2000 February - Healey Northwest

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February Meeting Date Change - Details Inside



February Meeting Date Change - Details Inside Austin-Healey Club of Oregon

February 2000


Healey Northwest


February 2000

Austin-Healey Club of Oregon 1999 Officers President:

Vice President:



Bob Bollinger 1530 W. 28th Place Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 687-8218 cbrb@aol.com

Jack Jakobsen 3801 Wy’east Road Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 354-3971 & FAX with prior call. jakobsen@gorge.net

Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Gary Jackson 3118 Northridge Way Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 343-0117 gary.jackson@ eweb.eugene.or.us





Mary Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Allan Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Betty Hand & JaAnn Hoisington 1520 NE Lincoln Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 693-9293 nrhand@aol.com

Advertising Mgr.:

Club Cordinator:


Club Address:

Skip Monaco 7710 SW 89th Portland, OR 97223 (503) 245-0174 FAX (503) 472-9953

Bill Bolton 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895-5576 FAX (541) 895-4029 tricarb@aol.com

Doug Auburg 7215 NE 61st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 694-7769 FAX (360) 694-7998 dauburg@vintagead.com

A-H Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426

Club Web Site: http://www.healey-oregon.org Contents: Club Activities Other Car Events President’s Message Editor’s Message Membership Report December Meeting Minutes Ginger Bread Charitable Donations Proposal Thanks From Emanuel AHCO Goes to Emanuel San Diego Adventure Meeting At The Railroad Pictures Constitutional Changes Constitutional Voting Ballot Tech Tid Bits Infatuation Classified Ads

February Meeting NOTE DATE CHANGE! Date: February 12, 2000

4 5 6 6 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18

Program: 2:00 p.m. Tech session at the Wilson’s. Meeting: 4:00 p.m. at the Wilson’s. Dinner: Chili Feed at the Wilson’s. Please note: Date and Program change since last issue. See page 4 for more information ....

Cover This months cover was photographed by Skip Monaco at Legacy Emanuel Childrens Hospital in December. The outing to bring gifts to unfortunate children at Emanuel was a tremendous success. See Barbara Gowen’s article about this event on page 11.

Thanks for your Help

Kent Lambert, Bob Bollinger, John Wilson, Allan & Mary Gross, Jonnie & Leon Hart, Gary Meyer, Stephanie Hellickson, Tom & Skip Monaco, Barbara Gowan, George Koeber, Carrie Schelling, Doug Auburg, Jack Jakobsen Healey Northwest


February 2000


AHCO Activities Calendar

Healey Northwest © 2000 AHCO

The official publication of the AustinHealey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinions of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omission of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 e-mail: terryaviator@bigplanet.com AHCO MEMBERSHIPS Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year memberships are available in person at any meeting or by mail: $25.00 per individual or couple (add $10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Membership Director. DEADLINES The Healey Northwest submittal deadline is the 20th of the preceding month. 4

Healey Northwest

by Allan Gross Editor’s note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information. February 12, 2000 NOTE DATE CHANGE

The February meeting will be at John and Shirley Wilson’s in Marcola. Activities begin at 2 PM with a tech session and chili feed, followed by the club meeting. The meeting at the Wilson’s offers attendees a chance to take a drive in the country (see map on page 6). From I-5 Southbound take the Brownsville exit and continue on to Crawfordsville (about 15 miles). Turn right on Brush Prairie Road (Sign says “Marcola 16 miles”). Turn right on Parsons Creek Road, continue for 1.8 miles. Look for a tan sign on the right with Wilson’s name and number on it. Turn right, Wilsons’s house is the first one on the left. From Eugene/Springfield take Hiway 126 to 42nd Street. Head East, turn right on Marcola Road. Parsons Creek Road is approximately 10 miles. Turn left on Parsons Creek Road and follow directions above. For additional information call John or Shirley at (541) 933-2016. February 20, 2000, Special activity

The club is fortunate to be able to visit with John and Joy Healey on Sunday, February 20 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Bolton’s in Creswell, Or. An informal coffee will take place. This is a great chance to get to know some of the Healeys personally and once again to give the AHCO welcome. Hope you can make it. Directions: Take Exit 182 off I-5,go east on Cloverdale Rd. and travel about 1-1/2 miles to Bear Creek Road (sign on left, road on right) and turn right. Bolton’s is the first long driveway on the left. March 11, 2000

Allan and Mary Gross will host the March meeting at the Clark County PUD building on Fort Vancouver Way, in Vancouver, WA. Meet in the Community Room at 2PM for a tech session followed by the meeting. A no-host dinner at a local restuarant will be decided after. See March issue for more details. April 18, 2000

Hosts: Gary and Dee Meyer. Activities will include a tour and a visit to The End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. More details in the March issue. May 13, 2000

Hosts: Jerry and Pat Barron. Progressive dinner party. June 10, 2000

Host: Ellen Hector. Tour of eastern Oregon in the La Grande area. Continued on page 18...


February 2000

Other Car Events 2000 Texas Healey Roundup April 7 - 9, 2000

Zupan’s Historic Races July 7 - 9, 2000

They say that this is one of the best Healey meets in the United States. How about considering this venue for your Spring destination. To be held in Kerville, Texas. For more information, contact Mike & Anne Johnson, (713) 664-6445.

Following on the heels of the Pacific Northwest Historic Races there will be lots of racing action as competitors seek to avenge or uphold their honor at Zupan’s Historic Races. Take your Healey to Portland International Raceway for display in the Healey Corral and a chance to take your car for a parade lap. Don’t miss this one, since the AHCO meeting will be on the field after Saturday’s racing. A perfect excuse, if one is needed, to enjoy some vintage racing.

2000 Portland Swap Meet April 7-9, 2000 If you can’t make it to Texas consider taking in the 36th annual “Always in April” Portland Swap Meet. It will be held at the Exposition Center, 2060 N. Marine Drive in Portland. Friday and Saturday hours are 7AM to 7PM, Sunday hours are 8AM to 1PM. Come and see pre-1975 cars, parts, collectables and memorabilia for sale. You might find something for your Healey you just can’t live without.

1st Austin Healey Rendezvous July 24-28, 2000 Remember the Austin Healey West Coast Meet that we have attended for many years? Well it is now the Austin Healey Rendezvous, and will be hosted by the Cascade Austin Healey Club and held in beautiful Ocean Shores, Washington. Activities will center around the Shilo Inn Hotel - Conference Center. It is not too early to be making your plans for the event that promises to be the “event of the year”. Early registrants will be entered in a drawing, to be held May 22, 2000 that could win you your four nights lodging (excluding taxes) free - a $500 value. To make your reservation at Shilo Inn call (800) 334-1015. For more information contact: Joyce Toms at (360) 876-8236. Additional information will be included in Healey Northwest as it becomes available.

4th Annual AUTOJUMBLE April 30, 2000 The Club T-MG presents their fourth annual All British Swap Meet. The event will be held in the Montgomery Park parking structure for shelter in case of rain. Any British car club committing to at least five spaces will get an additional free space for membership or regalia activities. Come find what you need to get your car ready for the summer. The location is 2101 NW Vaughn St, Portland, OR. Contact Tim Foren at 503287-2024 for more details.

Maryhill Loops Hillclimb October 7-8, 2000 Sponsored by SOVREN, the Society Of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts, the Maryhill Loops Hillclimb is an adrenalin pumper for competitors and spectators alike. The course follows a section of the Maryhill Loops Road located in south central Washington between Maryhill and Goldendale. Described as a course with, on a scale of 1 to 10, a pucker factor of 12, this should provide any racing enthusiast exciting fall entertainment. Stay tuned for more information.

2000 British Car Drivers Week May 20 - 28, 2000 This annual event is designed to “bring out those British cars”. Mark your calendar with these dates and plan to have your Healey on the road for all your normal driving activities. For more information, go to: members.aol.com/Trmgafun/britishcarweek.html.

Pacific Northwest Historic Races July 1 -3, 2000 If vintage auto racing is in your blood be sure to schedule in the Pacific Northwest Historic Races in Seattle, Washington. Held at the Seattle International Raceway, racing enthusiasts from competitors to spectators will find plenty of excitement to get their blood pumping. With a little planning a pleasant Healey tour could get you there in a good mood. Watch for more information as it becomes available. Healey Northwest


In the This Could Explain a Lot of Things Department: There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness”, From Uncle Edgester’s Words of Wisdom.

February 2000


President’s Message

Membership Report

by Bob Bollinger

by Mary Gross

What a turn out for our first meeting of the New Year! There were approximately 50 folks, including five new members, who braved the elements to attend the January meeting. First, I would like to thank the Executive Board for all their hard work prior to our general membership meeting. I feel we got a great deal accomplished in just under three hours. Ok, so I went over the 45 minute self-imposed time limit for our main meeting but you must admit we also accomplished a lot in an hour and 10 minutes. I think we should be able to hold future meetings to 45 minutes. As I mentioned at the onset, one of my goals this year is to make the regular business meetings something to look forward to rather then being something that everyone is glad to hear the words, “Meeting Adjourned”. So to those who weren’t at this meeting in January, I hope you can make it in February. You won’t be disappointed! Again, if you like the activities of the day including the business meeting, call a friend or a member we haven’t seen lately and encourage them to join us next month. If there is anything you don’t like, especially the business meetings, call or E-mail me and let me know your feelings. The only way we can make this club better for everyone is to continue to make improvements and learn from our mistakes. I’m open for suggestions. See you in February.

Thanks to all of you who have returned your year 2000 dues and membership forms. The rest of you have until the first of March to return your renewals. The new roster will be complied from the list at that time. Don’t miss out on any of those great newsletters! I’ll look forward to hearing from you. March Birthday Boys and Girls… Russell Dale 1 James Hanks, Pamela Routt 2 Jerry Barron 4 Jerry Holz, Claudia Lee 5 David Porter 13 Diane Keaton, Bob Macherione 16 Susan Ahern 17 Patty Dale 18 Eric Hayes 20 Irene Rounsefell 22 Rachel Levitch 23 Betty Hand, Bill McAuley 24 Don Lee 27 Earl Yarnal 28 Jim Grace 31 …and we wish you all many more!



Editor’s Message Welcome All! Healey Northwest is suffering through the changes of editorship. This first issue (for me) has been a learning experience. And the learning has just begun. You will likely notice some format changes. Some were selected while others have been forced by the publishing software. As I develop workarounds the forced changes will be returned to the original formats whenever possible. If you like the changes let me know and I will leave them in. As you read your Healey Northwest, please note any errors or omissions you encounter and bring them to my attention. I will be happy to make corrections as necessary. My objective is to provide you, the AHCO membership, your club newsletter with the same quality you are accustomed to. If you have any comments or Continued on page 8.... 6

Healey Northwest


February 2000

General Membership Meeting January 8, 2000 Minutes by Stephanie Hellickson The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. at the Columbia Gorge Model Railroad Clubhouse in Portland, Oregon. New members were welcomed. They include Paul Reagan who owns a frogeye Sprite, Don and Penny Rhodes who own a ’63 BJ7 and Jim and Kay McQuire who own a ’67 3000. Thanks was given to members Doug and Tammy Auburg for the great videos and the fascinating tour of the model railroad.

This proposal was also approved.

The December minutes were approved as published in the January newsletter.

Regalia, Betty Hand and JaAnn Hoisington, reported that they will rotate items brought to the monthly meeting because of the large inventory available. They passed out tickets for a drawing for those who had worn their badges. They are looking for new ideas for additions to regalia. The possibility of selling advertising on our web page was brought up. This has already been proposed but will need to be examined by the executive committee.

Editor, Terry Hellickson, reported that there will be more information on the web in the up-coming newsletter. The calendar will be updated when the new information is available. There will also be a club officers page with contact information. Terry asked for pictures or articles for use in the newsletter and/or the web page.

Treasurer, Gary Jackson, reported for the month of December. The club had a beginning balance of $20,682.23 with an income of $252.75. Expenses of $1201.91 which included $650 for the Christmas party and charity donation of $500 used to buy gifts for children at Emanuel Hospital resulted in an ending balance of $19,733.07. Gary also gave a financial report for the year 1999 which had a beginning balance of $20,419.44 with a total income of $11,353.40 and total expenses of $12,039.77 resulting in an ending balance of $19,733.07.

Advertising, Skip Monaco, reported that invoices for this year’s advertisers have gone out this week. Club Coordinator, Bill Bolton, was not present.

Membership, Mary Gross, reported that all renewal notices have gone out and about 25% have been returned.

Librarian, Doug Auburg, announced that he has gotten behind in indexing received material due to added responsibilities and is looking for someone who is interested in taking over the library. Please contact Doug if you are interested or want to know what is involved.

Activities, Alan Gross, thanked those who signed up to host meetings and reported that all but March and April are spoken for. There were two items that required approval of the membership. The first was the proposal to move the February meeting from the 19th back to the 12th . It had originally been moved out to coincide with the visit of John and Joy Healey but the dates of their visit have changed and a general meeting with them is not possible. John and Shirl Wilson have agreed to host the meeting if the date can be moved back to the 12th. This proposal was approved. The Boltons will try to put together a social with John and Joy Healey, perhaps on the 20th of the month. If this event does come about the club will sanction the event so that members can drive their cars. The second item needing member approval was for the Christmas Party. The Shriner’s facility in Wilsonville is available for $400 or $430 with non-alcoholic beverages. It is only available on December 2nd. This is a nice facility and there is lots of lodging close by, including an RV park. Healey Northwest

Under Old Business, Skip reported on the success of the trip to Emanuel Child Life Center with gifts for the children there. Under New Business, there were several items that developed out of the executive meeting held earlier that day. The first was that the master club data base would be maintained by the membership director and would include information about member, advertisers, other clubs or important contacts. Second, the club address, which is Bill Bolton will remain the same. There were several changes to the constitution. The first was the change of elections from November to September and the change of nominations from September and October to July and August. Second was a change in the outline of duties of the Membership Director. Third, Continued on page 8 ....


February 2000


cars and is a two day event with a car show at the museum on Saturday and a chance for people to drive their own cars on the road. The race itself is held on Sunday; it is 2.1 miles with climb of 1000 feet with 25 turns. According to Richard “On a pucker factor scale of 1 to 10, it rates a 12. The next one is tentatively scheduled for the first weekend in October.

Minutes, continued from page 7 .... was a correction to list the Advertising Director as a member of the executive board. Fourth, was the addition of listed responsibilities of Club Coordinator to include providing a list of addresses of clubs we exchange newsletters with that need to be on the mailing list and to provide an active list of contacts and phone numbers to membership for inclusion in the club data base. Fifth was to change the words Northwest Meet to Healey Rendezvous. All the above changes were approved by the membership for inclusion on the ballot to be published in the February newsletter. The issue of insurance changes to include liability coverage for officers, committee members and meeting hosts is still out for review and requires more investigation. Richard Mayer, a lawyer, did not think the coverage was necessary and we should hear from an expert before we decide to do this.

The last item on the agenda was the presentation of this years trophies. The winners were as follows: Most Active Lady Member: Shirley Wilson Most Active Member: Shirley Wilson Most Active Officer: Jack Jakobsen Margo Healey Outstanding Lady’s Literary Award: Carla Bollinger Most Active Member - Runner-up: John Wilson Plaques were given to last years winners to replace the trophies that are passed on to the next winner.

Also presented was the problem of no host for the 2001 Rendezvous . Does AHCO want to host it? If not there will not be one. It was proposed that it be done as a less formal event with no Banquets or concours or special guests. It would be more on the order of our NW Meet. A motion was made and passed that we would do this contingent on getting a person to chair the event. A motion was also passed that we must have this chair person by June or we would not do it.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Editor’s Message, continued from page 6 .... suggestions that may improve quality I would appreciate your input. The AHCO website, www.healey-oregon.org has taken a back seat while I prepared this issue of the newsletter. By the time you read this changes to the website discussed at the January membership meeting will be in development. Our contact page will be expanded to include all club officers, with addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses when available. The club calendar page will be updated to include club and other car activities. Information you may have regarding such activities can be included. Let me know what they are and provide whatever details you can. A regalia page is up but not completed. As time permits, photos or graphics, descriptions and pricing will be added. An advertising page is under consideration as well. The details on this still need to be worked out by the executive committee. If there is something you would like to see on the AHCO website bring it up at a meeting or send your comments in so we can consider it. We have lots of space and an unlimited number of pages to work with. And, as always, your photos of club functions are welcomed and encouraged. Our website is an instrument to let the world know how great our club is. Let’s show them what we’ve got!

Also decided upon was to have the existing nine magnetic signs updated with the club web page and new phone number and not to purchase any new signs at this time. The next item on the agenda was a request, presented by Doug Auburg, from the Cascade club to help fund bringing a special guest to the Healey Rendezvous 2000. It was proposed that if our club does this we should be able to select the guest and that if the event was profitable that our club would be reimbursed. Doug suggested that the guest be Jerry Coker, who designed the bug eye Sprite and the 100. He lives in Florida and it would probably cost the club under $500 A motion was made and passed to publish and vote on this proposal. It will be published in the February newsletter. Richard Mayer reported on the resurrection of the Mary Hill Loop Sports Car Climb that was an annual


event in the fifties. The road has been rebuilt and last October they held the first one. It was limited to 60 8

Healey Northwest


February 2000



by Jonnie & Leon Hart A Proposal by Gary Meyer On December 19th Skip & Tom Monaco held their annual Ginger Bread house building get together. It was attended by some Healey Club members we don’t see often enough. We started the afternoon with some great

Proposal I make a motion that the Austin Healey Club of Oregon (AHCO) establish an annual Charity Fund that would be created using funds generated by sources such as the All British Field Meet, Raffles, Auction, etc. The annual contribution to be a minimum of $1,000 as long as the club treasury maintains a balance of $10,000. Surplus funds available as determined by the Executive Committee will be reported to the members and a vote taken whether or not to allocate funds in addition to the minimum $1,000.

The Charity

hors d’oeuvres, then a wonderful Hungarian Mushroom soup by Skip with some delicious bread by Barbara Gowan. We also enjoyed some yummy desserts and ...Ahh the ‘ Rum Balls’. After stuffing ourselves we began work on the houses. It was obvious some had more experience at this, and then there were some of us novices. Couples worked together to construct the prepared pieces. This could have led to some serious

The charity must be one recognized by the state of Oregon. AHCO should define how the donations are to be used. The charity must provide help to all in need regardless of race, creed, religious affiliation. Final choice of charities to be determined by a vote of the members (by ballot, published in the news letter). The donation is to be given for charitable purposes in the state of Oregon. The donation must be presented in a manner as to give maximum publicity exposure to the AHCO. The charity must be an efficient organization as determined by the Executive Committee.

Allocation of Funds Money surplus to the needs of the AHCO would be determined by the Executive Committee. If the club treasury falls below $10,000, the Executive Committee shall determine if and how much should be donated to charity. All funds to be dispensed within the calendar year.

Continued on page 17...

Presentation of Donation

Top: Pat & Jerry Barron Center: Chuck & Barb Gowan Bottom: Paul & Nancy Haller Healey Northwest

I would suggest that all members have an opportunity to recommend charities to a 3 member appointed committee which in-turn would research the charities, make recommendations to the Executive Committee for further approval by the membership and administer the Charity Fund. Some ground rules would be as follows:

The name of the charity and date, time and location of the gift will be published in the HNW no later than the month prior to the actual donation so that as many members as possible can participate in the presentation.


February 2000



Healey Northwest


February 2000

AHCO’s Elves Help Santa Deliver Childrens Gifts at Emanuel Story by Barbara Gowan An image: A tiny little girl, perhaps 16 months old, an obvious chemo patient in her red velvet dress and patent leather shoes smiling up at the person handing her a gift. During the AHCO Christmas party meeting it was voted that we take $500.00 and give it to a charitable organization. The next step was to identify and select a suitable charity. It took many phone calls to determine that our charity this year should be Legacy Emanuel Children’s Center. The Center provides medical care to both inpatient and outpatient children, infant to 18 years of age, with severe medical problems. They had not been approached by any other organization regarding donations, and were delighted to hear that the Austin Healey Club would provide assistance with their annual children’s Christmas party on December 18th. Step 2 was to find a business/store willing to help Christmas shop on December 15th. Mr. Jack Poissant, Manager of the Tigard TARGET store did much more. He provided Jennifer, a personal shopper, $175.00 additional to our original $500.00, and...donated a 9 foot fully decorated Christmas tree to the Children’s Play Room on December 19th. Grateful thanks to Mr. Poissant and TARGET! Steps 3 and 4 were a blur - calling as many members as possible and asking them to meet as a group in either SW Portland or at the American Red Cross on Saturday December 18 at about 2 p.m. to form a caravan from the Red Cross to the hospital. Then, there Healey Northwest

was time spent putting bows on all those packages. Thanks to Tammy, Marie & Skip the packages were all loaded and ready to roll on Saturday morning. Portland Police Officer Mike Thompson (his family lost their 4 year old Molly to cancer last year) was happy to lead 12 vehicles (10 of which were Healeys) down I-5 and across the bridge to meet those additional members waiting in the Red Cross parking lot. After the gifts were distributed among the cars, Officer Thompson led us all to the Children’s Center where we parked the Healeys in front of the door, much to the delight of the young patients. The Healey owners were happy to provide driver’s seat education to the young patients. If you thought all Healey horns were created equal - you were wrong. We were met in the lobby by hospital personnel with wagons to help us unload the gifts and make sure they were properly stored for presentation by Santa on Christmas Day. We were invited to come in and meet the patients and their parents and to share some tea and cookies. Many of us took pictures and Officer Thompson made a video for later showing. I am sure that all of us lucky enough to be a part of this event had a very good and positive feeling on our way home. To quote AHCO member Norm Gustavson, “It sure makes a guy feel good to do something like this. Ya know?” We hope that next year all of you have the opportunity to participate and get that wonderfully good feeling of giving!


February 2000


San Diego...The Adventure Continues by George Koeber Plans A & B were quickly relegated to back-ups and we zeroed in on option C. Tom called a member of their club who has an automotive shop with an emphasis on British cars. He said we would see what he could to. Jon & I got the head to him on Tuesday. Friday morning the Oregon Club members left for their trip home and Jon & I with the help of another San Diego club member trailered our car to Udo & Gisela Putke’s home. Udo had offered to help with the re-construction. About mid-morning the shop called and reported that we could pick up the head about noon. Jon and I proceeded to Udo’s house. Upon arrival there Udo and two of his friends (visiting from Germany to attend the event, also Healey enthusiasts) lifted the bonnet and went to work. All three of them were all over the car. They would hardly let me pick up a tool. (Do you think they were trying to tell me something??) They were all talking German and with Udo interpreting for me and their laughing and joking I could tell they were having a good time. The job was done about 8:00 p.m. and after our good-byes I headed back to the Towne and Country were Jaci and I had elected to stay for Friday night. The engine ran great and after stopping for fuel I arrived back at the hotel around 9:00 p.m. Jaci and I decided to leave early in the a.m. and try to catch the rest of our group in a day or two. At 5:00 a.m. we headed out on the San Diego freeways towards LA. At that time of the morning the famed LA traffic was extremely light and we breezed along with the car running very well. With very little stopping we arrived at the motel the rest of the group was staying at for Saturday evening around 4:30 p.m. We had passed them somewhere enroute and had actually arrived at the motel before them. The rest of the trip was a delight with the rest of the group. All in all the experience Jaci and I had was one that we would not want to have missed. It actually makes breaking down “almost” worthwhile. I’m sure that had we had our problem at a different meet with a different club the outcome would have been similar since this is what clubs do. Our problem did however give the San Diego Club a chance to show what a club can do and WOW they showed it!! The whole experience is what Healeying is all about. Many thanks to all who helped.

I will spare the details of the trip to San Diego as Gary Meyer has already reported on the trip there and I believe that Bert Hand is going to report on the trip home, except to say that our Healey did not become a five cylinder car until we reached California on the third day. It was running fine until we purchased out first tank of gas in California. It cost $2.29 per gallon. We started running on 5 cylinders on an upgrade towards the first of two 8000' plus passes. We were approximately 50 miles from Bishop, our planned stop for the evening. At the top of the first grade the tour pulled over and we tried all of the quick fixes (new points, new rotor, new cap, etc.) all without success. We decided to try to make it to Bishop where we could do a more detailed analysis. After more tests with the help of Terry Hellickson, and the rest of the group coming by every so often with “advice” we discovered there was no compression in the #3 cylinder. After much consternation and conferring it was decided that we would try to make it to the event headquarters in San Diego, a distance of some 350 miles, most of it across the Mojave Desert. We made it with very little difficulty. As we arrived in San Diego we located the area to park the Healey’s and proceeded to register. Next on the agenda was to try to figure out what to do in regards to repairs. While walking the grounds I was told that Tom Lucky was looking for me. I located Tom and he had already heard about my problem. Bill Bolton had contacted him and had informed him of our situation. Tom and I formulated a plan to remove the head to see for sure what the problem was. With the help of Tom and various other San Diego club members, tools were rounded up and an impromptu tech session on removing the head was held in the parking lot, with Jon Hoisington assisting me. At one point I was handed a sledge hammer. Upon removal of the head, we discovered the #3 exhaust valve was burned away on one side, hence no compression in #3 cylinder. At this point Jaci and I were trying to figure our options which were: a)fly home and drive back with a trailer to retrieve the car; B) have the head from JaAnn & Jon’s engine (which had already been rebuilt and in our garage at home) shipped down, install it and drive it home; c)Have the head rebuilt in San Diego and drive the car home. Back to Tom and the other club members with our options. 12

Healey Northwest


February 2000

Railroading On The AHCO Line By Carrie Schelling We assembled at 2 p.m. Saturday, January 8th at the Columbia Gorge Model Railroad Club on Vancouver Avenue in Portland for our monthly event and meeting. The meeting hosts were Doug and Tamara Auburg. The start of the event involved watching a few videos that Doug had brought in from the AustinHealey Club of Oregon library. One video showed Donald Healey and his team setting American and international records with his cars at the Bonneville Salt Flats in 1953 and 1954. In 1956, Donald recorded 203.11 mph with an Austin-Healey 100-6 Streamliner to join the exclusive 200 mph club. Another video showcased the Alpine Rally in the Alps of Switzerland. The group of cars in the rally was comprised of many European makes and models including Austin-Healey and Triumph. The video went through each stage of the rally including the fast and treacherous driving in the mountains where the roads were gravel and the guardrails were absent. Towards the end of the video, some of the rally battle scars were shown including front-end damage to one car and a crumpled door on another. After watching the videos, the club members moved into the 4,200 square foot room that is the Columbia Gorge Model Railroad. It was a sight to behold! We stood in the Columbia River (a pathway with blue carpeting representing the Columbia River that separates the two sections of the model railroad setup) with Oregon on one side and Washington on the other. The display includes models of Portland with a featured display of Union Station, Multnomah Falls, Crown Point, Hood River, the Deschutes River, and many other familiar sights in the Columbia River Gorge. Every part of the display has been realistically assembled including the large paper mache cliffs that stand on either side of the Columbia River. A 14ft. ceiling in the room allowed the model railroad club members to build the display 7 ft. off of the ground for things such as underground set access, train dispatch room, and wiring. The Austin-Healey club members were split up into three tour groups to tour the underground display area due to the tight quarters and narrow hallways under the model railroad. Interesting features of the display were pointed out by our tour guide Doug Auburg as we went along including two underground spirals of track, one on each end of the display, that are used for routing trains. Each spiral is comprised of approx. 200-300 ft of train track Healey Northwest

that spirals down very gradually to allow for the trains to go down the 4 – 6 foot distance under the main level of the display and back up on the other end with ease. Doug mentioned that if they had built the track too steep the trains would be able to go down, but would not be able to make it back up to the main level of the display due to the steep grade. On the tour we also got to see the various control panels the railroad club members use to control their trains on the tracks. It was explained that it would not be possible for two trains to collide head-on in the display. However, there are areas where trains could hit nose to side or engine to caboose if the operators were not careful. The Columbia Gorge Model Railroad Club was first organized in October of 1947 making the club one of the oldest in the country. The club is currently in its third location since its inception. It began in the basement of a store building, moved to a 30x80 foot building on North Montana Avenue in Portland in 1948, and moved to the Vancouver Avenue location in January 1983. Overall it was a fun event for the club to participate in and we thank our hosts Doug and Tamara for showing us around the club. We were fortunate to be able to view the model railroad display as it is only open to the public four times a year during the month of November.

Pictures Wanted by Tom Monaco One of the high points of last year’s Christmas party were the two huge books of pictures that Bill Bolton had on his table. These books were full of AHCO people, places, and of course cars. Pictures from 1981 actually showed our beloved John Wilson weighing in at about 190#. WOW! Anyway Bill was dismayed that no one has bothered to maintain such a book for a long time and now I have volunteered to do so. You can help - please! Send, or hand to me pictures of our members and their cars. Be sure to put on the back, or with the pictures, the NAMES of the people in the photo. It would also be nice to know the place or the event. You will be able to see the 1/2 year version at this year’s Historic Races in July. At the 2000 Christmas party a prize will be given for the picture that most shows the SPIRIT of the AHCO. Most of all, be careful, for you too may appear in the book looking your very best!


February 2000


SUGGESTED CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION AUSTIN HEALEY CLUB OF OREGON Change #1: MEETINGS: Election: The annual election of club officers will be held at the November general meeting.

Membership Renewal Notification process may change from time to time with details proposed by the Membership Director and approved by the Executive Board. Membership renewal notices shall be distributed before year-end. Send out letters to non-renewed members and all other past members beginning on or about April 15th. Send out applications for membership and process applications. Forward membership forms to Club address for inclusion in mailing list and dues to Treasurer for deposit. All applications received at the club address shall be forwarded to the Membership Director, after being entered to the mailing list. The Director is expected to organize and maintain introductory membership packets. Shall see that a current membership listing of all members, their addresses, phone numbers and car ownership data is published once a year in October.

CHANGE: The annual election of club officers will be held at the September general meeting. ELECTION OF CLUB OFFICERS: An annual ballot election for all club officers shall be held at the November general meeting. Nominations for officers will be accepted during the general meeting of September and October. The Newsletter Editor must see that a list of the nominations and ballots for voting reach the members at least one week prior to the November meeting date. Ballots will be counted only if received by mail prior to the announced deadline or delivered in person at the election meeting. Officers will hold office for one calendar year commencing at the January meeting. No limit is placed on the number of consecutive years any one member can hold office, but yearly changes are encouraged.

REPLACE WITH: Membership Director: Member of Executive Board. Shall mail a membership dues invoice, to current members, in November for the forthcoming year. Follow-up with another invoice in January-February for those previous members not paid. Receive the membership renewals, send moneys to the Treasurer and update the Club Roster. Maintain a listing of prior members and mail membership applications to those when appropriate.. If the response is negative, log the complaint and purge the listing to exempt future soliciting mailings.

The offices of: Membership Director, Activities Director, Healey Northwest Editor and Regalia Director can be held by couples. CHANGE: An annual ballot election for all club officers shall be held at the September general meeting. Nominations for officers will be accepted during the general meetings of July and August. The Newsletter Editor must see that a list of the nominations and ballots for voting reach the members at least one week prior to the September meeting date. Ballots will be counted only if received by mail prior to the announced deadline or delivered in person at the election meeting. Officers will hold office for one calendar year commencing at the January meeting. No limit is placed on number of consecutive years any one member can hold office, but yearly changes are encouraged.

Send Introductory Membership packets to new members. Such packets will include, as a minimum: Welcome letter from the President Club windscreen decal Current Club Roster Recent issue of the HNW Publish a Club Roster annually and mail to each current registered Membership. All renewal and new applications and moneys received at the club address shall be forwarded to the Membership Director.

The offices of: Membership Director, Activities Director, Healey Northwest Editor and Regalia Director can be held by couples.

Provide monthly mailing information to the Editor. Change #2: Membership Director: Membership of Executive Board. Shall manage membership promotion and membership renewal process each year. The Annual 14

Healey Northwest

Maintain the Master Data Base. Change #3:


February 2000

Advertising Director: Solicits advertisements from vendors in order to defray newsletter costs. The Director shall forward moneys and information about new and renewed advertisers to the Treasurer for processing. Prepares invoices and collects payments from advertisers in the newsletter. Keeps HNW Editor advised of invoices paid and unpaid and schedule of ad placements requested by advertisers.

Official Ballot Changes to the Constitution of the Austin Healey Club of Oregon Change #1: Member #1: Yay:


ADD: Member of the Executive Board. Informs the Membership Director of advertisers that need to receive the HNW.

Member #2: Yay:


Change #4: J. Inter-Club Coordinator: Member of Executive Board. Ensures that friendly and informative channels of communication are kept open between other Healey Clubs.

Member #1: Yay:


Member #2: Yay:


Change #2:

Change #3: Reports on interesting Healey evens from outside of AHCO. Assists in the organization of events put on in conjunction with other clubs. ADD: Informs the Membership Director as to what clubs are exchanging newsletters with our club and should be on the complimentary mailing list.

Member #1: Yay:


Member #2: Yay:


Change #4:

Provides the Membership Director with an active list of contacts, including addresses and phone numbers, to other clubs and individuals of interest to AHCO for inclusion in the Master Data Base.

Member #1: Yay:


Member #2: Yay:


Change #5:

Change #5: Chairpersons: (appointive positions)

Member #1: Yay:


Member #2: Yay:


Current: West Coast Meet Change: Healey Rendezvous Change #6: Change #6: X. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD:

Member #1: Yay:


ADD: and the All British Field Meet Representatives at the end of the first sentence.

Member #2: Yay:


Bring completed ballot to March 11, 2000 meeting in Vancouver or mail completed ballot to: Austin Healey Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 Ballot must be received by March 7, 2000 to be counted.

ADD: Officers and Executive board members will have their dues waived for their term of service.

Healey Northwest


February 2000


Tech Tip Tid Bits by Doug Auburg (Some thoughts and ideas gleaned from the Healey Chat line last summer.) Halogen Brake & Parking Bulbs. Here are some comments from the Healey Chat Line on the subject of Halogen replacement bulbs for brake and turn signal lights.

stop by the car wash first. Pressure wash the whole engine while it is up on the trailer and can get to it. I did this on that damned ’77 MGB my “Friend” talked me into buying from him. (Well actually it was his wife since the car had been sitting in their garage, not running, for the previous three years.) Makes life a whole lot cleaner, especially when you are changing out a Lucas ‘electronic ignition’ distributor for a points one. Tim Wallace”

“See my ad in Parts section of Healey Marque. $30/pr incl. S&H for single filament Halogen (H 1156) or $35/ pr incl. S&H for double (H 1157). For BN6 you need H 1157 front and rear to have halogen running lights and turn signals and brake lights.

Measuring Compression Ratio. There’s a way to measure it by comparing top-deadcenter (TDC) volume and bottom-dead-center (BDC) volume. Interesting process that may be of interest to some of you.

H1157 is exact replacement for twin filament bulb. It is 15W/50W vs. 1.5W/15W so 8+x - 3.5x brighter. H1156 is single filament exact replacement for 1156 50W vs. 15W. Cost is $35/pr for the H1157 and $30/pr for the H1156, both incl. shipping. They come with instructions and alcohol swabs and if you get a bad one (rare) or don’t like them you can return them for refund or exchange. Any questions, give me a holler. Address is 1400 Rice Creek Road NE, Fridley, MN 55432. Dick Brill”

“Example If the #1 cylinder was filled up with fluid at TDC, and the #2 cylinder was filled with fluid at BDC. The #1 cylinder measured 10cc and #2 cylinder measured 100 cc then you would have compression ratio of 10:1. To figure you compression ratio it is easy just remove the spark plugs and turn the engine to TDC on #1 cylinder and fill a measuring cup with solvent and then pour into cylinder and measure how much you put in stop at the top edge of the spark plug hole. Then repeat this same procedure with the #2 cylinder at BDC and then to the other will give you your compression ratio.” David Nock

“My experience with the halogen tail light bulbs I got from you a few years ago is as Jim observed: Although less bright than the halogens, the DIFFERENCE between the running and brake lights is much more noticeable with the regular bulbs than with the halogens. Since the weak point of the halogens is the less noticeable brake lights, I’ve since rigged an easily removable 3rd brake light (which also has turn signals, albeit in the middle of the car).

“In a film I taped from Speedvision “Legends of Motorsports” the BMC were shown with a Healey works mechanic measuring volume of a combustion chamber on the bench. He has an alloy head, chambers up at an angle and he is shown gluing a piece of plexi (enough for one cylinder) to the head and filling it from a graduated cylinder. Very cool.

There is another solution: After dark just drive faster than everyone else and they will never run into you.”) Rudi Mark, 100M Engine Cleaning of New Acquisition From time to time we have purchased and brought home our “basket case” (or “treasure”) and hauled it home on a trailer. Later there was much time and effort spent cleaning the grease off of the engine. Here’s an idea for cutting the work in that process.

You can do this test in the car and it is the most accurate test for volume. Aside from foul smells for a minute or so, after you run your car again. There should be no real issue with that. You can suck most of it out after measuring. You can use more inert substances like vegetable oil if you don’t like burning solvents or spilling them on your newly painted engine. The key is knowing exactly how much you have poured in, hence the graduated cylinder. Since the fluid will fill the area around the top of the piston down to the first ring you Continued on page17...

“I have used a pressure washer on the engine compartment and under the car to get rid of the grease and oil. Oh yea, I almost forgot. If you are bringing the thing home on a trailer on basket case form, make sure you 16

Healey Northwest


February 2000

...continued from page 9

How Did Your Infatuation Begin? by Stephanie Hellickson

conflicts between constructees, but they all came together. Everyone brought lots of different stuff to decorate the houses with and they all turned out unique and beautiful. We honored Chuck Gowan for his upcoming birthday. He was a good sport donning his antlers. He was presented by Tom with a ‘sporty cane’ equipped with a horn and rearview mirror. Thanks to Skip and Tom for a great seasonal tradition we all enjoyed.

Hello fellow AHCO members. Each one of you has a unique story as to how you became involved with Austin Healeys. What is yours? We are looking for stories of how members relationships with their cars began. They can be long or short, gruesome or delightful. Pictures to accompany your tale are highly encouraged. We’d especially like to hear from those of you who can’t make the monthly meetings on a regular basis. We hope to do a monthly feature on our members’ introduction to Healeys. So put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and share your experiences with other members. We promise not to embarrass anyone (much). If you use a computer to generate your story you can attach your story file, preferably in text-only format, to your message and send it to terryaviator@bigplanet.com. If you have picture files you can attach them to your email as well. If you are not fond of computers USPS can deliver your story and photos to: Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 If you need your photos returned please provide a mailing address or we can give them back to you at the next AHCO meeting. continued from page 16... truly are getting all of the volume. If any at all goes by your rings it will be very negligible, and you only need to measure one cylinder. If enough goes by to be a worry to you, then you should probably be more worried about the real problems. After all, it’s a combustion chamber (a veritable crucible) a little peanut oil won’t hurt anything.” Rick from San Diego (The guy who had olive oil in his carbs for a while.)

Healey Northwest

Top photo: Rob & Cheryl Wiley Center: Kevin & Marie Cowan Bottom: Leon & Jonnie Hart


February 2000


Classified Ads Classified Ads are free to all paid up members of AHCO, the Austin-Healey Owners Association of BC and the Cascade Austin Healey Club, and $2.00 each to non-members. These rates do not apply to commercial ads. Ads normally run three issues unless renewed by the advertiser. O=AHCO, C=Cascade, B=BC. Commercial Ad Rates: Monthly payment: Full page: $30, 1/2 page: $18, 1/4 page: $10, 1/8 page: $6, Business Card: $4. Inside cover (f or b): Full page: $35, 1/2 page: $21, Back cover, 1/2 page: $24. Annual payment in advance w/monthly appearance: Full page: $300, 1/2 page: $180, 1/4 page $100, 1/8 page $60, business card: $40. Inside cover (f or b), full page: $350, 1/2 page: $210. Back cover, 1/2 page: $240. Non-member business classifieds: $5 per month per six lines. Commercial display ads will be rotated between various positions. (Max. sizes: Full: 7.5” x 10”, Half: 7.5” x 5”, Quater: 3.5” x 5”, Eighth: 2-1/8” x 5”, Bus. Card: 2’ x 3.5”.)

Cars for Sale 1959 AH Bug Eye Sprite. Original, very complete car with original 948cc engine. Needs complete restoration. Dean Willoughby (503) 286-4042. (O-12)

Parts for Sale Heavy Duty Poly Front Suspension Bushings for all Austin Healeys - big and small. Correctly done in black. Competitively priced. Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Heavy Duty Brake Shoes for all Austin Healey models. Impervious to all oils and fluids. Experience 25% better stopping power - cheap at any price. These can save your nose! Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Lightened flywheels for big Healey models. They really make a big performance difference. You need one if you want your Healey to perform better in the corners and on the acceleration profile. Only the material not being used is removed. BN1 BJ7 $120 plus a $40 core charge. BJ8 $140 plus a $60 core charge. Packing and shipping is extra. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-6) New Side Curtain Pouches made of felt lined black vinyl from original pattern. $45 ea. John Wilson (541) 933-2016 (O-7) Hardtop windows for BN6/BT7/BN7. These windows are specifically manufactured of the treated poly-carbonate material used by the Indy race cars. They don’t fog or scratch like the currently advertised ones do! Fit it and forget it! You won’t need to replace it for years. $260 plus packing and shipping. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-2)

...continued from page 4 July 8,2000

Things You Should Never Say to a Traffic Cop...

Meeting to be held in conjunction with the Historical races at PIR.

1. I can’t reach my license unless you hold my beer. 2. Sorry, Officer, I didn’t realize my radar detector wasn’t on. 3. Aren’t you the guy from the Village People? 4. Hey, you must’ve been doin’ 125 to catch me! 5. Are you Andy or Barney? 6. I thought you had to be physically fit to be a cop. 7. You’re not gonna check the boot, are you? 8. Hey, I pay your salary! 9. That’s great! The last cop just gave me a warning, too. 10. Do you know why you pulled me over? OK, just so one of us does. 11. I was trying to keep up with traffic. I know there are no other cars around. That’s how far ahead of me they are!

August 12,2000

Hosts: Skip and Tom Monaco-tour to be announced and BBQ. September 2,2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month)

Meeting to be held in conjunction the All British Field Meet. October 14, 2000

Hosts: Gene and Barbara Lambert, Todd and Carrie Schelling. The planned activities include a wine tour. November 11, 2000

Hosts: Kevin and Marie Cowan. Activity to be identified at a later time. December 2 , 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month)

A catered Christmas party at the Shriner’s facility in the Wilsonville area. 18

Healey Northwest

Thanks to Peter Westcott, Goblins’ Gazette, Sept. 1999


February 2000

Place Call

Your Skip


Monaco for (503)245-0174

Healey Northwest

Here! details


February 2000


HEALEY NORTHWEST Austin Healey Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426



February Meeting Date Change Details Inside


Healey Northwest


February 2000

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