2008 October - Healey Northwest

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O C TO B E R 2 0 0 8 www.healey-oregon.org/






ell, we're coming to the traditional end of our sports car season here in Oregon even though the warm, sunny weather bodes well for more drives. From my standpoint, it's been a good, but busy summer (albeit with some chronic niggling car issues). By the time you read this, I should be back from the Northwest Meet in Harrison Hot Springs,

Club of Oregon



Jeff Mach 503-364-6789 mach@toast.net

Skip Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net



Mark Schneider 503-643-7208 mandmschneider@comcast.net

Tom Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net



Cecilia Magnuson 360-834-0136 magnusons4@comcast.net

Joe Laws 503-636-5817 jflaws@att.net



Linda Adams 541-416-2347 ladams1284@aol.com

John Carter 503-579-6599 jc9821@msn.com



Jaci Koeber & Carole Trenko 503-244-3731 & 503-643-2387 koegeoja@hevanet.com

John Wilson 541-933-2016 johnhealeylane@worldnet.att.net



Jan Whittlesey 503-538-8610 jwhitlc@hevanet.com

AHCO Box 875 Marcola, Or. 97454



Glen Enright 503-538-8610 britcar69@hevanet.com

Bob Wallace 503-641-2810 bob_j_wallace@hotmail.com

hopefully without incident or breakdown. Together with those others from the Northwest Healey clubs who also attended the Conclave in San Diego, we will have driven from Canada to Mexico (OK, not quite, but pretty darn close), roundtrip, this summer. While I didn't win the “Iron butt” award for driving the farthest distance to the Conclave in a Bugeye, I certainly feel like I should be in contention for some similar honor after all that driving. Let's hope the weather holds and we can enjoy a few more weeks of good autumn driving weather before the winter storms arrive.




Mister Shutterbug, Jeff Mach sent along this photo and a couple

more (see page 9.) Some of our Healey guys racin’ around PIR, I think.

Contents Random Mumblings • Sept Outing • Northwest Meet Info-past and present • Activities Up-date • Storing your car for Winter • Minutes from September’s Meeting • AHCO in History and much more! Thanks to Jeff Mach for his report on Harrison Hot Springs and Gary Jackson who gave us a heads-up for 2009 and to those that provided pix, too. More can be seen and read on our website.

he 32nd Annual Portland All British Field Meet was successful. We had about 700 British cars and motorcycles registered, with about 60 cars being Austin Healeys. I'd like to thank the 40 or so AHCO members who brought their Healeys to the Meet and congratulate those of you who won popular choice awards. Thanks very much to Jaci Koeber and Carole Trenko for stocking and running the Club regalia tent during both days of the Meet. I'd especially like to thank our Club members who volunteered their time on behalf of organizing and conducting the various tasks to make the Meet successful. Those volunteers included my intrepid group of popular choice ballot counters: Jerry and Pat Barron, George Koeber, Bob Wallace, Ken Parcher, Mark Schneider, Linda Adams, Jim and Kaye Maguire, Tom and Cecelia Magnuson, Alan and David Gross, Rick Curry, Skip Monaco, Kym Randolph and Larry Clemenson, and Dawn Mach. In other capacities, AHCO members Doug Auburg, Tom Monaco, Bob Wallace, Glenn Enright, Jan Whittlesey, Cam Sheahan, and Craig House helped organize and produce numerous aspects of the Meet. Thank you all very much, because without your efforts, the ABFM wouldn't happen at all or certainly Mumblings continued on page 13


Time for Our Christmas Party

This year we will have a "Brunch" with all the great stuff and Champagne! The date is Sunday December 7th. Time is afternoon. Place is Eastmoreland Golf Course. Food will be served at 2:00 P.M., Club meeting(very brief) at 3:00 with our annual Charity Auction to begin shortly thereafter. The cost to members is only $10.00 per person BUT your money must be to me by November 22nd. As a motivator the first 100 people to sign up get to eat inside a beautifully decorated room at a table. The next 100 are allowed to eat outside on the patio and the really late comers get to be on the 9th tee. Send your money in now to: AHCO,7710 S.W. 89th, Portland Ore. 97223. This is a great place to do your Christmas shopping and your purchases will do a load of good for many people. See you there. — Tiny Tom


AHCO Activities 2008 Up-Date


On Sat. Oct. 4th (the first Sat.- not the usual 2nd Sat. ) our monthly event will begin at 10 a.m. sharp with Club members departing for a wonderful 3 hour tour of our beautiful coast range with our destination being the Seaside home of Tom & Skip Monaco. Everyone will gather from 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. just off Sunset Hwy (Hwy. 26) exit 65 where- from 26 you can see the Phoenix Inn on your right (north side of 26). Take a right turn at that exit stop (NW Cornell Rd.) & just ahead you'll see (also to the right) a Minit Mart/fueling station where we've met many times before. Here, you can fuel up & grab a quick cuppa joe or snack for the trip. Hopefully the weather will co-operate so that we can get the full enjoyment of the winding roads & trees turning their spectacular autumn colors. We'll wind up the drive in Seaside at Tom & Skip's beach house located at 1832 S. Roosevelt Dr.(Hwy 101) at approx. 1 p.m. We'll be treated to a delicious chuckwagon style meal (compliments of AHCO) with attendees needing to only bring their beverages of choice. Meeting will begin at 2 p.m For those who wish to stay the night in Seaside, there are 2 very reasonably priced motels close by. MicroTel Inn, 2455, S. Roosevelt Dr., 1-800-771-7171. Motel 6, 2369 S. Roosevelt Dr. 503-738-6269. So that the "Cookies" (a chuckwagon term, you know) purchase & cook the appropriate amount of food, please go to our Club

Tom Monaco, Activities Chair

website at www.healey-oregon.org <http://www.healeyoregon.org> where you will see this same article published. Go to the 'comments' section & leave your names so that we know how many to expect. Thanks for the cooperation, Pardner. See page 10 November 8: Our November event will be held at Guy's Interior Restorations located at 2016 N.E. Alberta St. The date is Sat. Nov. 8th at 10 a.m. Guy's is located at 2016 NE Alberta (just 3 blocks south of Killingsworth St.)in Portland. (503-224-8657). From 84, take the 33rd St. exit & turn north at the light. Continue north, crossing NE Broadway, on NE 33rd to NE Alberta where you'll turn left (west). From I-5 South bound: take the Swan Island exit and go left (East) on Alberta. From I-5 North bound : take the Swan Island exit and stay in the right lane as you exit. Cross N.E.Going St. and continue North one block to Alberta; go right & continue to Guy's.

See page 10

December 7: See Page 4 for info on our Holiday Party.

WEBSITE: USER NAME & PASSWORD At our Sept. 21 meeting in Harrison Hot Springs, a member stated that he was having trouble getting into the "members only" section of our website. If any of you have a problem logging in, please don't hesitate to contact our webmaster, Bob Wallace, letting him know about your particular dilemma. We've got a very easy site to navigate, but if you're having difficulty just let him know at bob_j_wallace@hotmail. We want you to have access to the up-to-the-minute info that our site provides.

ATTENTION: 2009 NORTHWEST MEET In 2009 our club gets to put on the Northwest Meet. As you know this meet rotates between the Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia clubs. In 2007 the Washington club held it at Silverdale Wa. This year the BC club held it at Harrison Hot Springs BC. The question for us is where will we host it in 2009? In the past we have hosted it in Sisters, Hood River, Astoria, Lincoln City just to mention a few of the sites. Now is the time to select the site for 2009. This is NOT the 2010 Rendezvous the club is hosting in 2010. Any individual or group of individuals who would like to chair the Northwest meet is invited to make a presentation for their site at the November club meeting. Remember, this occurs in the fall to give us a chance to enjoy our Healeys and friends one last time before winter sets in and our Healeys are in hibernation until spring. Your presentation should include the name and location and hotel, it's availability and amenities, cost per room, possible location for a Meet and Greet Party on Friday Night and a Wind Up Dinner on Saturday Night. Also you should include any points of interest in the area that would make for good tours. Just remember this is a low key and fun outing not necessarily a large production. Car Shows and Tech sessions are not required. After all of the presentations are made and questions answered a vote will be taken and the selection will be made during the meeting. — Gary Jackson www.healey-oregon.org/5

Northwest Meet 2008, Northwest Meet 2009 I've just this evening returned from the 2008 Northwest Meet, hosted by the Austin Healey Owners' Association of British Columbia in Harrison Hot Springs, BC. I, and I expect others, had great drives up and back, mostly managing to avoid I-5 and other large highways. More than 60 people from all three of the clubs turned out for the event, some from as far away as Montana. It seemed as if AHCO members accounted for half of the folks present. The weather was so-so, but the location, accommodations, food, and activities were great. And it's always nice to have a relaxed, endof-the-season get-together with old friends. That said, it's our turn again next year to host the Meet. The AHCO Club members held a brief membership meeting at Harrison Hot Springs on Sunday morning before we hit the road, with the 2009 Northwest Meet being the primary topic of discussion. We agreed that we should decide on a location for the Meet at our November membership meeting, if possible, and begin the planning. So far, I've received general suggestions to hold the 2009 Meet on the Coast, in Central

Oregon, and in the Willamette Valley. However, we need more specific information on which to base our decision. If you would like to recommend a location for the 2009 Northwest Meet, here's the information I need to receive from you, no later than October 31, 2008 for the November meeting: • The name of a hotel which could block about 50 rooms for the event (Thursday through Sunday), reasonable room rates (less than $125/night), and has an onsite restaurant which could cater a reception and a dinner; and • Some ideas for tours and activities in the area. The general feeling at Sunday's meeting was to limit range to a location no farther south than Newport, Eugene, or Bend. We also need a Club members to help in planning and putting on the event. If you would be willing to assist in some aspect of the Meet, please contact me and let me know how you'd like to help out. Please also plan to attend our November membership meeting to discuss and vote on a location for the 2009 Northwest Meet. Thanks. —Jeff


9 Tips for Storing Your Car for Winter

Don’t just put your Healey away

From the internet, the best way to store any car for the winter is to do the following: 1. Change the oil just prior to storage. Oil absorbs moisture (a natural by product of combustion) and if old oil is left in the motor, moisture will evaporate out of the oil and condense on the engine internals causing corrosion. Also, oil becomes acidic with use and should be changed for this reason also. Change oil, start engine and run just long enough for the oil to circulate, then shut off for the season to prevent a buildup of moisture. If planning to change the tranny fluid in the coming season, it's also a good idea to do this now for basically the same reason. 2. Loosen the spark plugs and shoot either fogger oil or a squirt of motor oil from a can into the sparkplug holes - about 1 tsp. This will prevent the rings from corroding and seizing to the cylinder walls over the winter. Upon initial startup in spring, oil will burn off in the 1st few minutes. 3. Increase tire pressures to 40PSI. This will prevent flatspotting and leaks. The tire pressure will drop with ambient temp. Some will say to put the car on blocks, but with modern independent suspension, it's not good to leave it 'unsprung' for long periods. If you want to get really anal, fill the tires with Nitrogen. This is a Dry Gas and will prevent Dry Rot. Nitrogen can be obtained from any welding supply.

4. Store desiccants in the car. These can be purchased and laid on the floor front/back. This prevents mildew from growing and keeps leather from deteriorating due to accumulated moisture. Also, the 'Car Cocoons' currently being sold are very good for long term storage and use only a couple bucks electricity the entire season, also reduces door dings and the like. Absent this, use a quality car Cover. 5. Wash the car - don't allow pollution, Tree Sap etc. to work on the paint through the winter. 6. Remove battery from the car and put on a maintainer, preferably inside where it's warm. Be sure to allow plenty of ventilation to prevent Hydrogen Gas buildup. 7. Place the car on a sheet of Vinyl laid out on the garage floor. Make sure the vinyl extends 2 feet from any edge of the car. Garage floors seep moisture through the winter which can condense on the underside of the car, suspension, etc. causing corrosion. 8. Fill Gas Tank with Fresh, Premium fuel. A partial tank will corrode from moist air. Plus, it'll probably be cheaper than filling it next season. Add Stabil or other gasoline stabilizer. 9. Check Anti-freeze to be sure sufficient for temps anticipated

Slostad and Monaco


Membership Chair AHCO WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS James & Paula Rauch 21200 NE 197th Circle Brush Prairie, WA. 98686 WELCOME BACK Mark & Laura Louey 2607 NW 6th St. Battle Ground, WA 98604 NEW ROSTER COMING SOON Again, I'm requesting that each member checks your personal information in our Club roster to make sure that it is accurate. To date I haven't had any changes, but we'll go to press in Nov. & I want to be sure that we've covered the bases.

Charity Chair Christmas Charity Auction Start saving your nickels & get ready for our Club party with our Christmas Charity Auction which will be on Sunday Dec. 7 at the East Morland Golf Club. As in years past, our Charity Committee is hoping that AHCO members will consider donating something to this great fundraiser. Remember, it can be a bottle of wine, homemade jams & jellies, handcrafted items, a weekend stay at your 2nd home or whatever. Your generosity in the past has been outstanding & our Club has been able to help many organizations in our area. Just this past year alone we've assisted: Oregon Food Bank Albertina Kerr Art Therapy Center Coffee Creek Women's Correctional Institute Ronald McDonald House Vale High School Automotive Program Muscular Dystrophy Children's Summer Camp Veterans Hospital Portland/Vancouver Thank you again for your past support & we look forward to another great auction on Sun. Dec. 7th. —Skip

Gots & Wants: Healey Style FOR SALE: Robbins Convertible Top (Tan) for Austin Healey BJ8 or BJ7. New, never been out of box – $400.00. Robbins Boot (Tan) for Austin Healey BJ8 or BJ7. New, never been out of box – $300.00. Hard Top for Austin Healey 4 seater. Needs new rubber and fasteners. Has wrap around rear Plexiglas window – $1,000.00 OBO. Contact Richard Breeden Phone:(541)9239751 E-Mail: RSBreeden@aol.com www.healey-oregon.org/8

Mumblings continued from page 1

wouldn't be half so good.


eing October, we're also in the midst of accepting nominations for 2009 Club Officer positions. If you'd like to throw your hat in the ring to serve in one of these positions, please contact a member of the nominating committee: Mark Schneider, John Carter, or Betty Hand. Alternatively, you may have someone nominate you at the October membership meeting. Many Club members have served in these positions, often repeatedly, to keep our Club functioning year in and year out, for 32 of them now. If you haven't taken a turn in helping to run the Club, please consider donating some of your time to keep the organization going.


ow, go have some fun while the weather lasts. Thanks, Jeff

Racing Stuff

photos: Jeff Mach


AHCO Meeting September 21, 2008 Jeff Mach convened the meeting at about 9:40am in the Harrison Beach Hotel. There were no officer or committee reports. Tom Monaco described the planned October

event and indicated he is working on arranging a November event. Jeff opened the floor for Club officer nominations and received none. The remainder of the meeting was

spent discussing ideas for the 2009 Northwest Meet. The meeting adjourned about 10:00am so members could head for home. — Jeff

October Event LET'S GO TO THE BEACH On Sat. Oct. 4th (the first Sat.- not the usual 2nd Sat. ) our monthly event will begin at 10 a.m. sharp with Club members departing for a wonderful 3 hour tour of our beautiful coast range with our destination being the Seaside home of Tom & Skip Monaco. Everyone will gather from 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. just off Sunset Hwy (Hwy. 26) exit 65 where- from 26 you can see the Phoenix Inn on your right (north side of 26). Take a right turn at that exit stop (NW Cornell Rd.) & just ahead you'll see (also to the right) a Minit Mart/fueling station where we've met many times before. Here, you can fuel up & grab a quick cuppa joe or snack for the trip. Hopefully the weather will co-operate so that we can get the full enjoyment of the winding roads & trees turning their spectacular autumn colors. We'll wind up the drive in Seaside at Tom & Skip's beach house located at 1832 S. Roosevelt Dr.(Hwy 101) at approx. 1 p.m. We'll be treated to a delicious chuckwagon style meal (compliments of AHCO) with attendees needing to only bring their beverages of choice. Meeting will begin at 2 p.m For those who wish to stay the night in Seaside, there are 2 very reasonably priced motels close by. MicroTel Inn, 2455, S. Roosevelt Dr., 1-800-771-7171. Motel 6, 2369 S. Roosevelt Dr. 503-738-6269. So that the "Cookies" (a chuckwagon term, you know) purchase & cook the appropriate amount of food, please go to our Club website at www.healey-oregon.org <http://www.healey-oregon.org> where you will see this same article published. Go to the 'comments' section & leave your names so that we know how many to expect. Thanks for the cooperation, Pardner.

November Event Our November event will be held at Guy's Interior Restorations located at 2016 N.E. Alberta St. The date is Sat. Nov. 8th at 10 a.m. Guy's is located at 2016 NE Alberta (just 3 blocks south of Killingsworth St.)in Portland. (503-224-8657). From 84, take the 33rd St. exit & turn north at the light. Continue north, crossing NE Broadway, on NE 33rd to NE Alberta where you'll turn left (west). From I5 South bound: take the Swan Island exit and go left (East) on Alberta. From I-5 North bound : take the Swan Island exit and stay in the right lane as you exit. Cross N.E.Going St. and continue North one block to Alberta; go right & continue to Guy's. See the map on page 5. www.healey-oregon.org/10


Healey Northwest 21150 Ornduff Road Hillsboro, OR 97123 www.healey-oregon.org/ Return Service Requested

This Month in AHCO History Thirty Years Ago Club members toured from the K-Mart, in Tualatin, to Dave Bechtold's home, in Sandy, for the Club meeting. No details of the tour or other activities held in conjunction with the meeting were found.

Twenty Years Ago Members met at the Brownsville exit on I-5 and held a tour to Gary Jackson's home in Eugene, where the Club meeting was held. A spaghetti feed followed the meeting. Note Miss Austin Healey from the 12th ABFM on right.

Ten Years Ago John and Shirley Wilson hosted the Club meeting at their home in Marcola, followed by a spaghetti feed. John hosted a question and answer tech session, which was advertised to have surprise experts in attendance.


by Jeff Mach

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