2000 June - Healey Northwest

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Austin-Healey Club of Oregon

June 2000


Healey Northwest


June 2000

Austin-Healey Club of Oregon 2000 Officers President:

Vice President:



Bob Bollinger 1530 W. 28th Place Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 687-8218 cbrb@aol.com

Jack Jakobsen 3801 Wy’east Road Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 354-3971 & FAX with prior call. jakobsen@gorge.net

Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Gary Jackson 3118 Northridge Way Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 343-0117 gary.jackson@ eweb.eugene.or.us





Mary Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Allan Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Betty Hand & JaAnn Hoisington 1520 NE Lincoln Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 693-9293 nrhand@aol.com

Advertising Mgr.:

Club Cordinator:


Club Address:

Skip Monaco 7710 SW 89th Portland, OR 97223 (503) 245-0174 FAX (503) 472-9953

Bill Bolton 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895-5576 FAX (541) 895-4029 tricarb@aol.com

Doug Auburg 7215 NE 61st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 694-7769 FAX (360) 694-7998 dauburg@vintagead.com

A-H Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426

Club Web Site: http://www.healey-oregon.org Contents: Club Activities Other Car Events President’s Message Membership Report May Meeting Minutes Updates, Credit Dine & Dash Anders Clausager Infatuation Tech Tip Tid Bits Rendezvous Notes Watercolours NW Meet News Healey 4000? Oil/Gender Changes Unrelated Classified Ads

June Meeting June 17, 2000

4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 14 15 15 16 18

Date: Program: Tour to and out from LaGrande area,

hosted by Ellen Hector. Meeting: The meeting will be held at the Sandman Inn at 5 p.m. Dinner: No host dinner at 6:30 at a local restaurant. See page 4 for more information and directions....

Cover This months cover was shot during the May Progressive Dinner Tour by Stephanie Hellickson. Healeys wait with a London bus. Are we in merry old England?

Thanks for your Help

Bob Bollinger, Allan & Mary Gross, Stephanie Hellickson, Doug Auburg, Ellen Hector, Karen Morrison, Dave Brown, Dave Gibson, Ann Blonski, Jim Mankowski Healey Northwest


June 2000


AHCO Activities Calendar

Healey Northwest © 2000 AHCO

The official publication of the AustinHealey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinions of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omission of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 e-mail: terryaviator@bigplanet.com AHCO MEMBERSHIPS Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year memberships are available in person at any meeting or by mail: $25.00 per individual or couple (add $10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Membership Director. DEADLINES The Healey Northwest submittal deadline is the 20th of the preceding month. 4

Healey Northwest

by Allan Gross Editor’s note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information.

June 17, 2000 (Third Weekend) This fun Healey weekend is hosted by Ellen Hector in La Grande. Each car will be provided with a copy of the guided tour Bob Hector put together for you last time a meeting was held in La Grande. Some AHCO members are staying at the Sandman Inn (toll free 1-888-726-2466, local 541-963-3707). No pets at the Sandman. Pets are allowed at The Royal Motor Inn, 541-963-4154. Or make advance reservations for your pet at Countryside Kennels, 541-963-3462 and mention AHCO and Ellen Hector (my dog will be there). Saturday 10:30AM the tour begins in Tygh Valley, (120 miles from Portland) Junction of US197 and OR216, mile post 4 on Hwy 216. Gas should be available in Tygh Valley and is available in Grass Valley, Condon and Heppner. If you don’t want to go on the tour, you can get on I84 and jet down the freeway. La Grande is 265 miles east of Portland on I84. Anyone arriving early in La Grande on Saturday is welcome to come to my house. The club meeting is at 5:00PM in the conference room at the Sandman Inn. At 6:30 a no host dinner is at a local restaurant. Sunday the 18th you are invited to make the loop from La Grande to Halfway, Hells Canyon scenic overlook, Joseph and Wallowa Lake, and back to La Grande. The scenery is spectacular in the Wallowa Mountains and the roads are Healey roads. The trip is 230 miles, will take most of the day and is worth it. Sunday evening we will have a pcinic-party food at Ellen’s. BYOB. I am looking forward to seeing all of you on the 17th of June and hope you are all able to stay and enjoy Sunday the 18th. The Sandman has an indoor pool, so bring your suit! Happy Healeying! Activities Director’s Note: If you plan to attend this event (and you haven't already Continued on page 8.... u

June 2000

Other Car Events Pacific Northwest Historic Races July 1 -3, 2000 The Pacific Northwest Historic Races will be held at Seattle International Raceway, Washington. Racing enthusiasts from competitors to spectators will find plenty of excitement to get their blood pumping. With a little planning a pleasant Healey tour could get you there in a good mood. Zupan’s Historic Races July 7 - 9, 2000 Zupan’s Historic Races will be held Friday through Sunday. Take your Healey to Portland International Raceway for display in the Healey Corral and a chance to take your car for a parade lap. Don’t miss this one, since the AHCO meeting will be on the field after Saturday’s racing.

1st Austin Healey Rendezvous July 24 - 28, 2000 The Austin Healey Rendezvous will be hosted by the Cascade Austin Healey Club in beautiful Ocean Shores, Washington. Activities will center around the Shilo Inn Hotel - Conference Center. Make your plans for the event that promises to be the “event of the year”. To make your reservation at Shilo Inn call (800) 334-1015. For more information contact: Joyce Toms at (360) 8768236.

Brownsville Summer Car Fest August 19.2000 In Brownsville Oregon on Saturday, August 19, starting at 9:00am, European car owners are invited to enjoy a day of sunshine and cars with a Wash-n-Shine, in conjunction with the Brownsville Antique Fair. Fun Runs and Funkhanas will be held. All European marques are Concours d’Elegance welcome so come and enjoy the fun. $15 to enter your July 16, 2000 car, Peoples choice and other prizes awarded, 50-50 The 28th annual Forest Grove Concours d’Elegance will raffle. For information call: Cheryl (541) 688-2735 or be held from 8:30AM to 4:30PM on Sunday, July 16. Barbara (541) 726-0612. This year’s theme will be “America’s Cars - The First 100 Years”. An elegant evening social will be held on Portland Oregon All British Field Meet Saturday from 6PM to 8:30PM, including entertainment. September 2 -3, 2000 Attendance is limited to entrants. Admission to the Sun- The 24th Annual Portland All British Field Meet on day car show is $12 at the gate. An “Exotic Auto Em- Labor Day weekend, Saturdayand Sunday, September porium” will be a part of the show Sunday. If you have 2nd and 3rd, 2000, will be held at the Portland Internaa ‘qualified’ collectable car to sell this may be the per- tional Raceway. Over 800 British vehicles of all types fect place. Contact the Forest Grove Rotary Concours are on display on Saturday. This year salutes Minis and d’Elegance for more information. Their Hotline num- Morgans. Activities include popular choice voting, Jagber is (503) 357-2300 or visit their website at uar concours judging, car club regalia tents, food stands, www.forestgroveconcours.org. roving bagpipes and free parking. Additional attractions include a rallye, autocross and free rides on track in sports cars. For more information see the website: www.abfm12th Annual Western Washington ABFM tdx.com, or call the hotline: 1-503-504-ABFM. July 21 -22, 2000 Held on the grounds of Bellevue Community College, Annual Northwest Austin Healey Meet Bellevue, WA, the 12th Annual Western Washington All September 15-17, 2000 British Field Meet, Car Show and Swap Meet, begins Hosted by the BC Club the meet will be held on Sept with a Cocktail Party on Friday July 21. This show of 15,16,17 on Vancouver Island in Sydney which is a 10 over 500 entrants and 6000 spectators in addition to its minute drive from the Swartz Bay ferry that arrives from regular Marque Displays will have a special “SALUTE Tswwassen. Come visit with friends and fellow British TO MORGAN”. Call Arnie Taub at (425) 644-7874 or car enthusiasts, participate in the rally and enjoy the big enter using their website: www.abfm.com. car show on Sunday. See page 14 for complete details. Continued on page 13.... Healey Northwest


June 2000


President’s Message

Membership Report

by Bob Bollinger

by Mary Gross

Thanks to Jerry, Pat, Bert, Betty, Kevin and Marie for hosting “three tours in one” for our May meeting. The food was great, scenery fantastic and the rain held off long enough so that no one got wet. The Eugene folks even had a great pre-tour over back roads lead by John Wilson.

June AHCO Member Birthdays:

2- Cheryl Flori 3- Michelle LeFore 4- Lorraine Rowland 5- Steve Price 7- Mary Gross Here are a couple of reminders: 1. Register early for up 8- Michael Smith coming events such as the Rendezvous 2000, and the 9- Ross Hoevet All British Field Meet. This will insure you get the ac- 10- Janice Hazlett commodations you want and in some instances will pro- 11- Christine Prapas, Suzanne Sprague vide financial incentives. 12- Nancy Haller 2. Elections will be early this year with nominations 13- Carrie Schelling, Terry Hellickson starting in July. Start thinking of whom you want to be 21- Patrick Bigand on the ballot as July will be here before you know it. 22- Debbie Hanna 23- Emil Smith And now a special thanks to Bill and Pat Bolton and 24- Joyce Toms Gary Jackson. On the return trip from our May meeting in Portland, our motor quit while driving 70 mph down …And many happy returns! I-5 at 10:00 at night. I radioed our distress and Bill, Pat and Gary came to our rescue. Believe me, pushing a Attention AHCO members: Healey “up” an off ramp is not a whole lot of fun. We Please add these renewals to your roster. managed to get to a service station where Bill, Pat, and Gary stuck around until the tow truck arrived. Thanks Steven and Cheryl Parker again Guys. We thought it was the fuel pump but on 2535 NE 45th Sunday found it to be pumping just fine. Hope the prob- Portland, Or 97213 lem isn’t too serious. 503-282-1388 Maintenance Dept.- Freightliner Unfortunately, we won’t be able to make the La Grande 106 (1960), 1961? trip so Jack will take over at the meeting. Have a great trip and we’ll see you at the Historic Races in July. Mike Long #4 Acadia Circle Bob Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1P4 Canada 786-0256 BN2 (2) Pat and Susan Ahern 21000 NW Logie Trail Road Portland, Or 97231 503-621-3510 pjaatpdx@teleport.com BJ7


Healey Northwest


June 2000

General Membership Meeting May 13, 2000 Minutes by Stephanie Hellickson The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m. at the home people and includes parking in the Healey Corral, a dash of Kevin and Marie Cowan in Portland, Oregon. Presi- plaque and a parade lap on the track. Otherwise the dent Bob Bollinger thanked Pat and Jerry Barron, Betty charge is $20 per person and no corral or parade lap or and Bert Hand and Marie and Kevin Cowan for the ter- plaque. The money must be to Allan by the end of May rific progressive dinner. A good time was had by all to be eligible for this special deal. Make checks out to and the food was delicious, even if a few of us got a AHCO and send to Allan who will send in the money and mail back the tickets to registrants. The meeting little lost. will be that afternoon after the events. On June 3rd is The minutes of the April meeting were approved as pub- Zupan’s Market Rally which will begin about 8:00 a.m. and apparently travels to different Zupan markets and lished in the May newsletter. ends up at Portland Brewing at about 4:00 p.m. There is Vice President, Jack Jakobsen, had nothing to report, room for about 30 cars. They are looking for a variety but was heartily welcomed back after his recovery from of makes and models. The number to call is (503) 6653483. It will be posted on the website. The first annual surgery. Brownsville Summer Car Fest put on by the European Treasurer, Gary Jackson, reported an April beginning Car Council of Oregon will be held August 19th. Inforbalance of $23,839.40 with an income of $309.37. mation will be published in the newsletter. Allan had Expense totaled $1270.46, most of which was for the little new information on the Northwest Meet. Skip renewsletter and roster, resulting in an ending balance of ported that it will be September 16th and 17th in Sydney, not Victoria as originally planned. Sydney is apparently $22,878.31. farther up the coast from Victoria. There are only 45 rooms available. Some people are already registered. Membership, Mary Gross, had nothing new to report. More information will be available in the newsletter or Regalia, JaAnn Hoisington, reported they have ordered on the website. the Healey Restoration books and hope to have them available at the next meet. There will also be a new book Advertising, Skip Monaco, reported all money is in for that is just off the presses available. They will both sell advertising and we have yet another new advertiser. Skip for $25 apiece. Doug Auburg will bring the books to will give the new ad to Terry for inclusion in the next newsletter. Skip and Terry are still working on the prothe La Grande meet in June. posal for advertising on the club website. There are space Activities, Allan Gross, reported that Ellen Hector is and cost complications to be worked out. looking forward to having the meet in La Grande. The tour will start at 10:30 on Saturday June 17th at Tygh Club Coordinator, Bill Bolton, reported on the progress Valley State Park. Participants will receive a copy of of the Around the World in 80 Days Rally. They had the narrative to go along with the tour. The tour over to started May 1st in London and are now in Turkey. There La Grande will leave the parking area at Ox Bow Park were three Healeys participating but one went over an just off I-84 near Troutdale at 8:00 a.m. giving us two embankment and is out of the competition. The compeeasy hours to get to the park plus some break time be- tition is divided into three parts and participants can do fore the tour starts. We will take I-84 to 197 to 216 to part or all of it. The first part went to Istanbul, the secTygh Valley. Allan had a sign up sheet for those plan- ond to Peking and the third part will be coming through ning to attend. He also reminded people who were plan- Alaska and down the Alcan Highway into the US and ning to stay until Sunday that they should get their res- on to New York. Bill has received the printed add on ervations made as soon as possible. The July meeting is labels to update our magnetic signs and gave them to at the Historic Races. So far only six members have George who has the signs at present. He asked if it would pre-registered. The $25 charge covers both days for two Continued on page 13... Healey Northwest


June 2000



...Calendar, continued from page 4. let Allan Gross know) please call or e-mail Allan: 360254-4527, agross9217@aol.com. If you would like to caravan to the starting point in Tygh Vally, Mary and Allan will be leaving from the Park and Ride parking lot at exit 18, off hwy 84 at 8:00am. This is the first exit past the factory outlet stores. See you there!

We have the new Austin-Healey 100/100-6/3000 Restoration Guide in. We will be selling the books for $25.00 that's $4.95 lower than suggested retail. We do have a limited quanity of books at this price and time so don't delay. Books will be available at the June meeting. Watch for more new regalia items later in the summer!!! Thank you for your support. JAANN & Betty July 8, 2000 The July meeting will be held in conjunction with the RENDEZVOUS 2000 UPDATE Historic Races held at Portland International Raceway on July 8 and 9. We must order tickets as a group. Your The Cascade Austin Healey Club website has all the fee of $25 includes a two-day admission ticket for driver logos, regalia and the updated events schedule for the and a guest, car corral pass, a dash plaque and the everRendezvous 2000 on it. It's a great site, check it out! popular parade lap. Additional guest tickets are $10 The site address is http://www.homestead.com/ each. cascadeahc/home.html. Thanks to Joyce Toms and Jim Please send a check made out to AHCO to reach Allan McDermott for providing this information. Gross by May 30, 2000. Mail to Allan Gross, 8217 NE 71st Street, Vancouver, WA 98662 NEW AUSTIN HEALEY WEB SITE Austin Healey 100 Restoration Site: Larry Varley reports he has just produced a small web Site for his local Healey club, the Austin Healey Owners Club of Victoria (AHOC), in Australia. Links to it, and other club sites, will be updated on the AHCO site as soon as possible. The AHOC site address is http:// www.acmefluid.com.au/AHOC/.


If necessary, you can call Allan at 360-254-4527 or email him at agross9217@aol.com. Allan’s deadline for group purchase is June 1, 2000. He will send you your tickets and parking passes. There will be NO corral passes distributed on-site. Let’s have a big Healey turnout! August 12, 2000 Hosts: Skip and Tom Monaco-tour (to be announced) and BBQ.

Another Austin Healey website has been brought to our attention, this one for the North Texas Austin Healey September 2, 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) Club in Dallas, Texas. Their site address is http:// Meeting to be held in conjunction with the Portland All www.ntahc.austin1.com. We will have a link to them British Field Meet at PIR. on our own website soon. October 14, 2000 Hosts: Gene and Barbara Lambert, Todd and Carrie CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE Schelling. The planned activities include a wine tour. Last month’s (May) cover picture was not credited due November 11, 2000 to the fact that the information wasn’t available. That Hosts: Kevin and Marie Cowan. Activity to be identiinfo is now in hand and I want to correct the omission. fied at a later time. Credit for the cover shot goes to Jim Mankowski. It was not my intent to slight anyone but, sometimes, I just December 2 , 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) don’t have the data to give proper credit. When submit- A catered Christmas party at the Shriner’s facility in the ting material, by e-mail or USPS, either photo or text, Wilsonville area. please be sure to provide some background information, especially your identity. 8 Healey Northwest u June 2000

Austin Healey Club Dine ‘n’ Dash by Terry Hellickson Healeys began swarming around the Fred Meyer store parking lot in Tigard shortly after noon on Saturday, May 13. By the time we were all assembled there were seventeen Healeys, including one Sprite, an MGB and at least one BJ9. We were called to attention by Jerry Barron, our FPSL (that’s First Phase Squadron Leader) to receive our instructions.

could only stare at in wonder. How does he do that? I can barely grow dandelions. Not only is his garden weedfree but every plant variety is labeled. Such organization is unknown to me.

Although each turn and each street was clearly indicated on the instruction sheet, there was no map, and we didn’t have a map in the car. Our strategy was simple - keep the leader in sight! That was easier said than done considering the numerous stops and turns we made through neighborhoods in the Tigard area we never knew existed. As enjoyable as the ‘follow the leader’ dash was, watching the reactions of the natives we passed was just as entertaining. Some watched our parade of British frivolity go by with perplexed faces. Others grinned, laughed and yelled in appreciation. Nowhere did we After over-indulging in the delicious spread we were summoned to our steeds to dash off to our main course. see disapproval. Our SPSL (Second Phase Squadron Leader), Bert Hand Finally, after becoming thoroughly disoriented, we came (Betty and her crew had run off in a BJ9 to prepare for around a corner to see familiar faces a block away. Pat the hungry onslaught), handed out maps with a caveat. Barron and Jaci Koeber waved to our caravan, but we The first part was different, he told us, and the second turned away from them. Wondering if Jerry was lost in part had been changed. Huh? OK, follow the leader his own neighborhood, we followed through a series of again. Following Bert, the Healey parade wound its way left turns to approach Pat and Jaci from behind. south to Tualatin where we turned toward Sherwood. Stephanie and I recognized Jerry’s double-decker Lon- Joining up with 99W we turned toward Newberg. Dodging traffic, stop lights and a few police cars we ended up don bus immediately. pausing on the outskirts of Newberg on Hiway 219 to wait for stragglers.

AHCO dinner guests were able to view a few of the collectibles Pat and Jerry have accumulated as we wound our way to their back yard and the appetizer buffet Pat, Jaci (and who knows how many other helpers!) put together. And what a back yard to behold! Jerry has created an amazingly landscaped, tiered park-like garden I Healey Northwest

Under way again we got a chance to play with the curves over Chehalem Mountain en-route to Hillsboro and Bert and Betty’s place. Here we found Jack and Shirley Ann Jakobsen waiting for us (they were one of the stragglers!). Continued on page 14... u June 2000 9

Anders Clausager Leaving BMIHT


by Dave Brown I had my first experience in an Austin Healey as a junior in Prep School back in Massachusetts twenty years ago. I just received, with considerably regret, the following I was staying at a friend’s house for a weekend and my email from Anders Clausager, Archivist at the Heritage buddy Rob and I were partying in his room. Of course we thought we were in the clear. Motor Centre in the UK: by Reid Trummel President, Austin-Healey Club USA

Rob’s mom, a realtor was working for a few hours, and his dad, a Doctor, had to attend to his rounds at the hosThis short message is to inform you that at the end of pital. Well, of course, his mom came home early and May, I am leaving the Heritage Motor Centre and Rover caught us filling the house with that special sweet “toGroup, as from 1 June I have been appointed chief ar- bacco” smell. We could not open a window in Rob’s chivist of the Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust and Jag- room after we started because their was a hornet’s nest uar Cars Limited in Coventry. This change has been on outside the window. the cards for some time and is therefore not directly related to the current situation of Rover. While I am very Needless to say Mona (Rob’s mom) was a little upset, sorry to leave the BMIHT after almost 21 years as ar- so, she immediately called Rob’s Dad at the hospital chivist, I am looking forward to the new opportunity, and relayed this fine tale. She wanted me out of the house and I am very pleased to have been chosen for such an NOW! So Dr. Breed thought this would be a good time important position with this most famous of all British to drive me back to school in his Healey. car manufacturers. I do not, however, intend to loose touch with all my friends in the Austin-Healey world. I Dr. Breed had a 100-S (I remember that leather strap should be grateful if you would help circulate the news across the hood). We drove back to Byfield Mass. from Hampton Falls, NH along Route 1, and loved every in the American Austin-Healey world. minute of it. I told myself if I ever had the opportunity Kind regards, to own one of these cars I would buy one Anders Ditlev Clausager . I said that I received this news with regret because Anders Well I bought my, 1963 3000 Mark II from Tom Mohas been a very good friend of the Austin-Healey and its naco about 3 years ago and have loved driving it every owners for a very long time. He is the author of several chance I get. I have two boys, Coleman 7, and Peter 5. important books and articles about Austin-Healeys (and Caty, my patient wife, puts up with the oil leaking Healey, in fact he just made very important contributions to two and the boys and I enjoy taking it out in wine country in articles that will soon appear in Austin-Healey Maga- the Scholls/Sherwwod area near to our house. zine), and he has been an active participant in AustinHNW CONTRIBUTIONS Healey activities in the UK. It is important that AHCO members feel a sense of pride Most of you have never met him, but if you have re- and ownership in their newsletter. And since I am alceived a BMIHT certificate for your car within the last ways in need of newsletter content I want to encourage 20 years, that is his signature featured at the bottom of member submissions by giving due credit. And don’t it. I first met Anders some time in the latter 1980s - can't feel your submission needs to be solicited or directly remember the year - and I know first-hand that his de- related to our most recent event. Members experiences votion, as a writer and historian, to the British motor with their cars, be they maintenance or restoration reindustry is second to none. I know that you join me in lated, trips or tours, or what-have-you, are of interest to thanking him for all his contributions and in wishing others. Send what you have in and it will eventually be him well in his new position. His contributions to our published, probably sooner than later. Don’t worry about interests have been very great and he will be dearly spelling or grammar, Bill Gates will attend to that. So, Boys and Girls, keep those cards and letter (and picmissed. tures and stories) coming in! (ed.) 10 Healey Northwest u June 2000 Dear Reid,

Tech Tip Tid Bits by Doug Auburg Possible source of late BN2 Heater Control Knob. A Healey Chatline correspondent, Jim LeBlanc, (coryleblanc@earthlink.net) complained that he couldn’t find a replacement knob for his heater knob. He has drawings of the part and is willing to have some fabricated, if he can find others who want to add their requests to the order.

Need help with your woodwork?? Contact us - tell us you are a club member - we¹ll give you the best service & repair possible. We look forward to hearing from you and remain at your service.

Madera Concepts 606 Olive St. Santa Barbara, CA. 93101 Ph 805-962-1579 Toll Free 800-800-1579 Fax 805-962-7359. Visit our website 1. I am in need (still) of a knob for a BN-2 hexagonal www.maderaconcepts.com or email us heater control valve. Anybody with one of these for res03p09@gte.net.” sale, trade, barter, etc., I would welcome your offer. 2. I have a blueprint provided to me via courtesy of Charlie Hart for the BN-2 heater control knob. I am thinking that I will have a set of these brass knobs made. Does anybody want one? If so please send me a note, with the number you would like. As you can imagine, I do not know the price yet, but I am thinking it will be very reasonable. Best Regards, Jim LeBlanc 1956 factory M

Wood Burled Dashboard Source. Here’s a press release I just received. I have no opinion of the reliability of these people. DA “For over 18 years Madera Concepts has been the world renowned industry leader of aftermarket dashboard and interior trim packages, automotive woodwork restoration, unsurpassed quality and customer service. We offer over 1600 dashboard and interior trim packages for the after-market, engineered to fit without messy, unreliable glues and tapes. In addition to our restoration services, we offer replacement OEM. facias and interior trim components for a variety of British cars: OEM. Facia and Interior Trim components for Austin Healey, Jensen Healey, Jaguar, Sunbeam, Triumph, Lotus, and Range Rover / Land Rover. Madera Concepts takes a great deal of pride in our repairs, restorations and in manufacturing the finest dashboard and trim packages available. We all know that, you get what you pay for, and at Madera Concepts we never sacrifice quality. We are proud of the role we have established and continue to play in maintaining the heritage of the world¹s finest marques and we are proud to be part of helping you maintain your Austin Healey!!! Healey Northwest


June 2000


Healey Rendezvous 2001 The Austin Healey Club of Oregon would like to invite its members to enter competitive logo designs for Healey Rendezvous 2001. Entries will be judged and selected at the monthly meeting on August 12. Entries are to be in color and either brought to the meeting or mailed to arrive at the Club address at least one week prior to the meeting. Bear in mind that the Healey Rendezvous 2001 will be centered in Grants Pass where the Geoff Healey Memorial Shelter is located. Also included will be tours to Jacksonville, Oregon Caves, Crater Lake, Applegate Museum and Wolf Creek Inn. These activities will be in addition to the car show, Rally and Concours. So put on your creativity hat, get out your crayons and have fun. But don’t go NEAR the walls!

Tour to Rendezvous 2000 Bill Bolton is organizing a tour to Healey Rendezvous 2000, on Monday August 24, leaving Junction City at 0800. The tour will travel up US 99 W to Rickreall, left on OR 22 to Valley Junction, then a back road to Hebo. At Hebo the Oregon tour group will meet up with the contingents coming north from California. The entire troop will then travel US 101 through Astoria and Hoquiam to Ocean Shores. The Boltons specifically invite one and all to join them in the fun tour to the Healey Rendezvous 2000. Either call them at 541-895-5576, e-mail them at tricarb@aol.com or drop them a line to let them know where you would like to join in.

HEALEY WATERCOLOURS What could be more fitting than to have a Healey Watercolour of you own Healey with the sea at Perranporth as a background, and painted by Brian (Bic) Healey?

ONLY $180.00 Includes Return Postage/Packing Send International Money Order Or $180 U.S. Dollars WITH 8 X 10 Color Photo of Your Healey To: Brian Healey Trebourne, Perrancoombe Perranporth, Cornwall TR6 OHU England

Impress Your Neighbors!! 12

Healey Northwest


Really Cool!!

Make Your Friends Jealous!! June 2000

...minutes, continued from page 7.

on recommendations from members as to how it should be possible to set up a check out system for the signs. It be used. Final decisions will be up to the committee. was decided that this was a good idea. Bill also had Another member has offered to match $500 from his gotten a quote for reproducing the Healey History poster own company if we vote to do this. The motion was of 67 cents each in black and white or four dollars if passed. Jaci Koeber made a motion that this year’s andone with the extra color. Terry said that the printers nual Christmas auction profits be given to charity and that do our newsletter might be able to give us a better would be part of the approved $1000 for this year. The motion was passed. The question was raised as to price and offered to get a quote. whether we wanted to change the August meeting because it conflicts with the Monty Shelton Rally. The Librarian, Doug Auburg, had nothing new to report. consensus was that we did not. ABFM committee person, Tom Monaco, reported that people registering before August 1st will receive a The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m.. chance at a $500 drawing. This replaces the five dollar savings done in the last few years in hopes of getting ...Events, continued from page 5. registrations in a more timely manner. There will also be a drawing for all participants for a trip for two to Maryhill Loops Hillclimb London. Terry reported that the ABFM website was October 7 - 8, 2000 not working and asked for information Doug reported Sponsored by SOVREN, the Society Of Vintage Racing that it would be fixed by this weekend and that it will no Enthusiasts, the Maryhill Loops Hillclimb is an adrenalonger be taken down each year. Our website will have line pumper for competitors and spectators alike. The a link to that website. course follows a section of the Maryhill Loops Road Healey Rendezvous 2001 committee head, Bill Bolton, has picked more information on possible hotels in Grants Pass. He has talked to Terry about establishing a web page for the event so we can start posting information. Bill has six or seven volunteers now but needs people to head up Food, advertising, etc. Dates have not been selected but we want to avoid Conclave dates of July 8th - 12th, for those who wish to attend both. On a related note Bill reported that Caldema resort that had guaranteed rates of $89 per night a year ago for the 2002 meet have backed out. Organizers have now contacted Horizon resort on the south shore for the event. Under old business, Bob reminded people planning to attend Rendezvous 2000 to get their registrations and reservations made soon. The deadline to get in the drawing for free accommodations is May 24th.

located in south central Washington. On a scale of 1 to 10, this course has a pucker factor of 12, and provides plenty of entertainment. Texas 2000 November 12 - 17, 2000 Presented by the Ford Motor Company, this is another Vintage Rallies affiliated event. Enjoy a time/speed/ distance rally in a part of Texas that is anything but hot, flat and boring. This event is open to any pre-1974 sports, racing or GT car, as well as any Ford-powered performance car. More information can be found by calling Vintage Rallies, Inc. at 800-645-6069, FAX 860-3645899 or visit their web site at www.vintagerallies.com.

Under new business, Todd and Carey Shelling announced that they will be moving to South Carolina some time before September. It will be a sad loss for our club, but South Carolina has a strong club and will gain some great new members. Skip Monaco made a motion that the club designate a one-time amount of $1000 for a charity or charities to be decided by a committee based Healey Northwest


June 2000


Phone #: 250-656-3166 Fax: 250-656-1999 email dunsmuir@uvic.ca by Karen Morrison internet:http://web.uvic.ca/-dunsmuir Hosted by the BC Club the meet will be held on Sept Take the time to visit the web site and remember it’s 15,16,17 on Vancouver Island in Sydney which is a 10 listed under the University of Victoria. minute drive from the Swartz Bay ferry that arrives from For an extra $15 on BC Ferries you can reserve ahead to Tswwassen. Dunsmuir Lodge, the host resort, is owned ensure confirmed sailing time. Toll free # is 1-888-223and operated by the University of Victoria and was built 3779. Have your credit card ready. as a retreat, situated on 100 acres. ...Dine&Dash, continued from page 9.


Together again, we all repaired to the Hand’s back yard Friday will be arrival day with a hospitality suite has for a feast. Betty had two of everything waiting for us. been arranged by the BC CLub. Saturday will feature a I’m sure she was just making sure our group didn’t get tour and dinner that evening at the lodge. You will need ugly by running out of food. to sign up for this on arrival Friday. Sunday there will be a classic car meet at Fort Rod hosted by Ye Olde English Car Club of Victoria. Some of the most unusual cars come out for this one so you won’t want to miss it. Plan on staying for this show. All rooms are blocked for the Healeys with the room rates @ $85 for a single and $95 double. The meet registration is $25. And remember, all funds quoted are in Canadian dollars eh!! To reserve your room here are the phone numbers etc, and mention your are with the Austin Healey Club. As if we hadn’t already had enough to eat, Kevin Cowan (Marie had disappeared homeward to toil in the kitchen) handed out directions, again no map, to serpentine our way to the Cowan’s for dessert. Well, maybe the drive would settle the last feeding enough to enjoy some sweets. Away we all went again with Kevin, our TPSL (can’t you guess by now?) now in the lead. He led us up Germantown Road to Skyline, across Hiway 26 where we lost him. Now we had to place ourselves in the direction sequence. We were doing all right until we reached Marquam Hill Road. There, four Healeys, ourselves included, stumbled to a halt. Our directions specifically directed a turn at the third RIGHT on Marquam Hill Rd. Well, there isn’t one! After venturing two more miles down the road without relief, we turned around and took the LEFT turn down the hill. Once we did that we were back on track, albeit fifteen minutes late.


Healey Northwest


Finally arriving at the gravel road to Kevin and Marie’s we were greeted by two young girls who waved us by shouting, “They went that way!” I guess they figured Continued on page 18... June 2000

2004 Austin Healey 4000 V8

Is there a NEW Austin Healey in your future? Rumors regarding the resurrection of the Austin Healey are rampant. The following is a compilation of information gathered from various sources to add some grist to the mill. BMW-Rover’s sports car strategy includes a Z3 Roadster, an MGH and an Austin Healey. A big reason given for this selection is to improve production economy by increasing the volume of certain parts, and to share development and tooling costs among the new car models. The Austin Healey would fit in between the BMW Z3 and Z8. It would be powered by a 320 horsepower 4.4 liter BMW V8 and incorporate a sequential gearbox. It would have a slightly longer wheel base than the Z3 or the MGH. The doors, bonnet and boot lid would be of aluminum. More luxurious appointments would be offered, boosting the sticker price to about $52,000. Consensus is the largest market will be North America. For that reason it is speculated the Healey may likely be produced at BMW’s Spartanburg, South Carolina plant. Thanks to the Austin Healey Club of Manitoba, Dave Gibson and Ann Blonski for content and illustration.

Healey Northwest

Oil Changes by Gender Women: 1. Pull into a fast-lube location at 3,000 miles since the last oil change. 2. Drink a cup of coffee while oil and filter are changed. 3. In fifteen minutes, write a check and leave, clean and relaxed. Men: 1. Go to local auto parts store and spend $50 on oil, filter, spilled oil absorbent (or kitty litter), hand cleaner and a car freshener tree. 2. Go home and discover the used oil container is full. Dump in hole in back yard (continuing development of personal super-fund cleanup site). 3. Have a beer. 4. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands. 5. Jack car up. 6. Due to stress caused by searching for jack stands, have another beer. 7. Place drain pan under engine. 8. After searching 30 minutes for 9/16” box wrench, give up, use Crescent wrench. 9. Remove drain plug. 10. After hot oil runs down sleeve into arm pit, drop drain plug in pan of hot oil. 11. While oil is draining, clean up, have another beer. 12. Spend another 30 minutes searching for oil filter wrench. 13. Give up and, in frustration, drive a large screwdriver through the filter and twist it off. 14. Another beer. 15. Buddy shows up, finish case of beer; finish oil change tomorrow. 16. Next day, drag drain pan out from under car and dump in hole in backyard. 17. Throw kitty litter on oil spilled yesterday. 18. Have a beer…oops, drank it all yesterday. 19. Walk to store (car has no oil in it) to get another case of beer. 20. Have a beer. 21. Install new oil filter using channel-locks to tighten (still can’t find oil filter wrench). 22. Dump first quart of oil into engine. 23. As oil runs out from under car, remember drain plug in oil drain pan. 24. Hurry to find drain plug in pan. Pan is empty. Hurry to hole in backyard to dig out drain plug. uContinued on page 17...

June 2000



“peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.”

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and were still smelling pretty good Sometimes they could obtain pork and would feel really by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides special when that happened. When company came over, carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the b.o. they would bring out some bacon and hang it to show it off. It was a sign of wealth and that a man “could really Baths equaled a big tub filled with hot water. The man bring home the bacon.” They would cut off a little to of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, share with guests and would all sit around and “chew then all the other sons and men, then the women and the fat.” finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with it. Hence the saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach bath water.” onto the food. This happened most often with tomatoes, so they stopped eating tomatoes . . . for 400 years. Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals Most people didn’t have pewter plates, but had trenchers to get warm, so all the pets...dogs, cats and other small - a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a animals, mice, rats, bugs lived in the roof. When it rained, bowl. Trenchers were never washed and a lot of times it became slippery, and sometimes the animals would worms got into the wood. After eating off wormy trenslip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying, “It’s raining chers, they would get “trench mouth.” cats and dogs.” Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the There was nothing to stop things from falling into the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where guests got the top, or the “upper crust.” bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed. So, they found that if they made beds with Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combig posts and hung a sheet over the top, it addressed that bination would sometimes knock them out for a couple problem. Hence those beautiful big 4 poster beds with of days. Someone walking along the road would take canopies. them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other family would gather around and eat and drink and wait than dirt, hence the saying “dirt poor.” The wealthy had and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of slate floors, which would get slippery in the winter when holding a “wake.” wet. So they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on they kept adding more England is old and small, and they started running out thresh until when you opened the door, it would all start of places to bury people. So, they would dig up coffins, slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed at the take the bones to a house and reuse the grave. In reopenentryway, hence a “thresh hold.” ing these coffins, one out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they They cooked in the kitchen in a big kettle that always had been burying people alive. So they thought they hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added would tie a string on their wrist, lead it through the cofthings to the pot. They mostly ate vegetables and didn’t fin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someget much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner leav- one would have to sit out in the graveyard all night to ing leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then listen for the bell. Hence on the “graveyard shift” they start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in would know that someone was “saved by the bell” or he it that had been in there for a month. Hence the rhyme: was a “dead ringer.” 16

Healey Northwest


June 2000

...Gender, er, Oil Changes, continued from page 15. 25. Hurry to replace drain plug as last drop of fresh oil drips onto driveway. 26. Crescent wrench slips off drain plug, bashing knuckles on front suspension. 27. Reflex reaction causes bashing head against frame. 28. Begin cussing fit. 29. Throw wrench. 30. Cuss louder and longer because wrench broke tail light of wife’s car. 31. Have another beer. 32. Clean up, apply Band-Aids to bleeding knuckles (ignore head wound). 33. Have another beer. 34. Pour in four more quarts of oil (now one quart short because it is on the driveway). 35. Have another beer. 36. Lower car from jack stands. 37. Bend fender after forgetting to move jack stand far enough (too much beer?). 38. Move car back and get spilled oil on tire. 39. Dump kitty litter on fresh oil spill. 40. Drive car a quart low for 7,000 miles before next oil change.

Healey Northwest


June 2000


Classified Ads Classified Ads are free to all paid up members of AHCO, the Austin-Healey Owners Association of BC and the Cascade Austin Healey Club, and $2.00 each to nonmembers. These rates do not apply to commercial ads. Ads normally run three issues unless renewed by the advertiser. O=AHCO, C=Cascade, B=BC. Commercial Ad Rates: Monthly payment: Full page: $30, 1/2 page: $18, 1/4 page: $10, 1/8 page: $6, Business Card: $4. Inside cover (f or b): Full page: $35, 1/2 page: $21, Back cover, 1/2 page: $24. Annual payment in advance w/monthly appearance: Full page: $300, 1/2 page: $180, 1/4 page $100, 1/8 page $60, business card: $40. Inside cover (f or b), full page: $350, 1/2 page: $210. Back cover, 1/2 page: $240. Non-member business classifieds: $5 per month per six lines. Commercial display ads will be rotated between various positions. (Max. sizes: Full: 7.5” x 10”, Half: 7.5” x 5”, Quater: 3.5” x 5”, Eighth: 2-1/8” x 5”, Bus. Card: 2’ x 3.5”.)

Cars for Sale 1959 AH Bug Eye Sprite. Original, very complete car with original 948cc engine. Needs complete restoration. Dean Willoughby (503) 286-4042. (O-12) 1963 Austin Healey BJ7. Basket case. Fairly complete though a badly rusted frame and instruments out; all or will part out. Also, an extra BJ7 rear shroud in fairly good shape. Esko, 253-813-9842, eskogc@halcyon.com. (O-5) 1961 Austin Healey, 3000 MK II, Series BT7 ( four seater model ), VIN: HBT71 6726. 47,867 miles, primer, major body work done, new chrome, new wiring harness, not running, numerous spare parts, stored for years, $7900.00 Canadian. Contact Wayne Walker, Saskatoon, Sk. Ph. (306) 242-7476, e-mail: wwwalker@sk.sympatico.ca (N-5) 67 Austin Healey Sprite, right-hand drive, papers of shipment Hamburg to Portland, wires, several tops, recent rebuild top to bottom, eye catcher, good condition. Priced to sell @ $5,000. Contact Jerry at (503) 650-0396 or E-Mail aweese@cybcon. com (N-6)

Parts for Sale Full set of Mini-lite Wheels, fit AH Sprite. Charles Burke, 503-289-5055. (O-6) Heavy Duty Poly Front Suspension Bushings for all Austin Healeys - big and small. Correctly done in black. Competitively priced. Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Heavy Duty Brake Shoes for all Austin Healey models. Impervious to all oils and fluids. Experience 25% better stopping power - cheap at any price. These can save your nose! Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Lightened flywheels for big Healey models. They really make a big performance difference. You need one if you want your Healey to perform better in the corners and on the acceleration profile. Only the material not being used is removed. BN1 BJ7 $120 plus a $40 core charge. BJ8 $140 plus a $60 core charge. Packing and shipping is extra. Bill Bolton (541) 8955576. (O-6) New Side Curtain Pouches made of felt lined black vinyl from original pattern. $45 ea. John Wilson (541) 933-2016 (O-7) Hardtop windows for BN6/BT7/BN7. These windows are specifically manufactured of the treated poly-carbonate material used by the Indy race cars. They don’t fog or scratch like the currently advertised ones do! Fit it and forget it! You won’t need to replace it for years. $260 plus packing and shipping. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-2)

...Dine&Dash, continued from page 14.

strated it for us.

out where all the Healeys were going. Fortunately we weren’t too late for dessert. But first, we were treated Eventually, we were called to the order of business. to a tour of Cowan’s home. Quiet sitting rooms off both Gradually calming down from the road excitement, overthe master suite and the living room, both with views eating and the our tour of Cowan’s beautiful home, we and fireplaces, were delightful. An iron, circular stair- collected on their outdoor deck for our meeting. And I way from the second floor to a bonus room, their pri- want to congratulate Bob Bollinger. The meeting acvacy suite/TV room, was very compelling. But, my fa- complished a good deal of business and concluded in vorite attraction was the brass fire pole from the master well under an hour. If you missed this tour you missed a suite to the kitchen. What a kick! And Kevin demon- great time. Don’t miss another one! 18 Healey Northwest u June 2000

Healey Northwest


June 2000


HEALEY NORTHWEST Austin Healey Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426


Healey Northwest




June 2000

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