Italian experience n1

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italian 体 验 意 大 利 experience

安德烈·波伽利 | 斯蒂芬努·阿科西 | 意大利最美丽的博物馆 必须拥有的时尚品 | 真正意大利制造 | 购物街 | 排名前十位葡萄酒



N. 1 | 2016 概述 contents

50 interview 36 Andrea Bocelli 一位非凡的艺术家 An extra-ordinary artist 44 Stefano Accorsi 我行我素


In my own way art & culture 50


国王的宫廷 The Court of Kings 60 Musei d’italia 保藏在博物馆内的美丽 Beauty housed in a museum must see 28 从古代到现代: 意大利的伟大艺术 From ancient to modern – great art in Italy 32 意大利歌剧季节各大剧院 将上演的节目 The works that will open the opera seasons of Italy’s greatest theatres


N. 1 | 2016 概述 contents

138 objects of desire 21 红色的热情 Red Passion 23 高雅哲学 High Philosophy 25 热爱街头风 In love with StreetStyle


27 最新消息 The Latest News Fashion experience 92 来点温暖 Something warm 100 冬季手袋 A bag à porter winter 108 时尚时间 Time for style 128 时尚之路 Shopping for fashion craft experience 116 “我们伟大的技能” Our great savoir-faire wine experience 138 排名前十位葡萄酒 The Top 10 Italian Wines


优秀的意大利生活方式 the excellence of italian lifestyle



主编 editor in chief

Matteo Parigi Bini

时尚指导 fashion director

Marta Innocenti Ciulli

编辑管理 managing editors

Teresa Favi, Francesca Lombardi

编辑 editors

Sabrina Bozzoni, Matteo Grazzini, Virginia Mammoli, Mila Montagni

摄影 photographers

Lorenzo Cotrozzi, Dario Garofalo, Massimo Listri (cover), Luca Moggi, Marco Mori, New Press Photo,

艺术编辑 art editors

Martina Alessi, Chiara Bini

翻译 translations

Centroservizi Traduzioni, Tessa Conticelli, NTL Traduzioni, Costanza Nutini

广告和宣传指导 advertising and marketing director

Alex Vittorio Lana

广告 advertising

Gianni Consorti, Alessandra Nardelli, Monica Offidani, Daniela Zazzeri

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via Piero della Francesca, 2 - 59100 Prato - Italy ph +39.0574.730203 fax +39.0574.730204 -

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Gruppo Editoriale

Alex Vittorio Lana & Matteo Parigi Bini via Piero della Francesca, 2 - 59100 Prato - Italy ph +39.0574.730203 - fax +39.0574.730204 Gruppo Editoriale

出版社 press

Baroni & Gori - Prato Paper: Symbol Freelife Questo periodico è associato alla Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana

copyright © Gruppo Editoriale srl


穿越意大利 A Journey to Italy

Gucci’s Florence factory - ph. Dario Garofalo

意大利不仅有许多优秀的博物馆,有成千上万的艺术珍品等待着 被发现、再发现。意大利拥有无数令人敬佩的人才。此外还有时 尚产品和设计产品,高雅的细 节和难以抗拒的美食... ... 经历 意大利是一种完美的经验。她 胜于一座美丽的露天博物馆, 旅居着数百年的文化:意大利 是用生动的人民和关照叫做 艺术的手工者建成的,她拥有 丰富的发明思维和革新精神, 她知晓如何把握欧洲的优点和 美好的一面,把它们变成一种 财富,在每一刻与大众共同分 享。我们的旅途将这样开始, 参观最吸引人的博物馆,认识 不同方面的卓越,参观创造出 这些不朽的作品,永恒的风格 的地方。 It’s true, there are museums with a wealth of masterpieces to discover and rediscover, but also individuals whose talent amazes and captivates, fashion and design, the elegance of small things and unerring good taste. Italy is an all-round experience. Much more than an incredible open-air museum and a place where culture has flourished for centuries, Italy is made up of living people and ingenious, innovative artisans whose work is an art, and who are able to capture everything good and fine Europe has to offer and turn it into a shared heritage of beauty for every one of life’s moments. Our journey with you begins by touring the most fascinating museums, getting to know the many facets of excellence and visiting the places where timeless style is created.


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objects of desire


2. 7.






红色的热情 Red Passion 1. Miu Miu - 2. Céline - 3. Dolce & Gabbana - 4. Prada - 5. Gucci - 6. Valentino - 7. Stella McCartney - 8. Marni - 21


Via dei Calzaiuoli 122/r 124/r


Ph. +39 055.287862

objects of desire









高雅哲学 High Philosophy 1. Givenchy - 2. Salvatore Ferragamo - 3. Valentino - 4. Jil Sander - 5. Gucci - 6. Stella McCartney - 7. Emilio Pucci - 8. Prada - 23

objects of desire









热爱街头风 In love with StreetStyle 1. Adidas Y-3 - 2. Gucci - 3. Dolce & Gabbana - 4. Common Projects - 5. New Balance - 6. Vans - 7. Nike - 8. Valentino - 25

FULL SKY 能令独一无二的Zannetti 腕表退居第二位的永远是另一枚Zannetti时计 这个时代真正的设计师、艺术家和制表大师Riccardo Zannetti已决定通过自己的艺术对时间测量进行多角度的探 索。他是一位要求极其严格的匠人,仅构思和设计足以传承 顶级制表传统的独家机械装置。每一枚时计都延续了欧洲光 辉而悠久的传统,堪称独一无二,因此每一件作品均带有编 号,经正式鉴定。 与同类时计不同的是,Riccardo Zannetti的每件作品的独 有个性不仅仅局限于外观美,也就是说这种美不仅仅体现在 表壳、表盘、指针或机械装置和机芯。Riccardo Zannetti 着眼于时计的整体,这样创作出的时计不但外观的精美无可 置疑,同时也展现出完美的技术性。要制作这样一款独特的 时计,就意味着必须使其真正“独一无二” — 既能在未来 增值,又在现下完全合时宜

ZANNETTI REGENT Full Sky Mk.II Steel case, engraved bezel. Full Sky has been reproduced on the watch dial, first by hand-engraving it on a base of Corozo and then hand-painting it with the miniature technique. Automatic Swiss movement. Limited edition Ref. R3FSII.A1S.A


ROMA ZANNETTI FlAGShIp SToRE Via di Monte D’oro 23/A - Tel. +39 06.68192566


FIRENZE MARRETTI & FIGlIo Via Calzaiuoli, 86 R - Tel. +39 055 215603

SCAZAN Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 时璨贸易(上海)有限公司 - Tel. +86 21 63128296 DaGu Rd. 344 Shanghai CHINA 大沽路。344 上海

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VENEZIA BolDRIN GIoIEllI piazza San Marco 64 - Tel. +39 041 5200572


objects of desire




1. 7.




最新消息 The Latest News 1. Giorgio Armani - 2. Prada - 3. Valentino - 4. Faliero Sarti - 5. Dolce & Gabbana - 6. Stefano Ricci - 7. Gucci - 8. Ermenegildo Zegna - 27

must-haves | art exhibitions

从古代到现代: 意大利的伟大艺术 From ancient to modern – great art in Italy

米兰 文化博物馆– Jean-Michel Basquiat 艺 术展。 从10月份到明年2月28日,将举办纪 念英年早逝的伟大艺术家的展览,展示近 百幅个人收藏品。 直到1月中旬在王宫将举 办Maurits Cornelis Escher 艺术展: 展出作 品约200幅,参观的路线将使参观者经历艺 术家创作的过程,从他的文化中的自由根 源开始。 威尼斯 在佩萨罗宫将举办第七届Chanel 文 化展,主要讲述Gabrielle Chanel和Chanel公 司的每个细节故事。

实际上从2007年举办的第一届展览开 始,Chanel文化展就决定将是一系列的展 览: 本届展览主要展示Gabrielle Chanel 女士的创意世界和她与书和阅读的不解之 缘,她的藏书从希腊的古典作品到现代诗 歌。 佛罗伦萨 从2016年9月23日到2017年1月22 日,佛罗伦萨的斯特罗齐宫将举办在意大 利最大型的主题为艾未未-自由的展览。展 览内容包括他80年代和90年代居住在纽约时 的作品,他在2000年代初期创作的重要作

MILAN Jean-Michel Basquiat at MUDEC – Museum of Cultures: from 28 October to 26 February 2017, an exhibition of almost one hundred works from private collections by the neo-expressionist artist who died at the age of just 27. Until mid-January 2017, Maurits Cornelis Escher at Palazzo Reale: with over 200 works, the exhibition will be a journey through the artist’s creative development, starting from the Art Nouveau roots of his figurative culture. VENICE The Ca’ Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art

will hold “The Woman Who Reads” exhibition, part of the Culture Chanel series of shows based on the life of Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel and the house she created. The cycle began in Moscow in 2007 and this, the seventh, will focus on the designer’s relationships with books and reading, from Greek classics to modern poetry. FLORENCE Starting 23 September and running till 22 January 2017, Palazzo Strozzi in Florence will present Libero, Italy’s first retrospective dedicated to Ai Weiwei. The works in the exhibition range from his years living in New York between the 1980s and ‘90s to the large iconic 28

On the previous page, from left Jean-Michel Basquiat at MUDEC, Milano; Ai Weiwei, Firenze. In this page, Palazzo Strozzi

In this page, the extraordinary setting of Mitoraj’s works at Pompeii’s Ancient Site. On the next page, from left Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma; Culture Chanel at Ca’ Pesaro, Venezia

must-haves | art exhibitions

品,以及他在最近时期创作的有关政治和 有争议的作品。 斯特罗齐宫的正面将安装 一件艺术家的原作。 罗马 今年秋天罗马四年展将在展览大厦举 办。 八年后,在2008年举办最后的一届罗 马四年展后,第16届四年艺术展将划分成十 个部分,委托十名不同的策展人操办,他 们是经过项目调用方式筛选出的。 在布拉曼特回廊举办前卫派展览“LOVE- 现代艺术和爱情的碰撞”,展览于2016年9月 29日开始,2017年2月19日结束。

庞贝 在庞贝的考古遗址举办波兰籍艺术 家Igor Mitoraj的晚期展览。Mitoraj 的古 典主义和现代主义艺术将面向庞贝古城 遗留下来的废墟。在孔蒂尼艺术画廊的 Stefano 和Riccarda Contini的合作下, 在Mitoraj工作室的Luca Pizzi的艺术指 导下,三十多尊青铜雕塑分别安装在考 古遗迹内重要的位置:从维纳斯神庙到 广场, 从阿波坦查大道到斯塔比亚内浴 场,到四方形剧场都可以看到这些纪念 意义的雕像。

assemblages from the early 2000s and his recent controversial and politically engaged works. An original installation will also be attached to the building’s façade. ROME The Rome Quadrennial will be back at Palazzo delle Esposizioni next autumn. Following an eight year hiatus after the last show in 2008, the 16th Art Quadrennial will feature ten sections developed by ten different curators selected on the basis of a call for projects. The Chiostro del Bramante will be hosting “LOVE. Contemporary art meets amour” from 29 September 2016 to 19 February 2017.

POMPEI Large-scale sculptures by the late Polish artist Igor Mitoraj are on display in the archaeological site of Pompei. Classicism and Mitoraj’s modern art face off among the ruins. Coordinated by Stefano and Riccarda Contini of the Contini Art gallery, and under the artistic direction of Luca Pizza from the Atelier Mitoraj, 30 bronze sculptures have been placed in key locations of the archaeological site – from the Temple of Venus to the Forum, the Via dell’Abbondanza, the Stabian Baths and the Quadriporticus of the Theatres. 31

In this page above Roma Opera, below La Fenice,Venice On the next page:Riccardo Chailly at La Scala, Milano 32

must-haves | theatre

意大利歌剧季节各大剧院 将上演的节目 The works that will open the opera seasons of Italy’s greatest theatres 米兰 2016-2017意大利歌剧季节最重要的剧院-斯 卡拉大剧院于12月7日星期天将上演贾科莫·普契尼 (Giacomo Puccini)的两幕长剧原作《蝴蝶夫人》, 该剧目曾在1904年首次在斯卡拉大剧院上演,当时 并没有受到观众的赞赏。 本剧由斯卡拉大剧院首 席指挥里卡多·夏伊(Riccardo Chailly)执导,阿 尔瓦斯·荷马尼斯(Alvis Hermanis)出演。 上演时 间2016年12月10日至2017年1月8日。 威尼斯 11月4日凤凰剧院将以《大水》 (Aquagranda)拉开新季节的帷幕,该歌剧是菲 力普·佩若克(Filippo Perocco)应凤凰剧院的要求,

为纪念威尼斯遭受洪水灾害五十周年而首次在全 球推出。为纪念克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第(Claudio Monteverdi)诞生450周年,歌剧季节还包括一项 特别的活动,将上演三部不朽的剧作:6月16日 《奥菲欧》,6月17日至20日《尤利斯归来》,6月 18日至21日《波佩亚的加冕》。 佛罗伦萨 佛罗伦萨歌剧院将于9月24日开始五 月音乐节,上演罗西尼的《塞米拉米德》,由布 鲁诺·坎帕内拉(Bruno Campanella)指挥,世 界最著名的英澳籍女高音杰西卡·普拉特(Jessica Pratt)担任主角(直到10月4日)。11月4日和5

MILAN. The 2016-2017 season of Italy’s leading opera theatre, La Scala, opens on Sunday, 7 December with the original version in two long acts of Giacomo Puccini’s Madam Butterfly, which had its premiere at La Scala in 1904 when it was not well received by the audience of the time. Conducted by Riccardo Chailly, principal conductor of La Scala, and staged by Alvis Hermanis. From 10 December 2016 to 8 January 2017. VENICE. La Fenice Opera House opens its season on 4 November with the world premiere of Filippo Perocco’s Aquagranda, an opera commissioned by La Fenice to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the

1966 flood. The programme also includes a special project to celebrate the 450th anniversary of Claudio Monteverdi’s birth with three monumental productions: Orfeo on 16 June, Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in patria (The Return of Ulysses) from 17 to 20 June, and L’Incoronazione di Poppea (The Coronation of Poppea) from 18 to 21 June. FLORENCE. The Maggio Musicale Fiorentino opera season at the Florence Opera House opens on 24 September with Rossini’s Semiramide, conducted by Bruno Campanella and one of the world’s most in demand sopranos, Anglo-Australian Jessica Pratt in the lead role. 33

must-haves | theatre

日在纳尔逊·曼德拉论坛,将举办一场结合交响乐 和电影的大型活动-《魔戒》三部曲中的《魔戒首 部曲:魔戒現身》,由佛罗伦萨五月音乐节管弦 乐团和合唱团在现场将演奏霍华德·肖(Howard Shore)的电影配乐。将上影彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)的英文片子,意大利字幕。 罗马 指挥家丹尼尔·加蒂于11月24日在罗马康斯 坦齐剧院以瓦格纳的《王者之心》开始罗马歌剧 节(直到12月11日),从12月18日在明星埃利诺 拉•艾巴格纳托(Eleonora Abbagnato)的指导下 用前所未有的记录开始芭蕾舞季节:首先是朱利

亚诺•佩帕日尼(Giuliano Peparini)编导的《胡 桃夹子》。十二月将以独特的芭蕾编导罗兰•配蒂 (Roland Petit)的《蝙蝠》(1979)结束,一部 真好可以用香槟庆祝新年的剧目。 表演在1月8日 结束。 那不勒斯 圣卡罗大剧院将于11月30日星期三开始 它的歌剧季节,首演由加布里埃莱•费罗(Gabriele Ferro)指挥,阿莫斯·吉泰(Amos Gitai)编导的罗 西尼的《奥赛罗》(直到12月6日)。 圣诞芭蕾舞 会为《胡桃夹子》,将在12月29日至1月4日上演, 那不勒斯歌剧院将用该剧作欢送2016年。

(Until 4 October). On 4 and 4 November at the Nelson Mandela Forum, an event that combines symphonic music and great cinema - The Fellowship of the Ring, from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, with Howard Shore’s live soundtrack performed by the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra and Chorus. Peter Jackson’s film will be shown in English with Italian subtitles. ROME. Conductor Daniele Gatti opens the Rome Opera’s new season at the Costanzi Theatre on 24 November with Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde (on until 11 December). On 18 December the ballet season under the direction of étoile Eleonora Abbagnato opens

with Giuliano Peparini’s adaptation of The Nutcracker. December ends with the The Bat, (1979), peerless choreographer Roaland Petit’s ballet with its effervescent overture bubbling like fine champagne, a perfect toast to the new year. Performances until 8 January. NAPLES. The Teatro San Carlo opens its new opera season on Wednesday 30 November with Rossini’s Othello, conducted by Gabriele Ferro and directed by Amos Gitai (on until 6 December). The Christmas ballet is The Nutcracker from 29 December to 4 January, and is the work with which the Naples theatre will celebrate the end of 2016. 34

music experience


music experience

一位非凡的 艺术家 An extra-ordinary artist

安德烈·波伽利(Andrea Bocelli)谈他的新碟片和他伟大的慈善计划 Andrea Bocelli talks about himself, his latest album and his great charity project text

Teresa Favi


music experience

毫无疑问安德烈·波伽利拥有是世界上最受欢迎的歌喉,他诞生在 托斯卡纳的拉亚蒂科,一个美丽如画的比萨地区小山坡,现在他和 妻子维罗尼卡以及三个儿子居住在韦西里亚。土地是他的根,他与 土地有不可分离的关系,他选择了大自然作为他的邻居,他热爱马 匹, 热爱他的家庭那俯视托斯卡纳海岸的小山丘上的种植地。他是 国际音乐界的超级明星,是他同名慈善基金会的牵头人,在他的新 双碟CD出版之际我们访问了他, 他用他的歌喉演绎了朱塞佩·威尔 第的歌剧《阿依达》,与印度籍著名指挥家祖宾·梅塔指挥的佛罗伦 萨五月音乐节管铉乐团共同表演。专辑于7月22日在全球推出,战将 拉达梅斯由托斯卡纳男高音扮演, 阿依达公主由女高音克里斯汀·露 薏丝扮演。同时安德烈和他的慈善基金会将于9月7日至13日在佛罗 伦萨,并首次在威尼斯主办第三届名人之夜(Celebrity Fight Night) 义演活动,届时将汇聚国际名人和无数来自电影界和音乐界世界级 明星,包括索菲亚·罗兰、乔治·克鲁尼、莎朗·斯通和莱昂内尔·里奇 等全球闻名的巨星。 艺术的成功与相互的支持是分不开的,您能否和我 们谈一谈您的基金会? 安德烈•波伽利基金会是一个栩栩如生的实验室, 它生动地证明这个世界属于那些行动了, 那些热 爱生活,那些选择站在好的一边,毫无畏惧地把自 己投入这个世界的人。为此我认为乐观是一种道德 国际音乐界超级明星和 安德烈·波伽利慈善基 金会的灵魂

Without doubt, one of the best loved voices in the world. Andrea Bocelli, born in Lajatico in Tuscany, among the picturesque hills of the Pisa countryside, lives in Versilia with his wife Veronica and three children. His roots are firmly planted in the land; he has chosen to live surrounded by nature, loves horses and the family farm set among the hills overlooking the Tuscan coast. We meet the international music superstar and spirit behind the Andrea Bocelli Foundation charity on the occasion of the release of his new double CD, his interpretation of Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida, with the orchestra and chorus of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino under the baton of great Indian conductor Zubin Mehta. On the album, released worldwide on 22 July, the Tuscan tenor sings the part of Capitan Radames, with soprano Kristin Lewis in the role of princess Aida. Meanwhile, between 7 and 13 September, Andrea Bocelli and his charity foundation will be taking the third annual Celebrity Fight Night to Florence and, for the first time, Venice, bringing together the cream of the international jet set and numerous international film and music stars such as Sophia Loren, George Clooney, Sharon Stone, Lionel Richie and many others. Your artistic success grew together with the charity – can you tell us about your Foundation? The Andrea Bocelli Foundation is the living, concrete proof that the world belongs to those who do things, who are passionate about life and choose to 38

music experience

Andrea Bocelli with conductor Zubin Mehta during Celebrity Fight Night 2016 39

music experience

Veronica and Andrea Bocelli giving the award to Sophia Loren below, Celebrity Fight Night 2016: Lionel Richie and David Foster 40

music experience

责任也是一种药物。 什么时候开始诞生名人之夜项目的? 有几年我有幸参与了名人之夜的活动,这项美国历史悠久的公益慈 善活动是为了支持穆罕默德·阿里对帕金森疾病的研究和抗争,二十 多年来这项活动已经联合了众多的名人和伟大的艺术家,以相互支 持为宗旨。 把这项活动移师到意大利的想法是怎么来的? 是我的妻子维罗尼卡的主意, 她是基金会的副主席。 由于我们对名 人之夜的创始人吉米·沃克的尊敬和我们的友谊,以及我们对阿里的 衷心祝愿,这项活动被引入了我们的国家。 活动获得非常显著的成功,是吗? 这是一种难以忘怀的经验,它获得了国际媒体的极大关注,也为意 大利引入了一种全新的慈善活动经验。 许多朋友对我们作出了支 持,乔治·克鲁尼、索菲亚·罗兰、祖宾·梅塔大师、莱昂内尔·里奇、 大卫·福斯特和莎朗·斯通等。 您对穆罕默德•阿里的印象如何? 阿里是勇敢的象征,为社会付出的代表,他是一位知道如何用自己 的力量对抗战争和强暴的人。 您强力推荐佛罗伦萨作为这项活动的基地,您有什么特别的目的 吗? 佛罗伦萨在几百年来一直是艺术和歌剧的摇篮,是意大利语的母 be on the side of goodness, without hesitating to put themselves on the line. This is why I believe being optimistic is a moral duty, as well as a medicine. When did the Celebrity Fight Night project begin? For several years it was my pleasure to take part in Celebrity Fight Nights, events organized by the American charity foundation that in its twentyyear history has raised millions of dollars for the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Centre with star-studded events. Where did the idea of bringing this event to Italy come from? My wife Veronica, Vice President of the Foundation, had the idea. In the name of the regard and friendship that ties us to Jimmy Walker, CFN’s visionary founder, and with Muhammad Ali’s blessing, the event was brought to Italy. And with notable results, wasn’t it? It was an incredible experience that captured the attention of the international media with a kind of fund-raising event never before seen in Italy. Many friends lent their support, from George Clooney to Sophia Loren, Zubin Mehta, Lionel Richie, John Legend, David Foster and Sharon Stone. What is your memory of Muhammad Alì? He was a universal icon of courage and civic engagement, a man who forcefully made his opposition to war and violence known. Is there any particular reason you chose Florence as the base for this event? Cradle of art and opera, mother of the Italian language, for many centuries Florence has been educating us about beauty and harmony. I believe that 41

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亲,她教育我们认识美好,懂得和谐,我相信每位参与者当他在“文 艺复兴的中心”时会感受到这种伟大的和谐,以便可以达到一个新的 目标,即名人之夜所推动“再奉献出你的心”。 意大利在那些方面可以吸引外来宾客? 可以用“美丽的文明”来解释:美丽的风景、艺术、发明、食品和感 觉。 我们拥有非凡的历史,在每一个领域都非常的优秀, 以及非常 重要的人文财富。我们的国家的创造力量,是如此的优先,如此的 辉煌,是全世界的梦想。 您所演出的朱塞佩•威尔第的歌剧《阿依达》刚刚出版。您对这次发 行感到满意吗? 虽然只有公众的评价才是真正的评判,但是我要承认我非常满意项 目的质量,特别是所使用的巨大舞台,以及参与表演的非常出色的 同事。 接着您将在哪里进行您的艺术活动? 我将像以往一样继续在全世界巡回演唱:在年底前,我将在巴西进 行巡回演出,接着在美国,此外还有很多的音乐 会,如在英国、爱尔兰、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、 匈牙利等,总之,我的行李箱一直不断的打包、解 包,我总是非常高兴,非常开心地为那些要我唱歌 的人演唱。

我们的国家的创造力 量,是如此的优秀,如 此的辉惶,是全世界的 梦想

the participants felt this great harmony in being in the “heart of the Renaissance” as adding a new detail to the “rebirth of the heart” that Celebrity Fight Night promotes and supports. What are Italy’s values that fascinate those who come here from abroad? I would define them as “cults of beauty” – of the landscape, art, inventiveness, food, sentiments. We have an extraordinary history, excellence in every field and a dazzling number of treasures to value. When it is positive and sunny, our country’s creative power can make the world dream. Your eagerly-awaited recording of Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida has just been released. Are you satisfied with this work? Even if it’s the public who will have the last word, I have to say I am happy with the quality of the project, especially because of the great conductor involved and the extraordinary colleagues who took part. Where will your next performances take you? As usual, I will carry on singing around the world. This year I have a tour in Brazil lined up, and more than one in the United States, as well an many concerts in England, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia, Hungary.... In other words, continually packing and unpacking, always happy and ready to sing as long as someone asks me to. 42

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The Celebrity Fight Night 2016 concert and charity gala in the Salone del Cinquecento, Florence 43

Movie experience

我行我素 In my own way 穿梭在剧院、电影院和电视中的斯蒂芬努·阿科西 (Stefano Accorsi)-意大利 演艺界英俊、才华横溢的艺员 Stefano Accorsi, shining star of the Italian theatre, cinema and television scene text

Teresa Favi photo



Movie experience

Stefano Accorsi (March 2, 1971, Bologna), one of Italian cinema’s most famous faces 45

Movie experience

被称誉为电影界贵族演员的斯蒂芬努•阿科西最近几年交替在意大利和 法国的电影界、戏剧界出现,他曾在描述1992年发生的贿赂之城系列 剧中担任主角,他在片中既是编辑也是演员。 斯蒂芬努1971年出生于 博洛尼亚,经过一段时间所付出的巨大努力、研究、学习和扩大新的 视野,今年他因为在马特奥•罗维尔(Matteo Rovere )执导的电影《快 如风》(在国际市场上又名《意大利比赛》)中所扮演的角色而荣获“ 吉昂·马利亚·沃隆特奖”和“银缎带奖”最佳演员奖,这一切都证明了他 是当今最优秀的演员。 他分别与著名制片人马里奥·莫尼切利(Mario Monicelli)、弗森·殴 兹派特(Ferzan Ozpetek)、加布里尔·穆奇诺(Gabriele Muccino)、 南尼·莫莱蒂(Nanni Moretti)、丹尼尔·科恩(Daniel Cohen)和菲 利浦·克洛代尔(Philippe Claudel)一起合作,如今这位意大利演员的 大部分时间在意大利和法国渡过,在法国他成立了制片公司Stephen Greep,前几年他曾被授予法国国家艺术与文学骑士勋章。 你是什么时候开始爱上电影这一行业的? 从七岁开始我疯狂迷惑电影。我对电影、电视和 录像的贪婪没有止境。我经常去看塞吉瓯·李昂尼 (Sergio Leone)的电影, 当我第一次观看贝托鲁奇 (Bertolucci)的《一九零零》,我受到了极大的震 撼! 你是在什么情况下开始你的事业的? 在一段时间的努力、研 究和学习,他终于获得 今年“银缎带奖”

The face of many art house films, over the past ten years Stefano Accorsi has divided his time between Italian and French films, the cinema and the stage. Then there was also “1992”, a television series about Tangentopoli (Italy’s struggle against political corruption) based on an idea by Accorsi, who also played a leading role. A period of hard work, research, study and broadened horizons that culminated this year with his winning the “Premio Gian Maria Volonté” and the Nastro d’Argento” for best actor for his performance in Matteo Rovere’s film Veloce come il vento (Italian Race for the international market), a tour de force by the actor who was born in Bologna in 1971. The actor, who has been directed by the likes of Mario Monicelli, Ferzan Ozpetek, Gabriele Muccino, Nanni Moretti, Daniel Cohen and Philippe Claudel, presently divides his time between Italy and France, where he set up a production company, “Stephen Greep”, and where he was recently made a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. When did your passion for the cinema blossom? By the time I was seven I was already crazy about movies. I couldn’t get enough of them, and watched them at the cinema, on television and on video cassettes. I adored Sergio Leone’s films, and when I saw Bertolucci’s Novecento for the first time it was a love at first sight!” How did your career get started? I had just finished high school when Pupi Avati chose me for a supporting role in his 46

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我刚刚完成高中时,导演普皮·阿瓦蒂(Pupi Avati)选中了我, 让我 担任电影《荒海屠杀》的配角。电影完成后,我进入了博洛尼亚的戏 剧学校并于1993年完成了学业。之后我首先在艾蕾娜太阳剧院从事戏 剧表演,我曾经在皮兰德娄(Pirandello)和高德尼(Goldoni)的传统 剧目中表演过。 你一直在追寻新的语言,新的创作空间,就像你处理你的最后一部电 影,在电影中你被转化并丑化(虽然很难想像!),你是在对演员艺 术做出新的尝试吗? 电影《快如风》说的是一名前赛车手,成了瘾君子,并被自身所囚 禁,一时消瘦了十公斤,除了为了表演,我的身体也作了减重。 这部电影是在艾米利亚-罗马涅拍摄的,那里是你的家乡,这次回家你 有什么感受? 我们越是接近自己的根源就越可以证明自己,表现自己。 在准备Loris 这一角色时,我突然感到我要回到我的家乡拍摄一部电影,比任何时 候更有这种想法。而且这里摩托车是所有人的基因的一部分,也是我 的背景之一。 把这些方面结合在一起,对我来说这次回来是非常的深 刻的。 最近几年你是如何进行研究和完善的? 这些年对我来说是非常的重要的,从某种角度来说,是一种解放,我 可以更好地享受我做演员的工作,同时我也可以在其他方面发展。 在这些项目中肯定包括戏剧,这是一种锻炼或者是其他更重要的? film Brothers and Sisters. After the film, I went to Bologna’s Theatrical School, where I graduated in 1993, and then for some years I acted in classical plays, from Pirandello to Goldoni, with the Arena del Sole Theatre Company. As someone always looking for new creative challenges, how did you tackle your latest film, in which you appear quite unrecognizably ugly (as hard to imagine as that is!), and gave a masterly demonstration of the actor’s art? I lost ten kilos for Veloce come il vento, which is the story of a destitute former rally racing driver, a drug addict fallen into disgrace, which I found physically trying, aside from the performance The film is set entirely in Emilia Romagna, where you are from. What was it like going back to your origins? The closer you get to your roots, the more something authentic and immediate emerges. In preparing to play the role of Loris, I realised that I wanted to make a film in my home area much more than I thought I did. Plus it’s an area where engines are in everyone’s blood, and they’re part of my background too. The combination of these aspects was a true going home for me. How have these recent years of research and branching into other areas been? These past few years have been very important, and in a certain way, liberating for me. I’m able to enjoy my work as an actor more if I also have other projects on the go at the same time. One of these without doubt being the theatre. Is it a training ground or something more? There’s something almost sacral about the theatre that neither the cinema nor televi47

Movie experience

在戏剧中有种神圣是电影或电视可以赋予的。 现在戏剧已经固定在我 的生活中了,已经成为我的事业重要的一部分了。 是什么启发了你,在多年的电影生涯后把你再带回戏剧表演呢? 几年前在卢浮宫读到《疯狂的奥兰多》的几个片段时,我有强烈的欲 望要把他们重新搬到戏剧舞台上。 后来我遇上了曾经是我的制片人的 马可•巴沙莫(Marco Balsamo),现在巴沙莫仍然是我的制片人, 随 后马可•贝里亚尼(Marco Baliani)加入了,他接受了我们的看法并引 导了我们。 我们相处得非常的好,于是我们决定建立“伟大的意大利” 项目, 专注于阿里奥斯托、薄伽丘和马基雅维利三位先人的作品。 在《疯狂的奥兰多》、《十日谈恶习,美德和激情》获得巨大的成 功, 门票在各大意大利戏院完全售罄之后,你认为《马基雅维利》会 获得什么效果呢? 我们已经开始考虑这部即将推出的剧目了。 剧情会集中在《君主论》 的几个片断以及尼科洛·马基雅弗利的其他文章,谈论人类过去和现在 与政治和政权的关系,虽然今天这种关系没有多大的变化。 除了表演, 你还有什么爱好呢? 我喜欢阅读,跑步,作为一个真正的艾米利亚人, 我崇拜摩托车。 你有什么处方可以保持才华横溢、出名和英俊,而 无须得罪公众、评论家和同事呢? 热爱你所做的事,尊敬别人。 “我喜欢阅读、跑步, 作为一个真正的艾米利 亚人, 我崇拜摩托车”

sion can give you. It is part of my life and now it is an essential aspect of my career. What was the spark that brought you back to the theatre after so much cinema? Some years ago I did a reading from Orlando Furioso at the Louvre, and from there I knew I wanted to bring it to the theatre. Then there was the meeting with Marco Balsamo who was, and continues to be my producer, and the involvement of Marco Baliani who adapted and directed it. We got on so well together, united by the pleasure of bringing our country’s literary treasures to theatre audiences, that we came up with the idea for the Great Italians Project, a trilogy dedicated to Ariosto, Boccaccio and Machiavelli. After Furioso Orlando and Decamerone vizi, virtù e passioni, which have been sell-outs in Italian theatres, when can we expect to see Machiavelli? We have already started thinking about this next show. The main focus will be on passages from the Principe, but will also include other works by Niccolò Machiavelli, to talk about men of today and the past and their relationship with politics and power, which probably has not changed much. Apart from performing, what are your interests? I love reading, I like running, and as a good native of Emilia-Romagna, I also love motorbikes. What is the secret to being talented, famous and good-looking without audiences, critics and colleagues finding you unbearable? Loving what you do and respecting others. 48

Movie experience


Architecture experience

国王的宫廷 The Court of Kings Listri 描述奎里纳勒宫的照片 Listri’s photographs tell the story of the Quirinale


Francesca Lombardi photo

Massimo Listri


Architecture experience

Courtyard of Honour Portico, Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome 51

Architecture experience

The Hall of Mirrors, Palazzo del Quirinale 52

Architecture experience


Architecture experience

The Yellow Room, Palazzo del Quirinale 54

Architecture experience


Architecture experience

一座宫廷。不,是许多宫廷。在奎里纳勒宫内的沙龙、公 寓、档案室、图书馆、马厩、仓库、厨房和修复世界上最大 建筑的实验室内遍布了世纪以来显赫的故事。 在本页将通 过Massimo Listri精美的图片来叙述这段故事,Listri的图片 是奎里纳勒宫画册的一部分,该画册由意大利百科全书学 会出版,Renata Cristina Mazzantini编辑。 马塔雷拉总统 在奎里纳勒宫决定扩大对公众开放区域之际出席了庆祝仪 式。正是这个项目决定举办摄影展览。为世界上最美丽的总 统府摄制照片并不是很容易的:这项任务交付给了Massimo Listri,他是国际上最优秀的室内摄影师之一。他所拍摄的 一系列照片都是典型的Listri的风格。 他的照片仅在自然光 线下拍摄的,从拍摄对象的固定性中揭示了一座建立在平 衡、对称元素上的建筑的宏观。 平衡、对称的价值观一直是伟大的建筑师的设计灵感的中 心,在五个世纪以来他们为建设这个非凡 的建筑物做出了贡献,这里仅举例几位建 筑师Fontana、Bernini、Fuga、Stern、 Lanfranco、Pietro da Cortona、Guido Reni 在这里我们用Massimo Pannini、Thorvaldsen和Cesare Maccari等。 Listri的精彩图片向你 们描述奎里纳尔宫-一 座拥有丰富历史和迷人 的宫殿

A court, or rather, many courts. Centuries of wonders, scattered throughout the salons and apartments, archives and libraries, stables, storerooms, kitchens and restoration workshops of the Quirinale, one of the world’s biggest buildings. A story told in these pages through Massimo Listri’s magnificent photographs, which are also included in the book Il Quirinale, edited by Renata Cristini Mazzantini and published by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia Treccani. Sergio Mattarella’s presidency started with a decision to grant the public greater access to the Quirinale palace, and from this came the idea for an ad hoc photographic campaign. Portraying perhaps the most beautiful presidential palace in the world is not a job for just anyone, and not surprisingly, it was entrusted to Massimo Listri, who is viewed as one of the world’s greatest photographers of interiors and architecture. The result is a series of images in typical Listri style, taken only in natural light and almost always from a one point perspective that reveals the seduction of a beauty built on formal values of balance, symmetry etc. – values that inspired great architects such as Fontana, Bernini, Fuga, Stern, Lanfranco, Pietro da Cortona, Guido Reni Pannini, Thorvaldsen and Cesare Maccari, to name but some, who over five hundred years contributed in various ways to this extraordinary complex. 56

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Hall of the Ambassadors, Palazzo del Quirinale 57

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The Great Hall of the Cuirassiers, Palazzo del Quirinale 58

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art experience

保藏在博物馆内的美丽 Beauty housed in a museum text

Mila Montagni 61

art experience | milan

米兰:布拉雷美术馆 布拉雷美术馆坐落在一幢古老的建筑内,在十四世纪这里原来 是乌米利亚蒂修道院,后来交给了耶稣会。1773年,奥地利女 皇Maria Teresa希望把这里转变为城市最先进的文化机构:美术学 院、Braidense国家图书馆、天文台和植物园。为了教学目的,布 拉雷美术馆成为美术学院的一部分。从1801年开始,因为拿破仑 关闭不同的教堂和修道院,美术馆收集到一些伟大的作品而使它 的藏品更加丰富。当米兰成为意大利王国(1805)的首都时,布 拉雷美术馆的藏品来源扩大到威尼托,艾米利亚-罗马涅和马尔凯 大区。在同一阶段,由于与卢浮宫博物馆的合约,美术馆增加了 鲁本斯(Rubens)、约尔当斯(Joardens)和范戴克(Van Dyck) 的五幅作品。 直到第二次世界大战,布拉雷美术馆继续接受遗 赠、采购,为此收集了柯雷乔(Correggio)、彼得罗·隆吉(Pietro Longhi)、皮亚泽塔(Piazzetta)、提埃坡罗(Tiepolo)、卡纳 尔(Canaletto)和法托里(Fattori)等的伟大作品,此外还有曼 特尼亚(Mantegna)的《死去的基督》、拉斐 尔(Raffaello)的《圣女的婚礼》、卡拉瓦乔 (Caravaggio)的《在伊默斯的晚餐》和西尔维 为教育目的而成立的布拉 斯特·里格(Silvestro Lega)的《凉棚》。 在七十 雷美术馆内收藏除了二 年代,Emilio 和Maria Jesi的赠品中包括了十九世 十世纪初的作品外,还收 纪初大部分艺术家的作品。 藏有鲁本斯(Rubens)、 提埃坡罗(Tiepolo)、 拉斐尔(Raffaello)和 卡拉瓦乔(Caravaggio) 的作品

Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera (Brera Art Gallery). The building housing the Pinacoteca stands on the site of a 14th century convent of the Order of the Humiliati, which later passed to the Jesuits. In 1773, the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria decided to use it to house some of the city’s leading cultural institutes. In addition to the Academy of Fine Arts, she also assigned the Braidense aNational Library, the Astronomical Observatory and the Botanical Gardens to her new foundation. The Pinacoteca was established as a study collection for students of the Academy. From 1801 – following the suppression of various churches and monasteries by Napoleon – the Pinacoteca collection was enhanced with a number of works of great significance. When Milan became capital of the Kingdom of Italy (1805), works from Veneto, Emilia Romagna and the Marches were brought to Brera. In the same period, five paintings by Rubens, Joardens and Van Dyck arrived at Brera in terms of an agreement with the Louvre. Donations and acquisitions continued until World War II, bringing works by Correggio, Pietro Longhi, Piazzetta, Tiepolo, Canaletto and Fattori to the Pinacoteca, as well as Mantegna’s Dead Christ, Raphael’s Marriage of the Virgin, Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus, and Silvestro Lega’s The Pergola. In the Seventies, Emilio and Maria Jesi donated a collection of works by leading early 20th century artists. 62

art experience

The internal courtyard of Palazzo Brera overlooked by the Pinacoteca and the Academy, where art has been taught and practiced for almost three centuries 63

A bronze copy of Antonio Canova’s statue of Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker

The Pinacoteca was founded by Empress Maria Theresa of Austria in 1776, and features a double serliana loggia all around the internal courtyard


art experience | venice

威尼斯:总督宫 雄伟的总督宫是历史拥有丰富的历史和故事, 它在几个 世纪一直是权利和机构的象征,它高雅的建筑和收藏的艺 术作品令它更为优秀。 总督宫在上几个世纪一直是道奇(总督)的官邸,道奇是当 年领导城市的贵族通过复杂激烈商讨而被选出的代表。这 里还收藏了艺术画家的重要作品, 如卡尔帕乔(Carpaccio)、委罗内塞(Veronese)、提香(Tiziano)、丁托 列托(Tintoretto)和提埃坡罗(Tiepolo)等等的作品, 百年来总督宫多次经历大火的破坏,这个城市中心因此遭 受了严重的损失,然而这些作品都被幸运地保留下来了, 总督宫有幸收藏了丁托列托著名的《天堂》,是世界上最 大的油画(长22米宽7米),展挂在古老的大国会厅内, 这个大厅是威尼斯共和国的政治寡头决定政治和行政司法 策略的地方。司法行政管理机构包括在总督宫内的办公 点-面向辉煌的圣马克广场,法院和监狱, 后者在十七世纪建成,同时以“叹息桥”而 出名。 总督宫内最吸引人的是艺术博物馆(Mu公爵宫展示了泻湖城市 seo dell’Opera),这里展示了总督宫的历 权威建筑的演化。在大 史进程和它难以忘怀的建筑艺术。

国会厅里收藏有世界 上最大的、由丁托列托 (Tintoretto)绘制的 油画

Venice, Doge’s Palace. The majestic Doge’s Palace is layer upon layer of History and stories, a monument to power and its institutions through the centuries, rendered even more exceptional by its architectural beauty and the works of art preserved within it. For centuries, it was the residence of the Doge, the supreme authority who, as first among equals, governed the city with an assembly of nobles, and it is here that masterpieces by artists such as Carpaccio, Veronese, Titian, Tintoretto and Tiepolo are housed. These masterpieces have survived the various fires that afflicted the Palace over the centuries, wounding the city at its heart, but at the same time allowing it to be portrayed by works of enormous impact like Tintoretto’s spectacular Paradise, the biggest canvas in the world (22 metres long by 7 metres wide), which dominates the immense and ancient Great Council Hall, where members of patrician Venetian families would gather to legislate policy and administer justice. Facing onto the luminous St Mark’s Square are the Palace of Justice and the prisons, built in the 17th century and famous for the Bridge of Sighs. Among the Palace’s most fascinating areas is the Museo dell’Opera, which recounts the evolution of the Palace and its unforgettable architecture. 68

art experience

The square overlooks the Lagoon, which flows into the Adriatic Sea, for centuries the source of the oligarchic city-state’s wealth 69

One of the majestic entrances to the Palace, surmounted by the “Lion of St. Mark�, the symbol of the Republic that was an independent city-state for centuries

The sumptuously decorated Great Council Hall, where the city’s leading citizens met. To the right, two arches of the external loggia which led to the New Prison

art experience | florence

佛罗伦萨:乌菲兹美术馆 在十六世纪在托斯卡纳中部美第奇家族与科西莫一世联合已经奠定了他们的权 利,因此需要把司法机构集中在一个地点。为此科西莫大公把这项任务委托给 乔尔乔.瓦萨里,要求他建造一座用于行政管理的建筑:这就是乌菲兹建成的 原因, 乔尔乔.瓦萨里是一位艺术家也是建筑师,他已经为韦奇奥宫完成了一 些工作。这座建筑坐落在佛罗伦萨的中心,长期收藏着世界上最重要的艺术作 品,让前来参观的游人流连忘返。在这些作品中有奇马布埃(Cimabue)、杜 乔·迪·博宁塞纳(Duccio di Buoninsegna)和乔托(Giotto)的三幅《圣母像》, 最珍贵的是皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗切斯卡(Piero della Francesca)的《乌尔比诺的 公爵和公爵夫人》的肖像画、此外还有莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci) 的金色《三博士来朝》与《受胎告知》和安德烈·德尔·委罗基奥(Andrea del Verrocchio)的《基督受洗》一起使美术馆的藏品达到顶峰;桑德罗·波提切利 (Sandro Botticelli)的《维纳斯的诞生》和《春》是大胆的美丽的代表,画中 金发女神身段窈窕,而棕发和母爱的代表是米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)奉献 给神圣家族的《圣家庭与圣约翰》。其他原作还有马萨乔(Masaccio)和马佐 里尼(Masolino)的《圣母子与圣安妮》以及尼俄伯厅内 震撼的雕像; 还有提香性感的《乌尔比诺的维纳斯》、 拉斐尔·圣齐奥(Raffaello Sanzio)为朋友绘制的《圣母与 圣子、圣约翰》,以及他的《教皇利奥十世与两位红衣主 朝着阿诺河的乌菲兹美 教》,但是最令人印象深刻的是《美杜莎》,他是在夜间 术馆感谢最后的美第奇 和自然里的怪物。 大公的遗赠而保存有 乔托(Giotto)和达• 芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的巨作

Florence, Uffizi Gallery. The 16th century saw consolidation of the Medici’s power over central Tuscany, and the need to gather all the administrative offices under one roof. As a result, Grand Duke Cosimo I commissioned artist and architect Giorgio Vasari, already involved in works for the Palazzo Vecchio, to create a building to accommodate the offices of the Florentine magistrates, hence the name uffizi, “offices. This building in the heart of Florence houses some of the art world’s major masterpieces for all who come there to enjoy. Among these are the three Majesty by Cimabue, Duccio di Buoninsegna and Giotto, and the gem that is Piero della Francesca’s Diptych of the Dukes of Urbino, as well as the gilded beauty of Leonardo da Vinci’s Adoration of the Magi and Andrea del Verrocchio’s Annunciation and Baptism of Christ. Beauty in Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Spring is represented by willowy blonde maidens, while in Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo of the Holy Family it is dark haired and maternal. Among other masterpieces are the original Sant’Anna Metterza by Masaccio and the statues in the Niobe Room, a sensual Venus by Titian, and the gentle Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John that Raphael painted for a friend. Also by Raphael is the regal Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de’ Medici and Luigi de’ Rossi. Perhaps the most disturbing work, however, is Caravaggio’s powerful Medusa, a terrifying female creature in Greek mythology. 74

art experience

An exceptional perspective of Piazza della Signoria, with Palazzo Vecchio and its ancient tower, from the courtyard of the Uffizi 75

The richness of the architecture of the Uffizi is the result of centuries of work by Florence’s rulers, who devoted particular attention to its preservation

The “Doni Tondo” and the “Sleeping Ariadne” statue”; right, the splendid statues of the Niobes and one of the museum’s majestic corridors


da farsela inviare

art experience | rome

罗马:梵蒂冈博物馆 这里是世界上最大的艺术博物馆,然而却坐落在地球上最小的 国家:梵蒂冈城国-永恒的城市。这里收藏着举世无双的作品, 是自十六世纪历代天主教教皇、国王和王子们所收集和收藏的 财产。西斯廷教堂内天才画家米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的杰 作壁画《创世纪》和《最后的审判》,以及拉斐尔画室要归功 于教皇邱利奥二世,在画室内, 画家在墙上用他们的作品述说 精彩的故事;精美的尼各老小堂在教皇尼各老五世的赞助下, 弗拉·安杰利科(Beato Angelico)和他的弟子制做出了令人惊叹 的杰出壁画。博物馆的布置试图通过人类文化来叙述人类的复 杂性,一共由11个小博物馆、5个画廊、3个小教堂和8个展览厅 组成,游客还可以参观拉奥孔(Laocoonte)的雕塑群和教皇亚 历山大六世的住所,公寓内的壁画由平图里乔(Pinturicchio) 绘制,这里还可以参观到高更(Gauguin)、夏加尔(Chagall)、 克利(Klee)和康定斯基(Kandinskij)的作品,它们是1973 年在教皇保罗六世的要求下被纳入成为现代 宗教艺术的收藏品。 绘画展览馆内收集了3 幅伟大的意大利艺术杰作:乔托·迪·邦多纳 (Giotto di Bondone)的《三连祭坛书》、卡拉 瓦乔(Caravaggio)的《基督下葬》和拉斐尔 梵蒂冈博物馆是古希腊 (Raffaello)的《高山显圣》。 和当今绘画和雕塑的宝 库,它的珍宝之一保藏 在拥有拉斐尔壁画的房 间内

Rome Vatican Museums One of the world’s richest collections of art in one of its smallest States, the Vatican City State, within the Eternal City. Peerless works are housed here, an immense collection built up over the centuries by Catholic popes, kings and princes, who in the 16th century began to gather together and organize their assets. It is thanks to Pope Julius II that masterpieces such as the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and The Last Judgement frescoes by the genius that was Michelangelo, and the so-called Raphael Rooms with their grand fresco sequences, exist, and to Pope Nicholas V for the exceptional Cappella Niccolina by Beato Angelico. The museum complex, which is organized to recount the complexity of Man through his culture, comprises 11 museums, 5 galleries, 3 chapels and 8 series of rooms. Other works to admire include the marble sculpture of Laocoon and his Sons, and the apartment of Alexander VI frescoed by Pinturicchio and which contains the Collection of Modern Religious Art inaugurated by Pope Paul VI in 1973, with works by Gauguin, Chagall, Klee and Kandinsky. The Pinacoteca houses 3 absolute masterpieces of Italian art – Giotto’s Stefaneschi Triptych, Caravaggio’s Entombment and Raphael’s Transfiguration. In the Sistine Chapel are works by Sandro Botticelli, Perugino, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Luca Signorelli… while Greece and Rome silently observe visitors with their stone eyes. 80

art experience

The great dome is one of Rome’s most symbolic landmarks, rising to a height of 130 metres, it stands white and elegant against the skyline 81

The incredible ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which Michelangelo frescoed, practically on his own, over a period of four years

Above, the Neo-classical Lacoon Group; below, the famous Staircase by painter and architect Bramante; opposite the entrance to Pius VII’s apartments


art experience | pompeii

庞贝古城 两个世纪以前,德国作家歌德(Johann Wolfgang Goethe)在他 作品的“我的意大利之旅”中描述了他参观庞贝时难以忘怀的经 历,庞贝在沉睡了几个世纪后,在最近70年正逐渐回到真实的世 界。 庞贝的恶梦发生在公元79年当威苏维火山爆发,一夜间把 整个城市覆盖了,城市一直被埋在地下直到1748年卡洛斯三世开 始进行考古挖掘,今天挖掘面积已经扩大到了阿波坦查大道, 庞贝城内大街纵横交错,街坊布局完全是古罗马帝国时期的城 市的构造。实际上,游客可以参观豪宅内的庭院, 欣赏墙上的 壁画,可以再见到经历几个世纪的沉睡依然辉煌的“红色庞贝”。 沿着大道可以眺望到市政广场(城市生活的中心)和斯塔比亚 内浴场,人们在浴场边清洗身体边交换信息,在剧场和非凡的伊 希斯神庙旁的竞技场是角斗士浴血搏斗的场所,他们在卡普阿城 市附近出名的角斗士学校接受训练。最令人惊异的是庞贝富豪 住家内的壁画、池子和廊柱,在经历这么长的时间后依然保持 原状,比如Criptoportico、Casti Amanti、Giulio Polibio、Loreius Tiburtinus、Venere in Conchiglia 的家和Giulia Felice的别墅,这些都是历史的见 证,它们代表着日常生活,代表着在火山灰中 永恒的生命,这一切都发生在不远处的美丽大 庞贝是一座真正的露天 海的眼前。 博物馆,由于公元79年 威苏维火山爆发而被埋 没在地下的一座完美的 古罗马帝国的城市

Pompeii Two centuries ago, during his famous “Italian Journey”, German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe described his exceptional visit to Pompeii, a world that had begun to emerge from a centuries-long sleep less than seventy years before. Pompeii’s awful sleep, caused by the momentous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D., lasted until 1748, when the Bourbon King Charles III began excavation of the archaeological area that today extends around Via dell’Abbondanza, a major thoroughfare running across the city and which depicts like no other how life was in an imperial Roman city. Here one can look into the courtyards of homes and admire frescoes still brightened after centuries with the famous “Pompeii red”. The Via also leads to the Forum, the focus of the city’s political, economic and religious life, and the Stabian Baths, where people went to bathe and also to meet, as well as the theatres, the exotic Temple of Isis, and the Amphitheatre, where gladiators trained in the famous School in nearby Capua would fight. The greatest surprise, however, are the impressive homes of Pompeii’s wealthy class, such as the House of the Cryptoporticus, the House of the Chaste Lovers, the House of Julius Polybius, the House of Loreius Tiburtinus, the House of Venus in the Shell and the House of Julia Felix, with frescoed walls, pools and columns that survived with seemingly impossible freshness, monuments to history and everyday life frozen in time by the lava and contrasting with the beauty of the sea in the distance. 86

art experience

One of the homes overlooking Via dell’Abbondanza, where the most elegant houses were to be found 87

The main road was preserved intact and is a demonstration of the skill of Roman engineers, whose roads connected Rome with all its colonies in Europe

Walking through the Forum, among the shops and rooms frescoed in “Pompeii red� is an emotional experience that only this city preserved in lava can give


来点温暖 Something warm 2016-17 秋冬时装表演精选的冬季抗寒大衣 A selection of coats against the winter cold from the autumn/winter 2016-17 runways shows text

Marta Innocenti Ciulli



Gucci 93


Chanel 94


Valentino 95


Salvatore Ferragamo 96


Fendi 97


Miu Miu 98


Dolce & Gabbana 99

cult bags

冬季手袋 A bag à porter winter text

Sabrina Bozzoni


cult bags

芬迪,Peekabo手袋来自罗马的公司的代表型号,今年冬季推出受到民族特色启发的新包。内衬采用印花绒布。 是必须拥有的手袋 Peekaboo, Fendi. This winter’s version of Fendi’s iconic model draws on folk inspirations. In velvet inlaid with a floral motif. A must have


cult bags

杜嘉班纳,Lucia手袋- 手袋收口令人回想起曾经的行李箱式。 亮面小牛皮,里层为对比色皮革。必备手袋。 Lucia, Dolce & Gabbana. A clasp that recalls those on old-fashioned steamer trunks. Patent leather with contrast color leather lining. Indispensible


cult bags

香乃尔, Flap Bag手袋倾城精致,风格独特。黑色和米色花呢镶嵌金色的梦想版本。适用于今冬和将来的冬 天。香乃尔是永恒的。 Flap Bag, Chanel. Sophisticated allure, inimitable style. A dreamy version in black and beige tweed with gold color inlays. For this winter and all the ones to come. A Chanel is forever


cult bags

菲拉格暮,Sara Battaglia 手袋。佩带着彩虹。多彩皮革桶包,用一条丝绸围巾做收口。 性感且摇滚 Sara Battaglia for Salvatore Ferragamo. A rainbow to carry with you. Bucket bag in multicolor leather with silk scarf drawstring. A little bit sexy, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll


cult bags

普拉达,Cahier手袋。是一件要佩带的珍宝。珍贵的手袋,笔记本外形,坚固且安全,收藏了心里的秘密和珍贵的生 活。小牛皮和十字纹皮革,包上有金属配饰。 Cahier, Prada. A treasure to wear. A precious notebook, strong and safe, where you can keep all your innermost thoughts and experiences. In calfskin and Saffiano leather with metal trims


cult bags

胡格博思,Bespoke Bag包细节充满缝制、几何图形和爱的痕迹。胡格博思的新配件表现了产品的卓越和手工制 作的特性。 Bespoke Bag, Hugo Boss. Tailor’s art, geometry and a love of details. The new line of Hugo Boss cult accessories offers excellence and craftsmanship


cult bags

古驰, Dionysus Bag手袋在布料上有GG绣花标志,手袋封口是两个老虎头,背带是银色金属链。 还需要其他的吗? Dionysus Bag, Gucci. In GG Supreme canvas with embroidered patches, double tiger head closure and silver-color chain strap. What else do you need?


cult watches

时尚时间 Time for style text

Sabrina Bozzoni


cult watches

劳力士, Oyster Perpetual Yacht Master蚝式恒动游艇名仕型腕表。 永恒玫瑰金钢,由904L钢和18 ct 永恒玫瑰金 组合。为喜爱大海和时尚的人士而设计。售价 23,250欧元 Oyster Perpetual Yacht Master, Rolex. in Everose Rolesor, a combination of 904L steel and 18 ct Everose gold. For those who love the open seas and style. Euro 23,250


cult watches

沛纳海,Radiomir 1940 3 Days Oro Rosso 3日动力储存红金腕表 回忆历史和首家制造水下军事腕表的当代高端制表 技术。纯碎的设计和先进的技术 Radiomir 1940 3 Days Oro Rosso, Panerai. History and contemporary high-end watchmaking combine in the first ever military diver’s watch Pure design and sophisticated technique


cult watches

江诗丹顿 Overseas Cronografo纵横四海系列腕表,外表传统设计, 全新5200自动计时机芯 Overseas Chronograph,Vacheron Constantin. Timelessly classic, this timepiece houses the cutting edge Caliber 5200 movement


cult watches

万国, Pilot’s Watch Mark XVIII Edition “Le Petit Prince” 马克十八飞行员腕表“小王子”特别版。是典型飞行员 腕表的象征,表底镌刻身穿大衣,携带佩剑的小王子形象。 Pilot’s Watch Mark XVIII Edition “Le Petit Prince”, IWC. The classic pilot’s watch with an engraving on the back of the Little Prince with his coat and sword.


cult watches

百达翡丽, World Time Chronograph 5930G世界时计时腕表。 瑞士钟表公司推出的拥有两大项特别功能的腕 表:把计时腕表和世界时间腕表融为一体。售价 67,987欧元 World Time Chronograph 5930G, Patek Philippe. A model that combines two of the Swiss watchmaker’s great complications, the chronograph and the world timer. Euro 67,987


cult watches

Zannetti, Gladiatore Chrono Argentè腕表。 银色和灰色珍珠贝母表盘,装饰有日内瓦波纹图案。自动-机械运转的瑞士 表。路易斯安那鳄鱼皮表带。售价 4,500欧元 Gladiatore Chrono Argentè, Zannetti. Grey and silver mother of pearl dial decorated with Côtes de Genève pattern. Swiss automatic-winding movement. Louisiana alligator strap. Euro 4,500


cult watches

欧米茄, Seamaster Planet Ocean “Deep Black” 海马系列海洋宇宙深黑陶瓷腕表。 最新的陶瓷手表设计艺 术。GMT双时区功能和完全先进的技术。售价 10,300欧元 Seamaster Planet Ocean “Deep Black”, Omega. The latest stage in the evolution of the art of ceramic watchmaking. GMT function and totally cutting edge. Euro 10,300


craft experience


craft experience

我们伟大的技能 Our great savoir-faire 意大利手工艺品:高质量的作品是最受欢迎 Italian craftsmanship: high quality products that are among today’s most sought after and admired possessions text

Marta Innocenti Ciulli 117

craft experience

为什么大型时尚公司都纷纷来到意大利生产他们的产 品是有一定的原因的。也许是所使用的原材料,更可 能是因为意大利手工制作的多元化和精湛技艺、以及 受人尊敬的手工匠和他们的智慧,如今手工匠仍是机器 的竞争对手。正是我们绝对优秀的意大利造就了生活 和热情;难以置信的手工制作是我们最宝贵的财富, 她被全世界所认同,然而却远离出名的旅游线路。这 种意大利手工技术是世界上独一无二的,正是如此, 消费者开始抵抗单调的批量工业生产,他们渴望接触 材料,要拥有经过使用寿命测试的产品而不是无节制 的消费主义。虽然手工匠的创作仍受到流传了几个 世纪,根深蒂固的古老制作方法的影响,然而今天的 制作则使用现代的精神进行开发,并应用了新的甚至 前卫的技术进行制作。在意大利某些地区里的一些社 区,他们的手工制作技艺程度比其他地 区高出很多。我们指的是服装界的裁缝 和配件的生产加工,很多年以来他们成 为名副其实的业内先驱:从主要生产男 装,不逊色于伦敦经验丰富的同行的那 一个令人置信的手工世 界,为全世界所认可的 无法估价的财产

There must be a reason why all the leading fashion houses come to Italy to produce their goods. Perhaps it is for the quality of the raw materials used here, or more probably for the versatility, expertise and intelligence of all those hands, all those craftsmen who can still compete against machines. It is our sheer Italian excellence, a fact of life and passion, an extraordinary world of hand craftsmanship, a heritage that is respected and recognized worldwide and far removed from the well-trodden tourist tracks. It is a matter of uniqueness, and that is what consumers are again demanding rather than the sameness of mass production, for the tactile feel of the materials and their long-lasting appeal that stands the test of time, as opposed to throw-away consumerism. When you think about it, craftsmanship still takes inspiration from ageold prototypes, with the origins of the most successful forms going back centuries, but develops them with an up to date, modern spirit, using new, at times cutting edge, technology. Naturally, also in Italy there are regions where there are actual districts where the concentration of handcraftsmanship and know-how is higher than others. We are talking about tailoring and the production of certain accessories that have become cult objects over the years. From tailor’s shops in Naples that produce mainly menswear no less enviable than Lon118

craft experience

Gucci’s Casellina factory (on the outskirts of Florence) takes care of bag, shoe and limited edition leather goods production (ph. Dario Garofalo) 119

craft experience

Manufacturing for Salvatore Ferragamo in Firenze (ph. Dario Garofalo) 121

ph. B. Lacombe Production for Prada is carried out in 13 plants, based mostly in Italy

ph. B. Lacombe

ph. A. Frazzetta

craft experience

不勒斯裁缝,到米兰成衣设计工作室,到罗马高档时 装加工坊。而在佛罗伦萨则拥有闻名全球重要高档时 装品牌的加工地。除了服装,配件是决定风格的主要 产品,意大利是全球皮件加工和金属小配件生产的先 锋。托斯卡纳的Scandicci 区是主要的生产基地,这里 集中了大量顶级奢侈品牌的生产,他们之所以选择在 这地区是因为这里拥有高质量高水平的生产基础。这 里是一所皮革加工的“大学府”,课堂上没有任何的书 籍,只有人们从先人那里承接下来的历史记忆,加工 技术从先辈那里一代代地传授下来,和加工程序一起 被逐步优化、完善并提高,可以生产出精美产品的机 器是手工匠的双手。另外一个皮革集中生产地区是威 尼托大区,主要生产鞋类,这里制鞋的传统可以追溯 到十八世纪,当时的威尼斯贵族已经有他们自己的鞋 匠:制鞋的能力、技能和热情通过无数 忠实手工制作的工匠一直流传到今天。 意大利中部的马尔凯大区是另外一个高 水平手工产品的生产基地,这里主要制 除了服装,配件是决定 作手袋和鞋子。 风格的产品,意大利是 全球皮件加工和金属小 配件生产的先锋

don’s famed bespoke tailoring, to Milan’s ready-towear fashion ateliers and those in Rome, where most haute couture houses can be found. Then there is Florence, where production plants for many world famous fashion houses are located. It is not only clothes, but also accessories that determine style, and Italy is a world leader in leather and small metal components manufacturing. The lion’s share goes to the town of Scandicci in Tuscany, where a large number of luxury brands have chosen to produce their signature leather products precisely because of the high quality of work to be found there. It is a kind of “university” of leather-working, where there are no books, but just the collective memory of people who have passed on their knowledge to the present day, continually improving, perfecting and optimizing techniques and procedures with those splendid tools that are the human hands. A high concentration of leather production, particularly of footwear, can be found in Veneto, where the shoe-making tradition goes back as far as the 13th century, and where Venice’s nobility had their shoemakers. Skills, expertise and passion have been handed down through the hands of thousands of faithful artisans. The Marches region in central Italy also has an enviable reputation for the quality of its handmade bags and shoes . 124

craft experience

Ermanno Scervino’s headquarters in the Florence hills 125

craft experience


craft experience

The Louis Vuitton shoe production plant in Fiesso d’Artico 127

fashion experience

Via de’ Tornabuoni, Firenze 128

fashion experience

时尚之路 Shopping for fashion 在意大利最美丽的城市中心,专门经营最出名品牌的精品店 The best shopping streets for top luxury brands in Italy’s most beautiful cities text

Marta Innocenti Ciulli 129

Via Monte Napoleone and Via della Spiga are the two main thoroughfares bordering Milan’s fashion district. Abowe, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II




fashion experience | Milan



























米兰。意大利最国际化的城市。毫无置疑她是高级时装之 都,集中在这里的时尚出版社和时装表演,吸引了来自世界 各地的媒体和买家。在米兰有个区域被称为时尚四方街区, 她由四条街道围成,这里因为汇集了珠宝店、精品店、时装 展厅和时装设计室而闻名。时尚区的中心蒙特拿破仑路(via Montenapoleone)与纽约的第五大道和巴黎的圣奥诺雷街堪称 为世界上最昂贵的街道。时尚区其他三边是曼佐尼路(Via Manzoni)、耳朵路(via della Spiga)和 威尼斯大道(Corso Venezia )。在这个 区内还有许多小道。步行在这个高端的 时尚街区可以获得独一无二的感受,感 受米兰仅有的神秘气氛, 无论进入精品 步行在这个高端的 店或者仅观览橱窗,都可以大饱眼福。


Milan. Italy’s most international city. Fashion capital 独一无二的感受 and undisputed centre for ready-to-wear, it is also home to many fashion publications and its runway shows attract press and buyers from all over the world. There is an area of Milan known as the Quadrilatero della Moda, or “Fashion Square” bordered by four streets famous for their high concentration of jewellery stores, boutiques and fashion and design showrooms. The heart of the district is Via Montenapoleone, one of the most chic and expensive streets in the world along with New York’s Fifth Avenue and Faubourg St. Honoré in Paris. Via Manzoni, Via della Spiga and Corso Venezia make up the other three sides, and in addition there are many other little streets within this imaginary square. Strolling through this fashion district is a unique experience, a way to breathe in Milan’s magical atmosphere, and stepping into the boutiques or just admiring the store windows. 131

Venice’s top shopping area is located between San Marco and the Rialto Bridge (ph. Diego Mariottini)

fashion experience | venice









来到威尼斯游览绝对不会让你遗憾的。从下火车那一刻,你 就会马上感受到这是一座不可错过的城市。乘坐汽艇经历专 用水道、漫步在小巷中,穿过似乎颓废的大厦,从夹缝中观赏 到充满魅力的花园和庭院。你也许会迷失在这个遍布手工礼 品店的城市,也许会沉浸在由所有重要奢侈品牌组成的高档时 尚区,也许你会流连在代表当地传统的鞋店里,威尼斯不愧 是步行街之都。参观威尼斯的最佳时候是大清早,这样可以 避免大量的游客,你可以漫步到Calle Vallaresso、Calle Larga dell’Ascensione、 Calle Frezzeria、Salizada、Calle San Moisè 和Calle Larga XXII Marzo,别忘了到坐落 在Calle San Moisè的教堂参观。只要很好 最顶尖时尚品牌的鞋子 地选择,你就可以尽情地观赏这些地方。 在威尼斯附近生产 Everyone should take a trip to Venice. As you come down the steps from the railways station, this spectacular city appears right in front of you. Motorboats speeding along canals, little alleyways to explore on foot among what seem to be faded buildings, but are full of charm and conceal gardens and courtyards that are nothing short of magical. You can lose yourself in the city’s alternative little shops that are all about intricate craftwork, or head for the easy to spot area where all the big luxury names are to be found, perhaps to look for footwear, a local tradition – after all, Venice is a city made for walking. It’s best to start the day early so as to avoid the crowds of tourists and head towards Calle Vallaresso, Calle Larga dell’Ascensione, Calle Frezzeria, Salizada, Calle San Moisè, stopping on the way to admire the church, and Calle Larga XXII Marzo. You will be spoilt for shopping choice. 133

Via de’ Tornabuoni is Florence’s shopping street par excellence


fashion experience | florence




除了遍布在城市内无数的历史和文化奇观,佛罗伦萨以她的 时尚而出名。五十年代这里诞生了高级成衣工业,在皮蒂宫 辉煌的比安卡大厅内举行了如今众所周知的第一次时装表演。 市中心到处是奢侈品牌商店,主要集中在托纳波尼路(via de’ Tornabuoni)、新维尼亚路(via della Vigna)、斯特罗齐路 (via degli Strozzi)和罗马路(via Roma)上。千万别错过观赏 这些商店的橱窗,有些还真的是艺术作品。佛罗伦萨的手工大 师流传下来的知识、加工技术、手工艺 和热情为这个城市增添了额外的价值。 这个城市以她的皮革行业闻名于世, 斯坎迪奇地区是奢侈品牌皮具的生产基 除了她精美的历史遗 地。这座艺术的城市和文艺复兴的摇篮 迹,佛罗伦萨以其皮革 一直吸引着全世界的游客。 制品而闻名于世。 As well as the wealth of historical and artistic won千万不要错过当地手工 ders scattered throughout the heart of the city, 制品 Florence is also known for its fashion. What is now ready-to-wear was born here in the ‘Fifties, and the splendid White Room at Palazzo Pitti was the site of the very first fashion shows as we know them today. Luxurious stores can be found throughout the city centre, but are mostly concentrated in Via de’ Tornabuoni, Via della Vigna, Via degli Strozzi and Via Roma. Some of the store windows are real works of art and well worth stopping to admire. But Florence also has an added value – the know-how, manual skill and passion of those who pass on their craft. It is also world famous for its leather industry, with the small town Scandicci, just outside the city, producing leather products for all the top luxury brands. City of art and cradle of the Renaissance, it is a destination for visitors from all over the world. 135

The boutiques of top Italian and international designers are located around Via Condotti

fashion experience | Rome










罗马是用一本书无法全部叙述完的。这个城市到处是壁画、喷泉、 历史性城门、饱经沧桑的石阶和代表每个时期建筑特色的大厦。 城市是浪漫情人的向往之地,游人为她所迷惑,游客仰慕城市里的 每个细节。这里是发掘新角落的理想城市,在间歇之刻还可以享 受购物的快乐。这里会集了意大利和国际上最重要时尚设计师的 精品店、奢侈大品牌的专门店和世界上最有名望的珠宝店,每年 在这个历史悠久的城市举办两届高级时装表演。 最出名的购物三 角区主要在康杜提路(via Condotti)、伯 格诺纳路(via Borgognona)、弗拉提纳 路(via Frattina)和巴布伊诺路(via del 高端时装和世界上最出 Babbuino)之间,商店一般围绕在美丽且充 名的珠宝品牌在号称三 满欢快气氛的西班牙广场四周,一直延伸到 叉路: 人民广场。 孔多蒂街、波尔哥尼奥 A whole book would not be enough to describe 纳街、法拉蒂纳街和拂 Rome. Everywhere are frescos, fountains, monu拂街 mental doors, stone staircases worn away by time and buildings with distinct layers of architecture from different eras. This is a city that loves languid lovers, enchanted travellers and tourists wandering around in amazement. This is the ideal place to discover lesser-known wonders, but also to break off every now and then for the pure pleasure of shopping. The area that is home to the flagship stores of the most elegant Italian and international design houses, luxury ateliers – it should be remembered that the Eternal City hosts haute couture shows twice a year – and world-renowned jewellers, is the so-called Trident between the splendid, lively Piazza di Spagna and Piazza del Popolo, which encompasses Via Condotti, Via Borgognona, Via Frattina and Via del Babbuino. 137

wine experience

排名前十位 葡萄酒 The Top 10 Italian Wines 从北到南, 在特殊的场合要开瓶的10种最佳红葡萄酒 From north to south, the top 10 reds to open on special occasions text

Leonardo Taddei


wine experience

孔特诺酒庄(Giacomo Conterno) –蒙福尔蒂洛巴罗洛珍藏干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:皮埃蒙特–巴罗洛DOCG(保证法定产区酒)红葡萄酒。 产区:意大利库内奥阿尔巴蒙福尔特(Monforte d’Alba)。酿酒葡 萄: 100%内比奥罗。首次生产年份: 1920年。 在所有的巴罗洛葡萄酒中,孔特诺毫无疑问是全世界最出名的皮埃蒙 特古老葡萄酒品牌。 该葡萄酒可以获得它的等级因为所使用的葡萄来 自位于阿尔巴塞拉伦加(Serralunga d’Alba)海拔370-420米的弗朗西亚 葡萄园。 嘉雅酒庄(Gaja)– 巴巴莱斯科干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:皮埃蒙特–巴巴莱斯科DOCG(保证法定产区酒)红葡 萄酒。产地:意大利库内奥巴巴莱斯科(Barbaresco)。酿酒葡萄: 100%内比奥罗。首次生产年份: 1859年 安杰罗嘉雅酒庄是意大利酒庄中在声望和质量方面最优秀的公司。 作 为巴巴莱斯科葡萄酒的象征,每年酒庄酿造的珍贵葡萄酒成为其他竞 争对手比较和仿效的目标。 戴福诺酒庄(Romano Dal Forno )–罗多列塔山瑞西托干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:威尼托–特酿瓦坡里西拉阿玛罗尼DOC(法定产区酒)红 葡萄酒。产地:维罗纳依拉西(Illasi)。酿酒葡萄: 70%科维纳,20% 罗蒂内拉,5%科罗帝纳和5%奥赛莱塔。首次生产年份: 1983年 瓦坡里西拉地区重要的葡萄酒生产酒庄,从一开始酒庄的葡萄酒就确 定要具有高度的个性化,独特和迷人的风格。 酒庄对葡萄的种植付 出了极大的关注,每公顷的葡萄产出是如此的低,在被酿造后就更少 了: 每100公斤的葡萄仅能酿造15升的阿玛罗尼干红葡萄酒! Giacomo Conterno – BAROLO MONFORTINO RISERVA 2008 Piedmont – Barolo DOCG, Monforte d’Alba (Cn). Grape variety: Nebbiolo 100%. First vintage: 1920. Synonymous everywhere with Barolo, Conterno is without doubt the world’s most outstanding historic Piedmont label. This wine owes is class and consistency to the Francia vineyard, situated at an altitude of between 370 – 420 metres in Serralunga d’Alba. Gaja – BARBARESCO 2012 Piedmont – Barbaresco DOCG, Barbaresco (Cn). Grape variety: Nebbiolo 100%. First vintage: 1859. Its prestige and quality makes Angelo Gaja one of the best Italian wine producers. Emblematic of the appellation, every year the noble Barbaresco confirms its status as the wine to beat and imitate. Romano Dal Forno – VIGNETO MONTE LODOLETTA 2010 Veneto – Amarone della Valpolicella Superiore DOC. Illasi (Vr). Grape varieties: Corvina 70%, Rondinella 20%, Croatina 5%, Oseleta, 5%. First vintage: 1983. Acknowledged as one of Valpolicella’s finest producers, whose wines made their mark right from the start for their strong personality and fascinating, unique features. Yield per hectare in the meticulously cared for vineyards is kept low, and reduced even further by the drying process – it takes 100 kilos of grapes to produce just 15 litres of Amarone! 139

wine experience

安东尼世家酒庄(Antinori)–天娜葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:托斯坎纳 – 托斯坎纳IGT(地区餐酒)葡萄酒。产地:佛 罗伦萨佩萨河谷圣卡西亚诺(San Casciano in Val di Pesa )。酿酒葡 萄: 80% 桑娇维赛,15% 赤霞珠和5% 品丽珠 首次生产年份: 1971年。安东尼家族600多年前就开始了葡萄酒的生 产,现在家族拥有1900公顷的葡萄园,年产量超过180万瓶葡萄酒。 在 他们繁多的产品中包括了意大利最优秀的葡萄酒之一天娜红葡萄酒。 它的哲理标志这一新款葡萄酒的开始,在80年代末,这哲理成功地支 持了意大利“酒业复兴”运动。 碧安帝山迪酒庄(Biondi-Santi )–布鲁奈罗蒙塔希诺干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:托斯坎纳–布鲁奈罗蒙塔希诺DOCG红葡萄酒。产地:锡 亚纳蒙塔希诺(Montalcino)。酿酒葡萄: 100%大颗桑娇维塞。 首次 生产年份: 1888年。有一点是可以确定的: 在1888年前并不存在布鲁 奈罗葡萄酒,是Ferruccio Biondi-Santi 首酿的,当时他决定放弃用混合 黑葡萄和白葡萄来酿造基安蒂葡萄酒,而是单纯采用桑娇维塞葡萄来

Antinori – TIGNANELLO 2012 Tuscany – Toscana IGT. San Casciano in Val di Pesa (Fi). Grape varieties: Sangiovese 80%, Cabernet sauvignon 15, Cabernet franc 5% First vintage: 1971. The family has been making wines for over 600 years, and presently owns 1,900 hectares of vineyards producing more than 18 million bottles. Among this enormous output is Tiganello, one of Italy’s great wines. Its philosophy marked the beginning of a new type of wine, and its success at the end of the Eighties is credited for Italy’s “winemaking renaissance”. Biondi-Santi – BRUNELLO DI MONTALCINO 2010 Tuscany – Brunello di Montalcino DOCG. Montalcino (Si). Grape variety: large Sangiovese 100%. First vintage: 1888. One thing is certain, Brunello did not exist before 1888 because it was the idea of a single man -, Ferruccio Biondi-Santi, who decided that instead of blending black and white grapes, as was the practice in Chianti, he would make wine from 100% Sangiovese. From that brainwave, a legend was born. 140

wine experience

酿造。 从这一决定诞生了这种最受崇敬的葡萄酒。 圣圭托酒庄(Tenuta San Guido )–西施佳雅干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:托斯坎纳–博隔利西施佳雅DOC红葡萄酒。产地:利沃 诺卡斯塔涅托-卡杜奇(Castagneto Carducci )。酿酒葡萄:85%赤霞 珠,15% 品丽珠。首次生产年份: 1968年。世界上最著名的意大利葡 萄酒。 利用波尔多葡萄的配方而彻底改变并提高了托斯坎纳沿海葡萄 酒生产的潜力,使博格利成为一个新的梦想之地。 阿安纳卡普雷酒庄(Arnaldo Caprai ) – 蒙特法科萨格兰蒂诺25年干红葡 萄酒 葡萄酒类:翁布里亚– 蒙特法科萨格兰蒂诺DOCG红葡萄酒。产地: 佩鲁贾蒙特法科(Montefalco)。酿酒葡萄: 100% 萨格兰蒂诺。首 次生产年份: 1993年。萨格兰蒂诺葡萄的原产地并不是很明确,但是 古老的文件中却可以证实这类葡萄在1549年已经在当地种植。“25周 年”(为特别庆祝公司成立周年而命名的)葡萄酒所含的衡量葡萄的单 宁值就足以证明这款酒难以忘怀的原因。

Tenuta San Guido – SASSICAIA 2012 Tuscany – Bolgheri Sassicaia DOC. Castagneto Carducci (Li). Grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon 85%, Cabernet Franc 15%. First vintage: 1968. The most famous Italian wine in the world. With its blend of Bordeaux grapes, it revolutionized and highlighted the potential of the Tuscan coast, making Bolgheri a new El Dorado. Arnaldo Caprai – SAGRANTINO DI MONTEFALCO 25 2011 Umbria – Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG. Montefalco (Pg). Grape variety: Sagrantino 100%. First vintage: 1993. The origins of the Sagrantino variety are uncertain, but it is almost certainly indigenous, with documents mentioning it dating as far back as 1549. The “25 years” (the name celebrates a special anniversary for the company) is a supreme example, with tannins that have the measured vigour of unforgettable wines. 141

wine experience

艾米迪佩酒庄(Emidio Pepe) – 阿布鲁佐蒙特布恰诺红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:阿布鲁佐– 阿布鲁佐蒙特布恰诺DOC红葡萄酒。产 地:泰拉莫省托拉诺诺沃(Torano Nuovo )。酿酒葡萄: 100% 蒙 特布恰诺。首次生产年份: 1899年。酒庄和葡萄园坐落在泰拉莫的 小山坡上,这里是阿布鲁佐葡萄酒生产的中心。 艾米迪佩酒庄的 酒窖经历了四代人,然而他们的哲理却从来未曾改变过。这里的一 切似乎都脱离现实,它的节奏依然按照自然和生物原理进行。 玛丽莎科莫酒庄(Marisa Cuomo) – 阿玛菲海岸菲罗尔菲奥杜瓦 葡萄酒 葡萄酒类:坎帕尼– 阿玛菲海岸菲罗尔DOC葡萄酒。产地: 萨莱 诺菲罗尔(Furore )。酿酒葡萄: 40% 波利,30% 菲尼和30%吉内 斯特拉。首次生产年份: 1998年。在绝妙震撼的阿玛菲海岸,除了 她是世界上最美丽的地方之一外,她所生产的高质量葡萄酒再次让 她闻名于世。 菲奥杜瓦葡萄酒使用当地葡萄酿造,是意大利最优 秀的白葡萄酒之一。 是一款奇特的葡萄酒,它诞生在海边小山丘 的葡萄园,拥有可人和难以抗拒的魅力。 阿吉拉斯酒庄(Argiolas) – 图丽佳干红葡萄酒 葡萄酒类: 撒丁岛- 努拉吉小岛IGT红葡萄酒。产地:卡利亚里塞 尔迪亚纳(Serdiana)。酿酒葡萄: 85%卡诺娜,5% 波瓦雷,5% 佳丽酿和5% 黑玛尔维萨。首次生产年份: 1988年。 是撒丁岛从未生产过的最重要的红葡萄酒,是岛上葡萄酒生产潜 力的象征。 是在意大利现代酿酒之父Giacomo Tachis指导下首次 生产的。 Emidio Pepe – MONTEPULCIANO D’ABRUZZO 2012 Abruzzo – Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC. Torano Nuovo (Te) Grape variety: Montepulciano 100%. First vintage: 1899. The winery and vineyards are located in the Teramano hills, the heart of Abruzzo wine country. The Emidio Pepe winery has passed through the hands of four generations, but the philosophy has never changed. Everything here is done according to nature’s own rhythms and the principles of biodynamics. Marisa Cuomo – COSTA D’AMALFI FURORE FIORDUVA 2014 Campania – Costa d’Amalfi Furore DOC. Furore (Sa). Grap varieties: Ripolo 40%, Fenile 30% Ginestra 30%. First vintage: 1998. We are on the stunningly lovely Amalfi Coast, which as well as being one of the most beautiful places in the world is also known for its production of quality wines. Fiorduva is made with local grapes and considered one of Italy’s best white wines. It is an extreme wine, originating in vineyards clinging to the cliffs above the sea, and with an irresistible charisma and charm. Argiolas – TURRIGA 2011 Sardinia - Isola dei Nuraghi IGT. Serdiana (Ca). Grape varieties: Cannonau 85%, Bovale 5%, Carignano 5% Black Malvasia 5%. First vintage: 1988. Probably one of the most prestigious red wines ever produced in Sardinia and emblematic of the island’s winemaking potential, the first vintage was the work of the late lamented Giacomo Tachis. 142

wine experience

On page 138 a view of the Maremma in Tuscany. On this page, the vineyards of the Langhe in Piedmont 143

Shopping guide

outlet Firenze Barberino designer Outlet Via Meucci snc Barberino di Mugello The Mall Luxury Outlet Via Europa 8 Leccio Reggello

Venezia Noventa di Piave designer Outlet Via Marco Polo 1 Noventa di Piave

Roma Castel Romano Designer Outlet Via Ponte di Piscina Cupa 64 Castel Romano

Alessandria Serravalle Designer Outlet Via della Moda 1 Serravalle Scrivia

Negozi Firenze Balenciaga Piazza Santa Trinita, 1/R Boggi Via della Vigna Nuova 27 Boss Men’s Bodywear & Hosiery Shop Via dei Calzaiuoli 56/R Boss Menswear Store Via Por Santa Maria 70-72/R Boss Menswear Store Piazza della Repubblica, 1 Boss Womenswear Store Piazza della Repubblica 46/R Bottega Veneta Via degli Strozzi 6 Bulgari Via Tornabuoni 56/R Burberry Via Tornabuoni 29/R Casasdei Via Tornabuoni 74r

Chopard Via Tornabuoni, 30-32/r Dior Via Tornabuoni 15r Dolce & Gabbana Via degli Strozzi, 12/18 R Dolce & Gabbana kids Via dei Tornabuoni, 18/R Dr Vranjes Via San Gallo 63 R Dr Vranjes Via della Spada 9/R Dr Vranjes Borgo La Croce 44 R Emilio Pucci Via dei Tornabuoni 20-22/r Enrico Verità Via dei Calzaiuoli 122r-124r Ermanno Scervino Piazza Antinori, 10 R Ermenegildo Zegna Via dei Tornabuoni, 3/R Etro Palazzo Rucellai, Via della Vigna Nuova 50r F.lli Piccini Ponte Vecchio, 21/23r Faliero Sarti Via della Spada, 24/R Fani Via de Tornabuoni 101/R, Fendi Via de’ Tornabuoni 40/R Furla Via Calzaiuoli 10/R (Angolo Piazza della Signoria) Giorgio Armani Via dei Tornabuoni 48 Gucci Via Tornabuoni 73r - 81r Via Roma 32r Hermès Piazza degli Antinori, 6/R Hogan Via Tornabuoni 97/R Inniu Piazza Strozzi, 10r Jaeger Lecoultre Via Por S. Maria 7/R La Perla Via Strozzi 24/R La Rinascente Piazza della Repubblica Loro Piana Via Tornabuoni 34/36 R

Louis Vuitton Piazza degli Strozzi, 1 Max Mara Via de’ Pecori, 23/R Via dei Tornabuoni, 66-68-70/R Michael Kors Piazza della Repubblica 43 Missoni Via Porta Rossa 77r/79r Miu Miu Via Roma 8r Mont Blanc Via Tornabuoni 63r Officine Panerai Piazza San Giovanni 14r Omega Via de’ Tornabuoni 25r Patrizia Pepe Piazza San Giovanni, 12r Via Strozzi, 11/19r Pomellato Via de’ Tornabuoni, 89/91r Prada Via Roma 27r Prada Via Tornabuoni 53r/67r Richard Ginori Via dei Rondinelli, 17/R Roberto Cavalli Via dei Tornabuoni, 83/R Rolex Cassetti, Ponte Vecchio29/R Salvatore Ferragamo Via dei Tornabuoni 4r-14r Sergio Rossi Piazza Trinita 2/3 Stefano Ricci Palazzo Tornabuoni, Via dei Pescioni 1, Via Gesù, 3 Tiffany&Co Via Tornabuoni 37/R Tod’s Via Tornabuoni 60r Valentino Via de’ Tornabuoni, 23 Vacheron Constantin Ponte vecchio 52R

Forte dei Marmi Brunello Cucinelli Via G. Montauti 3 Dolce & Gabbana Via G. Spinetti, 27/29


Fendi Via IV novembre, 12 Hogan Via Carducci, 15 Loro Piana Via Giosuè Carducci 17 Louis Vuitton Via Giovanni Montauti 3/B Malo Via Carducci, 51/b Moncler Piazza Garibaldi 9 Prada man Via Montauti, 2/2A Prada woman Via Carducci 2 Rolex Salvini, Via Carducci 1/A Valentino Via Montauti 2b

Milano Anteprima Corso Como 9 Balenciaga Via Santo Spirito, 19 Blumarine Via della Spiga 30 Boggi Piazza San Babila 3 Boss Menswear Store Corso Matteotti 11 Bottega Veneta Via Sant’ Andrea 15, Milano Bottega Veneta Via Monte Napoleone 5 Bottega Veneta Home Via Borgospesso 5 Brioni Via Gesù, 2 A Bulgari Via Monte Napoleone 2 Burberry Via Monte Napoleone 12 Canali Via Verri 1/3 Casasdei Via Sant’Andrea 1 Chopard Via della Spiga, 14 Dior Via Monte Napoleone 12 Dior Homme Via Monte Napoleone 14

Shopping guide

Dolce & Gabbana accessories woman Via della Spiga 2 Dolce & Gabbana woman Via della Spiga 26 Corso Venezia, 7 Dolce & Gabbana Dressmaking Corso Venezia, 13 Dolce & Gabbana man Corso Venezia, 15 Dr Vranjes Via Fiori Chiari, 24 Emilio Pucci Via Monte Napoleone 27 Ermenegildo Zegna Via Monte Napoleone , 27/E Escada Corso Matteotti 22 Etro Via Monte Napoleone 5 Etro - Fragrances Via Verri, Ang. Via Bigli Etro - Home Via Pontaccio 17, angolo Vicolo Fiori Faliero Sarti Via Solferino, 11 Fay Via della Spiga 15 Fendi Via Monte Napoleone 3 Furla Piazza Duomo, 31 Giorgio Armani Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Ii, Via Monte Napoleone 2 Giuseppe Zanotti design Via Monte Napoleone 8 Givenchy Via Sant’Andrea 11 Gucci Via Monte Napoleone 5-7 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Ii Hermès Via Monte Napoleone , 12 Hogan Via Monte Napoleone , 23 Isaia Via Pietro Verri, 8 Iwc Schaffhausen Via Monte Napoleone 1 Jaeger Lecoultre Via Monte Napoleone 1

Jil Sander Via Verri 6 Jimmy Choo Via Sant Andrea, 1a Just Cavalli Corso Matteotti 18 La Perla Via Monte Napoleone 1 La Perla Corso Vercelli 35 Via A. Manzoni 17 Lanvin Via della Spiga 25 Loewe Via Montenapoleone, 21 Louis Vuitton Via Montenapoleone, 2 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II Love Moschino Corso Venezia, 2 Maison Margiela Via Sant’Andrea, 5 Via della Spiga, 46 Marni Via Monte Napoleone 12 Max Mara C.So Xxii Marzo, 8 Piazza del Liberty, 4 - Corso Vittorio Emanuele Via Victor Hugo, 1 - Via Orefici Corso Genova, 16 Via Cuneo, 3 Michael Kors Corso Vittorio Emanuele 2 Via della Spiga 8 Missoni Via Montenapoleone, 8 Miu Miu Via Sant’Andrea 21 Moncler Via Monte Napoleone 1 Piazza del Duomo 7 Via della Spiga 7 Mont Blanc Via Monte Napoleone , 27b Corso Vercelli, 1 Moschino Via Sant’Andrea, 25 Via Capelli, 1 Officine Panerai Via Monte Napoleone 1 Omega Via Monte Napoleone 9

Patrizia Pepe Via Manzoni, 38 Peuterey Via della Spiga, 6 Pomellato Via Montenapoleone, 17 Via San Pietro All’orto, 17 Prada Via della Spiga, 18 Corso Venezia, 3 Prada woman Via Montenapoleone, 8 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Ii, 63/65 Prada man Via Montenapoleone, 6 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 62 Ralph Lauren Palazzo Ralph Lauren, Private Club Via San Barnaba, 27 Richard Ginori Piazza S. Marco, 3 Roberto Cavalli Via Monte Napoleone 6 Rolex Pisa Orologeria, Via Monte Napoleone 24 Saint Laurent Via Sant’Andrea, 21 Salvatore Ferragamo Man Via Monte Napoleone 20/4 Salvatore Ferragamo Woman Via Monte Napoleone 3 Sergio Rossi Via Monte Napoleone 27 Stella Mc Cartney Via Santo Spirito 3 Stuart Weitzman Via Sant’Andrea 10 Tiffany&Co Via della Spiga 19/A Tod’s Via della Spiga 62 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Ii Tom Ford Via Pietro Verri, 3 Tory Burch Via della Spiga 7 Valentino Via Monte Napoleone, 20 Versace Via Monte Napoleone, 11 Ottagono Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Ii


Versace home Via Borgospesso, 15/A Vertu Via Monte Napoleone 29 Vhernier Via Montenapoleone, 21 La Rinascente Piazza Duomo

Siena Fani Gioielli Via Giuseppe Pianigiani, 12

Portofino Loro Piana Piazza Martiri dell’Olivetta 9/10 Louis Vuitton Molo Umberto I, 6/7 Rolex Cusi, Calata Marconi 14 Salvatore Ferragamo Pzza Martiri dell’Olivetta,13

Roma Anteprima Via del Babuino 147 Balenciaga Via Borgognona, 7/E Blumarine Via Borgognona 31 Boggi Via del Babuino 20 Boss Menswear Store Via Frattina 136-137 Boss Womenswear Store Via Frattina 138-139 Bottega Veneta Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina, 9 Brioni Via del Babuino, 38/40 Brioni Via Condotti, 21/A Bulgari Via dei Condotti 10 Via Aurelia, 1050 Burberry Via dei Condotti 59/31a Canali Via del Babuino 59 Casasdei P.zza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 40/A Chopard Via del Babuino, 22

Shopping guide

Dior Via Condotti 1-4 Dolce & Gabbana- woman Via Condotti 51/52 Dolce & Gabbana- man Piazza di Spagna 93/94/95 Dr Vranjes Via Vittoria, 63 Emilio Pucci Piazza di Spagna 87 Ermanno Scervino Via del Babuino, 97 Ermenegildo Zegna Via Condotti, 58 Escada Piazza di Spagna 7/8 Etro Via del Babuino 102 Faliero Sarti Via Vittoria, 62 Fay Via Fontanella Borghese 56/c Fay Piazza Fiume Fendi Palazzo Fendi Largo Goldoni 420 Giorgio Armani woman Via Condotti 77 Giorgio Armani man Via Condotti 79 Giuseppe Zanotti design Piazza di Spagna, 33 Gucci Via Condotti 8 Via Borgognona 7d Haussmann Via del Corso 406 Via dei Condotti 28 Via del Babuino, 63 Hermès Via Condotti, 67 Hermès Via di Campo Marzio 9a Hogan Via del Babuino 110 Iwc Schaffhausen Piazza di Spagna, 28 Jaeger Lecoultre Piazza di Spagna 92 Jimmy Choo Via dei Condotti 68/A La Perla Via Bocca di Leone 28 La Rinascente Piazza Fiume Loewe Piazza di Spagna, 88

Louis Vuitton Via Condotti 13 Piazza di San Lorenzo In Lucina, 41 Maison Margiela Via del Babuino, 49 Marni Via Bocca di Leone 8 Max Mara Via Cola di Rienzo, N. 275 Via dei Condotti, 17-18-18/A-19-19/A Via Frattina, 28 Via Nazionale, 28-29-30-31 Via Marconi, N. 232/234 Via Tuscolana, N. 941 Via Ugo Ojetti, 31-33-35-37 Michael Kors Via Condotti 36 Via Cola di Rienzo 235-239 Missoni Piazza di Spagna, 78 Miu Miu Via del Babuino 91 Via dei Condotti 35 A Moncler Piazza di Spagna 77 Mont Blanc Via Condotti, 70 Moschino Via del Babuino, 156 Omega Via Condotti 38-40 Patrizia Pepe Via Frattina, 44 Peuterey Via Borgognona 4a Angolo Via Belsiana 69a Pomellato Piazza San Lorenzo In Lucina, 38 Prada woman Via dei Condotti 92/95 Prada man Via dei Condotti 88/90 Ralph Lauren Via del Corso 155-157 / Via Frattina 81-84 Roberto Cavalli Via Borgognona 25 Saint Laurent Piazza San Lorenzo In Lucina, 17 Salvatore Ferragamo Man Via Condotti 65 Salvatore Ferragamo Woman Via Condotti 73/74

Stella Mccartney Via Borgognona 6 Stuart Weitzman Via dei Condotti, 27 Tiffany&Co Via dei Condotti 55 Via del Babuino 118 Tod’s Via Fontanella Borghese 56a/57 Tom Ford Via del Babuino, 81 Tory Burch Via del Babuino 36/37 Valentino Piazza di Spagna 38 Versace Piazza di Spagna, 12 Vhernier Via del Babuino, 69 Zannetti Via di Monte D’oro, 23/A Tod’s Via Condotti 53/A


Moncler Calle Larga XXII Marzo Balenciaga Calle Vallaresso, 1310 Boggi San Marco 1744 (Bacino Orseolo) Boss Menswear Store Piazza San Marco 80 Bottega Veneta Campo S. Moisè, 1461 - S. Marco San Marco 1473, Salizada San Moise’ Bulgari Sestiere di San Marco 1494-1497 Burberry Calle Larga 22 Marzo 2308 Chopard Piazza San Marco, 51 Dior Piazza San Marco, 1255, Calle Larga de L’ascension Dolce & Gabbana San Marco, 223/226 Angolo Mercerie dell’orologio Dr Vranjes San Marco Calle Frezzeria 1231 Ermanno Scervino San Marco 1307, Calle Vallaresso Ermenegildo Zegna Bocca di Piazza S. Marco 1241


Fendi San Marco, 1582 Giuseppe Zanotti design San Marco 1491, Salizada San Moisé Gucci San Marco 2102 Calle Xxii Marzo Piazza San Marco 258 Hermès San Marco 1292 Iwc Schaffhausen Piazza San Marco, 43 Jaeger Lecoultre Piazza San Marco 65 La Perla Campo San Salvador S.Marco Louis Vuitton San Marco 1345 Max Mara San Marco, 5033 Michael Kors 1461 Sestiere di San Marco Missoni Calle Vallaresso 1318/A Miu Miu Salizada San Moisè San Marco 1471 Mont Blanc Calle Larga Xxii Marzo -2380 San Marco Officine Panerai Piazza San Marco 47 Omega San Marco, 1291 Pomellato Calle Larga Xxii Marzo, 2031 Prada San Marco, Salizada San Moise 1464/1469 Roberto Cavalli San Marco 1314 Rolex Salvadori, Piazza San Marco 44 Saint Laurent San Marco, 1302 Salvadori Boutique Rolex Piazza San Marco 44 Salvatore Ferragamo Calle Larga Xxii Marzo, 2098 Tod’s Calle Xxii Marzo 2251 - S. Marco Versace San Marco, 1523 Vhernier San Marco, Calle Vallaresso, 1317

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