Tangled Silver Magazine - SUMMER 2021

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TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

COVER: Tina Pi @gray.grace.andgrit PHOTO CREDIT: @gray.grace.andgrit

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Tan gled SILVER M agazin e TSMagazine is published quarterly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. Editor & Publisher Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com Content Assistant David Salls david@tangledsilvermag.com Copy Editor Debra Proud Abell Contributing Writers Tina @grey.grace.andgrit Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Katie @katiegoesplatinum Joli @jolicampbell Leah @leahrachel66 Diana @Silver.is.the.new.black Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Layout Designer Robin Salls Advertising Rates & Inf ormation Sales@tangledsilvermag.com Mailing Address Girls Gone Grape, Inc./TangledSIlverMag PO Box 503 Johnstown, CO 80534 Submissions | Inquiries Email : sales@tangledsilvermag.com Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . Summer 2021. Printed in USA. Tangled Silver is published quarterly (4x per year) January, April, July, October by Girls Gone Grape, Inc. Subscription prices f or print $49, digital $20. Tangled Silver Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content or artwork is prohibited in any print or electronic f orm without prior written permission by the publisher.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


One of the best parts of childhood revolves around playing with a box of crayons and dumping them all over the table or f loor. It seems like hundreds of colors to choose from and it?s hard to know where to start, so we just start grabbing a handful and filling our paper with as much color as possible with no rhyme or reason. It?s comparable to going gray and then figuring out what colors work with your shades of gray. It?s confusing. Even the color itself can?t decide the proper way to spell it - Gray/Grey?Throw in that no two women ever have the exact same shades of gray and we?re really entering into a journey whose boundaries are that of imagination. I coined the last part of that sentence from a section of the tag line for Twilight Zone: TheMovie(1983) because it feels like a spinning swirl of colors jumping out at us. Gray has the stigma of being boring, dull, and old and aging women that choose it. And we can?t deny that some of that can be applied to gray hair of the past, but this movement is not your gramma?s gray. Enter Color Expert Jill Kirsh whose clients ranging from Red Carpet celebs and Grammywinning musicians to titans of business, call on her for color coaching to be at their best. She?s worked with community outreach groups including Dress for Success, Beauty Bus, The Fulfillment Fund,

and The Cinderella Project; and you might have seen her in other media outlets for her color knowledge. She?s a ?go-to?for the silver community that you may recognize from her recent feature in the Gray IsThe NewBlondemovie that came out in 2020. She knows colors and how to make them pop for the silver community; and ladies, we?re about to share Jill?s simple strategy to rock your grays! Jill?s starting point is helping you understand that your colors start with your present hair color. Your hair frames your face, your eyes and your smile which is what people typically notice first, and you want to pull everything together. The colors that worked with your blonde or dark brunette hair might be okay with your silvers, but how about making your silvers pop with a few shade tweaks in your clothing and make-up?! Jill?s experience led her to believing there are two color palettes that cover the many shades of gray; and if you hone in on the colors of the palette your shades are closest to, you will look and feel your best.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


Gray and White Think actress Helen Miren or Silver Sisters Jineen Marie @jineenmariesilvery or Michele @graytdaysahead.

Feeling like you?ve got the crayons but what do you do with them?I hear you, so let me share my personal experience with Jill on a virtual color consultation I had with her in April and show you where to begin. We started with my wearing a white t-shirt, my hair down, and no make-up in the best natural light I had available so we could start comparing colors I currently have in my wardrobe. I was about to discover what an impact a few tweaks could make in my look, going from colors that worked with my warm blondes to colors for my salt and pepper, silvery, and a touch of light brown strands still mixed in. I had sent over several photos of my hair and face from the front, sides, and back so Jill already had an idea of which gray

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Salt and Pepper and Silver Hair - Think Andie MacDowell or Silver Sisters Pamela @nifty.shades.of.grey or Diana @silver.is.the.new.black

color system she felt I belonged in. We started reviewing some of the colors I currently wear; and while I was spot on with a few, she shared her reasoning behind some she felt just didn?t give me the ?it?factor moving that shade of color in a different direction could do to brighten me up. Think of the four or five shades of blue in your crayon box. Do you look better in the Royal blue or the Robin?s egg blue? Pastels and more neutral tones brought out the best in my warm blondes; but seeing how adding a Royal blue really made my silvers brighten or taking a fuchsia purple into a deeper purple changed my overall look was a little surprising. That fuchsia top I bought when I only had a few silvers peaking out and still plenty of

EM BRACE | You warm blonde looks totally different three years later with my long salt and pepper hair. It?s a little crazy what simple changes of shades can do. She used gorgeous silk scarfs and fabric swatches on herself as an example of what wearing the right colors can do for any hair shade. She answered all my questions; we reviewed make-up and her thoughts on how everything enhances one another and how she?s created swatch books of the perfect colors; and those colors blend together, so you can make multiple shades work together to create the ideal look for yourself. Her goal is to help you become your own color expert and feel confident in choices when shopping, getting ready for a night on the town, or a lazy day. Since our April meeting, I find myself looking at color differently and recognizing that I prefer the hues that make me pop versus the ones that look okay. You know what I mean. The looks that make you go, ?Nailed it?versus the looks that leave you thinking, ?It?s okay, not my favorite, but it?ll work for now.? An artist chooses the right colors or mixes their colors to create the ones that bring their canvas to life, similar to the process of thinking about your colors with your silvers. You don?t have to throw out your current colors, but add a little more thought to your shopping and watch how you rock your silvers. Most importantly, choose the colors that you feel make you look your best. If you like things simple or done for you well, head over to Jill?s website at jillkirshcolor.com where she?s made it simple and quick with her color swatch wallets to keep on hand when shopping to know the colors that are awesome for you and make-up to compliment your look wearing the shades or combos of shades of color in those pre-made color wallets.

The bottom line is color plays a pivotal role in our lives; our homes, make-up, clothing, and even food. Color can even invoke emotion. Look around at your favorite room in your house, the colors you?ve used and think about how that room makes you feel. Now do the same when you look at yourself in the mirror. Feeling amazing?Then you pulled the right crayons out of your box. Top photos are before consult looks, which I still love the left outfit. Bottom photos are after. I've never done yellow before!

"My playingin thecrayon box withcolorsI never wouldhave thought of before! Jill'screateda solution for color that helpstake theguesswork out of things when you'reall over thecolor wheel!

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021



Contributor Meet & Greet


Hi, I?m Katie, the founder of KatieGoesPlatinum.com, a website devoted solely to the subject of gray hair. I?m a voracious reader, so right after I made the decision to stop dyeing back in 2018, I excitedly started looking online for more information on going gray. But a lot of the articles I found at the time were negative...they treated the gray hair transition as something tiresome to ?get through?instead of as an empowering and thrilling journey. So I started my blog to show women that going gray could be f un, to give them tips and product recommendations, and to share other women?s stories about going gray.

Katie | CA Age 54

Three years later, I still get a huge kick out of helping women find their way to gray, and I?m still astonished that the decision to stop dyeing my hair opened up so many new creative pathways in my life (plus fantastic connections with other women all over the world)! I?m excited to contribute to Tangled Silver magazine and look forward to helping you navigate your own gray hair journey whether you?re just starting out or already fully gray!

Blogger Gray Hair Inf luencer Photographer Mother of Two Amazing Sons (and 1 pug and 2 kittens)

Want more information?You can find me over at katiegoesplatinum.com, or on Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and Facebook!

Silver Since 2018

Went silver cold turkey f rom dark brunette hair and never looked back!

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021



Three years ago, I started my cold-turkey gray hair transition. I was SO excited to be done with dyeing (which had become a TEDIOUS chore!) but sometimes I f retted about what my gray hair would look like.

Would it be frizzy? Would it be course? Would I have trouble keeping/finding a job due to my gray hair? Would I look old? Would my friends criticize my new look? What would my husband think? You see, my hair has always been a huge part of my identity. It all started back in 1967, when I came into this world with hair that was so black and thick that my red-headed mother was constantly asked about the circumstances of my adoption. People were astonished to discover that I was, in fact, her biological child. I grew up in a town in Western Michigan that had been founded by Dutch settlers. The vast majority of my classmates were of Scandinavian or Polish extraction. In a sea of blondes, my sister and I , and my best friend Cheryl (a Native American) stood out like sore thumbs with our dark black hair.

Kids don?t like to be different. As a child, sometimes I?d dream of having long, blonde hair and looked with envy at my classmates. But as the years passed, and I grew more comfortable in my own skin, I took pride in being different. Strangers would stop me on the street to compliment me on my green eyes, which really stood out in contrast to my dark hair. TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


So when I decided I was done with dyeing, I fretted a bit about that loss of identity. (Yes, people tell you it?s ?just hair?but we all know it?s somuchmorethan that.) I knew myself well enough to know that if I went gray quickly (by cutting my hair short or by having my hair chemically treated), I?d feel all at sea. I needed time to become the ?new me.? Therefore, I decided to take the long, slow route and grow out my hair completely cold turkey. Was it easy?Not always. Was it worthwhile?Yes! It took me two and a half years to grow my gray roots out to shoulder-length. And that gave me the time to get used to the new color and to see that not only was I still ?me?, I was MORE me than I had been for all those years that I?d been dyeing my hair. Why?Because for many of those years, I was resentful of the time and thought I had to put into covering my gray roots. After all, I wasn?t dyeing my hair for fun, I was dyeing it to hide the grays. Once I threw off the shackles of dyeing my hair because I felt like I hadto(it didn?t seem like a choice), I felt free and more like the old me - the one who took pride in being different. Not the one who tried so hard to blend in. And to my surprise, all the the things I feared didn?t come true: Was my gray hair frizzy?No, it?ssurprisingly smooth! Was it coarse?No, it?sshiny & thick! Would I have trouble keeping/finding a job due to my gray hair?Quitetheopposite! I starteda fulfillingnewcareer! Would I look old?Peopletell meI look younger (andI agree!) Would my friends criticize my new look?They loveit! What would my husband think?He?smy biggest supporter! TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Once you go through a major transformation like the gray-hair journey, it starts making you question other limiting beliefs that you have. You might find, to your surprise, that you get a new outlook on life. And instead of missing your old self, you find that you really like your new self. The one who is confident in her choices and doesn?t care what others think. Three years after I started my gray hair journey, my life has changed for the better. So, ?just hair??I think not. It?s so much more. Be sure to check out Katie's blog over at Katiegoesplatiunum.com or pick up our fall issue for her next share on the silver hair lifestyle. Katie is one of the first bloggers to have seen a need for more information for women thinking about taking the journey to gray.

EM BRACE | You 17

TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Contributor Meet & Greet

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EM BRACE | You 21

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Tangledsilvermag.com| Summer 2021

EM BRACE | You 25

I started dyeing my roots with permanent dye at 30 and by 41, I was just DONE. I read an article on New Year?s Eve 2018 and it was all the inspiration I needed to take the plunge and embrace my gray. I had no idea how I was going to take my hair from nearly black to gray AND mask the demarcation line. I knew I wanted to embrace my gray but none of the techniques I read about, pixie cut, bleach, cold turkey, hi/low lights were right for me.I scoured the internet thinking, ?there must be another technique out there?and once I stumbled on a 90 second video by Suzan Barnes, I knew I had found it! I started calling it the Dye Strip Technique because it did not have a name. Suzan explained that she took a strip of hair along her side part and continued to dye the roots (only) of that strip of hair. She parted her hair down the middle of the dyed strip, so it covered the gray that was growing out underneath and flipped her part to the other side when she was ready. This technique checked all the boxes, and I could do it from home. Mind blown! The Dye Strip Technique involves only coloring the roots of a small strip of hair along your part line with the same dye used to color your roots. You will re-dye the roots of only that strip of hair month after month. In the meantime, your gray hair will slowly grow out underneath the strip until you are ready to reveal your beautiful silver hair to the world! Any grays that DO peek through will simply look like peek-a-boo highlights. Once you are ready to flip your part to the other side, you can let the dyed strip grow out underneath your gray hair. Now, you will have the opposite effect and the dark hair will peek through your gray hair. If you have curly hair or curl your hair, this is where you will see so much dimension. That is why this technique is sometimes referred to as ?going gray in secret.?

What hair type works best f or this technique? -

It works best with shoulder length hair or longer. Straight, or wavy hair. If you have bangs, short hair, or very curly hair, this technique is not ideal. It is important that the dyed strip is long enough to cover the gray hair that is growing out underneath. You will be surprised by how little is needed! TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

SUPPLIES Needed: -

The same hair dye you have always used to color your roots VaselineR A friend or stylist to make sure you dye the same section of hair each time

Step by Step Directions: Step 1: Section off about a 2?x 5?strip of hair along your part line. Pick up less hair to start because you can always go back and pick up more hair and dye it if needed. Step 2: Put VaselineR on all sides of the strip to protect your gray hair color from accidentally being dyed Step 3: ONLY dye the roots of the strip of hair. Step 4: When you wash out the dye, focus on rinsing out the dyed strip well before you add shampoo to wash out the Vaseline. Step 5: When styling your hair, part your hair down the middle of the dyed strip laying the dyed hair over your gray hair and style as usual. Voila! Step 6: Repeat the process every 4 weeks on the SAME strip of hair until you feel ready to flip your part and show everyone beautiful silver hair! Step 7: Once you flip your part to the gray side, the dyed-strip will grow out underneath your gray hair, peeking through and adding dimension until it has quietly grown out. *Use a root spray if needed in between root color treatments. Follow my gray hair journey on IG @silver.is.the.new.black

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Body text

The sun used to give me great highlights in my blonde, but now at silver the sun and I aren't getting along. She keeps turning me yellow and I can't seem to f ix it with purple shampoo even. Any suggestions are greatly needed f or this silver sister. Marie N.

I never know what to do with my hair other than pulling it back into a ponytail on hot days. I know I shouldn't pull it back so much. It's causing more breakage than normal, but I don't know what else to do. Theresa N.

Products is my biggest thing. I'm always needing to change them up as my hair gets used to something and it stops working. Joyce G.

I'm on the look out f or a f oundation that has SPF in it, but without much color as I like o let the sun determine my skin tone at this time of year! GiGi R.

Finding hats with big enough rims that look gorgeous, but can be practical too while protecting my strands! Tina. G.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

EM BRACE | You 29

Spending a lot of time at the beach and ocean always leaves my hair f eeling like I'm a f rizzy mess during the summer! Kristin K.

Since going silver my scalp gets sunburned more, but besides covering my head, I'd love to know if there are products to help with this problem? Trina B.

MAKE UP S.O.S. - I'm still wearing the same shades year round and never know how to pick the right summer shades to wear f or my silvers. Lisa R.

Sunbathing. Sunburning. Green hair f rom the pool. Enough said... Marianne S.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Note Fr om Robin Hello Silver Sisters, I can't believe we're into the third quarter of the year and our third issue! My cup runneth over with the outpouring of support from you all for this magazine! We're constantly looking to make it better and adding new contributors and sections as you share your thoughts with us. My goal has always been for this to be a magazine by and for silver sisters and I think we've got a pretty good start happening! We're all contributing to The Silver Revolution and I'm proud of every single one of us stepping into our own silvers and embracing them proudly! This month's EMBRACE section starts off introducing you to Color Expert Jill Kirsh as we take you through her thoughts on understanding how to choose the right colors for your shades. Then we introduce you to new contributor Katie Emery as she shares her journey into going gray naturally. We follow up with our new section called "Love Notes" - a space to jot down what your feeling in your journey today or a thought that pops into mind as you're perusing the pages. I think we sometimes forget to jot our moments down and this space will be a regular feature going forward! Heck, maybe you can use it to paste your before and after photos, and speaking of that, you'll get to learn about a technique for going gray that moves beyond going cold turkey or shaving your hair off - The Dye Strip technique brought to you from a sister who walked this path to her gray. And, we top things off with Riding the Heat Waves, an article addressing those menopausal heat flashes. Then we enter CELEBRATE where we do just that...we celebrate women in the journey at all stages. We think it's important to meet them and know you're never alone in this wild ride or "tangled" life. So, we're


TangledSilverMag.com| Summer 2021

bringing you MORE beautiful silver sisters, along with their stories to inspire your journey. But, since our 1st issue didn't share the gals stories, you're going to see some familiar sisters in our issues, starting with our silver pal Elizabeth sharing hers. We need to hear their stories too! And, finally we close with BE. Being stylish, being beautiful, being creative and being you. This issue we introduce you to two very different women who've found a new passion career to add to their repertoires. One from across the ocean, another in our own back yard. I hope they will inspire you to know that it's never to late to start a new career, passion or hobby! We tackle Summer hair and skin with three of our contributors sharing some wisdom from experience that are "must reads." TS Mag is welcoming two additional regular contributors, Joli Campbell and Leah Rachel, along with a few guest contributors this month, so be sure to give them a follow on their personal pages. These silver sisters are a combination of amazing information for this journey and beyond. I hope you'll grab a glass of wine, or maybe a lemon & berry spritzer and spread out on your favorite blanket in the grass under the sun and join us in these pages. Silver for the win!

Robin Salls Editor & Publisher @tangledsilver on Instagram robin@tanglesilvermag.com

EM BRACE | You 31

Give-a-way runs Julv 1st - August 20th, 2021. NO PURCHASE REQUIRED to be eligible. One entry per person. Winner will be contacted August 21st, 2021. Valid wherever Kerotin Hair Care can ship per their website information. Give-a-way is open to anyone over 18 years of age..

TangledSilverMag.com| Summer 2021

EM BRACE | You 33

Contributor Meet & Greet

Leah | Texas Age 55

Hello Silver Sisters, I would love to share with all of you my expertise in health & fitness. It is my goal to support each of you while you navigate this process developing your own self-efficacy. Through the evolution of ?coming into your own,?the expression of your true self not only flows through your lovely silver locks, but also through your mind, body and spirit. I understand what it takes to improve fitness from post-rehab and beyond. It is my goal to empower each of you so you can realize improved fitness and a vibrant quality of life. While it is easy for younger people to run a lap at the drop of a hat, the more mature population has to invest heartily into maintaining a naturally declining physiology. It means we focus less on the vanity of fitness and more on health management. From this confidence results. Just as the beauty of silver shines as it is polished, time reveals strength, resilience, and grace both from within and without. I live by the motto ?Exercise is Medicine? because I believe we can attempt to maintain/improve our health through exercise and nutrition to the best of our abilities for as long as possible. With decades of experience, as my own shining crown of silver glory will attest, certifications as a Medical Exercise Trainer, Personal Trainer, and Group

Medical Exercise Specialist, Group Fitness Instructor

Heading into my next adventure in Texas and joining the TS Mag f amily. I went silver back bef ore there were communities to support women embracing their grays.

Fitness Instruction, plus a breadth of experience spanning all types of fitness/health/recreation venues in the USA and Israel, it will be a privilege to help you navigate the challenges we all face. Blessings, Leah Rachel

Silver Since 2011

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


is sometimes difficult to manage especially in the

hot months of summer. Hormonal changes and environmental temperatures can create what feels like an unbearable combination. While some days can reach a sweltering 90 degrees fahrenheit or more, we have to find a way to cool down besides just staying inside where it is air conditioned. Consequently,just as patience was necessary as you grew out those gorgeous gray tresses, the same principle of patience applies here with an additional tweak. While it may sound counter intuitive, it is necessary to do some exercise. By engaging in consistent exercise, the body regulates all its systems including temperature. Regular activity secures the natural human mechanism of cooling down which is sweating. Not only is sweating good for your pores, it will keep all the systems functioning. Regulating body temperature along with improved improvedroved circulation among other benefits keeps you



circulation among other benefits keeps you operating at peak performance. Even though peak performance changes as we mature, there is no need to invest in the decline that is aging. Rather it is our responsibility to ourselves to engage in exercise as safely as possible in the heat and out of it. Essential electrolytes display the importance of keeping hydrated during this time as well. Electrolytes that play an important part of regulating temperature are: sodium, potassium, and chloride. Those of us who experience hot flashes as a part of hormone imbalance are especially sensitive to this heat. That?s why keeping cold water close by will provide a bit of relief. I have personally found that the spread of heat that overwhelms us at times (i.e. hot flash) can be eased by drinking some cold water. The sensation of cold spreading from inside while I simultaneously experience heat is quite astonishing. Another tip that might help, is keeping a cold water bottle or ice pack close by to touch pulse points when you feel the heat. Fans help if you have access. Cutting out certain foods that contribute heat such as fresh onion and garlic. Also, putting bare feet on a cold surface might help as well. Your tricks might be different from mine, but we all have them. Find out what works for you. The more difficult lesson of allowing my body to feel heat, while at the same time easing that feeling is essentially like riding a wave. You know when it is going to come. You know when it has arrived. You know it?s uncomfortable . You know it will pass. When it passes, you know you made it and will make it again. This exercise takes a great deal of self understanding. It takes self acceptance. It takes patience. The first stage of this wave is knowing that it will come. The second stage is accepting that for a period we must let go. Give in to the sensations that are inevitable. The third stage is riding the process of change with as much control, grace and dignity as we are humanly capable. In my opinion, that includes tricks of the trade. Although we are vulnerable to our physiological impulses, and functions, we are also wise enough to understand that we are not the sum parts of those impulses and functions. That to a certain degree we can regulate the ebb and flow of our body changes. By using tricks such as cold water, exercising regularly and consistently, getting enough rest when we need it, and eating healthy foods that contain essential vitamins, minerals, etc., we might even be able to make surfing look easy. No matter what you do, ride the wave with confidence just as you wear your crown of lustrous glory. Authenticity is all engaging and doesn?t just stop with your outer appearance. This makes us warriors. Each of us has our own wave to ride, but we are not alone in the water. I, for one, am cheering for each of you to be your true self heat waves and all. TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET TINA a.k.a. @grey.grace.andgrit on Instagram 52 | Photographer, Homeschool Mom 25+ years, writer, cosmetologist & speaker | Silver Ssince 2018

I enjoy sharing a different perspective and have hopes that they would bring good things to the community and individual lives. I believe the best way to reveal my most intimate self to you is through my faith and how it impacts my life through the good, the bad, and the raw. This photo represents my story to reconcile women to the true image they were created, which is to offer an invitation for other women a chance to shine. This photo humbles and reminds me that I am only one sister in this deep sea YET empowers me to continue to work and help others treasure their identity through grace, grit and faith. I cannot be more grateful to this beautiful body of

@gr ey.gr ace.an dgr it | Con n ect icu t women that have made me smile, cry, dance, and think about important issues. I have been inspired, encouraged and accepted! I can only hope and aspire to loving this community back more than I have received. I stand with you and beside you to edge you on to delight in the vivid contrast of going grey and I walk with you to cheer you on and enjoy the stroll together. Be confident in your journey and embrace the whole process, from beginning to end, and know it has significant value to your entire wave of silver. Let it roll in and out naturally. You are a part of the body of silver and play a vital role yet SO DIFFERENT from others which is to be celebrated! Each one of us is like the tide; we have our own time of coming into this movement. Embrace the entire gif t of this lif e f rom sunrise through sunset and again. There is a calling in this life and the ocean roars your name and awaits your response. God waits with unconditional love. Do not delay your crown. These waters are healing to the mind, body and soul. This summer be the salt and light of the world. Sincerely silver, Tina TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021





Tangledsilvermag.com | Summer 2021

TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021



MEET HUJI a.k.a. @thegreyindian on Instagram Over 40 | Make UP Artist | Silver since 2020 I cannot say the phrase; if you asked me a few years ago if I would have considered going grey that the answer would have been no. I wanted to go grey as soon as my second child was born. I showed my husband pictures of silver haired women thinking if he saw it as a trend he may have been persuaded, however he was not. Another year later I just kept feeling frustrated that I needed to continue to dye my hair, I stopped looking forward to visiting the salon or touching up my roots at home. I have dyed my hair for the past 19 years, and I loved having different looks and changing it up every now and again. I have dyed my hair various colours and permed it many times in the past. The damage dial turned up to full!! November 2019 I started planting the seed that I am going grey. I put it up in my stories

@t h egr eyin dian | Un it ed Kin gdom on my personal Instagram account. I guess I just wanted friends and acquaintances to know that I was thinking about going grey so if they met me outdoors they will know my roots are showing intentionally. February 2020 I went for my last dye, the plan was to help transition into the grey by blending, however too much of the grey got covered. In March the first Covid lockdown was announced. My hair was not on the forefront here, the first panic was the children's schooling and also not seeing my family. As we creeped into April my roots were showing and this was when I thought to myself; I?m going to create an Instagram account. The initial reason I did it was to document my journey for other South Asian women who may want to do the same, I mean surely I was not the only one. Once the account was created, boy was I blown away, each and every day I saw more and more women who were in their transitions already and then the other women who had already transitioned. I was motivated and encouraged by their captions and photos, I?ll never forget the feeling I had ? . I was part of a super woman community! Four months in, hubby accepted I wasn?t planning on dyeing my hair and I?m happy to report that he loves it.


TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021

MEET ADELINA a.k.a. @flygrannybk on Instagram 64 | Silver Hair Model & Entrepreneur | Silver Since 2018 I remember looking in the mirror and thinking to myself "You look dusty." It's time to touch up those gray roots. Not only did I look dusty, but I felt dusty until I went to the salon to freshen up my face. Somehow the dark dyed hair made me look and feel sharper, more defined. At least, that's what I thought the mirror reflected to me. I must have been in my early forties and I was working in the garment district in NYC as a designer, a decidedly youth leaning industry where one had to look the part, especially if you were a trend setter. My grays were coming in fast and furious, but choosing to go gray was not an option then or even in my fifties if I wanted to work in this town. The world wasn't ready for Silver Sisters in the 1990s. Thankfully, I'm blessed with pretty good genes, and I rarely disclosed my age, but my gray hair often betrayed me. I became hyper-aware of anyone averting their gaze to the white hairs sprouting on my hairline. Coloring times became more and more frequent and the last straw was when

@f lygr an n ybk | New Yor k I had to color every two to three weeks. My oldest son Justin and his wife were my biggest proponents for years, urging me to go gray and bring out my inner silver storm. They caught the vision, but I couldn't quite see it just yet. I was in my mid-fifties, and I was still not ready to look old. Maybe, when I turn sixty. Sixty came and went, and I was going blonder, the bleach was frying and thinning my once healthy mane. In 2018, I chose my natural gray hair. Anyone who makes the transition to gray hair knows that it takes quite a bit of internal fortitude to make such a drastic change in one's appearance. You stop covering up. You start saying YESto yourself...just as you are, no matter what anyone else says or thinks. At six month in, I really started liking myself, loving my gray hair. For the f irst time in my lif e I f elt comf ortable "showing of f " along with the community of beautif ul silver sisters in various stages of transition f iercely and boldly strutting their stuf f . We are not like some in the past, dowdy midlife mistresses fading into the background. We are the new generation taking silver to the next level unapologetically.


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021




MEET JINEEN a.k.a. @jineenmariesilvery on Instagram 46 | Make Up Artist, Influencer | Silver Since 2018 I am a Mama of three, and I was also a surrogate and carried two babies for a friend of mine. I?m 46 and started my silver hair journey at 43. My silver hair journey began because I was getting sick and tired of dyeing my dark hair. I was a brunette most of my life but had gotten to the point of dyeing my roots to maintain it every week and a half to two weeks. I was fed up with the maintenance and the burning and itching of my scalp. I didn?t want to be a slave to the dye anymore. My niece had recently been diagnosed with cancer (which thank God she is now healed from), but when this happened I decided to shave my head in honor of her. I had shaving my head on my bucket list for some reason, but knew if I did it I wanted it to be for someone besides myself. I let my roots grow out for five weeks then decided I might as well see what my silver

@jin een m ar iesilver y | Ten n essee hair looked like. So I shaved my head and was able to donate my long dark dyed hair to Children with Hair Loss. It was such a freeing feeling to have my head shaved. Being able to see my silver hair underneath was such a cool feeling but also a big adjustment. The silver was actually a bigger adjustment than the shaved head! I had to release all the voices in my head of what society said about gray hair and just go ahead and embrace it! This silver haired journey has been pretty exciting. I even found out one day my picture had been put in Oprah Magazine in an article about women embracing their gray! Since going silver, I?ve become an influencer on Instagram and am doing that as a part time job right now. I?m two and a half years past my head shave and loving my long silver hair. It has been a journey to get here and sometimes with mixed emotions, but I can honestly say it is so worth it! I love the freedom I have now, and I love feeling like I am truly living as my best, authentic self! I?m hoping to continue to encourage women to embrace themselves right where they are and be ok with going gray! My motto is: ?be YOU, be FREE, be SILVERY!?


Tangledsilvermag.com | Summer 2021

MEET EVGENIA @gray_feels_great on Instagram 36 | Marketing and Business Development | Silver Since 2019 Hello. I'm Evgenia and I live in Moscow, Russia! I'm a marketing and business development specialist and decided to embrace my greys. I found my first grey hair when I was 10 and discovered the dye four years later. First I used henna, and then started coloring with box dyes. Having ditched the dye at 34 years of age makes it twenty years of covering my roots!

My transition to silver finished this May and took two years.

@gr ay_f eels_gr eat | Ru ssia What a journey it was! I started it struggling and feeling insecure. I finished it empowered and confident. I became a different person, a better version of myself and here's one thing I've come to realize... This journey is not about hair growth. It's about personal growth. And silky hair - well, it comes as a nice bonus f or all the inner work we do during our transf ormation.


TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021


TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021



MEET ELIZABETH @the_platinum_hair_diary on Instagram 44 | Neurosurgey PA | Silver Since 2018 I have been covering my greys with dye since 13! My hair was 95%white by the time I was in my late 20?s. I?m a mom, wife and have been a PA for the past 20 years. I slowed down working from full-time to part-time several years ago after being diagnosed with a disabling autoimmune condition in 2011. Living for several years balancing my role as mom and working part time with the ups and downs of my illness I finally reached a point where my medications were no longer working. So, I used my own skills at research, science and intuition to try to really help my health. Ultimatel, I found a diet, The Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which is more like a lifestyle, that lead me towards health, vibrancy, and remission. Seeing my drastic health changes left me thinking about how nutrition is not taught during our medical

@t h e_plat in u m _h air _diar y | USA training, and how amazing the answers to health were not found at a top medical institution but my local grocery store. Yes, I know this has nothing to do with hair, but it is a big part of my story. Shortly after experiencing drastic health changes from adopting this diet/lifestyle I felt like I just awoke from a coma. My attention was more focused and sharp, heck I was able to learn an instrument for the first time in my life at age 42! The banjo! Through these drastic dietary changes I started examining other areas of my life to reduce my exposure to toxic chemicals and be more natural. I also started noticing more ?pepper?darker hairs popping up along my previous ?all white?hairline, and it had me very curious of what the heck had I been covering up with dye all these years and was my hair color changing? I was not loving my dyed blonde hair. I was not enjoying the hours spent at a salon every month. I was not happy that I was paying a lot of money to have a hair color that I didn?t love? and then voilà, all the conditions were prime for me to accept my grey. A consultation with a new colorist, who looked at my silver roots and said something that I had NEVER heard my entire life: ?your natural silver is beautif ul.? Something shifted. I was free from my fears. TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Photo Credit: @SIlvercurls_

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Every time I left the hairdresser after a color, I would cry because I didn?t like the results. After all, women are supposed to color their hair, right?It never occurred to me to have gray hair until I was ?old?. I saw Cindy Joseph, the model in 2009. It was long before her line of BOOM cosmetics hit the scene. I was fascinated that a woman of ?her age?could model and look that good with long, grey hair. I was enthralled with the pro-age movement. I lightened my hair, then I dyed it again, then I let it grow a bit and dyed it again. It took me a couple of years to finally say enough! In 2010-11, I cut my hair pixie short. What happened over the next few years would change me. I changed from the inside as well as my outside. During the transition period, I was met with criticism. I didn?t know any one personally embracing their natural hair. The pro age movement was in its infancy. As I changed on the outside, I became more confident. I had too. I had to dig deep and find my inner strength. I was also empowering myself and becoming a new woman. I had allowed others to define me for years and I lost myself along the way. I was learning to say no to toxic people and set healthy boundaries.

@1k at gar za on Inst agr am 66 | Model | Silver since 20 11 Over the years, my self esteem was at an all time low. I certainly never felt beautiful. An interesting thing began to happen as I changed and it came primarily because of my silver hair. I was getting compliments. Strangers would walk up to me, mostly men and tell me that they loved my hair and how natural I looked. I was really taken back by it. I often hear women say that they think dating would be hard while having silver hair. My new husband of 2 years told me that is one of the first things he noticed and loved about me. I began hearing comments like, ?are you a model??ME?I had only wished for something like that as a teen! After about the 4th person asking or stating that I should model, my husband nudged me in the direction of looking into it. I began searching a reputable company in my area and sent in my photos. They contacted me and signed me that day! I then had enough confidence to reach out to an agency in Atlanta and once again was signed. That was the fall of 2019, and I was 64 years old. As we all know, Covid hit a few months later and TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Model, Mot her of 7, Br ain Tumor Sur vivor

Photo Credits: Kevin White

KAT GARZA | Tennessee

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everything came to a screeching halt. I was actually chosen for a major campaign, but travel to NYC was impossible. I?ve recently had a few commercial shoots and I?m working with a few companies for collaboration.

"But when it comestobeauty, wefall prey towhatever society hasdeemedbest for us. It is longoverduetostand against that tide."

We tell our young children to not succumb to peer pressure, to be true to themselves, to march to their own beat, to do their own thing. But when it comes to beauty, we fall prey to whatever society has deemed best for us. It is long overdue to stand against that tide. I?m thrilled to see how we are all changing that. I have 6 daughters and 1 son, ages 44-21 and they have told me that I?m inspiring them. Their young friends are concerned and have questions about aging. I know when I was young, I thought ?life was over after a certain age?. We are paving the way for them to know that life can be vibrant and full. Women stop me all the time in public and I often converse with women on social media. The questions about looking old are forefront. I like to tell them that if your hair ISgray then, you are old enough. The color of our hair doesn?t age us. We look older because time is passing. That is part of life and what inspires me about the pro age movement. I?ve been interviewed with Susan Esco, founder of DYEfree2BME, Debbie Laino of The Ageless Woman Movement and Nicole Scott, Own Your Sparkle. I?m a BOOM! and Bold Uniq Ambassador. About me: I love to garden and have a greenhouse. I used to raise bees and make all my children?s clothing. Today, my husband and I cook together and entertain just about every week with big dinner parties. While Kat has shared her "gray" story here, we encourage you to head over to her blog to learn more about her journey through a brain tumor at 44 and having her 7th child after it, along with more silver strands of wisdom at jezebelandgigolo.com. It's all a part of the spirit of this woman!

TangledSilverMag.com | Spring 2021

Tangledsilvermag.com | Spring 2021

MIA MAUGE | MODEL I?m 55, and throughout my adult life I?ve often pondered over the question ?What is my purpose??I have no hobbies and aside from being a mother, I thought I lacked a ?passion?? you know that thing that gives you ?fire in your belly?and gets you up and at em! It has only recently dawned on me that my purpose and passion can be found in my career path. I?ve always been drawn to employment that has offered me the opportunity to challenge discrimination or change perceptions. Today, I am a model. Now that may not sound at all radical? but please keep reading. Whenever I go on a shoot, the cast and crew will always assume that at my mature age I have been modeling for decades, nothing could be further from the truth! Aside from a very short stint as a child model, it is in fact, less than a year since I signed with an agent and became a professional model.


Having always had my Instagram set to private, last May I decided to go public. The journalist in me wanted to use the platform to yell about an issue that was beginning to bug me. After dying my hair dark for fear of looking ?old?for almost two decades, in 2016 I went natural, and during my hair transition a new me began to emerge. As I gradually embraced my silver hair, I also began to embrace my age. Something I had previously been ashamed to admit to. By finally accepting my age, I realized that the world around me wasn?t acknowledging me. Whilst there was diversity in marketing campaigns for younger women, little was being done by brands to include midlife women. Young women of all colours and body types were visible in fashion and beauty campaigns, but if I ever spotted a midlife model she would be slim, silver haired and white? beautiful of course, but there are so many different kinds of beauty to be celebrated too! I was growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of representation, and instead of continuing to complain about it with friends and family, I decided to go public with my Instagram account to use it as a platform to be visible and vocal about how I felt, in the hope that I would connect with like-minded women, and create a community if one didn?t already exist. This is when I stumbled across the silver sister community... And what a wonderful surprise that was! Connecting with these incredible women, from all over the

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A Wom an w it h pu r pose in all sh e does.. ?When I first went public with my Instagram page I changed my bio to include the ?call to action?... ?Let?s create an authentic silver space for the next generation?.

And nothing gives me more motivation than a young person messaging me to say ?I always wondered what I could look like when I?m older and now I know.? Mia Maugé One of Platinum Magazine's 50 over 50 Influencers, March 2021

world, who empower one another with unwavering kindness and support has been just wonderful! Yes, silver hair and the transition from dying to going natural is the first commonality that we share, but it?s much more than hair stories that we share. We are vocal about challenging everything from societal beauty ideals, to ?age appropriate clothing?to the lack of information available to menopausal women? and everything in between! Another surprise came in the form of being scouted by 4 model agencies via Instagram. I had no idea that agencies did online scouting. I was hugely flattered, but at the same time I wasn?t sure if modelling was for me. I have always lacked body confidence? Like... my entire adult life! I believe the lack of representation in beauty and fashion for my generation, and society?s narrow beauty ideals contributed to my low body image. And now I was being presented with the opportunity to do something about the very issue I was now seeking to challenge on Instagram? how could I not do this?! I signed with Grey Model Agency in July 2020, and since then I have worked with a number of well known brands. One high street brand even had me dancing in lingerie for their campaign? something I wouldn?t have done in my 20s, and would never ever have imagined I?d do it in my 50s with my very ordinary 55 year old body! Someone in this industry recently said to me that women don?t want to see their next door neighbor on a billboard, they want to see something aspirational... Well I beg to differ! It?s a huge disservice to imagine that all women feel like that? I know I don?t and I never have done. To me representation is powerful... I don?t wish to be bombarded with that which is unattainable for me. It?s damaging, I know first hand. As a consumer, I no longer wish to be ignored. I literally won?t buy into it. By being visible and vocal on social media our generation is truly empowering midlife women across the globe, but we are also demonstrating to younger women that being of a higher age isn?t something to fear? We are still vibrant, sexy, intelligent, stylish, beautiful, vivacious, confident, boss individuals! We continue to flourish and evolve, whilst we take ownership of our deserved space in society. It pleases me to no end that brands are listening to us now, and I am so honored to be a part of this shift towards inclusivity in fashion and beauty. It means

everything to me. When I secure a modelling job I see it as a win for women of all ages with silver hair, a win for midlife women, a win for women with my body type, a win for women of my skin colour? just one big win for all women! This is what motivates and drives me, this is my passion! Instagram: @miamauge For bookings please email bookings@greymodelagency She is also Director of Marketing and Communications for Notting Hill Carnival sharing in her father's legacy. A dream job for her.

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TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Photo Credits: Joanne Bonnett

Writer JoanneBonnett

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And sowith thesunshine ? I had that familiar conviction that lifewas beginning over again with thesummer. F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Hi! Over here in the UK we?ve been waiting for Summer to show up forever this year but finally the sun has shown up and we are LOVING it! For someone who is at least 80%solar powered and with a July birthday, summer days can?t come soon enough. I know that as an international #silversisters community some will be feeling the heat already, others in Australia & New Zealand are moving into cooler days but whatever the weather (can you tell I?m English?!) I?m sharing a few tips that can boost our mind, body, skin and HAIR so the sun shines inside & out!

Sunny Mind ?If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely?Ronald Dahl. Starting each day with some quiet time, counting my blessings and being still in meditation / prayer time makes such a difference to how the day goes. If the weather is kind why not take your quiet time on a mindful early morning walk? Barefoot walking on the grass whilst breathing slow & deep (or even just at an open window) is one of my favourite ways to feel grounded and drink in the day.

What if we look at the world as though it?s all there FOR us rather than feeling stuff happens TO us ? try it!

Sunny Body "Summer is singing with joy, and the

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

beaches are inviting you with dancing waves." Debasish Mridha Let me share a very simple formula with you for the perfect bikini/beach/summer body. You?re going to love this. Ready?OK. YOUR BODY RIGHT NOW +a bikini or beach or summer day =Good to Go! You are enough, you are wonderfully made and it?s time to confidently step into the sunshine and enjoy it all. I spent SO many years (20+!) NOT wearing a bikini because I was super self conscious about my body. No, she?s not the smoothest, fittest orr slimmest on the beach BUT she has allowed me to enjoy so much over the years and I am grateful to her that we can walk, dance, swim, love and live out loud. Did you notice I now call my body ?she/her?not ?it?? try it as a compassionate way to feel a closer love for her! I don?t know about you but I just find it easier to be drawn to lighter, cleaner food in the warm weather. If you want a feel good boost, it?s a great time to drink more water (fab for mind and skin too), top up your plate with a rainbow of fresh colours and make time to MOVE.

Summer Skin ?Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly." Van Morrison There?s nothing quite like that healthy glow from being in the sun is there?Vitamin D is a gift from the sun and it?s available FREE! Regardless of age, we need vitamin D to support the health of our bones, muscles, cell growth & repair and for our immune system. It's good to allow yourself some time in the sun so your skin can make its own Vit D. However, we know how important it is to make sunscreen SPF (15+) part of your everyday routine all year round, especially on your face. Sun is one of the biggest factors in signs of skin aging ? we aren?t anti-aging in this community but we are pro morning routine. I have SPF 15 in my daily moisturizer and an SPF 30 CCCream as a foundation. For the body, exfoliating removes the dead layers on the surface to reveal fresher skin beneath. This also allows the skin to breathe and release toxins so that?s why we often feel so energised afterwards. If you like to tan then it?s always good to scrub first. Later this year I?m hoping we?ll be able to travel to Turkey again where one of my treats is a traditional hammam massage. Divine! My pale skin loves a hint of a tan but be sun safe (& let?s face it, there?s usually less sun where I live!) so I use a toxin-free Liquid Sunshine tinted self tanner from my biz, Arbonne. This gives a light, natural tan that is so similar to how your own skin naturally glows and is infused with aloe vera, apple, orange & green tea extracts so it?s moisturizing and doesn?t have that ?old biscuits?smell!! What about makeup?Do you wear less in the summer?When your skin is glowing, try a simple look with a light SPF tinted moisturiser, a touch of bronzer where the sun naturally kisses your face, highlighter, touch of mascara and a lipgloss.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

My latest obession is fruity tinted LipOil with coconut and jojoba to keep lips soft in the sun.

Sunny Hair ?Grey hair is a crown of glory!?Proverbs 16:31

BE | St yle 63 Ahhhh? hair! It?s my first full summer with a full head of silvers and whilst I know how glorious it is to see our silvers shine in the sun, I?ve done a bit of research so we can keep them bright. Hair colour depends on pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in the follicles beneath the scalp that produce melanin, the hair pigment. Melanin determines hair colour and its depletion over time causes the hair to lose colour and reveal our beautiful shades of white, silver and grey. The sun's rays can damage the melanocytes left in silver hair. Grey hair is more at risk because it lacks melanin. The sun?s UV rays affect hair in a similar way to bleach; they damage its protein structure and can result in dryer and weaker strands, more porous hair and yellowing.

So ? as well as a purple shampoo every third or fourth wash & keeping my hair regularly hydrated with a renewal mask, I?ll be making sure I wear a hat in the sun. There are also great UV protection products out there ? let us know your favourites and all tips are welcome! I love how we #silversisters are so good at sharing advice and inspiration. The seasons come and go ... but wherever in the world you are, I hope you find balmy days where you feel warm inside and out with a smile on your face, a song in your heart and a spring in your step whilst walking on sunshine! Have fun and keep your Mind, Body, Skin and Hair Shining! xxx Joanne Bonnett @jobo_silver_linings joannebonnett.arbonne.com

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IN YOUR FACE BOTANICAL LIFT EYE GEL Brighten & firm. Regenerating eye gel is multi-correctional to reduce visible signs of aging, targeting fine lines, crepey skin and dark circles. Lasting hydration for a wake up call to your eyes. inyourfaceskincare.com

MYCHELLE SUN SHIELD LIQUID SPF 50 Broad-spectrum protection with bentonite clay and safflower to smooth and balance. Sheer & light coverage with a touch of color. mychelle.com

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

VAPOUR HIGH VOLTAGE LIPSTICK Full coverage pigmented lipsticks (peachy coral -satin shown) in matte and satin finishes. Nourishes and soothes with Organic Jojoba. Deliberately sustainable and cruelty free. vapourbeauty.com

BOOM NECTOR by Cindy Joseph A rich and powerful moisturizing serum for your skin. Hydrates and renews your skin to bring back its healthy, radieant glow. boombycindyjoseph.com

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BUFF COOLNET UV+ Lightweight buff that can be worn 12+ ways on sunny days with UPF 50+recycled REPREVE fabric protection with cooling technology. buffusa.com


COOLA SPF 30 SCALP & HAIR MIST Organic scalp and hair mist for non-greasy sun portection while preventing UV color fade. Featuring monoli oil & gotu kola extract coola.com

WALLAROO HATS HELLO SEEN BLOW-OUT CREME Protects hair from heat, pollution and UV damage while creating bounce, control and shine without clogging pores. helloseen.com

UPF50 Hats to protect while on all your adventures.Quality craftsmanship, functional and fashionable. Made in Colorado by a woman owned business. Explore their designs at wallaroohats.com

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FavoriteHowToVideos What to do with your silvers, especially between hair washes, tends to be a theme among long haired sisters. Ponytails are a quick fix, but tend to be a bit boring and routine in the style department.

Mel Tickel offers fabulous and simple style instruction through her IGTV @silver_styling. She gives you new options, many braided and pulled up styles, to give your hair a little more sass. She breaks down her tricks in quick video content, with most under 4 minutes of your time. The next time you're looking to do something new, head over and check out her account. TangledSilverMag.com| Summer 2021

Photo Credits: Tina Pirozzoli

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any of us have been cooped up

and wish to revitalize our routine with a bit of heat and color. Now, the color we invite, along with the heat but, proceed with caution. The heat is still as damaging as it has ever been and we may not feel it so quickly as we run outside to greet it with open arms! Summer sun and skin may be a better duo with the replenishing of oils, humidity, and moisture than just the combination of heat and hair. Oooooh, the intensity of that heat feels 'oh so good' at first but will damage unprotected skin and hair.

BE protected. Research for products that offer sun protection. I started my line of defense with Evolvh specifically because their Leave-in-conditioner and the Finishing Balm offer an UV protectant in them. I used these at the ocean for a week in sun and wind and only had to moisturize my hair when I returned. I had zero discoloration and I was outside all day LOOONG! Pool goers will need a clarifying or purple shampoo to help with the green tinge from the chlorine and the yellow cast from the sun. A leave-in mask like one from Kerotin helps without all the harmful chemicals.

EMBRACE change. It is inevitable you will need a haircut at some point this summer to get rid of those dead ends. Although this is routine maintenance, WHY NOT EMBRACE CHANGE?There is a beautiful mantra about just doing what you want with what you like but it never hurts to research or experiment with something you may be 'uncomfortable' with and be pleasantly surprised, if not thrilled. Try out a different and flattering haircut and style. One that suits your lifestyle. This is a step that requires confidence and grit. New cuts may require a little patience but that is one of the core characteristics of a silver woman, right?

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


Some products you may be new to and challenged to try out are the ones you may not want to miss! Beach wave hair spritz' are one of them. Ahh, they are fabulous for refreshing dry hair and perfect for those days you want a sexy, relaxed BUT intentional beach look! Kind of like what your hair is like when it is cut and almost dry. Tip: beach wave sprays are to give that effect of salt and wind so don't expect many curls or smooth waves. Expect the salt effect to provide a dry voluminous look with your strands to seem and feel like they were blowing in the wind and that may give you a more wavy bended look. Either way, like it or love it, it takes getting use to a new voluptuous look. Oils, serums or a gloss spray with help if you must contain a bit of that beautifulness. Kerotin carries a High Gloss Spray that is perfect any time of year. This is an amazing product especially during the summer.

CELEBRATE color!! How can you not get excited over the life giving colors of summer. Just picture the coral reef or oceanside and beach goers celebrating the sun in their most vibrant colored swim suits. Or even the bursting colors of flowers and herbs in the deep rich woods and mountains. Dive into the world of colors and use the ones that make you question if they look good on you. Hey, remember a silver woman 'makes other things look and feel good' so GO FOR IT! You have our support and will probably inspire another gal to celebrate herself in a new light. I am going to catch those sun ray glares in orange this year and can't wait. Hmm, ANY SUGGESTIONS?? Coral seems a perfectly fitting color enough if you happen to live or will be visiting near a coral reef this summer! YOU?? What color will you be jumping into this summer?Do tell and share and POST on

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IG and tag Tangle Silver Magazine or use the #tsmagsilversis...and add the title of the challenge you are inviting all to join in and play. Should you need to top off those summer silver strands with color let us know what you will be covering your hair with this summer for a hat, bandana, scarf, or turban. I found a few items on Amazon that are made with UV protectant material. Can't wait to try them.

Embrace the summer. Celebrate t he summer. Beyou and share your summer with us. Sincerely,

Tina Grey because I am. Grace because HE is. Grit because there is work to be done. Spread the silver love.

For more of Tina's review on skin and hair products head over to her Facebook private group GREY GRACE AND GRIT. A space for you to ask questions and connect with her!

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To or d er a cop y f or y ou or a f r i en d h ead h ead ov er t o w w w .n i col escot t .on l i n e

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Vi si t w w w .f l y gr an n y bk sh op .com t or d er y ou r s t od ay !

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Hello Everyone! I'm Joli Campbell. Creator - Owner - Writer @QuickSilverHair.com Email: joli@quicksilverhair.com I?ve lived in New Mexico all my life. I started my Silver Hair Journey in 2015. In 2017, I created QuickSilverHair Clay and Oil, the website, and the blog. I?m on a mission to find the best products for gray hair and silver curly hair. I love the science behind hair and hair products, which is my ?mane?focus. I am a Pro-aging advocate, and also write content about health, wellness, and life over 40. I am a knitter, photographer, painter, plant mom, dog mom, and once upon a time, I was a military wife, now retired.

Joli | New Miexico ~ Joli

Age 46

Founder , Creator, Owner Quick Silver Hair, Photographer, Gray hair encourager

Looking f or the best products f or silver Curly hair.

Silver Since 2015

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What Does Sun Damaged Gray Hair Look Like?

Can Gray Hair Be Damaged By The Sun? YES! Just like a very pale person sunburns quickly, your gray hair is the same way. In addition, the whiter your hair the worse the damage and the faster it can occur.

What Does Sun Damaged Gray Hair Look Like? Sun damage is a pale yellow to beige color. Often it goes unnoticed until you grow out fresh undamaged hair and can see a distinct color difference between the new growth and the old growth. Be mindful of heat tools as well, Heat and UV damage can be concurrent and compounding, as the hair becomes damaged by one the more susceptible it becomes to more damage.

Sun damage is a pale yellow to beige color. Often it goes unnoticed until you grow out fresh undamaged hair and can see a distinct color difference between the new growth and the old growth. Be mindful of heat tools as well, Heat and UV damage can be concurrent and compounding, as the hair becomes damaged by one the more susceptible it becomes to more damage.

Why Does Sun Damage Happen To Gray Hair? Melanin protects your hair. Because there is little to no melanin in white or gray hair, there is no pigment to protect it from the sun. When we color our hair, we don?t notice the effects of the sun in the same way because the pigment from dye is what fades. No matter what color your hair though, it can be discolored just from being in the sun.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Does The Sun Lighten Gray Hair Or Make Gray Hair Grayer? The simple answer is no. Your gray hair will not respond the same way your born-with-it color did in the sun. The sun destroys melanin in your hair, which will cause the following:



Why Does Gray Hair Turn Yellow f rom Sun Damage?


The sun can make white hair yellow (as discussed above). Dark gray hair won?t become grayer or lighter, but it can become dull and drab from the sun zapping it of moisture.

For salt and pepper or not fully white heads: -

Photoyellowing (is the technical term) and happens when proteins in the hair oxidize and become discolored. It is also believed white hair still contains some pigment, that pigment can be bleached by the sun and the natural molecules which contained more blue are removed leaving the molecules with more yellow to become prominent.


Darker colors like black and brown will lighten a little in the sun and can pick up a reddish tone. Blonde hair may see some lightening and can become more golden.

Is Gray Hair Sun Damage Permanent? Sadly, yes! Sun damage is permanent and irreversible; very much like a sunburn permanently damages your skin, only with gray hair the discoloration never fades. The only ways to get rid of it completely is to grow it out or cut it off.

I think of it like bleaching blue jeans, unless you bleach it to thread rot there will always be a yellow hue to the white bleached areas.

Prevention Is Worth Its Weight In Silver!

How Do You Prevent Sun Damage To Gray Hair? There are three main ways to prevent sun damaged silver hair; very much the way you protect your skin:


PUT IN a protective hair product like UV protective shampoos, conditioners, leave-ins, or sprays.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

COVER your hair and scalp with hats, buf f s, scarves, umbrellas, shade, or BOTH..

BE | St yle 81 In some cases (longer hair or being in and out of water), you may want both something in your hair and covering it. Healthy Hair Hack: Regular maintenance with a deep conditioner in the summer will also help prevent damage because moisturized hair is stronger and more resilient than dry or already damaged hair.

Sun Protection f or Your Scalp and Gray Hair: Your scalp (especially if you have white hair) can be lacking of pigment, this is also, why some people notice their scalp is very pink after they ditch the dye.

Protecting your scalp is even more important than protecting the hair. If you take one thing away from this article, I hope it is this: According to skincancer.org, scalp melanomas account for some of the deadliest forms of skin cancer. Mainly because we don?t protect our scalps from UV rays and they go undetected hidden under your hair. UV hair products alone DO NOT protect your scalp.


Use 2 tablespoons to a ¼cup of vinegar to ½a gallon of water Mix in a bowl and dunk your head in the bowl for 10-15 minutes Rinse hair Follow with my QSH oils as a scalp oil they will soothe the sunburn. Or follow with aloe vera gel on your scalp.

What can you put in your hair to protect it f rom the sun?

You need a product with an SPF rating AND UV protection to protect your scalp and hair. If you aren?t wearing sunscreen on your scalp, wear a hat or UV Buff.

Soothing Sunburn Recipe: If your scalp does get sunburned, do an Apple Cider Vinegar soak. Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acid, which educes the inflammation of the burn and soothes the skin

Tangledsilvermag.com | Summer 2021

UV protection ingredient to look for:The real winner ingredient for UVA and UVB protection for hair was found in one study to be cinnamidopropyltrimonium chloride (CATC).

My top f our picks f or UV and SPF PRODUCT SUGGESTIONS: UV & SPF f or Hair & Scalp: COOLA Organic Scalp Spray & Hair Sunscreen Mist SPF 30 -


70%+Certified Organic Ingredients SPF 30 Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB Protection Monoi Oil ? A Natural UV Hair Protector Water Resistance for 80 Minutes Convenient Mist Targets the Scalp for a Weightless Application Contains: Cinnamidopropyltrimonium Chloride and Sunscreens Curly Hair Safe

UV & HEAT Protection: Hello SEEN Blow-Out Creme (UV & Heat) My personal favorite for heat and UV protection.

& Hello SEEN Curl Creme (UV Only) -


Dermatologist Designed Non-comedogenic Fragrance and Fragrance-free Options Moringa Oleifera (horseradish tree), Pollution and UV Protection for Hair (but not skin). Easy to Apply Creams Curly Hair Safe

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

UV & HEAT Protection: Ouidad Advanced Climate Control® Heat and Humidity Gel I use this during monsoon season to help with the big humid hair look. -

Heat Protection UV Protection Blocks Humidity Advanced Frizz Control Enhances Shine Silicone-Free Easy to Apply Gel Curly Hair Safe


Water-resistant Heat Protection UV Protection Chlorine Blocking NOT Silicone-Free Easy to Apply Clear Serum

Follow use of this product with shampooing/ clarifying to remove the protective barrier.


Make sure to read all product instructions, Apply products in sections, Comb products carefully and slowly through to make sure all your hair is coated. Reapply as needed especially with sun and water fun. If youhaveskin allergiesandsensitivities, test the product on a patchof skin for 24 hoursbefore using.

BE | St yle 83 Do Oils Protect f rom UV Damage on Gray Hair? They can protect your hair to a degree. Many only block a certain percentage of the UV rays. In addition, most of those oils may be staining on white hair especially when being heated by the sun. In my opinion, it is better to find a product specifically made for UV protection. A word of warning: Coconut oil alone will not block UV rays from affecting your hair and scalp.

How long can you be in the sun bef ore damage begins? Using the UV Index is a good way to understand your exposure potential. -



The higher the number the faster UV damage will occur, The higher the sun in the sky the faster the damage can occur; 11-3 p.m. in most elevations and latitudes is the highest levels of UVB radiation. The paler your skin and hair the less time you can be in the sun before damage begins (5-10 minutes is all it takes). The darker you hair and your skin the longer you can be exposed.

What can you put over your hair to protect it f rom the sun? Simply put, anything that creates a protective barrier or shade from the sun, is better than nothing. That said, according to skincancer.org UV rated fabrics and materials are the most beneficial.

What Do You Do If You Have Permanently Sun Damaged Your Gray Hair? Once damaged, growing it out is the only permanent solution. Until then though you can use Violet and purple shampoos, they deposit that opposite color from yellow helping to neutralize it. Once you wash again, though, that purple pigment is gone.

Swimming and Chlorine: Wet your gray hair BEFORE entering the pool. Then apply your water resistant UV protection or a swim cap. Rinse or wash and condition your hair as soon as possible after swimming. Reapply SPF to your scalp after getting out of the water if you are remaining in the sun. The Short List of Sun Protecting Advice: -


UV Rated Hats and Buf f s:


I prefer a BUFF. These are awesome! This is what I walk with. It protects my scalp and my hair. It keeps my hair out of my face and eyes. I can also pull it over my ears for the wind and it's easy to have one with me all the time.


BUFF CoolNet UV+Adult Multif unctional Headwear: -

UPF 50 Sun protection Men?s and Women?s choices. Multiple color options. 95%REPREVEPolyester made from recycled plastic bottles, 5%Elastane


Always protect your gray hair when in the sun. Always protect your scalp when in the sun Cover or shade your hair and scalp with a hat, buff or a form of shade. UV protection needs reapplication throughout the day. SPF needs reapplication throughout the day. Wet your hair before going into the water. Wear a swim cap or water-resistant product. Rinse or cleanse your hair ASAP after swimming. Deep condition more often in the summer, moisture loss can cause more issues.

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

Tangled Silver Magazine believes that age and experience are beautif ul things. We believe women embracing their natural selves should be celebrated. We believe our daughters and granddaughters should be taught early on to tap into their creativity with wild passion. We believe that silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re letting yourself go. We believe f riendships are important. We believe sisters connecting together over shared passions is joyf ul. We believe aging gracef ully looks dif f erent f or every woman and there is no right or wrong way along the journey. We believe in encouragement. We believe that embracing your silvers goes f ar beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a story to share. We believe that everyday is a gif t. We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe that positive self -talk is not only essential f or our happiness, but f or the girls and young women around us who are developing their understanding of beauty and self -conf idence. We believe grey hair does not equate old age. We believe you are never too young or too old to start embracing your natural hair. We believe it is time to end the stigma surrounding grey hair and to celebrate who we are instead. We believe that supporting other women in their journey to acceptance and authenticity is of the utmost importance. We believe our encouragement and love f or one another online is leading to more positive and productive social media experiences f or women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring those around us to do the same.


TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

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