Austin-Healey Club of Oregon
April 2000
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Austin-Healey Club of Oregon 2000 Officers President:
Vice President:
Bob Bollinger 1530 W. 28th Place Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 687-8218
Jack Jakobsen 3801 Wy’east Road Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 354-3971 & FAX with prior call.
Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969
Gary Jackson 3118 Northridge Way Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 343-0117 gary.jackson@
Mary Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527
Allan Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527
Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969
Betty Hand & JaAnn Hoisington 1520 NE Lincoln Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 693-9293
Advertising Mgr.:
Club Cordinator:
Club Address:
Skip Monaco 7710 SW 89th Portland, OR 97223 (503) 245-0174 FAX (503) 472-9953
Bill Bolton 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895-5576 FAX (541) 895-4029
Doug Auburg 7215 NE 61st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 694-7769 FAX (360) 694-7998
A-H Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426
Club Web Site: April Meeting April 15, 2000
Contents: Club Activities Other Car Events President’s Message Membership Report Rendezvous 2K Info March Meeting Minutes An Afternoon at Guy’s Infatuation Meet Our Advertisers Tech Tip Tid Bits BJ8 Registry R2K Lodging Info More Lodging Info On The Lighter Side... Classified Ads
4 5 6 6 6 7 9 10 10 11 13 14 15 16 18
Date: Program: 12:30 PM tour of The End of Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Oregon City. The car tour will depart from there after the tour of the center. Meeting: Meeting to begin at 4:00 PM at Meyer’s
following the car tour. Dinner: BBQ will be held at the Meyer's house along with the meeting.
See page 4 for more information and directions....
Cover This months cover was photographed by Stephanie Hellickson. George and Jaci Koeber cross the Golden Gate Bridge, in infinitely more class than all the other cars in view put together, on the return tour from Fiesta de los Healeys, in San Diego.
Thanks for your Help
Bob Bollinger, Allan & Mary Gross, Gary & Dee Meyer, Stephanie Hellickson, Skip Monaco, Doug Auburg, Randy Stone, John Wilson, Pat and Jerry Barron, and our new advertisers Healey Northwest
April 2000
Healey Northwest
AHCO Activities Calendar by Allan Gross
Š 2000 AHCO
The official publication of the AustinHealey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinions of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omission of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 e-mail: AHCO MEMBERSHIPS Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year memberships are available in person at any meeting or by mail: $25.00 per individual or couple (add $10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Membership Director. DEADLINES The Healey Northwest submittal deadline is the 20th of the preceding month. 4
Healey Northwest
Editor’s note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information.
April 15, 2000 Gary and Dee Meyer will host the April meeting. The day will begin at 12:30 PM with a tour of The End of Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Oregon City. From Hwy. 205 take the OR-213 exit, exit 10, towards Parkplace/Molalla. Merge onto OR-213, turn right on to Washington Street. The center is at 1726 Washington Street. The car tour will depart from there after the tour of the center. The club meeting and a BBQ will be held at the Meyer's house and will follow the car tour. Donations for the meal. Meeting to begin at 4:00 PM. The Meyer's live at 20660 S. Beavercreek Rd. in Oregon City. Continue on OR-213 (Parkplace) and head east to S. Beavercreek Rd. Turn left and proceed approximately 2.3 miles. Their place is the third driveway on the left after the light at Henrici Rd. May 13, 2000 Jerry and Pat Barron will host the May meeting. The Drive Out-Progressive Dinner will begin by meeting at the Tigard Fred Meyer store parking lot at 12:30 PM. The caravan will leave at 12:45 for the first home. Maps and routes will be provided. For more information or directions to the Tigard Fred Meyer store call Pat or Jerry Barron at 503-246-7545. June 17, 2000 (NOTE DATE CHANGE) Host: Ellen Hector. Tour of eastern Oregon in the La Grande area. July 8, 2000 Meeting to be held in conjunction with the Historical races at PIR. August 12, 2000 Hosts: Skip and Tom Monaco-tour to be announced and BBQ. September 2, 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) Meeting to be held in conjunction the All British Field Meet. Continued on page 8.... u April 2000
Other Car Events 4th Annual AUTOJUMBLE April 30, 2000 The Club T-MG presents their fourth annual All British Swap Meet. The event will be held in the Montgomery Park parking structure for shelter in case of rain. Any British car club committing to at least five spaces will get an additional free space for membership or regalia activities. Come find what you need to get your car ready for the summer. The location is 2101 NW Vaughn St, Portland, OR. Contact Tim Foren at 503-287-2024 for more details. Year 2000 Vancouver All British Field Meet May 19 - 20, 2000 Billed as “The Greatest Show on British Wheels, ABFM 2000” is held on Victoria Day weekend at the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. This 15th annual event is the largest celebration of the British motor car in Canada with over 450 cars on display. Entrants registered by April 15, 2000 are eligible for a drawing to win a trip for two to Britain. Festivities start Friday, May 19, with socializing, dinner and silent auction. Saturday activities include car displays, swap meet, entrants’ choice voting, non-concours judging and awards presentation. For more information and registration forms contact ABFM 2000 by phone at (604) 7366754, FAX at (605) 736-6750 or e-mail at They also have a web site to look over at Several AHCO members have attended this event in the past and report it is a good one. This year’s event will be no exception.
timed events at local tracks. Exotic cars and incredible scenery should provide lots of fun. For more information call Vintage Rallies, Inc. at 800-645-6069, FAX 860364-5899 or visit their web site at 2nd Annual All British “Run to the Gorge” May 27 - 28, 2000 The Second Annual All British “ Run to the Gorge” will be held over Memorial Day Weekend, departing Puyallup, WA for Hood River Oregon. This event can be either a one or two day event. Giving the entrant a chance to drive some exciting back roads. You will have the option of just enjoying the drive down, and returning via I-5, on Saturday, or you can stay over night and enjoy some more great roads on a return run on Sunday. For Entry Form, check our website: or contact: Arnie Taub at (425) 644-7874 or FAX (425) 747-0205. Pacific Northwest Historic Races July 1 -3, 2000 If vintage auto racing is in your blood be sure to schedule in the Pacific Northwest Historic Races in Seattle, Washington. Held at the Seattle International Raceway, racing enthusiasts from competitors to spectators will find plenty of excitement to get their blood pumping. With a little planning a pleasant Healey tour could get you there in a good mood. Watch for more information as it becomes available.
Zupan’s Historic Races July 7 - 9, 2000 2000 British Car Drivers Week Following on the heels of the Pacific Northwest HisMay 20 - 28, 2000 This annual event is designed to “bring out those British toric Races there will be lots of racing action as comcars”. Mark your calendar with these dates and plan to petitors seek to avenge or uphold their honor at Zupan’s have your Healey on the road for all your normal driv- Historic Races. Take your Healey to Portland Internaing activities. For more information, go to: tional Raceway for display in the Healey Corral and a chance to take your car for a parade lap. Don’t miss this one, since the AHCO meeting will be on the field after Saturday’s racing. A perfect excuse, if one is needed, to New England 2000 enjoy some vintage racing. May 21 - 26, 2000 Presented by Mercedes-Benz USA, this event is a time/ speed/distance rally through the gorgeous New England springtime. Additionally, there will be half-a-dozen Healey Northwest
April 2000
President’s Message
Membership Report
by Bob Bollinger
by Mary Gross
For those of you who missed it, the March tech session at Guy’s Interior Restoration was great. Guy presented a short program on some of the things he goes through to restore the interiors of Healeys. He then fielded questions from members for well over an hour. Thanks, Doug, for arranging the day for us.
April Birthdays
1 Nancy Santee, Rick Baccus, Crystal Bennet, Marjorie MacDonald 5 Deena Smith 6 Marilynne Schneider 9 Jean Bennet In the March issue of the Healey Northwest, you’ll find 10 Joan Krahmer the ballot dealing with the issue of Charitable Dona- 11 Jim Averill, Carol Nielson tions. Please make your choice and return it to either 13 Doug Auburg the club address or bring it to the meeting in April. This 18 Dick Lynch, Debbie Haroun, Ruth Chikalla, John is a money issue so please let us know your feelings Groth with your vote. 21 Ann Klinger 22 Sue Castle There will be an Executive Board meeting at Gary and 24 Robert Brunhaver Dee Meyer’s house prior to the regular April meeting 25 John Rueter on the 15th. This meeting will start at 10:30, which should allow us enough time to cover the two items so far on A belated Happy Birthday to Todd Schelling whose the agenda, grab a bite of lunch and get to the beginning birthday was March 20th. of the tour at 12:30. The main item of discussion at the EB meeting is the issue of liability insurance for the of- Welcome back to Robert and Janice Hazlett. They ficers and directors of the AHCO. This is also a money were members from 1993-1997 issue with several thousand of dollars a year at stake. and we are glad to see them back in the club. Everyone is invited! The board will then make a recommendation at the general membership meeting. We currently have 166 paid members. Thanks to everyone who returned their The registration form for the Healey Rendezvous 2000 renewals with all the information. Look for your new is in the current issue of the bulletin. I know it is only roster in April. March, but at the rate this year is going it will be July before you know it. So make your reservations early. ————————————————————— Let’s make this a great turn out by the Austin Healey Editor’s Note: Allan Gross recently had knee replaceClub of Oregon. ment surgery. Let’s all wish him a speedy recovery. Get well soon Allan! See you in April.
Rendezvous 2000 Schedule Change
The Wednesday July 26th BUS/FERRY to Westport has been changed to 11:00-4:00 “A Ferry Tour to Westport”, Rendezvous 2000 Advertising a walking tour of the waterfront shops, Aquarium and The Cascade Club is offering advertising in their spe- Maritime Museums with lunch at Anthony’s, then a beaucial issue of the Cascade/Meet Program to Healey Club tiful ride back on the ferry to Silver King Marina Ferry member vendors. Cost for a business card size ad is Dock. Due to Washington’s 695 initiative, the Grays $50, 1/4 page is $100, 1/2 page is $200 and a full page is Harbor Transit is practically out of business so we have $400. For more information or to reserve ad space con- decided to cancel half of the tour. There will be a Shilo tact Joyce Toms via e-mail at or phone Shuttle and personal cars that can get you to the ferry or you can drive yourself if Hubby doesn’t have your car in at 360-876-8236 before May 15, 2000. the Autocross! Bob
Healey Northwest
April 2000
General Membership Meeting February 12, 2000 Minutes by Stephanie Hellickson The meeting was called to order 3:40 p.m. at the Bridgeport Brew Pub in Portland, Oregon. President Bob Bollinger announced that there would be an executive meeting at the April meet to discus club insurance. Any interested club members are welcome to attend this meeting and offer their views and concerns. Hopefully this meeting will not last more than an hour. More information will be available in the next newsletter. Bob thanked Doug Auburg for hosting the March meeting and for the very informative tech session at Guy’s Interiors.
Librarian, Doug Auburg, had nothing new to report. He is still looking for someone to take over the library.
Membership, Mary Gross reported that we have 165 paid up memberships. The new roster will be published sometime in mid-April.
Results of the vote on constitutional changes were that all six measures passed,
All British Field Meet committee person, Tom Monaco, had no new news to report.
Under Old Business, Bob reminded people that the registration forms for Rendezvous 2000 are in the newsletter and that if people are planning to attend they should get the forms sent in. In regards to the Rendezvous 2001, Doug Auburg reported that the Los Angeles. club has shown interest in hosting this event. Where as we were Minutes for the February meeting were approved as pub- considering doing a simpler meet, more on the order of lished in the March newsletter with the correction that a NW meet, the L.A. group wants to do a full blown the registration for the 2000 Rendezvous does not in- event. Bill Bolton will need to check into this development. Bob reminded members to fill out their ballots clude two meals. for the charity proposal and bring it to the next meeting. Treasurer, Gary Jackson, reported a beginning balance He also made a last call for constitution ballots. He of $21,838.79 with an income of $1424.47 from mem- reminded past trophy winners (last three years) that they bership dues and paid up advertising. Expenses are committee members and need to be thinking about amounted to $84.30, giving us an ending balance of choices for this years winners. $23,178.96. Under New Business, the only item under consideration was advertising on the club web page however, due to Vice president, Jack Jakobsen, had nothing to report. the high noise level in the pub, it was decided to delay the discussion until next month’s meeting. Regalia, JaAnn Hoisington, had no new information.
Activities, Allan Gross, continuing his research for accommodation alternatives for the Rendezvous 2000 brought a map of the Ocean Shores area motels and resorts and a list of motels in the area, their costs, and what amenities they offered. This will be published in the April newsletter. The least expensive he found was $59 a night at he Ocean Shores Quality Inn.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. and people turned their interest to conversation and the great pizza and beer offered at this unique pub.
Correction Notice
An error appeared in last month’s HNW regarding Rendezvous 2000. It was reported in the minutes that the registration fee includes two meals. This is not the case. To clarify, Rendezvous 2000 registration does NOT inAdvertising, Skip Monaco, reported we have lots of new clude any meals. Registrants are welcome to sign up, advertisers and things are going well. and pay, for the Tuesday picnic buffet, Wednesday breakfast buffet and the Thursday banquet buffet. All other Club Coordinator, Bill Bolton was not in attendance. meals are the registrants’ responsibility. Hopefully this clears up any confusion on the subject. Healey Northwest
April 2000
...continued from page 5. 12th Annual Western Washington All British Field Meet July 21 -22, 2000 Held on the grounds of Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA, the 12th Annual Western Washington All British Field Meet, Car Show and Swap Meet, begins with a Cocktail Party on Friday July 21. This show of over 500 entrants and 6000 spectators in addition to its regular Marque Displays will have a special “SALUTE TO MORGAN”. Call Arnie Taub at (425) 644-7874 or enter using their website:
located in south central Washington between Maryhill and Goldendale. Described as a course with, on a scale of 1 to 10, a pucker factor of 12, this should provide any racing enthusiast exciting fall entertainment. Stay tuned for more information.
Texas 2000 November 12 - 17, 2000 Presented by the Ford Motor Company, this is another Vintage Rallies affiliated event. Enjoy a time/speed/ distance rally in a part of Texas that is anything but hot, flat and boring. This is a laid-back rally through rolling hills, picturesque river canyons, Victorian towns and fallcolored oaks on curvy roads car lovers dream about. This 1st Austin Healey Rendezvous event is open to any pre-1974 sports, racing or GT car, July 24 - 28, 2000 Remember the Austin Healey West Coast Meet that we as well as any Ford-powered performance car. With a have attended for many years? Well it is now the Austin lineup like this be prepared to get some wind in your Healey Rendezvous, and will be hosted by the Cascade hair. More information can be found by calling Vintage Austin Healey Club in beautiful Ocean Shores, Wash- Rallies, Inc. at 800-645-6069, FAX 860-364-5899 or visit ington. Activities will center around the Shilo Inn Hotel their web site at - Conference Center. Make your plans for the event that promises to be the “event of the year”. Early registrants will be entered in a drawing, to be held May 22, 2000 ...continued from page 4. for four nights lodging (excluding taxes) - a $500 value. To make your reservation at Shilo Inn call (800) 334- October 14, 2000 1015. For more information contact: Joyce Toms at (360) Hosts: Gene and Barbara Lambert, Todd and Carrie 876-8236. Registration forms are available starting on Schelling. The planned activities include a wine tour. page 11 of this issue. November 11, 2000 Hosts: Kevin and Marie Cowan. Activity to be identiPortland Oregon All British Field Meet fied at a later time. September 1 -3, 2000 Billed as the biggest 3-day event of its kind, the Portland All British Field Meet begins Friday evening with December 2 , 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) a social event for pre-registrants. Over 600 British ve- A catered Christmas party at the Shriner’s facility in the hicles of all types are on display on Saturday. Saturday Wilsonville area. activities include popular choice voting, Jaguar concours judging, car club regalia tents, food stands and roving bagpipes. More information will be published as it becomes available or contact Doug Auburg, Gary Meyer or Tom Monaco. Put the ABFM on your ‘must-do’ events calender. Maryhill Loops Hillclimb October 7 - 8, 2000 Sponsored by SOVREN, the Society Of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts, the Maryhill Loops Hillclimb is an adrenaline pumper for competitors and spectators alike. The course follows a section of the Maryhill Loops Road 8
Healey Northwest
April 2000
An Afternoon At Guy’s by Nils Jensen send the car to the painter with the interior installed. Painters are generally not very concerned about the upholstery during the painting process.
Saturday morning, March 11, started as a sunny day. What a perfect day to get your Healey down from the blocks, re-install the battery and head for the tech session at Guy’s Interior Restorations, and subsequent monthly meeting at the Bridgeport Brew Pub.
If you run into any problems when installing your upholstery or soft tops, Guy will be happy to help you with advise. Failing that, you can bring in your misguided project and he will complete it for you…for a price.
I spent a couple of hours preparing the Healey for this season but, before I got to installing a freshly charged battery, it started to rain. No way to start the season! So the Healey will stay in hibernation another week or so. I left for the meeting for my continued education of how to treat the beast. Guy displayed a variety of interesting cars, which he is currently working on. A 1928 REO was the oldest in his shop. Among others were a ’58 XK150 Jaguar, a pristine ’53 Oldsmobile 88, Nash Lark and a Saab Sonett V4. The latter still to me a little like a kit car, if you will pardon the expression. I hope none of you Swedes out there in Healey land are insulted by this remark! An admitted car nut, Guy explained the detailed work he does with upholstery, and some of the complications one can run into when buying prefabricated material. The installation work can be quite extensive and lengthy. After a car has been taken apart for complete restoration some elements just won’t go back together the way you thought. The next subject was selection and installation of softtops. The best material for this is still fabric although, in the case of the Healey, Robinson “Everflex” would be more accurate. Moss Motors reportedly supplies the best tops for Healeys at the present time. Guy also stated that, if he is involved in an installation, he would prefer to take all upholstery related items apart himself before you send the car to the body and paint shop. This way he knows how it all fit together afterwards. Another bit of advise: it is best to install the new upholstery before painting, then completely remove it and send the car to the painter. This assures a proper fit and makes installation after painting easier and safer (for the paint). But don’t Healey Northwest
April 2000
by Randy Stone
Vintage Ads – North America My first fascination with the Austin Healey came from Doug & Tammy Auburg misidentifying a Ford Cobra in my early teens. I just loved these Cobras, and then one day I saw an early Doug & Tammy bought their first Healey in the fall of Austin Healey pull into a gas station. I proceeded to ask 1989, after a summer-long experiment with an MGB. the owner all about his car which I believe was a 100-6. The MGB just “wasn’t the car for them and so it was I told him about my mistaking it for a Cobra without the given to their son (and fellow AHCO member) David fender flares, but having bumpers. We had a good laugh as a graduation gift from college. But Doug’s love about that one. affair with the classic Healey shape goes back to his own college days at Washington State University Then one Sunday morning as I was reading the paper, I where a classmate had a 100-6 and it was so great spotted a 3000 for sale not far from where I lived. I looking. Unfortunately, they couldn’t seem to find the quietly grabbed a handful of cash, put it in my pocket, spare money to buy one until their youngest graduated and told my girlfriend that we should go for a little drive. from college and the financial load of that effort went Soon she figured out that I was looking for an address away. and wondered why. I told her that I wanted to look at a car. She immediately reminded me that I already owned Their first car was a 1956 Hundred. It was located more cars than I needed. through word-of-mouth and a sales price was agreed to. The car had 100-M features, like a louvered hood When we finally pulled up to this house she wanted to and 1-3/4” carbs but the former owner had never wait in the car since she didn't know what this one was. checked to see if it was a factory “M” or an aftermarBut I asked her to humor me and just take a look at it. ket conversion. The smiles were WIDE a few weeks The gentleman who answered the door said to follow after the purchase when the BMIHT build-certificate him to the garage where we had to remove a few things came back saying it was indeed a Factory M. They to get to the car. Here was this beautiful 1960 Austin bought a second car (1065 BJ8) in the early 1990’s Healey 3000 BT7 sitting underneath a small sail boat. and those two cars formed the family sports car stable My girlfriend took one look at it and became ecstatic, for the following 10 years. The “M” was sold to a started screaming and grabbed me saying, "Oh please fellow AHCO member last fall and replaced by a 1961 buy it!!! Please buy it!!!." Needless to say he didn't BT7-I that had been Jack Jackobsen’s car. That’s one come down on his price much and I never took her with of the great things about our club, it’s a great place to me to make a car deal again. exchange cars! I finally owned it for $2600, and now 22 years and $24,000 more I still have the first one I ever bought.
In the Spring of 1997 Doug founded Vintage Ads North America which deals in a huge variety of British car and motorcycle, America car and railroad subjects. All posters are based on advertising materials appearing primarily in magazines at the time each car was new. Their inventory includes over 650 different British car posters and 50 for Austin Healeys alone. They have an electronic catalog on the internet where the images can be viewed before purchase. Paper catalogs are also available at nominal cost. Their web catalog is located at If you are looking for a car or railroad poster, check them out. continued on page 12...
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Tech Tip Tid Bits by Doug Auburg 3.50 Differential Ratio May be Available. Many Healey owners have toyed with the idea of retrofitting their cars with non-OD differetials in order to reduce engine revs for highway cruising. Last month’s issue of the AHCA’s ”Healey Marque” magazine had an announcement that an attempt is going to be made to produce 3.50:1 ratio ring & pinnion gears. The gearpairs will be produced only if they receive committments to purchase at least 20. The cost will be $750 FOB Rock Hill, SC. The gear-pairs will have ”hypoid teeth, will be prelapped, and run in, timed and marked for backlash and mounting distance. The pinion will have 12 teeth and the ring gear will have 42 teeth. Money will be refunded if the minimum of 20 orders is not received.” Orders or enquiries should be directed to Nostalgia Motorcars, Ltd, 965 S Anderson Rd, Rock Hill SC 29730. (803)324-2277. email via their webpage at . Here’s your chance to set your Big Healey up to cruise at lower RPM’s while at highway speeds. For reference, the standard non-OD differential ratio is 4.1:1 and the OD ratio is 3.91:1 for early 6-cylinder cars (2639cc) and 3.545:1 (non-OD) and 3.909:1 (OD) for later 6-cylinder cars (2912cc). Starting A Healey. Just a question. Why is it easier for the starter to turn over a Healey engine with the the clutch pedal out and the tranny in neutral? Most cars turn over better with the clutch pedal depressed. Jim Brown BJ8,BT7 The answer is that most cars have a ball bearing throwout bearing that is low friction and doesn’t wear in use. Healeys, on the other hand, have a throwout bearing that uses a graphite block to eliminate friction. This works fine, but has a higher friction coefficient than a ball bearing version and it does wear down with use. So starting with the car in neutral and the clutch pedal out eliminates both of these problems. Doug Auburg
to ground 2. If the fuel pump is a newer fuel pump you need to install a neg ground diode in the pump, If the pump is old you should install a new neg ground fuel pump fo dependability. 3. Install a new ignition coil to get the maximum spark out of the coil and install with the neg side to the distributor. 4. Now you need to re polarize the generator....You disconnect the two wires from the generator and connect a jumper wire to a brown wire at the fuse box or positive terminal , and touch the other end to the SMALL terminal on back of the generator and remove. You will make a small spark if you touch the large terminal you will maked a large spark. DO NOT TOUCH THE JUMPER WIRE TO THE LARGE TERMINAL ON THE BACK OF THE GENERATOR. 5. If you have a amp meter installed yoou will need to reverse the wires on the rear of the meter 6. 6.If you have a electric tach it will need to be converted internally. If you have any question please feel free to call me. David Nock Restoring the Cockpit Surrounds. The aluminum cockpit surround pieces and door sills are in need of a good cleaning/polishing. What is the recommended process for cleaning these pieces. Thanks in advance for the tried and true suggestions. The way I did it was to find a good metal-finishing shop that had the capacity to strip off the anodizing, polish the metal, and then re-anodize. Note that if you want originality, the final finish should be ”non-reflective and clear anodized.”
You can polish them yourself in most cases with a grinding wheel and jewelers rouge, but if they are Converting to Negative Ground. It is very easy to severely messed up, you will have to start by filing, then convert your car over to negetive ground I do it to many going to lighter and lighter grades of steel wool, before cars that come through our shop. polishing with jewelers rouge. Cheers, Gary Anderson 1. Turn the battery around so that the neg terminal is
Healey Northwest
April 2000
...continued from page 10.
bought him out. As of May 1992 it has been Randy Stone's Budget RV Center. We have enlarged the lot to BUDGET RV CENTER accommodate up to 28 RV's, all selling in the budget Randy Stone priced range of up to $25,000. We found a little nitch in The purchase of my first Healey turned into a little hobby reconditioning older motor homes, updating them with called British Auto Restore where I started recondition- newer colors, and polishing them to make them look ing British cars to market them. That lasted until I refreshed. Budget RV went on line in 1997 and is doing wrecked a Jensen Healey the day after it came out of very well. At least 2 or 3 customers each month are the paint shop. With that I decided that this was getting flying in and driving them all over the country from as to be much more work than hobby and I sold all but the far as Atlanta, Georgia. You can find us at All motor homes listed come with original one. color pictures inside and out. I also opened a small Mom & Pop jewelry store in Southgate Center on 82nd Ave. in Portland. It was do- If you can't find me at the lot, I'm probably on the mouning well until the largest shopping mall in the world was tain riding my 142 h.p. Yamaha snowmobile with my 3 year old son, Austin, who is yelling, "Faster Dad!". being built right down the street. Next I decided to sell motor homes and over time worked for 3 of the largest dealers in town, but always refusing management positions. But one day I was approached by a man who needed someone to run a very small store with only about 12 motor homes all of which were used. I agreed to take the job, and a year and a half later I
You Might Be A Redneck If … Jack Daniels makes your list of “Most Admired People.” You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean. Anyone in your family ever died right after saying, “Hey, y’all watch this!” You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are, “Gentlemen, start your engines.” The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas it has in it. 12
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Healey Northwest
April 2000
On The Lighter Side... The Kid Next Door
Armstrong felt he could answer the question.
On July 20, 1969, as commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words after stepping on the moon, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”, were televised to Earth and heard by millions. But just before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark: “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.” Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the “Good luck Mr. Gorsky” statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled.
In 1938 when he was a kid in a small mid-west town, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his neighbor’s yard by the bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs.Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. “Sex! You want sex?! You’ll get sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!” Which Side Are You On?
Two Austin Healey owners are standing on opposite banks of a river. The first Austin Healey owner yells over to the other, “How do I get to the other side of the river?” On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answer- The second Austin Healey owner yells back, “You are ing questions following a speech, a reporter brought up on the other side of the river!” the 26 year old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had died and so Neil continued on page 18...
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Healey Northwest
April 2000
Classified Ads Classified Ads are free to all paid up members of AHCO, the Austin-Healey Owners Association of BC and the Cascade Austin Healey Club, and $2.00 each to nonmembers. These rates do not apply to commercial ads. Ads normally run three issues unless renewed by the advertiser. O=AHCO, C=Cascade, B=BC. Commercial Ad Rates: Monthly payment: Full page: $30, 1/2 page: $18, 1/4 page: $10, 1/8 page: $6, Business Card: $4. Inside cover (f or b): Full page: $35, 1/2 page: $21, Back cover, 1/2 page: $24. Annual payment in advance w/monthly appearance: Full page: $300, 1/2 page: $180, 1/4 page $100, 1/8 page $60, business card: $40. Inside cover (f or b), full page: $350, 1/2 page: $210. Back cover, 1/2 page: $240. Non-member business classifieds: $5 per month per six lines. Commercial display ads will be rotated between various positions. (Max. sizes: Full: 7.5” x 10”, Half: 7.5” x 5”, Quater: 3.5” x 5”, Eighth: 2-1/8” x 5”, Bus. Card: 2’ x 3.5”.)
Cars for Sale 1959 AH Bug Eye Sprite. Original, very complete car with original 948cc engine. Needs complete restoration. Dean Willoughby (503) 286-4042. (O-12) 1966 AH Sprite. 1275cc engine, runs good. New top, tonneau, usable interior. 165-70/13 radial tires mounted on steel wheels (Mini-lites available). Some rust in usual places. $2700.00. Charles Burke, 503-289-5055. (O-4)
Parts for Sale Heavy Duty Poly Front Suspension Bushings for all Austin Healeys - big and small. Correctly done in black. Competitively priced. Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Heavy Duty Brake Shoes for all Austin Healey models. Impervious to all oils and fluids. Experience 25% better stopping power - cheap at any price. These can save your nose! Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Lightened flywheels for big Healey models. They really make a big performance difference. You need one if you want your Healey to perform better in the corners and on the acceleration profile. Only the material not being used is removed. BN1 - BJ7 $120 plus a $40 core charge. BJ8 $140 plus a $60 core charge. Packing and shipping is extra. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-6) New Side Curtain Pouches made of felt lined black vinyl from original pattern. $45 ea. John Wilson (541) 933-2016 (O-7) Hardtop windows for BN6/BT7/BN7. These windows are specifically manufactured of the treated polycarbonate material used by the Indy race cars. They don’t fog or scratch like the currently advertised ones do! Fit it and forget it! You won’t need to replace it for years. $260 plus packing and shipping. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-2) ...continued from page 17.
Benefits of Beer Drinking
A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular attrition of the weakest members. 18
Healey Northwest
In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, we all know, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That’s why you always feel smarter after a few beers. April 2000
Healey Northwest
April 2000
HEALEY NORTHWEST Austin Healey Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426
Healey Northwest
April 2000