2008 April - Healey Northwest

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APRIL 2008 John Wilson Breaks 100 – No foolin’!





Club of Oregon



Jeff Mach 503-364-6789 mach@toast.net

Skip Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net



Mark Schneider 503-643-7208 mandmschneider@comcast.net

Tom Monaco 503-245-0174 tomsimport@ipinc.net



Cecilia Magnuson 360-834-0136 magnusons4@comcast.net

Joe Laws 503-636-5817 jflaws@att.net



Linda Adams 541-416-2347 ladams1284@aol.com

John Carter 503-579-6599 jc9821@msn.com



Jaci Koeber & Carole Trenko 503-244-3731 & 503-643-2387 koegeoja@hevanet.com

John Wilson 541-933-2016 johnhealeylane@worldnet.att.net



Jan Whittlesey 503-538-8610 jwhitlc@hevanet.com

AHCO Box 875 Marcola, Or. 97454


f you visit our Club website, at www.healey-oregon.org, you’ll see a new underlined link prominently displayed at the top of the page. Click on that link and you’ll be taken to the beginnings of our

Random Mumblings

new AHCO website. I say “beginnings” because we’re still in the process of replacing the old website, and all of the functions of the new site, such as photo galleries, aren’t up and working yet. In addition, we may find more functions we decide we want to add to the new website later.

HNW EDITOR Glen Enright 503-538-8610 britcar69@hevanet.com

Cover John Wilson’s restoration of this gorgeous BJ8 brought $105,000 at the BarretJackson auction in Scottsdale in January. Read more about it on page 4.

Contents Random Mumblings • Cover Story • 500/500 • Activities Up-date • March Outing • Minutes from March Meeting • April Activity • and much more! Thanks to John Wilson and Bob Wallace for photos


he Club’s Executive Board decided earlier this year to redesign the Club website, not only to update its look, but to pave the way to replace the traditional printed version of Healey Northwest in 2009. I, like many other Club members, thoroughly enjoy reading Healey Northwest every month and have saved many issues. However, we had a very hard time finding an editor for 2008 and it doesn’t look like we’ll have an easier time of it next year. The printing and postage costs for Healey Northwest is our single largest expense. Consequently, the Executive Board decided that we wanted to move towards posting all of the content you now see in Healey Northwest (and more) onto the website instead of producing a printed copy each month. We expect some members may want to continue to receive a printed copy each month and we’re looking into Mumblings continued on page 13


100 thousand Healey

Photos and Storyby John Wilson

first heard about this BJ8 in Nov. of 2005 when I got a call from Wayne Brown, a 62 BN7 owner and former member of the Austin Healey Club of Oregon club who had retired to Green


nation of welding, pop rivits and epoxy glue to install the inner and outer sills and the new latch pillars and floors. It wasn`t until 2007 that I decided to restore it for the Barrett-Jackson auction

Valley Ariz. This Healey turned up in the small local newspaper in Green valley, which is about half way between Tucson and Mexico, as a partially completed project. Wayne sent me pictures within an hour of looking at it and I made a deal on the phone to buy it with enough deposit to have him keep it for me until I came down in Jan. for the Barrett-Jackson auction. hen I picked up the car I noticed that he had done all the rust repair on the chassis but the body was off and the drive train was out. I had a hunch that he abandoned the project because the body didn`t fit anymore. His rust repair was a combi-

and drug it out of storage to trial fit the body and found out my hunch was right, nothing fit! This was beyond my talents so off it went to Steve Tate, a Healey owner and bodyman in Yakima Wa. to correct it and it turned into quite a job. verything the former owner did had to be torn out and Steve started all over. This Healey was born as a BRG car so I decided to improve on the color by using a darker version of BRG and used 100% biscuit leather for the interior. Thanks to Steve it worked as you can tell by the price it sold for at auction and was bought by a younger couple.




Schedule of Events: • Sunday, June 29: Arrival, Registration & Check in. Welcome Reception. • Monday, June 30: Gymkhana & Funkhana, Concours Judging, Auction. • Tuesday, July 1: Car Show at Embarcadero Park. • Wednesday, July 2: Rallye (fun & TSD.)

Honored Guests: John Sprinzel Gerry Coker and others

• Thursday, July 3: Tours & Farewell Banquet. • Friday, July 4: Farewell, PostConclave Tour, or stick around for the fireworks!

For Complete info: Go to www.sdhealey.org

AHCO Activities 2008 Up-Date AHCO ACTIVITIES AS OF NOW: The April meeting will be hosted by Bruce Harding. see page 11 May meeting at Hagerty Insurance. The address is 8555 Appleway in Beaverton. Hagerty specializes in collector car insurance. Time and date to be announced. Mark Schneider is in command. May 31st. Jeff and Lisa Brown will do a tour. Details will be announced. June 14th. Regular meeting in Yacolt,Washington. Great antique train ride, hosted by Doug Auburg. Details will be announced June 29th-July 4th. Conclave (in San

Diego). John Wilson and Jeff Mach are making caravan plans. (See page 6.) Please contact them directly if you would like to be included. See page 12 for info on the event. Portland Historic Races will be held this year on July12-13. To get your passes at a discounted price and participate in the Collector Car corral and a parade lap around the reconfigured P.I.R. please send me a check for $ 45.00. Further details about the race can be found at www.portlandhistorics.com <http://www.portlandhistorics.com> . These fees must reach me by May31st. Our own Steve Rux will be racing his Sprite. This car has more horsepower than most six cylinder Healeys. Another AHCO member, Doug Escriva, will be bringing his "freshley sorted" 1957 100-6 out for the first time. They'll be fun


Tom Monaco, Activities Chair

to watch and would appreciate your support. Send checks to: Tom Monaco, 7710 S.W. 89th, Portland Ore.97223. See you there! Aug. 2nd. John and Judy Carter will host a tour to an old bordello (now a McMenamins) in Centralia, WA. This will be an overnighter. Details to be announced. Aug. 16th. Gary Jackson will host a meeting at his home in Redmond. This should be considered an overnighter. Details to be announced. Please note this is the 3rd Sat. of the month. Aug. 29-31st.and September 1 ABFM. Volunteers needed to count Peoples Choice Ballots and various other light tasks.

Gots & Wants: Healey Style FOR SALE: Robbins Convertible Top (Tan) for Austin Healey BJ8 or BJ7. New, never been out of box – $600.00. Robbins Boot (Tan) for Austin Healey BJ8 or BJ7. New, never been out of box – $700.00. Hard Top for Austin Healey 4 seater. Needs new rubber and fasteners. Has wrap around rear Plexiglas window – $1,000.00 OBO. Contact Richard Breeden Phone:(541)923-9751 E-Mail: RSBreeden(a),aol.com FOR SALE: Car Dolly for BN1 - BJ8 Healeys. Four by four construction, 6 wheels (4 Castered). $85.00. Call Kent Lambert, 541-386-2310, 541-4905674 or JKL531@aol.com

FOR SALE: 1961 Austin Healey 3000 Red, Dayton chrome wires, overdrive. Our driver for over 20 years. Well maintained. $26,800. Tom Monaco 503-245-0174


Healeys Take a Powder The March meeting of the Austin Healey Club ofOregon was held at the Portland Powder Coating Co (PPC). The meeting was arranged by the Club Activities Director, Tom Monaco and was hosted by Mr. Derrick Williams of the PPC. Thanks to both. About a dozen members attended the tour of the power coating company and there were four Healeys in the parking lot. The powder coating process has always been something of a mystery to me. Ever since Tom Monaco recommended that I have my front suspension components powder coated. At the time I was going to rebush the front suspension. I was told this would be an ideal time to have the suspension pieces, that is, coil springs, spring plates, anti-roll bar, lower links etc powder coated. I wondered what this magical process was all about. One thing became very clear to me when my parts came back from PPC, powder coating is a very powerful way of reconditioning automotive hardware. In my case those 15 or so parts that a few weeks before had come off of my car looking like the worst greasy, dirty, junk you could imagine. Yet, they came back looking like they were brand new. It was ashame to put them back on the car where they were sure to get dirty and nobody could see them. The PPC building is a large warehouse building in south east Portland. During the tour of the plant we learned that the first step in the powder coating process is to thoroughly clean the pieces to be treated. If you think about car suspension pieces from our old classics you can understand why this is the first step. In my case the suspension pieces have been submitted to about 35 years of road dust, grease, engine oil, heat, cold, mud, snow and all manner of mean nasty uglies. The process starts with a thorough media blasting to remove the heavy dirt and hard grease. The next step is intense heat. The items are baked for about 8 or more hours in a large walk-in oven at about 850 degrees Farenheit. This intense heat is necessary for heavy metal suspension parts that have been soaking in petroleum based substances in many cases for decades.

Story by Mark Schneider Photos by Jeff Mach , Bob Wallace and Yrs Trly

applied. The powder is a dry, ultra-fine plastic powder. The powder is blown through a spray gun apparatus that looked a little like a regular spray paint gun. As the powder is forced through the convoluted passages of the gun it picks up a static electrical charge. The charged powder is blown onto the previously cleaned items. These are hanging on a rack at the time and each item is connected to another source of static electricity of an opposing polarity to that used during the spraying. The powder is held in place by the electrical charges as a thin and uniform coat until the items are placed in another walk-in

colors. The craftsmen at PPC can powder coat anything from the small pieces of Healey suspension hardware to the entire chasis. In instances where the car under

oven. This one if at about 450 degrees and the parts are baked for about an hour until the plastic powder melts and adheres to the metal.

restoration will be shown in Concours competition two color coatings can be done and then topped with a clear coat of powder coat material. At the point the finished work is all but bullet proof.

Portland Powder Coating has a seemingly unending variety of powder colors. They can even match official Healey paint chip

Derrick next took us to the spray booth where the powder coating medium is


— Mark


The Oregon 500/500 It’s NOT Too Late like a brand and some max $ amount. (see photo left.) The 500/500 is Saturday and Sunday May 31 and June 1. We'll drive 250 increments someplace, stay the night and return. Don't worry, we will avoid any mountains. (Wear and tear, you know.) There will be a route book with specific instructions. How much is the entrance fee? $10 unless you can substantiate a claim of poverty in which case it is free. Room and meals will be extra. A new car event has hit the Northwest!! The Oregon 500/500. To explain: the first 500 of the title would be the number of kilometers* that will be driven. The second 500 refers to the amount of money (in U.S dollars) that can be spent to purchase the car to be driven the 500 kilometers (*or miles, distance increment to be determined.) To find a car, try Craig's List and type in whatever you want,

Who/what is running this event? ie: Whom should I call for further info or an entry form? Cam Sheahan (503) 590-4611 or camsheahan@juno.com

New Members Put Big Block in Sprite the least. He won’t mind my telling you that, cuz he knows it’s true. Anyway, we weren’t using the spare room downstairs, and since the bugeye is small and the garage is unheated, we decided to do the swap there. I had a little trouble getting the engine puller through the doorway, but after a bit of tugging and minor demolition, it fit just fine. The ceiling was high enough and once in place, I was able to pull the 1298cc four and put it over by the TV.

When my husband, Darnel, and I moved from Weizer, ID to the Portland area we found that we had more time on our hands than we knew what to do with. We joined AHCO right away, because we wanted to make friends quickly and we had heard that the club was always ready for fun and friendship. Plus we had an old A-H bugeye that we wanted to take on the driveouts the club was famous for. Unfortunately, with the smaller engine, we had a tough time keeping up with the “big Healeys”, so Darn and myself (mostly myself, since Darn isn’t much of a mechanic,) decided to boost the ol’ HP just a tad. We found the perfect engine swap, courtesey of Craigs List. We thought that a big block Chevy would be the perfect marriage to our light weight bugeye. The power to weight ratio should assure us of being able to “keep up with the pack.”

Getting the Chevy engine in was pretty tricky, though. The first time I set it in place, it was so front end heavy that the little Sprite tipped over on its cute little nose! Big Block continued on page 13

Like I said, Darn is NOT much of a mechanic. To say 9

Tech Stuff

Da Oily Boid Catches Da Woim Off da WoildWideWeb

I found this in the Bugeye site and thought you might want to include the info. in our next newsletter. – John Carter

To: MG-MGB@yahoogroups.com; bugeye@yahoogroups.com; midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com; jmarch773@msn.com From: antiqbob@ntelos.net Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 08:36:03 0500 Subject: Bugeye Group..... reformulation of 20W50 oil to include ZDDP This was "borrowed" from my Lotus Elite site. I have dealt with Joe briefly and can say that this information should be considered very real. Thanks, Joe. ANTIQBOB Reformulation of 20W50 Racing Oil Posted by: "joemarchione" jmarch773@msn.com joemarchione Mon Mar 3, 2008 3:34 am (PST) All, — This was sent to me by my brother who is a Morgan guy. It appeared on eMOG, the Morgan list. Reformulation of 20W50 Racing Oil – Lubestream Direct Connect February 22, 2008 Dear ConocoPhillips Lubricants Marketer, As part of our ongoing commitment

to identify and provide you, our valued Marketers, with products, programs and tools to help you grow your business, we are pleased to announce that 76 High Perform-ance Motor Oil SAE 20W50, Kendall GT-1. High Perform-

ance Motor Oil SAE 20W-50 and Phillips TropArtic. Racing Motor Oil 20W-50 will be reformulated. The reformulated oils will contain a boosted level of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) in order to offer enhanced wear protection and oxidation resistance for use in the most demanding applications. The new formulations will be in production in all plants by March 1.

engines with flat-tappet camshafts. The newly reformulated SAE 20W50 viscosity grades of 76 High Performance Motor Oil, Kendall GT1. High Performance Motor Oil and Phillips TropArtic. Racing Motor Oil will contain approximately 1200 ppm zinc. Higher levels of ZDDP, which provide antiwear/antiscuff protection as well as oxidation inhibition, can help protect these new camshafts during the critical break-in period. The reformulated SAE 20W-50 viscosity grades will continue to provide excellent protection in gasolinefueled competition engines, turbocharged engines, and high-performance street engines, including those with flat-tappet camshafts. Please be sure to share this exciting reformulation announcement with your customers who service high-performance racing engines and stay tuned for announcements about the availability of this reformulated product. Please contact your MSR with any questions. Sincerely,

We are confident that the enhanced formulation will address concerns within the industry about current ILSAC GF-4 and API SM engine oils and whether they contain sufficient levels of ZDDP to protect older engines, especially high-performance


Phil Sontag Director of Marketing, Automotive Lubricants

Going to Dan Diego? Proposed Itineraries and Routes for Driving to the 2008 Healey Conclave —Jeff Mach Here are a couple proposed driving itineraries for travel to the 2008 Conclave in San Diego this summer that John Wilson and I have traded with one another. Nothing has been decided yet and there’s a bit of time to discuss alternatives. Our return could be via the same route, up I-5, or up the east side of the Sierras via I-15 and US395. Let John <johnhealeylane@worldnet.att.net> or I <mach@toast.net> know if you have any other ideas. From John: ■ Day 1 (Thursday, June 26th): Eugene to Eureka, via the coast at Reedsport (330 miles). ■ Day 2 : Eureka to Santa Cruz (350 miles). ■ Day 3: Santa Cruz to Ventura via Hwy 1 through Big Sur (310 miles). ■ Day 4 (Sunday, June 29): Ventura to San Diego via I-210 and I-15 (235 miles). An alternative would be to stop at Crescent City the 1st day (250 miles), Santa Rosa on the 2nd day (300 miles), San Luis Obispo on the 3rd day (300 miles) and then on to San Diego (370 miles). From Jeff: ■ Day 1 (Wednesday, June 25th): Salem to Brookings (300 miles). ■ Day 2: Brookings to Santa Rosa, CA (325 miles). ■ Day 3: Santa Rosa to Monterey, CA (170 miles) – providing time to visit the aquarium and give your butt a break. ■ Day 4: Monterey to Ventura (275 miles) via Big Sur coast – could meet John’s group from here South. ■ Day 5(Sunday, June 29): Ventura to San Diego via I-210 and I-15 (235 miles).

The April Activity-19th The April meeting will be hosted by Bruce Harding. It will be a tour of the East side of the North Coast range lasting about two hours. Start time is 1:30 P.M on Sat. Apr. 19th at the North Plains exit on Hwy. 26. This is mile post #57(that means it is approximately 57 miles from Hwy.101). Exit to the North and look for the Texaco station on your right. There is also a Mcdonalds at this exit, if you need lunch. The tour will end at the Monaco's house at 7710 S.W.89th,

Portland,97223. The meeting will be at 4:30 P.M. followed by a barbeque cooked by Tom and Skip. Your Club is paying for the food, so be sure and come to enjoy it! The Club is not allowed to buy beer or wine, so if you need it, bring it. This is the perfect opportunity for a short cruise in your Healey to find out if it's ready for the Summer driving season. Don't miss out, Bruce knows every twisty road on the west side of Portland. If it rains, just drive a BJ9 and enjoy the day.


Kip Nienaber who lived in Sherwood & belonged to AHCO for many years, now lives in Rowlett, Texas. Kip's beautiful 1956 BN2 was purchased from Tom's Import and, as shown in the pix, recently took 1st place at the Texas State Fair in the British car class. Hooray!


Mumblings continued from page 3

ways we can do that.


he new website will allow all Club members to easily post content and photographs to the site, engage in immediate feedback and conversation through comments to the articles that are posted, and to post information at any time rather than being limited to the once-a-month schedule printing Healey Northwest imposes.


and the other Executive Board members are extremely interested in hearing your views on the new website and the decision to stop printing Healey

Northwest. If you think you would like to add content to the new website, please contact Bob Wallace at bob_j_wallace@hotmail.com (that’s a “j” in the middle) or me and we’ll set you up as a contributor. That will allow you to write and save draft articles and photographs for posting on the site. Once I or one of the other authors for the site reviews the article or photographs, we’ll post it on the site After we get the new website completely up and running (presumably in the near future), we’ll schedule one or more short tutorial sessions to teach Club members how to use the site’s features to post material. — Jeff

Big Block continued from page 9

couldn’t shut it cuz the big ol’ headers I knitting and I would handle the automohad made got in the way. tive end. No problem. I just got out my Darn was cool with that, since he trusty hole saw, and in two shakes of a knows that he’s a far better knitter than I lamb’s tail, I had ports on the side that the am. He was actually stitching up the new pipes could stick out of. It looks real classy, interior while I was busy with the heavy I think, and if you look at the pictures, I stuff. Well, once the engine was correct- think you’ll agree. The car is all complete now, but ly placed and the little Healey’s fourspeed there is one slight problem that neither was hooked up, I decided that standard On our way to Orygun exhaust just wasn’t going to hack it. Not far from my place is a Was I embarrassed! I should have good source for 2 inch OD tubfigured out that I would have to set the ing. I got me enough to craft a block back a bit from the original motor nifty set of headers and I bolted mounts. Of course setting those right on. the engine back, I didn’t The guy I got have any room in the pasthe big block senger compartment for from had done Darn and me, and our a fair job of Russian Wolfhound, Ivan. rebuilding, so No problem. Since there’s My dad liked the pick-up the V-8 offered there wasn’t no real trunk on these much for me to Sprites, I just quickly Darn nor I thought about at the time. It do there. The block was carved out the rear deck clean and he had installed seems that I forgot about the narrow doorand move the whole sheway in the basement and the fact that the a bunch of chrome accesbang back about two feet. Just test fittin’ the headers sories like valve covers, stairway takes a sharp 90° bend half way up I’m a pretty fair before it opens onto the galley alternator and blower, so welder, having gotten my certificate from kitchen. the little engine bay was looking good. the Navy’s nuclear welding program during However, when I bolted But, don’t worry about the Vietnam Era, I had all the pieces ship the bonnet back it. I’ll have that problem shape and Bristol fashion in no on to the car, I solved before the real Healey time. driving weather starts. That Sprite’s rear end (differential) is Yrs Trly, pretty stout, so I didn’t bother Darn Fule and April Fule changing it our like Darn suggested. I told him to keep with his A tight squeeze, but worth it!


AHCO Meeting March 2008

Cecilia Magnuson, Secretary

Bob got this little

Ford a song Call tofor Order: by President Jeff Mach at 12:45 pm at Eastmoreland Golf Club in Portland. Jeff welcomed guests and thanked Tom Monaco for arranging a great tour of Portland Powder Coating and our lunch meeting.

Officer and Committee Reports: Vice-President: Mark Schneider asked that members check the website in the near future for information on the May meeting that will be held at Hagerty Auto Insurance, insurer of collector cars. Mark brought brochures for those interested to the meeting. Secretary: Kym Randolph moved and Mark Schneider seconded the motion to approve the minutes for the February meeting. Treasurer: Jeff Mach gave the treasurer’s report for Linda Adams. Don Greenville commented on how well the Club is doing financially compared to 20 years ago. For details on the report contact Linda. Activities: Tom Monaco gave info for the April meeting – it will either be on April 12th or April 19th and will consist of a tour beginning at 1:00 pm and ending with a barbeque at the Monaco’s home at 4:00 pm. Check the website for more details. Tom mentioned that we need ideas for a July event/meeting. He also asked for feedback on time to start the June meeting which will be a train ride in Yacolt that Doug Auburg is arranging, and the consensus was to go with a 10:30 am start time (vs. a 1:30 pm start). The August meeting date has been set now for August 16th with an overnight trip to Redmond. Hotel information will be given at a later time. Tom mentioned that we have not booked a place to hold our annual Christmas Party and that the Eastmoreland Golf Course is booked for all Saturday nights in December but we still could arrange a Sunday evening there in December. A decision needs to be made soon. Advertising: Joe Laws reported that all of the advertisement renewals have been paid. Jeff asked that we start thinking about ways to include advertising next year when we go “paperless” such as putting advertisements on the website and the directory that is

mailed out each year. Editor: Glen Enright said that with the transition of communicating via the website next year instead of a newsletter, we should start thinking about putting an article in the newsletter to get all members on board about the switch. Kym Randolph asked if a PDF format of the newsletter starting in 2009 will be available on the website, and Bob Wallace indicated that starting in 2009 we would not have a newsletter per se, rather the website would be updated with new information as it becomes available, which can be instantly, and then members can print out a portion of the website, but there will not be a monthly newsletter to print out. Tom Monaco said we have 53 members outside the Portland area and they can post comments on the website about activities, postings, etc. Jeff Mach said there is also opportunity to post comments with ideas for outings, etc. Joe Laws said the key thing people want is information on outings. Jeff said that clicking on the date of the calendar on the site will bring up details about outings. Bob Wallace also said there is a search option on the site to get information on specific items. Mark Schneider suggested we do an article in the newsletter on how to use the site and/or hold a club meeting to walk members thru using the site. Jeff Mach also suggested a tutorial on use of the website. Jeff encouraged everyone to visit the site and give feedback. The original site gives a link to the new site. Inter Club Coordinator: John Wilson was not present. However, it was mentioned that the British Columbia Club is hosting the 2008 Northwest Meet from September 1821, 2008 at Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. with rooms available for $129.00/night at Harrison Beach Hotel. More info is on the website. There was also discussion about the drive to San Diego that John Wilson is planning for Conclave 2008 in late June and Glen Enright suggested that an article go in the newsletter to let others know about it. Regalia: Carole Trenko will be doing an order for club badges and name “danglers” in the near future. Let her know soon if you want to order – badges are $15 and names


tags are an additional $5.00. Carole also brought t-shirts and other regalia to sell after the meeting. Membership/Charity: Skip Monaco reported that instead of doing presentation of charity funds like we did last year at our Christmas in July picnic, that we would invite the recipients to our meeting in May at the Hagerty Insurance offices. Librarians: no report. Sunshine Committee: Glen gave report for Jan Whittlesey that with Mark Schneider on the road to recovery there is no activity to report at this time. ABFM: to be held Labor Day weekend – Jaguar is the marque this year. Old Business: Jeff Mach asked members to please check out the new website. Next he asked for ideas for Rendezvous 2010 on where to hold it. Bill and Pat Bolton recommended to Jeff that Kahneeta Resort be considered. Mark Schneider said he has checked on Skamania Lodge but the rates were steep - $159/night was their best price. Jeff also suggested Medford with nice hotels and weather and rooms at $100/night and below. Bob Wallace thought nearby Jacksonville and Ashland were good places to visit near Medford. Tom Monaco asked that we consider a cooler climate with summer heat being hard on folks and cars boiling over so the coast or a mountain resort would be better. Jeff read off places from past Rendezvous locations. Another suggestion was McMenamins at Forest Grove or Grand Lodge. The time frame for Rendezvous would be June, July or August 2010 but no date has been set as yet. Mark Schneider will check again on Skamania Lodge as their rates in June may be better than what he was quoted during peak tourism months. New Business: none Meeting adjourned: 1:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cecilia Magnuson Secretary


Healey Northwest 21150 Ornduff Road Hillsboro, OR 97123 Return Service Requested

This Month in AHCO History

by Jeff Mach

Thirty Years Ago

Twenty Years Ago

Club members held a time-speed-distance rally beginning in Tigard. No mention was made of how anyone did, but since the business meeting followed the rally, presumably not too many participants were unaccounted for. The Club membership roster was published in Healey Northwest; a total of 64 individuals or couples were listed. Members from yesteryear who remain members today are Larry Bennett, Bill Bolton, Jack Brawn, Donna Brunhaver, Jim Grace, Don Greenfield, Jim and Anne Regnier, Jim Slostad, and Dean Thayer. That’s a pretty good percentage of the membership back then if you do the math. Congratulations you 30-year (and in some cases 31year) Club members! My apologies to anyone I missed or misidentified.

Dee and Gary Meyer hosted a tour, with stops at the Ponzi Vineyards and Pittock Mansion, and ending at their home for the Club meeting and a potluck dinner.

Ten Years Ago Alan and Mary Gross led a tour of Clark County, Washington, with a stop at Fort Vancouver. The tour was followed by the Club meeting and a light supper of homemade soup, rolls, and other victuals at the Gross’ home. Thirteen Healeys and a few other rolling things took part in the tour.


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