2000 September - Healey Northwest

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Austin-Healey Club of Oregon

September 2000


Healey Northwest


September 2000

Austin-Healey Club of Oregon 2000 Officers President:

Vice President:



Bob Bollinger 1530 W. 28th Place Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 687-8218 cbrb@aol.com

Jack Jakobsen 3801 Wy’east Road Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 354-3971 & FAX with prior call. jakobsen@gorge.net

Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Gary Jackson 3118 Northridge Way Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 343-0117 gary.jackson@ eweb.eugene.or.us





Mary Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Allan Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Betty Hand & JaAnn Hoisington 1520 NE Lincoln Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 693-9293 nrhand@aol.com

Advertising Mgr.:

Club Cordinator:


Club Address:

Skip Monaco 7710 SW 89th Portland, OR 97223 (503) 245-0174 FAX (503) 472-9953

Bill Bolton 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895-5576 FAX (541) 895-4029 tricarb@aol.com

Doug Auburg 7215 NE 61st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 694-7769 FAX (360) 694-7998 dauburg@vintagead.com

A-H Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426

Club Web Site: http://www.healey-oregon.org Contents: Club Activities NW Meet Update Other Car Events President’s Message Membership Report August Meeting Minutes St. Mary’s Thanks, AHCO St. Mary’s Rallye Cruising Sidney Tour Weddings Classified Ads

September Meeting

4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 18

Date: September 2, 2000, 10:00 AM Program: Portland All British Field Meet Meeting: The meeting will be held at PIR after the

day’s activities. Dinner: Open for discussion. See page 4 for more information....


This month’s cover was shot at the Mist Store and Cafe by Stephanie Hellickson during the Rallye Across the River. Healeys and their crews take a break on their winding way.

Thanks for your Help

Bob Bollinger, Allan & Mary Gross, Stephanie Hellickson, Tammy Auburg, Sarah Bledsoe, Karen Morrison, Reid Trummel, Bill & Pat Bolton, Kathy Jensen, St. Mary’s Boys and staff, Skip Monaco.

Healey Northwest


September 2000


AHCO Activities Calendar

Healey Northwest

by Allan Gross

© 2000 AHCO

The official publication of the AustinHealey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinions of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omission of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 e-mail: terryaviator@bigplanet.com AHCO MEMBERSHIPS Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year memberships are available in person at any meeting or by mail: $25.00 per individual or couple (add $10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Membership Director. DEADLINES The Healey Northwest submittal deadline is the 20th of the preceding month. 4

Healey Northwest

Editor’s note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information.

September 2, 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) The Portland All British Field Meet is now the largest of its kind in the United States. The Protland ABFM will be held on Saturday and Sunday, September 2nd and 3rd at Portland International Raceway, located on the west side of I-5, across from Delta Park. Saturday activities include the giant British vehicle display, food vendors, type-club regalia tents, popular choice voting and Jaguar concours. Sunday features a rally, slalom course on the PIR track and the all-British swap meet. The AHCO meeting will be held on Saturday after the day’s activities. The tentative time for the meeting is around 4:00 PM. Meals will be up to individual members following the meeting. Let’s make it a great Healey turn-out. Bring your Healey and be prepared to have fun! October 14, 2000 Hosts: Gene and Barbara Lambert, Todd and Carrie Schelling. The planned activities include a wine tour. November 11, 2000 Hosts: Kevin and Marie Cowan. Activity to be identified at a later time. December 2 , 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) Christmas party at the Shriner’s facility near Wilsonville. January 13, 2001


February 10, 2001 ? Activities Note: As you can see by the lack of planned activities beyond December, there isn’t much on tap in the way of club functions for 2001. That makes it kind of tough for members to plan AHCO get-togethers among life’s other demands. It’s not too early to suggest or host a club activity for 2001. Help us begin the ‘new year’ planning process by sending in your suggestions or plans. Contact Allan Gross at 360-254-4527 or e-mail at agross9217@aol.com. u

September 2000

Northwest Meet Update

Other Car Events Portland Oregon All British Field Meet September 2 -3, 2000 The 24th Annual Portland All British Field Meet on Labor Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday, September 2nd and 3rd, 2000, will be held at the Portland International Raceway. Over 800 British vehicles of all types are on display on Saturday. This year salutes Minis and Morgans. Activities include popular choice voting, Jaguar concours judging, car club regalia tents, food stands, a rally, autocross and free sports car rides. For more information see the website: www.abfm-pdx.com, or call the hotline: 1-503-504-ABFM.

by Karen Morrison

EVENT: ANNUAL NORTHWEST AUSTIN HEALEY MEET DATE: September 15-17, 2000 LOCATION: Dunsmuir Lodge and Conference Centre 1515 McTavish Road, Sidney B.C. Canada, V8L 3Y3 CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: 250-656-3166 Fax: 250656-1999 Email: HYPERLINK mailto:dunsmuir@uvic.ca SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday September 15th: Friday will feature a hospitality suite with hors Annual Northwest Austin Healey Meet d’oeuvre, cocktails and fun. September 15-17, 2000 Hosted by the BC Club the meet will be held on Sept Saturday Sept 16th: Saturday features tours of the area, and the Saturday 15,16,17 on Vancouver Island in Sydney. Come visit nite dinner at the lodge. with friends and fellow British car enthusiasts, participate in the rally and enjoy the big car show on Sunday. Sunday Sept 17th: The Vancouver Island All British Car Club is hostFor more information phone or FAX: Phone #: 250-656ing the All British Field Meet at Fort Rod with the 3166 Fax: 250-656-1999. Healey as the featured marque. The park is located overlooking the Esquimalt Harbour and this is where Sunriver Exotic Car Show Weekend you’ll see very rare British Marques. September 15 - 17, 2000 This year’s event features a tour to Sunriver from the Portland area, judging and peoples choice awards and a scenic rally, not to mention all the activities available in the Sunriver area. Cost is $50 per person and includes the concours, Saturday night dinner and Sunday BBQ lunch. For information on the tour to Sunriver call John Draneas at 503-639-4036. For information on the event or lodging call Shelly McKittrick at 800-531-1130. A charge your adrenalin pump. On a scale of 1 to 10, this “first-timers” packet complete with activities and events course offers a “pucker factor” of 12! Don’t miss it. is available and can be obtained by calling the Sunriver For more information call SOVREN at 206-232-4644 or FAX: 206-232-3844. Chamber of Commerce at 877-669-3378. Maryhill Loops Hillclimb October 7 - 8, 2000 Sponsored by SOVREN, the Society Of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts, the Maryhill Loops Hillclimb offers plenty of excitement for competitors and spectators alike. Maryhill Loops Road is located in south central Washington between Maryhill and Goldendale in a valley stretching from the Columbial River to the bluffs above the river on land owned by the Maryhill Museum of Art. The course follows a section of this road. With sharp switchbacks and steep drop-offs, this event will superHealey Northwest


Texas 2000 November 12 - 17, 2000 This is a Vintage Rallies affiliated event presented by the Ford Motor Company. This event, a time/speed/distance rally, is open to any pre-1974 sports, racing or GT car, or any Ford performance car. The route follows roads through treed and hilly landscape not normally associated with Texas. It is anything but hot, flat and boring. More information can be found by calling Vintage Rallies, Inc. at 800-645-6069, FAX 860-364-5899 or visit their web site at www.vintagerallies.com. September 2000


President’s Message

Membership Report

by Bob Bollinger

by Mary Gross September Birthdays: 2- Kathy Jacob, Kelly Bledsoe, John Keaton 5- Carole Trenko 9- Tom Chikalla, Jim Hollingsworth 15- Jim Mankowski 17- Michelle Waters 21- Wendi Mankowski 30- Elizabeth Earnshaw Please welcome and add our new members to your roster: Gary Scott/ Nancy Gainer PO Box 628 Yamhill, OR 97148 503-464-3742

September President’s Message: And another great Healey weekend goes in the history books. This last one led us on a rally from the Portland area to the Monaco’s beach home in Seaside. Unfortunately, Carla and I couldn’t make the rally but those who did said it was a lot of fun. The few who got lost did make it in time for the meeting. Thanks to Tom and Chuck for putting on the rally and to Skip and Barbara for the delicious Mexican feast. Nominations have been made for all offices for next year. Ballots will be in the mail in plenty of time so please fill them out and bring them to the meeting September 2 at the All British Field Meet or mail the pre-addressed ballot to arrive at the club address no later than September 1.

Dave Haij 10815 NW 11th Avenue Vancouver, WA 98685 work: 360-574-8866 1960 AN5 We also have a member who is rejoining: John Dahle 3033 Landmark Cr. Nanaimo, BC Canada V9T 5P9 Jeannie and Joe Bornhorst have moved. Their new address is: Joe and Jeannie Bornhorst 7796 Crystal Cove Pt. Mainesville, OH 45039-7010

See you at the ABFM. Bob

E llen H ector now has E -m ail. H er address is:

ehna@eoni.com Rick Baccus has new information for the roster. His entry will be under his name only. He also has a new phone number: 253-445-0499


Healey Northwest


September 2000

General Membership Meeting August 12, 2000 Minutes by Stephanie Hellickson The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. at the beach home of Tom and Skip Monaco in Seaside, Oregon. President Bob Bolinger thanked Tom, Skip, Chuck and Barb for putting on the terrific rally and food spread for this month. Everyone had a wonderful time. The minutes of the July meeting were approved as published in the August newsletter.

Club Coordinator, Bill Bolton, reported on the Rendezvous 2002 in Lake Tahoe. They have separated the budget for the honored guests from the budget for the meet itself. They are trying to get sponsors for the guests. Possible guests include Stirling Moss. They have quasicommitments for several cars coming from Europe and Australia. Librarian, Doug Auburg, was not present.

Vice President, Jack Jakobsen, had nothing to report. Treasurer, Gary Jackson, reported a beginning balance of $21,840.72 with a total income of $825.97 mostly from a contribution to the charity fund. Expenses for the month were $337.50 giving us an ending balance of $22,329.19. Membership, Mary Gross, was not in attendance. Activities, Allan Gross, was not in attendance but Bob passed on from him information on the Christmas Party which will be on December 2nd, starting about 3:00 p.m. and going to about 11:00 p.m. It will be at the Shrine Center in Wilsonville. The club meeting will be at 4:00. There will be entertainment by the Off Broadway Singers and a catered dinner from 6:00 to 7:30. The charity auction will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 and the gift exchange from 8:30 to 9:30. Allan also proposed that the club pick up the tab for the party which includes $300 for the building, $975 for the catered dinner, $150 for the band and $25 for the decorations. The motion was made and approved. Help will be needed for decorating prior to the party.

All British Field Meet, Tom Monaco, reported that we had almost 500 registrations for the meet so far. It will be the biggest meet in 24 years with as many as 200 Minis there. There are more Jaguars, MGs and Triumphs register than Austin Healeys, so get registered soon. Gary Jackson reminded members that the club will reimburse $10 of the registration cost, but it must be picked up at the regalia table between 11:00 and 12:00 on Saturday. Bob took a few moments to introduce Larry and Marie Emerson, new members, who won Peoples Choice at this years Rendezvous in Ocean Shores. Also introduced were Jeff and Lisa Brown who have been members for a little while, but his is there first event. Kelly and Sarah Bledsoe, who are long time members, were attending their second event. Welcome to them all and we hope to see them at many more events.

Rendezvous 2001 committee head, Bill Bolton, reported the new dates for the event will be July 30th - August 3rd at the Riverside Inn in Grants Pass. Tasks headed up so far include Earl and Joann Yarnal for the Rally, Pat Bolton along with Steve and Laurie Day will handle registration, Gary Jackson will handle the financial end, Editor, Terry Hellickson, asked for more infatuation ar- Bert Hand will Handle the Popular Choice Car Show, ticles. He has none for this next newsletter. There are Jim Grace will handle the trophies, Doug Auburg and lots of great stories out there. We want to here them. Skip Monaco will Be in charge of sponsors for the aucFor people who don’t make very many meetings, this is tion. Monday night will be welcoming event. There will be tickets in peoples’ packets for free drinks of wine a way to get to know you. or beer. Hard liquor will be available at a no host bar. Regalia, Betty Hand, reported that the new restoration Tuesday morning will be a board meeting for Austin books are available for $25 and can be purchased at the Healey Cub USA. Bob Hamlyn, a club member and All British Field Meet along with some other new items. operator of Hellsgate Excursions will be putting together exclusive Healey club excursions down the river for Advertising, Skip Monaco, had nothing new to report. (Continued on page 13...) Healey Northwest


September 2000


AN EVENING CAR EXPERIENCE WITH TEENAGE BOYS by Tammy Auburg On July 13, 2000, thirteen Healeys and their occupants gentleman in another British sports car was nice enough started out from the Monaco abode and headed for St. to get them started again on their way. We enjoyed our Mary’s Academy for Boys in West Beaverton, Oregon. dinner while visiting with the boys at our tables. They We all had instructions (verbal) on where to make the were excited to have us there and to take an interest in first stop and gather another car. So we jumped into our them. cars and away we went! The entourage lasted about a mile before we began to lose people to the rush hour St. Mary’s is home to 50+ young troubled males who traffic in Beaverton at 5:00 p.m. At the appointed stop, are there for a variety of reasons and are placed there the car I was riding in could only find three of the other 12 cars. As we were leaving the parking lot, the car made one of those “funny” little noises they make when the battery is VERY low on juice to make the motor smoke. And you all know that if the smoke is gone out of the car, it will not run. Chuck Gowan was nice enough to give us a push so that Tom Monaco could pop the clutch and get the engine running.

through the legal system. Here an attempt is made to change a boy’s thinking and behavior so that he becomes a productive member of society. Some of these kids are just a walk away from being sent to do hard time in a real prison or jail environment. Many are survivors of child abuse and neglect. Some are also abusers as a result. Many have various degrees of attention deficeit syndrom. Some are affected by the drugs and/or alcohol their mothers ingested during the pregnancy. Each By that time we had lost the other cars in the group again. As we progressed done the street and got into one of the lines for a left turn we noticed that the Gowan car had gotten behind a large Detroit type car and we no longer had visual contact. It took four cycles of the left turn light before Tom got us through the light, but no Gowans appeared. Tom drove as slow as traffic allowed along the Tualatin Valley Highway to the Academy while I watched for the Gowan car in the mirror. No luck. Finally we parked the car outside of the outdoor picnic area where the other club members were gathered with the 50+ boys and their counselors for grilled brats, potato salad, fresh fruit and fruit drinks. We were greeted by some very polite you men who introduced themselves to us and told us what the procedure was to fill the plates they had handed us. The Gowans finally arrived much to our relief. They had broken down, but a very nice 8

Healey Northwest


boy stays there until they learn what is needed to make it in the real world. One graduate of the school told me that just being able to make a decision about what he wanted to eat for a meal was a very big thing for him. You don’t get to make choices like that in these facilities. They earn privileges by behavior modifications. They can also lose these in one instant by not being strong (...continued on page 10.) September 2000

Healey Northwest


September 2000


HEALEYS VISIT ST. MARY’S HOME FOR BOYS by Kathy Jensen A beautiful evening , July 13, 2000, Thirteen Healey’s youth and wards of the court. The school’s program is visited the St Mary’s Home for Boys in Beaverton. We based on a behavioral model and has a student/staff rawere included in the boys evening meal, a BBQ, held tio of three-to-one. outdoors. We parked the Healeys surrounding our picnic area affording a picturesque view during our dinner. Started as a Catholic orphanage 111 years ago, the school has changed over the years and in 1968 transitioned to a Approximately 26 Healey Club members joined the boys state funded residential treatment facility. The name of and staff members at the picnic tables for some chatter the school has been retained, and a Catholic priest is during the meal. The boys were certainly enthusiastic represented on the board of directors but it is no longer over seeing the cars, having under the hood tours, and connected with the church. The basic components of the school’s program introduce values and morals to the hearing the engines run. boys. And as Lynda Walker emphasized, the program It was a worthwhile experience for us to show interest imparts a sense of empathy to the boys. Learning to not in the boys and the school. We met the director of the focus entirely on themselves is a crucial component in school, Emma Dennis, who began as a entry level staff their development. person more than 30 years ago and has remained devoted to its operation. She and director of development, Lynda told us that it means a lot to the boys who are Lynda Walker, who has been there 28 years, certainly “stuck here” when non-school visitors show interest in showed us a warm reception and welcomed our ques- them. Lynda has a stack of thank you notes written by the boys we can read at the next Healey meeting. We tions about the school and its programs. are grateful to Dave Brown and Skip Monaco who arApproximately 54 boys live at the school and another ranged the event. We enjoyed getting in contact with an 17 attend only in the daytime. The boys are troubled important community service. (...St. Mary’s, continued from page 8.) enough to say “No, this is not right and I will not do it”. After dinner, the boys were free to look the cars over and ask questions. The highlight of this was being able to take pictures of the 10 or so boys who had legal releases to have their pictures taken. They took turns piling four or five at a time into one of the cars for a snapshot while the rest gathered around the car. They were so awestruck by that experience. They giggled and joked with each other. Club members had so much fun watching these boys and talking with them during the hour and a half that we were there. Jonny Hart and Barb Gowan each saw a couple of the boys that they wanted to adopt right on the spot. This was a good opportunity to see some young men who are part of this country’s future and give them the idea that if they develop a tangible goal and work long enough at it, someday they too, can have some success. These boys will remember these cars. It was an opportunity for us to give our cars some publicity and it didn’t cost us a dime (except for some gas money). 10

Healey Northwest


Sole Survivor As a cruise ship passed a small island, a bearded man could be seen shouting and furiously waving his arms. “Who is that?” a passenger asked the captain. “I have no idea,” the captain replied. “But every time we pass by here he goes nuts.” September 2000

RALLYE ACROSS THE RIVER by Sarah Bledsoe Saturday started as a perfect day, partly cloudy and cool. stores and landmarks along the way. The driver is busy Perfect for the “ Awesome Healey “; warm enough to driving, the navigator is reading the directions so who is drive with the top down but cool enough not to overheat when stopped at a light. My husband, Kelly, and I packed a lunch and left home in Rainier, Oregon, with plenty of time to get to the rendezvous early. This was the first rally we had ever been on and the first club drive since we bought our BJ8 in 1991. We did attend one winter meeting in Portland three years ago but it was raining and the car stayed home.

We were the second car out, and passed the first car in the first five miles. I was the navigator and just read the directions and speed to Kelly who was driving. He did a great job of averaging speed by gut hunch and with the speedometer and odometer working in the car we were near the top at all the time check points. supposed to read all the signs and find out “how many pounds you can lose on ______ Rd?” We were told to

We might have won the thing except for two small complications. The first was the list of questions on signs, Healey Northwest


(continued on page 14...) September 2000 11

IMPROVING YOUR CRUISING by Reid Trummel For many years a favorite modification made by many big Healey owners has been to install a differential from a non-overdrive equipped big Healey into one with overdrive. The gear ratio of the rear end fitted to cars without overdrive is different — it’s a higher gear ratio that permits lower RPMs at highway speeds. When you install one of these gear sets into a Healey with overdrive, the result is a very high gear ratio – “long legs” — that permits highway cruising at even lower RPM when the overdrive is engaged. For anyone who uses their Healey on the highway, particularly for long trips, it is a real good deal.

fruition, you will get a NEW 3.5:1 gear set for just $220 (plus shipping, and of course you must make your own arrangements for installation). Mike is listed in the Austin-Healey Club USA’s 2000 Austin-Healey Resource Book, and he can be reached at 940 William Street, Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807; (908) 526-6090; mdlempert@worldnet.att.net Call now, operators are standing by. I’m already signed up for a set myself!

Unfortunately these non-overdrive rear end gear sets are actually somewhat rare because the vast majority of big Healeys were delivered with the “optional” overdrive (it was standard on the 100, series BN1 and BN2, but was an extra cost option thereafter). Those people who have been lucky enough to find one of these rare gear sets and install it in their overdrive-equipped big Healey typically rave about the results. Well, I’m happy to report the efforts of a member to organize a limited production run of gear sets in a ratio that is very close to the original non-overdrive ratio. Mike Lempert of Bridgewater, New Jersey is organizing this effort and the plan is to produce 100 sets of 3.5:1 gears. (The original rear end ratio on non-overdrive equipped big Healeys was 3.54:1.) The good news is, the cost will be only $220 and the minimum order required is 100 sets. If you commit to this project, here is what you get: one set of 3.5:1 gears for the rear end of any big Healey (except for the early BN1 cars with the spiral bevel gear differential). The 3.5:1 rear end ratio means easier cruising, less engine wear and better gas mileage. Almost immediately after announcing this project, Mike got orders for over 50 sets. It’s looking very good for making the minimum order of 100 sets. Therefore if you are interested at all I encourage you to contact Mike right away. The original rear ends with the 3.54:1 gear sets are rare and in most cases would cost you a whole lot more than $220 anyway. If this project comes to 12

Healey Northwest


September 2000

(...Minutes, continued from page 7)

Tour to Sidney

lunch at the OK Corral. The excursion will run from 11 to 3 and cost $37 per person which includes both the Bill & Pat Bolton are organizing a tour to the NW ride and the lunch. Pre-registration will be necessary. Healey Meet in Sydney during the 15-17 of SeptemTuesday afternoon will be tech sessions. Wednesday ber. The tour will start in Creswell on the 14th and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. will be the Rally in the Valley will travel up I-5 to Olympia, hence to Shelton, WA, which will include stops at both Goldale and Jacksonand on to Port Angeles. ville and time allowed to see the sights. Thursday morning will be the Rendezvous 2003 planning meeting. From Participants can stay at the Rivera Inn, close to the 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. will be the Popular Choice Car Show ferry, at 535 E. Front St., 360-417-3955, and place on the grounds of Shroeder Park beside the Jeff Healey their cars in line for the ferry early in the morning. Memorial, followed by a full catered picnic at the park. The Rivera has the cheapest rates and are AAA At 3 p.m. will be trophy presentations for the Popular recommended. Participants can then go have breakChoice and the rally followed by speeches by the honfast and await boarding. ored guest and a presentation for the Tahoe Meet in 2002. There will be an evening social get together that day The ferry will dock in Victoria and it is a short drive to and people will leave on Friday. There will be self guided Sydney. The advantage of going through Port Angeles tours available and concours by appointment. Bill reis avoiding the Seattle traffic, avoiding the unpredictminded members that the committee heads are going to able delay at the border to Tswassen and enjoying a need help, so please volunteer if you can. lovely route along the Hood Canal. Charitable Contributions committee head, Skip Monaco, If you want to join the Boltons on this tour please call passed around some of the nice thank you notes from them at 541-895-5576 to work out a meeting place. the Boys at St. Mary’s. She talked about some of the possibilities coming up such as manning phones for a telethon for Emanuel Hospital’s Burn Center and an event for Friends of the Children in mid September which would involve school supplies. The next planned event, suggested by Gary Jackson, will be for Jasper Mountain in Eugene. Located on 80 acres in the hill near Eugene, this organization is a center for severely abused children between the ages of 5 and 13 with an average stay of 2 to 3 years. We were provided with a list of athletic and musical needs and wants and we have decided to buy them a good BMX bike and helmet as they a track but only have two bikes for 18 kids. We would also buy bike helmets and other accessories for use with the regular bikes. This event will be August 26th People will meet at about 1to 1:30, go up to the facility for about an hour to an hour and a half. John and Shirley Wilson will then put on a barbecue. A motion was made and passed to have the club pay for the barbecue. It was also noted that the center needs musical instrument and that if any members had any in good condition that they no longer needed that this would be an opportunity to do something good with them. Skip also asked for more suggestions from members for possible charity events. (Continued on page 17...) by Bill and Pat Bolton

Healey Northwest


September 2000


(...Rallye, continued from page 11) bring a pad of paper and a pencil. I sure could have used a clip board! I was trying to leaf back and forth between the directions, the instructions which told you what CAST or RIP (not rest in peace) meant and the 3 pages of questions. I was terrified that I would lose one or another of these critical papers in the wind that

Having passed the first car at the start we were out all alone most of the trip. We followed Hwy 47 north to Vernonia crossing the Nehalem River and going under old train trestles (3). Having counted the pillars on the Vernonia town Hall (4) we continued down the Nehalem past “Big” Eddy park and into Mist. Here the directions were a little lacking for they neglected to tell us to whipped around as we headed down country roads going the required 50 mph. Many of the questions were not something that could be read or counted going 45 mph. We soon found that to count the hubcaps, antlers (about 18) or abalone shells on a house (over 30) you had to back up and count them carefully and that made a mess of your time. We answered many but also guessed or left several blank. The second complication was the red British sports car stopped along the road. We slowed down to make sure it wasn’t a Healey, saw it was a Triumph and went on by. The more experienced drivers knew this for a trap (?), stopped to offer help and got 10 points taken off their time for it. 14

Healey Northwest


September 2000

turn “R” to find the Mist store, our first stop. Being in our own backyard by now, we knew where the store was but others weren’t so lucky. At the store there were already about 20 motorcycles, a club also out on a tour. We made a rest stop and got an ice cream cone while cars came in and parked on both sides of the road. While the other drivers tried to find the owl and the fire extinguisher we headed down the river valley to Jewel. Here

being timed at the check point. Eating our lunch as we drove, we missed what the sign before mailbox 44500 said. After following the river to Nehalem Bay, traveling 101 north for a few miles we circled back to pick up Hwy 53 to backtrack to the previous check point and the end of the rally on Hwy 26. All cars then continued to seaside to the Monaco’s beach house for food (great tacos), meeting and generally good fellowship. We enjoyed the food, the company and the place. After trophies (we got second place) and more talk we headed home up the Columbia river.

The roads were scenic and not too bumpy (does everybody else’s Healey rattle on bumps?) and the course fun to drive. The company and free food was great. We will try to make it back for another drive with the club soon. We thank Tom, Chuck, Barbara and Skip for all the time and effort they put into making the rallye and Mexican fiesta a great experience and special treat for us . Oh, by the way, for those who weren’t there, I believe Tom said that Gary Jackson had a perfect 0 score for the timed we turned left to follow the river back to Hwy 26. If you portion of the rallye . Unfortunately he didn’t have a comissed this turn, as one car did, you ended up in Astoria. pilot , so he missed out on all the extra points for the Back on the Sunset Highway it was time for lunch but question and answer part of the rallye.

Rallye Across the River Standings Hook Award (given for car coming in on tow hook): Patrick Bigand Honorable Mention (perfect score but no extra credit points): Gary Jackson Third Place (Rallye score: 15; Q&A: -28): Car#10, Jeff and Lisa Brown Second Place (Rallye score: 10; Q&A: -24): Car#2, Sarah and Kelly Bledsoe First Place (Rallye score: 11; Q&A: -35): Car#?, Todd and Carrie Schelling (driving an MG!)

there was nowhere appealing to stop. We filled with gas, and continued on down the river on Hwy 53 after Healey Northwest


September 2000



In Chronological OrderWedding Number One!

Wedding Number Two!

Picture this. You and your sweetheart are on a European holiday in the Alps. After dating this wonderful woman for 6 years, you just can’t stand it another moment. So, you gather up your nerve, a bottle of wine and a fistful of wildflowers and in this beautiful

Some of us wondered if it would ever happen. After all, they had been dating since 1993, had participated in many events, and had even participated in the Monte Shelton Rally each year since 1995. David was the driver and Wendy the navigator.

Alpine setting you ask your Lady Love to be your wife.

Now THAT can really test a relationship. But on July 15 of this year it came to pass. Wendy Schaffer made an “honest man” (as the saying goes) out of Dave Auburg.

That sounds like something out of a storybook to most of us, but last year that was the setting AHCO member Dan Mailey used when proposing to Bonnie McGarry.

Wendy’s son, Reed, was one of the groomsmen, and Heidi (a mutual friend & also the matchmaker in this case) was one of the bride’s attendants.

Just one year later the marriage took place on July 1st of Dave is a design engineer for Freightliner in Portland. this summer and afterwards they spent their honeymoon Wendy is the office manager for a law firm. The newlyin Ireland. weds are making their home in Vancouver. The new Mrs. Mailey is a teacher at Eastwood Elementary School in Hillsboro. Husband Dan has been a sales rep for Nike for 20 years. The couple will reside in Hillsboro. 16

Healey Northwest


September 2000

(...Minutes, continued from page 13) Under Old Business, we finished up nominations for new officers. There were no new nomination accept for Leon Hart for Activities and a confirmation that Shirley Wilson would be willing to accept the nomination to work with Pat Barron on Regalia. Ballots will be sent out in the mail and must be returned before Friday the 1st or brought to the meeting at the ABFM Under New Business, a motion was made and passed for the club to pay for a snack tray for the people counting Popular Choice ballots. Tammy Auburg supplied this last year and it cost her about $35. Bill Bolton asked for logo designs for the 2001 meet. He also told us that the room rates at the meet will be $80 plus tax for a river view and $65 plus tax for a non view room. We have reserved 85 rooms for the meet. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Healey Northwest


September 2000


Classified Ads Classified Ads are free to all paid up members of AHCO, the Austin-Healey Owners Association of BC and the Cascade Austin Healey Club, and $2.00 each to nonmembers. These rates do not apply to commercial ads. Ads normally run three issues unless renewed by the advertiser. O=AHCO, C=Cascade, B=BC. Commercial Ad Rates: Monthly payment: Full page: $30, 1/2 page: $18, 1/4 page: $10, 1/8 page: $6, Business Card: $4. Inside cover (f or b): Full page: $35, 1/2 page: $21, Back cover, 1/2 page: $24. Annual payment in advance w/monthly appearance: Full page: $300, 1/2 page: $180, 1/4 page $100, 1/8 page $60, business card: $40. Inside cover (f or b), full page: $350, 1/2 page: $210. Back cover, 1/2 page: $240. Non-member business classifieds: $5 per month per six lines. Commercial display ads will be rotated between various positions. (Max. sizes: Full: 7.5” x 10”, Half: 7.5” x 5”, Quater: 3.5” x 5”, Eighth: 2-1/8” x 5”, Bus. Card: 2’ x 3.5”.)

Cars for Sale 1959 AH Bug Eye Sprite. Original, very complete car with original 948cc engine. Needs complete restoration. Dean Willoughby (503) 286-4042. (O-12) 1963 Austin Healey BJ7. Basket case. Fairly complete though a badly rusted frame and instruments out; all or will part out. Also, an extra BJ7 rear shroud in fairly good shape. Esko, 253-813-9842, eskogc@halcyon.com. (O-5) 1961 Austin Healey, 3000 MK II, Series BT7 ( four seater model ), VIN: HBT71 6726. 47,867 miles, primer, major body work done, new chrome, new wiring harness, not running, numerous spare parts, stored for years, $7900.00 Canadian. Contact Wayne Walker, Saskatoon, Sk. Ph. (306) 242-7476, e-mail: wwwalker@sk.sympatico.ca (N-5) 67 Austin Healey Sprite, right-hand drive, papers of shipment Hamburg to Portland, wires, several tops, recent rebuild top to bottom, eye catcher, good condition. Priced to sell @ $5,000. Contact Jerry at (503) 650-0396 or EMail aweese@cybcon. com (N-6) 63 Sprite (not Bug-Eye), great condition. Has both tops. Has 1277 engine, it and the running gear are in excellent condition as are the tires. Body is in good condition. Has been garaged. Drives very well. May be interested in a trade. $4000 or best offer. Contact Peter Shoemaker in the evenings at 294-1453. (N-7)

Parts for Sale Full set of Mini-lite Wheels, fit AH Sprite. Charles Burke, 503-289-5055. (O-6) Heavy Duty Poly Front Suspension Bushings for all Austin Healeys - big and small. Correctly done in black. Competitively priced. Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Heavy Duty Brake Shoes for all Austin Healey models. Impervious to all oils and fluids. Experience 25% better stopping power - cheap at any price. These can save your nose! Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Lightened flywheels for big Healey models. They really make a big performance difference. You need one if you want your Healey to perform better in the corners and on the acceleration profile. Only the material not being used is removed. BN1 - BJ7 $120 plus a $40 core charge. BJ8 $140 plus a $60 core charge. Packing and shipping is extra. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-6) New Side Curtain Pouches made of felt lined black vinyl from original pattern. $45 ea. John Wilson (541) 9332016 (O-7) Hardtop windows for BN6/BT7/BN7. These windows are specifically manufactured of the treated poly-carbonate material used by the Indy race cars. They don’t fog or scratch like the currently advertised ones do! Fit it and forget it! You won’t need to replace it for years. $260 plus packing & shipping. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-2) 18

Healey Northwest


September 2000

Healey Northwest


September 2000




Healey Northwest



September 2000

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