Cruise In Company - Fredrikstad to Bergen 2014

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Fredrikstad Bergen TO


Welcome to Kragerø Quay capacity: 180 m (two quays) Anchoring depths: 8m Pilotage: Free

Kragerø is an idyllic coastal town, which for centuries was dependant on shipbuilding and export of ice and timber to various countries in Europe and overseas. The town truly flourished when sailing ships ruled the waves. These days, Kragerø is a well-known summer resort for a large number of people, many with their own summer cottages on the hundreds of big and small islands and islets. The guest harbour for smaller vessels is usually crowded during summer, and hotels, restaurants and shops are busy. We believe that this picturesque and bustling little town of ours is an interesting place to visit as a guest harbour for your vessel and crew. We can offer a wide variety of cultural events, shopping, art galleries (Edward Munch lived in Kragerø), restaurants, music events, a very nice golf course and other sporting activities. Take an unforgettable break in Kragerø!

Welcome to Arendal Quay capacity: 110m and 77 (two quays) Anchoring depths: 8m - 33m Pilotage: Free

Arendal is a lively and scenic city with a sheltered and well-equipped port near the city center. This oldest city in Southern Norway has a tradition for welcoming ships, seafarers and visitors. Founded on shipping, forestry and mining, Arendal developed into one of the wealthiest cities in Northern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Evidence of its golden age is easy to find on a stroll through the old part of the city. The city is a small, cosy and popular holiday spot for Norwegians and international visitors. A pleasant climate and the spectacular seaside landscape provide the perfect setting for outdoor activities and the numerous cultural events that take place here every year. Arendal is in an ideal location for ships heading in or out of the Baltic, the North Sea and Skagerrak. The sea approach to the city from Skagerrak through the fjord Galtesund is probably one of Norway’s finest.

Welcome to Kristiansand Quay capacity: 3100m (four quays) Anchoring depths: 4-8m Pilotage: Free

Kristiansand is the capital of the southernmost part of Norway. The city was founded in 1641, and it is Norway’s best example of a well-preserved renaissance city. The city’s street plan has the same characteristic quadric blocks as it did when it was founded. Today, Kristiansand has 80 000 inhabitants. Traditionally, Kristiansand has been an international city with extensive shipping activity and high export. Today, the city has highly diversified economic activities, within process industry, information technology, commerce, tourism and culture. The city has become world-leading in the production of drilling equipment for oil installations. The Port of Kristiansand (N 580 08.5o, E 0070 59.7 o) is situated at the mouth of the river Otra in the Kristiansand fjord. There are two sea routes into the port; the eastern opening (Østergapet) and the western opening (Vestergapet), of which the eastern is the main route. Sailing into the port is unusually straightforward and safe in regard to open water and depth. The distance from the lighthouses of Oksøy (N 580 04.6o, E 0080 32.2 o) and Grønningen (N 520 04.85o, E 0080 05.2 o), where the approach begins, to the port, is four nautical miles. The port is one of Norway’s largest, with extensive container and ferry activities. It is well sheltered from winds and inclement weather. Tugs and pilots are easily available. The port’s traffic department operates 24 hours a day.

Welcome to Skudeneshavn Quay capacity: 508m (two quays) Anchoring depths: 4-7,5 m Pilotage: Free

At the extreme southern tip of Karmøy, with lighthouses guiding ships into Skudefjorden and across the North Sea, lies the charm and olde-world flavour of Skudeneshavn, home of the sailing clippers. Founded on the incredible success of the early 19th Century herring harvests, the town grew at a startling rate. Even today, almost 130 original timber homes and seafront wharves have been preserved in ”The Olde Town”. There is a wonderful community atmosphere in Skudeneshavn. Absorb the pervading calm of the narrow streets and alleyways as you relish fresh waffles and coffee in quaint cafes. Or revel in the vibrant festivities of festival days. Or simply explore wonderful walks, beaches and coastline. Welcome to the Museum in Mælandsgården. The Museum is just the place for rich servings of local history in authentic surroundings.

Welcome to Leirvik Quay capacity: 350m (three quays) Anchoring depths: 3 - 12m Pilotage: Free

Stord is the only town in Sunnhordland and is a centre for the entire region. Leirvik is a junction for communication within and out of Sunnhordland. Starting from Stord, the way to new experiences in all of Sunnhordland is short. Here you can go skiing in perpetual snow, swim in the sea, fish for trout in the rivers and for pollack in the sea, all in one day. Sunnhordland Museum has a farm cluster situated a few minutes’ walk up the hill from the centre of Leirvik. You can experience both beautiful scenery and exciting history. Stord Maritime Museum, situated on Leirvik harbour, highlights the industrial and maritime history of Sunnhordland over the last 100 years. The Mining Museum is situated at Litlabø. Take a train ride around the mine area and see the historic exhibition in the smithy, the environmental exhibition in the workers’ dwelling and the old power station. Vikahaugane Sports Grounds is a multi-purpose sports facility with football pitches, handball courts, athletics track, racket sports facilities, climbing wall and beach volleyball court. The beach volleyball court is open during the summer months and can be used free of charge.

Welcome to Bekkjarvik Quay capacity: 70m and 56m (two quays) Anchoring depths: 10m Pilotage: Free

Bekkjarvik, 28nm south of Bergen, is located on one of the 667 islands of Austevoll Municipality, surrounded by the ambience of a traditional fishery village, with its history from the 16th century and til today; where you’ll visit a charming marina serving both opportunities for relaxation or sports and activities; and an exquisite local food experience made by the winner of 2012 Bocuse d’Or Europe. Our visitors are welcome to go fishing with local fishermen or join a guided tour through Bekkjarvik and discover its maritime heritage, step onboard to a top modern purse seiner or enjoy shopping in Scandinavia’s most outstanding maritime shopping centre, among historical photos and ship models. And if you’re lucky to catch your own fish; we have BBQ, sea view and lovely sunsets!

Welcome to Strusshamn Quay capacity: 100m Anchoring depths: 5m Pilotage: Free

Strusshamn was in its time one of the biggest farms on Askøy owned by the church, the king, and later by merchants from Bergen with surnames like Heiberg, Meyer, Gørbitz and Pütter. Askøy is a narrow island with 27 000 inhabitants which lies between the two main waterways into Bergen. Strusshamn’s good harbour laid the foundations for the inn, church and municipal administration from 1837; and was in its time, a quarantine harbour for ships arriving to Bergen from abroad. Today Strusshamn is a historical and cultural centre on the island, and a popular guest harbour in summer for sailors from close and afar. Strusshamn was Cruise in Company harbour both in 2001 and 2008 with more than 30 visiting boats, offering activities both for the crews and for the locals. We can offer a pleasant and intimate harbour close to Bergen, with both bus and boat (rib) transport to the city and back. The visiting crews can go hiking with guides; visit the local museum or the cold war-torpedo battery museum at Herdla. There will be concerts, barbecues, family activities, internet cafe for crews and more.







Contact information The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen Haakon Vatle / The Tall Ships Races 2014 Fredrikstad Bjørg Johnsrud Western /

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