April 2019 - The Howl TCIS

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Strawberries: Why looks aren't everything

Poetry:Our love story

How to Get over a Crush

April Edition


Table of Contents

02 How to Get over a Crush (Pinnie)

05 00's Songs You Should Listen To (Kathy)



Lettering (Sally, Regency )

Strawberries: Why looks aren't everything (Kris )



Poetry:Our love story (Gill, Lisa)

Yummy Word Search (You, Annie)

How to Get Over a Cru sh

Pinnie G.11

Having a crush is always one of those bi/ersweet moments. Liking someone might give you bu/erflies, but it can also make your heart cry a million times when the person you like doesn't like you back. Well, when things hit rock bo/om, you know you need to let go and move on. I hope this article will help you even just a li/le bit. ;)

Stop following his/her every move on social media!

When you have a crush, of course, you follow their account(s) on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc., because that tells you what the person is doing or where they are. STOP THAT! Stop checking their feed, looking at their profile, clicking on their story, blah blah blah, all those just need to stop. Doing those things will just make you think about them even more, they won’t help you with anything.

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Talk it out with someone Yes! This is important. Talk about the pain, those rejections, your imaginations, what you see in this person, what makes you like them, all of the good and the bad. "Talking things through can help you understand more about why you feel the way you do, and also lets the people who care about you know what’s going on in your life and that you might need extra support right now," said Jane Mendle, a clinical psychologist who specializes in adolescence.

Give yourself some distance Try to avoid all the extra contacts and go to the places you won’t have to see them. If you are in the same class or club, this would be hard. Try to avoid seeing them other times instead, for instances, afterschool, lunch, and break. Of course, you will miss them, you will wonder where they are and what they are doing, but those things will decrease over time. 03|HOWL|April Edition 2019|

Get yourself busy with the things

you like!

Drowning Yourself

Go out! Get busy! Instead of staying in and drown yourself with all the emotions and thoughts, go outside, include yourself in activities, do something that will make you feel like yourself again. Maybe you can go hang out with your friends, go to a concert, whatever you like! Furthermore, stay positive, you don’t want to be walking under the raining clouds but sunshine! Trust me that keeping yourself busy with the things you like and relaxing will keep your thoughts away from your crush. Next thing you know, you might be surviving all day without thinking of them at all.

First, you have to know that this is temporary and that your feelings can be healed. Think back to what you did that was good and what was not, what you like about them and what you don’t, what you should and should not do the next time you have a crush. Keep the good memories, and be thankful for meeting someone like them. That will help you let go and move on.

Citation https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/how-to-get-over-a-crush (Brabaw, Kasandra. “5 Steps To Getting Over Your Crush.” How To Get Over A Crush & Move On From Someone You Like.) https://www.teenvogue.com/story/how-to-get-over-a-crush (Gibson, Danielle. “7 Tips for How to Get Over a Crush.” Teen Vogue, Teen Vogue, 4 Feb. 2019.)

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00’'s Songs You Should Li sten


Kathy G.11 In my opinion, the 00’s songs are so good! The music from the 90’s is also very good, but I’m here to talk about the 00’s because…. I was born in the 00’s! Here are some songs that you DEFINITELY should listen to (maybe again), because they’re LIT!

Crazy In Love -

Beyoncé, JAY Z This song, OH MY GOD, is sooooo GOOOD! I think everybody must have heard it somewhere at least once in their life. This song won multiple awards, like a Grammy Award for Best R&B song, a MTV Video Music Award for Best R&B Video, a BET Award for Best Collaboration, etc.. GO LISTEN TO THE SONG AGAIN!

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Umbrella - Rihanna, JAY Z

This song is also very famous, but if you have never heard of it, go and listen to it! This song also received multiple awards, including a Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung Performance, a MTV Video Music Award for Monster Single of the Year, a MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year, and many more! Rihanna may not make music anymore (for now), but her music still livessssss.

Low - Flo Rida

This song is- you must have at least heard it once in your life. It’s just so fun to listen to, and you must jam to it. If for some reason you still haven’t heard of this song, please check it out,

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Yeah! - Usher (Feat.

Lil Jon and Ludacris) This was pretty good too. This song is just as popular as the other ones, but if you had never heard of it (but like seriously? Not even once?), then try it out. The song won about nine awards, SO IT MUST BE GOOD. The style is quite different from the 2010’s music, but if I like it, there’s a chance that you would like it too!

Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) -


Another Beyoncé song. The song is so good that we still sing it today! Single Ladies won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year! I mean, I wasn’t surprised that it was the song of the year considering EVERYBODY was singing and dancing to it. SO GOOD.

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This Love - Maroon 5 I swear if you have never heard this song I’ll cry. This song does something to me like it will call me to sing with it. It has a great beat, won some awards like the Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals, the MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist, and NRJ Music Award for International Song of the Year.

Oops!... I Did It Again Britney Spears

Britney’s songs are SO catchy that when you hear them, you can’t help yourself but to sing to it. Many of her songs like “Toxic” and “…Baby One More Time” are also songs that you should listen too. THEY ARE JUST TOO CATCHY. This song did not win a lot of awards. Britney only received the Mnet Asian Music Award for Best International Artist, but YOU SHOULD TOTALLY LISTEN TO!!!! 08|HOWL|April Edition 2019|

Introduction to Bru sh Lettering

Sally G.10

Have you ever seen those really beautiful le/ered words on Instagram? Have you ever thought about doing it yourself?

Brush lettering is a type of lettering done by a special set of brush pens. Brush pens are water-based, brushlike pens. The most popular brands used would be Sakura Koi, Tombow, Ecoline, and Pentel. Some of these brushes such as Sakura and Pentel can be found almost everywhere in Bangkok, while the rest could be found on online stores, such as each brand’s respective online shops, Lazada, Shopee, etc.

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You can le/er with almost everything. Here is some lists type of pens you can use for brush le/ering or calligraphy: • Brush Pens
 • Gel Pens
 • Pencils
 • Highlighters


In short, everything can be used for lettering if you know how. There’s no restriction to what is legit lettering and what isn’t. 10|HOWL|April Edition 2019|

INTRODUCTION TO BRUSH LETTERING It is recommended that you invest in one brush pen to practice with. This doesn t need to be expensive since it ll mostly be used for practice and perfecting your letters.


You should start practicing by doing “u”, “f”, “i” and “j” letters. These are the most basic lettering strokes because it is what almost every letter in brush lettering is composed of.

2 You do not need to stick to this font though, because once you’ve mastered the basics, you can make them into any kind of font you like.

You can follow @study.ely on instagram for brush lettering videos and pictures, and even some studygram/study content! 11|HOWL|April Edition 2019|


Strawberries: Why Looks

Aren't Everything

Kris G.10

When you think about going out to get strawberries in Thailand, two places come to mind: the Supermarket and the strawberry fields in the North. It is only logical to do so as the strawberries in the supermarkets (such as Tops) provide us with the biggest and pre/iest looking strawberries, while the fields in Northern Thailand provide us with the slightly smaller but a fresher and cheaper alternative. However, as delicious as these strawberries look, they are far inferior to a much lesser known strawberry, Fraises De Bois.

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What are Fraises De Bois? Fraises De Bois, also known as Woodland Strawberries are probably the most delicious strawberries that the stores don’t sell. They are quite small, each one being around the size of a person’s thumb. These berries have a taste that is much more intense than your average strawberries, and are said to be much sweeter and tarter. They are also fragile, as seen by how they only last for a few weeks when left unpicked. Even if they’re picked, they must be prepared or eaten right away. If you happen to have these red jewels lying around and you let them age an extra day or two, they will lose their freshness and extraordinary flavors. However, these cons are worth it since the taste of the Woodland Strawberries is incomparable to any other kinds of strawberries.

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Why are they so rare?

Despite the high demand because of their exquisite taste, these strawberries seldom appear in the media. However, it has not always been this way. In the past, these red jewels were grown all over Europe because of their great flavors, but then, garden strawberries started to replace them during the 18th century. These garden strawberries were preferred due to three main reasons: size and durability, yield, and ability to cross-breed easily. As aforementioned, the Woodland Strawberries are notorious for being quite small and quite delicate, which made it very impractical. The fact that these strawberries can be turned into mush quite easily makes shipping almost impossible, which is why they have not entered the mass markets. The second reason is the yield. Wild strawberries often produce relatively few strawberries per bush especially compared to domesticated ones which can produce up to even a dozen per bush. The last reason is that it is harder to cross-breed, which meant that farmers had a hard time experimenting with the textures, sizes, and appearances of the fruit which is why they are also produced in lesser amounts. Ultimately, the impracticality of these red jewels mean that they seldom reach customers, and even if they do, the prices are often too high. 14|HOWL|April Edition 2019|

Alternative In all honesty, it would be quite an implausible feat to ship Fraises De Bois far and wide despite their its much-desired taste. However, the French have managed to breed a type of strawberry which is just as delectable as the Woodland Strawberries: Mara De Bois. Mara De Bois was created with the intent to make delicious strawberries much more accessible to people all around the world. These strawberries, although not as big as those we see in the markets, are much firmer while retaining that special taste of Woodland Strawberries. It should also be mentioned that these strawberries grow quite fast and have a much higher yield, making them much cheaper. Perhaps, just perhaps, these will be the strawberries that we’ll all get to enjoy here in Thailand.

Karp, David. “Market Watch: The Sweet Smell of Mara Des Bois Strawberries.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 10 June 2011, Farms, Nourse. “Mara Des Bois.” Mara Des Bois Strawberry Plant, www.noursefarms.com/product/mara-des-bois/. Lebovitz, David. “Fraises De Bois - Wild Strawberries.” David Lebovitz, 30 Sept. 2017, www.davidlebovitz.com/fraises-desbois-wild-strawberries/.

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Our Love story V.4:

Lisa H & Jill H G.12 Ah, Too late; Flashback to those days, Those joys we shared, The fun we've had, I wonder why it’s too late To realize everything has its fate. I once thought about leaving. And yet it’s all in vain. It’s too late to wake up, It’s too late to hold on to the dream; Long nights with endless waiting, Long days of soundless pain.

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Yummy Word Search

Words Cookies Lasagna

Chocolate Boba Tea

Canape Sashimi

Pasta Milkshake

Gnocchi Hotteok

Dango Neapolitan

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Thi s Month’s Howlers

Ted Persinger - Advisor and Editor

Grace Tirabassi — Club and Layout Supervisor Hey, there—it’s Grace. This is my third year in high-school and The Howl. I have experienced a lot in this journey from my ups and downs. Because of this, I would like to share what I learned along the way that will make your high school years successful!

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Pemikar Eiamra/anawong (Pinnie) Columnist Heyall! My name is Pinnie, and I will be writing mostly in the entertainment section; my focus is on movies and music! I am a junior, and this is my first year in the Howl. I find  writing relaxing and somehow fun! XD

Thidaporn Ratarsa (KATHY) — Columnist My name is Kathy, and I am a junior in TCIS. This is my seventh year attending TCIS, and my first year joining The Howl. I will be mostly writing about celebrity news this year. I really like to read about what is going on in their lives, and I would like to try to write about it.

Chongkonkorn Vichitkamthor (Sally) Columnist Hi I'm Sally and I'm currently a sohpomore. The topic that I'll mainly focus on would be lettering and studygram aesthetics. If you would like to have pretty notes, start bullet journalling or just get your notes (and life) together in one piece you would probably find my articles helpful. 19|HOWL|April Edition 2019|

Vorravalan Leechinnaphat (Regency) Columnist My name is Regency. I love to make design edit pictures in my free time, so I decided to joined The Howl. Other than that, I have been a national competitive figure and speed skater since I was little—but I love art just as much as skating! I that being in this club will allow me to experiment and try out different designs for each issue.

Kris — Columnist Hmm… How do I start this? My name is Kris. I am currently a sophomore, and this year I’ll be finally joining HOWL for all the times as it has piqued my interest. Speaking of interests, I like to read mangas, eating, and being lazy in general. As a new member of the HOWL, I’ll be writing about psychology and philosophy since they are the two things interest me. All in all, this is probably going to be the only time that I write this casually since I’ll be delving into serious matters this year.

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Nongnapat Chanthavornkij (ANNIE) — Columnist Hiya! I’m Annie, and I’m currently a junior. The two topics I’ll be focusing on and writing about this year are entertainment and lifestyle. If you enjoy memes, horror, aesthetics, corny puns/dad jokes, fashion, decorating, or more, you will like my writing! Enjoy! :)

I/ipat Diloksampan (YOU) — Columnist Hi! My name is You. This is my first year in the Howl. I’m a Junior and my focus of writing is on travelling and holidays because I enjoy relaxing and having fun after learning. If you are interested in travelling and upcoming holidays, then you might like my writing. :D

Chia Wen Hsu (GILL) — Writer and Layout Designer Heyy It's me.... G i l l / J i l l . I speak English, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Thai. I was born and raised in Taiwan, and currently living in Bangkok. I love music, reading, drawing, writing and sharing stories. I'll be writing on things like DIY, philosophy, diary/logs/horoscopes..etc Thanks for spending time reading our work, and we’ll keep sharing cool stuff with you guys~~~

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Kevin Chern-tay Shih—Photographer Hello, howlers! I am Kevin the “pun”ster, and I am currently the school’s photographer. Beside being a school photographer, I also draw comics and some random illustrations. Not to mention, I like puns, and I will “pun”ish everyone if you don’t laugh at my jokes. :)

Piraya Chiranakorn (Punt)- Layout Designer

“We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” (Marilyn Monroe). Everyone has their own unique aura; that's the quote I use to remind myself of it. My name is Punt. I’m mainly working in the layout design groupsometimes maybe doing illustration too. Art is my life. I chose this job to challenge myself and have to fun while doing it.

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