June 2006
Austin Healey Club of Oregon
President’s Message
Officers/Representatives 2006 President: Doug Auburg 360-694-7769 dauburg@wa-net.com
Vice President: Tom Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net
Secretary: Kymberly Randolph 503-245-5039 lclemson@mns.com
Treasurer: Dee Meyer 503-267-8639 gdeemeyer@netzero.net
Activities: Mark Schneider 503-643-7208 mandmschneider@ comcast.net
Advertising: Joe laws 503-636-5817 jflaws@att.net
Editor: Jack Jakobsen 503-432-8777 editorjack@comcast.net Membership and Charity Chairperson: Skip Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net Librarians: John Carter Jeff Mach John: 503-579-6599 Jeff: 503-364-6789 jc9821@msn.com mach@toast.net
Plans are progressing on our Club’s hosting of the NW Meet next September. Be sure to mark the dates on your calendar so you’ll be free to enjoy a lovely long weekend in Astoria with great friends and their Healeys. Finally, the results of the By-Laws election are in.
Inter-Club Coordinator: John Wilson 541-933-2016 johnhealeylane@worldnet. att.net Regalia: Jaci Koeber Tammy Auburg Jaci: 503-244-3731 Tammy: 360-694-7769 koegeoja@hevanet.com tauburg@wa-net.com ABFM Representatives: Doug Auburg Larry Clemenson Doug: 360-694-7769 Larry: 503-245-5039
Contents: President’s Message Oil Pan Repairs Club Activities Calendar of Events/Rendezvous Tours Other Car Events May Meeting Minutes Protecting Your Car from Elements This Month in AHCO History Membership Update Classified Ads May Tour, Tech Session & Meeting
Summer weather is finally here! It’s time to take the Healey out for a drive in the sunshine and feel the wind in your hair.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 11 11 12
Your Executive Board and several committee chairs spent a lot of time going through the Club’s ByLaws and proposing a set of what we thought were improvements, streamlining and bringing them into line with the way we do things these days. Our Secretary, Kym Randolph, has counted the ballots and reports that all of the proposals passed by a substantial margin. Some passed unanimously and others had some negative votes, but they all passed by a wide margin. All officers have a copy of the individual votes, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact any of us and ask. Thank you all who looked over our proposals, took the time to consider them and to vote. Continued on page 4 ....
June Meeting: Date: June 10, 2006 Program: “Cruisin’ Sherwood” celebration. Starts at 7:45 AM. Meeting: 4:30 PM at Baha Fresh Restaurant See page 5 for further details. Cover: This month’s cover features Dennis and Jan Saxon’s beautiful BJ8 in front of an unknown to me waterfall. Photo by Dennis Saxon.
Thank you: Doug & Tammy Auburg, Bill Bolton, Allan & Mary Gross, George & Jaci Koeber, Linda Lafond, Jeff Mach, Tom & Skip Monaco, Dennis Saxon, Mark Schneider, and John Wilson for your contributions to Healey Northwest. Healey Northwest
June 2006
Healey Northwest ©2006 AHCO The official publication of the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is usually published monthly for the benefit of it’s members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinion of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omissions of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source, and if reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. For U.S. Postal submission, please address articles or correspondence to: Jack Jakobsen Healey Northwest Editor 160 SW 89th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97225-6804 For other communication: phone 503-432-8777 or e-mail: editorjack@comcast.net AHCO MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in the cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries.
President’s Message, continued from page 3 ....
We will finalize the By-Laws and policies as you have approved them and they will be printed in the next Membership Directory. Thank you all. I’m glad that weight is off of our shoulders. J Thanks again for your attention to this important matter. Hopefully it will be a long time before we need do such a comprehensive look again. Doug
Oil Pan Repairs by Tom Monaco Although I have been driving Healeys for over 35 years, I have never hit my oil pan on anything, nor have I seen anyone else hit theirs. However, almost every Healey oil pan you see has been smashed in some manner. Since no one, at this time, is making a replacement steel pan, I thought it might be beneficial to start fixing them. My son, Geno, has been welding and straightening Healey pieces since he was 14 and I think he has gotten this down pretty well. Our shop rate is $50.00 per hour and all pans will be done on a per pan basis. Usually they take between 3 and 5 hours. If you wish finish paint to be done, you can add an hour. If you would like a closer estimate,you can take some very good pictures and E-mail them to us. Turn around time is usually ten days. E-mail: tomsimport@ipinc.com or Call: 503-245-0174
Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year membership is available in person at any meeting or by mail for US$25.00 per individual or couple (add US$10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to: Skip Monaco, Membership Director 7710 SW 89th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97223 Publication Deadline Contributions to Healey Northwest are due to the Editor by the 15th of the month preceding publication to ensure inclusion in the month’s newsletter. Healey Northwest
June 2006
AHCO Activities Calendar Editor’s Note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information or visit our web site: http://www. healey-oregon.org
June 10, 2006 “Cruisin’ Sherwood” The June meeting, hosted by George Koeber, will begin with Healey Club members participating in the Sherwood, OR Chamber of Commerce “Cruisin’ Sherwood” celebration. The city of Sherwood will block off 15 blocks of downtown Sherwood and turn it into a community event featuring hundreds of classic and custom cars. There will be a large number of car related events and awards for the best car in a host of different classes. To get a full flavor of the event go to the web site: www.cruisinsherwood.com One non-automotive yet famous featured guest at the meet will be Southern Pacific steam engine #4449. “Cruisin’ Sherwood” is an all day affair. The organizers wanted all participating cars to arrive and park at 5:30 AM. The ludicrous nature of this request was quickly pointed out to the organizers by George and subsequently backed up by Mark. The Sherwood Chamber representative agreed that one AHCO designee (George Koeber) will arrive at 5:30 AM at the designated downtown Sherwood location and reserve sufficient parking space for all registered AHCO participants. The remainder of the members will meet in the Les Schwab parking lot located at 15905 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road between 7:45 and 8:00 AM and be escorted to the reserved AHCO parking space. In order to be part of the display of Healey cars, you must have paid your registration fee by May 15th. However, if you were unable to meet the payment deadline and would still like to see the show, you can still go to Sherwood on June 10th and be a spectator. The club meeting will be held at Baha Fresh located at 12286 SW Schools Ferry Road. Participants are planning to leave the “Cruisin’ Sherwood” event at 4:00 PM and caravan to Baha Fresh for an early dinner and meeting. The Club meeting is scheduled for 4:30 PM and a room has been reserved at Baha Fresh for that purpose.
July15, 2006 “Christmas in July” Tom Monaco and Mark Schneider will be hosting our meeting this month. Our July event will be held at Champoeg State Park on July 15, 2005. At noon a simple lunch of hot dogs, cold drinks & desert will be furnished by the Club. If you’d like to bring a salad or chips to share it would also be welcome. The park has barbecues and we have an easy to find space reserved. We are calling this event “Christmas in July” because so many members can’t seem to attend our December party. Many live too far away to brave icy, snowy roads, and others just can’t fit another event into their December schedule. So, Del Allen, Carolyn Arnquist, Daryl Atwater, Jim Averill, Wendy Auburg, Ed Beall, Brent Beltz, Bob Bennett, Joe Betzing, Bob Bollinger, Bill Bolton,, Alex Boras, Mitch Boyce, Bill Boylan, Bill Brawn, Jack Brawn, Jeff Brown, Donna Brunhaver, Lois Buhman, Sandy Bushore, Rick Calef, Saf Canja, Jay Castle, Rick Curry, Del Dixon, Paul Erickson, Frank Fassold, Greg Gosser, Don Greenfield, Dave Gross, Dave Halen, Paul Haller, Larry Haroun, Walt Harrison, Leon Hart, Bob Hazlett, Keith Henrie, Jerry Hering, Ross Hoevet, Jim Hollingsworth, Gene Hollowell, Craig House, Nils Jensen, Dwayne Jeppson, Lane Kagey, John Keaton, Scott Krane, Russ Krashaar, Bob Leipper, Nick Lilla, Ray MacDonald, Jim Parish, Dan Parshall, Mike Perry, Dale Pestes, Bob Plotts, Steve Rux, Tom Santee, Phil Sarikas, Casey Scott, Marty Small, Emil Smith, Don Spencer, Ron Spliethof, Ron Sprague, Clay Stearns, John Stevens, Randy Stone, Wayne Stonecipher, Phil Taggart, Rich Thomas, Bob Wallace, Jerry Walton, Chris Warner, Bob Webb, Brad Weldon, Mark William, Tom Winge, Curt Wollard, Kim Young, et all, this one’s for you. If you’d like to participate in a gift exchange, bring a gift (under $10 please) to put under the Christmas tree...yes, there will be one. The meeting will start at 2:00 PM and be over soon after. Directions to Champoeg State Park: Located off Hwy. 99W seven miles east of Newberg or west of I-5 at exit 278. That is 4 miles south of Wilsonville and 9 miles north of Woodburn, 168 miles southwest of Wenatchee, WA., 2658 miles WNW of Clarkston, Mississippi.
We hope to see you on June 10th. Healey Northwest
June 2006
2006 Calendar of Future Events
Rendezvous 2006 Tours:
by Mark Schneider July 7,8 & 9 - Historic Races. The 2006 Historic Races club ticket package will cost $40.00 this year. The AHCO monthly meeting will be held July 15th. July 15 - AHCO Club Meeting. “Christmas in July” will be the theme for this meeting to be held at an Oregon State Park. Tom Monaco and Mark Schneider will host the meeting. See page 5 of this issue of HNW for further details. July 24 - 28 - Rendezvous, Nelson , BC See next column and page 7 for more details. August 12 - AHCO Club Meeting. John Wilson will conduct a tour through a recently paved old logging road in the lower Willamette Valley. August Date TBD - If a volunteer will organize a tour we can take advantage of the great weather of late summer. September 2, 3 & 4 - All British Field Meet, PIR September 9 - AHCO Club Meeting. Tom and Cecilia Magnuson with Doug Auburg are scheduling a ride on the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad out of Yacolt, WA. Somewhere along the way we will have the September club meeting. September 21 - 24 - Northwest Meet, Astoria, OR This year our Club will host this annual event. See next page for further details. October 14 - AHCO Meeting. Brian and Kerri O’Boyle will host this month’s meeting. The details are still under construction. November 11 - AHCO Meeting. Troy and Katie Hall will be hosting our meeting at the Panoz dealership, Grand Prix Imports in Wilsonville. December 9 - AHCO Christmas Party. The party will be held at the Eastmoreland Golf Course club house. We will have a sit-down, plated dinner and some of the usual silly stuff our Christmas Party is known for. Healey Northwest
Pre-Rendezvous Tour - Vancouver, WA to Nelson, BC Allan Gross will be leading a tour to Nelson, BC for those of you who are interested. We will leave from the first rest stop on Interstate 5 that is just north of the I-5 and I-205 merger, about 3.5 miles. We will depart at 7:30 am on Saturday July 22 and arrive Monday afternoon July 24 in Nelson. The route will incorporate scenic roads and views of Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier and the North Cascades. I plan to stop at number of vistas and on Sunday we will have an opportunity to explore the artist community of Winthrop, WA. for a few hours. Our first evening stop will be in Everett, WA followed by a night in Omak, WA. I have blocked rooms for us at the following motels and you will need to make your reservations no later than July 1. Saturday July 22 at the Travel Lodge-Mall, Everett, WA Sarah is the contact and reference reservations under AH for Austin Healey $45 for single queen plus tax $55 for single King plus tax Phone 1-425-337-9090 Price based on booking 8 or more rooms, continental breakfast included. Due to heavy motel demand in this area, you will be responsible for cost of night’s room if you change your plans and do not cancel your reservation by July 15, Sunday July 23 at the Rodeway Inn in Omak, WA Crystal is the contact and reference Austin Healey Club of Oregon $40 for single King plus tax $45 for double Queen plus tax Phone 1-509-826-0400 Continental breakfast included Look forward to driving with you. Please let me know if you will be joining us. If any questions you can contact me at 360-452-4527 or agross9217@aol.com. For Post Rendezvous Tour, turn to page 10 ....
June 2006
Other 2006 Car Events June 23 - 25 Columbia Gorge Classic Rallye This premier event, hosted by the Columbia Gorge MGA Club, will take place in the Willamettte Valley between Portland and Eugene. The rallye is open to all European sports sedans and sports cars made in 1980 or before and is limited to 60 entries. Registration fee is $60 or $50, depending on the class entered. For further information see page 15 of the April issue of Healey Northwest or visit the Club’s web site at www.ColumbiaGorgeMGAClub.org July 8 - 9 Portland Historic Races at PIR Please see page 8 of the May issue of Healey Northwest for further details or visit the Historic Races web site at http://www.portlandhistorics.com/spectators/ about.html July 24 - 28 Healey Rendezvous, Nelson, BC This year’s Rendezvous, being held in Nelson, BC, promises to be one of the great Healey outings of the year. In addition to the usual fun Healey activities, the Nelson area is said to be one of the most beautiful areas of British Columbia. To make your reservation, contact the Prestige Inn Lakeside Resort at 1-877-7378443 and mention Austin Healey Group. To register for Rendezvous, go to www.healeys.ca For tours to and from Rendezvous, see the previous page of this issue of Healey Northwest. September 21 - 24 Northwest Meet The 2006 Austin Healey Northwest Meet, sponsored this year by our Club, will be held at the Holiday Inn Express in Astoria, Oregon. Registration at the door will be $15.00 /person. Astoria offers many interesting and historic sites for us to visit. With the Lewis and Clark bicentennial activities in full swing, the opportunities are even greater. As part of our meet activities, we have booked a special musical program based on the songs and stories from the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. That program is scheduled for presentation immediately after dinner on Saturday evening. Room rates at the Holiday Inn Express are $90/night for street side and $115/night for Columbia River side. If you wish to stay longer, the Holiday Inn will honor our special rates for your extended stay. When making your reservation, be sure to mention that you are with the Austin Healey group. For reserHealey Northwest
vations, call 1-888-898-6222 or 503-325-6222. If you’re planning to join us for the Northwest Meet in September we hope you can come on Thursday and enjoy friends and fellowship that day and evening. Also, Jaci Koeber is planning Tea at noon. The Tea will be held at The Windsor House in Astoriaa. This should be a fun and enjoyable tea and lunch experience and the Windsor Tea House is just a trolley ride from the Hotel. The cost will be in the $10 per person range for lunch and tea and will start at 12:00 noon. This will be by reservation only as space is somewhat limited. You will need to contact Jaci at koegeoja@ hevanet.com to make your reservations for the tea. When making your hotel reservations for Thursday evening ask for Caroline Wuebben if you have any problems. Let Jaci know if you have any problems with your reservations. COME TO THE NORTHWEST MEET IN ASTORIA AND YOU CAN:
Hike along the Fort to Sea Trail. The trail follows the route that Clark used to find a way from Fort Clatsop to the ocean where they hoped to set up camp to extract salt from the ocean. You can hike from Fort Clatsop to the sea or do only part of it. If you are interested, check out the web site www.lewisandclarknationalpark.com It has all kinds of information. If you are a movie buff, you can take a self-guided tour of Astoria’s movie locations. Some of the movies made in Astoria are “The Goonies,” “Kindergarten Cop,” “The Ring Two,” and Free Willy.” There is a guide available. Don’t forget to contact Tom Monaco if you want to go fishing. Also, we checked out the Willapa Salmon Art Trail. It is really worth a stop if you are coming to the meet along 101 north of Astoria. However, I don’t think you should drive there only for the trail. Remember, it is not too early to make your reservation for the Northwest Meet and ensure that you get the room of your choice. We look forward to seeing you in September in Astoria.
June 2006
Austin Healey Club of Oregon Membership Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2006 CTO: at 3:15 PM by President Doug Auburg Thanks: Doug thanked Bob & Brenda Macherione for hosting today’s meeting and tech session. He also thanked John Wilson for leading the tour to Eugene. Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were approved as printed in the HNW. Officer’s Reports: Treasurer’s Report: Dee Meyer reported on the financial status of the club. Details are available to members from the treasurer upon request. Activities Director: Mark Schneider reports that next month’s meeting (June 10) will be at Sherwood’s “Cruisin’ Sherwood”. Today is the last day to register your Healey if you want to show it at that event. Participants will meet at the Les Schwab TualatinSherwood store at 7:30 AM to drive together to the event. The meeting will be held at Baja Fresh on Scholls Ferry Road at 4:30 PM. In July we will have two club events. The first will be the Historic Races on the July 7-8 weekend. But the official gathering and meeting will be the following weekend, July 15 in Champoeg Park. Check your Healey Northwest for directions and times. Membership: no report Library: It’s available for members to use. Editor: Jack Jakobsen still needs articles. Keep the cover pictures coming! There will be an early deadline for the August issue. Jack continues his program of switching non-US club exchange newsletters to e-mail delivery. International mailing costs have become unsupportable. Club Coordinator: John Wilson reported that he expects a good turnout for the Healey Rendezvous in Nelson, BC. There is a historic Healey for sale on eBay.
registration fee will be $15/person. There are rooms blocked out for us at the convention hotel. Be sure to make your hotel reservations within the next few weeks. If you experience any glitches with a reservation ask to speak with Caroline Wuebben, Manager. Regalia: Jaci Koeber reported that some new stuff has been received in limited quantities. It will be sold on a first come-first served basis. Come take a look. Old Business: Election: Club secretary Kym Randolph was not able to attend due to a family wedding elsewhere. She has some ballots. Doug is collecting ballots at this meeting to be forwarded to her. The results will be published in next month’s HNW. New Business: New Web Master: Doug announced that he has received an e-mail offer to take over the job of club web master. The Executive Board has agreed that this offer is interesting and that it should be pursued. Doug will follow up on this proposal. More later. PIR’s Future: It was announced that the Portland City Council has decided to study the future of PIR. Track noise to the surrounding neighborhoods seems to be a major point of consideration. The timing of the noise is also on the table. It seems there is a CART rule that requires cars to warm up 4 hours prior to a scheduled race. That makes the warm up time on a Sunday morning that is objectionable to the neighborhoods. Several car clubs are writing to the Council in support of the track and its continuation. It was agreed that we would send such a letter also. Healey Valuation Book: John Wilson announced that Keith Martin has published a new book on valuation of Austin Healeys. The car on the cover is Pat Bolton’s. See John for more information. Respectfully submitted, Tammy Auburg (acting note taker)
NW Meet: The event will start on Thursday. The Healey Northwest
June 2006
Protecting Your Car From the Elements
ar owners want to extend the investment they’ve made in their vehicles. Regular maintenance can keep them mechanically sound, but what about appearance? Using a car cover can protect your car’s exterior finish and its interior. Look for car covers to protect against: Rain/Acid Rain: While an occasional rainstorm won’t destroy a car’s paint job, corrosion begins any time a car is subjected to extreme moisture. Moisture seeps into tiny cracks and dings and works against the paint from the inside out. It separates the paint from the metal and causes the metal to oxidize. Acid rain containing nitric acid and sulfuric acid can be as acidic as vinegar or lemon juice. Sun/Heat: Ultraviolet rays and radiant energy cause paint colors to fade. In addition, UV rays can cause the clearcoat over the paint to cloud, crack, dry out and deteriorate. Trapped heat can dry out and deteriorate vinyl, leather, plastic and rubber. It bakes and breaks down foam padding and adhesives. It cooks audio components, tapes and disks. Trees/Impact: Even little droplets of tree sap can produce permanent color changes and etch paint. (Pine sap is particularly dangerous, as it contains turpentine.) Bird droppings are equally damaging. Acorns, pinecones and other things that fall out of trees can cause tiny chips in the paint, allowing moisture to creep in. And beware of cats. They love to curl up on the warm hood of a parked car, dirty paws, claws and all. Dust/Dings: Even inside a garage, dust and dings are always a hazard. As dust settles on the car’s surface, it builds up a layer of grit that becomes abrasive, deteriorating the car’s thin paint surface. And once it is noticeable, it’s too late. On the inside, dust and grit can degrade fibers, causing them to wear through and break. Vandalism/Theft: With all the high-tech theftdeterrent devices available, it’s easy to forget that a simple car cover can also protect a vehicle from thieves and vandals. Thieves know that with every passing minute, their risk of getting caught increases. The average thief does not want to call attention to Healey Northwest
himself by taking the time to remove a car cover. A car cover can also deter theft by keeping the car and its interior, including stereo, packages and other items, out of sight. For more information on protecting your car with a car cover made of Block-It® Fabrics from KimberlyClark, visit www.Block-It.com. The following articles are also available: “How to Use A Car Cover to Deter Auto Theft,” “Sun Protection (SPF) for Your Car,” “How to Streamline Your Winter Morning (Car) Routine,” and “How to Select a Car Cover.” The folks at Kimberly-Clark Corporation (who make fabrics for car covers) would love to share this information with your club members. You may be interested to know that custom-fit car covers are available today with some pretty cool, hightech features. These custom-fit covers can be made to fit virtually any make, model, year of car (even the oldest antiques or the newest “tuner” cars with any sort of aftermarket accessories or modifications). The day of the “shower cap”-type cover is over!! As a special incentive for Austin Healey Club of Oregon members: California Car Cover Company is offering a 10% discount on all purchases of car covers made with Block-It® Fabrics from KimberlyClark. That’s a 10% discount on covers made with Evolution® 4/Stormweave Fabric (highly waterresistant and durable with an ultraviolet protection factor rating of 180 for extra sun protection), Dustop® Fabric (for indoor use only, this durable material offers flannel-like softness), and Noah® Fabric (superior water-resistance and protection in a breathable barrier that lets trapped heat and moisture vapor escape). Simply visit www.calcarcover.com/cover_find.aspx and enter promotion/coupon code “KC-06” at checkout. Or, call California Car Cover at 800-423-5525 to place your order. Offer expires December 31, 2006. This article was provided, through Reed Trummel, by: Linda Barlow, Kapnek Communications, 2300 Computer Avenue, Suite E29, Willow Grove, PA 19090. Phone: 215-830-9890, Fax: 215-830-9970, or: linda@kapnek.com
June 2006
Post Healey Rendezvous Historic Tour Editor’s Note: Please note that there were several corrections made to this article since published in the May issue of HNW. Please use tha information in this issue when making reservations at the motels listed below. This is to keep you informed of what is happening and what you should do. The tour is taking shape and we have several cars signed up. We, Pat and I [Bolton], are blocking 25 rooms at the motels for all of us. Twentyfive was the maximum number of rooms we could get so that limits the number of cars on the tour to 25. At this point we have 8 cars signed up and we just started. After June 30 the motels will release the block. It is up to you to call the motel and make your reservations. Be sure to identify yourself as being part of the Austin Healey tour. Failing that will likely result in them telling you that there are no rooms available as we have blocked the majority of the rooms. The first night we will be in Golden, BC at the Golden Rim Motor Inn, phone 1-250-344-2216. [247 miles] The second night we will be in Canmore, AB at the Best Western Green Gables Inn, 1-403-6785488, reservation code 1076. [101 miles] The third night we will be in Kalispell, MT at the Four Seasons Motor Inn, 1-406-755-6123. [325 miles] The fourth night we will be in Orofino, ID at the Konkolville Motel, 1-208-476-5584. [298 miles] The fifth night we will be in Baker City, OR at the Super 8 Motel, 1-541-523-8282. [294 miles] The sixth night we will be in Sisters, OR at the Best Western Ponderosa Lodge, 1-541-549-1234 [236 miles] The seventh night you will be wherever you are. We will have tour packets for each of you to give out at Nelson. When I receive the HR2006 agenda, we will select a time for all of us to get together for you to receive your packets and discuss the tour. We will be leaving somewhat early on the morning of the 28th of July. We will be taking Route 23 north and will have to catch a ferry to cross the Columbia River. We have selected Canmore to spend the night rather than Banff as it is less expensive there. The next day Healey Northwest
we are driving through Glacier National Park and it is a long day as you will want to spend time in the park looking, photoing and maybe picnicking. So we will have to leave Canmore real early. We will have to determine what we do about lunch as we do not want to stop for lunch and waste that driving time. More on this later. When we get to the East entrance of the Park you will be on your own to the West Entrance [ 50 miles ] where we will group up again to proceed to Kalispell for the night. It is not practical to maintain a group through the Park. From Kalispell we are going south to Missoula and then over famous Lewis and Clark Lolo Pass trail to Orofino. This is fitting as we are celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of their famous trip, sponsored and funded by President Jefferson. In Orofino we are staying at the Konkolville Motel. They offer a New York steak with salad and baked potato, cooked by them or you, for $15.00. I understand that it is great. So when you make your reservations indicate if you intend to buy it. After we go through the Hells Canyon, we will be approaching the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. Those of you who wish to visit it can peel off, later coming to the Best Western Sunridge Inn, Baker City, for the night. It is worth visiting. From Baker City we will stop early for lunch in John Day, then tour to the John Day Fossil Beds and on through Prineville to Sisters. To get a place on the touring list, call us at 541-8955576 or email at tricarb@aol.com Editor’s Note: Don’t forget to call Allan and/or Bill if you would like to join them on their Pre-Rendezvous or Post Rendezvous tours. Allan: 360 354-4527 Bill: 541-895-5576
June 2006
This Month in AHCO History by Jeff Mach June 1976 saw 46 members of the AHCO participate in the so-called “Rural Rampage Tour” from the Oregon Zoo through the greater southwest countryside to Bob and Donna Brunhaver’s home, where a potluck lunch, keg of beer, slide show, and tune-up tech session ensued. The Club also closed its charter membership drive that month, with a total of 87 paid members and increased membership dues to $7.50 a year! Finally, if you were looking for a ride (or a project) the ads in Healey Northwest offered a 1958 MGA coupe for $1,850 and a 1955 A-H 100-4 for $2,000.
Corvallis, presuming everyone found their way back to civilization. Readers of Healey Northwest that month found an appeal from Tom Santee to keep the vital tradition of “The wave” (the one between British sports car owners) alive, technical tips from Kent Lambert and Doug Auburg, further words of wisdom on life from Doug, and an insightful review of the “right” tools from Peter Egan.
The Murphys and Boltons hosted the June 1986 AHCO meeting and an overnight stay at the “Alsea Riviera” near Waldport, following a tour from Monroe (or Salem, depending on where you started) to Tidewater via Alsea Falls. Plans called for folks to bring a sleeping bag, a salad or dessert, and meat for the grill, which must have just about filled everyone’s cars. Trivial Pursuit or penny-ante poker appeared to be on the agenda for evening entertainment. Bargains in the Healey Northwest classified ads that month included a ’61 Bugeye with updates and new paint for $5,500 or an updated and restored ’59 Bugeye for $3,000.
1974 JENSEN HEALEY, black, 4 speed, in storage for 10 years, motor turns over, titled, needs everything. $1675.00. Stored in Tom Monaco’s barn. Call: Sandy Bushore 503-531-7939 or Tom Monaco 503-2450174.
Classified Ads Cars for Sale
The June 1996 meeting featured a tour of Sites and Sights Not Seen along roads in the Philomath area known only to host Beau Vencil and Native Americans, followed by the monthly Club meeting in
Parts for Sale Engine - Sprite MK III, or Midget MK II 1098cc (67 cu in) Runs but visible smoke. $250 OBO Call: Jerry Barron for details. 503-245-7545 BJ7 carbs, newly rebuilt, includes some linkage, air cleaners, intake manifold. $475.00. Call: Larry Heroun 503-650-9489
Membership Update by Skip Monaco AHCO Welcomes New Members: Ralph and Rob Minden 612 NE 197th Avenue Portland, OR 97230 503-661-2927 Andy and Robin Nelson 3358 NW McCready Bend, OR 97701 541-318-1001 The Nelsons own a 1961 BT7. Healey Northwest
June 2006
May Tour and Tech Session by George Koeber
n Saturday May 13th John Wilson led a tour, for those who had gathered at the Safeway parking lot in Stayton. We traveled the back roads, the weather was as good as it gets and the scenery matched the weather. Leaving Stayton we headed South through the town of Scio, Lebanon, Sweet Home, Marcola, Springfield and into Eugene where we arrived at Bob & Brenda Macherione’s Sport Car Shop.
the fuel system, fuel pump, carbs, filters, etc. to ensure proper fuel delivery. After assuring that the engine
At the Sport Car Shop we were treated to lunch and libations in the showroom amid beautiful cars that are offered for sale. The lunch was courtesy of Bob, Brenda and John. Bob Macherione working on carb.
would receive fuel he moved on to the engine. Spark plugs were removed and checked, and the compression was checked. Next came the electrical system. Bob checked the distributor cap, rotor, and the points, including resetting the gap. After everything seemed in order and while the spark plugs were still Lunch break at Sports Car Shop. removed, the enAfter lunch we gathered in the shop area where Bob gine was proceeded to show us how to start a Healey that had been stored without being started for a long, long time. turned over by The “Specimen” was a 1961 MKI that John Wilson Kent and George checking it out! cranking the starter to build oil pressure without a had picked up in Colorado this winter. John stated compression load on the engine. After oil pressure that the car hadn’t been started for at least ten years was attained the plugs were and could be much reinstalled and the time had longer. The first come to see if the engine thing Bob did was would run. The engine place a fire extindid start with surprisingly guisher next to the little work from the starter. car, for obvious After a little warm up it reasons. Bob says was amazing how well the a fire suppression engine ran. device should be close at hand when After the tech session in working on any the shop we returned to car. the show room where the monthly meeting was held. Bob then proThere were two door prizes ceeded to check out Club members watching Bob check tolerances. Healey Northwest
June 2006
given by Bob and Brenda. Thanks again to John, Bob and Brenda for a great Healey Day! May meeting photos: Bottom photo on page 12 by Linda Lafond. All other photos in this article by Mark Schneider. Â
Healey Northwest
June 2006
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Koeber’s Carpets was established in 1963 by George and Jaci Koeber, and continues to be family-owned and operated.
Koeber’s is a full-service floor and window coverings store, offering outstanding service at excellent prices. 6700 SW 111th Ave. Beaverton, OR 97008
503-641-1901 Fax 503-671-0808 CCB #036566
On the road again! En route to Eugene during the May Club tour/meeting. Photo by John Wilson’s friend Linda Lafond.
Austin-Healey Club of Oregon Healey Northwest 160 SW 89th Avenue Portland, OR 97225 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED