2008 September - Healey Nortwest

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SEPTEMBER 2008 www.healey-oregon.org/






expect that by the time you're reading this issue of Healey Northwest we'll be past Labor Day. Where has the summer gone? Between our trip to the Conclave in San Diego, the Portland Historics Races, the All British Field Meet, and getting ready for the Northwest Meet, it seems as if Memorial; Day weekend was just a couple weeks ago. I know I've put a couple

Club of Oregon



Jeff Mach 503-364-6789 mach@toast.net

Skip Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net



Mark Schneider 503-643-7208 mandmschneider@comcast.net

Tom Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net



thousand miles on my Sprite this season.

Cecilia Magnuson 360-834-0136 magnusons4@comcast.net

Joe Laws 503-636-5817 jflaws@att.net




Linda Adams 541-416-2347 ladams1284@aol.com

John Carter 503-579-6599 jc9821@msn.com



Jaci Koeber & Carole Trenko 503-244-3731 & 503-643-2387 koegeoja@hevanet.com

John Wilson 541-933-2016 johnhealeylane@worldnet.att.net



Jan Whittlesey 503-538-8610 jwhitlc@hevanet.com

AHCO Box 875 Marcola, Or. 97454



Glen Enright 503-538-8610 britcar69@hevanet.com

Bob Wallace 503-641-2810 bob_j_wallace@hotmail.com

peaking of the ABFM, I hope you were able to bring your car(s) or help us count the people's choice vote ballots or both. If you did, thanks very much and I hope you had fun. If you didn't, I hope that you can join us next year.


ou still have a chance to join us at the upcoming Northwest Meet at Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia on September 18 - 21, whether you drive a Healey there or not. It's a great location. I and several other Club members will be headed up there to participate. This will be the 31st annual meet among the Cascade, Oregon, and British Columbia Healey clubs - a tradition that has its origins in annual campouts on Mount Ranier. If you want to join in on the drive up to the meet, please call or email Bill Bolton to let him know as he is planning a drive up.


lso, now that we're moving into fall, we're looking for a slate of candidates for 2009 Club officer positions. A nominating committee has started its work and we'll also be accepting nominations from the floor at our September and October general membership meetings. You can find out the responsibilities of the various officer positions from the Club's Constitution and Bylaws in the back of your membership directory. If you are interested in running for an office, please contact me or come to our upcoming meetings.



Don’t try this at home. . . . or, Dancing in the rain.

Contents Random Mumblings • August Outings • Northwest Meet Info • Activities Update • Minutes from August Meeting • AHCO in History and much more! Thanks to Cecila Magnuson for her careful note taking at the monthly meeting. John Wilson provided another humorous story. Kym Randolph gave us an article on the outing to Olympia and Larry Clemenson provided some photos. Michael Hartfield showed us pictures of his newly restored BJ8, Mark Schneider and Bob Wallace wrote about their experiences at Gary Jackson’s in Redmond and provided pix, too. More can be seen on our website.



hat's about all I've got say this month, except get out there and enjoy your cars before it gets cold, wet, and nasty and we're stuck inside until next spring. Oh, and stay safe out there. Thanks, Jeff


AHCO Activities 2008 Up-Date


NOTE Northwest Healey Meet at Harrison hot Springs, B.C. September 18-21, 2008. See info above. John Wilson is organizing a convoy. If you plan to go, call John 1-541-933-2016.

LET'S GO TO THE BEACH On Sat. Oct. 4th (the first Sat.- not the usual 2nd Sat. ) our monthly event will begin at 10 a.m. sharp with Club members departing for a wonderful 3 hour tour of our beautiful coast range with our destination being the Seaside home of Tom & Skip Monaco. Everyone will gather from 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. just off Sunset Hwy (Hwy. 26) exit 65 where- from 26 you can see the Phoenix Inn on your right (north side of 26). Take a right turn at that exit stop (NW Cornell Rd.) & just ahead you'll see (also to the right) a Minit Mart/fueling station where we've met many times before. Here, you can fuel up & grab a quick cuppa joe or snack for the trip.

Tom Monaco, Activities Chair

Hopefully the weather will co-operate so that we can get the full enjoyment of the winding roads & trees turning their spectacular autumn colors. We'll wind up the drive in Seaside at Tom & Skip's beachhouse located at 1832 S. Roosevelt Dr.(Hwy 101) at approx. 1 p.m. We'll be treated to a delicious chuckwagon style meal (compliments of AHCO) with attendees needing to only bring their beverages of choice. Meeting will begin at 2 p.m For those who wish to stay the night in Seaside, there are 2 very reasonably priced motels close by. MicroTel Inn, 2455, S. Roosevelt Dr., 1-800-771-7171. Motel 6, 2369 S. Roosevelt Dr. 503-738-6269. So that the "Cookies" (a chuckwagon term, you know) purchase & cook the appropriate amount of food, please go to our Club website at www.healey-oregon.org <http://www.healeyoregon.org> where you will see this same article published. Go to the 'comments' section & leave your names so that we know how many to expect. Thanks for the cooperation, Pardner.


Sunny Sunny Central Oregon!

August OvernighterGary Jackson’s On the Hot Road Again - by Mark Schneider

Austin Healey Club of Oregon members planning to attend the August meeting faced a tough challenge getting to the meeting venue. The meeting was held at Gary Jackson’s beautiful home at Eagle Crest near Sisters, OR. The challenge faced by the travelers was extreme afternoon temperature, well into triple digits. Two groups of members left separately from Portland, two Healeys on Friday and three cars on Saturday. However, both groups were impeded by the high temperatures. The Koebers and Hands started out in their Healeys about 3:15 PM Friday afternoon. George and Jaci covered only about four miles before the car quit with vapor lock and a fouled fuel filter. George contacted other members of the Koeber clan and was rescued when they brought a trailer to transport the Healey back home. Bert and Betty made it a little further than the Koebers. The Hand Healey suffered from the vapors just passed the last I-5 off-ramp for Wilsonville. The car stalled and had to be pushed out of the right traffic lane by Betty and a good Samaritan who stopped to help. Another big help to Betty was the M&M Towing Company (503-682-3700). M&M apparently is experienced in dealing with collector cars. They provided a flatbed truck and kept the car well protected in their lot until later in the evening when Betty picked it up and drove it home. Betty said that M&M couldn’t have been more professional or caring. Unfortunately, Bert also suffered from heat related problems but much more serious than those that sidelined the Healey. Bert was transported to the hospital via ambulance. Fortunately, he was released later Friday evening. We understand Bert has recovered from heat stroke and is doing well this week at home. Saturday morning the Schneiders and Jakobsens joined the Carters and Bob Wallace in Silverton to caravan over to Eagle Crest. The caravan was small but contained both Sprites and Big Healeys. Well… actually it contained one of each. Bringing up the rear of the group was the Schneider Green Dragon BJ9. All went well for the little group at first. We even stopped

for a lunch break at the Upper Arm picnic grounds of Detroit Reservoir. After lunch the automotive fun began as we reached the summit of Santiam and the air temperature crept passed 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Bob Wallace’s 1960 Healey began suffering, the engine running rough and stumbling at idle. (See Bob’s piece. “Breakdown on the Santiam Pass” on page 7.) During the third stoppage in less than a mile, a new car joined our little caravan, John and Joan Wilson arrived. John correctly diagnosed the problem as vapor lock. It was decided to call the AAA and have Bob’s car taken to Gary Jackson’s where we knew there was cold beer, Healey expertise and tools. At this point the Carters, Jackobsens and Schneiders left a very warm Bob standing by the crippled Healey and drove on to Gary’s. Subsequently, Bob’s car cooled down sufficiently to overcome the vapor lock. Bob got the Healey started, canceled the AAA tow and drove down to the meeting at Gary’s home. During the meeting Gary and Jan served hors d’oeuvres and afterward provided a dinner of tacos, enchilada caserole and other south-of-the-border treats. The latter included a key lime pie for dessert. The club members owe Gary and Jan a huge “thank you” for their generosity and hospitality which continued well into the evening. On Sunday morning they continued their graciousness by serving brunch before members began the trip back to Portland. The homeward travels were less stressful than the previous day probably due to getting an early start in the coolness of the morning, smaller climb to the summit and a handful of wooden clothes pins. One last note on the wonderful time we all had at Gary’s home. The Saturday evening activities may have become a little rowdy. I can’t comment on the details as I wasn’t there to witness what actually happened, nor did I see who did what to whom, but the picture of George holding a reconfigured screen door (see the website) does suggest it must have been interesting. You may read the story and see all Mark’s photos at http://healey-oregon.org/2008/08/on-the-hot-road-again-bymark-schneider


Breakdown on the Santiam Pass by Bob Wallace

Driving from Portland, Oregon to Redmond, Oregon is a trip of about 170 miles. The high point of the journey is the Santiam Pass at 4817 feet. If you examine the photo, you can see that my 1960 BT7 decided to make an unscheduled rest top just at the summit of the pass. It was running beautifully for over 100 miles, purring along, when at the very top of the summit is started to miss and then die. Fortunately there was plenty of room on the side of the road to pull over. To make a long story short, it was about 105 degrees F. and the result was vapor lock. John Carter and Mark Schneider continued on, leaving me to wait for the car to cool off. It takes a while to cool off at 105 degrees. I finally got going again and pulled into our destination about an hour after everyone else. At that point I think I was suffering from vapor lock. There was a tub of ice with bottles of beer in it. I skipped the beer and shoved my hands into the ice. So this was my first experience with vapor lock. Googling it gives this definition at wikipedia: “Vapor lock (also known as vapour lock) is a problem that mostly affects gasoline-fueled internal combustion engines. It occurs when the liquid fuel changes state from liquid to gas while still in the fuel delivery system. This

disrupts the operation of the fuel pump, causing loss of feed pressure to the carburetor or fuel injection system, resulting in transient loss of power or complete stalling. Restarting the engine from this state may be difficult. The fuel can vaporize due to being heated by the engine, by the local climate or due to a lower boiling point at high altitude.” The last sentence tells the story: Austin Healey (not a cool running car), 105 degrees outside and 4817 feet. So what do you do about it. Well once it happens you typically have to wait for the car to cool down enough. But being at a club meeting, it was expected that there would be some sugges-

fuel line. Not that our club members would ever stoop to a practical joke. Well further googling found plenty of people saying the same thing. That clothes pins act as heat sinks to dissipate the heat from the fuel line. Of course half the people claimed it worked and half claimed it was an old wives tale. Since it didn’t get up to 105 on the return trip I can’t say one way or the other. More permanent and rational fixes are replacing your mechanical fuel pump with a low pressure electric one, adding an electric fan with a heat sensor, and not driving over passes on 105 degree August days. I offer my Thank Yous to: • To John and Mark for the moral support on the side of the road. • To John Wilson who first suggested Vapor Lock • To the club member whose name I forgot (after standing in 105 degrees for an hour) who pulled over to help. • To Gary Jackson for the bucket of ice, bottle of water and other first aid when I showed up at his house soaked in sweat and babbling incoherently • Jack Jakobsen for lending me his cell phone and pen. I owe him a pen, I returned the phone.

tions made. Especially since the next day I was going to drive back over the pass. But I have to admit, I was somewhat skeptical when it was suggested that I used wooden cloths pins on the


Photos from left: Most of the Healeys that showed up. Mark checks out a .... Gary’s garage, work in progress. We stopped along the way to check our attitudes. A shot from Gary’s back yard. Quiet neighbors.

An Olympic Event

restaurant, decorated with hat paraphernalia (hats, hat boxes, etc.) We took our time and Story and photos by Larry Clemenson and Kym Randolph had a great visit, then time to go; John and Judy had arranged The day began cloudy and guess what? It pretty a tour of the old Jackson Pioneer house, so we had much stayed that way through the tour. We began to get going. Unfortunately, John had lost the igniour tour at Milepost 7 on I-5 at the Burger King at tion key for his Healey somewhere between park10:00 am with tour guides John and Judy Carter. ing and eating. While several looked outside, some After a short stint on I-5, we re-gathered at Milepost had time to check out the gallery next door. 27 at the Rebel Truck Stop. We then began our Luckily, John found his key on the sidewalk, so it back roads tour to Centralia. was back to the highway. This time we headed east This is the old Pacific Highway which pretty on Highway 504, toward Mt. St. Helens. much parallels the freeway. But most of the time, We travelled past Silver Lake and through the you wouldn't know it for the trees, farms, etc. We town of Toutle. I really enjoyed this part as it has drove north through the towns of Kalama and been several years since I have been in this area. It Carrols, then through the heart of Kelso. We conwas amazing to see the banks of ash still in evitinued north, paralleling the freeway until we dence. Just east of Toutle, we took a left onto reached Castle Rock. This was our lunch stop. Highway 505, which took us west through beautiHattie's Restaurant graciously accommodated our ful valleys of farm land, ending in the town of large crowd (15). It is a lovely, 'country' style Toledo. At Toledo, we turned north and connected


with the Highwa through Clark St then jus 12, we Jackson ered to pioneer the Col south o Jackson well-pre cabin se home o Jackson first "wh north of Well wo only for the history explain and stone posts at the gate settled here around 1844 a became a famous stopover north. It is said that the gov Washington once stayed h ing to Olympia in 1854. Th served as a courthouse for 1850's.� (Northwest Ramb May 26, 2006) We were t tour by a Parks employee. only allowed access to the the ground floor, this didn our guide was sweet and i saddled up for our final pu Jackson Hwy (not sure if it John Jackson or Governor I have to admit I can't re arrived but I think it was a were all able to park (7 He

e Jackson y. We passed Lewis and ate Park and t short of Hwy arrived at the House, considbe the oldest home north of umbia. “Not far Hwy 12 is the House. This eserved 1848 erved as the f John R. and was the hite-man" house Vancouver. orth a stop, if ned on the signs . John Jackson and the house on the trip vernor of ere while travelhe house also a time in the blings, Friday, reated with a Since you are main room on t take long, but nformative. We sh up the was named for Scoop Jackson). member the time we ound 2:30 or 3:00. We aleys and one vintage

Photos left to right, top to bottom: Healeys in a row waiting for their event. John Carter gives everyone their assignment. Looking good for the group shot at Jackson House Historic Site. The sign. Judy and John Carter and Linda Adams settle in. Skip and Jaci get together. Everyone looks ready for some sustenance. Below, an example of the sleeping accommodations at the Olympic Hotel. The Historic Olympic Club Hotel is another in the long line of McMenamins Ale Houses. Tom “Monocle” looks over the route home, I hope he made it!

Mercedes Benz) in the public parking lot right next to the Hotel. After checking in (each room is named for an infamous character that had notable association with the hotel, the club or surrounding

area), we gathered


Summer olympics continued on page 11


'Keeping The Legend Alive' DVD Available Soon From Cape international

Cape's new 'Keeping The Legend Alive' DVD will be available soon Austin Healey parts and restoration expert, Cape International, will shortly be launching its new 'Keeping The Legend Alive' DVD. The 30-minute film features three of Cape's latest restoration projects - a full blown 3000 for a Swedish customer living in Monte Carlo, a historically accurate renovation of

AHX11 one of the earliest prototype Austin Healey models and the building of the latest CapeSport concept car - the CapeSport 100. See for yourself how CapeSport cars and products are developed and the care and attention given to every aspect of the business from parts supply and servicing to ground-up restorations. Hear the distinctive roar of these fabulous looking

sports cars as they are put through their paces by Cape's MD, Steve Norton. To pre-register for your copy, email Cape at sales@cape-international.com

Like Phoenix from the Ashes, A Healey is Reborn Last August I discovered a 1965 Austin Healey Bj8 was to be auctioned to pay off a total loss to Hagerty Insurance Co. My experience with British cars was limited to a near loss of my life in 1959 in Germany, when I was a passenger in a new "Big Healey" that spun out, hit a cement post, went end for end and came to rest wheels up pinning me under the car. Not hav-

ing enough, I bought a new 1964 MGB and drove it across Canada in the middle of Winter with my new wife. Brrr! So, naturally, I bought the wrecked Healey. It had been owned by Jim Parrish, but it was a total. My professional help was Steve Gronli at Integrity Auto Body in Newberg. He assured me it could be brought back to

York. Tom Monaco was a great help, providing many necessary parts and loads of advice. It was deeply satisfying when the engine was replaced, the motor mounts matched the engine mounts perfectly. I have spent about four months re-assembling the car after Steve life. Hit hard in the right front, the car broke the right front frame member and the cross member shaped like a "V" under the radiator between shock towers. We pulled the engine and transmission, put the car on a frame rack and pulled the wrinkled parts back to almost new condition. Then, most of the parts on the right front were cut out and replaced with new pieces. Distance between shock towers was measured and the new frame members were squared and fitted. The new shroud pieces came from Great Britain, the RF wing from New www.healey-oregon.org/10

gave it a great paint job, then I attempted to insert the strips between the shroud and wings...and Steve painted three wings again. I chose to match the original BRG in a non-clearcoat paint. It looks great and is more forgiving in touch up. Phoenix continued on page 10

Phoenix continued from page 11

Finally, the Line Up Shop was able to bring the front end into good driving condition. The upholstery was in excellent condition and the drive train appears to be fine for a car with 70,000 miles. It's a fun ride - much more fun with the wheels down.

— Michael Hartfield Summer Olympics continued from page 9

for 'Happy Hour' in the Club. We shared info about our rooms' namesakes (ours was Floyd Duell, a regular at the Olympic Club poker tables between 1940s-60s. He also did some numbers work for the betting racetrack up in Seattle.) Some went out antiquing, most visited, including a few of our friends from the Cascade Club who came down from the Seattle area for the afternoon. The Olympic Club was established in 1908 as a 'gentlemen's resort', which posted signs “Ladies Patronage Not Solicited”. Lot's of booze, poker and what not above the main floor. A lot of bootleg liquor made its way from Canada to this very spot. Easy to understand, as in 1926, the county sheriff himself was arrested on bootlegging charges. By the way, I want to note that the Olympic Club Hotel was a railroad hotel, one block from the train station. We noticed early in the evening that trains were coming by about every 15 to 20 minutes and began to worry about being able to sleep! Not to worry for most! Many of us went to dinner across town near the freeway at the Country Cousin for another

down home meal (meatloaf, stew, and liver and onions were ordered), then back to the hotel for night caps. Let me back track a bit, John Carter had planned a 'car' movie for the guys, using his DVR in the afternoon. Unfortunately, no one could make it work. So in apology by the management, they brought us 3 bottles of McMenamin's Edgefield wine. So after much visiting and drinking our apology wine, sharing stories, etc., most of us retired upstairs to the hallway outside our rooms, where we visited for another hour. We were still hearing train whistles on a regular basis!! Those of us in the hall retired at 10:30, promising to meet in the morning for breakfast. The trains kept coming. All in all, the facilities were great, the trains romantic, the company beyond compare! In the morning, we coordinated on getting home, some on tour via the Monaco's, some on their own. It was a great Healey experience and I hope the Carter's will plan another for next year!

OHHH Noooo! Just as we’re going to press, another crunch comes to our attention. Jerry Barron was smacked in the rear of his Sprite not fifty yards from Tom and Skip Monaco’s by a Pizza Hut delivery driver with a suspended license. Jerry is okay, if a bit shaken, but the little Healey is much the worse for wear. Is it a phase of the moon, or what. Photos on the website. We’ll keep you posted as to the outcome.


Membership Chair AHCO WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Dennis Murphy P.O. box 2082 Gearhart, OR 97138 Dennis is a long time owner of a beautiful 1967 BJ8 Dick & Kappy Lenahan 10315 NE 196th St. Battle Ground, WA 98604 The Lenahans have a '64 BJ8 Phase 1 Greg & Nancy Paul 2541 Reed Rd. Hood River, Or. 97031 Greg & Nancy are owners of a 1959 BT7 3000 MKI Atif Zaman & Doreen Roozee 2363 NW Lovejoy Portland, Or. 97210 Atif & Doreen just purchased a 1966 BJ8 Ira & Donna Erbs 10431 SW 42nd Portland, Or. 97219 The Erbs family have a 1959 3000 Mk I Atif & Doreen Zaman are the proud new owners of a 1966 BJ8 which was formerly owned by Cam Sheahan. Their first ever Austin Healey. We're sure that Club members will be seeing these folks at a lot of events. WELCOME!!! We got a nice citation from the Muscular Distrophy Association, thanking us for our support of their Summer Camp program. We’ll be putting it on the wall of our clubhouse. Go to the website to see it:


Gots & Wants: Healey Style FOR SALE: Robbins Convertible Top (Tan) for Austin Healey BJ8 or BJ7. New, never been out of box – $400.00. Robbins Boot (Tan) for Austin Healey BJ8 or BJ7. New, never been out of box – $300.00. Hard Top for Austin Healey 4 seater. Needs new rubber and fasteners. Has wrap around rear Plexiglas window – $1,000.00 OBO. Contact Richard Breeden Phone:(541)9239751 E-Mail: RSBreeden@aol.com www.healey-oregon.org/12

Subject: Fw: Ferrari vs. Moped An elderly man on a Moped, looking about 100 years old, pulls up next to a doctor at a street light. The old man looks over at the sleek shiny car and asks, 'What kind of car ya got there, sonny?'

The doctor replies, 'A Ferrari GTO. It cost half a million dollars!'

Not ten seconds later, he sees the Moped bearing down on him again! The Ferrari is flat out, and there's nothing he can do!

'That's a lot of money,' says the old man. 'Why does it cost so much?'

Suddenly, the Moped plows into the back of his Ferrari, demolishing the rear end.

'Because this car can do up to 320 miles an hour!' states the doctor proudly.

The doctor stops and jumps out and, unbelievably, th e old man is still alive.

The Moped driver asks, 'Mind if I take a look inside?'

He runs up to the banged-up old guy and says, 'I'm a doctor... Is there anything I can do for you?'

'No problem,' replies the doctor. So the old man pokes his head in the window and looks around.

The old man whispers… 'Unhook my suspenders from your side view mirror.'

Then, sitting back on his Moped, the old man says, 'That's a pretty nice car , all right.... but I'll stick with my Moped!' Just then the light changes, so the doctor decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, a and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 160 mph. Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear view mirror. It see ms to be getting closer! He slows down to see what it could be and suddenly....WHOOOOSSSHHH! Something whips by him going much faster! 'What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?' the doctor asks himself. He presses harder on the accelerator and takes the Ferrari up to 250 mph. Then, up ahead of him, he sees that it's the old man on the Moped! Amazed that the Moped could pass his Ferrari, he gives it more gas and passes the Moped at 275 mph. He's feeling pretty good until he looks in his mirror and sees the old man gaining on him AGAIN! Astounded by the speed of this old guy, he floors the gas pedal and takes the Ferrari all the way up to 320 mph.

“Dear Skip and Tom,

blocked out the fact, that roads can be very slick after a dry spell and then some rain.

As they say, No good deed goes unpunished. As you know, we gathered about 20 cars at Cam and Carolyn’s house a couple of Tuesdays ago to put together a promotional video for the All British Field Meet. It turned out great, the weather cooperated for the hour and a half we needed to make the shoot, even though it had been raining off and on all day.

Just as I rounded a relatively sharp turn heading up Hwy 219 on my way home, the Healey reminded me of my error. In less time than it takes to tell, I was 180° from my original route and in a steep barrow pit. Luckily I was not hurt, but alas, the Healey cannot say the same. Well, when it rains, it pours.

On the way home, however, I had forgotten, or at least


Jan W. (red faced)

AHCO Meeting August 16, 2008 Call to order: by Vice President Mark Schneider at home of Gary Jackson in Redmond OR. Secretary Cecilia Manguson was not present so Mark asked Linda Adams to take the minutes. There were several new attendees so we all introduced ourselves. Among the new people were Andy Nelson, Walt and Denise Tomsic and Richard and Jackie Breeden.

at the meeting she was selling them for $35. Jaci said there will be lots of regalia items to chose from at the ABFM. Membership/Charity: Skip Monaco was not present. Librarian: John Carter again mentioned that he is not getting back

Officer and Committee Reports: Treasurer: Linda Adams gave the report. Activities: Tom Monaco was not present Website Editor: Bob Wallace is training Jaci Kober to be able to put Regalia on the website. Bob said he has been busy working on ABFM. It was suggested that when a tour is posted on the website that people planning to attend do an RSVP on the website to let the person leading the tour know who is coming. This way no one gets left behind and the leader has peace of mind. Inner Club Coordinator: John Wilson reported that there is some confusion on the application for the Northwest Healey meet at Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.. There is a $25 application fee. This covers two people. Advertising: Joe Laws was not present. Regalia: Jaci Kober brought the new grill badges for us to look at. Everyone was impressed by their quality. Jaci stated that this is a design that Shirley Wilson had done and that the manufacturer had done an even better job this time than the last. They will regularly be $40 but

Respectfully submitted, Linda Adams, Acting Scty.

was discussion about what a printed newsletter would be like if a member chose to want a printed one rather than use the internet and who would be responsible for getting those out. Bob stated we really want to get members to become used to getting their information on the website. The question was also raised as to whether we would email ballots or print them on paper for mailing. Gary raised the question if the amount we pay for dues will be reduced if we go to a website only newsletter. New Business:

some of the tapes that have been checked out and stated that he needs them back. Sunshine: Jan Whittlesey was not present. Old Business: Bob Wallace reported that the ABFM is coming together. There are about the same number of registrations as last year. Should be a good meet. Mark reported there are three sites being considered for the Rendezvous 2010. They are the Eugene area, the Welches/ Mt Hood area and the Coast. Mark said he will present all findings to the next Executive Board meeting. Gary reminded us that we need to check the by laws before we change the newsletter to the website rather than mailing it each month. There www.healey-oregon.org/14

Each year a committee is formed to find people willing to run for office the following year. This committee consists of the past president, an executive board member and a general member. Mark asked for a volunteer for the general member. John Carter volunteered. George Kober thanked Gary and Jan for hosting the meeting, the dinner and breakfast the following morning. George asked that the club reimburse them for the expenses they incurred for the food and refreshments. It was voted on and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30.


Healey Northwest 21150 Ornduff Road Hillsboro, OR 97123 www.healey-oregon.org/ Return Service Requested

This Month in AHCO History

by Jeff Mach

Thirty Years Ago About 40 members, in 23 Healeys, trekked down to San Rafael, California, for the 4th Annual Austin-Healeys West Meet (now the Rendezvous). A few typical roadside adventures ensued in route, in both directions, but it sounded as if everyone had a good time. Altogether, about 120 Healeys and their owners attended the meet.

About 50 Healeys attended the All British Field Meet and several club members won awards in the popular choice and concours competitions.

Twenty Years Ago

Club members participated in the All British Field Meet by bringing their cars and counting the popular choice ballots. Club members also held a short tour, followed by a meeting and dinner at the home of Gary and Dee Meyer in Oregon City. And a bit later in the month, several Club members attended the 13th annual Northwest Austin Healey Meet in Port Orchard, Washington, which featured a tour and visit to a private car collection, local shopping, and a scrumptious Saturday evening dinner at nearby lodge.

A large contingent of outdoorsy Club members held a potluck dinner and overnighter at Silver Creek Falls in conjunction with the monthly meeting. Members met in the Salem area and wandered through the countryside up to the park. After dinner, several AHCO members visited a nearby motorcycle gathering for some mutual bonding involving machinery.

Ten Years Ago


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