Grace & Glory Magazine March 2023

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Proverbs 31:29-31


“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

31 Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Celebrating National Women's History Month

2023 Theme: "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories"

scripture page
2 March 2022

March 2023 on the cover:

Pastor Denise L. Folks, Ph.D

Greater Church of The Risen Savior

5615 The Alameda

Baltimore, MD 21239 410-323-4175

Cover Story

March is Women’s History Month, and we are spotlighting Dr. Denise L. Folks. Dr. Denise L. Folks serves as co-founder of Greater Church Of The Risen Savior. She and her husband Bishop Victore Folks are the Pastors of the Greater Church Of The Risen Savior in Baltimore. Dr. Denise L. Folks has a passion for inspiring and encouraging women, so we asked her to share what was on her heart for women in celebration of Women’s History Month.

Healthy Soul


Min. Carenda Deonne Beamon

Turning Negativity Into Your Greatest Momentum


Elder Tracey George Dressed In R.E.D.


Season Bowers Making It


Pastor Rhoda Turner

What Do You Have To Offer?

4 March 2023 ™
Grace&Glory 5 Healthy Life Healthy Mind 16 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dr. Carla J. Debnam Keep Going If you’re thinking about buying or selling, I’m here to answer your questions and help you get the best market value. Let’s talk! – Tyson TYSON CELL 443-554-9697 OFFICE 410-6700-9100 Exit Preferred Realty 2105 Laurel Bush Rd. | Suite 200 | Bel Air, MD 21015 EMAIL TYSON AT Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated EXIT PREFERRED REALTY Call Tyson Lesesne Realtor The Vurganov Group 443-554-9697 In Every Issue Scripture Page ....................................... 2 Contributors........................................... 6 From the Editor ...................................... 7 28 HEALTH MATTERS Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels Taking Care Of Yourself 34 GOSPEL & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Ericka J. Entertainment

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Psalm 84:11


Jackie Epps


Dr. Carla J. Debnam

Min. Carenda McCray

Tracey George

Dr. Denyce Daniels

Rhoda Turner

Season Bowers

Ericka J.


Claire Lesesne


Andre Felipe for Arts Period



Dr. Carla J. Debnam is the wife of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam and an associate minister of Morning Star Baptist Church, Woodlawn, MD. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the American Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Debnam has contributed to two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue & Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life Series, Vol.3-5.


Tracey Nicole George is an ordained elder. She is a native New Yorker residing in Maryland and married to Danny George. Tracey works with her husband managing their inventory and asset control company, George Imaging. She is the creator of Trinkets to Triumph, a Biblically-based blog and ministry, designed to edify and encourage individuals with a “trinket” of encouragement. She is a member of New Destiny Evangelistic Church.


Min. Carenda was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. She received her BA degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Master's in Law degree from Regent University. Min. Carenda was licensed to preach in 2007 and has been teaching, preaching, and declaring God's word through the power of love ever since. Min. Carenda is also an author of three books. Her latest book, Perfect Patty Messed Up, is a 40 day devotional that confronts the disorder of perfectionism and opens the door to self forgiveness and restoration.


Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels has over 25 years of experience as a clinician and nurse educator. Her areas of expertise include critical care nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology and the use of technology in the classroom. She currently serves as faculty and the Director of the Simulation and Learning Resource Centers of the College of Health Professions at Coppin State University.


Rhoda possesses a spirit of humility. Her ministry style is graceful, her message is powerful and her presence is comforting. Being the 9th of 10 children, Rhoda has a deep passion for family and the wholistic development of children. She is considered by many as a mentor and mother figure.

Rhoda and her husband Pastor Jason Turner, serve as senior pastors of Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Chandler, AZ.


Season Bowers- is a Pastor, radio host, and Joy bringer! After spending over 20 years as a professional actor on stage, the Lord called her into full-time ministry. Season is passionate about releasing freedom and joy to the Glory of God in every way she can everywhere she goes.

6 March 2023
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Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited. 6 March 2023

Our Stories Matter

March is Women’s History Month and the 2023 theme is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories”. This theme recognizes "women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media."

As a woman who is active in media- television and print, I want to salute these women and encourage them by reminding them that they matter to us, and they matter to God. As they tell our stories, we should recognize that these women have stories of their own. Women are some of the hardest working people in our society. I will not even try to list everything that women do (the list would go on and on). With all that women do in their daily lives, sometimes life gets in the way and will cause you to lose sight of what really matters, and we need to stop a minute and remind ourselves that we matter in the scheme of things, even when circumstances and difficulties make it hard to hold on to that fact. That is when we need to feed our faith, hold on to our hope, and be empowered to carry out God’s purpose for our life.

These two words “You Matter” hold so much weight, especially to women who hold the weight of the world on their shoulders. I believe that these two words can mean a few things….one we all have a purpose, two we all fit into God’s plan, and three God is always working His plan.

When I look back over my life in media, I realize that it is not man who qualifies you it is God, He will equip and put in you just what you need to do what He has called you to do, and you will be blown away at what God can do, He can do exceeding abundantly, above all that you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Of course it has not been easy, I have had my share of challenges and disappointments and at times I have even wanted to quit…but I am in awe of what God has done to show me that I matter to Him and His plan and purpose for His people. This plan was never about us; we are just vessels that God uses to accomplish His will.

No matter where you are at this point in your life, no matter how young or how old, there has always been a purpose and plan for your life that goes hand in hand with God’s will for His people. I think it is very important that we as women know we matter to God (need I even list all of the


powerful women who did great and mighty things in the Bible). Even if you have to remind yourself every day, “I matter to God and I fit into His plan”, then do that because God can use you; there is just one condition and that is to be willing to let God use you, and your willingness to serve so that He gets the glory out of your life.

God is always working His plan because you matter in His plan. I suggest you take a look at the resume’ of your life and see how God has been working His plan in your life all along. You will see that your resume’ tells a story, stories of victories and triumphs, stories of God making a way out of no way, stories of healing and deliverance, stories of salvation and God’s love for you. Your story is proof that you do matter to God.

Happy Women’s History Month…Celebrate your Awesomeness!

Grace&Glory 7 from the editor
Pastor Denise L. Folks, Ph.D. Greater Church of the Risen Savior Baltimore, Maryland

Woman to Woman - ‘Position of Power’

In celebration of Women’s History Month, I am honored to salute women of every nationality, ethnicity, culture, and season for being dynamic in who God called you to be. Thank you, Woman of God for maintaining your ‘Position of Power’ through your hurt, pain, and ‘midnight rain’ –COVID, grief, sickness, loneliness, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Woman of God, you are amazing! You unselfishly continue to press towards the mark of the higher calling in Christ Jesus, and not just for yourself but for other women. You understand that your ‘Position of Power’ is for our daughters, mothers, sisters, aunties, sister friends and all women. You press forward by receiving the baton of fatigue and stress from other women so that she can stand on your shoulders and not drown in her despair. You press forward because you believe you have the responsibility of enduring difficult times for the purpose of breaking the glass ceilings of discrimination and misogynistic thinking that attempt to keep women subservient. You press forward in your ‘Position of Power’ because, prophetically, you see women of every nation, ethnicity, culture, and season operating in her ‘Position of Power’ because your victory is her victory.

Woman of God, as we witness the last days upon us (2 Timothy 3:1), it is urgent and essential that I encourage you to continue to stand confident and strong in who God called you to be. Please operate fully in your gifts and callings. Whether you believe it or not, your ‘Position of Power’ ignites and activates the anointing in other women.

Woman of God:

I want you to do you! I want me to do me!

As I thrust into the vastness of me, I am affirmed by your contagiousness to do you.

When you do you, I am free to do me. When you do you, I’m energized by your position of power, I’m revolutionized by your pronounced passion.

When you do you,

You compliment me!

You inspire me!

You see me! You hear me! You feel me!

So, Please, Please!

Do you and I will do me!

Woman of God, we need ‘Allies in the Kingdom of God’ and not enemies. Satan is on the war path for our children and youth. Stay in your ‘Position of Power’ and prepare yourself for the battle of their souls.

You have been chosen by God to sit at His feet and sup at His table to receive spiritually, strategic ammunition for this battle.

God has anointed you for such a time as this. The enemy of our soul has waged a terrible plot against our children and youth. Not only do we see it, but we can spiritually feel it. This diabolical spirit is roaming through schools, university campuses, communities, and sad to say, some churches seeking whom he may recruit for his kingdom. Satan is an opportunist. He sets up his trap when he notices that there is religion but no one operating in their God Given ‘Position of Power’. Satan desires to kill, steal, and destroy the very fabric of our children and youth. Their divine destiny is at stake. He does not want them to have any desire of being ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’.

I admonish you to take the challenge. Embrace the good fight. Self-pity, shame, depression, abuse, sickness, slothfulness, calamity, and death, no longer rules or reigns in your body, soul, or spirit. Stand firm on God’s word. Tell your daughters and sons about God’s everlasting love, grace, and mercy. Continue to tell them how great they are so they won’t believe Satan’s lie – “Nobody loves you” and, “God is not real.”

Use your ‘Position of Power;’ in Jesus Christ to warn our children and youth of Satan’s devices of money, sex, drugs, social media, and electronic devices, to name a few, that he uses to drag them into everlasting darkness of mental and

Continued on page 10

Grace&Glory 9
Bishop Victor Folks and Pastor Denise L. Folks, Ph.D.

Continued from page 9

emotional pain, which results in suicide, homicide, low self-esteem, addiction, and anger. I submit to you that we must help prepare warriors for what has and is coming. We must prepare and train our children and youth to be ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’ and not enemies of the Kingdom of God.

The word of God commands us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) When we train them according to the word of God and not the ways of the world, they will fight the enemy for us as we grow older (Psalm 127:3-5).

Woman of God, we are losing our children and youth by the thousands every day. Whether through crime and violence or through some unforeseen national or world disaster, they are Dying - Dead! I contend that our ‘Position of Power ‘can resurrect a generation that claims to believe in God but have no relationship with Him.

Operating in our ‘Position of Power’ in God through His son Jesus Christ will help us train and prepare a mighty army of children and youth for the Kingdom of God that will stand confident and strong in helping to bring a halt to

10 March 2023

the diabolical attack on their generation and generations to come. Woman of God, we desperately need ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’!

I respectfully submit this poetic declaration on behalf of children and youth:

Running For God

I want to run for God, see what I can do, Not in a race chasing after you, Just run, run, run with the sky so blue.

I want to run for God, see what I can do, Not for a bus or the ice-cream truck, Just run, run, run as the rain fall through.

I want to run for God, see what I can do, Not for a gold medal or ribbon, or star, Just run, run, run till I feel brand new.

Just run, run, run, that’s what I want to do, I want to run for God to get His message to You!

How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring tidings of good things! Isaiah 52:7

In closing, Woman of God, I celebrate you during Women’s History Month and every month.

I salute and honor your ‘Position of Power’ in God through His son Jesus Christ. Your gifts and callings compliment and inspire me to be my best, gives hope to all women and train and prepare our children and youth for greatness. Woman of God, as we continue to fight the good fight of faith, I believe that we can and will pass the baton successfully to our children and youth so that they too will stand confident and strong in their ‘Position of Power’ in Jesus Christ to be ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’ as opposed to enemies.

Grace&Glory 11
The George A. Crawley, Jr. Lenten Fellowship Invites You to Celebrate Lenten Services FEBRUARY 22nd –APRIL 6TH
Wilson, II February 22nd
March 1st
March 8th
March 15th
Wainwright March 22nd
March 29th
April 5th Rev. Marcus
April 6th Virtual & in-person Facebook: Israel Baptist Church of Baltimore City Streaming Website: Israel Baptist Church Main Sanctuary 1200 N. Washington Street at E. Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21213 2023 Good Friday Service: April 7, 2023 – 11:30am –
Seven Last Sayings of Christ” 7pm 30th YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION George A. Crawley, Jr. Night – We d., March 1st Celebrating the Life, Legacy & Memory of the Founder and Organizer Rev. Dr. George A. Crawley, Jr.
Rev. H. Walden
Rev. Robert Haynes
Rev. Marshall Prentice
Rev. Ray Cotton
Rev. Mark
Rev. Gregory Perkins
Rev. Calvin Keene

Deonne Min. Carenda

14 March 2023

Turning Negativity into Your Greatest Momentum….

I have a question for you? How do you define the word negativity? Do you think all negativity is bad? Do you feel that negativity holds no weight or purpose? Have you ever thought about how negativity can work in your favor?

Have you experienced something even in this first quarter of 2023 that was a negative thought or experience? I don’t know about you, but I have. The word negativity is defined as the expression of criticism of or pessimism about something. Even as Christians, there are times when we tend to see the worst aspect of things or lack hope or confidence in the future. Experiencing negativity can cause us to be disappointed, but it also can fuel us to do something different. It can motivate us to take that risk. It can challenge us to go after our heart’s desires.

Don’t allow negativity to weed you out. Instead allow it to produce a due time harvest. Let’s look at the definition of a weed. A weed is defined as a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth. Especially one that tends to overgrow or choke our more desirable plants. Now, let’s look at the definition of a seed. Seed is defined as a source of development or growth. Whatever people say you can’t do, let it mature you. Let whatever you think you can’t do be the very thing that inspires you. It is unrealistic to think you can do everything but it’s realistic to know that you can do some things well! As you turn negativity into your greatest momentum, remember

it’s imperative that you remain your authentic self.

This is a time and place in your life where you cannot afford to be stagnant. You are at a place in your life that you have so much more working for you than against you. When something is said negatively about you or your purpose, believe that God is changing every insult into results. Don’t let that hinder your progress. Stop cheating yourself. Stop choking the good stuff; even if you have to work your way through the bad stuff to get there. “Don’t let the good stuff you have die with you,” as Les Brown says, but seed it, water it and be fruitful. I know some people may think you don’t deserve your success; you personally may also struggle with enjoying the fruits of your labor. However, I am saying to you in my most assertive voice, YOU DESERVE IT!

Life is not always easy, but thanks be unto God who gives us the victory. (1 Corinthians 15:57) You cannot see negativity as your final destination. Instead, you must see it as lessons learned, increased faith, and a vitamin called momentum that just won’t quit. Moving forward, anytime negativity desires to raise its head, I need you to take a dose of momentum. The refills on this prescription to heal you from negativity is limitless. Take a daily dose once, twice, three times a day in between your prayers, meditation and praise and watch God turn negativity into your greatest momentum. The Lord our God shall move on your behalf. Take courage.

Grace&Glory 15
monthly manna

DEBNAM Dr. Carla

16 March 2023

Life is tough. We all have either heard that spoken or said it in response to the difficult and challenging days we all face periodically. This declaration puts into words the feelings we may have as we face disappointments, rejection, unexpected circumstances or the day-today struggles of life. How we handle our stressors, whether good or bad, can impact our health and our ability to overcome and persevere to reach our goals. We can keep going when we have a sense of community and strengthened faith. These are both taken for granted at times but when life becomes overwhelming, it is important to incorporate them in our lives.

Keep Going

We can keep going when we have people who make the journey more pleasant but also can help when we are go through changes or find ourselves in a valley or are celebrating victories. Whether life gives us lemons or lemonade, we can keep going. This is not about positive thinking or ignoring the reality of your life’s issues. It is about deciding to do what it takes to never give up. This is a decision that you must make continuously. It is not a one and done statement. It is using your faith and your network to stay on course. You can keep going but it will take a commitment to grow and shift your vision.

Your vision must be the driver for your motivation. You must be focused and fueled by your passion. This will be what keeps you going. Not only will your vision and passion keep you going, but your faith will be the fuel that encourages you when life gets tough. The faith factor is often overlooked when obstacles show up in our lives. It is the difference maker and keeps us going when we want to give up. Faith and friends help us to keep going. Your people will provide you with moral support when you are on the bring of hopelessness. It may be tough to keep going but your consistency, persistence, faithfulness and friends will help you to keep going.

Grace&Glory 17
to your good health
18 March 2023


20 March 2023

You made it to March! It’s a magnificent month because it’s Women’s History Month, springtime is ushered in, and it’s the time for you to bloom and blossom like the flowers. March is also the month to make changes to your wardrobe to match the changing weather forecast. This month ask yourself, “What am I going to wear in this new season? What is my wardrobe going to consist of?” This season, to celebrate Women’s History Month, decide that you want to dress to impress. In this new season, make your dress match your demeanor. In addition to being adorned in your florals and flats, decide to be dressed in R.E.D. meaning channeling the attitude and demeanor of three mighty women of God in the Bible: (R)uth, (E)sther, and (D)eborah. Each day have a made-up mind to be dressed ready like Ruth, exhibiting Esther’s example of courage and class, and have the distinction of Deborah to be determined to accomplish everything that you set out to do.

Get dressed in R.E.D. and be ready like Ruth to receive your instructions from God to walk out your purpose. Being obedient like Ruth was to Naomi will put you in a position to receive a blessing like Boaz. Naomi gave Ruth specific instrºuctions for the encounter with their family’s redeemer, Boaz. In Ruth 3:3-4 MSG, Naomi told Ruth, “Take a bath. Put on some perfume. Get all dressed up and go to the threshing floor. But don’t let him know you’re there until the party is well under way and he’s had plenty of food and drink. When you see him slipping off to sleep, watch where he lies down and then go there. Lie at his feet to let him know that you are available to him for marriage. Then wait and see what he says. He’ll tell you what to do.” Ruth gave a rapid response. She said in Ruth 3:5 MSG, “If you say so, I’ll do it, just as you’ve told me.” Ruth did exactly what Naomi told her to do. In the end, Ruth received her redeemer Boaz. God gave you a plan to get Ruth ready to reap the harvest He has promised to you. Get Ruth ready to reap.

Get dressed in R.E.D. and exhibit Esther’s example. Queen Esther sprung forth and moved suddenly into position to make an impact and save her people. She

had to come out of the comforts of the harem, compete for the position of queen, and later risk her life by going to see the king without being summoned to save her Jewish people (Esther 5:1). You can also be fearless moving towards the blessings God has for you while being full of faith that God favors you. Queen Esther had a forward moving mindset. As a result, she is responsible for saving the Jews and her actions are commemorated to this day with the annual two-day Festival of Purim (Esther 9:20-31).

Get dressed in R.E.D. and have the distinction of Deborah. Deborah was a prophet, the fourth judge of Israel, and the first and only female judge (Judges 4-5). Deborah had the distinct privilege of serving as judge of Israel and providing prophesies from God. One of her most notable feats was her prophesy to Barak, commander of Israel’s army. Deborah told Barak that the Lord said to call out 10,000 warriors from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun, He would call out Sisera, the commander of King Jabin’s Canaanite army along with his chariots and warriors, to the Kishon River and He would give them the victory over the Canaanites (Judges 4:6-7; Judges 4:14). Barak said he would not go unless Deborah went with him (Judges 4:8). Deborah agreed to go but told him he would receive no honor in this venture and the Lord’s victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman (Judges 4:9). Deborah was correct. A woman named Jael killed Sisera with a hammer and peg when he ran from the battle seeking a hiding place in her tent assuming she was a friend but turned out to be a foe (Judges 4:17-21). Like Deborah, let God use you to decree, declare and do great and mighty things in His name.

This season, stay dressed in R.E.D. and be ready like Ruth, exhibit Esther’s example of making an impact, be distinguished like Deborah, and go forth in the name of the Lord for He will make sure you win in every situation. More importantly, be dressed in R.E.D. because you are covered in the blood of Jesus and His blood still has miraculous power. Stay dressed in R.E.D.

Grace&Glory 21
in R.E.D.
trinkets to triumph
22 March 2023
Grace&Glory 23


24 March 2023

Making It

Knit one, purl two. Or was it purl two and knit one? There was a time I really enjoyed knitting, but I should clarify, I did the lowest form of knitting possible. I also just realized I was doing it wrong. Yesterday I bought some knitting supplies. I’ve been wanting to have something to do to decompress other than scrolling on my phone. I knew there would be a learning curve because it’s been over a decade, but I was ready to learn again. Thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest and YouTube, I’ve got ample resources.

My goal is to make a cute slouchy beanie. I’ve got the pattern, the yarn and the needles, but not the skill. Even the beginner pattern is over my head. Nevertheless, I’ve committed to try. There is a process to making something new. Trial and error, or in my case, error, and more error. Last night as I unraveled my failed efforts for the fourth time, I noticed I wasn’t actually frustrated.

As much as I really want a cute hat, the reality is I can buy one. In fact, I did just buy a few beanies for less than the supplies I purchased! So why put myself through the tedious handiwork? Joy. There is joy in the process. With each mistake, I learn. With each missed stitch, I grow. There is joy in the making.

I’m reminded that the Lord finds great joy in making all things new—including us. That’s hard to imagine. I know I would be so frustrated with each broken promise, failure, and missed mark, but not God. He’s present with us in the making. He offers love, strength, and joy to help us in the process. And the best part is He never gives up.

“And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.” (Isa. 64:8). Imagine the almighty Potter sitting at a wheel molding his masterpiece. With sweat, tears of joy, laughter, and an intense focus, he was molding love, with love, to be love that loves. It’s a process that takes great effort, but somehow, we are worth it to him.

After hours of knitting and unraveling last night, I finally rolled up my ball and put it away, but not for good. I will try again today. I am committed to the process. I woke up this morning with clarity and a deeper understanding of what I was doing wrong. I

feel more confident today, but I know I will stumble and unravel many more times until the day I can reply to a compliment about my new hat and say, “Thanks, I made it!”

We forget that those who have, “Made it” also went through the making process. Too often we try to skip the process and jump to the end. We want the joy and satisfaction of the result without the journey. But the lasting joy of making it isn’t just the finished product. Joy is in the making because Jesus is in the making. He’s with us in the process.

I am reminded of the Israelites wandering in the desert, fixated on the destination, the promised land that would be flowing with milk and honey, that the goodness and beauty surrounding them was hard to see. The presence of the Lord was with them the entire journey, even in their disobedience, the complaining and infighting, the Lord was near and at work. Even though the first generation of desert wanderers would not live to see the promised land, they were creating and birthing a generation who would. The goodness of the promise and the joy in the making lasts far longer than our lives. What a profound concept. The process produces fruit that blesses and sustains not only us but those who come after us. It can produce joy and goodness to last for generations.

Each try and fail moment along the way, every knit or purl stitch that is unraveled and redone is an investment. More than just a new beanie, I am in the process of making a lot of things in my life right now, large, and small. Some efforts are begging to take a recognizable shape, while others resemble little more than chaos, but I am strengthened by the words of Jesus in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I am making all things new.” The Lord isn’t frustrated by our process or the time it takes to complete it. Because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross, we can find joy in the “making.”


Grace&Glory 25
Season Bowers Pastor, Author, Radio Host, Joy bringer 619-807-8509
the joy at Instragram, Facebook
joy bringer


What Do You Have To Offer TURNER

My husband was speaking at a leadership conference last month. As he was watching a video of that conference I walked in on the last part of the video. The section that I heard was, “We as people are so busy comparing ourselves to others that we forget what we have to offer.” I know that I’ve done that so many times. Not that I don’t think that I’m good enough, but yet sometimes I feel like I’m not worthy enough. Maybe I’ve sat by the sidelines watching too long putting other people’s dreams or aspirations before mine. I’ve always been a great cheerleader for everyone else. But the person who I should have been cheering for as well is myself. If I can share my heart maybe sometimes, I don’t feel like I have much to offer. But I know that’s not true because I look at my fruit, however, even still from time to time I wonder.

I often find myself comparing myself to other women. Questioning if I missed the mark. Then I’m reminded of numerous amounts of people in the Bible that

were used later in their life. At that moment I start to encourage myself. Telling myself that I am enough. What I have is enough and I can be used by God in His timing and not mine. I was studying and I came across a woman in the Bible named Anna. Anna the Prophetess is a woman mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. According to that Gospel, she was an elderly woman of the Tribe of Asher who prophesied about Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem. She appears in Luke 2:36–38 during the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. “Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.” Luke 2:36-38 NKJV. The Bible also speaks of the story of Naomi and Ruth and how Naomi had lost her husband and her sons, and she had to relocate with her daughters-in-law. It talks about her strength.

In my personal life I’ve seen two of my lovely sisters-in-law pivoting in their lives; one launching a successful total body Spa Care line and the other starting her own Marketing Business. Watching them reassures me even further that I will be okay and that my timeline isn’t His timeline. So, I refuse to compare myself to others. I’ll continue to cheer women on, and I know when it’s my time they will do the same for me. In honor of March being National Women’s History Month. Let’s go out of our way to be each other’s cheerleaders. Let’s strive to work together and not against each other.

26 March 2023
Pastor Rhoda Turner Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ
a woman’s perspective

Taking Care of Yourself: Top Screening Test for Men and Women

Benjamin Frankin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is easier to stop something from happening in the first place than to repair the damage after it has happened. It is better to take reasonable precautions than to suffer severe consequences later. Historians say when Franklin first used this expression, he was not discussing disease but fire prevention. However, we recognize that preventive care for our health is beneficial.

Unfortunately, many individuals are less likely to engage in preventive health. We are more likely to seek medical treatment and advice when symptoms are present. Health experts encourage us to get yearly checkups. However, many are lagging in receiving preventive medical care. Let’s identify the three top preventive tests for men and women.

Tests For Women

Pelvic Exam and Pap Smear: Many women equate a pelvic exam to a pap smear. Although typically done simultaneously, the pelvic exam is the physical exam of the external and internal female reproductive organs. This can aid in determining any abnormalities of the uterus or ovaries.

In general, Pap smears are performed to identify the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer and are not recommended until a female is 21 years of age. If your Pap smear is negative, the next one is not recommended for 3-5 years, depending on your age.

Breast Exam: It may surprise you that by the time a cancerous lump can be felt in the breast, it has probably been there for several years. Putting emphasis on manual breast exams has been found to develop a false sense of security. Often, women think if a breast exam done by them or their provider is normal, they do not need a mammogram. This is false.

Mammogram: Mammograms are the standard of care for breast cancer screening. It is recommended that all women between 35 and 75 need a mammogram at least every other year. The recommendation to start earlier depends on your family history and should be part of a conversation with your provider. Other screening tests to determine the presence of cancer include ultrasound and a biopsy of the breast.

Dexa Scan: Osteoporosis is a condition that occurs in postmenopausal women due to the lack of estrogen. In osteoporosis, the bones weaken, increasing the risk of fractures. Caucasian and Asian women are more prone to this condition. Screening is done via a specialized, non-invasive x-ray. Women should be screened starting at age 65.

Tests for Men

Prostate screening: African-American men are at high risk for developing prostate cancer. It is recommended men 55-69, initially get screened via a prostate-specific antigen(PSA) lab test. Rectal examinations maybe recommended for men with a family history of prostate cancer.

Blood Cholesterol: All men 35 or older should get their blood cholesterol levels checked regularly. Men who use tobacco; are

overweight; have a relative who had a heart attack before age 50; or have diabetes, high blood pressure or a history of heart disease should get their cholesterol checked at the age of 20. There are several measures of cholesterol, and all are important in determining heart disease risk.

Abdominal Ultrasound: Men between the ages of 65 and 75 who have ever smoked tobacco should get screened for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). This condition is caused by an enlarged blood vessel in the stomach that ruptures suddenly. AAAs frequently have no symptoms and are fatal in up to 90 percent of cases. An Abdominal Ultrasound can help determine an aortic aneurysm's presence, size, and extent. The major risk of this aortic bulging is a rupture resulting in severe or fatal i nternal bleeding.

Tests for Everyone

Blood analysis/ Lab test: Everyone 21 years and older should have a blood analysis test at least once a year. Lab exams should include a complete blood cell count, assessing the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, electrolytes levels, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and blood values that reflect liver and kidney functioning.

Colonoscopy: This test is recommended for everyone 50 years old, and is the screening for colon cancer. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in American men and women.

Blood Pressure Screening: Everyone should have their blood pressure checked regularly, and people with cardiovascular risk factors such as high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and smoking should check their blood pressure more frequently. High blood pressure is the biggest risk for heart disease and a significant risk for other serious health conditions.

Depression Screening: Don’t ignore your mental health. An estimated six million men and women suffer from depression. Indivduals are undiagnosed due to lack of serious conversations with their doctors. If you’ve experienced significant changes in appetite or sleeping patterns; decreased energy or motivation; feelings of hopelessness, restlessness or irritability, difficulty concentrating or have nappropriate feelings of guilt or related feelings for more than two weeks, talk to your doctor about getting screened for depression.

We are still in the first quarter of the new year. Consider vowing to get these tests during the lenten season and before summer. Honor God by rededicating your body to God. Pull on your inner Levite integrity and take care of the temple God gave you.

28 March 2023
health matters
Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels Assistant Professor at Coppin State University
Grace&Glory 29
Grace&Glory 31
32 March 2023
Grace&Glory 33

Ericka J.

34 March 2023

Gospel & Entertainment


He’s back like he never left because he didn’t! Pastoring has been more the focus these past few years, however he’s still been putting out fire music. He’s been featured on 5 records, 2 of which topped Billboard’s Top 10 and he won a Grammy for P J Morton’s album, so he’s still making noise on the music scene. It’s in his DNA, pastoring just added a major branch to the many. I have been waiting in full anticipation for a new J Moss album, while his past works are timeless, I knew it was time for some “New New” and this new single “Put A Rush On It” was worth the wait! The way J Moss writes and not to mention the production from PAJAM, a musical marriage unmatched, all I have to say is do yourself a favor and thank me later, go grab the single available everywhere, at all digital media outlets RIGHT NOW!

Kierra Sheard

Let me start right here, her latest single, “Miracles” featuring Pastor Mike Jr is so crazy! The energy and the lyrics in this song, and the vibe and energy they both have, this is good to me!! If you don’t already have it, you wanna have it! In addition, she dropped “Praise Thru” and “Making A Way” featuring Adia Andrews, her new album titled “All Yours” drops March 3. Sidebar it’s this “Done For Me” featuring Jekalyn Carr that’s crazy too from the snippet I heard! I can’t wait! March 3rd GET IT ALL!

Pastor Mike Jr.

At this point anything Pastor Mike Jr drops is gonna be BIG and his latest single “Winning” is proof of that and so the album “Impossible” is #1 on Billboard Charts and over 1.8 Million Streams. He is just doing it BIG for the kingdom and for gospel music that has blessed the masses, in the what some would say a short time, he has made a massive impact in that time and has made history, letting us know NOTHING IS “IMPOSSIBLE”!

Stanley Brown

The Legendary super producer Stanley Brown seems to just literally get more incredible with time, his resume could literally retire him, but he’s proven “he ain’t goin’ no where.” No matter what genre he’s been called to he’s made sure you will always know his work. I just wrote about his production on Bishop TD Jakes’ last project and now here we are again, and “ain’t nobody mad but the devil”! “God Is Good” featuring Bishop Hezekiah Walker, Karen Clark Sheard, and Kiera Sheard is such a vibe, feel good, inspirational gospel music, when the song comes on til it ends you just “feel it”! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD ! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!

Zak Williams

One of my fave choirs Zak Williams & 1 Akord dropped some sho’ nuff choir heat last month!

Keeping choir music alive “Jesus I”ll Never Forget” is a great song, your praise teams and your choirs can sing and bless the house on a Sunday morning, and have you in your car singing it, not to mention one of music’s greatest voices Lowell Pye is featured on it, just go get it!

Lucinda Moore

“Lord I Hear You” is making NOISE NOISE hitting Number 1 on Billboard Charts! Congrats “Lucy Lou” I’m so proud of her and how she has persevered and stayed true to her musical calling and ministry it has continued to pay off for her. My girl, “Lucy Lou” proving, “she ain’t thru” and shows no signs of slowing down, voice is still strong, powerful and definitely anointed, a true testament that God is still speaking, and she’s listening.

Freddy Washington & Melvin Crispell

Uht Oh! This collaboration is so awesome! Freddy Washington and Melvin Crispell ll both come from a legendary musical bloodline so the merging of the energies and musical talents, you know it’s going to be amazing!“ He”ll Come Through” is definitely a reminder that he will do just that and will make you feel good about that reassurance. Available at all digital outlets!

Jenard Carpenter

“The Well” WELL ITS FINALLY HERE! I have been waiting for this song to drop! I was honored to be a part of the journey with this album, and I can truly say I enjoyed this entire project but this song literally “wiped me out” the night of the live recording. Please do yourself a favor and me and get this single, it will bless you. Jenard is one of Baltimore’s musical gems, a worship leader that understands the assignment and gives God his all. He’s Baltimore’s Own and out here making us proud, featured on award winning recordings all over and it’s time for him to give and show the world how he sees God through this album in worship. Flow River Flow!

“Til next month, Be blessed, love real big, in real life!” Follow me: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @misserickaj Email

Grace&Glory 35 News
Freddy Washington & Melvin Crispell Jenard Carpenter Stanley Brown Lucinda Moore JMoss Kierra Sheard Pastor Mike Jr. Zak Williams

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