woman’s perspective
God Put a Rainbow in the Sky
When I was younger, I remember my mother singing a song to me when I was having a rough day. The song she sang went like this, "God put a rainbow in the sky. God put a rainbow in the sky. When it looks like the sun wouldn’t shine anymore God put a rainbow in the sky. Rainbow looks like I see a rainbow. Way over yonder looks like I see a rainbow." What mother was trying to instill in me early on was this idea that when life gets tough remember that there’s a rainbow in the sky. It was her reminder that things will get better once the storm passes. A rainbow was used in the Bible as a sign that God will never flood the earth again. In Genesis 7 God spoke about how wicked the Earth had become and how He was disgusted by all of the evil that was taking place in the world. In response to what was transpiring with creation, He spoke to Noah giving him detailed instructions including dimensions for building an ark, and directions on what and who should enter the ark with Noah. During that era, the Earth was in a drought. There hadn't been water for quite some time. I can only imagine what people were saying to Noah and how they treated him for listening to God, but Noah kept on building. Despite all of the naysayers, Noah didn’t give up. I admire Noah for not giving up or giving in like some of us might have under the intense pressures coming from all angles. God gave Noah a task, and Noah was going to finish the task in spite of what others were saying. How many of you can say that? You didn’t give up on what 20 August 2020 | Grace&Glory
God told you to do, because you didn’t understand, or you lacked belief. Noah was given an assignment, and as he pushed passed what others were saying he continued to build and prepare his family for the promise. God kept His word. Just as He said, it rained, and not only did it rain, but it rained for 40 days and 40 nights until the Earth was flooded and washed clean. After the flood God placed a rainbow in the sky as a reminder that He would never flood the Earth again. As in the days of old, the rainbow remains as God's reminder of His promise for us today. Hold on to the rainbow. The outcome may look bleak, or you may not understand the "why", but if God told you to do it... do it! He understands the "why". It may feel like you are going to drown because of the flooding, just know that there is a difference between the flood and the rain. Floods overtake you; rains give you a chance to catch your breath. The aftermath of the rain is also a rainbow just like the flood. Take advantage of the rains, allow the waters to wash over and then gaze on the rainbow knowing that the Lord will be faithful to every promise that He has made to you. Keep in mind, in the midst of the rain, that you will not drown. The rain may get intense at times, but it will never get to the point of overtaking you. Pastor Rhoda Turner Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ www.cffaz.org