ByJeanCole FortheEnquirer
Whenallthevotesfor governorweretallied at the annualGirlsStateeventthis month,MaryFrancesItsede of Hartsellewas abundleof nerves.
It helpedthatherbestie, SamanthaSimmons,alsoof Hartselle, ranfor governor at GirlsStateandwon two yearsago,thereforemaking thesummitseem reachable.
Itsede knew shewanted torunfor governor even beforeshegottoGirlsState, aweeklong eventsponsored bytheAmerican Legion Auxiliaryinwhichparticipantslearnaboutthepoliti-
calprocessbyelectingofficialsforalllevelsof state governmentandrunning amockgovernment.Each summer,approximately 20,000youngwomenparticipateinGirlsStateprogramsacrossthenation. In Alabama, theprogram hosted 372girls June 2-7 at Troy University,accordingtoAlabamaGirlsState campcounselorJuliaSmeds RothofDecatur. Attending from Morgan Countywere twogirlsfromHartselleand oneeach fromDecaturHeritage, Austin HighSchool, AlbertP.Brewer, Danville, Falkville,Pricevilleand West Morgan, Rothsaid.
By JeanCole FortheEnquirer
Hartsellehas twonew fulltimepatrolofficersonits force.
Patrolofficers Camron WilliamsandZackery Hightowerweresworninduring this week’sCityCouncilmeeting. Theirpresencebringsthe departmentto21 full-time officers,leavingit stillshort threepatrolofficersandone investigatingofficer.
Williams, aHartselle High Schoolgraduate,earnedhis bachelor’s degreeincriminal justicefromAthensState Universityand startedwith the Morgan CountySheriff’s Officein2017.Hespentabout threeyearsworkinginthejail as acorrectionsofficer, then wenttothelawenforcement academyin2019andgraduatedthenextyear.From thereheworkedinboththe patrolandcriminalinvestigationdivisionsoftheSheriff’s Office.
Marriedwiththreechildren, Williamsisnearly finished withhismaster’s degreein criminaljustice.
“I’vebeenwantingtobea HartsellepoliceofficersinceI wasinelementaryschool,but thetimingjustneverworked outright,”Williamssaid.“I spentsevenyearsattheSheriff’sOffice,then(Hartselle) postedanopening.” Hightowersaidhespent fiveyearswiththe Hanceville PoliceDepartmentin Cullman County, includingthree yearsinpatrol,beforecoming to Hartselle. He graduated fromHollyPondHighSchool andservedas adispatcher forthesheriff’sofficebefore goingtothelawenforcement academytobecomeanofficer. “IcametoHartsellebecause thereismoreopportunity— abiggerchanceforgrowth,” hesaid.“It’sgoinggoodandI amthankfulfortheopportunitygivenmeandforallowingmetotakeachance and comedownand work.I’m justexcitedtobehere.”
PoliceChiefJustinBarley saidthe twoofficersboth madelateraltransfersas certifiedofficersandhave alreadybeenoutworkingfor thedepartment.
•Scott Davidson
•Eddie D. Sherrill
•Ila Jo Bishop
son, butnever go inwiththe lowestexpectation,”Itsedesaid of herdecision to runfor governor. “I havea motivationto pushpastthe mentalbarrier that I’llfail.”
Handingout flyersandbuttons,sometimesmissing breakfastor lunchtotaketime totalk toeachand everygirlinthe dininghall, coveredthefirst fewdaysoftheweeklong eventfor Itsede.
“Whenyou gettoGirls Stateandyouare running, you areassigned to
timeswhenwegetnewmembers of theHartsellefamily,” Barley toldtheCityCouncil. “Wewantour stakeholders tomeetyouandviceversa. I’mgladtohavebothofthem here. Iknowthattheyare goingtobe agood fit.I’m optimistic theywillmakean impactreally, reallyquickfor us.”
MayorRandyGarrisonled theswearing-in ceremony. Barleypausedduringtheceremonytotelltheofficerstheir relationshipwiththe communityisaspecialone.
“Youhavebeenonthejob beforeyoucamehere,”the chiefsaid. “Youunderstand allaboutthe codeofhonor, thecodeof ethics. Just integrity— doingthejobthe right way. That’s moreimportant nowthan ever.Youunderstandtheclimateinwhichwe function.
“Weare veryblessedherein Hartselle to have acommunitythatstronglysupportsus. We wanttoservethemthe rightwaybecausewewant toprotectthatrelationship. It’s special. Just areminder ofwhatweare committedto everyday.”
•Savannah MarieSmith
•PaulaR. Baker
•Sarah Lynn Wallace
apoliticalparty. Youare either aFederalistor aNationalist.I wasassigned to be aFederalist.I thinkit was the third day, allof the gubernatorial candidates for the FederalistParty gavea three-minutespeechtothe rest ofthe Federalists.
“After thegubernatorial candidateforeachparty waschosentheywouldwalk intoa party roomandthere wereprobably150girls in eachparty room. We all got thesamequestions,”Itsede said.“They wanted to see
if you knew what you were talking aboutand how you wereansweringdifficult questions.”
Sheand herco-candidate had to field questions on everything fromabortion to immigrationto mental health.
“Wewereatthebottom of alecture hall,soeveryoneislookingdown at you. All ofthesequestions were thrown at me,and Iliked it,” shesaid.
Beforeentering aroom, she hadtoask herself,“Do Istaytrue to myselfor catertothe audience?The onlyright answeris to stay trueto whoIam. Ifigured Imadeit thisfar being
myself.Itwould setavery bad precedentforlater in life if Ididn’t.”
Shehad to wait until the next daytofindoutwho waselected governor.
“After theyannounced my name,they all ranup around meandstarted chanting Mary of St.Stevens,thatwas my city’s name.Allofthemwereso sweet. Isaidthankyouand all my hugs tothem,”Itsede said.
“I was crying when Iheard my name; Iwasin awe.”
Sheimmediatelysat down withastafferandchosewho shewantedin hercabinet.
OliverJohnsonandhisgrandmother,Rhonda Miller,bow their heads in prayer at the Hartselle CampMeeting onMonday. Servicesat10:30a.m.and 7p.m.continuethroughThursday. Morephotoson A-8andonline at www.hartselleenquirer.com.
JacksonBoyer,left, agraduateof HartselleHigh School,salutesTurner Stepp, right,ofDecatur.Boyerrecently graduatedfromthe U.S.NavalAcademy.
By WendyLang Forthe Enquirer
NavalAcademyfollowing graduation.Boyermajoredinpoliticalscience with aminorin Japanese allwhileplaying collegefootball. The 1,054membersofthe2024graduat-
classwerehonored with afly-by andperformancefromtheBlueAngels.
uncle BlakeGarrettand his uncleand auntJohnandThanhBoyer. Ensign Boyer’s next assignmentwill be in Pensacola,Fla.,where he will attend flight school inOctober.Hehas signedaseven-year contractand said he is lookingforwardtowhatcomes next. Boyer’sfirstsalute wastoTurner Steppof Decatur, whowill graduate next year.The twowerehighschool football rivals but becamefriends and teammates at theNaval Academy.
AGraveside Funeralserviceand IntermentforScott Davidson, 51,washeld Thursday, June20,2024, at 11:00AM at Hartselle MemoryGardenswithBro. JimmyWatsonofficiating and Peck Funeral Home directing.
Mr.Davidsonpassed away onSunday, June16, 2024, at DecaturMorgan Hospital. He wasborn February22, 1973,in Escambia County, toOliver NewtonDavidsonand LarrineG.GriffinDavidson. He wasemployedbyJMIas aMachinist,priortohis passing.Hewas aloving father,sonandfriend, wholovedbeingbythe waterandenjoyedkayaking. Survivorsincludehisson, Oliver TalleyDavidson;parents,Oliver NewtonDavidsonand LarrineG.Griffin Davidson. PallbearerswillbeBrian
Vinson, JamesDobbs, Carlos Haraway, BobbyScott andOliver TalleyDavidson.
AGraveside Funeralservice and Interment for Bobbie Smith, 82,willbe Thursday, June20,2024, at 2:00PM at Burningtree MemorialGardenswith Peck Funeral Homedirecting. Ms.Smithdiedon Thursday, June13,2024, at her residence.Shewasborn May23,1942,in Kenosha Wisconsin. She was employedbyLibby’s Catfish Restaurant,priortoherpassing.Shewas awonderful motherandgrandmother. Shewasprecededindeath byhermother, Pauline Hendersonandfatherthatraised her,AndrewChaplin, ason, Jeffry Smithand agrandson, DustinSmith. Survivorsinclude,son, JeremySmith;daughter,TammeraSmith;grandchildren,
AndySmith,NikkiSmith andAlix Hale;great-grandchildren, Vincent Smith, HaydenSmith, Macy Kay Smith,SimonSmith, August Holt,WesleyHolt,Catherine Johnston(Fraynkie),Anna JohnstonandXavierHale. PallbearerswillbeDustin Hale,CalebRobinson,James SmithandMatthewHolt.
EddieD.Sherrill Hartselle
AMemorialservicefor EddieD.Sherrill,73, will be Saturday,June22, 2024, at 1:00PMatPeckFuneral Home ChapelwithBro. EarlGoodeofficiatingand Peck Funeral Homedirecting. Mr.Sherrill diedonTuesday, June18,2024, at his residence. He wasborn October 6, 1950, in LawrenceCounty,toHomer D. SherrillandMaryKatherine“Sue”Smith Sherrill. Eddiewas alovingfather, grandfatherand friend. He had agreat loveforthe outdoors,includinghunting, fishing andATV riding.Henevermeta strangerandwas knownforhis sharp, quickwitandability tomakeotherslaugh. He enjoyedspending timewith his childrenandgrandchildrenandwasaprimeexampleof characterand integrityfor themandforanyone hemet. He wasemployed byFUTABAasamanager, prior to hispassing. He wasprecededindeath by ason, JoshuaSherrill andhisparents. Survivorsinclude hisson, Erik Sherrill(Ginnie); daughter,Magan Sherrill (Tiffany);brothers,Kenneth SherrillandStevieSherrill; sisters,StellaRikardand KathyChancellorandthree grandchildren.
HoracePlemons Hartselle
attendingthe Somerville SeniorCenter.Horace competedin theSenior Olympic Games, winning moregold,silverandbronze medalsthanyoucould count. He played3on3, and4 on 4Basketballand shotfree throws,played badminton,shuffleboard andother games,but basketballwashis game. He played full courtbasketball upuntiltheageof90. Hisfavoritehobbywas fishingand aslonghis health allowed,hewould fish year round. Horace was blessedto keephisown yard mowedandcleaned up untillastfall. Horacewasan avid Alabama footballfan.Hewould be quicktotellyou thatGod hadtrulyblessedhim! He wasprecededindeath by his firstwife, Virginia; ason,RichardEdward Plemons Sr.; twodaughters, Venita Faye Campbell andLinda Sue Hoppe; brothers, Frankie,Doyle, Harold,GlenandHugh Plemons and hisparents. Survivorsinclude hiswife, SarahFrances Halbrooks Plemons; daughter,Cindy Shaw(Al); stepsons, Jimmie Halbrooks(Bonnie), TommyHalbrooks(Amy), GeoffHalbrooks(Lisa)and PatHalbrooks(Kristy); stepdaughter,Kay Tersigni; sister,FayeBallentine(Dennis); 13grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren;onegreatgreat-grandchild; 17 step-grandchildren;35step great-grandchildrenand six stepgreat-greatgrandchildren.Pallbearerswillbe grandsons. Familyrequests, in lieuof flowers,please makememorialstothe NewCenterBaptist Church building fund.
June15,2024. He is survived byhis daughter,LeighAnneFrances(Ruben Frances); son, ThomasDennyLovell II (Tommy); grandchildren, WilliamBenjamin Lovell, James PatrickLovell (Crystal);greatgrandchildren, Ataleigh Lovell, Grayson Lovell, River Lovell. He was precededindeath by hiswife, Anne Lovell; parents, L.E.and Elsie Lovell. Funeral serviceswereheld on Wednesday, June 19, 2024,at1:00p.m. at the ScottsboroFuneral Home with Rev. Matt Helms officiating.Burial willfollow at PinehavenMemorial Gardens.Arrangements Entrusted to Scottsboro Funeral Home.
SarahElizabeth Ann Oakes
SteveStyerand hersister, Cherish Pitman (Blake); andgrandparents, Mary and LarryWilliams.
Ila JoBishop
We’ll help
June 29 CharlesEsten with supportbyPryor Baird Jul12-14 Dreamweavers PresentsTheHunchback of NotreDame
July 19
July 26 -28 Bankstreet Players PresentsMatilda Aug3 John Berryinthe ListeningRoom
Funeral servicefor HoracePlemons, 95,willbe Sunday, June23,2024, at 3:00PMatNewCenterBaptist Church withBro.Ben Bates andSon-in-law:Dr. PatCampbellofficiating and Peck Funeral Home directing.Burial willbein NewCenter Cemetery. Mr.Plemonspassedawayon Wednesday, June19,2024, at Columbia Cottage. He wasborn January9,1929, athishomeintheNewCenter Community in Morgan County,toVirgil Noah Plemonsand Azubah Speegle Plemons. Horace was aWorld War IIveteranandhadan activelifeuntil hisheath wouldn’tallow.Hewasa memberof NewCenter Baptist Church andloved
Cassondra“Sonnie” Skinner Hartselle AMemorialservicefor Cassondra“Sonnie”Skinner,57, willbeSaturday, June29,2024, at 6:00PM at Peck Funeral Home ChapelwithBro.Larry Duke officiating andPeck Funeral Homedirecting. Miss Skinner diedon Wednesday, June19,2024, at Decatur Morgan Hospital. Shewasborn May17, 1967, in Cullman County, to Carlton LeonSkinnerand JaniceInez Geno Skinner. Shewasemployedby Jack’s andworkedinmanagement,priorto herpassing. Sheenjoyed playing games onherphone, fishing,playingandspending time withhergreatnephewsand greatniece, lovedarranging flowersandenjoyed being helpfulto others.Shelovedher familyand hermanyfriends. Hernephew, JacobReeves andherparentsprecededher indeath.
Survivorsincludesister, Crystal Sanford;nephew, JoshuaReeves;great nephews,EthanReevesand JordanReeves; greatniece, AdinaReeves.
Mr.ThomasDenny Lovell, 85,of Hartselle, Alabama passed away on Saturday,
Thefuneral servicefor SarahElizabethAnn Oakes was held at 6:00PM on Monday, June 24,2024. Visitation will be from4:00 to6:00PM withall services at Peck Funeral Homewith Brother Michael Gunter officiating.PeckFuneral Homeis handlingarrangements. Mrs. Oakespassed away Saturday,June 22, 2024, at DecaturMorgan Hospital.Shewas bornto Cleoand Virgie MaeBorden Watsonon January19, 1968,in Morgan County, Alabama. Shelovedtoplay CandyCrushonher phone, shopping, fishing butloved mostspending hertime with hergrandchildren. She is precededindeathby her parents. Sheissurvived by her husband, Walter ThaddeusOakes;four sons, FarrenMaxwellWhitworth, Jr., John Cleo Whitworth (Amber), Christian Thaddeus Oakes (Daphne),and TimothyHunterOakes; threedaughters, Kristy AnnTucker, AmandaAnn Whitworth, andStephanieMichelle Taylor (Zach) Fivebrothers,Glen Watson (Tammy),Roger Watson (Kennetha), Gary Watson (Kathy), Phillip Watson (Kathy)and Troy Watson (Betty);two sisters,Paulette Buckner (Bobby and Penny Loera;15 grandchildren.
Ms.Sami King Watts, 62, passedawayonThursday, June20,2024. Shewas born February26, 1962, in Morgan County,to JimmyKingand Margarett Carroll JacksonKing.
Shewasemployed by RiverCityRehabasaPhysical Therapy Assistant,prior to herpassing.She wasa funperson, whoenjoyed life and hadanoutgoing personality. Sheloved the beachand visiting with familyand friends.She was afriendtoall.
Preceding herindeath wereher daughter,Keri WattsHester,her parents, andher brother,RichardKing.
Survivors include her daughter,Sean Quinci WattsEvans;sister, Trish Padgettand sevengrandchildren In lieuof flowers,the familyasksmemorialdonations bemade to Southern Care Hospice. No servicesare scheduled at this time.
SavannahMarie Smith, 22,ofFalkville, diedon Friday, June21,2024. There arenoservices scheduled at thistime.
Ila Jo Bishop relocatedto herheavenly homecradled in thearms of herdaughter on June 16, 2024. Ila Jo was knownfor her warm hugs,hugesmileand as awomanofprayer.Her lifeofadventureswas experiencedon thesolidfoundationof herfaithand relationshipwith JesusChrist thatbegan at agenine. Raisedon aworkingfarm, withlovingparentsand two siblings,shelearnedfarmingand barnyard skills, discipline, compassion, integrity, cooking, astrong workethic, and commitment. Hermusic skill began developing at age6when shehelped herdaddyinhis singing school, directingthe choir. Hermusical ability camenaturallyaspartof a longlineof Wallacemusicians. After high school, Ila Jo entered HowardCollege/ Samford University. She wouldmarryher sweetheart, Jim, sing in the AcapellaChoir, give birth to herfirstchild,and graduate with aB.A in Musicand ChristianEducation. When sheanswered God’scallon herlife to missions at age 16, shedid not know how Godwould useher. GodusedIla Jo tolive out herfaith as shedemonstrated God’sfaithfulness, love,andmercy regardless oflife’s circumstances.She servedas aPastor’swife, ArmyChaplain’s wife, Ministerof Musicand Education at churches and Army chapelsin Texas, Alabama, NewYork,Tennessee,Maryland, Georgia,and Germany.Partofheradventure involvedmoving 29times and traveling to 47 states and12 countries.Her call to missionsinvolvedvolunteering onmissionteams in Chicago,Ill.;Phoenix,Ariz, Circleand Jordan, Mont.; Alaska;Hawaii;Bend,Ore.; SanFranciso, Calif.; Philadelphia, Penn.; NewYork Cityand Russia. Alongthe adventure, shetaught conferences,SundaySchool classes, retreats, Bible studies,voice andpianolessons. Ila Jo was atrailblazer. In Germany, she ledthe music at theannual BaptistAssociation meeting.In Maryland, shewasaskedto coordinate andlead a200voicechoir comprisedof ministers ofmusicacross thestate. Shelaterentered realestate andpassed the agentlicensetestonthe firsttry.She would become the top sellingagent in her office withintwo years. Her answering thecall to missions continued after her second retirementasGod used herand husband Jim to restartachurchplant, FirstBaptistChurchTellico VillageinTennessee. She would becomethe church’s firstMinisterof Musicand education. After her third retirement, Godcalledher againas shewasaskedto begin asenioradult choirat FirstBaptistChurchDuluth,Ga.
Savannahwas born on Thursday, October 11,2001, toMarkandStephanieHines in Russellville,Alabama. Shewas alovingmother,wife, andshe wasan artistand writer. Savannahloved her familyand friends. To quoteherhusband, “she was themostamazing woman I’ve evermet.”
Survivorsinclude herhusband, Tristen Smith;two sons,Christopher Mills and EianSmith; three daughters, Vada Smith, AviannaSmithandandNavana Smith; herfather, Mark Hines; hermother,Stephanie Styerand stepfather,
As Jo lived herlifeofobediencetoGod’scallonher life, shebelieved “nothing isimpossible with God!” That obedienceand faith in Godwas evidentasshe livedwithdementiafor 16 years. Godconsistently provided caregiversat“justthe right
Items for the calendar of events can be emailed to news@hartselleenquirer. com by noon on the Monday prior to Wednesday publication.
July 13
The descendants of Dewitt C. and Drucilla H. Sharp are invited to their biannual reunion on July 13, 2024, at Center Springs Church, 4851 E. Upper River Road, Somerville. The event will startat10a.m.,withlunch served at noon. Attendees are encouraged to bring a covered dish to share and any family-related items, such as books or photos. Plates, cups, napkins, flatware, bread and drinks will be provided. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor family members, both past and present. For more information, please contact Ginny Sharp Franz at 404-295-6125.
All month
Weight Watchers meetings are Mondays at 5:30 p.m. at the civic center. Weigh-in begins 5 p.m. For more info, visit www. weightwatchers.com.
A cancer support group meets on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Pleasant Place building. Any person with any type of cancer is invited to attend. For more information, call 784-5694.
The American Legion Auxiliary Post 52 meets on the first Thursday of every month. The event is open to women veteran including the spouse’s daughters and mothers, of veterans interested in joining the American Legion. The meetings are held at the John Thompson Post 52 Legion Hall located at 1110 Sparkman St. NW. For more info, callLaurie Cooper at 256612-7444.
JMK Martial Arts- Join JMK Martial Arts & Fitness at the Hartselle Civic Center and build a more confident you! Martial arts and fitness classes are available for kids and adults. Classes are divided into age groups as follows; Pre-Kubs (ages 3-4), Lil Kubs (ages 5-7), Kid Kubs (ages 8-10), Jr. Kubs (ages 11-14) and adults (ages 15 and older). Classes include karate, HapKiDo, wrestling/grappling, sparring, self defense, fitness and conditioning. See www. JMKMartialArts.com for a schedule and pricing.
Hartselle Nutrition Center invites seniors to join area senior citizens, ages 55 and older, for mornings of games, food and good times. Participants also go
on monthly outings and play bingo and cards, along with other activities. Suggesteddonationforthedaily lunch is $1.25 per person. Anyone who does not have transportationtothecenter can call Steve at 256-7730786. Arrangements will be made for free NARCOG transit.Thenutritioncenter is open Mon. through Fri., excluding holidays, from 8 a.m. until noon.
Celebrate Recovery, a Christ-centered, 12-step program for anyone with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meetsat5:30p.m.atFirst United Methodist Church in Hartselle. Meetings are every Monday night, including a free meal at 5:30 p.m. and the group meeting at 6:15 p.m. Celebrate Recovery aims to offer a safe place to meet with others who are also seeking healing. For more info email jhand@fumchartselle.org.
Narcotics Anonymous Meeting List: Sunday at 6 on Zoom. ID # 622385025 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. in person. In person meetings are held at 406 Pine Ave. SW, Decatur.
Hartselle Hope AA Meetings meets at the following times: MondaySaturday at 5:30 and 7 p.m.; Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon, Sundays at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Located 527 Sparkman St. SW. For more information call 256606-6211, 256-778-9081 or 256-345-4392
Hartselle Public Library offers Preschool Storytime every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.
TOPS club AL0161 meets Mondays at 10 a.m. at Hartselle First Christian Church. Join us to Take Off Pounds Sensibly. For more information, call Katie at 256-4763696 or Mona at 256502-9042
Falkville VFW, located at 784 Culver Road, hosts bingo every Friday night at 5:45 p.m. For more information, call 256-784 5747.
Kim Robertson, a former University of Alabama Crimsonette, instructs a girls baton class for ages 5 and older in the basics of baton at the civic center. Thefeeforthisclassis$50 per month. Classes meet on Thursday afternoons. Call the civic center for details.
Building permits June 10-14
David Mote, residential HVAC, $12,868
Jimmy Little, residential HVAC, $6,400
Larry McGee, roof conversion, $19,817
James Muhammad, roof conversion, $6,700
Bruce Wilhite, residential HVAC, $6,000
Casey Hamilton, roof conversion, $14,500
Wes Springer, roof conversion, $14,500 Bob Smith, roof conversion, $13,500
Barbara Holmes, residential HVAC, $10,259
Trace Donaho, residential electrical, $1,500
Eddie Preuitt, commercial addition, $216,988
Doug Stephenson, residential HVAC, $12,320
Sandy Nance, rood conversion, $11,000 Jim Rushan, residential natural gas, $2,970
Harry Fuller, roof conversion, $4,755
TJ Bramlett, roof conversion,
Juvenile airlifted after being struck by vehicle
By Staff Reports
A juvenile pedestrian was airlifted to Birmingham Sunday following a vehicle collision on Highway 67 at the intersection of Highway 36 in Somerville. According to the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office, the incident occurred around 12:30 p.m. Morgan deputies, Volunteer
was family. The greatest distinction that she loved was that of wife, mother, mom, grandmommy, Mawmaw andaunt.IlaJoissurvivedby daughter, Reita Jane Bishop, son John David Bishop and wife Patrice, daughter-n-law Debby Reynolds-Bishop (wife of deceased son James L. Bishop); grandchildren, James (Jimmy) L. Bishop II, Jennifer Bishop Johnson and husband Jeff, and step-granddaughter Leah Winebrenner; great-grandchildren Michael James, Justice Kane, Aaliyah Marie, Jaymes Lyric and step greatgrandchildren Clayton and Dalton; great-great grandchildren Luna Celine-Grace and Zyaire Mateo Jax; and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
IlaJo’slifewillbecelebrated on July 1, 2:00 pm at FlaniganFuneralHomeinBuford, Ga. The family will be available beginning at 1:00 pm. Herfinalearthlyrestingplace willbeinAlabama.
In lieu of flowers, consider honoring Ila Jo Bishop with a contribution to the Music Ministry at Ivy Creek Baptist Church or your local missions/ministry.
To express condolences, please sign our online guest book at www.flaniganfuneralhome.com.
Ben Arnold
Ben Arnold passed away on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at his residence. He wasbornAugust18,1958,in Morgan County, to Thomas Madison Arnold and Phyllis Ann Hamilton
Health ratings June 10-15
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 2208 Beltline Road S.W., Decatur: 81 Sonic Drive In Hartselle, 588 U.S. Highway 31 N.W., Hartselle: 85 Longhorn Steakhouse No. 5370, 1213 Point Mallard Parkway, Decatur: 85
Chuck E. Cheese No. 701, 1801
Beltline Road S.W., Decatur: 87 Kroger Store 854 Meat Market, 1101 Beltline Road, Decatur: 88 Texas Roadhouse, 1006 Beltline Road S.E., Decatur: 89 Donut Express, 1114 Sixth Ave. S.E., Decatur: 89 Sonic 3722, 1325 Sixth Ave. S.E., Decatur: 89 JJ’s Convenience Store, 1951 Highway 55, Falkville: 91 Kroger Store 854 BakeryDeli, Beltline Road, Decatur: 91 Meals On Wheels & More, 1510 Fourth Ave. S.E., Decatur: 93 Pizza Hut No. 2932, 926 Beltline Road S.W., Decatur: 93 Absolute Nutrition Decatur,
Fire Department (VFD) personnel and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responded to the scene. Following the incident, Highway 67 was temporarily shut down.
Historical Society to host Lunch and Learn event July 8
Special to the Enquirer
Arnold. Hewasemployedas a Mechanical Designer for Southern Company Contractors. He was preceded in death by his father, Thomas Madison Arnold. Survivors include his wife, Dana M. Arnold; mother, Phyllis Ann Hamilton Arnold; sons, Chris Haston, Corey Haston and Anthony Haston (Keisha); daughter, Elizabeth Phillips (Brent); brothers, Rob P. Arnold (Pam) and William J. Hamilton; grandchildren, Kolden Phillips, Ryder Phillips, Joshua Patterson, Christopher Haston, Caiden Haston, Kambree Haston, Kaitlyn HastonandAvarieHaston. The family will hold a memorial service at a later date.
Paula R. Baker Decatur PaulaR.Baker,76ofDecatur,formerlyofGulfShores, passed away Saturday June 15, 2024, at her residence. She was born October 10, 1947, in Tuscaloosa to Edward Harrison Rodgers Jr. and Barbara Ann Lindsey Rodgers. Paula enjoyed the beach, painting and artwork. A Celebration of Life service will be planned later. She was preceded in death by her parents and son, Edward Lindsey McDaniel. Survivors include her daughter, Kelli Fowler (Brian); brother, Ed Rodgers III; two grandchildren, Harrison Graham(Ashley)andSpencer Graham.
Sarah Lynn Wallace Decatur SarahLynnWallacepassed
901 C Wimberly Drive, Decatur: 94 Pizza Hut No. 4416, Point Mallard Parkway, Decatur: 95 Krystal 6th Ave., 1817 Sixth Ave. S.E., Decatur: 95 Point Mallard Golf Course, 2600 A Point Mallard Drive, Decatur: 95 Izzy’s Dell, 5356 Highway 67 S., Somerville: 96 Wings to Go of Decatur
July 8, the Hartselle Historical Society will host a Lunch and Learn event from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the East Highland Baptist Church fellowship hall, located at 1030 Main St. E. This event promises to be a treat for music lovers and history enthusiasts alike. The highlight of the event will be a special musical presentation by Ron and Ellen Bean, the Ministers of Music at Hartselle First Methodist Church. The Beans have
away on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at Decatur Morgan Hospital. She was born April 27, 1963, in Morgan County to Billy Joe Jones and Frances Ville Jones. She was a homemaker for her family.
Preceding her in death were a son, Charles Bryan Wallace; her parents; one sister, Tina Jo Jones Peoples and her mother-inlaw, Linda Gale Wallace.
curated a diverse program that includes a mix of old and new songs, fun songs, God and Country songs, folk songs, love songs and more.
Attendees can look forward to an engaging and entertaining experience that celebrates a variety of musical genres and themes, according to society president Bettye English. The Hartselle Historical Society encourages everyone to come and enjoy this unique program.
Wallace, Samuel Cole Wallace and Ivey Marie Fenner. No services are scheduled at this time, an interment of cremains will be scheduled at a later date.
June30willmarkasignificantmilestonein my career: adecadeofseeing my bylineinprint. Istill rememberthe firsttimeI sawitandthefeelingofimmense prideincreatingsomethingworth reading.Frommyearly days in East Alabamato my current role in Hartselle, my journeyhasbeen atapestryofrichexperiences,each threadwovenwiththe storiesof thepeopleandplacesI’ve cometo cherish. There’sasayingamong journaliststowhichIdeeplyrelate:“Once ink getsinyourblood,it’s hard to getout.”Forme,ithas stayed in my bloodthesetenyearsandI doubtitwillbe removed;a constant reminderofthepassionand drivethatfuelsthisprofession. Journalismisnotjustajob;it’sa calling.Everyday presents anew
IMission Statement
storytowrite, anew person tomeet anda fresh opportunitytoshed lightonthe next“above the fold” story.
andeven theoccasionalescapade ofloosebears causing astir in LeeCounty,eachstory hasbeena testamenttothedynamicnatureof community life.
Rebekah Yancey Managing Editor
WhenI beganmy career at theOpelika Observer, Iwas agreen reporter,eager to makeamark. In manywaysI still am.Littledid Iknow that the stories Iwould coverwould leave alasting impressiononme. From chroniclingthe heartwarming endeavorsoffriendsandneighbors whotirelessly workto better their communities,tothe adrenalinefilledmomentsofcoveringcrime,
TransitioningtoNorth Alabama in2017 brought its ownsetof adventures.I’vehadthe privilege of reporting on everythingfrom municipalelections andcitygovernment to humaninterest stories thatappealtousall.
Inthislineofwork,thepeoplewe meetare thetrue stars. They are theheroesoftheirownstories,and itisanhonortobring theirnarrativestolight.Whetherit’salocal businessownermakinga difference, ateacherinspiringthe next generation or avolunteer dedicatingtime to aworthycause,these individuals remindmedaily why community journalism is sovital. Itisanhonortoplayaroleinshar-
ingtheir stories with theworld. Throughthe past10years, I’ve writtencountlessstories,eachwith itsown unique flavorand significance. These storiesaremorethan justarticles in anewspaper; they arechronicles ofourcollective journey.Theycapture the essence ofourshared experiences,our triumphsandour challenges. As Ireflectonthis decade-long journey,I am filledwith gratitude.
Gratitudeforthetrustthatmy readers haveplacedin me totell theirstories,forthe supportofmy colleagueswhoshareinthismission,andfortheendlessstreamof inspiration thatcomesfrom being apartofthis community. Movingforward, Iamexcited about the stories yettobetold. Thankyou for allowingme tobe apartofyourlives,andfor joining meon thisincrediblejourney.
nafew days,the firework standswillbetakendown andthe remainingpyrotechnicswillbe stored away for anotheryear.Theholidaywillbe over.Wewill go backtoworkand the 4thofJulywillbeforgotten. Butwemustnotforgetthe reason forits celebration. Withthe changingdemographicsofournation, thereare thosewhodonotknow orhaveforgotten certainprinciples thatdrawustogetherinthegreatestnationonearth.
We areafreedom-lovingpeople. Historybooksarefullofthe stories ofthosewhowerewillingtosacrificetheirlivesinorderthatAmericamightbefoundeduponthe principlethatitshouldbetheland
Itwas atimeand aplace wherethealarm clockwas thescreendoorslammingas Grandpaleft forthebarn at dawntomilkthe cows. It wasa timewhenbathsweretakenonce aweekin acreekinthefront yard and cousins ranfreethroughthe fieldssoakingin everysecondof theloveandpeaceofthatplace.
It wasoncecalled TheWade Place,forthefamilythatowned itwhen my sharecroppinggreatgrandparentsmovedthereandwas builtbythe Wilsonfamilysome time at the turnofthe twentieth century. In 1954myfolksmoved
Hartselle Newspapers strives tobe anintegralpart of Hartselleand Morgan Countybybeing aleader and apositiveinfluencein ourcommunity.Wewill reportthe newsand events honestly, fairly,and accurately. We willpromotearea commerce and business and providefor thewelfareof ouremployees;our greatest asset.Living andworking side by sidewithour readersandadvertisers, wewill actaccordingtothe Golden Rule,treatingothersaswe wishtobetreated.
Be apart of your newspaper
A. RayLee Columnist
ofthe free. Freedom isin ournational DNA. Every generation hashadthose whowere willingto fightto preservethat freedomfor us. We area patrioticpeople. We stand tosalutethe flagandpledge allegiance to that forwhich it stands.When necessary, thebestofouryoungmen andwomenhave marchedoffto warunderitsbanner.Itwavesover
thegravesofthosewhodiedin battle. We displayitoverourfederalbuildings,publicbuildings, andschoolsas asymbol ofour unity.
We areanationofpeoplemany ofwhomhavededicatedthemselvestoservingincivic offices ofourcitiesand states caring for themundanetasks of keeping the governmentfunctioningto providethemanyservices required forsociety. Thesealsoinclude peaceofficers, firemen,teachers, andotherpublicservants. We areblessedwith boththe privilegetovoteandthe responsibilitytocastit. We areapeoplewho have areverence forthatwhichissacred. We
thereandwere finallyableto buytheplacea fewyearslater. We were recentlygiven theopportunity to spend afew hours roamingthe farmandlisteningtothe old stories oflifebefore smartphones, WiFi and HVAC sys-
temsand in astrange wayasIsat in thatfront yard surroundedby family,I feltasif Ihad returned home.I’veneverspent anightin thatfarmhouse,butall my lifeI have known that IamthemanI am todaybecauseofthetimemy family spent in thatfarm. My grandfatherandhisbrothers buying the farmfromthelandlord showedme thatfamily helpsfamily; Grandpa’s steadfastfaith duringthehardestoftimes showed methatthereisnot atrial too big for Godtosee usthrough. Thejoywithwhichmyfatherand hisbrotherstalkaboutthatplace
stronglybelieve in the freedom to worship. We maynot be uniform inthepracticeofour faith,but we respectthefaithofothersand their righttoworship asled by thespirit. With all theconfusion in the landandtheinfluxofmillionsof peoplefromso manycountries in suchashorttimewhohavelittle or no concept ofdemocracy,we worryaboutthe changes rapidly taking place. Withtheirpresence andinfluencedrastic changesare comingabout. Many have no conceptofour history. Willwelose ourspiritoffreedom?
MayGod blessAmerica andpreservethefreedomsthat generations have sacrificedtoobtain.
taughtmethatour circumstances don’t define us,andthe storiesof quartersbeingoffered to children forgoingintothescarycabinupon thehilltaughtme thatuncles can never be trusted totally. After itwas saidanddone,we allpackedupour lawn chairsand cleanedup the watermelon rinds. We tookthatlong graveldriveway back outtothe highwayandwent back tonormallife,butfor afew hoursona Saturday wewereall homeagain. They sayyou candothat, go homeagain, butweknowthey’re wrong.
TheHartselleEnquirerwelcomes submissions of news itemsandcommunityevent itemsfromitsreadership.All letters, stories,photos, etc., mustbesentinnolaterthan noonon Monday. All information ispublishedon aspaceavailable basis. Letters tothe Editor andGuestColumnsare also welcome. Opinion submissionsmustbesignedand contain the author’s phone numberforverification.The phonenumber will notbe published. Unsigned letterswillnot be published. TheEditor reserves the right to editor notpublishanyletter. Only onesubmissionper writer permonth will be accepted. Needmoreinformation? Call 256-773-6566.
Hartselle Enquirer
206 CedarStreet NW P.O. Box929 Hartselle, AL 35640 Phone: 256-773-6566
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Publishedeach Wednesday Serving Hartsellesince 1933 Hartselle NewspapersLLC TheHartselle Enquirer isa member of the Alabama Press Association.
Rebekah Yancey ManagingEditor rebekah.yancey@ hartselleenquirer.com
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By Bayne Hughes For the Enquirer
Mental health, gambling, ethics and Interstate 565 congestion were among the many issues tackled in a “contentious and difficult” spring legislative session, the Morgan County delegation said Tuesday at the LegislativeUpdatebreakfast.
State Sen. Arthur Orr and Reps.ScottStadthagen,Terri Collins and Parker Moore gave the annual Legislative UpdateatthebreakfastsponsoredbytheDecatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce Wade Weaver, chairman of the chamber’s Policy Committee, moderated the event.
Stadthagen, the House majority leader, said the legislativesessionthatstartedin February “lasted only three months, but it seemed like it was12months.”
The state Legislature approved a $3.3 billion General Fund budget for fiscal 2025. Legislators said a major accomplishment was an increase in mental health funding. Moore, who serves on an ad hoc committee on mental health, said they increased mental health funding by 11.3%, to $238 million.
“We’ve made a huge increase from where we were fiveyearsago,”Mooresaid. Moore said a major part of this increase is adding more mental health professionals in the school systems. At a cost of $500,000 per unit, hesaid,theyallocatedmoney for three more mobile crisis units so now there are 21. Each unit has a mental health professional who can traveltounderservedareasof thestate,hesaid.
Chairman of the Senate Finance and Taxation and Education Finance committees, Orr said they approved $2.5 million for a 16-bed crisis unit that the Mental Health Center of North Central Alabama is building on U.S.31Southwherethestate trooperbuildingoncestood.
Lisa Coleman, chief executive officer of the Mental Health Center of North Central Alabama, said the unit is expected to cost between $10 million and $11 million and openinlate2025.
Orr noted the city of Decatur and Morgan County Commission are also helping tofundthisproject.
Collins said a top issue for her is increasing north Alabama road funding to the level of south Alabama, an imperative she said given the
faster population growth of northAlabama.
She said this is one reason she’s happy that $28 million was allocated to widening the remainder of I-565 to six lanes.
Stadthagen said funding the second study for an additional Decatur bridge across the Tennessee River is a key project for Morgan and Lawrencecounties.
“There’s a plan in place to fundthestudy,”hesaidofthe study that’s expected to cost upto$4million.
Stadthagen said a focus in the spring session was the need to limit increases in property tax, which could haverisenasmuchas40%.
“That would have made it extrahardtosurviveforsome people,” Stadthagen said. “At the end of the day, 40% would ultimately put some peopleoutoftheirhouses.”
The Legislature in May approved a law that caps increases in annual property taxassessments,andtaxes,at 7%peryear.
“Personally, I thought that was too high,” Stadthagen said. “But we also had to make sure the counties and citieswouldbeOK.”
Orr said sales tax revenues that fund the Education Trust Fund were flat because
the Legislature reduced the grocery tax by 1 cent per dollar and exempted income tax onovertimepay.
“We’re not like Washington where we can give a tax cut andthenincreasethedeficit,” Orrsaid.
Collins said they have planned for future decreases in Education Trust Fund revenue by creating reserves. ShesaidAlabamahasdonea betterjobthanmoststatesin managing its revenues that supporteducation.
“We haven’t seen proration, the No. 1 ugly word in my book, like we did when I was first elected (in 2010),” Collinssaid.
Collins said an issue that had to be handled this session involved in vitro fertilization, which was placed at risk when the state Supreme Court in February ruled in a wrongful death case that frozen embryos were “extrauterinechildren.”
She said the Legislature passed a bill that addresses the IVF issue in two weeks, but she admitted there’s still worktobedoneontheissue.
Collins sponsored the Choose Act, which created a school voucher program that will provide eligible families with as much as $7,000 to help pay for private school
and $2,000 for homeschoolingexpenses.
“More families will be more involved in the education of their children, and that’s a positive,”Collinssaid.
Collinssaidtheyalsopassed a Parents Right to Know law, a Teachers’ Bill of Rights and a law that defines due processstepsforstudentsfacing expulsion.
“If a student is facing a long-term expulsion of over two weeks, they have the opportunity to tell their side one time,” she said.
Moore is serving on a joint taskforce on artificial intelligence. He introduced and the Legislature passed a law criminalizing the manipulation of an image or video using artificial intelligence without the consent of the subjectoftheimageorvideo.
Moore said they are also looking at other restrictions on AI, particularly in situations where it could cause mass chaos or be used to manipulate stock prices.
The unsuccessful attempt to pass a lottery bill was probably the most controversial issue in the spring Legislative session, the legislators agreed.
He said there also a number of illegal casinos and bingo halls in almost every county, including Morgan County.
“As a state, we’ve got to get abetterhandleonregulating gaming,” Moore said. Moore said there’s not enough Republican support topassagamingbill,sothey need bipartisan support. Collins said she hasn’t thought much yet about the 2025 legislative session, but one issue she expects to return is ethics reform.
Stadthagen and Collins said the ethics law should beamendedtoprovidemore clarity for elected officials on what they can and can’t do. Stadthagen said they need a bill that helps city employees, city council members and other elected officials becausepreviousbills“made it difficult to know what’s black, white or gray.”
The Legislative Update took place at the DoubletreebyHiltonHotelDecatur Riverfront.
“It wasn’t clear cut,” Moore said. “It was very complex. What is gaming? What is a game of chance?” Moore said there are 18 constitutional amendments on gaming in specific counties, including those that made VictoryLand Casino and Greene County Entertainment Center legal.
By Mary Sell For the Enquirer
The arrest of a Morgan County mother and addiction recovery advocate on an 11-year-old misdemeanor warrant has prompted discussions about the possible need for statutes of limitationsonsomewarrants.
Clarissa Curbow, 32, was arrested by Somerville Police in February at her home and in front of her young daughteronawarrantfrom2013.
Somerville Mayor Darren Tucker said the town’s police were following the law and tidying up old paperwork, including Curbow’s warrant. But he agrees the arrest wasn’tnecessary. It stemmed from a verbal altercation Curbow and a friend had in a Dollar Store parkinglot.Atthetime,Curbowwasaddictedtodrugs.
Neither Curbow nor her friend who filed the com-
plaint remembered the incident or the warrant, the Decatur Daily reported. The two reconciled when Curbow gotsober.
Tucker this spring sent Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, a letter suggesting legislation implementing statutes of limitation on misdemeanor warrants. Tucker called Curbow’s arrest “unnecessary andpunitive.”
“The current situation underscores a significant issue within our legal framework,” Tucker wrote. “Alabama has no statute of limitationsforwarrants.This absencemeansthatindividuals can be arrested for minor infractions many years after the fact, regardless of the current circumstances or the reconciliation between the involved parties. In Ms. Curbow’s case, the activation of an 11-year-old warrant seems bothexcessiveandunjust.”
Orr said he’s asked the Leg-
islative Services Agency, the Legislature’s bill-drafting office, to research limitations inotherstates. “I want to see how other states have approached the issue,” Orr said. “And if they’ve done nothing, we still need to craft, in conversations with law enforcement andprosecutors,whatmakes sense for Alabama. But I’m committed to looking into it and coming up with a proposal.”
Partofthediscussionmight be on whether Class B and C misdemeanor warrants have an expiration date, but more serious Class A charges do
“Wheredowedrawtheline, or do we draw it based on time?” Orr said about settinglimitationsrelativetothe classofoffense.
Curbow said she believes some misdemeanor warrants shouldn’t have end dates, especially those that involve physical injuries to others. But she would like to see police departments have to actmorequicklytoservewarrants. She believes if Somerville Police processed her warrant promptly, it would have shown up years ago when she had other interactionswithlawenforcement.
Curbow credits jail ministry with saving her life and helping her get sober. She now volunteers with Kairos Prison Ministry. She celebrated seven years sober on May 25 and said God has now given her a unique opportunity to advocate for a change to help others.
She said for people battling addiction, an arrest like hers this year could be a major setback. She spent several hours in the Morgan County Jail before being released.
“That night when I was arrested and was sitting in thatholdingcell,Iveryheavily contemplated relapse,” Curbow said.
“And had I not been as rooted in God as I am, I would have relapsed and probablyitwouldhavekilled me.”
Curbowhastwodaughters, 12 and 4. The older girl was bornduringCurbow’saddiction and saw her mother’s
arrest in February.
“It was a very traumatic night for her, because the last time she saw me going away in a cop car, I didn’t come back for a year,” Curbow said.
Curbow said she appreciates Tucker’s efforts after her arrest.
“He’s been very helpful in trying to aid in this process and he’s doing everything he cantomakesurethisdoesn’t happen again in his town or anywhere else in Alabama.” Curbow doesn’t remember the 2013 fight that led to the warrant, but she takes responsibility for it.
“WasIguiltyofthatharassment charge in 2013? Probably so. Do I remember the incident? Not at all. It was too many drugs ago.
“I was in addiction, so I know I was ratchet. So, yes, Ideservedthatwarrantback then,yes.ButdidIdeserveit now? No.”
By David Gambino
For the Enquirer
One of two capital murder defendants accused of kidnapping a Hartselle woman in 2021 and pushing her off a cliff to her death
hasappliedforyouthful offender status, accordingtocourtfilings. Jessie Eden Kelly, 22, along with her mother, Loretta Kay Carr, 45, are both charged with killing Mary Elizabeth Isbell.
Isbell had been reportedmissingbyher ex-husband almost two years before her body, with the help of information provided by one of the accused, was discovered in the Little River Canyon National Preserve in Dekalb Countylastsummer.
life is her debate coach, Kelly Cimino.
A Dekalb County Sheriff’s Office investigator, who called the crime one of the most “heinous” in his career, said the suspects and Isbell knew each other through “a boyfriend.” Prosecutors notified Carr in May that they
will seek the death penalty against her Carr’strialisscheduled to begin on Nov. 18.
On June 12, Kelly agreed to waive her right to a trial by jury and instead be tried by the court, should the court grant her youthful offender status. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Oct. 17. In the meantime, authoritiesarekeeping Kelly and her mother in separate jails. Both are being held without bond.
“I decided I wanted to give the chief of staff position to my opponent, Aria Foster of Huntsville. She is so kind and so sweet and a great speaker.” After that came the inaugural ball and the dinner. She gave speeches for the ceremonies and on the last day toured the Statehouse. She took along with her four good friends among the cabinet of 315 positions.
Kay Ivey as hoped because the real governor was in meetings, but she did get to help sign some legislation into law that day, she said.
Itsede, the daughter of Claudia Compton and Thomas Itsede, credits two strong women with inspiring her to achieve.
“I can feel the support and love from my mom in anything I do,” she said.
“When I said I wanted to run for governor, she was all-hands-on-deck My mom did not come from a lot at all. Her diligence and work ethic inspires me every single day.”
Another force in Itsede’s
“Sheissuchahardworker, and she has been doing it more than 20 years,” Itsede said. “And, she just graduatedfromlawschoolthisMay. She sacrifices her weekends to do tournaments and she will drive two-plus hours just for me and my success Herkindness,herheartand herworkethic,Ilovethem.”
The week did not close until two girls were chosen to go to Girls Nation.
At the end of the week the counselors gathered to choose two of the girls to represent Alabama at Girls Nation, a weeklong mock government experience July 20-27 in Washington, D.C.
“You have to get elected to go to Girls Nation. They don’t care if you were elected governor, you still have to go through the interview,” Itsede said. “There have been years where the governor was not selected to Girls Nation. I’d say it’s a fair process.
“When they announced the winners, they called my friend Sofia Self of Mountain Brook first, then they called mine. I ran and gave her a big hug. I was really happy. Everyone was cheer-
ing.” Roth, one of the 13 counselors who interviewed the girls for consideration to go to Girls Nation, remembers Itsede well.
“She was poised, spoke well, unflappable and very positive with a lovely smile, and smart,” she said. “We asked the girls about their knowledge of government, who their elected officials are and different issues.”
In many ways Cimino sees Itsede as the ideal student.
“She loves to learn, and she loves to practice what she learns,” she said. “She incorporates experiences and information from everything that she’s been exposed to into the legislation she writes.”
Cimino said a girl can attend Girls State and not offer her own legislation for debate.
“Not Mary Frances,” she said. “Nope. If she’s going to go, she’s going to offer her own legislation that she is going to argue for and do all the research about it. She wants the whole experience, which I think is just really, really cool. She gleans so much from everything she experiences and the people she meets,” she said. “She just brings it all in.” Itsede says if there is a girl out there thinking of applying to Girls State, her only advice is: “Try it. It’s a life-changing experience.”
Falkville Church of Christ, 18 West 2ndSt.,Falkville, meetseachSundaymorning forBibleSchool at 9a.m.with Morning Worshipserviceat 10a.m.Sundayeveningworshipserviceisat6 p.m.and WednesdayEveningBible Studyat7p.m.Pleasejoinus.
SouthwestBaptistChurch, 1705RidgedaleDr.SW, Hartselle,hasSundaySchool beginningat9:45eachSunday,morningworshipat 11:00amandeveningworshipat6:00pm.Wednesdaynightservicesareat6:00 pm.Bro.GregBurchamis thepastor.Formoreinformation,call256-773-5994.
CedarCreek Free WillBaptistChurch,located at 1303 CedarCreekChurchRdin Hartselle,hasSundayschool at 10a.m.,worship at 11 a.m. and 5p.m.,and Wednesday eveningserviceat6p.m. Theirdoorsarealwaysopen. Formoreinfo,call Pastor Cliff Tomlinson256-898-4198.
Word Alive! Church and pastorBrian Culbreathhave weeklyradioshowsonSundays at 1:15p.m.on 91.3 FM and Mon. through Fri.on 106.3FM.
ValhermosoBaptistChurch, located at 7312Hwy.36Ein Lacey’sSpring,holdsSunday school at 10a.m.andworship services at 11 a.m.and 5p.m. Discipleshiptrainingand worshipareheld at 6p.m. on Wed. evening.Children, youthandadult classesareat 6:30p.m.
GumSpringsBaptist Church,located at 371Gum SpringsRoadin Hartselle, hasSundaymorningworship at 11 a.m.andSundaySchool classes at 10a.m.openforall ages. Wednesdaynightprayer meetings at 6:30p.m.
Faith Independent Church, locatedonBellSpringsRoad on LaconMountain,has serviceseachSundayat10 a.m.forSundayschooland 11 a.m.and 6p.m.forworship(exceptonthirdSunday nights–noservice). Wednesday’sserviceis at 7p.m. They area non-denominational church,andthepastorisBro
JamesE. Mills Jr.
LivingHope Church of GodinChrist,located at 901 McDaniel Street,hasSundayschool at 10a.m.,Sundayworship at 11:15a.m. and Bible studyTuesdays at 7p.m.
Priceville Church of Christ,
located at 143RobinsonRd in Priceville,holdsSundaySchoolat9:00,Sunday morningworship at 10:00; Sundayeveningworship at 5:00and Wednesdaynight at 7:00.Call256-431-4770for moreinformation.
LawrenceCoveBaptist, 142PineBlurrRd, Eva,AL 35621,holdsSundaySchool at 10 am andworship at 11 amwith PastorStevenSmith. Formoreinfocontact256482-2247.
Mt. NeboBaptist Church, 860Mt.NeboRoad, Falkville, holds Sundayschool at 10 a.m.,worship at 11 a.m.and Sundayeveningworship at 6p.m. Wednesdayevening Bible studyisat6p.m. For moreinformation,call256476-5201
FlintBaptist Church holds worshipservices andchildren’s services at 9:30a.m.on Sundaysand aprayerservice andchildren’s discipleship on Wednesdays at 6:30p.m. The church buildingislocated at 4119Hwy31SouthinDecatur. Formoreinformation, call(256)353-7429.
TheRevival Tabernacle holdsservicesSundays at 10 a.m.and Wednesdayevening at 7p.m. Thechurch is located at 1109 MainSt. W. Pastors Jason andGingerThayer welcome everyonetoattend.
East HighlandBaptist Church,1030 MainStreetE, holdsSundaySchoolat9:15 a.m.,worship at 10:30a.m., WednesdayBiblestudy at 10:00a.m.and6:30p.m. The church alsoholds American HeritageGirlsandTrail Life meetings Mondaynightsat6 p.m. Formoreinformation, call256-773-4157.
ChristOur Redeemer Lutheran Church,located at 721 PickensSt.SWin Hartselle,invites everyoneto Sundayschool at 9:15 a.m. andworshipat10:30a.m. each Sunday.The church office isopen Mondayand Wednesdayfrom9-11:30a.m. Findthe church on Facebook andvisitthewebsite at www. corhartselle.org.Formore info,call256-773-2121or email corhartselle@gmail. com.
Pennylane Church of Christ, locatedat615 Pennylane St.SE,holdsservicesat11 a.m.eachSundayand 6p.m. Wednesday. Minister William L. Turneycanbe reached at 256-683-4660. HowardDick-
insonserves thechurch asthe assistantminister.
TheFalkville United MethodistChurch holds serviceson Sundayat11a.m. withSunday school at 10 a.m. Theyouth meetat5 p.m.Sundays. The publicis welcometo attend. Thechurch is located at 253 MainSt.EinFalkville.
PineyGrove Christian Church hostsserviceseach Sundayschoolat10a.m., preaching at 11 a.m.,evening serviceat6 p.m. and WednesdaynightBiblestudy at 6p.m.
FirstBaptist Church Falkville,located at 305E. Main StreetinFalkville,has thefollowingserviceschedule: Sunday School,9:15 a.m.,SundayWorship Service at 10:30a.m.andnoSundaynightservice. WednesdayEveningServices startat 6:00p.m.Stephen Cannonis thepastor.Formoreinfo,call 256-784-5827,orlogonto www.fbcfalkville.com.
LighthouseBaptistChurch holds Sundayschool at 10 a.m.andworshipserviceat11 a.m.and5:30p.m. onSundays.Wednesdayworshipis at 6:30 p.m. Thepastoris Bro. John Reid.
Liberty BaptistChurch, 1206 LaneRoadNW,holds serviceseach Sundaywith Bible studyat9:45a.m., Biblepreaching at 11 a.m. Wednesdaynight Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
WalnutGrove BaptistChurch is located at 622 SouthBethel Roadin Hartselle. Thepastor is John D. Bain.Sundayschool is at 10 a.m.,worshipserviceis at 11 a.m.and evening worship serviceisat6 p.m. Wednesday serviceat6p.m.For more info,visituson Facebook or logontohttp://walnutgrove baptistchurch.weebly.com.
FirstBaptistChurch of Hartselle, 210 WoodlandSt. NW,offersworshipservices as follows:onSunday -ContemporaryWorship at 9am, SundaySchool at 10am,and Traditional Worship at 11am; onWednesdayat6pm –Bible Study, Student &Children’s activities.Dr.ClaytonSpeed is thepastor.Formoreinfocall 256-773-5500or visit fbchart. org.
McKendree ChristianFellowship, anon-denominational church,located at 2795 Highway55W., Danville, holds servicesSundaymorning at 9:30 a.m. forBible class, worship at
InMatthew9,Jesuscalls Matthewtofollow Him andbecome adisciple. Jesusthen joins Matthew andothersinnersand tax collectorsfordinner.The Pharisees,observing this,disapproveand question Hisdisciplesabout whytheirMaster associateswithsinners andtax collectors(9-11.) This passage revealsmuch about Jesus’ perspectiveonhumanity. It contrastshow society oftenviewsthose considered “undesirable”with how Jesus views them. Haveyoueverjudgedsomeone based ontheirappearance, behavior or past actions? Most of us likelyhave.
10:45 a.m.,Wednesdaynight potluck at 6:30p.m. andBible studyat7p.m.
PattilloStreetChurch of God holdsSundayschool at 9:30 a.m.andpraiseandworship at 10:30 a.m. ASunday evening service isheldat5p.m. and aWednesday Bible study at 7p.m.,including youth activities. Thechurch is located at 1211PattilloSt.SW in Hartselle,andthepastor is Gary Phillips.
NewSong Family Church, located at 4309 Highway31 S,Decatur, AL 35603,has servicesonSundaysat11:00 am.Worshipis ledby Jan Byrd.
Pleasant View Holy Church of ChristonHoganRoad in Falkville(Massey) offers servicesasfollows:Sunday school,10a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.;Sunday night,5 p.m.; andWed.night Bible study, 6:30p.m. Formoreinfo, call PastorRickieBall at 256-4623715 orRefordandCindy Williamat256-462-3573.
PineStreetIndependent BaptistChurch,135 PineSt., Falkville, AL,invites everyone toSunday morningworship at 11 amandeveningservice at 6pm. Wednesdaynight biblestudy 6p.m. Formore info contactPastor Rusty Hodges,256-612-0266.
No Fences Cowboy Church of Morgan County, located at 3544 West LaconRoadin Falkville,hasthefollowing service schedule:Sundays at 10:00a.m.and Wednesday Adult andyouthBible studies at 6:30p.m. JoshSparkman isthepastor.Formoreinfo, call 256-784-5448,orlogon
Perhapsour judgments have evendiscouragedsomeone from drawingcloser to Jesus. Jesusdemonstratesadifferent approach. He looks at people with compassion ratherthan condemnation. He explains that He cameforthesickand forallpeople (12-13.)Asdisciplesof Christ,weare called toadopt Hisperspective. We shouldstrive to bemorecompassionateandlesscondemning, makingothers morereceptivetohearing aboutour wonderful Savior.So, howdo youviewtheworld?Let’saim to reflect Jesus’ compassioninourinteractions withothers.
to www.nofencescc.com.
FirstChristian Church in Hartselle invitesyouto join us on Sundaymorningsfor Sundayschool at 9a.m. and worshipservice at 10a.m. We have a“no creedbut Christ,” andpartake of Holy Communioneach Sunday. We also meetonWednesdaynight for Bible studyat6 p.m. Nurseryisprovided.Ourpastor is Mickey Johnson. Please visit ourwebsite to view our sermonsatwww.fcchartselle. com.
OakRidge MissionaryBaptistChurch,151 HardyRd. (quartermile offVaughn BridgeRd),services Sunday schoolat10am, Worship at 11am,Sundaynight at 6pm andWednesdaynight at 6pm. Everyoneis welcomeand BrotherJimmyChenaultis thepastor.
FirstIndependentMethodistChurch, located at3 OxmoreFlintRoadinDecatur, holdsworshipat10:30 a.m.on Sundays andBible studyat6p.m. on Wednesdays. HalDiagreisthe church pastor.
FellowshipBaptistChurch onSetter Avenue in Decatur (justwestofCracker Barrel) holds Sundayschoolat9:45 a.m. andworshipat11a.m. Call 256-355-8414for information.
Church of GodProphecy, 503Stewart St. in Hartselle, holds the following weekly services: Sunday school at 10 a.m.,worship serviceat 11 a.m.andWednesdaynight serviceat6p.m. Pastoris ChrisBates.
SerenityBaptistChurch, locatedat1062 PerkinsWood Rd.,Hartselle, welcomesa newpastor, Bro. Lynn Morgan(2024).SundaySchoolis held at 9:45 a.m.with Sunday Worship at 11 am. ForestHill BaptistChurch, 1947 Bluff City Rd,Somerville,AL35670 inviteseveryonetoold hymnsinging KJVpreaching eachSunday School morning at10am, ChurchService at11am,Sunday nightat6pmandWed. nightat 7pm. Formoreinformation256-754-5226.
Mt.CarmelBaptist Church locatedat287 Mt. Carmel Road,Falkville, AL 35622, offers SundaySchoolat10am, worshipservice at 11am lead Brother David Taylorand Sunday evening worship at 6pm
Gandy’sCoveCommunity Church locatedon Gandy’s Cove Rd in Falkville offers SundaySchool11a.m.; Worship Service10a.m. and Wednesdaynight Bible study 6p.m.
UnityBaptistChurch, locatedat4506Norris Mill RoadinDecatur,withpastor Bro. Joel Snyder has Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.,worship service at 10:30a.m.,Sundaydiscipleship training at 5p.m.,evening worshipat6 p.m. andWednesdayworship serviceat6:30 p.m. Call3534315formoreinfo.
SanctuaryCommunity Church is located at 1149 West Main St. Hartselle.SundaySchoolisheld at 10a.m.; services at 11 andWednesday nightBiblestudy at 7p.m.
Danville Middle Schoolispleased toannouncethe additionof Ms. BrookeHandtotheirteam. Ms.Handis adedicated educatorand coachwitha passionforworkingwith children.Shewillservein
multiple roles at Danville MiddleSchool,andthe school staffisthrilledto
ConstanceSmith contact@cosmopolitan cornbread.com
AppleSpicePulled Pork istender pulledporkwith spicesandapple, cookedinyourslow cooker. Ingredients 4lbs.porktenderloin
“Daisy Jones &theSix”
By Taylor JenkinsReid Inthe1970s,therockband DaisyJonesandtheSixrose tointernationalfame.But thebandfellapartasquickly astheyrose. Yearsafter theirbreakup,Daisyisready tositdownandtellthetale
thebandgetting getherandbreakingup.Thetale starts withteenageDaisy tryingtomake itbig on themusicscene. Shequicklygets involved in drugs and romantic flings. Yearslater,she finallygetsnoticed by aproducerwho pairsherwiththe already established rock band The Six. Thus,Daisy JonesandtheSix isborn. However,themembers become romanticallyinvolved withoneanotherandthose feelingscausethebandto fallapart.
Thisbookby Taylor JenkinsReidis agreat fictional taleofthe rock and roll musicsceneofthe1970s. Thebookcanbefoundin thelibraryandontheLibby app.
welcomeherto their Hawk Family.
FalkvilleRECCheer uniformsale
If you have acheer uniformfromlastseasonthat nolongerfitsorwon’t be usedthisschool year,you
2Tb. cumin 1Tb. cinnamon
2cloves garlic,minced 1/2 tsp.gratedfreshginger 1/2 tsp. anchochilipowder 1/2 tsp.seasalt 1/2 tsp.groundblackpepper 2cups apple juiceornaturalapplecider 2apples,coredandcutinto wedges(peeling optional)
Instructions To begin, cutyourpork loin in halfsoit fits inyour
can bringittothe Falkville TownHallonJune9at2:30 pmfor the UniformSale. Thepricesare asfollows: Shell -$55,Skirt- $25, and Briefs -$5. Formoreinformationorto arrangeforan earlierdrop-off orpick-up, contact Savannahat205616-9845.
RememberFalkville’s StarSpangled Day June 29
Everyoneisinvitedtothe Town of Falkville’sStar Spangled Dayevent at South Park on June29 at
slow cooker.Placeitinyour slow cooker. Sprinklealloftheseasoningsoverthetopofthepork. Pour in the apple juiceor cider. Arrangetheapplewedges in theslow cooker. Coveryourslow cooker andlet the porkcookon lowfor8-10hours. Transfer the porktoa pan andshredit withforks. Mashthe applesinto the porkasyoushredit.
By Freida McFadden Millie Callowayison
paroleand livingin her carbecauseshejustgot firedfromherlastjoband lostherapartment.She must getanotherjob beforeherparoleofficerfindsout. Lu ily, NinaWinches must not havedone abackgroundcheck becauseshejust calledtohireMillie forthelive-inhousemaidjob.Both problemssolved –whatcould go wrong? It doesn’t takelongfor Millietorealize that Ninaisunstable andseemsto have anaxe to grind.Sherules thehousewith aniron fist, andnoone questionsher.
Nina’s husband, Andrew, says helovesherbuthas beenshowingmoreand moreattentionto Millie lately. Milliethought her biggestproblemwas avoidingprison. That wasbefore she realized thather attic bedroomonlylocks from theoutside.
6:30pm. Thisfree event willfeature livemusic,free concessions, afireworks displayand aWoodmenLife flagpresentation. Gather at theflagpoleand bringa chair.Bringyourfamilyand friends to enjoy this free communityevent.
ThisDoberman is the longestresidentatthe MorganCountyShelter andvolunteerssayheis oneof thebest.Youcan adopthimandsavehis life byvisitingtheMorgan CountySheltertodayat 1314Industrial Drive in Hartselle.Theadoption feecoversspay/neuter surgeryandthefirst roundofvaccines.
Participants inthe Hartselle Camp Meeting singhymns during the week-longHartselle Camp Meeting.
Pastor SpencerBell singsduring the HartselleCamp Meeting.
Priceville police:Madison manchargedwith trafficking fentanyl
ByDavid Gambino
For theEnquirer
AMadisonmanwas arrestedand chargedwith traffickingfentanyland second-degreepossession ofmarijuanaduring aSaturdayeveningtraffic stop, according tothePriceville Police Department.
Jonathan WadeEmerson, 32,was bookedinto MorganCountyJailearly Sundayand released Monday on a$250,000 bond, jail recordsshow.
Emersonwas apassengerinavehicle stoppedfor minor trafficviolationsnear the Priceville/Decaturexit
on Interstate65 at around 11p.m.onSaturday,according to apoliceaffidavit. Policesaid they smelled marijuana onEmerson. Officers “locatedaquantityofmarijuanaanda traffickingamountof white, round, chalk-like pillsonEmerson’s person,” the affidavit reads. “(Officers) field-testedthe pills, and they yielded apresumptivepositive result forfentanyl.”
Thedriver of the vehicle had multiplemisdemeanorwarrantswith MorganCounty,accordingto Pricevillepolice,andwas transportedtojail before postingbond.
Townof Falkville to holdStarSpangled DaySaturday
TheTownof Falkvillewill celebratethe upcoming IndependenceDay holidayinstylewith itsannual StarSpangled Daythis Saturday at SouthPark. Thefestivities will begin at 6:30p.m.
Thisis afreecommunity eventwithafirework display,freefoodandlive entertainment. WoodmenLifewillalsopresent the flags during the event. Attendees areencouragedto bring alawnchairor blanket toenjoytheshow. Formoreinformation, visit www.falkville.org
ByCalebSuggs FortheEnquirer
SamWallace, aWestMorgangraduateandformerhead coachfortheRebels,hasbeen selectedtobethenewboys’basketball coachatDanville.
Wallacewastheheadboys’ basketball coachatWestMorganin2017-18. He left West Morgantotakeoverthegirls’ basketballprogram at Elkmont. WallaceledtheRedDevilsto back-to-back20-or-more-win seasonsin2021-2022andled theteamtotheEliteEightin 2022.
Nowhe’sbackinMorgan Countyandbackcoachingboys basketballasthenewhead coachatDanville.Accordingto him, he’s amuchbetter coach thistimearound.
“WhenI was coaching at West Morgan,I was 27-28years old andsingle. NowI’m married withkids, andmyperspective has changed,”Wallacesaid. “I’vematured alotsincethen, andI’ma better teacher(of the game). Iunderstandnow howtobuildbetter connections withkids, andwhenyouhavea better relationshipwiththem, youcan coachthemharderand they’llplayharder, too.”
Wallace knows he hasbig shoes to fillashe replacesBen Mastin,who left tobethehead coachatDecatur. Last season Mastin led theHawksto a22-10 record and theEliteEight. “Danvillehas agreat history. BeforeBenitwas WayneBowling,RobertPope, DougOldacre and ScottEllis. Danvilleisjust agreat communitythatloves basketball,”Wallacesaid. “We’re not going totryand reinvent thewheel;we’rejustgoing to continuetobuild on thetraditionsandsuccess that every coachbeforemehasset.” Russell Frye contributedtothis report.
QuaneshaBurks, aformerHartselleHighandUniversityofAlabama
ByRussellFrye FortheEnquirer
athlete,willcompeteintheU.S. TrackandFieldOlympic Trials.
ballandtrackathleteatHartselleHighSchool, will competeinthe U.S.Olympic Trackand FieldtrialsthatisbeingheldinEugene,Ore. BurkswillattempttomaketheU.S.Olympic
Trackand FieldTeaminthewomen’s long jump.ShewillattempttoqualifystartingJune 27,withthefinalsonJune29. BurksisattemptingtomakehersecondU.S.
Olympic team after competing in the2021 OlympicsinTokyo. The2024Olympic Gameswill takeplacein ParisJuly26throughAug.11.
ByCaleb Suggs FortheEnquirer
Christy Ferguson,formerly the head softball coachofHartselle andDanville, hasbeen namedthenewhead coachatheralmamater of Falkville HighSchool.
“I guessI’m goingto touch base with every school in Morgan County,” Ferguson said witha laugh. “Inall seriousness though,I’mhappy tobe at my homeschool andI hopethis iswhereI end my career.” Ferguson waspart of Falkville’s firststate championship team in anysportin1987when shehelped theBlue Devilswinasoftball title. Falkville wasalsowhere she hadher firsthead coachingjobin 2011-12. Nowshe’s back tolead theprogramonceagain. “Wehadour firstworkouttheotherday, and when Iwalkedinthe dooritfeltlikehome,” Ferguson said. “Itfelt likeI’d never left.” It’s been10 years since Falkville has reached
the statesoftballtournament,butFerguson hasplentyofexperience. In addition to her statechampionship asa playerin1987, she also won threeasanassistant coachatHartselle (2000, ‘02,‘03)andtwoasa head coachatHartselle (2014and ‘18).She led Danville tothe state tournamentin2023as well. Ferguson believesshe canhavesimilarsuccess at Falkville.
“I actuallygottowatch alltheir (Falkville) games at regionalsand they werejustagame away,” Fergusonsaid. “They ended up losingto Hatton who’snowmoving up to 4A,soI think that opensthedoorfor us.”
“Do Ithink we can gettherethis year? I’m always going to strive forthat, but Ithinkby next yearfor surewecan reachthatgoal,”Ferguson added. “Ithinkif you’re nottalkingabouta statechampionship then whyare you coaching? Iknow onething,once you’vehad atasteofthat bluemap,it’saddicting.”
Specialto theEnquirer
Hartselle Parksand RecreationwrappedupitsBoys to MenCamplastweek, leaving alastingimpact on itsyoung participants. The camp,designed to cultivate practicalskillsandpersonaldevelopment,featured adiversearray ofactivities thatkept the attendees engagedand learning. Throughoutthe week, theboystookpartinthe assemblyofwooden trucks, exploredcar components andhonedtheirinterview
skills. They alsoenjoyed grillinghamburgersand hotdogs,fostering aspiritof teamworkandcamaraderie.
Thecampwas notonlya platformforskill-building butalso avenueforcreatingnewfriendships, with plentyoflaughterandplay. Theexperienceproved to be both profoundandgratifyingfor everyone involved, highlightingthe exceptional camaraderieand character ofthe young menin attendance.
Thecampwasinstructed by JacobAllmon andLawrenceFuqua.
Organiz Veterans’Outreachseeks
forlocal charitythathelps veterans. Reps setupatpre-approved locations with smalltable and patrioticitems. Must haveacar,driver’slicense. Hourly wage,bonus,and mileage. Call 866-212-5592 or email: jely@veteransoutreach.org
DriversWanted Non-CDL Truck Driver
TheTimesDaily has aposition availablefor aNon-CDLTruckDriver. Theideal candidatemusthaveanexcellentdrivingrecordand aclean MVR (motor vehiclereport) as well asproofof personalautoinsurance.
Candidatemustpassa DOTphysical, be abletoliftupto50pounds,andbe capableofdrivingup to 8hoursata time. Must beabletoworkflexibleschedules includingdays, nights, weekends,and holidaysasneeded.
Pleaseemailresumesto hollie.colella@timesdaily.com or applicationsmay bepicked up at 219 West Tennessee St. Florence,AL35630
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Letters of Administrationon the Estateofsaiddeceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe14thdayofJune2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims
againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedbylawor the same will bebarred.
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe14thdayofJune,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame
within time allowed by laworthe same will bebarred.
ADID 601603
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe14thdayofJune,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbate CourtofMorgan County,Noticeisherebygiven that allpersonshavingclaims againstsaid estate arehereby
requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedby laworthe same will bebarred.
ADID 601604
Letters of Administration on the Estateofsaiddeceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe14thdayofJune2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbate CourtofMorgan County,Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaid estate arehereby
required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe14thdayofJune,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame
within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe17thdayofJune,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
ESTATEOFROBERT CHARLES RAGLAND, PROBATE COURTDECEASED Letters of Administration on the Estateofsaiddeceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe11thdayofJune2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
ADID 601555
JOHNSON,PROBATE COURT DECEASED Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe12thdayofJune,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
ADID 601565
Letters of Administration on the Estateofsaiddeceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe13thdayofJune2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
Letters of Administration on the Estateofsaiddeceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe13thdayofJune2024,by theHon.
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned on the4th dayof June, 2024, by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedbylaw or the same will bebarred.
Letters of Administrationonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned on the3rd dayof June2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedbylawor the same will bebarred.
ADID 600324
Get resultsfastwiththe TNValleyStuffClassifieds.
Letters of Administrationonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned onthe3RDdayofJune2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedbylawor the same will bebarred.
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned on the5th dayof June, 2024, by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedbylaw or the same will bebarred. JOYCEWINKLESAND
TIVES ON THEESTATEOF SAIDDECEASED 06/12/24,06/19/24, 06/26/24 ADID 600354 www.TNValleyStuff.com
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned on the3rd day of June, 2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbateCourtofMorgan County, Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshavingclaims againstsaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedbylawor the same will bebarred.
ADID 600203
Letters Testamentaryonthe Es-
tate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned on the3rd dayofJune,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbate CourtofMorgan County,Noticeisherebygiven that allpersonshavingclaims againstsaid estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedby laworthe same will bebarred.
DECEASED 06/12/24,06/19/24,06/26/24
ADID 600198
Letters Testamentaryonthe Estate of said deceasedhaving beengrantedtotheundersigned on the5th dayof June,2024,by theHon. GREG CAIN,Judgeof theProbate CourtofMorgan County,Noticeisherebygiven that allpersonshavingclaims againstsaid estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesame within time allowedby laworthe same will bebarred.
ADID 600578
TheHartselleCitySchoolsystem intends to destroyallspecial education recordsofchildren who havenotreceivedspecialeducationservicesinthissystemwithin thelastfiveyears. If it has been more than fiveyearssince your child received special education servicesinthissystem, and youwouldlikecopiesofhis/her recordsbeforetheyare destroyed. Please contactAngela Craig at256-773-0717by Wednesday, July 3,2024. /s/Dr. Brian Clayton Superintendent 06/19/24,06/26/24 ADID 601516
Thefollowingunclaimed vehicle will be sold onAugust09,2024Time -9am,ifnot claimed- 358 County Rd 1122, Vinemont,AL 35179. 2000 GMCSierra 3500 1GDKC34JXYF502331
06/26/24,07/03/24 ADID 602541
Thefollowingabandoned vehicleswillbesoldbypublicauction at8:00AMonJuly31st,2024,at 1701 HWY31SW, Hartselle,Al 35640. We reserve theright to refuse anyandallbids.
01Acura CL VIN: 19UYA424X1A000625
00 Ford Ranger VIN: 1FTYR10C4YPA98591 06/26/24,07/03/24 ADID 602631
Youare herebynotifiedthat SHELBA WITTENBERG, Personal Representativeoftheestate of THELMA DUISECARR, deceased,didonthe10thdayof June,2024, filein this Courther Petition forFinal Settlementof thesaidestate,and that the4th dayof September,2024,at1:00 O’clockP.M., is thedayand time fixedbytheCourtforthehearing thereon,at whichtimeyou may appearand contestthe same,if youthinkproper so to do. Datedthis12thdayof June, 2024. /s/GREGCAIN, JUDGEOF
PROBATE 06/19/24,06/26/24, 07/03/24, 07/10/24
ADID 601562
TO: AlabamaMedicaidAgency,PO Box5624, Montgomery, AL 36103-5624,
Justin Muenks,33930 Pinehurst Dr.,Yucaipa,CA92399, TommyDadds,26026BeeTree Rd,Henderson,MD21640,and RustyDadds,108 Sweeping Must Circle,Frederica, DE 19946
YOUWILLTAKE NOTICE that on the17thdayof June, 2024, Lisa P. Stephens,Personal Repf f
resentativeoftheEstateofBEVERLY JEAN DOTSON, deceasedfiledaReportOfInsolvencyofsaidestateand that the 5thdayofAugust,2024,at10:00 O’clockA.M., wasappointeda day forhearing said thereof,at whichtimeyou canappearand contestthe same,ifyou see proper.
Givenunder my hand this the 18thdayof June,2024.
/s/GregCain Judgeof Probate 06/26/24,07/03/24,07/10/24
ADID 602232
YOUWILLTAKE NOTICE that on the2nddayof February, 2024,presented totheCourtan instrumentinwritingpurportingto betheLastWillandTestamentof DOROTHYJ.PEWITT, deceased,andalsofiled therewith hispetition,inwriting,prayingfor orderofthe Courtofadmitting saidinstrumenttoprobateasthe LastWill and Testamentof DOROTHYJ.PEWITT, deceased,and that the19thdayof August, 2024,at2:00o’clock P.M.,wasappointedas aday andtimeforhearingsaidpetition, at whichtimeyou canappear and contest, if youseeproper. Givenundermyhandthisthe6th dayof June,2024
/s/GregCain Judgeof Probate 06/12/24,06/19/24,06/26/24, 07/03/24 ADID 600580
YOUWILLTAKE NOTICE that on the24THdayof February, C
2024,presented totheCourtan instrumentinwritingpurportingto betheLastWillandTestamentof JOYLURA ANNE JONES, deceased,andalsofiled therewith theirpetition,in writing, praying fororderoftheCourtofadmitting saidinstrumenttoprobateasthe LastWill and Testamentof JOY LURAANNE JONES, deceased, and that the5th dayof September,2024,at9:00o’clockAM, wasappointedasadayandtime forhearingsaidpetition,atwhich timeyoucanappearandcontest, if youseeproper. Givenundermyhandthisthe3rd dayof June2024.
/s/GregCain Judgeof Probate 06/12/24,06/19/24,06/26/24 ADID 599952
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KimHallmark, Owner,Assoc.Broker, GRI256.227.1923
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Barbi Belcher, KimHallmarkRealEstateGroup256.230.5279
SelenaGlover, KimHallmarkRealEstateGroup 256.565.6804
Bill Nelson,Kim Hallmark Real Estate Group205.835.9453
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Sharon Miller 256.318.9001
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