A COMPLETE B2B MARKETING STRATEGY GUIDE FOR PRIVATE LABEL OLIVE OIL PRODUCERS From Tradition to Innovation: Private-label olive oil brands often adopt a traditional communication style. This makes it hard to stand out in a saturated market. Yet, with a strategic approach and a touch of creativity, you can break through the monotony. Thanks to a holistic B2B digital marketing strategy, you can expand your reach, engage with potential clients, and build long-lasting relationships.
12 online searches
>80% of purchasers
70% of purchasers
it is the average that B2B researches conduct before engaging with the company
visit a company’s website before they become a customer
and purchasers watch videos during their journey to find the right provider
Create your digital marketing strategy around these 3 core goals: • Increasing brand awareness • Educating and engaging with customers • Generating new leads
Communication Channels: Social Media
Other platforms
LinkedIn (organic/paid)
Business card to inform the company’s current offering
Monthly newsletter externally to potential customers and internally to employees
Trade shows with specific panding pages and pphysical/digital brochures
Facebook (organic/paid) Google (organic SEO/paid)
Blog to attract attention and new visitors
Trade Magazine ads and organic articles