collection The Lungarno Collection Magazine
FLoRenCe expeRienCe friends Romina Mondello Sir James Galway Fernando Botero Alessandro Gassmann Giovanni Soldini
n.2 f all - w inter 2012 / 2013
itineraries Florence by Linda Loppa A line of collectors Rome through the eyes of the director interviews Rezia Corsini Zubin Mehta Terry Garcia James Bradburne style Meeting Wanda Ferragamo Shoes, a Star’s obsession city tips
hospitality ‘T he
first time i arrived at
palagio , our home in the hills of fiesole near florence , i was overwhelmed by the warm and impeccable welcome i received . the gate was open , the domestic staff lined up , everything was extraordinarily perfect . my husband disposed of a natural expertise in hospitality , he loved beauty and good manners ’
(W anda F erragamo )
passion ‘S exuality
iS an eSSential part of
being human , thank god , but it iS Sad that So many contempt and Suffocate thiS natural gift . art , true art , originateS here , juSt like everything elSe .
(M arilyn M onroe ). u ntil april 1 St , 2013
ferragamo muSeum dedicateS itS
‘m arilyn ’
to thiS immortal legend of beauty and paSSion
fatal flame
a mong
the many tragic love StorieS
in florence , the heated romance between the poet and writer gabriele d ’ annunzio and the diva and actreSS eleonora duSe StandS out . both lived in Settignano , in the hillS above florence , between
the duSe at
the villa porziuncola and d ’ annunzio at the villa capponcina . d ’ annunzio documented their paSSionate Story in
in hiS ScandalouS novel ‘ il fuoco ’
( the
flame of life )
a fter virtual realtieS and parallel liveS , conSumerS rediScover traditionS , warmth , perSonality and beauty through craftSmanShip . florence never abdicated itS diStinguiShed Savoir fare . Still today , the city center SwarmS with authentic and traditional craft workShopS , creating unique itemS and implementing Special requeStS received from every corner of the world
J oy ,
culture , traditions , identity ,
and a culinary way of life that is both respectful to the land and local traditions . every morning the passion for traditional regional food products is affirmed at the covered markets of san lorenzo and sant ’ ambrogio . the mercatino della filiera corta ( km zero , local products ) takes place at the piazza della repubblica every first saturday of the month
Genius loci F amiliar
with splendid art and
history since centuries , the
F lorentine surrogates .
does not accept
N aturally
therefore ,
the consecrated beauty of the churches , palaces , and works of art are perfectly supplemented by the surrounding hills , the accomplished craftsmanship , and a congenital resistance to passing trends
Firenze, Forte dei Marmi, Milano, Parigi
17 Editorial Florence exper ience by Leonardo Ferragamo
19 notEs Why passion?
Friends 22-23
68-71 38-41 a linE oF collEctors museums in Florence
72-75 42-45 romancE
Food art & style 48-49
a legendar y woman
Wanda FErraGamo
FErnando BotEro ar t is beauty
28-29 alEssandro Gassmann discover ing theatre
78-81 lovE tHE sEnsEs a gastronomic jour ney through Florence by Davide Paolini
82-85 50-51 rEZia corsini
advEntUrEs on tHE HoriZon swan sailing yachts collection
shor t cinema guide to rome
romina mondEllo an italian stor y
sir JamEs GalWay the magic flute
closE to HEavEn the new sky lounge and White ir is Beauty spa of the continentale
PUrE insPiration tr aditional covered mar kets
noblesse oblige
not JUst a drink the Fusion Bar at Galler y Hotel ar t
ZUBin mEHta an impressive per sonality
tips 90-91
tErry Garcia
Giovanni soldini a man and the sea
Hunting the lost leonardo
tHE mUst-sEEs Florence 2012-2013, Events
JamEs BradBUrnE
tiPs What to do and where to go in Florence and rome
itinerary 34-37 my FlorEncE a special point of view by Linda Loppa
sustainable culture
62-65 tHE kinG’s coUrt shoes, a star’s obsession
98 cross sEllinG lungar no collection’s univer se
Boutique Gianfranco Lotti : Firenze, Via della Vigna Nuova 45r 14 - tel.+39 55 211301
HoteL Lungarno Florence a luxur y Hotel 73 rooms and suites
gaLLery HoteL art Florence a design Hotel 74 rooms and suites
stylish and utter ly char ming with stunning views onto the Ponte vecchio, Hotel lungar no features over 400 wor ks of ar t including cocteau and Picasso.
italy’s fir st design hotel, Galler y Hotel ar t is a favor ite amongst the fashion set of Florence . Just a few steps from Ponte vecchio.
PaLazzo C aPPoni meetings & Events Histor ic Palace
ViLLa Le rose Florence a luxur y retreat 6 bedroom villa Just minutes away from the hear t of Florence, this 16th centur y villa is a one of a kind historic residence with relaxing garden, delightful pool, frescoed salons and six private suites.
this 15 th centur y Palace with sumptuous frescoes and the latest technology, provides a magical stage for meetings, congresses and prestigious events in the hear t of Florence.
ContinentaLe Florence a design Hotel 43 rooms and suites over looking the Ponte vecchio, this vibr ant and dynamic contempor ar y hotel is the place to be and to be seen in Florence .
Marina Di sCarLino yaCHt CLub & resiDenCes tuscany luxur y apar tments on the tuscan coast, in the hear t of maremma, this unique destination features contemporar y and ultra spacious apar tments over looking the sea.
Lungarno suites Florence luxur y suites 44 suites spacious and intimate suites, the attention of a char ming hotel, and a wonderful view of the Ponte vecchio.
Lungarno DetaiLs Florence design store the store offer s a stylish selection of home fur nishings, and limited edition items some of which can be found throughout our luxur y hotels.
Portrait suites rome luxur y suites 14 suites the finest location in rome , on via condotti, a stone throw away from the spanish steps, the Por trait suites reflect the glamour of life of salvatore Ferragamo.
swan saiLing yaCHt mediter r anean & car ibbean seas considered some of the finest yachts in the wor ld, swan solleone and swan vir ago offer an exclusive sea vacation with routes to the mediter r anean islands and the car ibbean.
Booking & inFo - Lungarno CoLLeCtion Bor go s.s.apostoli, 29- Firenze - Ph. +39 055 27264000 - reser vations@lungar
The Lungarno Collection Magazine N.2 Fall -Winter 2012/2013 eDitor in CHieF mattEo PariGi Bini Co-eDitor in CHieF tErEsa Favi eDitoriaL DireCtor valEriano antonioli Managing eDitor cristina FoGliatto, PHilliP HallEr eDitor saBrina BoZZoni, FrancEsc a lomBardi, alEssandra lUc arElli mila montaGni Contributors FErnando BotEro, sir JamEs GalWay alEssandro Gassmann, romina mondEllo, davidE Paolini, BEatricE sEGoni, Giovanni soldini PHotograPHers lorEnZo cotroZZi, daniEl dEiana, dario GaroFalo, miki nakano, nEWPrEssPHoto costantino rUsPoli (covEr), manUEl silvEstri art eDitors cHiara Bini, alEssandro PatriZi transLations karin HonsBErG aDVertising DireCtor alEx vittorio lana aDVertising ilaria marini, alEssandra nardElli PubLisHer alEx vittorio lana & mattEo PariGi Bini issue 2 (lEGal rEGistration PEndinG)
Gruppo Editoriale
Gruppo Editoriale
g n i v i l r o f s a e id STUDIO DIMORE COLLECTION Via de’ Fossi 41/R Firenze 50123 tel/fax 055 287 632
SDC_ad_FM_sinistra.indd 1
11/12/12 4:27 PM
FloRence eXPeRience
ph. Miki Nakano
Leonardo Ferragamo, Founder
2/12 4:27 PM
am passIonate about the C olleCtIon m agazIne , as It reveals the storIes of exCellenCe and passIon that make f lorenCe unIque . a preCIous world that I Care about deeply ’
My entrenched passion for Florence
Florence’s beauty and charm is its ability
is stimulated daily through the
to provide new stories, new aspects,
omnipresent traditions of Florence and
and new perceptions ever y day.
the extraordinar y people i meet here.
the result is the por trait of a precious
A dedication that fills me with pride
world that i care about deeply, a world
when i travel around the world and
that ser ves as an inexhaustible source
encounter enthusiasm and admiration
of inspiration and confrontation for my
from people who equally love Florence.
family and me.
i am passionate about the collection Magazine, as it allows us to share lives and experiences that are forever inter twined with the city. it is a testimony of individuals, who are recounting the excellences and stories that Florence holds. Remarkably, one of the main sources of
La mia storia, le mie creazioni.
Crea il tuo bracciale PANDORA e inizia a raccontare la tua storia: ogni charm è un momento speciale della tua vita da ricordare per sempre. Scopri la collezione PANDORA in argento Sterling, oro 14K e pietre preziose su
Via Calzaiuoli 103/R Firenze Tel. 055.211719
Why passion? Valeriano Antonioli, Editorial Director
l Ittle seCrets of the l ungarno C olleCtIon hotels
The bold theme of passion runs like a
Galler y Hotel Ar t, an extraordinar y galler y
thread through this second issue of the
of photographic ar t. At the continentale,
Collection Magazine. Why did you choose
the images tell the stor y of the beginnings
such an energetic subject?
of italian Haute couture in Florence. the
Because passion makes the world go round.
refined craftsmanship and the architectural
And Florence is filled with an omnipresent
details of Florence, captured by italian
passion. this magazine is a tribute to the
photographer costantino Ruspoli, at the
people who are passionate about what they
lungarno Suites. All this is found in Florence.
do, continuously adding to the appeal of
in Rome, previously unreleased images
Florence and thereby making it unique and
from the Ferragamo archives are spread
more than ever, a city to visit.
throughout the Por trait Suites.
The kaleidoscope of ‘passion for art’ at the The most beautiful representation of hotels of the Lungarno Collection?
passion in Florence
the modern ar t collection of the Hotel
the feeling that flows through the streets
lungarno (there is even an original Picasso
off the beaten tourist path…take note of
and a cocteau!). there’s the lobby of the
the details!
friends Romina Mondello Sir James Galway Ferdinando Botero Alessandro Gassman Giovanni Soldini
An Ital i an stor y Romina Mondello
I was bor n in Rome and spent most of my time at Cinecittà, piazza dell’Orologio or Via dei Coronar i, where my father was wor king as a restorer of antique fur niture . When I was a child, the smell of sawdust and treated wood left me with a feeling of being at home . I feel the same way on stage today, in front of the audience . Since I entered the
the only itAliAn Actress in the lAtest film of terrence mAlick ‘ to the wonder ’
wor ld of acting as a teenager, I have always made sure to remain on a
rominA mondello shAres her pAssion
coherent path, making conscious and
for theAtre And the big screen
cr itical choices wherever possible . My professional career perfectly satisfies me . I am cur rently perfor ming in the play The Wisdom of Eve by Mar y Or r, directed by Maur izio Panici. I also played the role of Anna in the new film by Ter rence Malick To the Wonder, presented at the last Venice Inter national Film Festival. Meeting Malick left me with a strong impression: he is an ingenuous, cour ageous and genuine man with a deep sense of susceptibility, giving me the chance of freely expressing myself as an actress. Just when I had heard that the film would be called To the Wonder, the young director Matteo
To me Rome is home and a place I will always return to. The city of love
Nikita by Luc Besson. Edgy, fr agile , desper ate , extreme . Just like me
Tar asco contacted me to propose a new play: Alice - Louis Car roll’s Alice in Wonder land – I still wonder if this was really just a coincidence?
Boxing, I like individual and contact spor ts
Food. I enjoy cooking, but even more eating. It’s also impossible for me to stay away from cinemas and theatres
ph. Manuel Silvestri
r ominA m ondello ( rome , 1974) on the red cArpet of the V enice i nternAtionAl f ilm f estiVAl 2012
The Magic flute Sir James Galway
Growing up in the wor king class environment of Belfast, we would spend our free time playing instr uments, either alone or with fr iends. It was undoubtedly a great way of socializing and having fun. As my father and my gr andfather played the flute ver y well, my fir st instr ument became the tinwhistle , a tr aditional Ir ish tin flute , ver y popular in our par t of the countr y and similar in for m to the recorder. Even though my
sir gAlwAy is regArded As the supreme interpreter of the flute repertoire . we hAd the honor to meet him At the gAllery hotel Art during his concert stop in florence
main instr ument is the tr ansver se Wester n concer t flute today, you may find me going back to my old tin-whistle dur ing a concer t to perfor m a cer tain passage . Concer ts by Car l Philipp Emanuel Bach are my favor ites to perfor m, because of the phenomenal music and the challenging sequences. It’s impossible to escape the char m of Florence and Tuscany. Most of all, I adore the color s of the land, this intense green that reminds me so much of Ireland. My most beautiful memor y takes me back to an evening spent with fr iends in the countr yside of Tuscany, in Tavar nelle Val di Pesa, 20 minutes from Florence . Gazing into the night sky, I realized that these were the most
My unique ‘Galway Gold nagahar a flute’ in 20K gold. Its war m and present tone offer s countless possibilities of expression
The one thing I consider even more impor tant than music is the knowledge that you are amazing - just the way you are
beautiful star s I had ever seen.
If I could dedicate a romantic serenade to Florence , it would be a flute concer t by Saver io Mercadante
We would have shared endless conver sations about music without ever getting tired
s ir J Ames g AlwAy (b elfAst , 1939) nicknAmed “t he m An w ith the golden flute ” is hAiled As the liVing legend of the flute
colombiAn Artist fernAndo botero (medellĂn, 1932) owns A house in
pietrAsAntA, tuscAny
Ar t is beauty Fernando Botero
My devotion to Tuscany, and Florence in par ticular, has deep roots. I lived here from 1953 to 1955, before retur ning to the United States. Due to the unique oppor tunity of exper iencing the Italian ar t of the ‘400s fir st hand, these year s in Florence were fundamental to my for mation as an ar tist. I often express my love for Egyptian and Assyr ian ar t in the context of Piero della Fr ancesca, as in these ancient paintings and por tr ays the subject doesn’t face
t he i tAliAn
VillAge p ietrAsAntA offers A hideAwAy to the renowned c olombiAn pAinter And sculptor since the ‘70 s
the viewer. This ar t of lower ing one’s gaze appeals to me and you will find it adopted in my paintings. Also my ideas about ar t and the ar tist’s role der ive from the past. I always under stood ar t as beauty, again lear ning from the great master s of the past, such as Botticelli and Titian, and of cour se the Impressionists. Millions of landscapes and not one single one depressing! natur ally, the subject of pain for an ar tist is inevitable , especially when I create images to por tr ait my countr y of or igin. A ser ies of paintings, exhibited in different museums, have actually been renamed ‘The Pain of Colombia’. Pain is also at the hear t of my fair ly recent religious painting ‘Stations of the Cross’. But even here , beauty is present – in the beauty of the dr ama.
I por tr ay exagger ated realities and they are neither tr ue to reality, nor a projection of my desires: life can be har sh and this is my per sonal response
With the color grey being omnipresent in today’s wor ld, the Circus People ser ies is my way of contr ibuting color
Bullfighting. When I was young I went to school to become a matador, although I never actually entered the arena
It gives me great satisfaction to see that my Paloma, in front of Florence’s airpor t, has become a symbol of hospitality
D i s cove r i ng theatr e Alessandro Gassmann
In 1984 I debuted in Pasolini’s Affabulazione at the age of nineteen, perfor ming together with my father Vittor io, who also directed the play. My hair was dyed platinum blonde and I remember the feeling of awe towards my father’s immense talent and culture . We perfor med the play together for three year s, an exper ience I will never for get. An impor tant tur ning point in my life was the discover y of theatr ical directing and it’s ver y interesting how the
A ctor , producer And the director of Venice ’ s t eAtro s tAbile . As the son of the celebrAted Actor V ittorio g AssmAn , AlessAndro ’ s Artistic cArreer hAs profound roots
creation of visions and per spectives allows me to reconnect with my initial talent, the design. By taking me to the theater, my father helped me to deal with my indecision and fr ailty of youth. Under his tutor ing, I studied acting in his ‘Bottega’ of Florence and couldn’t help but fall in love with the “shabby snobber y” of the Florentines. Therefore I was ver y happy when a Fer r agamo mar keting campaign (the Attimo fr agr ance for men) allowed me to reconnect to the city last year. now there’s only one wish remaining: to meet the mythical Mr s. Wanda! 2013 mar ks my debut as director of Shakespeare’s Richard III, as well as my fir st film Razzabastarda, inspired by a recent theatre play. Maybe it happens unconsciously…Maybe I am finally star ting to come into my own.
Rome FRom The PoRTRaiT
Over sea travels with my wife and son, soccer, Rome , and my home in the Austrian Alps, my refuge from the wor ld
Its invitingly beautiful terrace right next to the Spanish Steps and the tr uly spectacular view over the roofs and domes of the Eternal City
FavoRiTe QUoTe
My father gave me one tr ue advice: ‘This life is your s. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well’
Sbagliando l’ordine delle cose is my autobiography, published by Mondadori, in which I also speak of Florence
A lessAndro g AssmAnn ( rome , 1965) Actor And director , son of itAliAn Actor
V ittorio g AsmAnn And french Actress
J uliette m Ayniel
ph. Daniele Deiana
g ioVAnni s oldini (m ilAn , 1966) i tAly ’ s most reVered sAilor And fAmous for solitAry nAVigAtions
A m an a nd the sea Giovanni Soldini
Running away from home at the age of fifteen could have ended badly, had I not been lucky enough to find wor k at a boat constr uction site . I spent my free time sailing and helping other s, always wander ing from one boat to another in the hope of catching a r ide to the Car ibbean. At the age of sixteen, I finally met
t he
Jim, a seventy-year-old Amer ican commander, who had to take an
most Victorious sAilor
of All times tAlks About his pAssion
eleven meter s boat over seas. The
for the seA And the mAserAti AdVenture
rest is a stor y about passion, sacr ifice and challenges. My next challenge is beating the new Yor k-San Fr ancisco record with an inter national crew aboard a Vor70 Maser ati, a monohull carbon r acing yacht of 20 meter s. The histor ical record dates back to the adventurous gold r ush er a in the United States, when getting from east to west meant crossing Indian ter r itor ies or facing the 16-thousand mile sea route against the wind around Cape Hor n. Yves Par lier set the record of 53 days in 1994.
FavoURiTe oBJecT
My pressure cooker Apar t from the challenge , I feel ver y for stews and pr ivileged to be in direct contact risotto. with the sea and nature , exper iencing I carr y it with me ever ywhere, the r aw elements. Your relationship especially at sea with time changes, what is tr uly impor tant becomes clear and you suddenly find your self face to face
Ponza Island in June or Elba Island in September : you anchor in the bay of Fetovaia, there are three boats total and you are sur rounded by spectacular beauty
with being human.
BoaT To Wheels
I love speed, challenges and perfection. All these values I share with Maser ati, the main sponsor of my new venture
You couldn’t separ ate me from the sea for more than three months
i t i n e r a ry Florence Rome
1 2
ph. Lucia Baldini
I tinerar y
My Florence Linda Loppa
Florence offer s inspir ation to who lives here and to who is just passing through. it’s like that special moment at dawn, just before you wake , when the best ideas come to mind. in the ‘70s i r an a store in Antwer p, selling also italian fashion. ever y time i retur ned from the Pitti fashion shows in Florence , i was filled with emotions, memor ies, encounter s, and ideas. even today, after having lived here for so many year s, the city bestows me with its regener ating power, or should i r ather say a balanced state somewhere between meditation and euphor ia. it inspires me to aimlessly get lost in its fine networ k of streets.
L inda L oppa
is one of the most infLuentiaL figures of fashion of the Last 30 years . since 2007 she heads poLimoda, the i nternationaL i nstitute of f ashion d esign in fLorence
today’s wor ld can no longer be pegged
into squares and pinned down to a
Cathedral (1, 9) seems hostile and
are here for a shared passion - beauty.
set of fixed r ules. i r ather see the
reluctant to a sophisticated dialogue
My gr andfather, of italian or igin, and
future as circular with core disciplines
with the Baptister y. the David (4)
my father were both tailor s and i spent
constantly evolving. the myster y of
is dispropor tionate , his head too
much of my childhood in a labor ator y
Florence is omnipresent when i leave
big and the ar ms too long. Piazza
of masculine tailor ing. Growing up,
an ar tisan wor kshop (3) and step
della Signoria is the apotheosis of
my wor ld was defined by space ,
out into a square , sur rounded by
asymmetr y... yet so powerful, as pure
architecture , volume , human bodies and
facades and atr iums, architecture and
ener gy unexpectedly fills the atr ium of
human histor y, calligr aphy and light. if i
design (6, 7). Fashion doesn’t require
Palazzo Vecchio (5), and the pulse of
could choose one master piece to best
fashion, but its thir st is unquenchable .
the Studioli di Francesco I becomes
reflect my passions, it would be San
the soul of Florence inspires fashion,
audible . even the Loggia dei Lanzi
Miniato al Monte (8). the facade seems
because it breathes matter, light,
seems to be dr agging from the side like like a prelude to an extr aordinar y
and space (2, signed drawing). An
a treadmill moving towards the Uffizi.
space of r igor that is dedicated, r ather
element that makes this city so
the tour ists in Florence (including
than to a religion, to human meditation.
incredibly special is how beauty is
their shor tcomings and their indecisive
i like Piazzale Michelangelo as it allows
mater ialized through imperfection. the
purchases) fascinate me , because they
you to witness how Florence changes
dur ing the seasons, under the snow, fog, sun, and r ain (10). no other city in the wor ld gives you so much in such little time and you are always guar anteed an amazing discover y. i remember a perfor mance at the Marini Museum that manifested the magic of the city r ight in its hear t. Florence tur ns into one major wor kshop of events dur ing the Fashion Week in Januar y 10
and June . Door s open to histor ical industr ial plants, palaces and pr ivate
‘t he
mystery of f Lorence is omnipresent when i Leave an artisan workshop and step out into a square , surrounded by facades and atriums , architecture and design ’
gardens, and the tr ue genius of the city is disclosed. in these moments the full potential of Florence becomes seizable . i envision the city as a circular center where beauty is expressed, regener ated and inspired through the inter action of par allel univer ses, one r ight next to the other. it is not impossible . Renai(chance) (wr ites Danilo Ventur i, lecturer Polimoda ed.), meaning Renaissance . the abandoned
the right :
design of the facade of the basiLica of
Monastero di Sant’Orsola or the desuetude Manifattura Tabacchi as
s an m iniato the new Palais de tokyo – that’s my aL m onte dream for Florence .
I tinerar y
ph Lorenzo Cotrozzi
H allway U ffizi G allery ( detail of a roman bUst ) of tHe
39 38
Cosimo i de’ mediCi, Palazzo della siGnoria seen from tHe CoUrtyard of tHe Uffizi Gallery, frederiCk stibbert, anna maria lUisa de’ mediCi
A l i n e o f col l ector s
Florence’s extraordinary museums stem from private collections t ext m ila m ontaGni
V isionary
through profound passion and a deep under standing of ar t, prominent families and individuals maintained the histor ic collections of the museums
witH an exCePtional Passion for art left beHind PriCeless HeritaGes for tHe world to disCoVer
of Florence we see today. Anna Mar ia luisa de’ Medici, electress Palatine , and the last of the renown Florentine family, was typically depicted with lar ge eyes and full lips. She might have remained in the shadows compared to the gr andeur of cather ine de’ Medici
collection had been made available
or Mar ia de’ Medici, Queen consor t of solely as an ador nment to the state , to Fr ance , or eleonor a of toledo, wife of be visible to the public and to attr act cosimo i, but it was ultimately her to
foreign visitor s. Hence , the her itage
preser ve the ar t collections her family of the Medici family remains complete until today, visible in the main for tresshad put together over the centur ies.
and the Vasar i cor r idor, and or iginally the office building of the cour ts of the Gr and Duchy, the Uffizi Museum (1, 3, 4, 9) today exposes ar t by Botticelli, Giotto, Bronzino, leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael. in 1581,
palaces of Florence , the Palazzo
Fr ancis 1 decided to display a fir st
pact with the lor r aine family, the last
Vecchio and the Palazzo Pitti. the two
par t of the Medici collection in the
sovereign of tuscany, to preser ve the
histor ic palaces are connected by the
Uffizi. the extensive halls of Palazzo
wealth of master pieces collected by
r aised Vasari Corridor, crossing the
Pitti were made available only much
her ancestor s.
r iver Ar no over the Ponte Vecchio, and
later for impor tant wor ks by Raphael,
Although the agreement gave bir th to
built in 1565 by cosimo 1, in order to
Andrea del Sar to, titian, car avaggio,
one of the fir st museums - the Uffizi,
pass safely from the Pitti Palace (the
Rubens, Van Dyck, and Macchiaioli, as
it stated ver y clear ly that, under no
residence of the Gr and-Ducal) to the
well as for contempor ar y ar tists and
condition, any par t of the collection
old Palace (the gover nment seat).
impressive collections of silver and
could be removed from Florence . the
embedded between Palazzo Vecchio
in 1737, Anna Mar ia luisa signed a
H allway
of tHe
U ffizi G allery
f rom tHe U ffizi G allery to tHe P itti P alaCe . tHe exemPlary P alazzo s trozzi . f ollowed by tHe HistoriC
thanks to noble merchant Filippo
Filippino lippi, Domenico Beccafumi,
Strozzi the elder, tr aditionally an
and Giambologna.
enemy of the Medici’s, Palazzo
Stefano Bardini (Pieve Santo Stefano
Strozzi (2, 6) today displays an
1836 - Florence 1922) was an
imposing example of a residential
exceptional ar t dealer and exper t
Renaissance building (15 existing
in locating fine antiques of diver se
buildings had to make room)
or igins. He conver ted the Palace
and houses impor tant cultur al
of Piazza de’ Mozzi in the oltr ar no
institutions and a museum
quar ter into today’s Bardini
of inter national fame . Ver y
Museum (7, 8) and donated it to
different and no less fascinating
the city of Florence . the magnificent
are Florence’s home-museums,
Bardini Garden has an extr aordinar y
displaying pr ivate ar t collections
view over the histor ic center of
of the nineteenth and twentieth
Florence .
centur y.
Freder ick Stibber t (Florence 1838-
When english architect and
1906, english r ailroad magnate , bor n
ar t histor ian Herber t P. Hor ne
in italy to an english father and a
(london, 1864 - Florence , 1916)
tuscan mother) manifested the
acquired the Palazzo cor si in Via
diver sity of ar t in his stunning home
de ‘Benci, he intentionally recreated
on the Montughi hill in Florence ,
a Renaissance backdrop for his
today the Stibber t Museum (5). the
collection of paintings, sculptures,
extr aordinar y collection includes
dr awings, and fur niture . Until
ar ms and ar mour, islamic civil and
today, the Horne Museum remains
militar y costumes, costumes of
an authentic Florentine house ,
the Far east, paintings, wor ks of
m UseUms s tibbert , Horne , fur nished with master pieces by and b ardni Giotto, Simone Mar tini, Masaccio, HoUse
41 40
gold, porcelain, textiles, decor ative objects, fur niture , and books.
A bove : J uliA R obeRts in the movie ‘e At , pRAy , love ’. b elow : m ARcello m AstRoiAnni And A nitA e kbeRg in ‘l A dolce vitA ’
I tinerar y
R om an c e
Short cinema guide to Rome t ext A lessAndRA l ucARelli
More than a centur y ago, on September 20, 1905, the fir st film was presented to the public in italy. Filoteo Alber ini projected his shor t film, the Fall of Rome , onto a big screen in front of Por ta Pia to an audience of thousands of people . today, more than 400 films have been produced in the city of Rome and at its cinecittà studios. the ear ly ‘900s brought us unfor gettable films, such as Agr ippina, Br utus and Julius Caesar by enr ico
u nfoRgettAble R omAn
Guazzoni. Cabir ia by Giovanni Pastrone and as the fir st blockbuster,
cinemA moments thAt will stAy with us foReveR
the histor ical film Ben Hur by Fred niblo from 1925. From the post-war per iod we fondly remember Rome, Open City by Rossellini and Vittor io
street and reconstr ucted by Fellini
Marranella, Pigneto, and Borgata
De Sica’s Shoeshine , followed by
in cinecittà) are frequented by
Gordiani, in a poetic context in the
The Bicycle Thief, Umber to D. and Two
film divas, the wealthy with too
‘60s: The Boys of Life (novel, 1955),
Women. in the ear ly fifties, a beautiful much time on their hands, and the
Accattone, as his fir st film in 1961,
Audrey Hepbur n introduces us to
papar azzi. Here you also find the
and then Mamma Roma. Passing the
Rome through the eyes of Pr incess
Hotel Excelsior, where Anita ekber g
Pantheon and Via Giustiniani, we
Anne in Roman Holiday by William
retur ned at dawn after a night out in
ar r ive at Rome’s famous cinema
Wyler, when she flees Palazzo
Rome with Marcello, as well as the
square Piazza Navona, where the
Barberini and meets the jour nalist
Grand Hotel Palace, that witnessed
two fr iends Romolo (Maur izio
Gregor y Peck on the Spanish Steps.
Alber to lazzar i (Amedeo nazzar i)
Arena) and Salvatore (Renato
in Feder ico Fellini’s unfor gettable
taking the prostitute cabir ia
Salvator i) resided in the film Poor, but
La Dolce V ita, Anita ekber g invites
(Giulietta Masina) to his room in
Handsome by Dino Risi.
Marcello Mastroianni to dance with
Nights of Cabir ia in 1957.
At that time , the city center still
her in the Trevi Fountain.
in shar p contr ast, Pier Paolo Pasolini
maintained a demotic aspect and
the restaur ants and bar s of Via
managed to capture the rough
it was credible that a prostitute
Veneto (known as la Dolce Vita
outskir ts of Rome , Torpignattara,
could live in the attic of a building
close up of
m onicA v itti
A lAin d elon ,
‘e clipse ’
m ichelAngelo A ntonioni
between Piazza Navona and Piazza
the building as few have ever been
di Tor Sanguigna, as in the third
for tunate enough to see it. Rome’s
par t of the stor y of Yesterday, Today
architecture of the twentieth centur y
and Tomor row (1963) by Vittor io De
inspired Michelangelo Antonioni,
Sica. in 1999, the Piazza Navona of
when he chose the residential
the ‘50s was chosen for the set of
distr ict EUR as the backdrop for the
The Talented Mr. Ripley by Anthony
troubled stor y between Monica Vitti
and Alain Delon in Eclipse.
the Coliseum represents ancient
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II entered
Rome best and it was therefore ideal
the wor ld of Henr y James’ Por trait of
for the gr and finale of the successful
a Lady, directed by Austr alian Jane
film The Confor mist by Ber nardo
campion. in 2001, the successful
Ber tolucci (1970).
film Gangs of New Yor k por tr ays
tuscan film director Mar io Monicelli
a new Yor k of the nineteenth
chose Rome for his films Cops
centur y, rebuilt in the studios of
and Robber s, Big Deal on Madonna
Cinecittà. the same year, tur kish film
Street, An Average Little Man, and
director Ferzan Özpetek released
The Marquis of Gr illo. The Belly of
The Ignorant Fair ies, shot in Rome’s
an Architect by Peter Greenaway
Ostiense quar ter. Among the most
captured the natur al setting of the
recent films shot in Rome , Eat Pray
city in the ‘80s and did justice to
Love was beautifully inter preted by
an often for gotten monument, the
Julia Rober ts, whose discover y of
Altar of the Fatherland. the scenes
her self br ings her to italy (mainly
filmed inside the str ucture show
Rome of cour se), india, and Bali.
f Rom
clockwise :
w oody
A llen
on the
set of
‘t o R ome
with love ’; the
‘b en h uR ’; g RegoRy p eck And A udRey h epbuRn in R omAn h olidAy colossAl
a r t s t y l e s to r y Wanda Ferragamo Rezia Corsini Zubin Mehta Terry Garcia James Bradburne Shoes, a Star’s obsession
W anda F erragamo in the garden oF her residence in
‘ the P alagio ’ F iesole , in the
scenic hills above
F lorence ,
in the
70 s
A l e g e ndar y wom an
Wanda and Salvatore Ferragamo, a story without comparison t ext t eresa F avi
Wanda Fer r agamo holds a bur gundy colored album in her hands, which she per iodically shares with her gr andchildren. the content of this
she took over the leadershiP oF her husband ’ s emPire in
and acts as its honorary
chairman until today . a Passionate intervieW at the
per sonal book is composed of her
13 th
ver y own reflections. She r andomly opens one page and we take a peek at her insight on consistency: “A tr uly meaningful word, especially for a house of fashion and luxur y. the dedication to a life style , to education, to timeless elegance and to the for mation of those who
from something you believe in.
assist us in achieving our mission.
You see , my husband’s stor y is so
its core message is valid in ever y
exceptional and beautiful, that i
aspect of life . Remember well, my
always felt the need to keep it alive
dear boys and gir ls, what it means
and to nour ish it. i will do this as
to be consistent”.
long as i possibly can”.
it suddenly becomes clear, that
Her voice trembles when she
it perfectly descr ibes this elegant
recalls the funer al of Salvatore in
lady, who at 91 year s of age ,
1960, when his employees assured
still gets into her Mercedes
her “Madam, we’ll make it, you will
ever y mor ning to dr ive from
see , we will help you.” She was 38
her residence in Fiesole to the
year s of age and had six children,
Salvatore Fer r agamo headquar ter s
aged 2 to 17.
in Florence .
You had never worked before?
Are you not tired yet of working?
“no. But i rolled up my sleeves
“it’s impossible to stay away
and lear ned from the most loyal
century Palazzo Feroni
m oments
oF intense Work in the laboratories oF
s alvatore F erragamo
F lorence
employees. those who knew my
order to achieve his objectives”.
husband were fascinated by his
What fascinated you about your
genius and by the way he treated
his employees as equals”.
“His char isma and unique ways, his
Salvatore Ferragamo came from
great style . He exuded war mth and
humble beginnings, correct?
elegance . He loved beautiful things,
“We were both bor n in Bonito,
but hated ostentation”.
a small village two provinces
How did you meet?
to the south of naples. As the
“in ear ly September 1940 he came
eleventh of four teen children,
to Bonito to inaugur ate a food
he star ted wor king at age nine
bank that my father, a doctor and
in a shoemaker’s shop. He then
ver y human man, had built thanks
immigr ated to califor nia when he
to his contr ibutions. Salvatore
was fifteen to join his brother s.
ar r ived in a silver Alfa Romeo with
nine year s later he was the most
red moroccan inter ior s (his only
famous shoemaker of Hollywood”.
weakness were nice car s) and i
Why did he decide to return to
opened the door and welcomed
Italy, especially to Florence?
him with lots of compliments. He
“Stor ies about the excellence
was proud and sur pr ised: ‘But Miss,
of Florentine cr aftsmanship had
how do you know me?’. ‘Well’,
made their way to Amer ica and
through magazines‘. tr uthfully,
were heard by Salvatore . Wealthy
our village did not even receive
heiresses would talk about the
newspaper s, but i had overheard
most beautiful embroidered
stor ies about him the days before .
linger ie found in Florence , unique
He convinced me to take off my
silverware , accomplished leather
shoe to see my foot, to be able to
cuts, and the best str aw hats in the
send me his latest creations. And
wor ld. After thir teen successful
then we both saw the small hole in
year s in Amer ica, Salvatore realized
the r ight sock on my big toe ...
that it was time to retur n to italy in i tur ned red as a beet”.
s alvatore F erragamo surrounded by his artisans at Work
t he
birth giFt For the grandchildren , the silver
a lFa r omeo ,
l aboratory ,
her First Pair oF
‘F erragamo ’ s ’
Presented by
s alvatore
An awkward moment, what
the strongest impression in your
sandal der ived from the fishing lines
happened next?
hear t?
of the fisher men along the Ar no
“the next mor ning a bunch of
“Audrey Hepbur n with her
tuberose flower s ar r ived with
elegance and sophistication,
Do you remember your first pair
a note: “May i see you again?”.
but above all her extr aordinar y
of Ferragamo shoes?
Until today, the scent of tuberose
humanity. let me tell you an
“i most cer tainly remember a
reminds me of that day. For days on anecdote . Dur ing a dinner at
beautiful pair of laced-up shoes
end roses and tuberoses ar r ived at
the Palagio restaur ant, a waiter
with small fish scale patter ns on the
my house . i was walking on clouds.
dropped a heavy spoon with a loud
vamp and heel”.
Due to the age difference of 24
metal bang. We all tur ned around
A passion and a secret of Wanda
year s, my father was initially in
to see . not wanting to mor tify the
disagreement. But finally Salvatore
boy, Audrey did not even flinch and
“camellias are my passion. As
won him over and two months
continued to eat as if nothing had
for the secret ... there’s an object
later, on november 9, we got
that no one outside of my family
mar r ied in naples at the church
With 400 patents and a boundless
knows. it’s a silver doll on a
of Santa lucia. that night the
imagination, what are the greatest
round base that swings to the
naples bombardment began and
inspirations of your husband?
side , but always retur ns aligned
we fearfully watched the bombing
“the most impor tant invention,
to the center. it’s handcr afted by
from the ter r ace of our hotel in
which never gets enough attention,
the ar tisan Mr s. Pagliai. All of my
Sor rento. After three weeks of
was the metallic arch suppor t for
gr andchildren received this doll as
honeymooning (Sor rento, Amalfi,
the heel, invented in 1920, the
a gift when they were bor n, with
capr i and the ligur ian coast up to
result of his maniacal scientific
the following engr aving: ‘Get back
San Remo) i saw Florence and my
research on the str ucture of the
up and follow the path of integr ity,
new home for the fir st time . And
foot. there were also shoes made
Gr andma Wanda’. it is meant to
that was the beginning of my new
of candy wr aps or fish skin vamp,
be comfor ting, because anyone can
the cor k sole , or the invisible
blunder into a difficult situation. i
Royalty, wives of heads of state ,
sandal with vamps of nylon, which
want them to know that the family
and famous actresses came to
in 1947 ear ned him the neiman
is always behind them. But, the
Florence to buy custom-made
Marcus Award, the oscar of fashion. most impor tant thing is to get back
shoes from your husband. Who left Salavatore’s inspir ation for the
W anda and s alvatore F erragamo With c hristian d ior in F lorence in 1947. a ll PhotograPhs have been kindly granted
s alvatore F erragamo archives by the
O verlOOking the river arnO , the P alazzO C Orsini is One Of the mOst exClusive lOCatiOns in
f lOrenCe
fOr events , business meetings , fashiOn shOws and COnCerts
( Ph . l OrenzO C OtrOzzi )
noblesse oblige Palazzo Corsini al Parione, a close encounter t ext t eresa f avi
What does it mean to belong to a noble and ancient family? to treasure the extr aordinar y her itage that was entr usted to you and to ensure its preser vation for future gener ations. How do you pass on these values to your children and grandchildren? By good example . How extensive was the restoration of the palazzo? My sister and i inher ited Palazzo cor sini
t he finest examPle Of b arOque arChiteCture in f lOrenCe returns tO full sPlendOr thanks tO the PassiOn Of COuntess r ezia C Orsini
in hor r ible conditions. it was devastated by Wor ld War ii and the flood of 1966, divided into different par ts and par tly rented out. there was no water, light, or heating. Would you like to hear another cur iosity? Please! the rooms on the ground floor, including over the management of our family the ar tificial grotto of inestimable value far m in Maiano, between Fiesole and today, had become a piano bar and Settignano, which today is an impor tant nightclub. occasionally, when an older
olive oil producer (James ivor y’s film,
Florentine visitor confir ms the stor y
Room with a V iew, was shot in the villa
today, i will smir k at him, saying: ‘So you
of the countess ed.).
were there then, eh?’.
What do you love most about Palazzo
Do you personally take care of visitors
to the palace?
the impressive archive and the vast ar t
Hospitality is sacred and therefore ver y
collection of my family, momentar ily
impor tant to me .
only visible to scholar s. the restor ation
Isn’t agriculture also among your
of the galler y is the final par t of the
palace reinstatement, involving endless
it is par t of the cor sini tr adition, as my
costs! once we are able to open
father was an impor tant agr icultur alist.
this par t to the public , my mission is
At the age of twenty-three year s, i took
ph. Lucia Baldini
z ubin m ehta (1936, b Ombay ) COnduCts the inaugural
O Pera f lOrenCe aaa aaaaaaaaa 21 st , 2011
COnCert Of the new
h Ouse On
d eCember
An impressive personality Zubin Mehta, chief conductor of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino t ext t eresa f avi
Maestro, which part of your life fulfills you the most? For over fifty year s i have been able to dedicate myself to what is the most beautiful profession in the wor ld to me – conducting an orchestr a. What comes to mind when you think of Florence? Florence welcomed me with open ar ms when i was a young, unknown and
J ust
s Cala in m ilan , the m aggiO m usiCale f iOrentinO COnsists Of an OrChestra , a ChOrus and a danCe COmPany . its name derives frOm the hOmOnymOus musiCal festival fOunded in 1933
inexper ienced conductor. its beauty won me over and enabled me to grow. Tell us about your relationship with the Maggio Musicale? the orchestr a pr actically lives in
like the
symbiosis. ever yone is str iving to achieve the highest quality of execution and we are bound together by strong human relationships. the same goes
make honey.
of cour se for the choir and the
Florence and hospitality?
MaggioDanza, our dance company -
Florence and los Angeles (his
two additions of excellence .
residence ed.) are the cities where i
Lucky Charms?
have most fr iends.
no lucky char ms, but i always have
If Florence could play an instrument,
two insepar able companions: spicy
which one would it be?
pepperoncino and r igorously dar k
natur ally, a lar ge symphonic orchestr a!
chocolate .
Highlights of the season?
Your passions apart from music?
the opening of the 2013 oper a
My family, good food, especially italian
season on Januar y 15th with Die
(pasta, mozzarella, and tomatoes!),
Walküre by Richard Wagner, as well
and of cour se indian. Ar t in all of its
as the opening of the upcoming
for ms. i’m also ver y fond of my home
76th edition of the Maggio Musicale
in Romola, close to Florence , where we
Fiorentino Festival with Don Car lo by
grow olives, lemons, and breed bees to
Giuseppe Verdi on May 2nd.
s alOne
dei C inqueCentO , P alazzO v eCChiO ,
sOlving the mystery behind a lOst wOrk Of
l eOnardO da v inCi ‘t he b attle Of a nghiari ’
art by
Hunting the lost leonardo Florence at the center of worldwide attention t ext a lessandra l uCarelli
When did you become interested in the environment? My engagement has always been in the public ser vice: before joining the national Geographic Society, i wor ked as the assistant secretar y of commerce for oceans and atmosphere,
t erry g arCia ,
U.S. Depar tment of commerce, and as deputy administrator of the
exeCutive viCe President
national oceanic and Atmospheric
Of the
Administration (noAA). Before, i was
n atiOnal g eOgraPhiC s OCiety .
a rChaeOlOgists are trying tO lOCate a lOst fresCO by l eOnardO da v inCi in f lOrenCe
noAA’s general counsel for three year s. these positions enabled me to par ticipate in the most impor tant environmental policy decisions of the United States. And recently? President obama has appointed me to ser ve on the national commission on
culture. our media channels have
the BP Deepwater Horizon oil Spill
enabled us to inform the wor ld about
and offshore Drilling.
the incredible wor k that took place
How does the latest adventure of
here. National Geographic involve Florence? How is Florence important on an national Geographic and the city of international level? Florence have par tnered on various
italy, and Florence in par ticular, has
scientific research projects, such as
always been of great interest to
the captivating hunt for a priceless
the global community. our national
masterpiece in the Salone dei
Geographic magazine has covered
cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio. We
topics related to italy in more than
are tr ying to locate the lost Battle of
100 editions over the year s, including
Anghiari, painted by leonardo da Vinci.
a repor tage about the big flood
the subject was a perfect match for
in Florence in 1967 and an ar ticle
national Geographic, as it involves
dedicated to leonardo da Vinci in
science, discover y, exploration, and
© James O’Mara © Martino Margheri
t his
Page :
installatiOns Of COntemPOrary art in the COurtyard
P alazzO s trOzzi . in sensO n ext Page : OrariO : ames bdi radburne CJOrtile P alazzO,
d all ’ altO
s trOzzi ,
direCtOr Of installaziOni
di arte alazzO COntemPOranea trOzzi
Sustainable culture James Bradburne’s challenge at the Palazzo Strozzi t ext f ranCesCa l Ombardi
Tell us in few words about the mission of Palazzo Strozzi. Since its inception, the mission of the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation has been to br ing high quality cultur al events of inter national impor tance to Florence . Still, the ar t exhibitions remain at the hear t of the foundation.
P alazzO s trOzzi
is COnsidered One Of the mOst
looking back, the most successful
beautiful renaissanCe buildings in italy and
exhibits were Botticelli and Filippino,
exemPlary sinCe
as the most visited exhibition in italy in 2004, and Cézanne in Florence , one
fOr the COlabOratiOn
between institutiOns and Private Partners in PrOmOting the arts and Culture
of the most visited exhibitions in italy in 2007, as well as Bronzino. Painter and Poet at the Medici Cour t (2010). Let’s talk about your important work on contemporar y art... As par t of the foundation, the Strozzina centre for contempor ar y
exhibition about ar t of the ear ly
culture has hosted the wor ks of
fifteenth centur y, The Spr ingtime of
ar tists such as Bill Viola, Damien
the Renaissance, in collabor ation with
Hir st, Cindy Sher man, Andreas Gur sky,
the Bar gello Museum and the louvre ,
Antony Gor mley, and Gerhard Richter,
accompanied by a contempor ar y
alongside younger and unknown
Strozzina exhibition on Beauty,
ar tists.
followed by the emer ging talents
You have also added interactive
award. in March we will open a major
programs for families and children,
exhibition of Pontor mo and Rosso
performances and site-specific
What about your passion for vests?
thanks to all these elements we are
it began gr adually when i was
considered one of the most dynamic
studying and living in london and
cultur al center s in italy.
did not like ties. Since the Cézanne
Upcoming events of importance?
exhibition, i tr aditionally use a new
For 2013 we are planning a major
vest for each opening.
I tinerar y
T his page : s alvaTore F erragamo and J oan C rawFord , 1923 asasasas r ighT page : ‘m arilyn ’ asas exhibiTionasas aT
F erragamo m useum as in F lorenCe sa
63 62
the king’s cour t Hollywood’s actresses adored Ferragamo forever T exT F ranCesCa l ombardi
We meet Stefania Ricci, Director of the Ferragamo Museum, on the fir st floor of the Palazzo Fer roni in a beautiful, yet under stated setting. Stor y after stor y, Stefania’s enthusiasm for her wor k puts us more under her spell. “our vision for the Salvatore Museum was clear from the ver y beginning. We didn’t just want to celebr ate the Maison, but r ather create a dynamic space that constantly evolves and is not static , just like fashion. it enables us to tell the stor y of Fer r agamo through the different wor lds that it has touched. our two previous exhibitions por tr ayed Audrey
s alvaTore F erragamo ’ s
FasCinaTion wiTh sensual and ComForTable shoes granTed him The unCondiTional love oF The divas
Hepbur n and Greta Garbo. Today, we tell the stor y of Marilyn (until April, 1st, 2013).
her life and think we have a cer tain
however, over time two impor tant
compared to the ear lier two
under standing of this intelligent
revelations str uck us: Pasolini’s
exhibitions, we have endless pairs of
and tor mented woman. Around the
poetr y, wr itten upon Mar ilyn’s death,
shoes of Marilyn, even though there
time of her death, she was talking
celebr ates her gr ace by dr awing
aren’t too many different models, as
to Mar lon Br ando about a second
from the myth of ancient Greek and
she always prefer red the same style .
production house , with lee Str asber g
Mediter r anean beauty. Secondly, we
Her beloved (and wor n) shoes were
as director. the har sh contr ast of her
came to the conclusion that the great
repurchased by Fer r agamo dur ing a
suicide shor tly after, shines some light
photogr apher s, who followed Mar ilyn
chr isties auction, involving a lar ge
on the complexity of her char acter.
since her ear ly beginnings, did not just
financial commitment. Mar ilyn’s
As Mar ilyn never met Salvatore
por tr ay a woman, but they created
extremely complex per sonality has
Fer r agamo in per son, the Maison does
an eter nal master piece , thereby
made this exhibition (2, 3, 5, 7, 9) the
not have own mater ial at disposal, as
unconsciously installing the love of
most challenging par t of our jour ney
is the case with other famous clients.
ar t in this young Amer ican woman.
so far. We have all seen famous and
it took us a while to perfect the
Although she was never able to visit
sometimes pr ivate images of her, we
layout of the exhibition – we probably
Fer r agamo in Florence , her longing for
are familiar with the main events of
looked at 600 different var iations -
italy would stay with Mar ilyn all her
m arilyn m onroe
wiTh a pair oF
F erragamo
shoes , in a show For
a meriCan
Troops aT The FronT during The
s eCond w orld w ar
life . in fact, the wife of Milton Green
her wardrobe , i found some shoes
would buy Fer r agamo shoes on her
that she had not been able to repair
behalf, dur ing her stays in Rome”.
in time”.
Stor ies about other actresses are
Joan Crawford (8, ph. Archivio Alinar i)
all inter twined with the notes of
was the fir st star to love Fer r agamo
Salvatore Ferragamo, the accounts
shoes. Stefania reveals that he was
of his wife Wanda, and photos or
par tially responsible for her debut:
documents collected by the Maison
“Joan was a dancer in Hollywood,
in recent year s. A major par t of
where Salvatore had his shop. For
the cultur al her itage at the Palazzo
adver tising pur poses, he or ganized a
Fer roni includes the shoe ceremony
competition for the most beautiful
and meetings with Wanda Fer r agamo.
legs. the winner would receive a pair
Stefania continues, “As Greta Garbo
of Fer r agamo shoes. Although Joan did
(1, ph. Foto Locchi) did not wear heels,
not win, she was noted by the fashion
Salvatore created men’s shoes for her
industr y, which, according to Joan
and as a good calvinist nor ther n,
her self, was a cr ucial launching pad for
she used them a lot. in the movies
her acting career. She remained loyal
she came across as icy, yet Fer r agamo
to Salvatore for all her life .”
descr ibed her as a woman with a great Mar ilyn and Fer r agamo never met, but
T oday , The s alvaTore F erragamo m useum sense of humor. Audrey Hepburn Tells The sTory oF
(6, ph. Foto Locchi) was an icon to
‘m arilyn ’ m onroe Salvatore: as a young woman she came ( unTil a pril , 1 sT , 2013). r ighT page n .4: to visit him in 1954, accompanied by m arlene d ieTriCh Anita loos, the author of Gentlemen all phoTographs have been kindly granTed by The
Prefer Blondes. She wore his shoes
s alvaTore throughout her life and after her
F erragamo
passing, when i went to buy par t of
65 64
according to Stefania Ricci there was a strong bond: “She always car r ied the telephone number of our new Yor k store in her pocket diar y. She also kept the receipt of a custommade pur se to match her shoes. Unfor tunately she would never be able to receive this order”.
l u n g a r n o c o l l e c t i o n wo r l d Swan Sailing Yachts Collection Continentale’s new Sky Lounge and White Iris Beauty Spa
Cl o s e t o heaven
The Continentale inaugurates its new Sky Lounge and White Iris Beauty Spa T exT S abrina b ozzoni
i ndulging
in a cockTail aT SunSeT amidST one of The moST beauTiful backdropS of
f lorence
The Top floor of The The
c onTinenTale h oTel ,
S ky l ounge
reignS amongST
The maSTerpieceS of
imagine the ‘50s and Florence
guests savor signature dr inks
as the capital of italian fashion.
or cocktails created by exper t
extr aordinar y black and white
hands and it seems easy to find
photogr aphs can be found
an excuse to relish in the magic
throughout the rooms and suites
of the Sky Lounge: an aper itivo
of the hotel, chosen by Michele
at dusk, a cocktail under the star-
Bönan, the refined Florentine
filled night sky, a par ty or even a
architect, who was inspired by
pr ivate reception. Guests of the
the Sala Bianca of Palazzo Pitti,
luxur ious Consor ti Penthouse have
where great designer s such as
the possibility to take advantage of
Schuber t, Galiztine , Carosi, and
the intimate fair ytale setting on an
Fabiani would present their wor k.
exclusive basis.
We are at the Continentale Hotel,
When indulging your self at the
spectacular ly located close to
Continentale, a visit to the White
Ponte Vecchio, lungar ni and the
Iris Beauty Spa by Daniela Steiner
medieval hear t of Florence . Here ,
is inevitable . War m shades of white
situated on top of the medieval
ador n the two treatment rooms
Consor ti tower, the exclusive and
like a tr ibute to nature and the
contempor ar y Sky Lounge allows
refined simplicity of Florentine
a different per spective on Ponte
style . the Daniela Steiner Care
Vecchio. An inimitable ter r ace ,
Suite philosophy is based on the
discreetly blending into the ar tistr y
belief to make one feel welcome ,
of Florence’s master pieces, such as
sheltered and taken care of at
Br unelleschi’s Dome , Giotto’s bell
ever y step of the exper ience . it
tower, and the in-vogue oltr ar no
encompasses the human need to be
quar ter s. Hotel and non-hotel
pampered, in all senses of the word.
f lorence
natur al products are specifically chosen to best enhance and suit specific treatment techniques and to meet the expectations of the most sophisticated clients. Daniela Steiner’s Exclusive Treatments r ange among the wor ld’s most exclusive br ands. the relaxing Daniela Steiner Luxur y Body Massage relieves stress and restores ener gy. the twohour Sublime Feet treatment is
S heer
bliSS Through a ‘W hiTe g old T reaTmenT ’ baSed on gold duST and pearlS , or a 2- hour ‘S ublime f eeT ’ pedicure
inspired by Salvatore Fer r agamo’s passion for beautiful feet and an inimitable gr atification at the end of your stay in Florence . ingredients used are str ictly pure and natur al. the nour ishing White Gold treatments compr ise gold dust, pear ls, and honey. Choose amongst massages, pear l powder facial peelings, manicures, or the Fir st Total Cleaning, which includes a body treatment, a moistur izing and antioxidant facial, and a wild ber r ies peeling. For a tr uly intimate exper ience , couples and fr iends may exper ience the treatments together.
I tinerar y
S wan 90 S olleone , 30 meterS of pure energy
73 72
f rom
left ,
t he
S wan 100 S V irago , S wan 90 S a lix , S wan 90 S olleone ,
S wan V irago
Adventures on the hor izon Unforgettable cruises aboard a luxury sailing yacht there is no better way to experience freedom and nature then aboard a
g et
in touch with your true paSSion aboard a nautor ’ S Swan yacht Surrounded
Finish nautor’s Swan yacht, known for
only by the wind and the Sea
its seawor thiness and performance . the Swan Yacht collection is available at special conditions to guests of the hotels, retreats, and villas of the lungarno collection, owned by the Ferragamo Family. the combination of professionalism of the international crews and italian hospitality ensures
the yacht becomes the perfect travel
long Swan 90 S Alix (Mediterranean)
unparalled experiences.
companion to explore new horizons.
includes a graceful anthracite exterior
Fleet. With 30 meters of pure energy,
neW. In 2013, the Swan 112 RS
its strong per sonality and ease of
the Swan 90 Solleone (Mediterranean)
Highland Breeze and the Swan 90 S
movement, the yacht is ideal for the
is a masterpiece of design and passion.
Alix will become part of the Yacht
passionate sailor to enjoy a relaxing
Designed by Germán Frer s and interior
Collection. character, speed and
cr uise or a challenging regatta.
Designer Michele Bönan as a tribute to
extraordinar y comfor t. With its 35
the sea, the Solleone flawlessly blends
meter s of elegance , the Swan 112
RoUteS. Sailing in the Aeolian Islands
superb nor thern design with the color s
RS Highland Breeze (Caribbean)
(4) gives a whole new meaning to the
of the Mediterranean.
dominates the blue planet. the
word clarity. Here the tyrrhenian is
The elegant Swan 100 S Virago
exemplar y design features a
deep, yet warm, and has an unbelievable
(Caribbean) was spectacular ly designed
raised dinette with large windows,
glassy quality. the seven small islands
in the color of the sea. With its 33
ensuring light and excellent interior
that make up this volcanic archipelago
meter s, a large deck, warm teak
are situated just nor th of Sicily and
interior s and a strong per sonality,
the design of the elegant 30-meter
are known for pristine water, perfect
and a spacious interior. thanks to
S wan S olleone
Seen from aboVe
t he
charm of the mediterranean an ocean of emotionS fit for the SportiVe Sailor
for diving, and largely untouched land
luxurious hospitality make it a desirable
crisscrossed by hiking trails. the islands
destination. the Costa Smeralda is a
are dotted with small towns that are
yachting hub well-known for its beauty
full of histor y and culture . Lipari, Salina,
and glamour, but Sardinia also features
Alicudi, Filicudi, Panarea, Vulcano
near ly deser ted beaches, secluded inlets
and Stromboli are becoming more
and tiny villages that see little traffic.
popular for yachter s and vacationer s
the Balearic Islands (1, 5, 7), just off
as they each have their own unique
the coast of the iber ian Peninsula,
characteristics and sites to see .
are becoming an increasingly popular
Greece (8) is among the most popular
sailing destination due to their clear
char ter destinations with a seemingly
water s, rocky landscapes, sandy beach
infinite number of islands to be
fronts and hospitable harbor s.
explored.As the legend goes, when
For pleasure sailing or for spor ts,
Venus’ necklace broke , seven pear ls
the East Coast of the United States
dropped into the tyrrhenian Sea, thus
offer s it all against a breath-taking
forming the archipelago off the coast
backdrop. From the tip of Maine to
of tuscany. Since 1996, the islands have
the Flor ida Keys, and ever ything in
been protected as par t of a national
between, the Atlantic ocean has deep,
par k. Elba (9) is the largest of the sister
blue water s and plenty of wind for
islands. Giglio provides interesting
exciting sailing conditions.
sightseeing, like Roman r uins and an
Divine color s, fr iendly people , year-
etr uscan shipwreck. Giannutri is car
round sunshine , turquoise water s
free and full of dramatic cliffs and coves. - the car ibbean (Bahamas, Vir gin the Côte d’Azur (3, 6) is a popular
islands, Antigua, St. Bar t’s and St.
vacation destination for a reason.
Maar ten, St. lucia, the Grenadines,
its mild, pleasant weather, pebble
and Grenada) is simply a sailor’s
beaches, lively nightlife and highly
par adise .
75 74
food A gastronomic journey guided by the senses Traditional covered markets Behind the counter
A bove : e notecA P inchiorri . b elow : A tyPicAl ‘ ino sAndwich
love the senses
A gastronomic journey through Florence and surroundings guided by the senses t ext d Avide P Aolini
tASte. let’s begin with a sandwich from ‘I Due Fratellini’ in Via dei cimator i, a favor ite hangout where for year s you would find me with a panino in hand. they were the forer unner s of the sandwich culture in Florence and i’d recommend a tuna and sweet pepper s panino or a mor tadella and provolone cheese panino, accompanied by a glass of their chianti wine . For lunch tr y the Trattoria Mario, in via della Rosina near San lorenzo. Due to
A PAssionAte food And wine critic , dAvid PAolini is renown for discovering Authentic Products in the territory of origin
its popular ity you might encounter a line , but delicious dishes like the penne str ascicate (Florentine style pasta), the r ibollita (hear ty tuscan soup), or the cotoletta r ifatta (por k steak) are well wor th the
cream gelato at Badiani in viale dei
VieW. if i have to think of a
wait. Alter natively, the Trattoria
Mille . For late after noons i suggest
restaur ant with an unbeatable
Ruggero in via Senese offer s
a more refined sandwich at Ino.
view of Florence , the Borgo San
tr aditional tuscan dishes. Cibreino
lately i’ve become a fan of Vito
Jacopo (4) restaur ant immediately
and Cibreo (6) - i recommend
Mollica, chef of the Palagio. He
comes to mind. Beatr ice Segoni
the fir st one for lunch and the
effectively builds on his Basilicata
perfectly combines refined cuisine
second for dinner - are two favor ite roots through the knowledge of
(tr y the vincisgr assi pasta and the
restaur ants: the collo di gallina
fish soup) with extr aordinar y views
local products.
r ipieno (stuffed chicken neck), the
of the Ar no River. Simple , but
baccalà (cod), and the brodo di
SMell. the r ange of inviting smells
typically Florentine is a panino al
pesce (fish broth) are all wor th a
at the Enoteca Pinchiorri is unique
lampredotto (tr ipe sandwich) with
tr y. the lunch concept of the Ora
in the wor ld. A visit to the coffee
green sauce . Gr abbing a panino for
d’Aria restaur ant (8) is leading in
roaster s Le piantagioni del caffè
lunch at the Piazza Sant’Ambrogio
italy. ear ly after noons are ideal for
in Bor go Pinti and of cour se the
or at the loggia del Porcellino (2,
an ice cream from Carapina in via
essences of perfumer Lorenzo
11) allows you to stroll the nar row
lamber tesca. tr y the Buontalenti
Villoresi, uniquely Florentine .
streets and the beautiful squares
of the city, without ever having to take your eyes off the facades of the churches and palaces. SoUnD. Spending a mor ning at the Mercato Centrale di San Lorenzo (1, 5, 7), listening to the discussions of the merchants and the comments of the Florentines, will definitely stimulate your acoustic senses. For hundreds of year s nothing has changed: the mar ket is only open
in the mor nings and the stalls
the car r ar ina province , the most
offer local produce . customer s
toUcH. Running your hands
tasty lardo (speck) is produced
and vendor s inter act directly and
through the var ious bags of
in Colonnata and an unpar alled
one can’t help but compare it
legumes and r ice at the Civaie
dar k bread, kneaded by hand and
to a temple of human resistance
Mechini store in Via della Spada is
baked in a wood oven, or iginates
to globalization. communication
a r are and delightful exper ience .
from the small village of Vinca,
is the centr al element at the
touch to me means getting enogastronomic event Taste, initiated acquainted with the product, by myself a few year s ago. the event under standing the or igin of
composed of only three houses
takes place ever y year in March at
r aw mater ials. the relatively
of Pistoia, Mor tadella di Pr ato from
the Stazione leopolda and offer s a
unknown butcher Chini in Gaiole
the Marini butcher in Fer r uccia,
gastronomical jour ney through italy.
in Chianti (3, 9), produces the
located between Pr ato and Pistoia,
the fact that exhibitor s do not sell,
most extr aordinar y seasoned
and Cecchini’s (10) hambur ger
but only showcase and explain their
loin of por k. exquisite onions are
in Panzano in chianti. i am also
products, guar antees a kaleidoscopic
cultivated in Treschietto, province
discover ing the extr aordinar y and
exper ience of exquisite tastes.
of Massa car r ar a. Remaining in
delicate olive oils of the Pisan hills.
and two baker s. Slitti chocolates from Monsummano in the province
ph. Lorenzo Cotrozzi
gianfranco V iSani , SanT’a mbrogio m arkeT. on
The righT :
giorgio caSilli, SanT’a mbrogio m arkeT. f reSh
Porcini muShroomS
P u re i n spi r ati on
A wealth of taste awaits you at the traditional covered markets T exT S abrina b ozzoni
in collaboraTion wiTh
b eaTrice S egoni - P h l orenzo c oTrozzi
S ecreT
localiTieS wiTh Prime ingredienTS aS Their ProTagoniST render florence Truly unique
ph. Lorenzo Cotrozzi
buTcherS aT The
m ercaTo c enTrale
S an l orenzo ,
The fiShmonger
m aSSimiliano c iani ,
and The greengrocer
e liSabeTTa b oni
As the ear ly bird catches the wor m, so will a visit in the mor ning to the Mercato Centrale di San Lorenzo
S an l orenzo
reveal the uniqueness of Florence
on long - STanding TradiTionS ,
Saturday from 7.00am to 2.00pm, 4.00pm to 8.00pm, except from mid-
S anT ’a mbrogio :
Two food markeTS ThaT build
(opening hour s: Monday through with additional Saturday hour s from
auThenTiciTy , and The loVe of The land
June to mid-September). located in the hear t of Piazza San lorenzo and set in an elegant Ar t nouveau cast iron building, this food temple par excellence dr aws in locals, foodies, housemaker s, gour mets, and chefs on a regular basis. the ideal time to visit
where i am guar anteed the fir st fr uit
reach Piazza Ghiber ti and the oldest
is around 9.30 am, when the shelves
supply of the season. When it comes
covered mar ket in Florence . the
are just being staged. All ideas for
to fish, Massimiliano Ciani’s stand is
Sant’Ambrogio market was built in
my cooking star t r ight here , amidst
a must. His freshly caught delicacies
1873, a year before the San lorenzo
aromas, color s and tr aditional flavor s
are accompanied by welcome
mar ket.
not affected by globalization. the
advice and anecdotes, client after
Amongst the stalls of Kilometer
Guerrini tr ipe stand manifests an
client. tr y his baked sea bream with
Zero products, the genuineness of
offal religion in all its r ituals. A tr ue
eggplant puree and cher r y tomatoes.
the city becomes tangible . indulge in
slow-food exper ience , that includes
outstanding culinar y delights are
Gior gio casili’s vegetables, the jams
taking time to chat and the tasting
guar anteed at the histor ic butcher
of Gianfr anco Visani and the inviting
of typical local flavor s. i leave with
Soderi, a tr ue Florentine symbol.
products offered by local far mer s,
my fir st culinar y inspir ation: fresh
After a tour of the mar ket and
such as gr apes and freshly squeezed
pasta dumplings, stuffed with tr ipe
once all the shopping is done , a
fr uit juices. the Sant’Ambrogio
and seasoned with green sauce . the
lampredotto sandwich from Nerbone
mar ket is also an insider tip for
next stop is the fr uits and vegetables
is almost mandator y.
meat and local breads, such as the
stand of Elizabeth and John Boni,
After an interesting shor t walk we
schiacciata (flat bread).
T he S oderi buTchery and freShly Picked VegeTableS aT The
m ercaTo c enTrale di S an l orenzo
D rink
N ot j u s t a dr i nk
Technique, experimentation and superb ingredients at The Fusion Bar T exT A lessAndrA l ucArelli
D rink
c enTer : A lessAndro A villA
K Areem B enneTT
u nique And complemenTAry , The BArmen of The f usion B Ar . A lessAndro A villA And K Areem B enneTT shAre Their Advice And secreTs the smiling faces of Alessandro Avilla
most intense sensation is the taste.
the Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Vecchio, and
and Kareem Bennett welcome you to the
How important are technique and
Br unelleschi’s Dome.
Fusion Bar of the Galler y Hotel Ar t. their
experimentation in your line of work?
K: A walk through the oltrarno quar ter,
creative cocktails are famous throughout
A: A barman distinguishes himself through
where you can still experience a most
the city and derive from a combination
excellent technique of cocktail preparation
authentic Florence. Around 7 pm, enjoy a
of international exper tise and traditional
and the ability to fascinate a customer.
glass of wine in the magical atmosphere
Florentine style.
experimentation is always key to growth,
of Piazza Pitti. then, if you have the
What’s the most passionate cocktail?
but it requires a solid base of knowledge
possibility, i would suggest buying food in
Alessandro: the old Fashioned. it’s
and technique.
the local neighborhood stores to prepare
a classic and it takes a great deal of
K: they are both equally essential. if you mix a delicious meal at home together.
knowledge to prepare it well.
your own drink, i would always recommend
Kareem: chili Pepper Margarita. the chili
sticking to the classic recipe. Without good
is known for its aphrodisiac proper ties
technique, experimentation can get tricky.
and the cocktail’s key ingredient is tequila,
Romance in Florence - what do you
originating from Mexico, the homeland of
A: Star t with an afternoon stroll from the
Which senses are stimulated first
Piazza del Duomo, followed by a carriage
through your cocktails?
ride through the city center in the ear ly
A:. When you’re behind the counter
evening, or alternatively a boat trip on
preparing a cocktail, the customer
the Arno with the traditional boats that
becomes intrigued through an appealing
resemble the gondolas. A walk through
preparation of the cocktail. the senses
the Boboli Gardens, Ponte Vecchio at
involved fir st are therefore sight and
night, the classic Piazza Michelangelo
hearing, followed by touch, smell and
for its breathtaking panorama, and a
drink at the Sky lounge of the Hotel
K: i agree. Sight is stimulated fir st, but the
continentale with unbeatable views of
tips What are you like? Are you the Lungarno Hotel or Continentale type? Are you more attracted to the Gallery Hotel Art or Lungarno Suites? Or rather, are you the typical Portrait Suites type? And, what’s more, are you the classic, cool or creative kind? Does style rank high among your priorities? Do you travel with family or are you a confirmed single? Find out your tastes with our personality test. Choose the things to do and places to see in Rome and Florence according to your profile
F l ore n ce 2013 even ts The must-sees. Art, music, culture, theatre, food&wine, fashion
Condition in Contemporar y Ar t.
Freischütz Overture, Felix Mendelssohn
Until Januar y 6, Alinari National
Five contemporar y ar tists investigate
Bartholdy, Op.52 Symphony No.2
Museum of Photography
the relationship between individual
The Alinari archives and the syntax of existence and community. the world. Omaggio a Italo Calvino Photo exhibition
December 28, Teatro Verdi
Until Januar y 3, Lyceum
The New Classical Ballet of Moscow
Gli anni Trenta al femminile: libri e
in Lago dei Cigni
Until Januar y 7, Stibber t Museum
documenti d’archivio del Lyceum.
Una teenager nella moda. Le
A documentary exhibition devoted to
collezioni in Sala Bianca di Giovanna
the activities of the women’s club during
Januar y 8-11, For tezza da Basso
Ferragamo dagli anni Sessanta agli
the thirties. Free admission.
anni Ottanta
Pitti Immagine Uomo Running alongside the world’s leading
Fashion collections from the ‘60s to
men’s fashion fair are shows and
the ‘80s by Giovanna Ferragamo
Until April 1, Salvatore Ferragamo
glamorous events throughout the city
Museum ART
Marilyn, an impor tant exhibition
Until Januar y 27, Palazzo Strozzi
dedicated to the eternal myth around Januar y 13, Teatro della Pergola
Anni Trenta.
Marilyn Monroe
MUSIC Sonatas for Violin and Piano concer t
Arti in Italia oltre il fascismo
by Ludwig van Beethoven performed
An ar t exhibition from the thir ties of
by Viktoria Mullova and Paolo
more than for ty leading ar tists of the
period (99 paintings, 17 sculptures,
December 24, Teatro Verdi, 5 p.m.
20 objects of design).
Christmas Concert
Orchestra della Toscana, directed by
Januar y 15, Teatro Comunale
Daniele Rustioni. Maggio Musicale
Opening of the opera season with
Until Januar y 27, CCC Strozzina
Fiorentino Chorus, Piero Monti chorus
Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre, Maggio
Francis Bacon and the Existential
master. Music: Anton Weber’s Der
Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra
and Choir, conductor Zubin
director Rolando Panerai, conductor
conductor Zubin Mehta, directed by
Mehta, staged by Fura del Baus (4
Giuseppe Lanzetta
Luca Ronconi (4 performances May
performances January 15-22, 2013)
2-12, 2013).
March 9-13, Stazione Leopolda
Januar y 22, Teatro Verdi
Los Hermanos Macana in Tango
An international food exhibition
dedicated to exquisite tastes.
May 11, Teatro Comunale
Hommage to Luciano Berio and Le
Stazione Leopolda
March 23 – August 18, Palazzo Strozzi Sacre du printemps by Igor Stravinski. A symphonic hommage to Luciano La primavera del Rinascimento.
Vintage Selection
La Scultura e le arti a Firenze tra il
Clothing, accessories and vintage
1400 e il 1460
The genesis of the Renaissance in
Januar y 23-27
Berio followed by the debut of Zubin Mehta directing the MaggioDanza.
Florence explained through works of ART
ar t and sculptures
Februar y 14, Musei Statali
The state museums of Florence offer
a special two-for-one entrance ticket
April 9-14, Teatro della Pergola
on Valentine’s Day.
Massimo Ranieri in Viviani Varietà.
May 16-19, Corsini Gardens
Poems, words and music from MUSIC
Raffaele Viviani’s Variety Theatre
Februar y 23, Teatro della Pergola
Artigianato & Palazzo The nineteenth edition of the exhibition unites over one hundred of the most extraordinar y and
Amici Della Musica presents Sonatas
for Violin and Piano by Ludwig van
April 28, Teatro Goldoni
Beethoven, performed by Mario
Gala night of the american stars,
Brunello and Andrea Lucchessini
Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina
Conductor, Giuseppe Lanzetta
May 28, Teatro Comunale
Written on Skin.
March 6, Teatro Goldoni
May 2, Teatro Comunale
Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina
Opening of the 76 th Maggio Musicale
presents Livietta e tracollo by G.B.
Fiorentino with Giuseppe Verdi’s
Pergolesi and Il Maestro di Cappella
opera Don Carlo. Maggio Musicale
Benjamin and directed by Katie
by D. Cimarosa. Basso/baritono and
Fiorentino Orchestra and Choir,
Mitchell, for the first time in Florence
talented craftsmen of Florence
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra. Written by George
Creative tips
GAlleRY Hotel ARt tYPeS
Elio Ferraro, A.n.g.e.l.o, Ceri Vintage,
Stroll along Florence’s creative quar ter
Nadine, Desii and Jules et Jim (1, 6)
oltrarno. Via Maggio, formerly a street
are definitely on your list, as is the
of antiquarians, is now a favorite
Vintage Selection event at the Stazione
spot for numerous ar t galleries. Your
leopolda in January and July.
obvious choice will be the pastry shop
at house number 61, Dolcissima, an ar tisan laboratory for the sweetest treats imaginable. 5
A world of contemporary ar t awaits
For a perfect star t of the evening,
you inside a small cour tyard at the
meet for cocktails at the popular
dynamic Aria Ar t Gallery (3) in Borgo
Fusion Bar & Restaurant in the hear t
Santi Apostoli. Just across the Ponte
of the Gallery Hotel Ar t.
Santa trinita lies the oltrarno district,
Florence’s hear t of traditional ar t and
tr y Sant’Agostino 23 for traditional
craftsmanship. our recommended
italian food and chianina doc beef,
ar t galleries in Via Maggio are: Thetys
just a few steps from Piazza Santo
Gallery, Otto Luogo dell’Arte and
Spirito. With its frescoed walls, the
Fruscione Arte (5).
Garga restaurant in Via del Moro is
a Florentine institution for locals and
in Piazza della Passera, 5 e Cinque
visitors alike.
(2) is a little pearl where time seems
to be standing still. organic seasonal
An ancient Florentine building, piano
dishes with a chic and relaxed
music, wood furnishings and soft
atmosphere. coffee anyone? the Caffè
lighting comprise the atmosphere at
Degli Artigiani (4) is located in the
the Circolo Aurora in Piazza tasso.
same square and intrigues through
For clubbing, international DJ’s, and
refined taste. A Florentine must with a
glamour, tr y the Doris Club on a
touch of Parisian appeal.
Friday night.
Hip T ips
day JOGGING TIME For the wee hours of the morning, we suggest a nice jog or walk to Piazzale Michelangelo, passing the Pian dei Giullari hill or via San leonardo (5). BREAKFAST MON AMOUR the Boulangerie Rifrullo offers a delicious breakfast in via de ‘Rondinelli,
history of photography. important exhibitions of influential artists of the past and the present are always found at Palazzo Strozzi and its contemporary Strozzina gallery. the city is filled with hidden treasures at smaller museums, such as the Stibbert Museum, Marino Marini Museum (6), Bardini Museum, Casa Martelli Museum and the Museum of Zoology and natural History, La Specola.
Caffè Gilli (1) and Paszkowski.
Do not miss the concept boutique Luisa
choose among the best. there’s the
Via Roma, or the products for body
cuisine and important wine list at
and spirit of the Officina Profumo-
Enoteca Pinchiorri (2) (with three
Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella
Michelin stars) or the creative cooking
(4). Design enthusiasts will delight in the
of Marco Stabile, chef at the Ora
contemporary style of the Lungarno
d’Aria Restaurant, which earned its first
Details Store (3) and the modern
perspective of FLAIR. For a sophisticated
break, try the smart lunch concept of the
if you do not feel like going back
gourmet restaurant Borgo San Jacopo at
to the hotel right away, we suggest
the heart of the lungarno Hotel.
taking a walk through the elegant chic
neighbourhood San Niccolò, followed
is located on top of the medieval
At the Alinari National Museum of
consorti tower, on the top floor of the
Photography you can discover the
Hotel Continentale (7).
close to via tornabuoni. not to forget traditional Florentine cafés, like Rivoire,
by a cocktail among the masterpieces of Florence, just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio. the contemporary Sky Lounge
Hotel continentAle tYPeS
Classic T ips
relax Don’t miss to visit the Stibbert Museum
and the current style-inspired exhibition
enjoy your breakfast in the intimacy
A Teenager in Fashion, visible until
of the Hotel Lungarno, a unique
Januar y 7. Giovanna Ferragamo (5)
place that instantly makes you feel at
presents luxur y and Fashion collections
home. embellished by an intriguing
from the ‘60s to the ‘80s in the Sala
ar t collection from the ‘900s, the hotel
Bianca. A par t of the exhibit is visible
is fascinating at ever y hour of the day.
at the Horne Museum and the Bardini
outside, the city of Florence is just
Museum. inspired by the ar ts, you may
waking up and you indulge in the best
now relax at the brand new spa of the
views from the privacy of your room.
Lungarno Collection (2), located at the
hear t of the Continentale Hotel, the
How about an energetic walk in the
White iris Beauty Spa by Daniela Steiner.
morning to the Rose Garden (3) to enjoy its unparalled views onto Florence? the relatively unknown park is found in the oltrarno area, just
below Piazza Michelangelo to the west.
options for a tasty snack before lunch
the theater season in Florence has
are plenty. A bar of chocolate from the
long regained its former vigor with the
Caffé Rivoire (6) or a truffle sandwich
teatro della Pergola (4, 7) at its forefront
from Procacci are a true delicacy of
taste. Alternatively, a simple but delicious consult the seasonal program of the option is the tuscan schiacciata (pita
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino for its
bread), topped with a little olive oil
opera and symphonic highlights (www.
and seasonal vegetables. Getting in line
at the baker y Sartoni in via de’ cerchi
is definitely wor th the wait. After a
elegance, luxur y and the delicious cuisine
shopping spree in Via tornabuoni, the
of chef Beatrice Segoni await you at the
steak of La Buca dell’Orafo is a must
Borgo San Jacopo restaurant (1).
for lunch.
truly the finest dinner in Florence.
Hotel lunGARno tYPeS
Stylish T ips
PoRtRAit tYPeS
LUNCH TIME Amongst the many choices the city offers, we suggest a quick lunch, without sacrificing the taste. the bistro
BREAKFAST Start your morning in one of the best coffee bars in town. At the Sant’Eustachio Il Caffè, traditional wood fired coffee roasting goes back to the thir ties and the mosaics of the floor and the original furnishings are still
cuisine of the highest standards.
afternoon Stop at the Gelateria Venchi in via della
Piazza San lorenzo in lucina, tradition
croce for their mouthwatering ice cream
and experience are being handed down
and handmade chocolates.
since the nineteenth centur y. the central
condotti, shopping street par excellence, gives you a head star t whether you are
the Spanish Steps and dedicated to a
preser ved. At the Antico Caffè Vitti, in
location of the Caffè Greco in via
and restaurant Ginger (3) is close to
looking for the perfect christmas gift or
in the early evening, the aperitivo (happy
simply engaging in a cultural day.
hour) is a sacred time of day in Rome.
enjoy a glass of wine at the enoteca Casa
one of the highlights of the season is
Bleve in via del teatro. their extensive
the exhibition “Vermeer, the Golden
wine list is remarkable. Le Coppelle 52,
centur y of Dutch Ar t” of Johannes
an elegant American-style bar in Piazza
Vermeer (4, 6), a
navona, is a favorite hangout in the
meticulous selection of works from
heart of the city. For dinner, indulge in
the 17th-centur y Dutch painter’s
the exquisite cuisine of the restaurant
reper toire and hosted in Rome for the
Settembrini, or for a more informal
first time (Scuderie del Quirinale,
evening, we suggest Renato e Luisa. their
until Januar y 20, 2013). the exhibition
bread and strictly homemade pasta are a
Paul Klee and italy (2) reveals the
true delight.
relationship of the ar tist with italy
(National Gallery of Modern and
Elle (1) is one of the most popular
Contemporary Art).
hotspots in Rome.
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Univer se
1H otel l ungarno 2 g allery H otel a rt 3 l ungarno D etails s tore
4 Continentale
CROSS SELLING Fusion cuisine or traditional italian
Fusion Bar - Galler y Hotel Art (2): enjoy
cooking? Relaxing with a cocktail on one
the creativity of famous barmen.
of the loveliest terraces in Florence or
Sky lounge - Continentale (4): the terrace
with a glass of champagne along the Arno
over looking the Ponte Vecchio, ideal for a
river, in perfect Bateau Mouche-style?
romantic toast. Sala Bianca - Continentale:
You have only half an hour for a special
Sushi Bar with a view over Florence’s
and sophisticated shopping experience?
the luxur y hotels, bar s, restaurants and
design stores of the lungarno collection
Lungar no Details Store (3): the pleasure of
group, like a mini-resor t within an area
purchasing an object in perfect lungarno
of 500 square meter s extending between
collection style at the Group’s official
the Ponte Vecchio and the uffizi Galler y,
store .
allow you to change and choose the kind
of atmosphere and ser vice you prefer. And
The White Iris Beauty Spa by Daniela Steiner
you can have it all charged to your room.
- Continentale Hotel (4): is a tribute to the
Here are the options:
purity of nature and provides exclusive
Dining around
beauty treatments based on gold dust and
Fusion Restaurant - Galler y Hotel Art (2):
pear ls, as well as soothing massages to
sophisticated Asian and Mediterranean
eliminate stress and restore energy.
cuisine . Borgo San Jacopo - Hotel Lungar no:
Yatch collection.
a multi-awarded italian restaurant.
Swan and lungarno collection: the
Bar experiences
cr uise-racer fleet is getting bigger, with
Picteau Lounge - Hotel Lungar no (1):
the addition of 5 yachts for unforgettable
chocolate and champagne bar, tearoom,
sailing cr uises in the Mediterranean and
Farmacia Santa Maria novella herbal teas.
collection The Lungarno Collection Magazine
FLoRenCe expeRienCe friends Romina Mondello Sir James Galway Fernando Botero Alessandro Gassmann Giovanni Soldini
n.2 f all - w inter 2012 / 2013
itineraries Florence by Linda Loppa A line of collectors Rome through the eyes of the director interviews Rezia Corsini Zubin Mehta Terry Garcia James Bradburne style Meeting Wanda Ferragamo Shoes, a Star’s obsession city tips