Godstowe News - 14th March 2014

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FRIDAY 14th march 2014

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Artwork of the Week

What a fabulous performance of Wacky Weather by the Lower Division. I think that all the girls did a fantastic job in yesterday afternoon’s performance and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, as I’m sure the parents did too. I’m very much looking forward to the second peformance this evening and I look forward to seeing many of you there.

I’ll be joining the Upper Thirds on their trip to Cranedale, in Yorkshire, next week. Each year the Uppers visit the centre as part of their Science and Geography curriculum, spending most of their time outside. Fortunately the forecast looks bright and we hope it stays that way! Wishing you a great, sunny weekend. DG


Mrs Wylie

Nursery have enjoyed the lovely Spring sunshine climbing up Rapunzel’s hair on the castle linking with their ‘tall/short’ topic. This week Beginners have been talking about healthy living including the importance of a balanced diet. We created posters showing how to maintain a healthy lifestyle (pictured here), weighed potatoes, made potato cakes and produced some colourful potato prints.

By: Mary Ball (IT) Sophia Bowe (IG) Ryka Bhandal (IG) Eva McDonald (IT)

In Literacy this week, Kindergarten have enjoyed writing a descriptive fiction story linked to travel in space.

Awards AR READER of the week:

Georgia Douville

Transition are looking forward to their trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum. They need to wear school tracksuits, trainers and bring their school coats. If the weather is still fine, please be sure to apply sun cream before your children come in to school. We will be taking part in shelter building and cookery workshops.


Walker – Ines Piedrola Fernandez Highlands – Petch Rojchuphan Turner – Blanca Bernal Moscoso del Prado MONDAY BADGE:

Emily Day

This week’s sport Netball: 6th March: The U11 team played in the regional round of the IAPS Netball Tournament. They lost one match, drew one and won five and went on to the playoffs, where they unfortunately lost a knock out match by one goal. 7th March: The U12 team played in the regional round of the IAPS Netball Tournament. They convincingly won all but one of their matches, losing by one goal, and were runnersup in their section. They went on to win their knock-out round which advanced them to the semi-finals, where they lost by one goal, just missing out on the National Finals. Lacrosse 8th March: A mixed U12 and U13 team played a match against Haileybury. The team played very well and won 101. Arah Elombi was player of the match. Cross country On Saturday 8th March, Godstowe ran a cross country race at Lowndes Park against 15 other schools. This was our last race of the season and Godstowe achieved some fantastic results. Megan Harris came first in the U10s race, meaning that she has won every race this season in this championship. U8s race: Serena Pallenburg came 5th U9s race: Maya Baker came 3rd and Alice Crowston came 10th U10s race: Megan Harris came 1st, Isabella Morely 4th, Isabella Ashley 5th, Olivia Spearpoint 6th and Rosie George came 8th. This year group has won the most medals in one year group that we have ever achieved. U11s race: Imogen Sharkey came 7th and Amelia Foord came 9th. U8 team: Serena, Annabel and Zahra won the 4th place medal U9 team: Maya, Darcie, Alice won the Bronze medal U10 team: Megan, Isabella Morley and Isabella Ashley won the Gold medal U11 team: Imogen, Amelia and Millie won the 4th place medal.



Race Night - Saturday 22nd March, 7.30pm A final reminder for anybody who has been meaning to buy their tickets for race night but hasn’t yet done so! Come on your own, as a couple or get a table of friends together and enjoy a professionally hosted event. The evening is taking place in the JK Theatre where we will be using the big screen to show the races. There will be 8 races to bet on, with actual money to be won, and Green Saffron curries to be eaten! Tickets are £15 and you can fill out the form here. See you there!

Wacky Weather goes down a storm The Lower Division performed their first showing of Wacky Weather yesterday in the JK Theatre. All the girls performed superbly and the parents were wowed by the wonderfully bright and colourful scenery. It was all hands on deck in the art room beforehand, with Mrs Sloggett, Miss Mushtaq, Mrs

Goss busy making up the girls. Other members of staff and some of the Fourths lent a hand too, helping with face painting, back combing hair and fitting costumes. The final performance takes place this evening at 7pm.

Medals at the last cross country race of the season Clockwise from right: The U11 team The U10 team The U9 team Megan Harris, who finished first in the U10’s race Results to the left

Upcoming Fixtures 17th March (4.30pm): U11 Lacrosse v Pipers Corner (A) 19th March (4pm): U13 B & C Netball District Tournament (H) 20th March (4.30pm): U9 A, B & C Netball v High March (H)

Other useful dates 16th – 21st March: UIII trip to Cranedale, Yorkshire 19th March: Lower Division Parents’ Meetings 19th March: Lodge Parents’ Meetings 21st March: Lodge Perriss Knight Awards (Nursery to Transition)

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Book Club produces first newsletter

Notifying the school of absences

The Middles Book Club has produced the first edition of the Library Newsletter. Known as The Library Book, the publication includes book reviews, puzzles and quizzes and was put together by Sylvie Abdoo, Poppy-Joy Adams, Isabella Francis, Alex Kelly, Ellie Peng, Chandrika Waddleton and Alice Wright. Tiggy Spencer and Nadia Akram also helped as temporary members.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please notify Reception for Main School pupils (01494 529273; reception@ godstowe.org) and Lodge for Lodge/ Nursery pupils (01494 429012; sarmstrong@ godstowe.org). If you are going to be late in collecting your child please also contact either Reception or Lodge – and not the School Office (schooloffice@godstowe.org).

The March issue can be read by clicking here.

Reception is always manned between 8am and 7pm, Monday – Friday.

Davenies Holiday Fun Davenies School will be running a holiday camp throughout the Easter holidays – from 7th-11th April. Each day runs from 10am to 4pm, with early bird and late sessions also available. There will be sports, cookery, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts, assault courses and swimming every day.

Final NSPCC figure over £6,000 After a final count, it can be confirmed that the total amount raised for the NSPCC is £6,547.33. A truely tremendous figure so thank you to everyone who donated.

To view the booking form, click here.

Help Miss Lock raise money for running the London Marathon Highlands House deputy housemistress Miss Lock is running the London Marathon during the Easter holidays to raise money for the charity Antony Nolan (www.antonynolan.org). The charity helps saves the lives of people with blood cancer who need blood stem cell or bone marrow transplants.

I have to raise a minimum of £2,000,” Miss Lock said. “This is where I need your help. Sadly no one can help with the running (26.2 miles), I have to do that myself! You can however, do something wonderful and help by putting on your aprons and bringing in or buying cakes at our Easter bake sale.”

Miss Lock’s fiancé’s sister lost her life to leukaemia. However, thanks to Antony Nolan she was able to receive a bone marrow transplant which allowed her to live longer than without having a transplant, despite passing away when she was just 29 years old.

The boarders will be spending their final week of term baking and all their yummy cakes will be for sale after school on Monday 24th March. If anyone would like to donate more cakes, please bring them to Reception on that Monday morning. And don’t forget your money at the end of the day so you can purchase some tasty treats.

“I have been guaranteed a gold bond place to run in April but this means

Quiz of the week Week Eight Week Seven 1. How many notes are there in an octave? 2. Are gorillas carnivores, omnivores or herbivores? 3. Which country’s flag sho ws a red maple leaf? 4. How many players are there in a netball team? 5. How many old pennies were there in a Groat? 6. Mars was the Roman God of what? 7. What does a marine bio logist study? 8. Which singer was know n as ‘The King’? 9. What do the letters G. P.O stand for? 10. What is the name of Jacqueline Wilson’s new collection of anima l stories?

1. In which sport would you use a foil? 2. Can the kiwi bird fly? 3. Which is higher - a bar itone or a tenor? 4. What is the word ‘bus’ short for? 5. How many lives are cat s said to have? 6. When does Lent end? 7. Which is the highest mo untain in Africa? 8. What is silent acting cal led? 9. Which Disney character has a magic lamp? 10. In which sport did Ke lly Gallagher win gold for team Great Britain at the Paralympics? Answers revealed next wee k

Answers: 1. Eight; 2. Herbiv ores; 3. Canada; 4. Seven; 5. Four 6.War; 7. Sea life; 8. Elvis Presley; 9. General Pos t Office; 10. Paws and Whiske rs

Godstowe Preparatory School, Shrubbery Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR. UK. Tel: +44 (0)1494 529273 Registrar Tel: +44 (0)1494 429006 Email: schooloffice@godstowe.org Registered Charity Number 310637. Company Number 68471.

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