2006 April - Healey Northwest

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April 2006

e See page 5 for information regarding the below Le Mans Poster ....

Austin Healey Club of Oregon President’s Message

Officers / Representatives 2006 President: Doug Auburg 360-694-7769 dauburg@wa-net.com

Vice President: Tom Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net

Secretary: Kym Randolph 503-245-5039 lclemson@mns.com

Treasurer: Dee Meyer 503-267-8639 gdeemeyer@netzero.net

Activities: Mark Schneider 503-643-7208 mandmschneider@ comcast.net

Advertising: Joe Laws 503-636-5817 jflaws@att.net

Editor: Jack Jakobsen 503-432-8777 editorjack@comcast.net Membership and Charity Chairperson: Skip Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net Librarians: John Carter Jeff Mach John: 503-579-6599 Jeff: 503-364-6789 jc9821@msn.com mach@toast.net

Well, Spring seems to be arriving and the time for driving roadsters can’t be too far away. As I write this, it is a lovely, if cool, Sunday afternoon. I haven’t seen any Healeys on the road but I’m starting to see lots of motorcycles and when the motorcycles start coming out in numbers, roadsters can’t be far behind. I will miss the meeting this month as I will be starting a month-long tour of Australia. You can be sure that I’ll bring back lots of pictures and if I see any Healeys or Healey folks, I’ll pass those pictures along to Jack with a story of how I got them.

Inter-Club Coordinator: John Wilson 541-933-2016 johnhealeylane@worldnet.att.net

At the end of May we will celebrate “British Car Week” (May 27 through June 4, 2006), an event dreamed up by a member of the Austin Healey Club USA as a 7 day period when every British car owner should take their car out of the garage and show it off. Let’s see how many British cars we can see during that week. Check out the full story at http://www.britishcarweek.org/.

Regalia: Jaci Koeber Tammy Auburg Jaci: 503-244-3731 Tammy: 360-694-7769 koegeoja@hevanet.com tauburg@wa-net.com

See you in May. Next Month, this space will be sublet to VP Tom Monaco to tell us all a story. :-)

ABFM Representatives: Doug Auburg Larry Clemenson Doug: See`President Larry: 503-245-5039 LClemenson@msn.com



April Meeting:

President’s Message Editor’s Notes Club Activities Calendar of Events/Rendezvous Tours Other Car Events March Meeting Minutes February Meeting at Kuni BMW March Meeting / 2006 Historic Races Membership & Charity Update

4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13

This month in AHCO History 2006 Columbia Gorge Rallye 2006 Rendezvous Information Ballot for Constitution & By-Laws Complete revised Const. & By-Laws Will there be a New Healey? Bic Healey’s Response to New Healey Classified Ads Healey a Northwest

14 15 16 17 19 27 28 29

Date: April 8, 2006 Program: Scenic Columbia Gorge tour Meeting: At Kent & Judy Lambert’s home in Hood River. See page 6 for further details. Cover: Once again we owe thanks to Reid Trummel for this month’s cover of the beautiful duotone Reno Red & black 1956 100M, with red interior, parked in front of the Portland Opera Administrative offices. And, oh yes, this time the car belongs to Reid and Sue. Reid purchased it from the original owner in 1987. 4

April 2006

Healey Northwest

Editor’s Notes ....

©2005 AHCO

Well here it is April and I seem to have lost about a month! Or at least it seemed that way when I started working on the April issue of Healey Northwest. Lots of “stuff” accumulated while we were in New Zealand. We thought about not coming home, but I couldn’t bear dropping the ball on the newsletter. Beautiful Country – take the time to see it if you can.

The official publication of the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of it’s members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinion of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omissions of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and if reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address articles or correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Jack Jakobsen 160 SW 89th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97225-6804 503-432-8777 e-mail: EditorJack@comcast.net AHCO MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year membership is available in person at any meeting or by mail: US$25.00 per individual or couple (add US$10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Memebrship Director. DEADLINE Contributions to Healey Northwest are due to the Editor by the 15th of the month preceding publication. Healey Northwest

This issue is a big one and in no small part due to including the revised Constitution & By-Laws for AHCO. At first it looks overwhelming to read through, but please do so as it is your Club and you need to let the Board know your thoughts. Also, you need to know how the Club functions. Your ballot is included on pages 17-18, so tear it out and make sure your vote gets to our Secretary by May 13th. Lots of good events coming up this year; so, review the offerings listed in this issue, make you reservations if needed and/or mark your calendar. Hope to see you on April 8th. Jack Le Mans Poster Information: A friend of Tom and Skip Monaco, Hans vd Kerkhof, of Holland is responsible, in great part, for the celebration of Austin Healeys at perhaps the most famous race venue in the world. The prestigeous event will be held in Le Mans, France on July 7-9, 2006. There will be four Healeys in the actual race plus approximately 200 on display. Continued on pagr 29 ....

Thank you: Doug Auburg, Bill Bolton, John Carter, Allan & Mary Gross, Jeff Mach, Skip Monaco, Kymberly Randolph, Mark Schneider, Reid Trummel and John Wilson for your contributions to Healey Northwest 5

April 2006

you have it apart, and what creative things you can do with those extra parts left over after it’s put back together.

AHCO Activities Calendar Editor’s Note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information or visit our Web site: http://www.healey-oregon.org

We’ll have our monthly Club meeting at Kent and Judy’s house (or most probably in the shop) at 3:00, unless the weather is bad, we get the overdrive put back together sooner, or we’re bored and want to get on with things.

April 8, 2006

Jeff Mach, Kent Lambert, and Skip Monaco have a busy day planned in conjunction with our next meeting on April 8th. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for good weather to make it a grand outing, hopefully with the tops down or off, depending on what you’re driving.

After the meeting, for those who would like to continue the day’s scenic tour, Jeff Mach will lead a drive back to Portland, crossing over the Columbia and coming back to Vancouver via SR14 and the Washougal River Road. A post-tour beer at McMenamin’s on the Columbia or at the Edgefield will conclude the tour.

We’ll start by meeting at 9:30 am in the parking lot of the Safeway at 1541 NE 181st in Gresham (the corner of 181st and Halsey). Skip Monaco will load us up with the Club’s donation of art supplies, which we’ll then deliver to the nearby Albertina Kerr Art Therapy Center. To reach the Safeway, take exit 13 from I-84/OR30 (the Banfield), and go south about ¼ mile.

The drive out the Historic Columbia River Highway and back along SR 14 and Washougal River Road will informally commemorate the Club’s first organized outing in April 1976, the so-called “Spring Shake-down Tour.” Hope to see you there! May 13, 2006

We’ll leave the Art Center and rendezvous at Lewis and Clark State Park at 10:30 to pick up those who slept in or otherwise would like to meet us there. To get to the Park, take exit 18 from I-84/OR30, then go south under the railroad tracks to the parking lot. From Lewis and Clark State Park, we’ll drive out the Historic Columbia River Highway, with a stop at the recently renovated Vista House, especially if the weather is decent. Then, we’ll continue out to Kent and Judy Lambert’s house in Hood River for lunch, to admire Kent’s cars, and check his progress getting his tri-carb put together for Nelson, BC.

Bob Macherione and John Wilson will provide a visit to the Sports Car Shop in Eugene, OR. They will start by meeting in the parking lot of the Safeway store in Stayton, OR for a nice backroads tour to The Sports Car Shop. We will leave Stayton at 11 AM and the tour will be approx. 2 hours long and 70 miles. John Wilson will be leading the tour and his cell phone # is 541-729-5323, if you need to call to let him know you will be late. The Sports Car Shop and Healey Lane Restorations will host lunch at Bob‘s shop. We will have a interesting tech session as Bob Macherione will show us the proper procedure to get a Healey running that has been sitting for about 15 years and not touched in all those years. We will have the meeting in the showroom after the tech session around 3PM. For anyone wishing to go directly to The Sports Car Shop the address is 288 W. 7th in Eugene, phone 541-342-1520. Directions, take exit 194 west onto I-105 and follow this hwy. till it ends on W.7th and turn left and go 2 blocks to Lincoln (Chevron station on corner), turn left and park behind the shop in 1/2 block.

Kent and Judy will provide sandwich fixings and Jeff will provide drinks and cookies for dessert. Everyone else is encouraged to bring a salad or other potluck item to contribute to lunch. After lunch, if the weather is good and the orchards are in bloom, Kent will lead us on a tour of the valley. If not, we’ll hunker down in the Kent’s shop and he’ll lead a tech session on what the inside of a Healey overdrive looks like, what to do with it once Healey Northwest


April 2006

2006 Calendar of Events by Mark Schneider, Activities June 10 - George Koeber is planning anevent

house. We will have a sit-down, plated dinner and some of the usual silly stuff our Christmas Party is known for. January 2007 - Open. A host for the meeting is needed. Could I please have a volunteer? If you have any questions or suggestions please give me a call (503-643-7208) or an Email (mandmschneider@comcast.net).

around the Sherwood Cruise-in. The Club meeting may be scheduled at a nearby winery. July 7, 8 & 9 - Historic Races. The 2006 Historic Race club ticket package will cost $40.00 this year. The AHCO monthly meeting will be held July 15, 2006. July 15 - AHCO Club Meeting. “Christmas in July” will be the theme for the meeting to be held at an Oregon State Park. Tom Monaco and Mark Schneider will host the meeting. The extravagant details are still being negotiated. July 24 thru 28 - Rendezvous, Nelson, British Columbia. See Tours next column. August 12 - John Wilson will conduct a tour through a recently paved old logging road in the lower Willamette Valley August Date TBD – If A volunteer would organize a tour we could take advantage of the great weather of late summer. September 2, 3 & 4 - All British Field Meet. September 9 - AHCO Club Meeting. Tom and Cecilia Magnuson and Doug Auburg are scheduling a ride on the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad out of Yacolt, WA. Somewhere along the route we will have the September club meeting. September 21 thru 24 - The Northwest Austin Healey Meet, Astoria, OR. Hosted this year by AHCO. October 14 - Brian and Kerri O’Boyle will host the meeting. The details of the meeting are still under construction. November 11 - Troy and Katie Hall. The meeting will be held at the Panoz dealership, Gran Prix Imports, in Wilsonville. December 9 - Austin Healey Club of Oregon Christmas Party. The party will be at the Eastmoreland Golf Course club Healey Northwest

Rendezvous 2006 Tours: Pre-Rendezvous Tour Allan Gross will be leading a tour from the Vancouver, WA area to Nelson, BC in the Selkirk Mountains. It will leave Vancouver, WA on Saturday, July 22nd and arrive Monday afternoon July 24 in Nelson. The route will incorporate scenic views of both Mount St Helens, Mount Rainier, and the North Cascades National Parks area. Many points of interest provide numerous options for the ride. Nightly stops are planned in the Enumclaw/ Snohomish and the Winthrop/Omak areas in Washington. Hotel and other specifics will be provided at future club meetings and HNW newsletters. Just another option for those planning on attending the event. Post Healey Rendezvous Historical Tour If there is sufficient interest my wife, Pat and I (Bolton) would like to lead a tour after the Healey Rendezvous 2006. We will have a packet for each of you consisting of maps, discussion of the areas through which you are traveling and directions for those who might get lost while sight seeing. We would leave Nelson on Friday am, July 28 and tour to Golden, BC for the evening. The next day Continued on page 29 .... 7

April 2006

Other 2006 Car Events April 7-9 Portland Swap Meet This 42nd Annual meet is thought to be the larget auto parts swap meet on the West Coast and is onced again being held at the Portland Expo Center. Discount tickets available at Baxter Auto Parts locations. For more information, call 503-6782100 or visit: www.portlandswapmeet.com

June 23 - 25 Columbia Gorge Classic Rallye Please see page 15 of this issue for further details. July 8 - 9 Portland Historic Races at PIR Please see page 12 of this issue for further details. July 24 thru 28 Healey Rendezvous This years event will be held in Nelson, British Columbia. Please see page 16 of this issue for further details. Also, go to www.healeys.ca/ for registration forms and more information regarding this great event. See page 7 of this issue for tours to and from Nelson, BC.

April 30 All British Swap Meet Club T-MG presents the tenth annual All British Swap Meet which will be held once again on the last Sunday in April at Montgomery Park, covered parking garage, 2701 NW Vaughn St., Portland, OR. This event is for British cars and related items only. Any British car club that has members committed to a total of five or more spaces, will receive the use of a free space to solicit membership or sell regalia. Hours: 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. Fees: $10/parts space, $15/car space. For further info contact: Tom Foren at (503) 287-2024.

September 21-24 Northwest Meet The 2006 meet will be held at the Holiday Inn Express in Astoria, Oregon. Astoria offers many interesting and historic sites for us to share. With the Lewis & Clark bicentennial activities in full swing, the opportunities are even greater. As part of the activities, a special musical program based on the songs and stories from the time of the Lewis & Clark Expedition will be presented after dinner Saturday evening. Room rates at the Holiday Inn Express are $90/night for street side and $115/night for river side. If anyone wishes to stay longer, the Holiday Inn will offer the same room rates for your extended stay. This two-year old hotel is exceptionally nice and offers many amenities. It is not too early to make your reservation to assure a room of your choice. Call toll free to 888-898- 6222 or 503-325-6222 to make your reservation.

May 19 - 20 ABFM Vancouver BC Again this year, the Vancouver, BC, ABFM will be held at the beautiful Van Dusen Gardens. Friday is the Brit Car Pub Nite and Silent Charity Auction. Saturday includes the usual field events and a swap meet including vendors and private parties. For further information go to www.westerndriver.com/ abfm/schedule.htm I understand there might be some event at Mike Long’s on Saturday night. May 27-June 4 British Car Week All British car owners are encouraged to observe this extended week by driving their favorite British car on the streets and byways of their community as much as possible during this extended driving week. The goal is to help spread awareness of our classic cars for those who don’t normally get to see them on the road. By doing so, you could be responsible for sparking the interest of someone to get involved in this very fulfilling hobby. Please tell all your British car friends. Visit: www.britishcarweek.org Healey Northwest


Ride the restored trolley up and down the waterfront. The trolley stops right outside the hotel. The round trip ride takes about forty minutes, but there are interesting stops along the way including the Astoria Aquatic Center and the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Along the ride you might see a ship heading up or down the Columbia River. They look huge from the close your close vantage point. Continued on page 11 ... 8

April 2006

Austin Healey Club of Oregon Membership Meeting Minutes, March 11, 2006 commemorating their 30th anniversary. It will include a 1 week trip through the south of France and possibly a ferry trip to Corsica. He invited AHCO members to come and join them. John Wilson will be joining the Dutch Healey Club this summer to navigate for Steve Pick in a Le Mans rally.

CTO: By President Doug Auburg at 11:30 am at the home of John and Judy Carter following a tech session in the garage. Doug thanked John and Judy for hosting our March meeting and tech session.

Librarian: John Carter invited us to look at the Club’s collection of video tapes ready to be borrowed.

Minutes: The minutes of the February Membership Meeting were read and approved. OFFICER’S REPORTS

Editor: Jack Jakobsen asked for cover pictures, articles and news about upcoming events to help fill out the next issue.

Treasurer: Dee Meyer, not present. Doug Auburg reported that Dee will be back in town for the next meeting and will give an account of our financial status at that time. Members may contact Dee or Doug for more details.

ABFM: Doug reported the attendance of the Mini club representatives at the last ABFM meeting. The clubs include OMS (classic Minis) and PDX Mini (new Minis). It was decided to divide new Minis into 3 classes: Cooper, Cooper S and and the new Cabriolet. British bikes will have two classes this year. Prices will be the same. They discussed whether to have T-shirts again for volunteers or BBQ tickets. Also noted was that attendance at the BBQ was falling off and a query was being conducted as to why.

Introductions: Skip Monaco introduced new member David Herr, who bought Neil Shephard’s car. Another new member, Chris Hartson was also introduced.

Membership: Skip reported we have a record 215 listings for AHCO membership. We gained 3 new members just this week as a result of a recent mailing using the AHUSA list that we got approval to Charity: Skip Monaco introduced Betty Reuter who access. gave a presentation on the Coffee Creek Women’s Correctional Facilities quilting program. Contact Advertising: Joe Laws reported a request by the Betty for more information and a flyer describing the Vintage Races in July to advertise in the Healey great work of this program. Skip presented Betty Northwest for the 2 to 3 months prior to the races. with check for $300 from the AHCO. Skip also They are looking for a 1/2 page ad an might conannounced we would be contributing product to sider a color ad on the back page. Albertina Kerr Art Therapy Center next month, as Regalia: Tammy Auburg was unable to bring regalia well the Multiple Distrophy Children’s Summer Camp, and cards to the Veteran’s Hospital on to this meeting. Veteran’s Day. Glen Enright is doing research into needs of a local food bank and Tammy is looking Club Coordinator: John Wilson reported not much into Ronald McDonald House. activity between clubs. However, he did find a number of articles about the Klamath Falls Rendezvous, all very positive. Skip reported a note from Patrick, our member from France, describing an Continued on page 10 .... event to be hosted by the French Club in July 2007, Healey Northwest


April 2006

Minutes - Continued from page 9 ....


Sunshine Committee: Jan Whittlesey, not present. Please contact her if you know of someone who needs some ‘sunshine’ from the club.

Jack requested authorization for a $200 deposit for the caterer for the Healey Northwest Meet in Astoria. It was moved, seconded and carried. The meet will begin on Thursday this year to allow for a full day of events on Friday. Jack asked if we would be interested in booking entertainment for the Saturday evening catered event. He recently attended a performance by two men with a Lewis and Clark theme. It was decided that there was enough interest to pursue more information.

Activities: Mark Schneider reminded us that the next activity in April will begin at Albertina Kerr Art Therapy Center where we will present our product contributions. We will then take a leisurely drive out the Historic Gorge Highway, stopping at the Vista House. A secondary meeting location at Lewis and Clark Park is planned for 10:30 am. The tour will end at Kent Lambert’s home in Hood River for a tech session. There will be sandwich fixin’s for lunch. The meeting will follow the tech session. Tour ideas are still being formulated for the return to Portland; possibly an ‘Apple Blossom’ tour or a return via the Washington side of the river. It was noted that this is planned as a commemorative event reflecting the first AHCO April 1976 “Spring Shakedown” tour. John Wilson is working on the May event with Bob Macherione of Eugene’s Sports Car Shop hosting the meeting and shop tour. Tom Monaco is working on the July event which looks like a potluck at Champoeg Park. This is planned as ‘Christmas in July’ with gift exchange, Christmas tree and possibly Santa. We hope to draw the members who are unable to make the December party due to being located across the mountains. Mark Schneider asked that if you are planning to attend the Vintage Races July 7 and 8 with your car to please get a check to him for $40 before June 1. The car corral will again be located in the inner field. Access will be at corner 8, in between races ensuring around 20 minutes between coming and going. Corvette and Allard are the featured marques. The Christmas party at Eastmoreland Golf Club is being finalized. It will begin at 6:00p with a social hour, dinner at 7:00p with the auction following. We will need to be out of the building by 10:00p. Mark asked if we would be interested in live music for background during social hour and dinner. He knows a keyboarder who would be interested. The straw vote indicated strong interest.

Doug related the work the Board has been doing since December in reviewing the Constitution & ByLaws of the Club. There were five areas of focus, 1) housekeeping or cleaning up language, etc., 2) added policy section concerning committing money for the activity host, 3) identifying specific funding sources for the charity fund, 4) move elections to November and publishing the directory in November to reflect our largest membership and 5) appointing a nominating committee for the Board elections. The full proposal of changes will be included in the April HNW with ballot and membership vote in May. Tom was given a number of posters from the Dutch Healey Club’s Lemans event this year to use to raise money for the charity fund. He is asking $20 each. Doug asked for a motion to authorize moving the 50-50 raffle responsibility to the charity committee as a funding source. It was so moved, seconded and approved. Meeting Adjourned: 12:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kymberly Randolph Secretary

OLD BUSINESS – none. Healey Northwest


April 2006

Club Meeting at Kuni BMW by John Carter On February 11, 2006, our meeting was held at the Kuni BMW dealership on Canyon Road. One of our members, Brent Baltz, is the service director there. Through a collaborative effort between sales and service department he arranged for all interested members to drive any of the five BMW cars lined up outside the service department. Of course we didn’t need much encouragement! In fact, one of our female members (who shall remain anonymous) almost trampled several people to be first at the Z4! The five cars available give a good cross-section of the BMW line. These included: Z4, X5 4.4, 530xi, 330i, and 330ci. Jeff Mach and I had a great time

upon seeing the Healeys driving around the dealership. Afterward, our meeting was held inside the dealer-

Our Healeys in safety of Kuni Shop.

ship in the conference room. Upon adjournment most members walked next door to McMenamin’s for a late lunch. Thanks again Brent for your effort in making this months meeting a success.

On the test drive!

trying several of them. All Jeff could say while driving the stick shift 3 liter Z4 was “Wow! Wow!. It was quite different than his Bugeye! Luckily, all cars were returned in good condition. Safely inside the service department were our members cars. There was a good showing of about six big Healeys, one square-body Sprite, and one Bugeye. We heard that there were many comments from BMW customers NWM - Continued from page 8 ....

Let me go! I’ll be good!

For those of you who are fishermen, our extraordinary member fisherman, Tom Monaco, would be happy to guide you fishing on the Sunday of the meet, or possibly even on Thursday or Monday. He knows the hot spots and has taken groups out before. If you are interested, contact Tom at 503245-0174 or at tomsimports@ipinc.net

Charity - Continued from page 13 ....

We’re gathering information now as how to best serve this worthwhile organization. If anyone has additional suggestions, please contact me about their organization of choice so that we can help those who could use our assistance.

More Astoria tidbits to follow. Healey Northwest


April 2006

Hear the Click and See the Glow at the March Meeting by Jerry Barron A two part tech session was held in the Carter’s garage at our March meeting.

the “color tune” method for tuning your carburetors, it is imperative that the ignition system is correct and the valves properly adjusted. The color tune system involves removing a spark plug and inserting the “color tune” into the plug hole. When the engine is running it is possible to view the combustion chamber and ignited fuel. When the carbs are performing correctly a blue glow will appear and when running a rich fuel mixture an orange/yellow glow will be seen. At this point adjustments can be made. You can then repeat the above using a plug hole farther from the carbs.

A demonstration of the “CLICKADJUST” tool for adjusting tappets was led by Bob Wiley. This tool replaces the “3 handed” method using a screwdriver, a torque wrench and feeler gauges. The clickadjust tool is a combination of screwdriver and rachet wrench which can be used one handed while the other hand works the feeler gauge. This method can be used on both intake and exhaust valves. This British tool is available through Moss Motors for about $80.00.

This tool is made by Gunson and is also available from Moss Motors.

The second tech session regarding tuning carburetors and was led by Mark Schneider. Prior to using

The Historic Races, July 8 & 9, 2006 by Mark Schneider The announcement for the 2006 Historic Races has been received. The races are the weekend of July 8 & 9. The event will follow the same format as the previous two years. That is, the club corrals will be located in the infield. Entrance to and egress from the corrals will be through Turn 8, again. The organizers are promising a track crossing period every twenty minutes. So, it will be possible to enter and leave with a measure of freedom.

I will mail out the package of spectator passes and corral passes early in June 2006. If you want any extra passes the price for them is $25.00 for each day, Saturday or Sunday. Please note that the July AHCO Club meeting will not be held the weekend of the Historic Races. Rather, we will hold the club meeting on July 15, 2006. Tom Monaco and I are planning a fun event, “Christmas in July”. And Tom Monaco and I are promising a July business meeting without the background of racing engines at full cry.

The club admissions package this year is $40.00 for the three-day admission ticket for driver and guest, one car corral pass, a dash plaque and the parade lap. I will serve as the Point of Contact for the AHCO. If you plan to attend the Historics and want the club discount passes I will require a check for $40.00 by May 15, 2006. You can send the check to: Historic Races c/o Mark Schneider 12465 NW McDaniel Road Portland, OR 97229. Healey Northwest


April 2006

Membership & Charity Committee Update by Skip Monaco AHCO Welcomes NEW Members:

Vic & Cecilia Wright 10695 NW McDaniel Rd. Portland, Or. 97229 503-641-1089 The Wrights are owners of 3) ’56 100-4 models

Gunther Anderson 1330 California Av. S.W. #5 Seattle, Wa. 98116 206-937-1402 Mr. Anderson owns a ’64 BJ8

Charity Announcements: Dave Carlson 5319 N. 41st Tacoma, Wa. 98407 253-752-1112 Dave is the owner of a ’58 100-6 BN6

Choices for this year so far:

Ron & Julie Escano 10527 SE 96th Av. Portland, Or. 97266 503-771-3454 The Escano family owns a 1967 3000 MK III

Youth Automotive Training Center Check for $100 (with matching funds provided by an AHCO member) was sent to this great organization (earmarked for the Machek Memorial Fund) which is located in Florida. Connections are being made with local car dealers to come up with a plan here whereby young men & women can participate in a similar program in our area.

Coffee Creek Women’s Correctional Institute Check presented to Betty Rueter on their behalf at the March meeting.

Barry Fahlstedt 83 Fawn Ln. Sequim, Wa. 98382

Albertina Kerr Art Therapy Center We’ll be going there April 8th to present them with loads of art supplies so that the staff can continue making progress with these troubled youngsters. Club members wishing to attend should meet in the Safeway parking lot at 1541 NE 181st & Halsey at 9:30 a.m., then depart for their facility, arriving as a group. Following a short stay at Albertina, we’ll continue on with our Columbia Gorge tour.

Joel Hadley 21618 N. Perry Rd. Colbert, Wa. 99005 Joel owns a ’67 NJ8 Mk III David & Jamie Herr 22546 SW 106th Ave. Tualatin, Or. 97062 503-517-2786 David & Jamie are owners of a 1967 3000 MK III

Muscular Dystrophy Children’s Summer Camp Takes place right after the Vintage Races weekend (July 9-15). We haven’t heard back from their staff as to what sort of supplies they’ll find most useful.

Andrew Kercher 27319 Kingsley Rd. Scappoose, Or. 97056 503-369-5021 Andrew is the owner of a ’58 100-6

Veterans Hospital - Portland This presentation will be in November this year with the vets receiving special cards from our Club in their honor. We’ll also be getting a list of needs from them. Oregon Food Bank

Russell Morgan & Tami Cockeram 6010 SW Taylor St. Portland, Or. 97221 503-292-2503 Russ & Tami own a 1967 BJ8 3000 MK III Healey Northwest

Continued on page 11 .... 13

April 2006

This Month in AHCO History by Jeff Mach complete with a fine spaghetti dinner and racing videos. What more could you ask for in a Club outing? The account of the event describes the weather conditions that day as sunshine, rain, snow, rain, and sunshine. A little something for everyone, no doubt providing some much needed practice with erecting and stowing car tops. Moreover, what would a Club outing be without at least one malfunction? In this case, it was two – a severed battery cable and a sunken carburetor float causing a gasoline leak – on the same car no less, just to make things interesting. Fortunately, the two calamities didn’t occur at the same time or the consequences could have been far more exciting than just a couple of relatively short delays for repairs by talented Club members. In Healey Northwest that month, besides his tech tips, Doug Auberg provided a practical primer on electricity, including some amazing electrical facts – like if you scuffed your feet long enough without touching anything, you’d build up so many electrons that your finger would explode. Also, be sure to ask Doug if he can remember the accomplishments of some of those famous electrical pioneers he cited, like Myron Volt, Mary Louise Amp, James Watt, and Bob Transformer.

30 Years Ago. The Club officially decided to adopt the names “Austin Healey Club of Oregon” and “Healey Northwest.” The names were in use before that, but maybe folks were just trying them out to see whether there were any violent objections or better suggestions. Late in the month, 24 or 25 Austin Healeys (both numbers were reported in accounts, although perhaps one of the following cars was mistakenly identified), a Lotus, a Datsun, and a VW Bug met at Lewis and Clark State Park to participate in the “Spring Shake-Down Tour ’76.” After an obligatory 20-minute photo session, the participants proceeded to Crown Point for more pictures and use of the rest facilities. Then, braving a brief hailstorm, they headed on to Cascade Locks for lunch and a few drinks. After lunch, the group crossed the Bridge of the Gods and headed back down the Washington side with a side trip along Washougal River Road, after stopping to put car tops down in the now hot sun. After arriving at Jantzen Beach, everyone got better acquainted over beer and pizza and decided that no one got shook up too badly on the trip. 20 Years Ago. A Spring Shake-Down Tour on the back roads west of Eugene and a meeting at the Wilson’s house (or an indoor activity in case it rained) was scheduled. Unfortunately, the AHCO library is missing the May 1986 issue of Healey Northwest, so it’s not clear what actually took place. (Does anyone have a copy of that issue they’d like to donate to the library?). The following week, Kent Lambert sponsored a tour of the Hood River Apple Blossom Festival, with stops at a flea market, an antique market, and an art and crafts fair. Hmmm, a multi-stop shopping event in a Healey? What a good idea to limit how much stuff you have to cart home, especially if you’re in a Sprite. 10 Years Ago. Hardy Club members trekked from Sweet Home over the mountains to Sisters for lunch and shopping, on to Bend for a tour of the High Desert Museum and the Bend area, followed by a meeting at the home of Gary and Dee Meyer, Healey Northwest


April 2006

2006 Columbia Gorge Classic Rallye by Reid Trummel The Columbia Gorge MGA Club, based in Portland, is proud to announce the 2006 Columbia Gorge Classic Rallye, the premier annual event hosted by the club. The dates are June 23-25, and the location is the Willamette Valley between Portland and Eugene, Oregon.

“We want everyone, at all experience levels, to feel welcome and have a good time on this rally,” Bob stated, “and so you can choose your own difficulty level by the class you enter, and if you just want to enjoy some great roads with fellow enthusiasts, there’s the Touring Class.”

On Friday evening, June 23, there is a reception, vehicle safety inspection, and participant meeting at Gran Prix Imports in Wilsonville (just south of Portland). The next day, the all-day rally will depart from Gran Prix Imports at 8 a.m., ending up in the Eugene area about 4-5 p.m. with awards presentation following. Participants may choose to spend the night at the offered hotel in Eugene, and take part in the organized tour back to Portland the following morning, Sunday, June 25.

An additional new development this year is posting the General Instructions on the host club’s website. Rallies are traditionally governed by a combination of these “Generals” and the Route Instructions. The Route Instructions are distributed just shortly before the beginning of the rally, but the General Instructions need to be studied and understood in advance, so they’ll be available to everyone well in advance where they can be downloaded and printed. “We’re working to produce a real quality, real fun event, and I think that everyone will be pleased with the result. This will be one that no one should miss – get your car ready now!” advised Bob. “That’s good advice because we really believe that this will be an event that people will be planning to enter each year from now on,” Reid added.

The rally is open to European sports sedans and sports cars made in 1980 and earlier, with a limit of 60 entries. The registration fee is $60 or $50, depending on the class entered. Rally Master Reid Trummel and Rally Manager Bob Hoffman have teamed up to form the leadership for the event, and they’re bringing a commitment and dedication to stage a rally that will be one of highlights of the motorsports calendar in the Pacific Northwest. Reid commented, “We’re starting with a clean sheet, taking a fresh look at all aspects of this annual event, and constructing a really first-class function that will appeal to both novices and experienced rallyists alike. Our goal is to combine the best of what has been established in this series with some new ideas, and we think the result will take the event to a new level. However, one thing that hasn’t changed is the overall goal, and that is to have fun in vintage cars!”

See the MGA club’s website (www.ColumbiaGorgeMGAClub.org) for more info, including a printable application form, and reserve the dates – June 23-25 – now. This promises to be a great one! Rally Master Reid Trummel may be reached at editor_reid@hotmail.com Rally Manager Bob Hoffman may be reached at aliceandbob@centurytel.net

One innovation to be introduced this year will be multiple classes. In addition to those wishing to drive the regular TSD course, there will also be a “Novice Class” for those with very little or no TSD rally experience, providing an opportunity to drive a true TSD rally, but with the course-following simplified. Additionally, there will also be a “Touring Class” for those who merely wish to drive a modified rally route without the challenges of interpreting “rally language” or staying on time. Healey Northwest


April 2006

Healey Northwest


April 2006

Austin Healey Club of Oregon Ballot Note: Enclosed with this ballot is the complete revised constitution/bylaws/policy proposal. You may either just read this document to see if you agree with it or you may compare it with the current constitution/bylaws in your Membership Directory. Balloting Deadline & Place: This ballot may be mailed to the Club secretary or delivered to the secretary at the May 13, 2006 meeting. Ballots will be counted and results announced following the meeting.

A. Discussion The AHCO Executive Board has undertaken a major review and upgrading of our club’s Constitution & Bylaws. We have also created a new subservient set of policies in order to preserve decisions that have been made by the membership about how things will be done. We on the Executive Board ask for your support of these changes, but the final decision is up to you and your fellow members. We are dividing the ballot into four parts: (1) Approval of a set of general “housekeeping changes” that do not change the meaning of the document, but do improve its clarity and readability, (2) Approval of an increase in the amount of funds that can be approved by the Activities Director, President and the Executive Board without going to the general membership. The current limit of expenditure by the Executive Board is $100. We propose to raise this to $250. We also propose to allow the Activities Director to approve expenditures in connection with setting up our monthly meetings of up to $50, the president up to $100 and the Executive Board up to $250. Expenditures above $250 would continue to be approved by the membership. This will increase our flexibility in dealing with the incidental expenses associated with running our club. All such expenditures must be reported to the membership at the next monthly meeting. (3) Approval of a funding mechanism for the Charity Committee from outside of the club’s general fund. We propose that the Charity Committee gain its funds from two voluntary sources: the annual Christmas Charity Auction and monthly “50-50 raffles”. The idea of setting up a system for the Charity Committee to raise funds was approved in principle a year ago at a monthly meeting. This proposed change formalizes that prior approval. (4) Approval of a set of policy statements that explain how the Charity Committee operates, how the Activities Director and monthly meeting Hosts will handle room fees and deposits, and how we will publish a Membership Director annually.

Continued on next page ....

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B. Housekeeping Changes Primary member / / / /

Approve Disapprove


Proposal to increase the amount of funds that can be approved by the Executive Board, President and Activities Director. Primary member / / / /

Approve Disapprove


Partner / / / /

Proposal to fund the Charity Committee’s budget through their operation of the Christmas Auction and monthly “50-50” Raffle and to authorize that committee to manage those activities. Primary member / / / /

Approve Disapprove


Partner / / / /

Partner / / / /

Proposal to approve the proposed set of Policies that explain how certain AHCO activities will be carried out. Primary member / / / /

Approve Disapprove

Partner / / / /

Mail or deliver to: Kym Randolf 7923 SW Capitol Hill Road Portland, OR 97219

Healey Northwest


April 2006


CLUB NAME The Club described herein is named the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon (AHCO).

II. CLUB INSIGNIA The official insignia of the Club is as it appears above and shall bear the Club colors of black, gold and red. III. CLUB PURPOSE A. The Club is devoted to promoting and contributing to the preservation and enjoyment of automobiles designed by Donald M. Healey or Geoffrey Healey. B.

The activities and purposes of this Club are to be primarily focused on automobiles that bear the “Healey” namesake. These include the Austin Healeys (100, 100-M, 100-S, 100-6, 3000, and Sprite), Healey Silverstone, Healey Tickford, Nash-Healey, Healey Westland, Healey Abbott, Healey Elliot, Healey Duncan, Healey Sportsmobile, Healey Sports Convertible, and Jensen Healey.


The Club will organize, sponsor, and participate in events that focus on lawful driving activities, Club promotion, and the communication of historical and technical information about the above marques.


The Club is to be operated on a non-profit base supported by membership dues, sale of regalia, fundraising events, donations, and newsletter advertisements.


Members are encouraged to exchange information freely on maintaining, restoring, and enjoying Healey automobiles, including sources of parts, regalia, and activities pertaining to Healey cars, through the monthly Healey Northwest newsletter and Club social activities.


Eligibility. Membership is open to any person with an interest in Healey automobiles and whose participation in the functioning of the Club will be commensurate with the Club’s purpose, objectives, and policies expressed herein. Ownership of a Healey car is not a prerequisite for membership, nor does membership recognize any regional, national, or continental barriers.

B. Privileges. Acceptance of dues paid in full entitles that person to membership status. All members receive the monthly newsletter (Healey Northwest), are allowed to participate in any Club-sponsored activities, are eligible to run for any office (except President), and may vote at general meetings. C. Annual dues. Annual dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the Membership Annual dues will expire on December 31st each year. As of March 1, unpaid members will be dropped Healey Northwest


April 2006

from the Healey Northwest mailing list. Once dues in full are received, missed back issues of the Healey Northwest, if available, can be obtained at the monthly meeting or by sending a request to the Editor for any back issues along with payment to defray costs of handling and mailing. V. CLUB OFFICERS AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES The creation of new offices or changes in Club policy is subject to approval by the general membership. A. President. The President: The President will: • Chair the Executive Board; • Organize and preside over all Executive Board Meetings and all General Meetings in accord with Robert’s Rules of Order. • Will generally regulate and direct Club affairs, business, correspondence and other specific duties dictated by the Executive Board, but subject to control and limits placed on the office by the Executive Board. • Appoint any member in good standing to a Committee Chair position. • Appoint any member in good standing to a vacated office on a temporary basis. To be eligible to serve as President, a candidate must have previously served in another office on the Executive Board. B. Vice President. The Vice President will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Assume all duties of the President in his/her absence or incapacitation. • Maintain an inventory of Club property (such as tools, stationary, or other equipment), its location, and its availability to Club members. • Maintain the Club’s historical archives (photograph albums, documents, etc.) or will delegate such responsibility. • Monitor and provide timely reports on all potential government legislation and regulations that may have an effect upon the cars honored by the Club. C. Secretary. The Secretary will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Record the minutes of Executive Board and general membership meetings and see that these minutes are published in the next published Healey Northwest newsletter. • Prepare Club correspondence at the direction of the Executive Committee. • Maintain Club records as directed by the Executive Board. D. Treasurer. The Treasurer will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Keep accurate and up-to-date records of all Club financial transactions, including income and expenditures for the general, charity, and regalia funds. • Maintain a money market account to take advantage of interest earnings. • Transfer funds between the Club’s checking account and money market account and maintain adequate balances in both accounts to cover expenditures and maximize interest earnings. • Pay Club debts and expenses upon receipt of original receipts or invoices, and make money available for authorized Club purchases. • Report on the Club’s general fund and regalia income, expenditures, and account balances at each monthly meeting. • Prepare and file the appropriate annual IRS reports and tax returns to maintain the Club’s non-profit status. E. Membership Director. The Membership Director will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Mail or e-mail a membership dues invoice to current members in November for the forthcoming year and send a follow-up invoice in January-February to previous members who have not renewed their memberships.

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April 2006

• • • a. b. c. d. • • •

Receive all new membership applications and membership renewals, send moneys to the Treasurer, and update the Club roster. All new membership applications, membership renewals, and related money received at the Club address shall be forwarded to the Membership Director. Maintain a listing of prior members and mail or e-mail membership applications to them when appropriate. If the response to a membership renewal solicitation is negative, the Membership Director will log the result and purge the listing to eliminate future membership solicitations. Send an introductory membership packet to each new member that includes, at a minimum: A welcome letter from the President; A Club windscreen decal; A current Club Membership Directory; and A recent issue of Healey Northwest. Maintain the master membership database, publish a Club Membership Directory annually in AprilMay, and mail a copy of the Directory to each current registered member. Provide monthly membership information changes to the Healey Northwest Editor. See that the Membership Directory is published each year.

F. Activities Director. The Activities Director will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Arrange Club activities and events; • Ensure all Club activities and events serve the general membership and are consistent with the Club’s statement of purpose; • Ensure notice of planned Club activities and events appears in Healey Northwest at least one, and preferably two, months prior to an activity or event; • Prepare a tentative agenda for all activities to be published in the February issue of Healey Northwest and update the events agenda throughout the year as changes arise; • See that monthly activity hosts arrange to have someone prepare and submit to the editor of Healey Northwest a report on their event following the activity; • Coordinate with the chairpersons of other Club-sponsored events to assure that the dates of these events also are included in the Club activities itinerary; • Make arrangements for blocks of rooms when lodging may be required at a monthly meeting or other event and publicize where the membership plans to gather for any meals or get-togethers; • Send the Club’s activities schedule to other Healey Clubs’ magazines and interested car organizations and publications; and • Promote the Club and its activities to various media for public awareness and solicitation of new members. G. Healey Northwest Editor. The Healey Northwest Editor will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Editing and publish the Healey Northwest newsletter for a twelve–month, calendar-year period; • Receive, and prepare for publication all appropriate news, articles, graphics, and advertisements for Healey Northwest, and solicit material for the newsletter from Club members; • Make every effort to get the newsletter delivered to Club members prior to each monthly meeting; • Submit original receipts or invoices for monthly newsletter expenses to the Treasurer for payment or reimbursement; and • Receive newsletters exchanged with other Clubs, review them, and forward them to the Librarian for cataloging and storage. H. Regalia Director. The Regalia Director will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Purchase and arrange for the sale and distribution of Club regalia; • Keep the Club membership regularly advised of items for sale; • Solicit the Club membership for ideas on regalia items; • Provide a monthly financial report concerning regalia expenses and sales; • Send all money, monthly, from the sale of Club regalia to the Treasurer; • Obtain prior authorization from the Executive Board for any purchase of regalia with a total value in excess of $500.00; • Submit all original invoices to the Treasurer for payment; and Healey Northwest


April 2006

Provide a timely inventory, valued at cost, annually at the close of the calendar year. The inventory will be audited by the Treasurer,


Advertising Director. The Advertising Director will: • Serve as a member of the Executive Board; • Work with the Healey Northwest Editor to develop an advertising strategy; • Solicit advertisements from vendors in order to defray Healey Northwest publishing costs; • Provides the Healey Northwest Editor with print ready copy for inclusion in the newsletter; • Keep the Healey Northwest Editor advised of invoices paid and unpaid, and the schedules of ad placements requested by advertisers; • Prepare invoices and collect payments from advertisers in the newsletter. • Send money and information about new and renewed advertisers to the Treasurer for processing; and • Provide the Membership Director with names and addresses of advertisers for inclusion in the master database.


Inter-Club Coordinator. The Inter-Club Coordinator will: • Establish and maintain friendly, open, and informative channels of communication between other regional, national, and international Healey Clubs; • Report on interesting Healey events outside of the Club; • Assist in organizing events put on in conjunction with other Clubs; • Inform the Healey Northwest Editor on which Clubs exchange newsletters with our Club and should regularly receive copies of Healey Northwest; and • Provide the Membership Director with an active list of contacts, including addresses and phone numbers for other Clubs and individuals of interest to the Club for inclusion in the master database.

K. Appointed Officers. While the above Officers are elected annually by the membership, with the exception of the Charity Committee Chairperson, the President will appoint the following officers from the Club membership. The Club will operate these positions only as long as the Club elects to participate in the activities described. The Executive Board reserves the right to control the execution of duties of these appointed positions and to stipulate additional duties when it deems appropriate. 1. Healey Rendezvous Chairperson. In those years when the Club hosts the Healey Rendezvous, the Chairperson will: • Organize the Rendezvous and solicit volunteers to head up various areas of responsibility for the meet; • Develop income and expense projections for the Rendezvous and submit them to the Executive Board for approval of budget; • Meet with Rendezvous volunteers on regular basis to keep informed on the progress of plans and solve any problems that arise; • Report to the Club monthly on the progress of the plans and make further requests for assistance, if needed; • Provide the Healey Northwest Editor with notices for publication and the Inter-Club Coordinator with notices to be directed to the other Clubs; and • Solicit donations to defray Rendezvous expenses as much as possible. 2. Northwest Meet Chairperson. In those years when the Club hosts the Northwest Meet, the Chairperson will: • Organize the meet and solicit volunteers to head up various areas of responsibility for the Meet; • Develop income and expense projections for the Meet and submit them to the Executive Board for approval of budget; • Maintain contact with Meet volunteers on a regular basis to keep informed on the progress of plans and solve any problems; • Provide the Healey Northwest Editor with notices for publication and the Inter-Club Coordinator with notices to be directed to other Clubs; and • Solicit donations to defray Meet expenses much as possible; 3. All British Field Meet (ABFM) Representatives (2 each). The ABFM Representatives will: • Serve as members of the Executive Board; Healey Northwest


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• • • • • • •

Represent the Club on the ABFM Board of Directors; Actively participate in planning the year’s ABFM with other members of the ABFM Board of Directors and commit the Club to tasks for the ABFM; Keep the Club President informed of ABFM developments so that the Club Executive Board can take appropriate action; Provides dates for the ABFM to the Activities Director and Healey Northwest Editor as early as known so that they can be included in the Club agenda; Solicit and organize additional Club volunteers for the ABFM as soon as possible; and Keep the Club Treasurer informed of expense and income projections for the ABFM, so that expected effects on the Club treasury from the year’s event can be estimated. The ABFM Representatives must regularly attend ABFM Board of Director meetings, because the ABFM’s by-laws provide for the expulsion of any Club whose representatives show a pattern of absenteeism.

4. Club Librarian. The Club Librarian: • Maintains past issues of Healey Northwest, publications received from other Clubs, and other publications in the collection; • Makes copies of requested articles for members according to terms and conditions set by the membership; • Maintains an index of articles in the library’s collection so that articles can be found and member requests for information can be met; • Receives and, if possible, fulfills requests for copies of articles from the library’s collection; • May sell past issues of the Healey Northwest and exchange newsletters to the extent excess copies are available; and • Sends all money, in excess of reproduction and mailing costs, received from providing copies of library articles or from the sale of past issues of Healey Northwest or exchange newsletters to the Treasurer. Reproduction, sale, and shipping prices for articles and surplus copies of publications will be established by the Executive Board 5. Charity Committee: The Charity committee shall consist of six (6) members, including the Chairperson. The Committee shall operate in accordance with AHCO Policies. t. •

The Charity Committee will be responsible for organizing, soliciting donations, managing and conducting the annual Christmas Party Charity Auction and 50-50 raffles when conducted.

The Chairperson shall schedule Committee meetings to discuss and vote to determine charity recipients of AHCO assistance, the form and the amount of donations.

The Chairperson shall inform AHCO membership of Charity Committee planned activities & invite Club participation. This should be done at monthly meetings as well as posting in HNW.

In the event that the Chairperson steps down, the vacant position should be filled by a member of the Charity Committee, if possible, for the smoothest transfer. Should that not be possible, a volunteer shall be solicited from the general membership. In the event that a committee member resigns from the committee, a replacement shall be solicited from the general membership.

VI. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD The Executive Board is composed of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Activities Director, Healey Northwest Editor, Regalia Director, Advertising Director, Inter-Club Coordinator, and the All British Field Meet Representatives. The primary duties of the board are to oversee, manage, and administer Club business and generally provide direction to the Club policies and activities consistent with the Club’s purpose and objectives. Specific powers and their limits are cited in relevant sections of the Constitution and By-laws. The Executive Board is empowered to deny expenditures approved by the general membership if the financial position of the organization is weak and it appears that ordinary operating expenses may be nearly exhausted before or at year-end. Officers, Executive Board

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April 2006

members and appointed committee chairs will have their dues waived for their term of service. When elected or appointed positions are shared, their dues shall be prorated. VII. ELECTION OF CLUB OFFICERS An annual ballot election for all Club officers shall be held at the November general meeting. In July of each year, prior to elections, a nominating committee made up of the immediate past President, one current Board member, and one general member selected by the current President, shall convene and develop a slate of officers to fill each office. Should the immediate past President or the selected Board member wish to run for an office in the coming year, then the current year’s President shall select another prior President to chair the nominating committee and/or another Board member to serve on the committee. Nominations for officers will also be accepted from the floor during the general meetings of September and October, so long as those nominated have agreed to serve prior to the nomination. The Newsletter Editor shall see that a list of the nominations and ballots for voting reach the members at least one week prior to the November general meeting. Ballots will be counted only if received by mail prior to the announced deadline or delivered in person at the election meeting. Officers will hold office for one calendar year commencing at the January meeting. There shall be no limit on the number of consecutive years any one member can hold office, but yearly changes are encouraged. In the event that a Club office becomes vacant for what ever reason, a nomination and election of a member to the vacant office for the remainder of the current calendar year shall be conducted within 60 days of the vacancy, unless the vacancy occurs less than 60 days prior to the annual election of Club officers. The offices of Membership Director, Activities Director, Healey Northwest Editor, Regalia Director and the appointed officers may be held by couples or two unrelated members. VIII. MEETINGS A. General. General meetings will be held on the second weekend of each month, the time and place of which shall appear in the newsletter preceding the meeting. Changes in meeting times to accommodate activities can be effected by a majority vote of the members at least one general meeting prior to the month in question. B.

Election. The annual election of Club officers will be held at the October general meeting.

C. Executive Board. Meetings of the Executive Board will be held as necessary to handle Club business that need not come up before the membership or that needs refinement before presentation to the membership for decision. Meetings of the Executive Board may be called at the discretion of the President or by a majority of the Board Members. A minimum quorum for an Executive Board meeting is seven members. Any member may attend an Executive Board meeting though they will have no voting privilege. A report of the meeting minutes is to be made at the next general meeting following an Executive Board meeting. If an expenditure of Club funds in excess of $250, other than for expenses related to regalia, publication of Healey Northwest, membership directory, or Charity Committee donations, is proposed by the Executive Board, approval for that expenditure must be obtained from the membership according to the rules regarding expenditure of Club funds. Business may be transacted by the Executive Board by using e-mail, so long as each Board member has e-mail capability. In order to approve any item brought before the Board in this manner, an affirmative response must be received from a majority of the Board members. Board members are encouraged to provide an affirmative, negative or abstained vote on any issue brought before the Board via email and send their vote response to all Board members. In addition to regular meetings to handle Club business, the out-going Executive Board will convene a special meeting in December or January. Its purpose will be for the members of the newly elected and out-going Executive Boards to: a. Review the Club Constitution and By-laws for required changes; b. Outline specific responsibilities of each Club office and committee chair position; and c. Evaluate AHCO policies, direction and past performance.

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April 2006

A couple or two unrelated members may share a Club officer position or office but they will only cast one collective vote during Executive Board meetings. IX. DICIPLINARY PROCEDURES It will be the right of any Club member to bring charges for disciplinary action, recall, impeachment or expulsion against any other member. The accuser will be required to appear before the Executive Board to provide just cause why disciplinary action should be taken. If the charges are against an officer, that officer will be excluded from the meeting. If just cause is provided and accepted by a vote of at least 75% of the Executive Board, the accused member will be called before the Board to respond to the accusation. After the hearings, a vote of the Board Members will be taken and if the vote is less than unanimous, the member shall be acquitted. If the member is found guilty, the nature of the discipline will then be decided and enacted by the Executive Board. If it is a question of officer recall or impeachment, a full affirmative vote of one third of the membership will be required before action is taken. X. EXPENDITURE OF CLUB FUNDS The rule of “Reasonable and Ordinary Expenses” will be applied to the general operating expenses of the Club. Newsletter expenses, reproduction, postage, stationery, envelopes, and trophy engraving for the most active members all will be considered reasonable and ordinary expenses. The Activities Director may approve non-routine expenditures up to $50, associated with organizing meetings, the president may approve non-routine expenditures up to $100 and the Executive Board may approve such expenditures up to $250. All such expenditures shall be reported to the membership at the next following monthly membership meeting. Expenditure of Club funds that are not reasonable or ordinary expenses must be approved by a majority vote of Club members at a general membership meeting. For expenditures of over $250, other than for regalia, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of at least 25 Club members is required. If such a quorum is not available at a general meeting, a ballot will be published in the next newsletter in order that a quorum vote may be achieved. At no time will the Club expend money in excess of the treasury balance. XI. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAW AMENDMENTS Each November-December, the President will furnish members of the newly elected Executive Board with a copy of the Club Constitution and By-Laws for review and possible revision. Proposed amendments to the Club Constitution and By-Laws will be brought before the membership for discussion and debate at any scheduled general meeting. If a majority of at least 25 members present at the meeting agree, the proposed amendment will be published in the next Healey Northwest, with a ballot to be returned to the Club address. At the following general meeting, a vote will be taken. Passage of the amendment will occur if a majority of the sum of the absentee ballots received before the meeting and votes of the members present are cast in favor of the amendment. XII. INSURANCE Insurance coverage for Bodily, Injury and Property Damage Liability will be carried in the name of the Austin Healey Club of Oregon with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000. The policy will insure the Club, its members, and its officers against damages arising out of an occurrence associated with activities of the Club. The premium expense will fall under the rule of “reasonable and ordinary.” ADOPTED:

POLICIES (Note: these policies may be changed by vote of the membership at a regular meeting, following notice of the vote in the Healey Northwest)


Activities Director & Activities Hosts

Incurring Costs Associated with Club Arrangements

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April 2006

Austin Healey Club of Oregon (Club) members (host) arranging Club functions requiring public or private venues, meeting rooms, or other facilities are not authorized to commit Club funds as a result of the negotiations. In the event that rental, fee payment, or minimum food guarantee is unavoidable the host member will present the purpose, need, scope and cost to the Activities Director (AD) who shall have the authority to weigh the proposed event, costs and benefits to the Club and commit an amount not to exceed $50.00 of Club funds. If the combined efforts of the member and the AD do not resolve the issue the AD may advance the subject to the Club President who shall have the authority to commit an amount not to exceed $100.00 of Club funds if deemed necessary or who may refer the matter to the EB or membership for decision. Alternatively, the President may take the matter to the Club Executive Board or to the general membership for ultimate resolution and possible commitment of Club funds. The purpose of this policy is not to prevent such facility payments or food guarantees, but rather to limit them whenever possible and to provide a defined mechanism for approving such payments/guarantees when justified by special circumstances.


Membership Directory •

The Membership Director shall publish a membership directory for the entire membership annually. In addition to a listing of the Club’s membership, the directory shall include: (1) The Club constitution & bylaws, (2) Club policies, and (3) listing of Club owned tools and materials including information on accessing them.

The Membership Directory shall be printed and distributed annually during the month of November of each year.


Charity Committee:


General policies •


The AHCO Charity donations are generally in the form of goods and services rather than check/cash. •

The Charity Committee shall be primarily funded by two voluntary activities of the Club rather than from the general fund. These activities are: The annual Christmas Party Charity Auction and monthly 50-50 raffles.

All revenues from the annual Christmas Party Charity Auction and the monthly 50-50 raffles shall be delivered to the Club treasurer and credited to the Charity Committee’s account.

When Committee members use their personal funds to purchase items for the named charity, they shall submit an invoice or receipt to the Club Treasurer for reimbursement from the Charity Committee account after obtaining approval from the Charity Committee Chairperson

Protocol for nominating a new charity by a Club member •

Any AHCO Member may nominate a charity for consideration by the Charity Committee. Club Charity donations will generally be in the form of goods and services rather than checks/cash donations. Charity nominations must be made in person to the committee with a written copy of the proposal provided for each Committee team member, stating: a. Name of the charity. b. Purpose of the charity c. Who benefits d. What percentage of donations goes to the cover the charity’s administrative costs e. Any other information which nominating member deems pertinent so that the Committee can make an informed decision.

Adopted: ____________

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April 2006

Editor’s note: The following article was taken with permission from the February 2006 issue of “Wings”, the publication of the Austin Healey Owners Association of British Columbia.

Continued on page 28 .... Healey Northwest


April 2006

E-Mail Received Regarding New Healey

New Healey - Continued from page 27 ....

—— Original Message —— From: Bic Healey To: Reid Trummel Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 3:46 PM Subject: Proposed Healey car

Dear Editor. I would be pleased if you would print the following in a forthcoming edition of the club magazine: I have had many queries, from friends around the world, first concerning my involvement, if any, in the possible introduction of a new Healey car, and secondly, as to my response to the news. HAC, the holding company which has apparently sold the rights to the Healey name, was formed with my late father and brother Geoff as directors. Each of them had one share. It was my father’s express wish that his share, upon his death, should pass to me, and this was agreed between the three of us. Unfortunately this was not formalised. It follows that I have had no involvement in the present project or the sale of the Healey name. I am proud of my association with DMH and Geoff over a period of twenty years at Warwick. DMH was an extraordinarily gifted man. He was the guiding and driving spirit in the production of many cars which, of course, the 100, Sprite and 3000, became particular icons of the times and some of the world’s truly great sports cars. Following DMH’s retirement, and indeed my own, we both shared a close contact with Healey clubs world wide. I know how much DMH valued the friendships he made and the pleasure he derived in seeing others enjoy the cars he had created. From time to time there were projects (in which DMH had no involvement) to produce look alike Healey cars. Those behind such projects would lay claim to have captured the spirit of the original. They were all unsuccessful and DMH’s decision not to have been Healey Northwest


April 2006

associated with them was to prove correct. He maintained a dignified public face as he did in all things. I wish those involved in the latest project every success in their venture though I confess to regret the apparent and perhaps questionable sale of the Healey name. DMH and the cars bearing his name are bound inseparably together and with his passing, the last true Healey car had been made. I have read in the press that those who have parted with the name to him consider Mr. Fenna a worthy custodian of my father’s legacy. I do not know on what basis these claims are made . I hope , though for my father’s sake, that his efforts do not fall short.

From here you are on your own. You can drop off of the tour at any point. There is no charge for the tour. We will block out rooms at the motels for us but you will have to make your own reservations. Please call us at 541-895-5576 or email at Tricarb@aol.com if you want to participate. Because the motels fill up quickly, you need to get your desires known in the next month or two. We will give you the phone numbers of motels blocked by us, but remember they will only block them for a short period. Hope you join us. Bill & Pat Bolton.

Classified Ads

I would close by saying that this letter represents not purely my thoughts but those of DMH’s immediate family, and those family members who knew him well.

Cars for Sale 1974 JENSEN HEALEY, black, 4 speed, in storage for 10 years, motor turns over, titled, needs everything. $1675.00. Stored in Tom’s barn. Call: Sandy Bushore 503-531-7939 or Tom Monaco 503-245-0174.

Brian Healey Rendezvous Tours - Continued from page 7 ....

Parts for Sale

we would tour through Lake Louise and Baniff to spend the evening in Canmore, Alberta.

Engine - Sprite MK IlI, or Midget MK II 1098cc (67 cu in) Runs but visible smoke. $250 OBO. Call for details: Jerry Barron (503) 246-7545.

Sunday would be a long day, as we tour through Glacier Nat’l. Park, and spend the night in Kalispell. The neat thing about entering from the East is that the driver gets to see the sights as you are on the inside of the road. This Park is spectacular. Be sure you bring your camera and lots of film.

BJ7 carbs, newly rebuilt, includes some inkage, air cleaners, intake manifold. $475.00. Call: Larry Haroun 503-650-9489. Le Mans Poster - Continued from page 5 ....

From Kalispell we would tour to Missoula, then through the Lolo Pass, (which was traveled by Lewis and Clark) to Grangeville, Idaho. The following day we would tour through the Whitebird Nez Perce Indian Battleground to Hells Canyon, on the Snake River (the deepest canyon in the U.S.) then on to Baker City, Oregon. We will break off to see the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, just out of Baker City. From Baker City we will tour to the John Day fossil beds then on to the touristy town of Sisters for the night. Full of antique and other interesting shops.

Healey Northwest

Of note is that the Dutch Healey Club is perhaps the largest in Europe with over 1200 members. Some of these fine folks have designed and printed posters to celebrate the occassion. Hans has gererously donated a few of these beautiful posters to the AHCO Charity Committee. They can be purchased for a nominal $20 donation to the Club’s charity fund for each poster desired. Please contact Tom Monaco at 503-245-0174. To find out more about the race itself please go to www.dhc.nu


April 2006

Healey Northwest


April 2006

T ice R v O er P S AUSTIN HEALEY SINCE 1968 IM &Parts, Repair, Restoration, Appraisals, Estates S S ’ LE M A British Wire Wheel • Moss Motors • Apple Hydraulics O T S “Our Passion is Pricelessâ€? Y O 503-245-0174 T pecializing in

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John Wilson said: “It just proves that they are still out there waiting to be found”. Will it be John’s next Barrett-Jackson car?

Austin-Healey Club of Oregon Healey Northwest 160 SW 89th Avenue Portland, OR 97225 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


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