being similar to everyone else, being the good rebel that I am. So, I kept it, that is until 2012 when I dyed it again, for work? . Working in the entertainment industry I reasoned I would garner more work in front of the camera with hair that was not gray. I thought I looked good, but I felt like I was looking at someone else and it was right then and there I realized I had made a mistake. ?Caving?(that iswhat it iscalled) is quite common and it is this very act of dying it again that provides the steadfastness a woman needs to get through all the negative pushback from well-meaning family and friends and of course those pesky strangers

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

BE | St yle 49

tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

yet the outpouring of support I received was far more than my 88 followers. And it was at that moment I realized I had hit a nerve. A nerve I would revisit 2 years later (Spring2015) when I decided I was going to make a movie. Yup, a movie and it was going to be about the outdated views and attitudes towards women with gray hair. Naturally, I selected the same title I used for that YT video 2 years earlier, and thus ?Gray Is The New Blonde?was born.

?We are Leaders of a new path, and as leaders we are sometimes misunderstood and ridiculed. That?s okay, we will triumph.?~ Victoria Marie

who think it is their duty to tell us we need to dye our hair! The process is met with such negativity from the world at large it takes a strong woman to get through the slings and arrows society so quickly and willingly throws our way. As I mentioned I had dyed it thinking I would get more work which I very well might have but it just wasn?t me and it was then, in December 2012 I said, ?never again?and so started my transition journey into the authentic woman I have become today, fulfilling many of my lifelong dreams. My gray/silver hair has given me confidence like I have never felt before. I feel incredibly powerful because of it. In the summer of 2013, I made a short video for my fledgling YouTube channel about my personal transition story to my natural, gray/silver hair and much to my surprise and awe I received so much engagement I came away thinking? who knew anyone cared so much about gray hair?Turns out they cared by the thousands. I only had 88 YT subscribers at the time

Wow! Movie making. Hmmm? it sounds sooooo glamorous and exciting? and it is! BUT there is a lot of heartbreak too. Looking back, it is a good thing I did not know what I know now. I might have never made the movie. Today though I am extremely grateful I stuck with it and saw it to the end because now this movie is an award-winning movie loved by women all over the world. This has made it all worth it. Having never made a movie before and absolutely no experience I naïvely thought I would be done in a year, tops! I have since learned by fellow filmmakers that have been in the game far longer than me, the 5 years it took me is actually quite short in the world of making documentaries and thus I?ve been praised for putting it out so quickly. That tells you just how naive I was. Ha, who knew, and there I was upset with myself for a minute because I did not complete it within the year. It was not until the end of year one that I realized I had possibly bitten off more than I could chew however I was committed so I stuck with it. Even as year 2 and year 3 and year 4 passed and I was still working on the movie I knew in my heart eventually I would finish. Although, there were more times than not that I wanted to quit. Where I felt like a failure and questioned whether or not I really had what it took to make this movie, for real. I learned over many, many long hours of hard work, tears, and self-doubt that in fact I did have the goods? .and yes, I could do this. So, I forged ahead and on January 23rd, 2020 we had our red-carpet premiere here in Los Angeles, CA. And what an event it was. The excitement and energy were palpable! Ladies flew in from all over the country and one even from India. It was truly a magical evening. One I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

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D'Wana | Ar kansas Therearesilver sistersthat just call out to your soul and D'Wana isone of those sisters! She describes herself as an Artist, Momma and Lovey who has a passion for creating jewelry from leather and clay and creating unique pendants and leather cuffs. Each piece is carefully created through things that inspire her. Her leather cuff line started as a way to help remind you of the truth you already know. Her pendants came about as another outlet of creativity with clay that has taken off so fast that she has many of them sold before she can even list them. I'm sure you've seen her pendants recently on other silver sisters, as we know of several that are sporting them in their Instagram accounts, including our Tangled Silver Magazine's own publisher. She's a woman that's up for connections and adventures at the drop of the hat. She's a woman who embraces her style and silvers with a wild passion. She's the woman that cheers the loudest for her friends success. She's the woman who opens her door and pours you a cup of tea in trying moments. She's the woman who can sit under a tree and find beauty in everything around her. She strives to make every pendant or cuff she sends out her door into a little piece of art that makes the receiver feel butterflies as they unwrap the beautifully packaged item. If you've ordered for yourself, you feel like you're getting a special surprise because she puts as much love in her packaging as she does in her art. She started her silver journey in January of 2018 with her last root cover in August of the same year at 50 years young. She hasn't looked back and has gained some of the most memorable relationships with other sisters she's met through the many silver sister communities. She finds the connections so beneficial when you're first starting on the journey to your gray and expresses how much deeper the journey goes once you get past the demarcation lines that so many experience. Going silver is an expression of your best self when it comes right down to it. You discover parts of yourself that you didn't realize were being hidden behind beliefs that you can't even remember how you got them. It's about loving yourself where ever you are in this journey and D'Wana is a beautiful example of self love with a heart of gold who loves others. Check out her Esty shop or follow her in Instagram @mountaingirlmelodies to see what treasures she has available.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Seasons change, lifestyles evolve, careers ebb & flow ? and through it all there?s one thing we wear every single day. Being comfortable in your own skin should be the easiest, most natural thing in the world - after all, baby you?re born with it! I don?t know about you, but it?s taken me until my fifties to really embrace the cracks, scars, wobbly bits - and I don?t just mean physically but emotionally too. Loving the skin you?re in is so much more than just appreciating our body?s largest organ and what we see in the mirror. This journey into the wonderful world of silver hair has nudged me to love the skin I?m in, in a whole new way. Skin, hair, body image ? it?s all so linked to how we feel about ourselves. Truly this is an inside-out job that connects our sense of self confidence, wellbeing and self-image. This past year or so I?ve learned to let go of worrying what other people think because quite frankly, other people?s opinion of me is none of my business!

Seasonschange, lifestyles... -

Hydrate ? our skin is roughly 70%water so when our body is hydrated, our skin is too, looking brighter and more radiant with that ?healthy glow?. Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate us so making sure we drink enough water is important. Our brain often translates ?I?m thirsty?as ?I?m hungry?? so reach for a glass of water before grabbing a snack and see how you feel


Sleep ? it?s called ?beauty sleep?for a reason - our cells renew & repair, blood flow is boosted and we produce more of our natural collagen when we sleep. Midlife and menopause can impact our sleep but mindfulness, meditation, less screen time (especially an hour or so before bed) and a relaxing night-time routine can help. Why not treat yourself to a calming herbal tea, warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil and a regular skincare regime so your body feels prepped and ready to relax and wake up refreshed. Even an extra hour can make a visible difference


Exf oliate ? our skin is constantly renewing itself and gently exfoliating can help the process by removing the dry, dead skin cells on the surface which make it look dull, clog pores and reduce the effectiveness of the products you use. Try dry body brushing or a natural scrub which can also help with lymphatic drainage - but keep it gentle! Mature skin on your face needs to be treated with kindness. Vitamin Cis a good ingredient for radiance or use a soft muslin cloth or natural products for a fresh appearance


Avoid the ?nasties?? check your labels! What are you feeding your skin?Many products out there include harsh chemicals that aren?t good for you, your skin or the environment. Often ?sensitive?skin has simply become sensitized to the ingredients we use every day. Have you been using products for ?oily?,?dry?or ?sensitive?skin for years ? yet your skin is still oily, dry or sensitive?Maybe it?s time to find products that work with your skin to find a natural balance


Gut health ? your gut is the second brain and an

I have seen silver sisters with every possible hairstyle, fashion style, makeup style and I believe that what suits you best is a smile and whatever the heck you want! Making your own rules is part of what makes you unique and you only need to spend 30 seconds in the company of the #silversisters to be inspired. However, whilst it feels so good to challenge society?s views of grey / gray / silver hair (also another topic I could talk about for days!) it?s still important to take good care of ourselves. It?s not about anti-aging (don?t get me started on that! Why would anyone be ANTI-aging?I mean, the alternative to getting older is not a good option!) but we can embrace HEALTHY aging. I?ve been working in health & wellness with skincare & nutrition experts for over 10 years so here are a few tips I?ve learned on the way?

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

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Writer JoanneBonnett

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021



unhealthy gut can show up on your skin. This is a whole article in itself but if your skin is really struggling, it?s worth checking your nutrition with a professional


Move ? skin covers your entire body ? move it! Better circulation increases blood flow, energy and that healthy GLOW. Your face alone has about 40 muscles and like any other part of the body, working them keeps them supple and toned. Check out facial exercises & massage online ? or just make some funny faces & have a laugh with it, which leads me neatly on to?


Smile ? your number one free beauty accessory! Smiling not only lights up your face, it releases endorphins which are chemicals that can reduce feelings of stress and boost our mood. Children smile around 400 times a day but the average adult maybe only cracks a grin 20-30 times. Try it! It can also lower blood pressure, alleviate pain, boost our immune system and let?s face it, it feels good! Laughter lines?Wisdom wrinkles?Character crinkles?All signs of a life well lived ? so smile and the world will smile back at you ?

So? here?s to you, loving the skin you are in right here, right now. When we feel good, we look good ? and when we shine from the inside out, we connect the dots between our sense of self and the image the world sees. No comparing. No looking back. It feels like freedom and it looks? blooming gorgeous! Keep Shining! Love Joanne xxx

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

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Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

PrimeLash Mascara Lengthen & Stregthen. Instant lift and length with long term care for lashes Seint Lip & Cheek Collection Easy application for lips and cheeks. Blend to make custom shades



Honest Beauty Extreme Length 2-in-1 Mascara Mascara & lash primer with jojoba esters

Boom Trio By Cindy Joseph Everything you need in 3 sticks; moisture, color, contour. Blends to your skin tone automatically. boombycindyjoseph.com


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

BE | St yle 59 Love your Curls Discovery Kit Shampoo. Condition. Leave in conditiion. Define Cream. Discover your natural curls by Evolvh

Kerotin Purple Shampoo & Conditioner Remove dull yellow tones & brassiness. Defines & smooths



Kerotin Hair Growth Formula Powerful nourishing formula to combat all common causes of hair loss, including blocking the DHT hormone. kerotin.com

Keep It Smooth Discovery Kit Moisture rich shampoo. Condition. Leave in conditiion. Polishing Balm Brig out the shiny smoothness in your hair. by Evolvh evolvh.com

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FavoriteHowToVideos What to do with your silvers, especially between hair washes, tends to be a theme among long haired sisters. Ponytails are a quick fix, but tend to be a bit boring and routine in the style department.

Mel Tickel offers fabulous and simple style instruction through her IGTV @silver_styling. She gives you new options, many braided and pulled up styles, to give your hair a little more sass. She breaks down her tricks in quick video content, with most under 4 minutes of your time. The next time you're looking to do something new, head over and check out her account.

Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021

H ow t o Cu r e Si l v er ... You Don 't Writer Robin Salls

Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021

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I recently got asked if I knew how to cure gray hair. What?You can cover it if you want, but I?m embracing mine, I replied. I get where this younger woman was coming from because I know I was once her? .. I was a woman in my twenties when I first started noticing the dreaded grays mixing it up with my dark blonde hairs. As most women of my generation did, I went into straight panic mode and started the decades long game of covering them up. For Generation X, we were sold by the media and society on brands that said we needed to cover those grays up to look young, be sexy, successful, desired, etc. We grew up with mothers and grandmothers who spent hours in the salon to keep their color. For generations, women were told that gray, silver, or white hair is a bad sign of aging and do whatever you can to keep it hidden. For young women finding themselves graying early on, it became a matter of wondering what was wrong and spending thousands of dollars over a lifetime trying to stay forever young. Trying to grasp for forever young puts you in an endless cycle fighting time and genetics. You can?t cure gray hair. We can understand why we gray. Science tells us that your natural hair color is due to genetics and the amount of melanin we carry in our hair follicles in pigment-producing melanocyte cells. Our hair turning gray or white is from a loss of melanin. The less melanin you have, the lighter your hair. Shades of Gray have minimal melanin while white has none. As we age it?s natural to start losing melanin, and the odds increase of your hair turning shades of silver with each passing year. There are reports that say stress and smoking can increase going gray sooner, but there are others that say you can slow it down with diet and more vitamin B12. Then there are reports that your health or particular diseases may play a role in the journey, too. If you?re concerned about your grays, then by all means spend the time to check things out. Or do something as simple as take a look at your parents. Genetics play a role and you get them from both mom and dad, so chances are you?ll start seeing some silvers about the same age they first noticed them. And if your parents have a full head of silver? .I?d say they?ve got wisdom to share! Gray, silver, and white are all just shades of color and they should be celebrated. There is no cure other than a box of dye to cover those grays, but there is acceptance that they are beautiful and natural. If you find your crown full of silver, I say wear that silver crown with pride!

Tangledsilvermag.com| Spring 2021

Your Personal Garden Simple seeds to plant...


e are in the relay race of seasons

and it is the passing of the baton f rom Winter to Spring. Oh how that change can be difficult for many of us with allergies, dry skin, mental health, and a physical body of complacency. Welcome Spring! Yes, welcome Spring no matter what physical and geographic state you are in. You are not alone and we are all in the same garden as you. Before we spread our blooms let?s take small seeds to feed our body and soul before we stretch out to blossom after being home for so long. Here are a few simple seeds to plant in your garden of life before the hot sun settles in. Water is the first universal sign for survival. Set a goal to drink more water a day. If you have already ditched the dye you can ditch another drink for water! Most of us go by the eight-by-eight rule, which suggests drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, the Mayoclinic.com reports that women actually need on average 2.2 liters, or 9 cups, of water on a daily basis.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

BE | St yle 65 . Spring signals fresh and new beginnings so spring out from that comfy position of winter complacency and burst into a new habit or the most important self-love you can gift yourself! Exercise. Do something. Just MOVE!! Move something and not just from one chair to another unless you do lunges on your way, lol. Lastly, purge the unwanted or unused. One woman?s discard is another woman?s treasure. Purge your closet and anything that is dropping your growth mentally, spiritually and physically. Once you let go then you make room, Not for more, but you just make room. Emptiness can be used as an opportunity to create and grow.

If you can ditch caffeine or limit your intake there is a likely chance your allergies will lessen and your skin will thank you a 1000x. Research homeopathy teas to increase your health, release toxins, help fight inflammation and curb allergies! I found after fighting vertigo horribly that doing a bit of research and changing some things up is leading me to learn how to ?better health? myself in this incredible journey.

For more seeds of life be sure to follow along over at Instagram for the conversations and groups to join in. If you have a goal and need a gal to cheer you on then you?re in the right place. Stay tuned!

Wherever you are in your grey transition then experiment with colors. Before the bright and vibrant summer sun colors of fuschia and orange settle in, grab a mauve or coral lipstick or gloss along with that new bottle of SPF you just picked up. Now is the time to get a seasonal bottle of SPF to protect your skin and consider a hair and scalp mist with SPF to protect your gorgeous locks. Never leave home without them on.

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021


Cracking the code on your gray strands can take patience, and a lot of trial and error till you find the right combination for your locks. Gray, silver and white hair doesn't usually play by the old hair rules. Hopefully, these 5 tips will point you to your gorgeous grays a little sooner than I found mine!

WASHING YOUR HAIR - Aim for every 5 to 7 days Prior to silver I was washing my hair every other day, sometimes daily. I always thought it would get oily if not kept clean. I was actually stripping my hair of it's natural oils. Silvers are more dry, so your natural oils and added oils will soon become your best friends. Use shampoo for your TYPE of hair, not your color. Sulfate free , clear shampoo is best as silvers can pick of hues easily. Focus on your texture and goals. Focus on washing your roots and scalp and aim for a DOUBLE CLEANSE As you rinse your hair the shampoo will roll off your length giving it the cleaning it needs. The 1st shampoo cleanses and the 2nd aims to remove residue and build up from products.

CONDITION YOUR HAIR Focus your conditioner from mid-length down to your ends. Your roots produce natural oils, so you don't need much there. Apply gently while wrapping your strands in sections to lock conditioner into hair follicles. What's lef t on your hands can then be applied to your roots. Rinse with cooler water to seal your follicles. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR RINSE |PURPLE SHAMPOOS White and silvers can pick up yellow and brassy tones from products, heat, and pollution, so you'll want to tone those shades out occasionally. I use an ACV rinse monthly of 1/4c. organic ACV to 2c. warm water . I rinse my hair and let sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse out and shampoo as usual. About every other wash (in the beginning while transitioning) I used purple shampoos for toning my ends to blend with new growth. Now, purple shampoo is used as needed. PRODUCT LOVE MUST HAVE is a heat protectant especially if using any heat tools. Then I add based on what my style goal is for this wash. I enchance my natural waves with curling products and for straight looks go for smoothing and shine products. I use products sparingly and add as needed. A good dry shampoo is a good investment to help between those washes . Look for products that won't dry your grays out. NIGHT TIME HAIR CARE I'm addicted to my nighttime ritual. While my body is refueling overnight, I'm making sure my hair is getting its beauty rest too. This ritual consists of brushing my hair starting at my ends and working up to roots, then brushing from roots to end. This loosens products, natural oils and gives my scalp an evening massage of it's own. I then lightly spray a combination of natural oils that promote hair growth to my roots and anywhere I feel there is a little thinning. Out come the velvet scrunches or hair wrap and I do a loose messy bun at the top of my head which creates less friction on my strands when I'm moving around at night. I top this ritual off with sleeping on a 100%silk pillowcase. I read about the benefits to your hair using silk pillowcases and all I can say is....they work. Silk , not satin, silk is the key to kissing your locks goodnight .

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Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

Tangled Silver Magazine believes that age and experience are beautif ul things. We believe women embracing their natural selves should be celebrated. We believe our daughters and granddaughters should be taught early on to tap into their creativity with wild passion. We believe that silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re letting yourself go. We believe f riendships are important. We believe sisters connecting together over shared passions is joyf ul. We believe aging gracef ully looks dif f erent f or every woman and there is no right or wrong way along the journey. We believe in encouragement. We believe that embracing your silvers goes f ar beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a story to share. We believe that everyday is a gif t. We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. ~ Tangled Silver Magazine We believe that positive self-talk is not only essential for our happiness, but for the girls and young women around us who are developing their understanding of beauty and self-confidence. We believe grey hair does not equate old age. We believe you are never too young or too old to start embracing your natural hair. We believe it is time to end the stigma surrounding grey hair and to celebrate who we are instead. We believe that supporting other women in their journey to acceptance and authenticity is of the utmost importance. We believe our encouragement and love for one another online is leading to more positive and productive social media experiences for women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring those around us to do the same. ~ Lauren M. @embracethegreys *Thank you Lauren for adding to our Manifesto


Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

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