February 2018 - The Howl TCIS

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February 2018


Table of Contents Valentines Chocolate Truffle Recipe “Mia” Defining Love Monthly Comic: 3 Types of Love February Horoscopes Thai Teacher Awards College Application Tips How to Deal with Little Children Our Love Story (pt. 2)

02 09 14 17 24 26 33 35 40 41

Articles by Anonymous: Between Sex and Power Support MUN A Collection of Poems The Sun—A Poem

43 45 47 50

Anonymous Love Letters


01 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Valentines Ying-Hsin Lian (Eve)

Valentines is just around the corner! You might just have a secret admirer‌

Couple Activities đ&#x;’?

On second thought, let’s skip this‌ Nah Just kidding :)) 1. Go on a romantic date Candle lit dinners, beachside walks, amusement parks, libraries, lunch dates, museums, malls—you name it! 2. Buy gifts for each other Don’t you get excited not knowing what your significant other is getting for you? 3. Read the same book When you read the same book, you have another thing you have in common. It’s nice to have that kind of connection with your beloved. 4. Watch a movie together Watching a movie together means snuggle time and also bonding time.. 5. Plan a trip Plan a trip that you could go on together. Fill it with activities and go have a fun day with each other. It would be fun, and possibly romantic.

02 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Activities for the Sad and Single đ&#x;˜ž Oh yay, this is what everyone is looking for, right? YES. 1. Pity yourself Actually, no. Don’t do that. 2. Love yourself If there is nobody to love you, don’t worry. You can still love yourself, right? Yeup. Tell yourself you’re pretty, cute, fabulous, handsome, awesome, etc. NOBODY DESERVES YOU. (Just kidding) 3. READ Don’t you love reading?? Because I do. Go get yourself some cheesy romance novels or read online (on Wattpad ;)) 4. Sleepover :) Are your friends single? Yes? Perfect. You can get together and organize a Single Sleepover. No couples allowed. Seriously. 5. Eat, eat, eat Food is a great way to solve any kind of problem. It can relieve your stress, make you happy, and make your life more interesting.

03 | THE HOWL | February 2018

6. Go out with friends Maybe go treat yourselves at a fancy restaurant, get some new books, watch some movies, and the most important part: have fun! 7. Think Sometimes, just slow down, and think about life. What makes you happy? What does this person mean to you? How do you make more friends? Are those acorns or some other nut? HAHA just ask yourself anything and think about it. 8. Be Happy Remind yourself how nice it is to be single (even if you’ve never dated before). JUST be happy! 9. Write an anonymous love letter! Maybe you are single, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a crush! You can write them an anonymous love letter and just hope that he or she will notice you on Valentine’s day! 10. Go shopping You can always go shopping and treat yourself to something you have wanted for a longggg longggg time.

04 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Wattpad Recommendations đ&#x;“–

You might have finished the books i recommended last time, so why not try out some new ones? + They’re cheesier since it’s valentines <3 1. His Assistant Finley Jackson is a woman who just started working as an assistant for the famed CEO, Robert Thomas. Soon, she finds out that she has fallen in love with her boss and doesn’t know what to do. Robert Thomas had fallen in love with Finley the moment he first laid his eyes on her. 2. EXTRA SWEET A very cheesy book, made to satisfy all the things your inner romantic self craves.

3. Sour Sweetness A short book about two different people coming together: One sweet, one sour. Sour Trevor’s heart flutters every time he sees the sweet Isobel. Her eyes dance, her sound is sweet, and she’s everything that Trevor isn’t. Maybe this is why she attracted him.

05 | THE HOWL | February 2018

4. Anger Management A girl with extreme anger problems decides to call target and seek help. A guy picks up and soon, they become odd friends. As the story goes on, they find out more about each other, and that makes them like the other even more.

5. Seth’s Place Harper Quinn, who just got her heart broken, steps blindly into a cafe to calm herself down. After she sits down, Seth Wright comes to take the order. When he noticed the crying girl in front of him, he couldn’t resist but try to comfort her broken soul.

06 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Pick Up Lines to Tell

1. “I have a gift for you, can you hold your hands out for me?” “Sure!” “Your gift is me :)” 2. “Do you know I’m colorblind?” “What, how??” “Because my whole world turned pink the moment i met you.” 3. “I dropped something, can you help me pick it up?” “Oh ok, what did you drop?” “My heart.” 4. “So, last night I was reading a book about numbers, but I realized that it’s missing yours.” 5. “May I ask for directions?” “To where?” “Your heart.” 6. “Do you have a band aid?” “No, Why?” “Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you.” 7. “If stars would fall every time I think about you, the night sky would soon be empty.”

07 | THE HOWL | February 2018

8. “Let me tie your shoelaces because I don’t want you falling for anyone else.” 9. “You know, stealing is bad. You might have to go to jail for it.” “I didn’t steal anything though…” “You stole my heart.” “Well, I guess we’ll be going to jail together then, because you stole mine too. 10. “Did we have any classes together before?” “No, why?” “Because I could have sworn we had chemistry.”

08 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Chocolate T ruffle Recipe Phimkanya Liu (Gib)

Cinnamon Chocolate T ruffles


After trying to replicate the recipe with the little time I have, I finally found the recipe that I prefer. It was sweet, but not too sweet, and aromatic at the same time. Anyone could be able to pull this recipe off. It is good for many occasions like Christmas, Valentines, and, with a little adjustment, April Fools.

09 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Ingredients for the filling

• 100g (½ cup + 1 tbsp) chocolate* • 35g (3½ tbsp) cream • ½ tsp cinnamon powder****

Ingredients for the coating

• ≥140g (≥1 cup) Chocolate for coating* Or • ≥140g (≥1 cup) Cocoa Powder

Preparation 1. In case of using chocolate for coating Start off by tempering** the chocolate for coating. 2. After the chocolate is melted, pour it into the mold. Turn the mold upside down and gently tap the mold so excess chocolates falls off*** 3. Turn the mold up again, and, because of Thailand’s weather, store it in the refrigerator. 4. To make the filling, start off by pouring the cream over the chocolate.

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5. Place the bowl of cream and chocolate into a microwave. Heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Stir and repeat in 30 second, 20 second then 10 second bursts until melted and smooth. 6. When the mixture of cream and chocolate incorporate nicely, add in the cinnamon powder. 7. Pour the filling into a piping bag, and wait for the filling to cool down a little bit or else it will be too runny. 8. Take out the mold with chocolate shells from the refrigerator and pipe in the filling. Put the mold back in the refrigerator until the filling sets 9. Pour more chocolate over the mold and scrape the excess off with a spatula (anything flat would work fine). 10. When the chocolate is set, the truffle is ready!

1. In case of coating the truffles in cocoa powder Start by making the filling, Sweeter types of chocolate are suggested. 2. This time, leave the filling in a bowl and cool it completely in the fridge. 3. Pour cocoa powder in a bowl with enough surface to roll the chocolate truffle.

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4. Use hot melon baller/spoon (achieve this by dipping it in hot water and wiping the water off) to roll out a ball of truffle 5. OR just use your hand to roll the truffle into a ball. Just make sure you wash your hand. 6. Roll the truffle ball in cocoa powder. 7. Place it in the fridge and enjoy whenever you want.


* Chocolate types: • Dark chocolate: Not too sweet, but melts pretty quickly. • Dark compound chocolate: Doesn’t melt easily, children love it, but it’s too sweet. • Milk chocolate: The combination of dark and compound chocolate. It’s very sweet and melts very quickly. • White chocolate: Just make sure to use a good quality one. You can tell by the label. • White compound chocolate: Never ever use it with anything. It is the worst way possible that you can mess up the whole recipe.

12 | THE HOWL | February 2018

** Temper • Temper using a microwave. • Double boiler (bain marie) in case there’s no microwave: Put the chocolate in a bowl. Place the bowl on the pot with boiling water. The bottom of the bowl must not touch the boiling water. *** Put some baking paper below the working surface so no chocolate will go to waste! **** In case cinnamon powder isn’t available. You can put cinnamon stick in the cream and marinate it, or boil it together and remove the stick before mixing the cream with chocolate.


Reardon, Ann. “Prank Chocolate Truffles.” HowToCookThat : Cakes, Dessert & Chocolate, 22 Sept. 2017, www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/prank-chocolatetruffles/.

13 | THE HOWL | February 2018

“Mia” Ploynapas petchjiravut" (Pear) I was sitting absentmindedly in the park one day. It was a tiny bit gloomy with clouds filling every inch of the sky; it’s the kind of weather after a storm, a calm, beautiful morning. Like any other day, I was idly reading my favorite book on my favorite bench: the third one from the right. I took a little sip of my coffee, closing my eyes, enjoying the perfect amount of sun penetrating through the cracks of the clouds. I was lost in the characters when I felt someone looking at me. Annoyed, I quickly tore my gaze away from the text and glanced around the park. There was nothing out of the ordinary; that is, until my eyes met his. A boy around my age, with tousled hair, clad in t-shirt and jeans, was sitting at the far corner of the park. Even with all the distance, I could see his emerald, green eyes widen as I caught him. His hands rolled into a fist as he pretended to cough, hastily averting his eyes. I can tell that he was embarrassed, and to be completely honest, it was pretty cute. I drop my eyes back down, a smile still lingering on my lips. Moments later, a shadow was cast on the page I was reading. Blinking once, twice, I looked up to see the boy in front of me, looking all sheepish and out of breath. “Hey,” he trailed off as our eyes met once again, the gold specks that lies against his jaded iris twinkled. “Umm I… God, I suck at this.” He huffs in frustration. 14 | THE HOWL | February 2018

“See.. the thing is.. I saw you sitting alone and I um... wanted to say hi.” He spoke as he rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. His eyes dance between my face and behind my shoulders, every once in a while darting to my nose. “Oh, I’m Ryan, by the way.” He chuckled nervously. “You can call me Mia,” I said. I couldn’t help but admire him as his grin deepens, showing off his dimples engraved into the base of his cheeks. “Mia.” He beamed, repeating my name delicately, my heart fluttering. “So… Mia.., do you… maybe… want to go get coffee.. with me… sometime?” He asked jitterily, playing with his fingers as he stumbled over his words. “I would lov—” “I mean, you’re having coffee right now, but like, I mean like, in another time when we are both free—or it can be now too—or sometime else—maybe we can go together—” “Ryan, I’d lov—” “—or—or—it doesn’t even have to be coffee, it can be any beverage you like, like wine, or beer, or— n-no, I’m not saying that you’re an alcoholic or anything. Uh, um, what about orange juice? Do you like orange juice? Do you.. do you maybe want to go get orange juice with me?” He rambled, holding his breath as he anticipated for my answer.

15 | THE HOWL | February 2018

“Yeah,” I stifled back a laugh, “yeah, I’d like that.” “Yeah?” He asked ecstatically. “Yeah.” I was smiling from ear to ear. I stood up, clutching my book in one hand and the coffee cup in another. “Let’s go.” “Now?” He whip his head back, as if he couldn’t believe his ears. “Um-hmm.” I hummed, walking ahead of him. “Oh, yeah, um, yeah, okay—hey! Wait for me!” He jogged forward, closing the space between us. We walked side by side, our arms almost touching. It was silent for a while, a comfortable silence that I did not mind one bit. “I meant to asked you this earlier,” he spoke up, breaking the tranquil air. I tilted my head to the side, peering at him, giving him the sign to continue. “What is your full name? I mean, what is Mia short for?” I gave him a small smile. “Michael.”

16 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Defining Love Grace N. Tirabassi

All of us,at one point or another, have probably asked ourselves one of the most timeless questions of all: “What is love?” For thousands and thousands of years, philosophers, scholars, poets, and many others have asked themselves this, as well as attempted to answer the question. Of course, these definitions ultimately varied; some found love to be a gift, while others found it as the ultimate burden. This was typically due to cultural views and personal backgrounds. For example: “Authentic love must be founded on reciprocal recognition of two freedoms; each lover would then experience himself as himself and as the other: neither would abdicate his transcendence, they would not mutilate themselves...”

Simone de Beauvoir

“But when the heart is filled with love, then the eye is never deceived; for love when it gives, does not scrutinize the gift…”

Søren Kierkegaard

17 | THE HOWL | February 2018

“To love at all is to be vulnerable, love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.”

C.S. Lewis ความรักเหมือนโรคา




Love is like an illness that ordains your eyes to be in darkness. It neither listens nor looks out for any obstacles ahead.

King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) 被一個人深深愛著會讓你堅強,而深深 地愛一個人會讓你勇敢。 Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Lao Tzu “Love is a grave mental disease.”

Plato 18 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Now, personally, I believe that the reason we struggle to define love, especially in the English language, is because of the language itself. If you were to look up the word “love” using the Oxford dictionary, you would get five different definitions. This is because love is a homonym: a word that has multiple meanings. For example, the word crane can mean both a bird and a tall machine that carries heavy objects. The main difference, though, between the word crane and love is that the multiple definitions of love seem synonymous; overlapping almost like a venn diagram. The word love in “I love marshmallows,” and “I love my mom,” both are quite similar: they both express liking for the subject being spoken of. However, people definitely do not love eating the delightful, chewy snack as much they love their mother— at least I hope so. Anyways, could there be a more efficient way to define love? Absolutely! I would like to introduce the words that mean “love” in the Greek language. The Greeks approached love in primarily six variations, and each variation had its own word and definition. Let’s take a look at each of them:

19 | THE HOWL | February 2018


This would be the kind of “love” you hear about in a lot of popular songs… getting the idea? This leans towards a fiery, passionate love caused by physical attraction and desire. This type of love is more instinctive—typically caused by a rush of chemicals to the head. I would label it as the roman candle of love due to its “boom” and short lifespan. Without proper caution, though, this love can be seriously destructive from dissatisfaction and jealousy.


Have you ever heard someone say to their friend, “I would die for you”? Because if so, that person has a deep sense of philia, or deep friendship. This is love is shown by our care, concern, and the will to sacrifice for our companions. This type of love is developed over time and trust. Love for family members would also fall under philia.


Of course, love isn’t always dramatic and serious: thus, ludus. Ludus is a jolly and lively kind of love, used mainly to describe love children have for each other, and that young lovers have. Ludus is carefree, playful, but ultimately innocent. This pure, sweet love commonly exists in the early stages of developing relationships. Ultimately, though, ludus is the love that we wish to cherish as time goes by, and is

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probably the reason why old people like to talk about “the good ol’ days.”


This concept of love can be quite foreign for some people. Agape is known as a universal love for people; to have mercy and empathy for one another. Some may have a hard time grasping how one can love everyone because a) We don’t know everyone, so how can we possibly love people we don’t even know? and b) There will always be at least one person we detest to some degree. I believe, though, agape is a very subtle form of love that almost all humans possess. Have you ever read the news about a natural disaster happening somewhere distant, and hoping the best for everyone in that situation? That’s what agape is. Agape also exists in religion, such as Christianity’s “Golden Rule” and Theravāda Buddhism’s mettā. Overall, agape is the love that overrides all hatred and heals its damage with forgiveness.


This is the key ingredient for long-lasting relationships. This is the love that couples, especially married couples, have for one another. If you’re in a relationship and start to be dissatisfied or even bored, it is probably due to the lack of pragma. You see, pragma is the love that makes us willing to change for the other person’s sake. It is love that is willing to

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fight and withstand against all odds and obstacles, then adapt itself for, well, the sake of love. If you base an entire relationship solely off of eros or even ludus, you’re basing a relationship off of something that is only short-termed; pragma can last a lifetime.


Last but not least, philatia. It is the love one has for oneself. Having care and respect for oneself is important. However, it isn’t as simple as you would think. There are people who think too lowly of themselves and feel as if they deserve no good from the world. On the other hand, some have a grandiose view of themselves and see others below them; also known as narcissism. Fundamentally, philautia unbalanced can be very unhealthy and may even be classified as mental disorder. So it is vital to have a healthy sense of philautia by remaining humble, but also knowing that on a human scale we are neither above nor below any other being. Obviously, there are more than just six types of love and there will always be vague gray areas where some relationships fall in between different categories. The point of this article was an attempt to open up our minds and look at “love” from a different perspective than what we are adapted to. And although I may have managed to subtly avoid answering the question on what exactly is love, I hope I have inspired you to give it a definition yourself.

22 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Works Cited

Bezzina, Alison. “Is LOVE a Grave Mental Disease?” Times of Malta, Timesofmalta.com, 8 June 2009, www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20090608/blogs/is-love-agrave-mental-disease.260291. Cleary, Skye. “Existential Questions for a More Meaningful Valentine's Day.” The Huffington Post, 7 Feb. 2016, www.huffingtonpost.com/skye-cleary/loving-betterexistential_b_9178194.html. Heikens-Berenpas, Martine. “Jean-Paul Sartre and the Possibility of Authentic Love.” Kritikos, vol. 8, 2011, intertheory.org/heikens-berenpas.htm. Intertheory Press. Krznaric, Roman. “The Ancient Greeks' 6 Words for Love (And Why Knowing Them Can Change Your Life).” YES! Magazine, 19 Dec. 2017, www.yesmagazine.org/ happiness/the-ancient-greeks-6-words-for-love-and-why-knowing-them-canchange-your-life “Lao Tzu Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore, www.brainyquote.com/quotes/lao_tzu_101043. Vazquez, Laurie. “Great Thinkers on Love: Which Philosophers Can You Trust and Which Should You Ignore?” Big Think, The Big Think, Inc., 27 Oct. 2016, bigthink.com/ laurie-vazquez/relationship-advice-from-5-philosophers-who-to-trust-and-who-toignore YourDictionary. “Words with Multiple Meanings.” YourDictionary, LoveToKnow, Corp., 24 Apr. 2017, grammar.yourdictionary.com/for-students-and-parents/words-withmultiple-meanings.html. อ้ายทิดใจ . “มัทนะพาธา ตำนานรักดอกกุหลาบ.” บ้านมหา ดอทคอม, บ้านมหา เว็บไซต์ส่ง เสริมการศึกษา ศิลปวัฒนธรรม, 29 May 2012, www.baanmaha.com/ communitythreads/45476-มัทนะพาธา-ตำนานรักดอกกุหลาบ.

23 | THE HOWL | February 2018

3 Types of Love Chern-Tay Shih (Kevin)

24 | THE HOWL | February 2018

25 | THE HOWL | February 2018

February Horoscopes Taurak Uppaputthangkul (Pink)

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn • Conservative and Realistic • Emotional, Practical, Loyal If you’re feeling a little lost on the 1st or 2nd, take a deep breath. Instead of feeling bored, concentrate on the fact that you are lucky enough to be in a calm spot right now. Instead of your usual, super hectic schedule, you can relax a bit. By the feeling-good 7th and 8th, you’ve eased into relaxation. By the crazy 13th, 14th and 15th, you need to make a serious effort to slow down, even if somebody is pushing you. You’re in a pretty great space on the 16th and 17th; you should definitely go on a date! You really, really should tell them how you feel, without leaving anything out, on the 21st and 22nd. Romance finds you waiting with open arms on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Share that box of chocolate with your coworkers on the 28th.

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If you suddenly have an urge to buy something you know you can’t afford on the 1st or 2nd, just breathe deeply. You’ll discover that the situation still has hope. Don’t give up until you have the answer. By the romantic 7th and 8th, somebody at work really, really thinks you are cute. Give your relationship issues some serious thought on the 11th and 12th. By the 16th and 17th, trust your gut when it comes to planning. Organize a fun get-together on the 21st and 22nd. You’re in a pretty amazing kind of place on the 25th, 26th and 27th — make the most of it. If you’re feeling indecisive on the 28th, go with it—take both! You’re in a great spot for starting all over again — in a good way — on the 1st and 2nd. Whatever it is, you’re off to an awesome start to the month. Ask yourself what you desire most on the 7th and 8th because you are very likely to get it. Maybe you’ll get something even better that. Get into some serious creative writing on the 11th and 12th. Romance and fun awaits you on the 16th and 17th. The desire to stay home should be indulged on the 21st and 22nd. Reconnect with an old friend on the 25th, 26th or 27th. New projects are calling you on the 28th. Answer their call!

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Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces • Emotional and Sensitive • Intuitive and Mysterious On the 1st and 2nd, be cautious as you decide whether or not to dive into new projects. By the unsteady 7th and 8th, do everything you can to get yourself back into balance (psst..yoga). Slow down on the 13th, 14th and 15th. You could learn to take things a little easier. Do not disrespect authority on the 18th, even if you decide to ignore what they have to say. You’re feeling wonderful and having some terrific ideas and inspiration on the 21st and 22nd. Celebrate a diversity of ideas on the 25th. And slow down, again, before you go plunging in on a new project on the 28th. If your brain and your gut don’t seem to get along on the 1st and 2nd, ask yourself if you can take a little more time making this decision. Everything is going to be crystal-clear to you on the 3rd and 4th. Your dreams could hold clues as to which step you should take next on the 11th or 12th. So don’t dismiss them, no matter how strange they may be! A little negativity could be harmful on the 16th and 17th. You get exactly what you want on the 21st and 22nd. Volunteer to help others on the 25th, 26th or 27th, and you’ll end up feeling really fulfilled. Patience is the answer to the question on the 28th. 28 | THE HOWL | February 2018

If a few bumps come up on the 1st and 2nd; relax. Approach it. You should examine what happened. Consider why and how it could come up again. Get a professional opinion, if you want. Someone really helps you out on the 7th and 8th. Let them know how much you appreciate it. You’re in for some “time of change” on the 11th and 12th. You’ll have plenty of romance on the 16th and 17th. Even more romance makes you even more happy on the 21st and 22nd. Relationships are critical to everyone’s happiness, so be sure to give your loved ones all the attention they need on the 25th, 26th and 27th. A few more bumps give you a chance to handle your approach to issues on the 28th. Make the most of this opportunity! Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius • Rational and Social • Friendly, Intellectual, and Analytical You are really having a great time as the month gets started on the 1st and 2nd. You are looking good and thinking clearly. By the 5th and 6th, you could learn something new. Don’t go overboard with communicating on the 11th and 12th. Communicate what you need to communicate and wait if you aren’t sure what your message is yet. An obstacle could help you figure out what you really want on the 16th and 17th. Everything is going pretty great on 29 | THE HOWL | February 2018

the 18th, 19th and 20th. Don’t let others affect you on the 25th. You need to stay on course. Good news and romance will come greet you on the 28th. You are off to a terrific month starting on the 1st and 2nd. Be sure to stay open to all this awesomeness! Don’t go second guessing it, or doubting it. By the emotionally challenging 7th and 8th, you might be coming down from all of this high energy, though it’s really healthy! Accept that life is made up of highs and lows. You really need to think hard about whether or not this relationship is working for you on the 13th, 14th and 15th. This is your life, and it’s up to you to live it fully. Decorate your workplace on the 21st or 22nd. You need to be around beauty! Your mind should focus on the big picture on the 25th. Get ready for the wonderful 28th! If you’re presented with the choice on the 1st or 2nd to connect or to withdraw, connect! Connecting is pretty much always a choice. Get ready for a great day with lots of work progress on the 7th and 8th. Things are going to get even better on the 9th and 10th. You have got a couple of fabulous insights on the 11th and 12th. Listen to the insights of people around you on the 16th and 17th. Tune into your emotions on the 21st and 22nd. Listen to the whisperings in the wind on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Pay attention to your personal issues on the 28th. 30 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius • Passionate, Dynamic, and Temperamental • Intelligent, Self-Aware, Creative, Idealistic As long as you aren’t way too focused on yourself on the 1st and 2nd, everything will go swimmingly. By the 6th and 7th, you are ready to get out there and see what life has to offer. Be sure to generate as much good karma as possible on the 11th and 12th by helping people out. You will feel fabulous and look awesome on the 13th, 14th and 15th. If you want to get their number, now is the time to do it! Your arguments (and your smile) will win you a lot of converts to your point of view on the 18th, 19th and 20th. Don’t freak out when things get too overwhelming on the 25th. Take things one at a time. End the month fabulously on the 28th by doing something really great for someone else! Make the most of your energy on the 1st and 2nd. Who knows what you will come up with? You better be ready for romance on the 5th and 6th. It is coming your way. Try your best not to go crazy if things don’t go exactly the way you wish they would on the 11th or 12th. What is it that you really, really want, when it comes to your career on the 16th and 17th? Trust your intuition on the 21st and 22nd. You’re feeling terrific on the 23rd and 24th. Wrap up the month by celebrating on the 28th! 31 | THE HOWL | February 2018

You should spend as much time as possible with friends and loved ones as the month gets going on the 1st and 2nd. You’ll feel great. By the 5th and 6th, you’ll have a lot of time for your loved ones, and you will all be loving it! Go outdoors on the 11th and 12th and make note of your surroundings. By the 13th, 14th and 15th, you are happy, active and romantic. On the 18th, 19th and 20th, there’s so much going on that you might feel like your head is spinning. Stay calm on the 25th, 26th and 27th, no matter how crazy things are! Go out with friends on the 28th.

Works Cited

“Horoscope - February 2018 Monthly Horoscope.” Astrology Club, http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2018/februaryhoroscope-2018/. Accessed on 2 Feb. 2018. “Zodiac Signs, Dates, Meanings and Characteristics.” Astrology-Zodiac-Signs, http://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com. Accessed on 2 Feb. 2018.

32 | THE HOWL | February 2018

T hai Teacher’s Award Jirapat Tangittipalakorn (Johnny)

In Thai culture—and many other cultures around the world—teachers are what Thai people appreciate and see as one of the most important people of our lives. Every year, Thai people appreciates teachers on January 16, or the “Thai Teacher’s Day.” This year, our beloved Thai teachers from Lower School, Middle School, and High School received Teacher Awards from the Ministry of Education Samut Prakan. We proudly present our teachers who got Teacher Awards from the Private School Association of Samutprakarn: Kru Buab, Kru Aom, and Kru Yim. Next are our teachers who received Teacher Awards from the Samutprakarn MOE: Kru Rung, Kru Koong, Kru Fai and Kru Ben. TCIS teachers do make us proud! If you see them around, make sure to congratulate them!

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Kru Aom

Kru Yim Kru Buab 34 | THE HOWL | February 2018

College Application Tips Taurak Uppaputthangkul (Pink)

1. Plan

Know which schools you plan to go to and list them as: safety, target, or reach. People usually apply to around 8-10 schools. If your list of choices goes over 10, you might want to narrow your list down and focus more on schools you really are interested in. Quality over quantity, but if you do have extra time to spare, apply to the other schools (and maybe some safety schools and get some scholarship money—Mr. Rob would appreciate that!) :) If you are still not sure about which schools you want to attend, feel free to check out college visits during College Prep.

2. Be Aware of Deadlines and Requirements

Whether it’s early decision or regular decision, manage your time wisely. Not all schools have the same deadline. Some could be as early as November, and some during March. Most U.S. universities applications are due on January, though. *SPECIAL TIP: If you are applying to schools in the western hemisphere, you can take advantage of the different time zones; you basically have one extra day to finish up your applications!

35 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Do be aware of requirements! Some schools require a little extra something to be submitted by a particular date as well. I would recommend you to take SAT or ACT (preferably with essay and writing), TOEFL or IELTS, and Subject Tests. Even if only one school of your choice require an English proficiency exam or Subject Test, take them anyways. It is better to be prepared than wasting your chances.

3. Start Early

I cannot stress how important this step is. To start early means to plan ahead. Being early comes with many advantages.

- Many schools require SAT/ACT/TOEFL/IELTS score reports, and well..they charge extra fee, but guess what: if you decide early on which schools you want to send scores to, you will get around 4 FREE score reports. Visit their website to see the instructions.

- It is never a good idea to cram the night before to finish up your college essays/personal statements. Start early, review the questions thoroughly, make sure you have answered it in the way you wanted them to be, and check your spelling. Adding stress on top of those tasks would make the process worse.

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4. Ask Someone to Proofread:

DO NOT skip this step. I know it could be a little embarrassing sharing your personal essays with others, but this is one of the best ways to make perfect of your essays. Others might catch mistakes you failed to notice, or can help you determine whether your essay reflects who you really are as a person. Get a handful of people to proofread your essay; trust me, you’ll see things in a broader perspective and will be thankful to those who’ve helped you.

5. Recommendation Letters/Naviance You won’t have to worry about this yet until Senior year. I’ll hand this part to Mr. Rob.

6. Interviews

Some schools require interviews, either in person or through skype. Look up some common interview questions online and practice answering them, but do know that sometimes they could ask you strange questions that will blow you away. Just stay calm, answer them truthfully, and (cliche part) be yourself! They would admire your ability to not freak out.

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7. Tips for Each Grade

If you are a Freshman, you don’t have to worry about any of this yet. Try to adjust to high school life and keep your grades up! Everything counts from now on. Oh, and join some clubs. You will be able to brag to colleges later. Try to stay committed! If you are a Sophomore, you should start preparing for standardized tests. Do as many practice tests as you can, and still, keep your grades up! I would recommend taking summer courses as well as activities outside of school. Not just so that you’ll gain valuable experiences; colleges love to hear those stories! If you are a Junior, you should finish taking most, if not, all of your standardized tests by the end of Junior year. Your grades are extremely important at this point since colleges would focus more on your Junior year grades. You’ve been here for a while; you should know what teachers expect from you now. Try doing summer internships as well to strengthen your college applications! If you are a Senior, give yourself a pat on the back you’ve come this far, but don’t give up now! Sprint to the end! Finish up any leftovers test before January and take your time with your applications. Your friends and teachers are there for you to cheer for you, or as a shoulder to cry on. You can

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chill once you’ve submitted everything, but don’t slack off! Colleges still require your final grades, and if your grades do fall, they might reconsider whether or not to accept you! Good Luck Everyone!

39 | THE HOWL | February 2018

How to Deal with Little Children An-Ni Liao (Annie) & Chia-Wen Hsu (Gill) Often times, when you have younger siblings in your family, you would probably freak out as an older brother or sister. If you don't, then it might be because you don't really care about your family.(jk) For every elder sister, having a younger brother at home always brings an unforgettable experience. The case is different for elder brothers because they might not really care about the little ones. So today we’ll share tips to help everyone to deal with these “lovely” brothers, and here’s a list of tips: • Be calm, Rest, Overreact, Tell stories, Be Hyper, Enjoy, Run

For example:

When we encounter the “Chaotic” situation where every one of your sibling is running around like crazy minions, the ways to stop them from disturbing you are be calm, being able to rest, overreact, tell them stories, be hyper, enjoy, and run. We all know that as an older sibling, we need to take care of the younger ones, but sometimes they need to learn how to solve their own problems and face the situation. The reason is that we won’t be beside them every time to tell them which are the best ways. they should have their own experiences to learn, from that, they can understand, and next time they can solve the problem on their own.

40 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Our Love Story (pt. 2) Phattaranit Chuea-In (Lisa) & Chia-Wen Hsu (Gill) Reminiscence Since when Have we given up the star Seeing it drifted away To the lonely path Since when Have the faith gone fading in the silent woods with nothing left behind Remember when, Flowers in spring, Trees in summer, Twilight in autumn, Sunshine in winter, Among every beauty of the world, Your smile in my life, Is the most I ever loved.

41 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Articles by Anonymous show your voice, share your howl

42 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Between Sex and Power Throughout my life in Thailand, I have realized one thing: men and women are still separated culturally by a fine line. The patriarchal nature of the culture still persists strongly, even in the contemporary world. Though prevalent across our parents’ generation, it seems that it is slowly getting better in my generation. Thailand has a long history of patriarchy. The Three Sealed Laws of Thailand allowed men to abuse, and even sell women and daughters. There is an old Thai proverb “หญิงเป็นควาย ชายเป็นคน” that translates to “Women are buffalos; Men are human.” This reflects on how women was seen in the past. Compared to men, women are merely just there to act as an inferior helper to men. One of the main reasons why this still exists as a major socio-cultural problem is due to the low level of education some Thai citizens receive. Women believe that they deserve domestic violence and think it is acceptable just because it is common, but what is common isn’t always correct. This type of ideology continues to be passed on since there has been little to no change in the educational system in Thailand. According to the official ASEAN school system ranking, Thailand took the last place in terms of education. There must be a change in the educational system first in order for the society to shift into a better light. In my personal experience, I’ve seen patriarchy first hand in my family. Although my family, I would say, is less conventional than other Thai families, traces of patriarchy is still not absent. My mom, sometimes, would need to prepare food for my dad

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when the cook is not here. My mom would also have to do some chores for my dad that he could’ve done by himself. When I asked my mom, “Why would you do things you would not want to do?” She answered: “Since your dad is the leader of the family, I would need to help him in the back, so he would not get so tired.” Despite the sexism, many organizations, such as the Foundation for Women (FWW) have

made moves in order to

prevent domestic violence against women and the patriarchal nature in general , but even they were attacked by Thais online for promoting feminism and not acceding to the nature of this country. This is a representation of how much Thailand needs improvement in this aspect of life and the basis of Thai culture in general.

44 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Support MUN Have you heard of MUN? MUN, an acronym of “Model United Nations,” is an educational simulation and an academic competition in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. This article was written from a TCIS MUN club member’s point of view; it will encourage and explain reasons why we should support this activity. To start, I would like to introduce the structure of MUN. These structures includes the prestigious Security Council, the General Assembly, and countless organizations. The purpose of these organizations are to solve the many transnational problems on Earth, and all countries (represented as students delegates from nations) need to work together on these issues. There are issues such as political conflict, climate change, universal human rights, and regional conflicts. Lastly, every delegate would work with each other to come up with resolutions. During this process, students would find their sides and make friends after the conference. Most of the international schools in Thailand have hosted many conferences, however, our school hasn’t held any yet. Many of our recent students have attended MUN conferences on their weekends, and they all spend time to experience and learn many

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skills. Let’s hope that one day, our school will able able to host MUN and help create friendly relationships with other schools and students.

46 | THE HOWL | February 2018

A Collection of Poems BY: Chantley 零夏 One of the very best thing about having the Howl is for us to be able to share our work right? This is a collection of poems that I have written this year for different scenarios under different situations and emotions. Sometimes it’s after I read a book, and merging myself in the story, writing as the main character. Most of the times though, it’s just because I have a crazy imagination, imagining a start of a story that could happen to someone in somewhere faraway! Trying to write lines that rhymes (in both English and Chinese!) is very fun when you have the inspiration going. Enjoy~!

Promise The slight brush of hands The protective arms around my back The feeling that we could go to new lands Far away and ran Your eyes twinkling with curiosity Blinking with naughty Grinning like it has never seen someone like me It's a perfect sight to see Your smile curved on one side The uncertainty of the tide Promising a blissful ride

47 | THE HOWL | February 2018

名為你的弱點 The Name of My Weakness Is You 我的弱點 是當失戀的時候 還是會依舊滿面 戴上面具的溫柔 笑容 心裡卻慢慢的被割開 切落 別人能痛哭流涕 幾個星期 我卻一直假裝鎮定 幾個世紀 看起來沒事無所謂 卻走不過名為你的傷悲

Just a Friend of Mine Rather than satisfied It just made my desire multiplied My pain quantified That you're never going to be mine The struggle amplified Tugging at your sleeve with nothing left for me to find As a final surrender I cried And told you you were nothing in my mind Backing up till the wall of never turning behind And said goodbye When I know I lied To heavens I tried To see you as a friend of mine

48 | THE HOWL | February 2018

飛機與原木 The Plane and The Timber 你對我的在意程度, 就像飛機與原木。 每一句話隱藏的深度, 都為心臟割下了刻度。 太過思念是錯誤, 但我卻無從醒悟。 你能不能說出, 那對我的在乎。 不然就悄悄讓出, 在我心中的住處。

It’s A Funny Thing It's a funny thing, that you might think of me just as a fling, when I want you with everything. It's been a lucid dream, As if I'm drowning and trying to swim, But can't get out of the gates of desire that's your rim.

黑白眼色 Colors without Color 是身體累了, 還是心累了? 你又離開了 沒火花熾熱 剩冰冷家舍 少所有顏色 祝福我快樂

49 | THE HOWL | February 2018

The Sun The biggest star I saw in the sky Penetrated the clouds—light in my eyes Its warming rays kissed my skin Gleaming luster marked our begin Oh, how I wished that you would stay It was so lonesome with you away We first met at the mark of dawn Sunset golden—then you were gone At night I espied upon the stars And just like you they stood afar Though none compared to my loving sun They reminded me of you—my only one Midnight’s light was from the moon So much I missed you my heart had swooned The marble satellite reflected you A flat hologram mimicking you I stood by the window in quivering suspense A long time I have saw you since Twilight sang an intimate tune Now it’s Summer, the midst of June 50 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Your radiance now had lit up my world Bliss, joy, and love unfurled Drowning in your warm embrace Forgetting the struggle that we had faced I fell asleep on the shore at noon Woke up anguished, ruined, confused Blood red skin from your radiation One the most horrible of sensations I know you’re the sun, so I cannot blame Your strong solar flares, that inadvertently cause pain You are my heart—the one that I trust But here are reasons why I keep space between us Don’t repent, my dear—what’s done has been done I am but a lover, while you are the sun

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Anonymous Love Letters

52 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Hi Chia Chia! I wanna say that I've been loving you secretly for a long time now. I hope you can stay happy everyday as always and smile. Much love for you!

I love the way you smile, walk, dance, and eat. When the sun shines on you, you glow and sparkle because you are a fine crystal, my dear. I love you so much handsome JJ my senior <3<3x

I love you, Patt, more than you love Sana

Dada, I love you.

I love you punpun, from asia

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Sun! I love you more than you love Bitcoin. Please notice me :)

Anna, you're my sunshine without your smiles I would be dark. Thank you for your love and kindness

Mook, you are born with a specialty: the love and kind manner that makes me feel like home

Toey, the way you play basketball makes me shiver every time. I can't wait for you to take me away to your loving heart

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Johnny, you are funny, kind, and undoubtedly an amazing person. Keep smiling! Love you đ&#x;˜˜

I love Toey Pukjira Chaemchuea

Alan, I like the way you smiles at DJ, the chicken

Junior, I know you have a gf, but anyways I have a massive crush on your hair!

Gan, I love your lunches please make more chicken bbq thanks

Hi Mint! (Gr.7) Hv fun singing. 55 | THE HOWL | February 2018

You shattered my hopes, right after you gave them. Why can't you see that I'm right here, right beside you. If only we're not close friends, is there a chance that you'll look at me? A chance that I could be with u?

Hi, Janice Good luck with badminton! Be good like me!

Not gonna lie it's been tough lately. All the nights without you, all the nights doing piles and piles of homework, all the nights wishing that you are beside me. This can not go on forever. My life is a dark path right now and I need someone to light up my way and walk beside me. Will you be the one?

56 | THE HOWL | February 2018

My demand for you is inelastic, because you have no substitutes

Roses are red, violets are blue, i love you with all my heart, but you just dont have a clue

Hyung! I still remember that you once said "ask me if anything happens, I'll help.....anytime and forever" I just want to tell you that you are one of those people who I'm really cherished, and nothing could change that.

57 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Hey lovely, I think I love you but I don’t really know what I am doing right now.. I should’ve talk to you more but we still have some time left to spend our best time together. I really want to confess to you but I don’t know if I really love you because of you or because of I need a person to talk to... Well... I smile everytime we chat and it feels really good to talk to you...

Lawrence, my love for you is like a massive black mole on my back: I don't see it, but I can feel that it's there

DJ the chicken is my favorite school's pet! We should make her our mascot. What is wolf? 58 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Dear Basketball, I love your very much, you're such a fun sport and you always make me happy when I play with you. I hope you will have a good day and many people would play with you. Thx!!!

I cannot stand it when your not here, I would like to be with you every single day. When I wake up and will just think about how I would be grateful for you to be right here with me all the time. Just remember I don't like you but I love you

The love for me that I have for Hyunsoo, can't be put into words. Hope you get into Yonsei huhu 59 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Thanks to all Howl members~~ u guys are awesome!!! Ms.Diana~~~ thank you too for spending ur time helping us~~~ Love you~~

Ms.Coby~~~~ thank you for helping me when I giving up on my self~~ I'm thankful for your patience and caring~~~

Mr.Jon!! You're the most funniest teacher I've ever met, just wanted to say, thank you for teaching us~

Ms. Elizabeth, thank you so much for not giving up on me.....I'm grateful to have u to be my ART teacher~ 60 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Dearest Cloudy (Dog), Do you still remember me? The little five-year-old who said to her mother, "mommy, I want a dog." Do you remember her? Five-year-old me. She was a little girl who want a puppy. She was so happy when she had gotten you. I was so happy when I had gotten you. Remember me and keep loving me,

Dear Jelly(dog), Happy(dog), Candy(dog),

(cat), and

(cat) Thank you for always being with me whenever I needed. Some of you may not even be here, but I will always remember you, because you are very important to me, and of course, I will always love you. (Your family)

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He's a player A magician, a dreamer He can catch my heart and throw it even further, Makes my day change color: Pouring rain to sunny weather.

I never have the courage to say how much I like you. That time I never realized how much I enjoyed us being together. It felt like I'm the only one who can have you, until coming back here that I see it's different from back there. I know I'm not supposed to fall for a friend, yet I already fell for you. And it's even harder on me, knowing that I could lose a you at the same time. Hope you'd see this little secret of mine. -From a cute friend:)

knuckle is red, sonic is blue, show me de wae or I will spit on you

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thx me myself and I... thx me for being by my side thx myself for always be there for me thx I for never left me alone :))

Thanks to all of my friends, Lucy, Annie, Lisa, Nono, David Chen, Zoe, Coco, Sylvia, Yoyo, Berry, Cherry, Kevin, Aric, Minnie, Grace, Emma, Emily, Linda...~~~ love y'all

63 | THE HOWL | February 2018

I don't know what to write on this, but you're really special to me and you are the reason why my day is much more enjoyable. You are the one that makes me feel special and happy. Thanks for being there for me my cute person :)

I wish that one day, I will get to sit with you... in the shade... under a mighty tree We will lean against the bark and talk about our past Lie on the grass and talk about now Look at the clouds and talk about how...

64 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Dear “friend”, I know you won’t read this, but anyways… since the day you have left, there isn’t any day I don’t think about you. The more I wait for you, the more I missed you. Now, it has been more than a year and you haven’t text me. I know on the day you left, I commanded you to not text me anymore, but a little piece inside me was waiting for your name on my screen. Now that you have moved on to someone new, I have moved on to someone new, but still, I just want to let you know I haven’t stop thinking about you. The time we used to spend with each other, the laughs, the tears, the struggles, the talks, the care was the best moment of my life; nevertheless, we grew apart and we barely know each other anymore. I know my feelings for you are forbidden; I have to admit I always deny the feelings I have for you: “just a very close friend,” that’s why I was acting like I hated you and aggressive towards you – just to not let you go. Do you remember the rose I sent you on RCD? I hope you still have them. Now read the first sentence replacing the word hate to love. Recognize the time I “accidentally” send you the snaps. Yeah, it was on purpose. How about the calls I also “accidentally” called you, it wasn’t an accident either. Remember the hangups in the middle of the night because I was too tired, I wasn’t tired either.

65 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Remember the night I couldn’t sleep because of the mosquito? Remember the day you microwaved my fruits because you thought it was a dessert? Remember the day I accepted your apology over the phone and we were weeping like babies? Remember the chemistry quiz you need to review so I went over with you? The time when you took my phone and took tons of hideous selfies of yourself? Still have them, btw I hope you reminisce about it vividly like I do. It’s clueless to know your thoughts, as you don’t talk to your friends about me, so I would just ask candidly on here: The reasons why I wrote this letter is I want to know if we have a common sentiment or I was just being optimistic. Do you think about me sometimes? Is it difficult for you to forget everything that has happened? And lastly, how has it been lately? I know you know who I am. And If you were to ask me the same questions all the answers are yes. And one last question, do you ever think of me as more than a "friend?"

From that person, you already know who…

66 | THE HOWL | February 2018

Hi! I haven’t seen you all in a while, it was hard to say goodbye but I believed that we will still be the same. Recently, we aren’t talking that much as we did before, but you all will always in my heart. Time flies, people changes, but my love towards you all will stay forever. Distance seems to be the reason why we are what we are today. But I know, our bond is stronger than everything and nothing can destroy it. I miss all the memories we created, we fought, we argued, we stood up for each other, we went to Mega Bangna, we laughed at the most random thing, we took ugly pictures and there are so many things that we have done together. I appreciate all of you that stood by my side when I was down, I thank all of you that laughed with me when I was high for no reason, I love you all with all my heart. After I left, my entire life changed, I don’t know about you all’s, but I probably won’t be able to find any people like you all. Knowing you guys really made me feel like I am the luckiest person in the world, and you all should be feeling the same way too. At the end, I just want you all to know...even though I am not around...my phone will always be charged and be waiting for you all to call (I still know everything about you, don’t ask me why, you will never know. )

This letter is from Emma Chen to Annie Liao, Berry Zhou, Cherry Liao, Jill Hsu, Lucy Li, Nono wu, Sylvia Chen, Yoyo Jien, and Zoe Liu.

67 | THE HOWL | February 2018

T his Issue’s Howlers Ms. Daina Petronis Advisor and Editor

Ying-Hsin Lian (Eve) Columnist

Yu-Lou Wei (Maggie) Editor

Pornnapa Huang (Coco) Anonymous Love Letter Collector

Taurak Uppaputthangkul (Pink) Editor and Columnist

Grace N. Tirabassi Columnist and Layout designer

Jirapat Tangittipalakorn (Johnny) Reporter

Chia-Wen Hsu (Gill) Columnist

Ploynapas Petchjiravut (Pear) Columnist

Phattaranit Chuea-In (Lisa) Columnist

Chern-tay Shih (Kevin) Cartoonist

An-Ni Liao (Annie) Columnist

Phimkanya Liu (Gib) Columnist

And Special Thanks to Pawaran Kangvanwanich (Soya) for the Cover Photo :) 68 | THE HOWL | February 2018

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