2006 November - Healey Northwest

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November 2006

Austin Healey Club of Oregon

President’s Message

Officers/Representatives 2006 President: Doug Auburg 360-694-7769 dauburg@wa-net.com

Vice President: Tom Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net

Secretary: Kymberly Randolph 503-245-5039 lclemson@mns.com

Treasurer: Dee Meyer 503-267-8639 gdeemeyer@verizon.net

Activities: Mark Schneider 503-643-7208 mandmschneider@ comcast.net

Advertising: Joe laws 503-636-5817 jflaws@att.net

Editor: Jack Jakobsen 503-432-8777 editorjack@comcast.net

Inter-Club Coordinator: John Wilson 541-933-2016 johnhealeylane@worldnet. att.net

Membership and Charity Chairperson: Skip Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net Librarians: John Carter Jeff Mach John: 503-579-6599 Jeff: 503-364-6789 jc9821@msn.com mach@toast.net

By the time you read this, we will have a new set of officers-elect. But as I write this, the election has not yet taken place so I can’t be certain who was elected. In any case, I want to congratulate the new officers and thank them very much for agreeing to step up and help operate out club for another year -- our club’s 31st. This month’s meeting at Gran Prix Imports promises to be very interesting. I know I can’t afford one of these cars, but window shopping is free. I’m sure they have staff available to remove the “nose prints” from the windows once I’m through. :-) I hope to see you at this month’s meeting. No need to drive a Healey. Just get in your everyday car and come see some pretty and pretty fast cars.


Regalia: Jaci Koeber Tammy Auburg Jaci: 503-244-3731 Tammy: 360-694-7769 koegeoja@hevanet.com tauburg@wa-net.com ABFM Representatives: Doug Auburg Larry Clemenson Doug: 360-694-7769 Larry: 503-245-5039

Contents: President’s Message Club Activities Future Club Activities/Membership Update October Membership Meeting Minutes Some 2007 Car Events/AHCO History Mark Schneider’s Thank You Grist Mill Tour The Northwest Meet in Astoria Certificate of Incorporation & Related Docs Classified Ads MDA Thank You Letter

November Meeting: Date: November 11, 2006 Program: 1:00 p.m. Gran Prix Imports, Wilson ville. Meeting: 2:00 p.m. at Gran Prix See page 4 for further details.

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Covers: This month’s cover features a AH 100-6 parked at the Holiday Inn Express during the Northwest Meet. The owner is unknown. Photo by Jack Jakobsen.

Thank you: Doug Auburg, Bill Bolton, John & Judy Carter, Beckie Daniels, Troy Hall, George & Jaci Koeber, Jeff Mach, Skip Monaco, Kimberly Randolph, and Mark Schneider, for your contributions to Healey Northwest. Healey Northwest

November 2006

AHCO Activities

Healey Northwest


©2006 AHCO The official publication of the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is usually published monthly for the benefit of it’s members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinion of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omissions of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, AHCO, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source, and if reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. For U.S. Postal submission, please address articles or correspondence to: Jack Jakobsen Healey Northwest Editor 160 SW 89th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97225-6804 For other communication: phone 503-432-8777 or e-mail: editorjack@comcast.net

Editor’s Note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information or visit our web site: http://www. healey-oregon.org

November 11, 2006 - Gran Prix Imports I am very excited to host our November Austin Healey Club Meeting at Gran Prix Imports in Wilsonville, Oregon. Founded by Mike Warn and Matt Crandall, Gran Prix Imports is an authorized dealer of Spyker and Panoz vehicles and also maintains a large inventory of new and pre-owned hi-performance automobiles. Paging through the current inventory on their web site www.gpimports.com reminds me of being a kid before Christmas paging through the Toys-R-Us catalog! Matt Crandall was the manager of the oldest Ferrari dealership in America and began his career in motor sports as a motorcycle racer on 1000cc super bikes, going on to race in SCCA. Matt is the 2004 Regional Formula Atlantic Champion. Mike Warn served as the Chairman of Warn Industries and helped make it one of the world’s most recognized names in off-road products. He is also the 2003 SCCA C Sports Race Champion.

AHCO MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in the cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries.

We will meet at Gran Prix Imports at 1:00 p.m. to walk through their beautiful showroom and view the spectacular vehicles. The staff at Gran Prix will be available to answer any questions we may have. Gran Prix has also graciously offered us their conference room where we will be having our Club Meeting beginning at 2:00 p.m. After the meeting we will head to Wanker’s Corners for a refreshing beverage and a bite to eat.

Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events.

To get to Gran Prix Imports, take I-5 to the North Wilsonville exit #286 and head east on SW Elligsen for .3 miles to SW Parkway. Turn left at SW Parkway and travel .1 miles to Gran Prix Imports.

Calendar year membership is available in person at any meeting or by mail for US$25.00 per individual or couple (add US$10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to: Skip Monaco, Membership Director 7710 SW 89th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97223

To get to Wanker’s Corners from the meeting, get back on I-5 and head South. Travel 2.3 miles to the Wilsonville exit #283. Turn left on SW Wilsonville Road. Travel .3 miles and Wanker’s Corners is on the right. Hope to see you all there! Troy Hall

PuBlICAtIOn DEADlInE Contributions to Healey northwest are due to the Editor by the 15th of the month preceding publication to ensure inclusion in the month’s newsletter. Healey Northwest

November 2006

December 9, 2006 - AHCO Christmas Party The party will be held at the Eastmoreland Golf Course club house. We will have a sit-down plated dinner and some of the usual silly stuff for which our Christmas Party is known. More info coming.

Future Club Events by Mark Schneider January 13 – AHCO Meeting. Richard Mayor will host the meeting and conduct a technical session on Healey engine tear down. The technical session will be at Richards shop. The meeting location is under development.

Charity Committee Christmas Party News We know that it’s only October (November by the time you get this issue), but please be thinking about the type of item(s) you’d like to donate to our annual Christmas Charity Auction. As you know, our Club has helped hundreds of children/families in just the few years that the “Charity arm” of our AHCO has been in existence. The degree of donations and bids on these items is commensurate with the amount of help that we can give those who are in need of our assistance. Believe it or not, we’ve already received items (from the Dutch Healey Club in particular) plus commitments for more donations for this successful endeavor. Please remember that our AHCO generosity is a beacon to other Clubs as a measure of who we truly are. Thanks for your continued support. Charity Committee

Membership Update by Skip Monaco Member Address Change: Frank Fassold 11635 SE Verns Way Happy Valley, OR 97086 Reminder: last chance to get any necessary changes in your Club Directory listing. Please make sure I get your changes no later than november 11th. thanks.

Austin Healey Club of Oregon Membership Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2006 CtO: By President Doug Auburg at 2:30 pm at Rose’s Restaurant in Sherwood.

Activities: Mark Schneider reminded us that the November meeting will be in Wilsonville at Gran Prix Imports. Details of this and our Christmas Party will be published in the next newsletter.

Charity presentation: Skip Monaco asked for hands of those members who were veterans and thanked them for their service. She then introduced Rich Michael with the Veteran’s Hospital. Pat Barron, Betty Reuter and Skip had purchased material and Betty cut out each of 179 lap blankets which were presented to Rich. Along with a Thank You card, the blankets will be distributed to patients on Veteran’s Day.

Membership: Skip Monaco reported a record 209 members in the database. The new roster will be published soon, if you have corrections from the previous roster, please get them to here as soon as possible. Charity: Skip Monaco reminded us of the Christmas auction and if you have something to donate, please see that she gets a description as soon as possible. Also we will have a 50 – 50 drawing today after the meeting.

Minutes from last meeting were approved after a correction. Jeff Mach was nominated for Vice President, not Tom Magnuson as printed.

Regalia: Jaci Koeber announced the prices on name tags will be going up as of January. She will be ordering ‘danglers’ in December.

Officer and Committee Reports: treasurer: Dee Meyer was not present; Doug made the report. Please contact Doug or Dee if you want specifics.

Advertising: Joe Laws not present.

President: Doug Auburg had nothing to report.

Editor: Jack Jakobsen not present.

Vice-President: Tom Monaco had nothing to report. Healey Northwest

Continued on page 6 ....

November 2006

Some 2007 Car Events

This Month in AHCO History by Jeff Mach

July 16 - 21, 2007 Rendezvous tri Cities The 2007 Rendezvous will be hosted by the Cascade Austin Healey Club of Washington and will be held at the Shilo Inn Hotel in Richland, WA. The hotel has river view spa suites, is minutes from golf, shopping, and miles of walking paths. The special “Healey” room rate of $69 per day includes a hot buffet breakfast, and the hotel has an outdoor pool. Events and activities will include the Popular Choice car show, tours, barbecue, and much more. Other possibilities include: River Cruises, Wine Tasting, Historic Sites, local fun and of course relaxing with friends and other Healey enthusiasts in the comfortable surroundings.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any Club news from thirty years ago this month. A combined October-November issue of Healey Northwest was published in late November that year, but there’s no December issue in the library. Elsewhere though, I found that the Austin Healey Club of Oregon was incorporated on November 6, 1976, making us officially 30 years’ old this month. So, an official Happy Birthday to us! (Editor’s Note: See Articles of Incorporation submitted by Bill Bolton starting on page 12 of this issue.) In November 1986, the Club held its monthly meeting and a potluck dinner at the Salem home of Club President Wayne Brown and his wife Sylvia. Members contributed Healey parts, food, booze, and apparently, just about anything else, which were raffled off to raise money for the Christmas party. A high point of the evening was counting of ballots for 1987 Club officers. Elected that evening were Wayne Brown, President; John Porter, Vice President; Gary Jackson, Treasurer; Dean Tussing, Membership; Curt Woolard, Activities; Dave Loewen, Regalia; Bill Bolton, Club Coordinator; Molly Woolard, Secretary, and John and Shirley Wilson, Newsletter Editors. Finally, if all that wasn’t enough fun, everyone also was invited to bring their bathing suits for the hot tub.

September 1 - 16, 2007 northwest Meet And, the 2007 Northwest Meet will also be held by the Cascade Austin Healey Club. This years event will be held at the Silverdale Beach Hotel on the Kitsap Penninsula in Silverdale, WA. Room rates will be $85 for single or double occupancy (plus tax) and 50 rooms are reserved until September 4, 2007. To make a reservation call: 1-800-544-9799. For further information contact Doug Miller at: enginem@comcast.net More information to follow. Minutes, continued from page ....

nominating Committee: Jerry Barron reported that as of today, we have a full slate of nominees for the upcoming elections. Nominations are: President – Betty Hand, Vice President – Jeff Mach, Secretary – Cecilia Magnuson, Treasurer – Linda Adams, Activities – Mark Schneider, Advertising – Joe Laws, Editor – Jack Jakobsen, Inter-Club Coordinator – John Wilson, Membership – Skip Monaco, Regalia – Jaci Koeber and Carol Trenko. A motion was called and carried to close nominations for 2007. Doug suggested since there were no positions under contest that we forgo balloting. It was moved and seconded and carried to cast a unanimous ballot electing the nominees.

Ten years ago, John and Shirley Wilson hosted the Club’s November meeting at their home in Marcola. The meeting was preceded by a tech session in John’s shop and was followed by a chili feed afterwards. The meeting featured the election of Club officers for 1997, who were: Doug Auburg, President; Bob Bollinger, Vice President; Gary Jackson, Treasurer; Bill Massey, Membership; Tom Santee, Activities; Gary and Dee Meyer, Regalia; John Freeman, Advertising, Bill Bolton, Club Coordinator, and continuing to persevere as Healey Northwest editor, Tammy Auburg.

Tammy Auburg thanked our hosts at the Cold Stone Creamery this afternoon, Brian and Kerri O’Boyle and family. George Koeber introduced new members Marlin and Cindy Walker of Canby.

Meeting Adjourned 2:48 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kymberly Randolph Secretary

Old Business: no old business new Business: no new business Healey Northwest


November 2006

Thank You to the Meeting Organizers by Mark Schneider As the 2006 calendar year is beginning to wind down I want to offer my gratitude to the many members of the AHCO who have organized the monthly meetings, planned the tours, and hosted club events in their homes. These efforts take imagination and time to develop and schedule. And, for that I say, “Thank you” to the following members.

hosted “Christmas in July” at Champoeg Park providing us with a gorgeous day and a picnic and meeting in the park. At the end of July several of us withstood the summer intense heat and drove to the Rendezvous meet in Nelson, British Columbia. August – John Wilson planned a breath-taking tour along a recently paved single lane logging road in the Cascades east of Eugene, OR. After an hour or more of twisty bits John led us to the meeting place and lunch in Oakridge, OR.

January – Doug Auburg took us to the Columbia River Gorge Model Railway Club for a tour and demonstration of a fabulous railroad. February – Brent Beltz arranged with Kuni BMW in Beaverton for AHCO members to drive several of the beautiful new BMWs and for the use of a conference room for our meeting, as well as a social gathering at a local restaurant.

September – Another annual affair for the club is the All British Field Meet. I think it just gets bigger and better every year. A week later Tom and Cecilia Magnuson and Doug Auburg led a wonderful tour from Pearson Airpark to the Cedar Creek Grist Mill east of Woodland, WA. At the end of the month was the Northwest Meet at Astoria. I am told by several members this was a truly great meet, weather, camaraderie, etc. Kudos to the arrangers.

March – John and Judith Carter hosted the meeting and technical session in their Bull Mountain home. The tech session provided the opportunity to try out a new tool for adjusting valves and investigating the Colortune glass topped spark plug for setting carburetors.

October – Yet to occur is our visit to the Ronald McDonald House to deliver a donation of art supplies followed by a tour of the Portland hills and terminating at the Brian and Keeri O’Boyle’s Cold Stone Creamery for an ice cream treat and the monthly meeting.

April - Jeff Mach and Kent Lambert. Jeff led a fantastic tour on the Old Columbia Gorge Highway from the Sandy River to Hood River. Kent and Judy opened their beautiful home to the club and hosted a great lunch. Kent took us through a technical session on overdrives.

November – Troy and Katie Hall have arranged for a visit to Grand Prix Imports in Wilsonville. For our last meeting before the holidays. I believe this will be a rare treat for gearheads as GPI features some pretty exotic machinery.

June – George Koeber introduced the club to the annual “Cruisin’ Sherwood”. More than a dozen club members parked their Healeys on the downtown streets of Sherwood, OR. We then spent the day listening to complete strangers tell us what we already knew. We have the coolest cars in the world! Later, Gorge had reserved a room at a local eatery for our meeting.

December – The Christmas Party will be held at the Eastmoreland Golf Club. The final details of the event are now beginning to take shape. I hope that I have captured all of the club events and recognized the members responsible. This was a great year for me as a first time officer to work with some many of our club members. Thank you all for the cooperation and for your significant efforts.

July – A highlight of my summer is always the Historic Races at Portland International Raceway. Following that event by a week or so Tom Monaco

Healey Northwest


November 2006

Grist Mill Tour by George Koeber


eptember’s tour was hosted by Tom and Cecilia Magnuson and Doug and Tammy Auburg. The tour left the Pearson Air Park Museum in Vancouver, Washington, and headed north through Clark County Washington. The weather was threatening

leak out. Jim was so quick that most of those that had stopped didn’t even make it out of their cars. Love those Healeys! We were back on the road so quick that those without CB’s thought we had made a wrong turn. We continued north through beautiful countryside and through a covered bridge to the destination of

Meeting at Pearson Field.

and some wet pavement was encountered; however, no rain drops were meant for us and as the tour progressed the weather improved. After we were on the road for about an hour we paused for a break in Battleground. We were stopped for about 20 minutes. Upon restarting my car, the engine had developed a misfire, very peculiar since the engine had been running flawlessly. Since the rest of the group was already pulling out I made the decision to “Go for it” to see if the problem would correct itself (since I was driving a Healey). After about 7 or 8 miles, and the fact that I barely made it up a hill I quickly made another decision to hold an impromptu tech session alongside the road. I announced the decision to some of the group via CB Radio (not everyone had a CB). I pulled over and popped the bonnet. Jim Maguire was first on the scene and quickly diagnosed a spark plug wire that had come loose and was letting all the fire

History of the mill.

our tour, the Cedar Creek Grist Mill. We were welcomed to the mill by Tom, who gave us a brief talk about the mill and explained why the British like warm beer. We then went into the mill and Greg gave us the history of the mill. This Grist Mill started in 1876. The power to run the equipment comes from water pressure. Water is diverted from Cedar Creek via a 650’ long wooden flume. The water drops 3” every 100 feet until it reaches the fins in the “turbine” where it free falls. The resulting 8 tons of pressure turns the turbine. The shaft of the turbine is connected to the milling machine via a series of belts. Greg told us the mill has been operated as a grist mill by three different families and was also operated as a machine shop. Always, water pressure supplied the power. The mill was abandoned in about 1950 and sat idle until 1980 when the Friends of the Cedar Creek Grist Mill formed a group dedicated to preserving the mill. Most of the mill was rebuilt using methods that were used when the mill was first built. After Greg finished his talk it was time for Fred, the “Miller”, to explain how water pressure makes everything turn so that he ends up with a “finished” product. He explained

Cedar Creek Grist Mill & Cedar Creek Healey Northwest

November 2006

that the process is milling, not grinding. In milling two huge stones, which were quarried in Paris Valley, France and came to America as ships ballast, are ad-

continued. Fred again gave each of us a bag, explaining it was best used as pancake batter. (He gave us the recipe for the pancakes and it is really GOOD) Too soon it was time to say thank you and good bye, to Tom, Fred and Greg. We all left a donation for their continued work and we left. We again went through the covered bridge, which adds to the period atmosphere, and continued to Woodland and the Oak Tree Restaurant where the meeting was held as we enjoyed lunch. Oh, by the way, regarding the warm beer, it has been rumored that Lucas is in charge of refrigeration in Britain.

Explaining working of the mill.

justed extremely close but not touching. With Fred acting as the throttle, water was sent into the turbine. Belts and wheels turned and then the huge stones turned. Fred had filled a hopper over the stones with dried kernels of corn and in no time cornmeal was being deposited in a bin. Fred bagged up the corn meal and handed each of us a bag. After all of us had corn meal, Fred changed the hopper to red winter wheat and the milling Gathering in front of the covered bridge.

All pictures for this article were taken by Mark Schneider. Healey Northwest

November 2006

The Northwest Meet in Astoria by John & Judy Carter


he Northwest Meet was held in Astoria, OR on September 22-24. This year it was sponsored by the Oregon Club. Healey enthusiasts came from many locations including Canada, Washington, Idaho, and California. Many people arrived Thursday afternoon at the Holiday Inn Express located on the Columbia River waterfront. They enjoyed dinner at the Rogue Ales Public House before retiring.

( ) Betty & Jenny Hand at “Upper Crust” Tea.

collection of cars that included an interesting Packard (once owned by Charlie Chaplin) and several other original, unrestored cars. Back at the hotel that evening we renewed old friendships at a pizza and salad party. During the (2) Going to dinner Thursday evening.

Friday, many of the ladies attended tea at the Windsor House. They were decked out in their “upper crust” finery. The most outstanding outfits were worn by Betty Hand and Becky Daniels. The men went to a new local car museum where there was a small

(2) I got the scoundrel!

(1) Now we know what they mean by “Upper Crust”. Healey Northwest

dinner, we were disrupted by an English Bobby(Jerry) chasing a Canadian pizza thief (Gordy). He was apprehended promptly and returned handcuffed. Luckily, there was still plenty of pizza for all. 10

November 2006

(1) Let’s walk out to the Northhead Lighthouse.

Saturday proved to be yet another beautifully sunny day. George Koeber planned two great tours of the sights around Astoria. The morning tour included the

( ) Some of our group enjoying “new” Ft. Clatsop.

(2) Jefferson Era music by Andrew Emlen and Jeffrey Reynolds.. (2) Arrival at Interpretive Center.

Northhead Lighthouse, Cape Disappointment State

and Clark era. The men were very talented and were the perfect ending to a wonderful day. Continued on page 17 ....

(1) Lineup for Autocross.

Park, and Fort Columbia. The interpretive center at the park was quite interesting and informative and gave us a good idea about the travels of Lewis and Clark. The afternoon tour went to Fort Clatsop, which has been recently rebuilt and opened this summer. This tour returned to the hotel via the Astoria Column. Some people chose to autocross during the afternoon. Three bugeyes and one big Healey represented the British cars in the mix. Everyone had a great time. That evening we all enjoyed a catered dinner at the hotel. After dinner, we were entertained by an instrumental duet that played music from the Lewis Healey Northwest

(1) Healeys from top of Astoria Column. 11

November 2006

Austin Healey Club of Oregon turns 30! submitted by Bill Bolton

Healey Northwest


November 2006

Healey Northwest


November 2006

Healey Northwest


November 2006

Classified Ads Parts for Sale new ad: “Early” After Market Hardtop for AH3000. In sound usable shape, some cracks in plastic window but reasonably clear. Fabric in good shape. In Bend, OR. I can e-mail pictures if you would like to see it. Call or e-mail Andy at 541-318-1001 or AHealeyBT7@aol.com Best offer to a good home. Med blue Everflex hood for BN-1. Purch ’96, Brit Car Specialists and never installed, still in box. $300. Craig House 503-656-9750 (Oregon City) or cooperbee@att.net

Healey Northwest


November 2006

Editor’s Note: The following thank you letter was received by the AHCO from the Muscular Dystrophy Assn.:

Healey Northwest


November 2006

NWM, Continued from page 11 ....

Additionsl meet photos:

Sunday was the time to say our good byes to old and new friends. This meet was filled with tons of fun and glorious weather. Many thanks to all those who planned this event. A few thoughts about the Meet: Astoria uppercrust teas are a hit with the ladies Slovenian wine acts like truth serum for those that partake tom Monaco dances to Italian classical music Is it true there is a Frankensprite in our group? names can be “Jerry” or “George” if the last name is Koeber

He (Jeff Mach) protects butterflies for the Army English “Bobbies” can arrest Canadian pizza thieves Art Lomax invents his own autocross course larry Clemenson and Kym Randolph secretly hunt for agates on vacation Everyone asks, “Hey Gordy, Where’s Billy?” Yes, there were too many BJ9’s at the Meet

(2) On way to museum.

(2) Let’s make her look good!

(1) On their way to “Upper Crust” Tea party

Photo credits for this article: (1) All provided by Beckie Daniels of Cascade AH Club. (2) Photos by Jack Jakobsen. (3) Photo by Sheila Jakobsen (4) Photo by Jaci Koeber Healey Northwest

(2) Jim & Jerry enjoying museum. 17

November 2006

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Koeber’s Carpets was established in 1963 by George and Jaci Koeber, and continues to be family-owned and operated.

Koeber’s is a full-service floor and window coverings store, offering outstanding service at excellent prices. 6700 SW 111th Ave. Beaverton, OR 97008

503-641-1901 Fax 503-671-0808 CCB #036566


View of Columbia River from behind Holiday Inn Express during 2006 Northwest Meet in Astoria, OR. Photo provided by Beckie Daniels of Cascade Austin Healey Club.

Austin-Healey Club of Oregon Healey Northwest 160 SW th Avenue Portland, OR 722 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


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