July 2021

Page 24

Gò0dNews for Teens

Advice to Graduates


by Abdiel Medina

fter 1 year of preschool, 5 years of elementary school,

what you need to hear. Our Father knows what we need

3 years of middle school, and 4 years of high school,

to be uplifted spiritually and emotionally, so let God work

I have finally graduated. It feels like time has flown

through you to encourage others.

by fast, but a lot has happened in the process—especially

Here is an example of how God has worked through

surviving a pandemic! When I reflect upon my journey in

others to encourage me. I was recently recognized as the

high school, something I take away is that we need to seek

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Athlete of the Year

opportunities to encourage people daily. Every day there are

from a group of 7 schools. I also had the honor of receiving

people struggling and hurting around us. Even in Cleveland,

the Chris Leggett Memorial Scholarship. What people may

the “Bible Belt,” there are a lot of teens struggling with adult-

not know is that throughout the school year, there were

sized problems. We cannot afford to wait until we start seeing

many times I almost gave up on the FCA Ministry.

red flags in a person to intervene—it could be too late. The encouragement of others needs to start today. You do not need a fancy sermon or any special words to

I was passionate about the FCA—a calling God had placed on my heart. However, it was a big challenge because I had stepped up as president and had to learn how to lead

encourage someone. The key is to be genuine and let God

the FCA amidst a pandemic and Covid protocols from the

speak through you. If you are fake with the words you use,

school. I am grateful that God placed Coach Eric Phillips

it could actually hurt the person instead of helping them.

in my life. He served as my FCA sponsor and would

Furthermore, our Holy Father knows the words a person

constantly encourage and believe in me. My family was

needs to hear.

also a big encouragement to me throughout the FCA, they

Hebrews 4:12 declares, “For the word of God is living and

helped carry the burden of stress from the overwhelming

active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division

times I experienced. Due to the encouragement they

of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the

gave me, I was motivated to keep on going with the FCA

thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Ministry. I had many opportunities to share Christ with

God knows all of the thoughts of our heart and how to connect with us on a personal level. When you pray to Him to give you the words of encouragement to share, it

people at my school and help Christians grow as leaders and in their walk with Christ. After reflecting upon my journey in high school and the FCA, I have come to recognize the great need for us to

everyone has experienced moments when someone has

encourage others and to be around people that encourage

wrote you a letter, sent you a text, or maybe you are just

us. By doing so, we are demonstrating God’s love and

listening to worship music on the radio and it is exactly

helping fight the good fight.

24 // July 2021

About The Author

is amazing the impact it can have on a person. I am sure

Abdiel Medina is an energetic nerd, CHS Alumni, and college bound for Lee University! He desires to pursue Christ, and help others grow as leaders and in their walk of Christ!

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