Austin-Healey Club of Oregon
July 2000
Healey Northwest
July 2000
Austin-Healey Club of Oregon 2000 Officers President:
Vice President:
Bob Bollinger 1530 W. 28th Place Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 687-8218 cbrb@aol.com
Jack Jakobsen 3801 Wy’east Road Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 354-3971 & FAX with prior call. jakobsen@gorge.net
Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com
Gary Jackson 3118 Northridge Way Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 343-0117 gary.jackson@ eweb.eugene.or.us
Mary Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com
Allan Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com
Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com
Betty Hand & JaAnn Hoisington 1520 NE Lincoln Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 693-9293 nrhand@aol.com
Advertising Mgr.:
Club Cordinator:
Club Address:
Skip Monaco 7710 SW 89th Portland, OR 97223 (503) 245-0174 FAX (503) 472-9953
Bill Bolton 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895-5576 FAX (541) 895-4029 tricarb@aol.com
Doug Auburg 7215 NE 61st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 694-7769 FAX (360) 694-7998 dauburg@vintagead.com
A-H Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426
Club Web Site: http://www.healey-oregon.org Contents: Club Activities Other Car Events President’s Message Membership Report May Meeting Minutes LaGrande Tour Charity Committee Dilemma Infatuation HEADLINES Rendezvous 2000 Rendezvous 2001 New Virus Classified Ads
July Meeting
4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14
Date: July 8, 2000 Program: Zupan’s Historic Races at PIR Meeting: The meeting will be held at Portland
International Raceway after the day’s racing. Dinner: On your own, following the meeting.
Cover This months cover photo was taken at the West Coast Meet at Kah-Nee-Tah in July of 1998 by Gene Lambert.
Thanks for your Help Bob Bollinger, Allan & Mary Gross, Dee Meyer, Betty Hand, Mark Schneider, Gene Lambert, John Wilson Healey Northwest
July 2000
Healey Northwest
AHCO Activities Calendar by Allan Gross
© 2000 AHCO
The official publication of the AustinHealey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinions of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omission of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 e-mail: terryaviator@bigplanet.com AHCO MEMBERSHIPS Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year memberships are available in person at any meeting or by mail: $25.00 per individual or couple (add $10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Membership Director. DEADLINES The Healey Northwest submittal deadline is the 20th of the preceding month. 4
Healey Northwest
Editor’s note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information.
July 8, 2000 The July meeting will be held in conjunction with the Historic Races held at Portland International Raceway on July 8 and 9. We must order tickets as a group. Your fee of $25 includes a two-day admission ticket for driver and a guest, car corral pass, a dash plaque and the everpopular parade lap. Additional guest tickets are $10 each. Please send a check made out to AHCO to reach Allan Gross by May 30, 2000. Mail to Allan Gross, 8217 NE 71st Street, Vancouver, WA 98662 If necessary, you can call Allan at 360-254-4527 or email him at agross9217@aol.com. Allan’s deadline for group purchase is June 1, 2000. He will send you your tickets and parking passes. There will be NO corral passes distributed on-site. Let’s have a big Healey turnout! August 12, 2000 The August Healey meet will be a rally/tour from Southwest Portland to the north Oregon coast. We will meet at 10 a.m. in the parking lot of the Sunset Presbyterian Church which is just off Hwy 26 - exit 65. This is approx. 1 1/2 miles west of 217. Please be on time as the first car will be out at 10:30 a.m. and every minute thereafter until everyone is on their way. This will be a TSD (timespeed-distance) rally with some gimmicks thrown in just for fun. You only need a note pad & pencil. An odometer would also be helpful. This is a very easy rally with the emphasis on fun. Prizes will be awarded for a variety of winners. Please bring along a sack lunch as there will not be a dedicated ‘time-out’ for lunch break. After the rally, you are all invited to stay for a Mexican fiesta co-hosted by Barbara & Chuck Gowan and the Monacos. This will take place at Monaco’s beach house in Seaside. Please just bring your own beverages. All else will be provided at no cost to participants. September 2, 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) Meeting to be held in conjunction with the Portland All British Field Meet at PIR. (Continued on page 11...) u July 2000
Other Car Events Zupan’s Historic Races July 7 - 9, 2000 Zupan’s Historic Races will be held Friday through Sunday. Take your Healey to Portland International Raceway for display in the Healey Corral and a chance to take your car for a parade lap. Don’t miss this one, since the AHCO meeting will be on the field after Saturday’s racing. Concours d’Elegance July 16, 2000 The 28th annual Forest Grove Concours d’Elegance will be held from 8:30AM to 4:30PM on Sunday, July 16. This year’s theme will be “America’s Cars - The First 100 Years”. An elegant evening social will be held on Saturday from 6PM to 8:30PM, including entertainment. Attendance is limited to entrants. Admission to the Sunday car show is $12 at the gate. An “Exotic Auto Emporium” will be a part of the show Sunday. If you have a ‘qualified’ collectable car to sell this may be the perfect place. Contact the Forest Grove Rotary Concours d’Elegance for more information. Their Hotline number is (503) 357-2300 or visit their website at www.forestgroveconcours.org. 12th Annual Western Washington ABFM July 21 -22, 2000 Held on the grounds of Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA, the 12th Annual Western Washington All British Field Meet, Car Show and Swap Meet, begins with a Cocktail Party on Friday July 21. This show of over 500 entrants and 6000 spectators in addition to its regular Marque Displays will have a special “SALUTE TO MORGAN”. Call Arnie Taub at (425) 644-7874 or enter using their website: www.abfm.com. 1st Austin Healey Rendezvous July 24 - 28, 2000 The Austin Healey Rendezvous will be hosted by the Cascade Austin Healey Club in beautiful Ocean Shores, Washington. Activities will center around the Shilo Inn Hotel - Conference Center. Make your plans for the event that promises to be the “event of the year”. To make your reservation at Shilo Inn call (800) 334-1015. For more information contact: Joyce Toms at (360) 8768236. Brownsville Summer Car Fest August 19.2000 In Brownsville Oregon on Saturday, August 19, starting at 9:00am, European car owners are invited to enjoy a Healey Northwest
day of sunshine and cars with a Wash-n-Shine, in conjunction with the Brownsville Antique Fair. Fun Runs and Funkhanas will be held. All European marques are welcome so come and enjoy the fun. $15 to enter your car, Peoples choice and other prizes awarded, 50-50 raffle. For information call: Cheryl (541) 688-2735 or Barbara (541) 726-0612. Portland Oregon All British Field Meet September 2 -3, 2000 The 24th Annual Portland All British Field Meet on Labor Day weekend, Saturdayand Sunday, September 2nd and 3rd, 2000, will be held at the Portland International Raceway. Over 800 British vehicles of all types are on display on Saturday. This year salutes Minis and Morgans. Activities include popular choice voting, Jaguar concours judging, car club regalia tents, food stands, roving bagpipes and free parking. Additional attractions include a rallye, autocross and free rides on track in sports cars. For more information see the website: www.abfmtdx.com, or call the hotline: 1-503-504-ABFM. Annual Northwest Austin Healey Meet September 15-17, 2000 Hosted by the BC Club the meet will be held on Sept 15,16,17 on Vancouver Island in Sydney which is a 10 minute drive from the Swartz Bay ferry that arrives from Tswwassen. Come visit with friends and fellow British car enthusiasts, participate in the rally and enjoy the big car show on Sunday. See page 14 for complete details. Maryhill Loops Hillclimb October 7 - 8, 2000 Sponsored by SOVREN, the Society Of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts, the Maryhill Loops Hillclimb is an adrenaline pumper for competitors and spectators alike. The course follows a section of the Maryhill Loops Road located in south central Washington. On a scale of 1 to 10, this course has a pucker factor of 12, and provides plenty of entertainment. Texas 2000 November 12 - 17, 2000 Presented by the Ford Motor Company, this is another Vintage Rallies affiliated event. Enjoy a time/speed/ distance rally in a part of Texas that is anything but hot, flat and boring. This event is open to any pre-1974 sports, racing or GT car, as well as any Ford-powered performance car. More information can be found by calling Vintage Rallies, Inc. at 800-645-6069, FAX 860-3645899 or visit their web site at www.vintagerallies.com. u July 2000 5
President’s Message
Membership Report
by Bob Bollinger
by Mary Gross
By the time you are reading this you will have made the trip to La Grande and back. We hope you all had a great trip and are sorry we couldn’t have joined you. The July meeting will be at the Historic Races in Portland and is always a fun time. A reminder about that meeting: Early this year we changed the constitution to make the September meeting the annual election. Which means that nominations will be accepted at the July and August meetings. Start thinking about whom you want as your officers for next year. If you have someone in mind for a particular position, before nominating them, ask him or her first if they would like to do the job. And please don’t nominate someone who is not there if they have not been asked prior to the meeting. This would save a lot of confusion if the person declines and we have no one to put on the ballot in September. Also, you might want to think about running for a position yourself. There is only one job which requires that you hold a previous office so don’t be afraid to get involved even if you are new to the club. Either nominate yourself or have another member do it for you. The club would like nothing more than to have someone who really wants the job in a given position. None of the jobs are difficult although some do require a little more time than others. There are plenty of folks who would be willing to help and in some instances the position may be held by more than one member. So put your thinking caps on and lets make this the second biggest election of 2000.
July Birthdays: 2- Stephanie Hellickson 3- Nadia Bigand 4- Kathy Sabel 5- Dan Mailey, Bob Rounsefell 6- Karen Ditzler 7- Joe Bornhorst 8- Nils Jensen 10- Dave Brown 13- Reid Trummel. Rich Sabel 14- Rex Urban 15- JaAnn Hoisington 16- Glenn Fisk 18- Gary Jackson 20- Marie Cowan 21- Robert Cole, Kathy Bevill, Gene Lambert, Jon Hoisington 22- Bill Bolton 23- Carla Bollinger, JoAnn Yarnal 24- Wendy Schaffer, Ruby Warren, Jack Jakobsen 27- Ed Beall 28- Marlene Averill 30- Tom Magnuson 31- Geri Lynch, Judy McAuley And we wish you many more! John Yorde lives in Seattle and bought his Healey from Allan Wales. John works for the US Post Office and is Allan’s mailman. Please add his information to your roster. John Yorde 772 N. 74th Seattle, Wa. 98103 206-789-3095 jyorde@aol.com
Allan and Kathleen Wales have a new e-mail address: akwales@olynet.com
Healey Northwest
July 2000
General Membership Meeting June 17, 2000 Minutes by Dee Meyer The meeting was called to order by Jack Jakobsen at cheon at the Geoff Healey Memorial Shelter. 9:10 p.m. He thanked Ellen Hector for hosting the weekEditor - Terry (and Stephanie) Hellickson were unable end events. to attend the meeting due to the death of Terry’s father. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as published. He sent word through Bert and Betty Hand that items for the next newsletter need to be in by 6/20. Ballots for the election in September will be mailed separately from There was no Treasurer’s report. the newsletter due to time constraints. Activities - Allan Gross had received a request that more meetings/activities be held in the Eugene area. It was ABFM - Doug Auburg reported that invitations to the the consensus of the meeting attendees that this year’s ABFM are about to be mailed. Tom Monaco is getting events should not be changed but that next year we ads. The Swap Meet on Sunday will not be in the usual should try to get more volunteers from the Eugene area. paved area. Gary Meyer requested volunteers for counting Popular Choice Ballots on Saturday. Ellen then gave an update on Sunday’s plans. Regalia - Betty Hand reported the new restoration book Old Business - Jack reminded folks to get their reservawas in. She had copies of that as well as a supply of tions in for the Healey Rendezvous 2000. Kool Ties for this trip. Skip Monaco sent word that her Charity Committee consists of Dave Brown, Doug Escriva, Neil Shepard. They Advertising - There was no report. have met and will be announcing the first Charity Run Club Coordinator - Bill Bolton sent info regarding plans within the next week. It will be published in the newsfor the Healey Rendezvous 2001. It looks like it will be letter. Everyone is encouraged to attend. July 16-20 at the Riverside Inn. (Not all is final yet.) Plans include guided and unguided tours, a rally, a Jetboat The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Submitted by Excursion on the Rogue River, and car show and lun- Dee Meyer for Stephanie Hellickson
Healey Northwest
July 2000
A Grand Trip To LaGrande by Betty Hand The scenery was great for the whole trip and we arrived in LaGrande at 5:40pm, 20 minutes late for our meeting. When we arrived at the motel, 3 cars from Kennewick, WA were there to greet us. Ellen had made dinner reservations at Ten Depot restaurant for 6:30pm., so we postponed the meeting until after the meal, which was delicious. The meeting was held at the Sandman Motel after dinner and was kept short by fatigue and the The morning was cool and excitement was high as we late hour. started up I-84 to meet more HEALEYS. Koebers, Meyers, the Hood River Lamberts and the Jakobsens Sunday’s tour, led by Ellen Hector was wonderful. We joined us as we sped by. We left the highway at The took back roads toward Baker City, thru small towns Dalles and drove through the rolling hills toward Tigh and along roadside streams, it was very peaceful. We Valley where the Santees joined our troop. The Reuters didn’t set any land speed records which the ladies were were parked neatly on the corner as we turned toward very happy about, we had time to enjoy the scenery, and the State Park, and more Healeys joined us there as we hear the birds chirping on the wind. Lunch was provided stretched our legs and discussed where we should stop by Ellen, which everyone enjoyed at the top of the Hells for gas and lunch. Since everyone was there we went Canyon Lookout. After lunch we headed down the other ahead and did a strange thing… we left ahead of sched- side of the mountain to Joseph, where they specialize in bronze sculptures, and then on to Lake Wallowa for an ule. I think that’s a first in my HEALEY records. ice cream and a photo shoot. Saturday morning greeted us with sunshine and chipper spirits, Ah, summer is finally making an appearance. Will it hold thru the weekend? Bert and I started out late, but quickly made up for lost time. We caught up right as Doug Auberg and Bill Massey were pulling into the Park and Ride where Allan and Mary Gross were waiting.
While passing through Grass Valley our car sputtered a bit, and almost died. We pulled over to the side of the road and all the Healey gurus pondered a little. When Bert said he thought it was the fuel pump they kinda shook their heads. Bert removed all the luggage from the back seat, and flipped the toggle switch to use the other fuel pump (we installed 2 during restoration). The car started right up. We then repacked the luggage and continued on our way, only to go less than two miles and it did it again. This time he removed the back seat pan behind the drivers seat and changed the fuel filter. Headed out again only to remember he hadn’t tightened one of the hose clamps and we could smell fuel. One more stop and we were on the road again with no more trouble.
When we came out of the ice cream shop, we were looking over the cars and noticed a young mule deer inspecting the interior of the Koebers car. Come to find out he got a whiff of an apple hidden in the door pocket, and he wanted it. I lured him away with another apple so they had a chance to retrieve theirs. Another opportunity for a photo shoot. Departing the lake we returned to the motel to freshen up for dinner, again provided by our hostess Ellen Hector, with help from her late husband’s sister and brother-in-law, Bob and Jan Hazlett. What a wonderful buffet. Thanks Ellen, I now how hard it is to host organize a tour, but to do two meals and a tour, WOW my hats off to you. Great job, Thanks so much.
The trip home was made on Monday morning, down the slab to the city of dense Stopping in Condon for lunch and fuel brought back traffic and noise. I still can’t believe the lack of traffic memories of the 1st time we took this tour. The only and great road conditions we had. It was unbelievable. wildlife we happened upon was a badger crossing the For those who missed it, all I can say is “You missed a road in front of our leader. Then that old badger turned great scenic trip” and barred his teeth as if we were a threat. I’m sure glad we didn’t have a break down there. 8
Healey Northwest
July 2000
Charity Committee Activities The ‘Charity’ committee, comprised of Dave Brown, Doug Escriva, & Neil Shepard met at the home of Skip Monaco to discuss some Charity events that would be good choices for the Club to participate in. Dave Brown came up with St. Mary’s Home for Boys in Beaverton. After the group met with Lynda Walker, staff member at the Home, she enthusiastically invited our Club to come visit them at our earliest convenience.
ner with them followed by us giving the boys a real thrill in being able to see these cars up close & talk with the owners. This is also doesn’t take one dime out of the Club bank account. We are just there doing another good deed for some kids who really will appreciate it.
Just so you know, in the past the Chevy Club, and a motorcycle club has also gone out there. It really means a lot to the boys. In terms of time, we The date chosen is July 13th (Thursday). Please be at figured that we’d probably leave St. Mary’s by no later the Monaco’s 7710 SW 89th in Portland no later than 5 than 7 p.m. That makes it a short evening for us, and a p.m.so that we can depart together in our Healeys and good opportunity to get the cars out. Let’s show a great pull onto the grounds of St. Mary’s Home for Boys in turn out for this cause. Beaverton. They have graciously asked us to have din-
St. Peter’s Dilemma On their way to a justice of the peace to get married, a couple had a fatal car accident. The couple found themselves sitting outside Heaven’s Gate waiting on St. Peter to do an intake. While waiting, they wondered if they could possibly get married in Heaven. St. Peter finally showed up and they asked him. St. Peter said, “I don’t know, this is the first time anyone has asked. “Let me go find out.” and he left. The couple sat and waited for an answer...for a couple of months...and they began to wonder if they really should get married in Heaven, what with the eternal aspect of it all. “What if it doesn’t work?” they wondered, “Are we stuck together forever?” St. Peter returned after yet another month, looking somewhat bedraggled. “Yes,” he informed the couple, “you can get married in Heaven.” “Great,” said the couple, “but what if things don’t work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?” St. Peter, red-faced, slammed his clipboard onto the ground. “What’s wrong?”, asked the frightened couple. “COME ON!” St. Peter shouted, “It took me three months to find a priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it will take me to find a lawyer?” Healey Northwest
July 2000
How My Infatuation Began Mark Schneider I think it was about 1962, my junior year at the University of Minnesota. My uncle returned from England with an Austin Healey Sprite. The first weekend he and his family were back, Uncle Jim asked me if I wanted to drive the Sprite for a couple of days while he and the family went up to the lake. Can you believe that?!?!!? Ask a college junior if he would like to drive a top down, foreign sports car for a whole summer weekend, two whole days (and nights). Jeez! I don’t think the engine oil ever reached room temperature until Jim can home and wrenched the keys out of my hands. I was hooked.
the neighbor and see about purchasing the car. Being a clever and devious strategist I said, “Thank you, Honey, I appreciate the thought but you just don’t understand what kind of car that is. That is a Big Healey! I just wouldn’t feel right spending that much of our meager funds just to buy a sports car for me”. She urged, nagged and I finally began to see the wisdom in her suggestion.
In June, 1965 my wife, Marilynne, and I married. Our first car was a new MGB. At the end of that summer we drove the MG from Minneapolis, MN to Eugene where I attended graduate school. We had the MG for about four years, until our second child came along. At that point Marilynne thought we needed a larger car. I never understood how she arrived at that conclusion. The kids always seemed fine behind the seats, on top of the battery hatches. It turned out that the neighbor had not yet fully decided to sell the car. But, he said he’d let me know when he I loved that MG. I loved the way the gentle Oregon had. Of course, he wanted to know what I was willing rains came through 107 places around the top and doors. to pay for the car. I was embarrassed by the $1300 I I loved the way the British red paint mellowed in color offered and figured he’d laugh me out of the house. But to a delicate shade of dull orange in just three short years. that was all we could afford and he accepted it. EventuActually, it was a great car. Since it was a 1965 MGB it ally, the neighbor left for Hawaii without deciding about was built before all of the U.S. environmental laws had the Healey sale. However, his family was staying bereduced the B to a weakling. The MG was a good run- hind to sell the house and his wife would let me know ner and produced awesome sounds. I cried like a baby the day we sold the MG. I remained hooked on British sports cars. After I finished graduate school I got my first real job and we moved to Richland, WA We bought our first home and settled in. That was in 1969. About three doors down the street a neighbor had an incredible looking British sports car. It was a 1966 Austin Healey 3000, Mk III, BJ8. Every time we drove by the neighbor’s house that beautiful Healey was just sitting in the driveway. Clearly, the neighbor hated me for some reason. Why else would he torment me by leaving the Healey out front where I had to look at it all the time? However, Marilynne could feel my pain. One day she learned that my tormentor was moving to Hawaii and was considering selling his Healey. She suggested I go down to 10
Healey Northwest
when he finally decided about the car. One day a couple of anxious, impatient weeks later his wife called to say that they were going to sell the Healey. It was mine if I wanted it. I asked if I might take the car to a local meu(Continued on page 12...) July 2000
25 BEST NEWSPAPER HEADLINES OF 1999 1. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Experts Say 2. Include Your Children When Baking Cookies 3. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers 4. Drunks Get Nine Months in Violin Case 5. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms 6. Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus? 7. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope 8. Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over 9. British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands 10. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids 11. Clinton Wins Budget; More Lies Ahead 12. Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told 13. Miners Refuse to Work After Death 14. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant 15. Stolen Painting Found by Tree 16. Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half 17. War Dims Hope for Peace 18. If Strike Isn’t Settled Quickly, It May Last a While 19. Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide 20. Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge 21. Obesity Study Looks for Larger Test Group 22. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Space 23. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks 24. Sisters Reunited after 18 Years in Checkout Line 25. Typhoon Rips through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
(...Activities, continued from page 4.) October 14, 2000 Hosts: Gene and Barbara Lambert, Todd and Carrie Schelling. The planned activities include a wine tour. November 11, 2000 Hosts: Kevin and Marie Cowan. Activity to be identified at a later time. December 2 , 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) A catered Christmas party at the Shriner’s facility in the Wilsonville area.
Disaster Strikes in Poland Poland’s worst air disaster occurred today when a small, two-seat Cessna aircraft crashed into a cemetery early this afternoon in central Poland. Polish search and rescue workers have recovered 826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the evening.
From the Editor As you might have noticed from the content and reduced page count, your Healey Northwest doesn’t have as much in it this month. There are several reasons for this but the most important one is a lack of contributions. Many AHCO members have interesting stories to tell. Many AHCO members would like to read those stories, and see the pictures that go with them. Don’t be bashful. Let’s hear your story. If you don’t, I’ll be forced to start writing stories myself. We don’t want that now, do we? Healey Northwest
July 2000
Healey Rendezvous 2001
Tour to Rendezvous 2000
The Austin Healey Club of Oregon would like to invite its members to enter competitive logo designs for Healey Rendezvous 2001. Entries will be judged and selected at the monthly meeting on August 12. Entries are to be in color and either brought to the meeting or mailed to arrive at the Club address at least one week prior to the meeting.
Bill Bolton is organizing a tour to Healey Rendezvous 2000, on Monday August 24, leaving Junction City at 0800. The tour will travel up US 99 W to Rickreall, left on OR 22 to Valley Junction, then a back road to Hebo. At Hebo the Oregon tour group will meet up with the contingents coming north from California. The entire troop will then travel US 101 through Astoria and Hoquiam to Ocean Shores.
Bear in mind that the Healey Rendezvous 2001 will be centered in Grants Pass where the Geoff Healey Memorial Shelter is located. Also included will be tours to Jacksonville, Oregon Caves, Crater Lake, Applegate Museum and Wolf Creek Inn. These activities will be in addition to the car show, Rally and Concours. So put on your creativity hat, get out your crayons and have fun. But don’t go NEAR the walls!
The Boltons specifically invite one and all to join them in the fun tour to the Healey Rendezvous 2000. Either call them at 541-895-5576, e-mail them at tricarb@aol.com or drop them a line to let them know where you would like to join in. (...Infatuation, continued from page 10) chanic just to see if there were any problems I might like to know about. There was one. The mechanic said the clutch would need replacement soon, in a year or two. He figured it would be about $200 for parts and labor. When I told the neighbor about the clutch she offered to split the difference and sell the Healey to me for $1200. The car was absolutely cherry. It had 42,000 miles on it, not a ding anywhere, and all 240 spokes on the wire wheels rung like guitar strings (at least to my ears). Life was sweet. I have owned my Healey for over 28 years. We will never be separated. Over the years the Healey has been one of the best cars I have ever owned. People who bad-mouth British cars don’t know how to drive them or take care of them. Eventually, I did replace the clutch, about fourteen years after I bought the car. I have also replaced master and slave cylinders, brake vacuum servo, and axle seals. I also replaced the carpets and the top. About two years ago I needed to replace one of the original painted wire wheels. So, I did the job right. I bought four new Dayton chrome, 72 spoke wire wheels, and installed new wheel bearings, hubs, brake pads, and knockoffs. This past winter I put her up on jack stands and dismantled the front suspension to replace the bushings with a set of Tom Monaco’s poly bushings. I then re-built the kingpins, black powder coated most of the suspension members, and reassembled with new hardware. I am now more hooked on my Healey than ever.
Healey Northwest
July 2000
New Virus Alert There is a new virus going around called WORK. If you receive any sort of WORK, whether via e-mail, Internet, or simply handed to you by a colleague, do not open it. Those who have opened WORK have found that their social life is deleted and their brain ceases to function properly. If you do encounter WORK via e-mail or are faced with any WORK at all, then to purge the virus send an e-mail to your boss with the words: ‘This is too much for me. I’m going out for a beer. This better not be here when I get back.’ Your brain should automatically delete all references to WORK. If you receive WORK in paper document form, simply lift the document and drag it to your trash can. Send this message to all your friends in your address book. If you do not have anyone in your address book, then the WORK virus has already corrupted your life. Healey Northwest
July 2000
Classified Ads Classified Ads are free to all paid up members of AHCO, the Austin-Healey Owners Association of BC and the Cascade Austin Healey Club, and $2.00 each to nonmembers. These rates do not apply to commercial ads. Ads normally run three issues unless renewed by the advertiser. O=AHCO, C=Cascade, B=BC. Commercial Ad Rates: Monthly payment: Full page: $30, 1/2 page: $18, 1/4 page: $10, 1/8 page: $6, Business Card: $4. Inside cover (f or b): Full page: $35, 1/2 page: $21, Back cover, 1/2 page: $24. Annual payment in advance w/monthly appearance: Full page: $300, 1/2 page: $180, 1/4 page $100, 1/8 page $60, business card: $40. Inside cover (f or b), full page: $350, 1/2 page: $210. Back cover, 1/2 page: $240. Non-member business classifieds: $5 per month per six lines. Commercial display ads will be rotated between various positions. (Max. sizes: Full: 7.5” x 10”, Half: 7.5” x 5”, Quater: 3.5” x 5”, Eighth: 2-1/8” x 5”, Bus. Card: 2’ x 3.5”.)
Cars for Sale 1959 AH Bug Eye Sprite. Original, very complete car with original 948cc engine. Needs complete restoration. Dean Willoughby (503) 286-4042. (O-12) 1963 Austin Healey BJ7. Basket case. Fairly complete though a badly rusted frame and instruments out; all or will part out. Also, an extra BJ7 rear shroud in fairly good shape. Esko, 253-813-9842, eskogc@halcyon.com. (O-5) 1961 Austin Healey, 3000 MK II, Series BT7 ( four seater model ), VIN: HBT71 6726. 47,867 miles, primer, major body work done, new chrome, new wiring harness, not running, numerous spare parts, stored for years, $7900.00 Canadian. Contact Wayne Walker, Saskatoon, Sk. Ph. (306) 242-7476, e-mail: wwwalker@sk.sympatico.ca (N-5) 67 Austin Healey Sprite, right-hand drive, papers of shipment Hamburg to Portland, wires, several tops, recent rebuild top to bottom, eye catcher, good condition. Priced to sell @ $5,000. Contact Jerry at (503) 650-0396 or EMail aweese@cybcon. com (N-6) 63 Sprite (not Bug-Eye), great condition. Has both tops. Has 1277 engine, it and the running gear are in excellent condition as are the tires. Body is in good condition. Has been garaged. Drives very well. May be interested in a trade. $4000 or best offer. Contact Peter Shoemaker in the evenings at 294-1453. (N-7)
Parts for Sale Full set of Mini-lite Wheels, fit AH Sprite. Charles Burke, 503-289-5055. (O-6) Heavy Duty Poly Front Suspension Bushings for all Austin Healeys - big and small. Correctly done in black. Competitively priced. Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Heavy Duty Brake Shoes for all Austin Healey models. Impervious to all oils and fluids. Experience 25% better stopping power - cheap at any price. These can save your nose! Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Lightened flywheels for big Healey models. They really make a big performance difference. You need one if you want your Healey to perform better in the corners and on the acceleration profile. Only the material not being used is removed. BN1 - BJ7 $120 plus a $40 core charge. BJ8 $140 plus a $60 core charge. Packing and shipping is extra. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-6) New Side Curtain Pouches made of felt lined black vinyl from original pattern. $45 ea. John Wilson (541) 9332016 (O-7) Hardtop windows for BN6/BT7/BN7. These windows are specifically manufactured of the treated poly-carbonate material used by the Indy race cars. They don’t fog or scratch like the currently advertised ones do! Fit it and forget it! You won’t need to replace it for years. $260 plus packing & shipping. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-2) 14
Healey Northwest
July 2000
Healey Northwest
July 2000
HEALEY NORTHWEST Austin Healey Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426
Healey Northwest
July 2000