Godstowe News - 23rd January 2015

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FRIDAY 23rd January 2015

www.godstowe.org I Parents’ Area Login I Upcoming Events I Upcoming Fixtures

Artwork of the week

Photograph: The Upper Thirds and Fourths have been in the JK Theatre this week sitting exams

I am gearing myself up for marshalling duties at tomorrow’s cross country. I am to be given the obligatory day glow jacket and I will don my warm coat and hat and pretend to be very excited about the whole thing. I am nothing if not honest and I have told the girls on more than one occasion how much I prefer watching cross country to taking part in it. It appears to only be successful when runners arrive at the finish with a horrendous grimace, looking as if they are

By: Sienna Unsworth


about to return their breakfast! I am also planning to be innovative and arrive with a Karsher power washer to hose them down at the end. If I charge for it I could make a fortune. Good luck girls, honestly! ...AND HOT OFF THE PRESS...cross country has been cancelled. Blast.What am I going to do with my weekend now? DG

Jasmine van Rest


Mrs Wylie

This week, Nursery had fun exploring the disco room and noticed how the lights change when covered with coloured scarves.

Please may we remind you that if your child suffers from sickness, they need to stay at home for 48 hours from the last bout.

Beginners children are bringing home a dinosaur which they have been asked to look after for the weekend and return on Monday, when we will write about what the dinosaurs have been up to!

Sport Results Netball

As part of their literacy topic on the Owl and the Pussycat, Kindergarten started to make shoe box scenes in DT.

13th January: The U13C team beat Sir William Ramsey 22-1. Player of the match was Soraya Lockwood. The U12 C team won by an astonishing 45 goals to 0. Hannah Staddon was player of the match. 14th January: The U11 A team unfortunately lost 9-6 against High March. Talia Dicks was player of the match. The U11 B team won their match 6-5. Maddy Fulton was player of the match.

Transition children are enjoying comparing fiction and non-fiction texts, discovering how to use an index to find the information they are looking for. They have created their own animal fact sheets. The majority of Transition have learnt to identify our common garden birds and are particularly enjoying learning about birds of prey. We would like to remind Nursery and Beginners parents that we are running a workshop focussing on phonics next Thursday, 29th January. Please come for a cup of coffee and a pastry at 8.15am for an 8.45am start.

Upcoming Fixtures 24th Jan (morning): U8, U9, U10 & U11 Cross Country at Hervines Park (away) CANCELLED DUE TO THE GROUND 27th Jan (4.45pm): U11 A & B Netball v Royal Masonic (away) 27th Jan (4.30pm): U8-U13 Swimming v Pipers Corner (away) 28th Jan (4.30pm): U12 A, B, C & D Netball v Wycombe Abbey (home) 28th Jan (4.30pm): U13 A, B & C Netball v Wycombe Abbey (away)

Charitynews Thank you for all your support last term. Our first event of the Spring term is a Mufti day next Friday, 30th January in aid of Wheels for the World. This organisation refurbishes wheelchairs and sends them to Third World countries where people’s lives are greatly enhanced by the mobility these wheelchairs provide. In Main School assembly today, Michael Sharkey (Sister Sharkey’s son) spoke about this work.

Other useful dates 29th Jan (8.15am): Coffee and Workshop for Beginners’ Parents in Lodge Hall 30th Jan (4.30pm): Recital Concert in Recital Hall

Mrs Buckland

expensive costume just for this day, however, as we are trying to raise money for charity, not make you spend it on costumes!

Our theme for Mufti day is Disney - any character, or simply Mickey Mouse ears! I hope you can find or make something on a Disney theme. Please don’t feel obliged to go and buy an

Recital Concert next Friday

Godstowe Open Day

Our next Recital Concert takes place on Friday 30th January at 4.30pm in the Recital Hall.

Saturday 28th February, 10am 1pm

Please may we remind you that any outstanding forms with the photocopied accompaniments need to be handed in to Mrs Frohnsdorff-Harris by Monday 26th January at the latest.

Poems of the week 6C Alliteration Poems By Ottilie Perkins

By Phoebe Fox and Megan Harris

Olivia observed the oblivious olive Amy amputated the actor who annoyed Lucile loved the leaping leopards Phoebe followed the familiar fox Hannah hectically hugged the horse Megan moved the mouse meticulously Sky sped off sleepily with the sun Malvika mimed mickey mouse Eleanor the elephant exploded the envelope Sasha danced the salsa through Sainsburys Megan Li moaned moodily Isabella irritated the irresistible iguana Kendra kicked the kung-fu kangaroo Ottilie the otter loved oysters with oatmeal Katherine the koala consumed coca cola quickly

Observant Olivia occupied the octopus and the otter Annoying Amy ate all the apples Lovely Lucile licked lollipops Funny Phoebe fought foxes Hilarious Hannah hated humour Mischievous Megan moved the material messily Super Sky slid softly through the snow Malvika made marvellous mushroom soup Extra-terrestrial Eleanor extraordinarily evaporated Speedy Sasha slowly spiked sponges Mad Megan mischievously mucked around Irresponsible Isabella imitated an impala Kind Kendra cartwheeled crazily Optimistic Ottilie ordered oranges Kind Katherine karate kicked catastrophically

Quiz of the week

Week One

1. By which name is the Re

d planet better known?

2.Who wrote Charlie and

1.Who wrote Great Expecta


the Chocolate Factor y?

3.Which sea lies between

2.Which Scottish loch is fam ously associated with sightings of a monster?

Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

4. Juno was the wife of wh

ich god?

5. How many millilitres are

Week Two

3.Which large, intelligent bla ck and white predator is a member of the dolphin fam ily?

there in 1.3 litres?

6.Whose tomb was discov ered by Howard Carter an d Lord Carnarvon in 1922?

4.Which chess piece can

only move diagonally?

5.Who was the supreme de

ity of Greek mythology?

7.What is the translation of the Latin phrase “exem pli gratia”?

6.Who is the head of the

8.To which musical family

does the double bass belon

7. Alice is 10 years old, Jan e is 5 and Jim is 6.What is their average age?

included in the triathlon?

8.Which gas smells like rot

9.Which three sports are


10.What is the national mo

tto of France? Answers: 1. Mars; 2. Roald Dahl; 3. Red Sea; 4. Jupiter; 5. 1300ml; 6.Tutankhamun ; 7. For example; 8. Strings; 9. Swimming, cycling and run ning; 10. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality , Brotherhood)

Roman Catholic Church?

ten eggs?

9.What is the past form of

the word “keep”?

10. In which National Park has the sheer rock-face El Capitan just been climbed? Answers revealed next we


Godstowe Preparatory School, Shrubbery Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR. UK. Tel: +44 (0)1494 529273 Registrar Tel: +44 (0)1494 429006 Email: schooloffice@godstowe.org Registered Charity Number 310637. Company Number 68471.

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