2000 December - Healey Northwest

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Austin-Healey Club of Oregon

December 2000


Healey Northwest


December 2000

Austin-Healey Club of Oregon 2000 Officers President:

Vice President:



Bob Bollinger 1530 W. 28th Place Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 687-8218 cbrb@aol.com

Jack Jakobsen 3801 Wy’east Road Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 354-3971 & FAX with prior call. jakobsen@gorge.net

Stephanie Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Gary Jackson 3118 Northridge Way Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 343-0117 gary.jackson@ eweb.eugene.or.us





Mary Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Allan Gross 8217 NE 71st. Street Vancouver, WA 98662 (360) 254-4527 agross9217@aol.com

Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 terryaviator@bigplanet.com

Betty Hand & JaAnn Hoisington 1520 NE Lincoln Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503) 693-9293 nrhand@aol.com

Advertising Mgr.:

Club Cordinator:


Club Address:

Skip Monaco 7710 SW 89th Portland, OR 97223 (503) 245-0174 FAX (503) 472-9953

Bill Bolton 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895-5576 FAX (541) 895-4029 tricarb@aol.com

Doug Auburg 7215 NE 61st Avenue Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 694-7769 FAX (360) 694-7998 dauburg@vintagead.com

A-H Club of Oregon 82923 Bear Creek Road Creswell, OR 97426

Club Web Site: http://www.healey-oregon.org Contents: Club Activities Other Car Events Christmas Party President’s Message Membership Report Minutes November Meet George’s Infatuation Expenses Brother Lucas Overdrive Problems Jasper Thanks OpenRoads2002 Classified Ads

December Meeting 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18

Date: December 2, 2:30 PM Program: AHCO Christmas Party Meeting: Membership meeting, dinner, auction and

entertainment. Dinner: Catered dinner at no cost to AHCO members. See page 4 for more information....

Cover This month’s cover was shot by Tom Santee at one of the stops on the winery tour last year.

Thanks for your Help

Bob Bollinger, Allan & Mary Gross, Stephanie Hellickson, George & Jaci Koeber, Mark Schnieder, John Rueter, Skip Monaco, Sandy Bushore, Tom Santee, Bill Bolton.

Healey Northwest


December 2000


AHCO Activities Calendar

Healey Northwest

by Allan Gross

© 2000 AHCO

The official publication of the AustinHealey Club of Oregon, Healey Northwest, is published monthly for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in Healey Northwest express the opinions of the author and do not express the official Austin-Healey Club of Oregon position on any subject unless specifically noted. We do our best to insure accuracy, but can not be responsible for any errors or omission of fact. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, Club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from Healey Northwest may be reprinted in other publications, provided credit is given to the author and source and reciprocal article use permission is offered by that publication. Please address correspondence to: Healey Northwest Editor Terry Hellickson 1618 Avon Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-8969 e-mail: terryaviator@bigplanet.com AHCO MEMBERSHIPS Membership in the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon is available to anyone with an interest in cars bearing the Healey marque. Individuals need not own a Healey to join nor is membership restricted to any regional, national or continental boundaries. Members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. Winter activities are normally indoor technical sessions or social events. Summer activities are normally outdoors involving tours and car events. Calendar year memberships are available in person at any meeting or by mail: $25.00 per individual or couple (add $10.00 for international mail). Checks should be made payable to AHCO and sent to the Club Membership Director. DEADLINES The Healey Northwest submittal deadline is the 20th of the preceding month. 4

Healey Northwest

Editor’s note: Some information or dates may change after originally published. Check the calendar each month for current information.

December 2, 2000, ( Note: 1st Saturday of the month, time change) RSVP The annual AHCO Christmas party will be a catered event (at club expense) at the Al Kader Shrine Center, 8651 SW Salish Lane, Wilsonville, OR. From I-5 take exit number 286, towards Stafford/N.Wilsonville. Turn right onto SW Elligsen Rd. and then turn left on to SW Parkway Ave. Proceed for .2 miles and turn right onto SW Salish Lane. The agenda includes a club meeting followed by entertainment by the Off Broadway singers, a charity auction, dinner and the traditional gift exchange for those who want to participate. The event will begin at 2:30pm and end around 11pm. For those of you who would like to stay over night in the area, there are many hotels available in the immediate area. We are seeking any type of items for the auction, so if you want to help out, please bring something. There will be both a silent and the traditional auction format. FYI - The facility is totally smoke free. There are areas outside of the building where smoking is allowed. Pop will be provided but alcohol beverages are each individual’s responsibility. R.S.V.P. is required to insure food for all and to minimize club expenses. Please RSVP no later than November 25 to Allan Gross, 360-254-4527 or email agross9217@aol.com. Januaray 13, 2001 There are no activities yet planned for the new year. If you have suggestions, ideas or would like to host or cohost an activity please contact Allan Gross at 360-2544527 or email agross9217@aol.com.


December 2000

Other Car Events

AHCO Christmas Party

December 2, 2000 (Note: 1st Saturday of the month) What: AHCO Christmas Party (RSVP to Allan Gross) When: December 2, 2000 from 2:30 PM to 11:00 PM Where: Al Kader Shrine Center 8651 SW Salish Lane Wilsonville, Oregon Activities: Club meeting charity auction entertainment 2001 AutoJumble gift exchange April 29, 2001 dinner at 6:00 PM The annual All British Swap Meet will be held on the Best Inns, 8815 SW Sun Place last Sunday of April, 2001. Set the day aside for stock- Hotel: Wilsonville, 503-682-3184; $58/two, ing up on parts and paraphernalia for or about your mention AHCO for rate Healey. Stay tuned for more information. Remember: $10 gift for gift exchange if you want to participate. If you want to participate in the charity aucRendezvous 2001 tion, bring your item(s). A heads up to Allan prior to the July 30 - August 3, 2001 Healey Rendezvous 2001 will be July 30th - August 3rd, party would be appreciated. Be sure to bring the “Healey 2001 in Grants Pass, OR, site of the Geoff Healey Me- Feely” bag if you received one from Jaci. morial. This event is sponsored by AHCUSA, hosted by AHC of Oregon. Accommodations will be $86 plus Directions to the Al Kader Shrine Center: N o r t h tax with a river view or $69 without a view. It should from I-5 take exit number 286,towards Stafford/ prove to be a relaxing and enjoyable outing. Start mak- N.Wilsonville. Turn left onto SW Elligsen Rd. and then ing your plans now. Contact: Bill Bolton, 541-895-5576, turn left on to SW Parkway Ave. proceed for 0.2 miles and turn right onto SW Salish Lane. email: tricarb@aol.com. Emanuel Children's Center Christmas Party December 16, 2000 For the second year we will be participating in the Emanuel Children's Center Christmas Party. Mark Saturday December 16th on your calendar. West side Club members meet at 2 p.m. at Monaco's and parade over to the Red Cross parking lot. Non-west side Club members will simply meet us at the parking lot at 2:30 p.m. Let’s make this another memorable Christmas for these deserving children.

NW Austin Healey Meet September 21 - 23, 2001 Cascade Austin Healey Club of WA. is hosting the 16th NW Austin Healey Meet September 21-23, 2001 at the Lakeside Lodge and Suites’ Best Western - 2312 Woodin Ave. Chelan WA. 1-800-468-2781 “NW AH Meet” for special winter rates. Check out: wwwlakechelan.comwww.lakesidelodge.net -More information later on Cascade club’s website. www.cascadeahc.homestead.com/ home.html Contact Joyce Toms 360 876-8236- Lois Buhman 425-228-2742.

South from I-5 take exit number 286, towards Stafford/ N.Wilsonville. Turn right onto SW Elligsen Rd. and then turn left on to SW Parkway Ave. Proceed for 0.2 miles and turn right onto SW Salish Lane. Shore of Lake Tahoe. The meet celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first Austin-Healey, the 100, and the popularity and longevity of all Austin-Healeys, AustinHealey Sprites and Jensen-Healeys, as well as all Healeys built prior to 1952. The low registration fee makes 2002 Lake Tahoe Healey International the perfect driving vacation. Registration is scheduled to begin July 1, 2001. Start making your plans early. This is gonna be a big one and you don’t want to miss it!

OPENROADS 2002 June 23 - 28, 2002 The OpenRoads 2002 Healey International will be hosted by the Golden Gate Austin-Healey Club. It runs from For more information contact John Trifari, OpenRoads Sunday June 23, 2002 to Friday June 28, 2002 at the 2002, phone 408-541-9608, FAX 408-541-9320, Horizon Inn and Casino, Stateline, Nevada on the South cellphone 408-373-6479 or e-mail john4@home.com Healey Northwest u December 2000 5

President’s Message

Membership Report

by Bob Bollinger

by Mary Gross

As the year winds down, I would like to thank everyone, in particular this year’s officers, for all your help and support. I think we accomplished a great deal tackling several controversial items as well as five constitutional changes early in the year. With everyone’s cooperation we were able to put these issues to bed and spent the rest of the year enjoying our Healeys and the friendship of each other.

The forms for AHCO membership 2001 will be in the mail by the December 1. Return the form with your names as you want them, however, you do not have to fill out the entire form unless you have changes in your information. Check the 2000 membership directory and the November newsletter for the information we have for you now. Let me know about changes in address, phone, status, e-mail address, cars, etc. It will be up to you to be sure everything is correct, then if my flashing I wish Allen all the best for next year. I know you’ll fingers don’t mess up, it should be right in the new disupport him as you have me and we’ll go on to a great rectory. The renewals will be due by February 28th. 2001. Remember, if you paid $25 after August 31, your membership is good through 2001. Happy Holidays! New Member: Bob Thomas and Edna Britton 9424 Hart Road SE Olympia, WA 98501 360-943-0710 brittont@home.com

Calling All Winners!

December Birthdays 1- Catherine Graff 4- Chic Thomas This is another reminder to all current trophy holders. 9- Lisa Brown, Sandy Bushore, Darlene Stutte, Steve Please bring the trophies to the December Christmas Toms party or, if you’re not coming to the party, make arrange10- Nancy Boylan ments to have them there. The club needs to have the 15- Kenneth Nielson trophies engraved with the names of the new recipients. 16- Doris Nelson Also, the club needs to have all the current trophy hold18- Laurie Day, Betty Rueter, Kim Young ers who are the chairmen of their respective trophy com21- Will Wahlin mittees provide Bob Bollinger with their choice for the 22- Glenn Chapman recipient of next year's award. 23- Hazel Nielson, Millie Poague, Barb Lambert 24- Chuck Gowan 25- John Stevens 26- Jeffrey Brown, Norm Gustafson, Keith Henrie, Dana Lutes 27- Sylvia Brown, Maryanne Leipper 28- Skip Monaco 30- Ron Sprague, Bob Wiley 31- Larry Haroun


Healey Northwest


December 2000

General Membership Meeting November 11, 2000 Minutes by Stephanie Hellickson The meeting was brought to order at about 1:00 p.m. at McMenamin’s Edgefield Inn in Troutdale, Oregon by President Bob Bollinger. Bob thanked Kevin and Marie Cowan for the great excursion to see Ron Tonkin’s fabulous car collection followed by a tour of the Fall colors. The minutes of the October meeting were approved as published in the November newsletter. Thank you to Marie Cowan for filling in for me in October.

put inside for the Healey Feely Contest with prizes for correct answers and for the most bazaar guesses. Allan also reported that there was no planned event yet for the January meet. Leon Hart, the new activities person, asked for help, ideas and suggested maybe a tech session for January, something indoors. Regalia, Betty Hand, reported nothing new, but regalia will be available at the Christmas party.

Vice President, Jack Jakobsen, was not present. Treasurer, Gary Jackson, reported for the period covering the last three months. We had a beginning balance of $22,329.19 with an income of $3135.63 most of which came from regalia sales. Expenses totaled $3136.55, most of which was newsletter costs, resulting in an ending balance of $22,328.27.

Editor, Terry Hellickson, asked that any information for the newsletter be in by November 14th due to the early date of the December meet. He will need to get the news letter in the mail a week earlier to insure delivery before the meet.

Club Coordinator, Bill Bolton, reported on the 2002 meet in Lake Tahoe. The rooms will be $89/night and regisMembership, Mary Gross, reported 187 memberships tration will be $89. Registration will open in June and and also that renewals would be going out next month rooms will not be available without registration for the meet. A large turnout is expected. and are needed back by the end of February. Activities, Allan Gross, passed around a sign up sheet for the Christmas Party. Sign up is very important to insure there will be enough food for all. The party will start at 2:30 p.m. for socializing and entertainment with the meeting at 3:30 followed by a catered dinner. The rest of the evening will include games, a charity auction and gift exchange. The auction will include both a silent and verbal auction. Allan asked that if you are planning to bring something for the auction to please let him know so it can be decided which auction to put it in before hand to avoid last minute frenzy. The gift exchange is a $10 limit. Jaci handed out velvet bags to members asking them to find a Healey related item to

Healey Northwest

Librarian, Doug Auburg, had nothing new to report. ABFM committee person, Tom Monaco, reported a smaller profit from the meet this year due to the weather. Left over regalia from the meet will be sold at the charity auction at the Christmas party. Triumph will be the honored marque next year and the Triumph Club expects a good turnout of 150-200 cars. Tom also commented that the Healey turnout is only about 45 cars and we should be able to do better than that. He is open to ideas.

Rendezvous 2001 coordinator, Bill Bolton, reported that the dates will be July 30th - August 3rd. Several good ideas for a logo have been turned in, including a very nice one by Chuck Gowan that was passed around the room. Regalia will be headed by Jerry Barron with help from Pat Barron, Jaci Koeber and Shirley Wilson. The regalia will include T-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and patches but no car badges or pins. Accommodations will be $86 plus tax with a river view or $69 without a view. The Club has blocked off 84 rooms with a possibility of 110 rooms. u(Continued on page 13...) December 2000 7

TRIP TO THE RON TONKIN AUTO MUSEUM by Sandy Bushore Saturday morning greeted us with clear skies and crisp blew the tires off heading to the beach one day. The air, a wonderful fall morning to drive the Healey. Best tires were “new”, over 25 years ago, and had no miles of all, we would have the opportunity to be with our on them to speak of, but time took its toll and they did Healey friends and view an awesome array of fine auto- not withstand the higher speed that he subjected them mobiles, some of which I have never heard of before. to. (For more details on a great story, ask any of us who Rich Snider, the manager of the GT Store, owned by attended.) Ron Tonkin, greeted us and gave us some insight into Sarah liked the lines of the four Panthers, Jaguar SS100 the background of the interesting marques there. look-alikes, that were along the back wall. I told her I counted approximately 40 cars as Ron had sent several that they are similar to the MGTD hoping to get by much of his favorites to Southern California where he could cheaper if she wanted a car of that style. Bertone was enjoy them through the winter. A ‘63 Chevy Impala, represented by a X-1-9 of no particular significance and two Corvettes, a blue Panoz (with what looked like a a few Alfas. Of particular interest to me was the 1955 step plate on the rear fender by the door) and a Quick Jaguar, which Rich identified as a 150, but thanks to a Silver “pimp car” manufactured by a motor coach com- couple alert members, Rich and the rest of us were inpany in Florida, were the only domestic vehicles there. formed that it was a 140. It’s great to have such outstanding resources available in the club! Unfortunately, The rest of the collection were exotics such as Ferraris, we had a prior commitment and could not join everyone Maseratis, and a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud which Ron for the luncheon and meeting that followed.

HEALEYS AT THE EDGEFIELD by Terry Hellickson AHCO members received a rare treat on Saturday, November 11, when we were invited to view Ron Tonkin’s private auto museum in Portland. Ron’s extensive collection of exotic and curious automobiles is truly outstanding. We are extremely grateful to Ron and Rich Snider, who donated his day off to host our tour, for providing AHCO members an entertaining and informative event. But our Saturday didn’t end there.

beautiful day, I was happy to head for the Edgefield for the meeting, grub and grog.

Once the meeting was over and my hunger quenched Steph and I opted to go on the tour of the Edgefield grounds. Nearly a dozen of us learned many interesting facts about the facility’s history, visited the brewery, the distillery and the gardens. The young lady serving as our tour guide was most entertaining, regaling us with The Cowans planned activities for all club members’ many stories at each point of interest (she would have tastes. Leaving the Tonkin museum the organized tour been very comfortable in the counterculture of the sixwould depart for the Forestry Center to take in a “Woody” ties!) but confessed to being afraid of squirrels (?!). car show. The tour would then ply roads off the main thoroughfares on its way to the Edgefield for the meet- The last stop she led us to was a sculpture dedicated to Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead (I told you she would ing and lunch. fit in). We were led down the proverbial (and real) garSome folks chose to head for downtown Troutdale to den path, overgrown with vine maple and blackberry prowl the antique shops until meeting time. Still others vines, to a clearing where the sculpture was located. headed directly to the Edgefield to get an early start on Moving to the other side for a different perspective we whatever they wished to start on. Steph and I were saw, only fifty feet away, the main driveway up to the among those who stopped at Troutdale. Luckily, we re- lodge. But what is a Healey event without adventure? sisted buying anything more that we don’t need from Only thing I would do different is...bring the Healey! genuine antique or general junk sellers. In spite of the 8

Healey Northwest


December 2000

George’s Infatuation by George Koeber Way back, shortly after graduating from Beaverton High car. About this same time I saw an Austin Healey in the School, I had an MGA. In fact, when Jaci and I got front yard of a house. I stopped and inquired if the car married (1960) we took our honeymoon in our MGA. was for sale. I found out it could be had—or was it, I About this same time, my brother had an Austin Healey. They both looked somewhat the same, but his Healey would go faster. Now, those of you who know me, know that speed isn’t too important to me, however, I thought it was a neat car because it had an overdrive that could be operated by a switch on the dash. I was envious! Never mind that the overdrive rarely worked, I was envious anyway. Jaci and I got married and soon bought our first home. With that house came a lawn! We didn’t own a mower so when it was time to mow the lawn I would ask Jaci’s Dad if I could borrow his lawn mower. He would always say yes, but since I couldn’t haul his mover in the MGA I would next ask him if I could borrow his car to

could be had?? I inspected the car and by golly, right there on the dash was the overdrive switch. However, there was no overdrive or transmission! I questioned the owner and he said he had them but was not going to sell them with the car. I thought, “No Problem! I’ll find one somewhere!” We made the deal and I purchased the car for $400.00 About two months later he showed up at my store and said he was moving to California and wanted me to have the transmission and overdrive so it could be kept with the car. He gave them to me for free, so I was still only $400 into the car. Such a deal!! As I worked on the car it became apparent that I needed help on different aspects of restoration. At this point I hadn’t heard of AHCO or Moss Motors, Victoria British, Hemphil, etc. Help came in the form of another Healey which we could use as a pattern. I was reading the paper one morning and a Healey was advertised. I called and obtained the address. As I approached the house there was a Healey parked out front. It looked great and had the overdrive switch. I thought the car for sale was probably out back, as this one looked too good for what they were asking. I knocked on the door and the lady who answered said that was the car out front and would I like to take it for a drive!! Wow!! It ran!!

haul the mower. At this point he balked a little, muttering something like “you kids are going to kill yourselves in that little car!”. After a while I started feeling guilty that I was zooming around town in this cute sportscar while he had to maintain a car that would haul a lawn mover. I felt so bad we traded the MGA in on a Chevy Station Wagon. Wow, did we have room. I could now borrow the mower and stop for groceries all on the same trip, having no guilt! It was about this same time we started having children and although the British Sports Car had left me physically it was still there mentally. As the years went by I always fantasized about that Healey with the overdrive switch on the dash that my I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. I took it for a drive and “viola” the overdrive worked! I made the deal brother had. with her and gave her all the money I had on me, $30.00, About 1982 my son was about 7 years old and I thought promising to return that evening with the rest of the it would be a good “Father-Son” activity to restore a money. I worried all day that someone else would up Healey Northwest

u(Continued on page 10...)

December 2000


(...George, continued from page 9) my price and I wouldn’t get the car. When I returned that evening with the money, the car was still there and the car was OURS!! I asked if anyone else had looked at the car and she said I was the only one interested in it. I drove the car home!! I had this second Healey in a shop having some work done and the owner of the shop called and wanted to know if I was interested in selling the car because he was getting a lot of interest from his customers. I told him no, but I had another one that I would sell. At this point Healey #1 was completely town down and was what you would call the proverbial “basket case”. Within a week a fellow called and said he was interested in the Healey I had for sale. I sold it to him and he carted it away box by box. During the next two years I used to stop and visit him and see the progress

Honeymoon Expenses

on Healey #l. He finally got it on the road and I used to see him driving it around Beaverton. He later moved from the area.

by Jaci Koeber I recently found the records of the expenses for our Honeymoon in August of 1960. I enjoyed looking at the amount spent, remembering how tight our budget was at the time. We were both going to Portland State. George was working When we started working on full time for Dinihanian & Sons Carpets and Healey #2 we told our oldest earning $465.00 per month (he even worked daughter that she was going to most Saturdays!). I was working part time for be able to drive the Healey in Multnomah County Planning Commission for her Senior Year Homecoming about $2.75 per hour. Parade! Not Ready! We assured our Son that he could These were our day by day expenses as we went drive the car in his Senior Year to San Francisco and back to Portland: Homecoming Parade! Not Ready!! JaAnn, 6 years *8-26-60 Gas and oil $2.95, Motel $6.00 (this younger, piece of cake she will was our wedding night, we made it to Salem) be able to drive the car in her Home Coming Parade!! Still *8-27-60 Breakfast $2.20 + tip .25, Shoes $2.49 Not Done!! Our oldest Grand- (Jaci had only the heels she was married in), daughter is now 12. We guar- Peds(soxs) .29, Hair net & comb .69, phone .50 antee her that she will be able (George probably called home, he was only 19), to drive the car in her Home Sun glasses $1.05, Root Beer .20, gas & oil Coming Parade. Sure!! If we $3.15, Chop Stick .25 (it must have been a soucan keep it running!! By the venir?), Post Cards .16, Dinner $2.70, Motel way, Healey #1 is the Red Aus- $6.00 (we were in Yreka, CA. tin Healey 100-6 we are driving today. Oh yes, we did *8-28-60 Breakfast $1.25, gas & oil $3.90, 2 eventually get our own lawn freezes .55, Orange juice .44 (from a fruit stand), cokes .20. mover! *8-29-60 Gas $1.86, Orange juice .63, bridge tolls .50. *8-30-60 Post cards & stamps .65, bridge toll .25, gas $1.50, apples .20, groceries 6.00, dinner $4.68 + tip .50, gas & oil $3.28, kleenex .25, hotel (Brookings, OR) $3.00. *8-31-60 Breakfast $2.05, gas $1.00, souvenir mug $2.58, Vase .98, Sundaes .50, taffy .85, gas $1.00.


Healey Northwest


By staying overnight at an Aunt & Uncles a couple nights to save motel costs, we were able to stay well within our budget of $75.00 for our Honeymoon. Yes, we were driving a British Sports Car, a 1958 MGA. December 2000

Brother Lucas- Prince of Darkness by Mark Schnieder Shortly after I bought my Healey the following event occurred. We all joke or have heard all the wise cracks about Lucas electrics, like the one about warm beer and Lucas refrigerators. Well, let me tell you. In all of the years I have owned my car, Brother Lucas has been pretty good to me. But there was this one time….. In the mid-1970’s we lived in Tri-Cities, WA. I had purchased the Healey recently and had never taken it on a road trip. An opportunity arose. I needed to make a quick round trip to Seattle. And so off I went. It was a beautiful summer day and I drove the 450 mile roundtrip with the top down. For those of you who may not be familiar with the Tri Cities area of eastern Washington, it is located at the southeastern corner of the state and near Hanford Project. In those days one drove west out of Richland, across the Hanford Project Highway, to I-90, over Snoqualmie Pass and into Seattle. The Healey did great, rolling along with that great, strong, throaty roar. She didn’t miss a beat.

time. The road is good. There’s no traffic. The weather is beautiful.” I accelerated smoothly and got braver as the car sped up. What a rush!!! We were really hauling. The evening was warm. The sagebrush fragrance was wonderful. The moon was full. Oh, did I forget to mention the moon? Forgive me, I should have mentioned that factor because as the little white needle on the speedometer was gliding past 120 mph all the damn lights went out! “My God, I thought, I’ve exceeded the speed of light!” Well, at least British light. In the middle of the desert there was not a light to be seen. All I had to drive by was the light of the full moon and my somewhat passable night vision. That coupled with the straight Hanford High-

After taking care of business in Seattle we headed back for Richland. “We” being comprised of the BJ8, Brother

way is about all that saved my young butt that night. As soon as Brother Lucas turned out the lights my foot shot off of the accelerator pedal and I started concentrating on steering a very, very straight line. About the time the car had coasted back down to about 60 mph I hit a particularly large expansion joint in the old concrete highway. The jarring from the bump scared the hell out of me but the bump shook something loose, apparently an electrically vital something because all Lucas, and me. We got to the western edge of the Hanford the lights came back on and we drove home…..at the Project about 10:30 PM. Where the road crosses the speed limit….. or maybe even a little less. I forgave Columbia River the Hanford Highway begins and leads Brother Lucas and we have been reasonably good friends about 60-70 miles across the emptiness of the govern- ever since. ment reservation to Richland. Once on the Hanford project the road straightens out and disappears into the far horizon without even a wiggle, I mean, bloody straight. So I says to Brother Lucas, “You know this speedometer says 140 mph. Do you really think the Healey has it in her? Hey, let’s find out! Now’s the Healey Northwest


December 2000


OVERDRIVE PROBLEMS by John Rueter Sometime during this past summer my overdrive quit working. After much conferring with the service book I deducted that the solenoid was inactive and should be replaced. I purchased a new one for about $120. Nice and shiny and looked like it would do the trick.

through everything I had for a piece of spring brass I remodeled a safety pin so it would be held down by one of the screws on the top of the solenoid. I had an operable solenoid again. Now we will see how long this one lasts!!!

In order to install this solenoid I had to remove the transmission tunnel, but only after removing the driver’s seat. The solenoid is on the left side of the overdrive and held in with two screws. The old one came out easily, was full of oil and quite a mess on the outside. The new unit went in without any fuss. I checked out the operation of the unit and was satisfied that I would not have to get in there for awhile. WRONG! A little too soon the new solenoid quit operating. I drove in conventional for a time until Tom Monaco gave me a box of used solenoids‌and not a pretty picture.

Later, I drove to Salem on an errand. Everything went well until one of the tail pipe hangers let go. I had to stop and use bailing wire to tie it to the bumper. Oh, well!

This time the solenoid (the brand new one) indicated that it had a dead short and in doing so had also burned out the transmission switch which holds out the overdrive unless the drive is in third or fourth gear. We stole a switch off of an MG and I went through the box of used parts to find a usable solenoid unit. The one I picked pulled a sneaker on me because it did not have the internal cutout plunger in it. This plunger cuts out the main part of the solenoid that opens the oil valve within the overdrive. As the main armature is drawn in by full voltage the plunger is pushed up, opening the circuit to the main coil. A holding coil retains the armature and keeps the valve open. The secondary coil has just enough power to hold the armature in place and eases the amount of heat developed within the solenoid. The solenoid worked for a time but gave out because of the heat. Another solenoid we tried had bad contacts, but it did have the plunger. I installed the plunger in the remaining solenoid after breaking off the contact spring. I was now in deep doodoo up to here. There was no contact on the chosen solenoid. I carefully removed the little 1/ 8� diameter contact from one of the spring brass pieces and proceeded to break the brass by trying to bend it to the correct position so it would make contact electrically and be moved mechanically by the plunger rod. Necessity is the mother of invention. After looking 12 Healey Northwest u

December 2000

(...Minutes, continued from page 7) Charitable Contributions, Skip Monaco, reported they are going forward with the calendar idea for the children at St. Mary’s and Jasper Mountain and asked members who attended those functions to submit pictures of themselves with their cars. The pictures are needed by November 20th. Dave Brown has generously offered to print these up for us. These calendars will also be available to members by special order for $10 each, which will go to the charity fund. The calendars for Jasper Mountain will be given to Gary Jackson at the Christmas party. We will also be doing the Christmas gift event to Emanuel Childrens Hospital. This will be December 16th and we will hopefully be able to deliver the calendars for St. Mary’s the same day. We will meet at the Red Cross parking lot at 2:30. More information will be available in the newsletter. Skip also talked a little about doing the Jasper Mountain event again next year and what the school has on it wish list, which includes computer equipment, bicycles and school supplies. She asked if anyone knows of any sources, even used will be appreciated. Skip also said Christmas cookies would be much appreciated. Under Old Business, Bob reminded current recipients that he needs the trophies brought to the December meeting and the names of the new recipient of each trophy. There are no more board meetings this year, but there will be one at the January meet. Anyone who wants something brought to the attention of the board at that meeting needs to get in touch with Bob Bollinger or Allan Gross by the December meet. No new business was presented. The meeting was adjourned

Healey Northwest


December 2000



Healey Northwest


December 2000

Healey Northwest


December 2000


OPENROADS 2002 line via MasterCard or Visa through the OpenRoads 2002 web site at www.healey2002.com. Registration can also be made during Conclave 2001 at Grand Rapids, Minnesota July 23-28 or at Rendezvous 2001 at Rogue River, Oregon July 30 to August 3, 2001. Room registrations at the Horizon can be made only after a registration number has been issued. Certain registration numbers will The OpenRoads 2002 Healey International will be hosted be retained for use by the OpenRoads 2002 Committee. by the Golden Gate Austin-Healey Club. It runs from Sunday June 23, 2002 to Friday June 28, 2002 at the The week-long event will include rallies, tours, autocross Horizon Inn and Casino, Stateline, Nevada on the South competition and other speed events, technical sessions Shore of Lake Tahoe. The meet celebrates the 50th an- and a car show on Monday June 24. Already a number niversary of the first Austin-Healey, the 100, and the of honored guests, including Bic and Mary Healey, John popularity and longevity of all Austin-Healeys, Austin- and Joy Healey and Gerry and Marion Coker have acHealey Sprites and Jensen-Healeys, as well as all Healeys cepted invitations to attend. Also attending will be ownbuilt prior to 1952. Rooms will be available at the Ho- ers of Healey boats. rizon for $89 per night per room. For real-time updates about OpenRoads Healey InterThe $89 room charge covers one couple and/or one car. national 2002, and for information on Lake Tahoe and Charge is $99 for three adults per night per room; $109 the Horizon, go to the Event web site at for four adults/room/night. Children under 12 are free. www.healey2002.com. Information is also available Taxes are not included. Additional fees, comparable to through the club newsletter, Golden Gate Healey Hapthose set for past Conclaves, Healey Internationals and penings. West Coast Meets (Healey Rendezvous) will be established early in 2001 to cover those bringing in more than one Healey. Other charges, such as those for banquets, speed events, regalia, etc., will be extra. Late registration fees may also be imposed. SUNNYVALE California (USA) —November 8, 2000— In a move aimed at making the OpenRoads 2002 Healey International the most exceptional vacation experience possible for Healey owners and enthusiasts worldwide, the OpenRoads 2002 Event Committee has set the registration fee for the event at $89 (US).

“The Lake Tahoe area is one of the world’s most perfect Healey driving sites,” said Loren cross, Chairman of the 2002 International Organizing Committee. “We’ve made arrangements for the perfect Healey vacation, and we’re looking forward to hosting the largest gathering of Healey owners and enthusiasts to date.” The Golden Gate Austin-Healey Club has arranged for 400 rooms at the Horizon, and is investigating the availability of additional rooms in Stateline, Nevada and in nearby South Lake Tahoe, California. “We have $89 rooms, an $89 registration fee and you can get to the meet easily on California Route 89,” he added. “We already have a lot of space available for lovers of the Healey Marque, and we’re looking for more.” Registration for OpenRoads 2002 will begin July 1, 2001 and can be made via printed registration forms in local, national and international Healey publications, and on16

Healey Northwest


December 2000

Innocent Questions Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother gently rubbed cold cream on her face. “Why are you rubbing that stuff on your face, mommy?” he asked. “To make myself beautiful,” said his mother. A few minutes later, she began removing the cream with a tissue. “What’s the matter?” asked Little Johnny. “Giving up?”

Lip Prints Recently, a middle school in Oregon was faced with unique problem. A number of girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night. To demonstrate how difficult it was to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance guy to clean one of the mirrors. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then cleaned the mirror. Since then there have been no lip prints on the mirror.

Healey Northwest


December 2000


Classified Ads Classified Ads are free to all paid up members of AHCO, the Austin-Healey Owners Association of BC and the Cascade Austin Healey Club, and $2.00 each to nonmembers. These rates do not apply to commercial ads. Ads normally run three issues unless renewed by the advertiser. O=AHCO, C=Cascade, B=BC. Commercial Ad Rates: Monthly payment: Full page: $30, 1/2 page: $18, 1/4 page: $10, 1/8 page: $6, Business Card: $4. Inside cover (f or b): Full page: $35, 1/2 page: $21, Back cover, 1/2 page: $24. Annual payment in advance w/monthly appearance: Full page: $300, 1/2 page: $180, 1/4 page $100, 1/8 page $60, business card: $40. Inside cover (f or b), full page: $350, 1/2 page: $210. Back cover, 1/2 page: $240. Non-member business classifieds: $5 per month per six lines. Commercial display ads will be rotated between various positions. (Max. sizes: Full: 7.5” x 10”, Half: 7.5” x 5”, Quater: 3.5” x 5”, Eighth: 2-1/8” x 5”, Bus. Card: 2’ x 3.5”.)

Cars for Sale 1969 AH Sprite. Silver with black interior and top. New top, seats like new, padded interior panels, drives great and very dependable. A very straight body. $3,500. Extra parts also available - Sprite oil pan, transmission, taillights, Misc. Gene Lambert (503) 472-9139. 1959 AH Bug Eye Sprite. Original, very complete car with original 948cc engine. Needs complete restoration. Dean Willoughby (503) 286-4042. (O-12) 1963 Austin Healey BJ7. Basket case. Fairly complete though a badly rusted frame and instruments out; all or will part out. Also, an extra BJ7 rear shroud in fairly good shape. Esko, 253-813-9842, eskogc@halcyon.com. (O-5) 67 Austin Healey Sprite, right-hand drive, papers of shipment Hamburg to Portland, wires, several tops, recent rebuild top to bottom, eye catcher, good condition. Priced to sell @ $5,000. Contact Jerry at (503) 650-0396 or EMail aweese@cybcon. com (N-6) 63 Sprite (not Bug-Eye), great condition. Has both tops. Has 1277 engine, it and the running gear are in excellent condition as are the tires. Body is in good condition. Has been garaged. Drives very well. May be interested in a trade. $4000 or best offer. Contact Peter Shoemaker in the evenings at 294-1453. (N-7)

Parts for Sale Full set of Mini-lite Wheels, fit AH Sprite. Charles Burke, 503-289-5055. (O-6) Heavy Duty Poly Front Suspension Bushings for all Austin Healeys - big and small. Correctly done in black. Competitively priced. Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Heavy Duty Brake Shoes for all Austin Healey models. Impervious to all oils and fluids. Experience 25% better stopping power - cheap at any price. These can save your nose! Tom Monaco (503) 245-0174. (O-4) Lightened flywheels for big Healey models. They really make a big performance difference. You need one if you want your Healey to perform better in the corners and on the acceleration profile. Only the material not being used is removed. BN1 - BJ7 $120 plus a $40 core charge. BJ8 $140 plus a $60 core charge. Packing and shipping is extra. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-6) New Side Curtain Pouches made of felt lined black vinyl from original pattern. $45 ea. John Wilson (541) 9332016 (O-7) Hardtop windows for BN6/BT7/BN7. These windows are specifically manufactured of the treated poly-carbonate material used by the Indy race cars. They don’t fog or scratch like the currently advertised ones do! Fit it and forget it! You won’t need to replace it for years. $260 plus packing & shipping. Bill Bolton (541) 895-5576. (O-2) 18

Healey Northwest


December 2000

Healey Northwest


December 2000




Healey Northwest



December 2000

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