HealthSpectra Magazine March 2020

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MARCH 2020




Corona Virus isn’t “JUST LIKE FLU”




HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note We are elated to bring yet another informative edition of the HealthSpectra magazine. Amidst all the bubbling confusion surrounding the Covid-19 and its impacts, we have covered that for over cover story. Aside from that, we have also highlighted some of the rarest diseases across the world that you probably don’t know of. If you need that extra push to quit caffeine, some of the benefits of it can help guide you through. Learn how being in toxic relationships end up taking a toll on your mental and physical health. In addition to that, we have some share some tips and tricks to add more veggies in your diet. For the patients with hypothyroidism, we have shared some effective weight loss tips that can come in handy. Not just that, we also want you to stay happy through the pain because there is nothing worse than being sad. During this time of coronavirus pandemic, remember to not panic and be alert!

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.




Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


he lthspectra

06 HEALTH 10 Foods That You Should Have In Your Kitchen For Better Health


10 BEAUTY 10 Natural Ways To Stop Consistent Hair Loss



WOMEN HEALTH 8 Reasons Why Women Should Masturbate For Good Health


Effective Weight Loss Tips for Hypothyroidism

22 COVER STORY Corona Virus isn’t “JUST LIKE FLU”

26 DIABETES Effective lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes




7 Healthy Summer Fitness Tips!


10 Healthy Ways To Add More Veggies To Your Diet


7Ways To Be Happy While Going Through Pain








Ayurveda Treatment For HAIRFALL


One Egg A Day Keeps Heart Diseases Away - Doctor’s Say



How A Toxic Relationship Affects Your Healt


Mushroom Could Lower The Risks Of Prostate Cancer, New Study Suggests


One pot spaghetti with roasted vegetables




Janu Sirshasana

66 HOME & FAMILY Your Child Doesn’t Owe You For Raising Them

68 HEALTHY LIVING Rejuvenating Health Benefits Of Giving Up On Caffeine

72 DISEASE World’s Most Rare Diseases You Didn’t Know of 5



10 Foods That You Should Have In Your Kitchen For Better Health WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


1 Extra virgin olive oil

When it comes to your health, diet plays a very crucial role in the overall well being. If you thought that it is just the exercise making up for the same, it is likely not the case. What you put into your body is how your health would be. This is one of the primary reasons why it is very important for one to ensure healthy eating for better health. If you have been wondering of the kitchen staples that are a necessity for you, we have a list of the best food items that you should add to your grocery list the next month.

If you have been reliant on cooking with unhealthy oils, it is time to make a switch to something healthier. Often, we don’t pay attention to the oil we cook with but to be honest, it does matter what kind of oil you are using. Olive oil is enriched with healthy fats and promotes better body functions and metabolism, which is a necessity for healthier well being. You can cook with it, add it to your salads or even just toss it around for roasting veggies.

2 Yogurt

Yogurt is a kitchen essential that many of us do tend 7

to brush aside. Not only is it nutritious and good for your health, it is also quite amazing in terms of how it helps boost your gut health. If your gut health has been affected, it is likely that the enzymes and the probiotics in the natural Greek yogurt can help restore that before you even know it. Not just that, yogurt is also enriched with protein, further helping promote better health.

3 Honey

If you are someone who has a sweet tooth and tend to indulge in the artificial sweeteners or raw sugar, for that matter, honey is an amazing and natural alternative that you can easily include in your lifestyle. Just ensure that you use the raw and organic honey because that is the one that doesn’t have any kind of added sugars in them. It also helps fight infections and is amazing for restoring your skin glow too. So, if you have been on the lookout for a good quality item in your kitchen staple that can help promote better health, WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

HEALTH honey is one of them.

Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils are often misunderstood, especially because of the lack of knowledge of the recipes. People thing that induce flatulence and aren’t the best option to consume on a daily basis. That is possibly one of the most common misunderstandings. Beans are amazing in taste, have a very creamy texture to them and are inexpensive too. Not just that, beans are also high in protein which further ensures the best results for your daily protein requirements of the body. It keeps you filled for a longer time as well.



Vegan or not, quinoa is a staple that you just can’t do without. If you want a filling yet health alternative for your day to day consumption, quinoa is a must have kitchen staple without any further questions. The reason why it is considered such a good pantry staple is because of its high fiber and protein content. The combination of the same helps keep you satiated for longer, keeping your weight in check, prevents the risks of heart diseases and also prevents the unnecessary rise of the cholesterol levels in the body.


If you are vegan or vegetarian, obviously this is not a need for you. But, if you are not either of these, keeping fresh, organic eggs in your kitchen can help contribute more to a healthier lifestyle. The reason why that is the case is because of the fact that eggs are high in protein, have good selenium content and are not that high in calories too. Even

studies have found that the individuals who include eggs in their breakfast are more likely going to lose weight in comparison to the ones who don’t.


Another pantry staple that can contribute to a healthier life is bananas. Not only are they an amazing fruit in terms of the taste and versatility, they are also high in potassium which helps promote better health. They are also quite economical, which means that you wouldn’t have to break a leg to get them in your kitchen. They can also be prepared and used in a number of ways, which further make them an amazing option for you to keep in your kitchen for quick access.

Citrus fruits


Citrus fruits like lemon and orange have been found to have amazing benefits on your health. They are loaded with antioxidants and have beneficial impacts on your skin health too. They fight the risks of oxidative stress, thereby helping prevent the risks associated with cancer. Not just that, the consumption of citrus fruits has also been associated with the improved skin health and overall skin glow.

Dark chocolate

Keeping dark chocolate in the kitchen or as a pantry essential is something that is a hit or miss among people. While some do suggest keeping it, some don’t. To be honest, dark chocolate does have amazing benefits in helping promote better health and mood. They are also enriched with disease fighting antioxidants and polyphenols which further keep your health in the best possible condition. It has also been associated with


weight loss.


Garlic is a staple that you have to have in your kitchen essentials. Apart from the fact that it helps add a very nice flavour to your food, it also does have an amazing benefit on your health too. Studies have found that garlic has a combination of antioxidative, antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties, the combination of which helps keep your health in check for a good. It keeps the diseases at bay, all the while promoting better overall health.







Hair is an attribute to your personality that adds dimension and an amazing depth of look that you otherwise wouldn’t get. Many people say that they find their confidence when their hair is in a good place. But, when you are consistently losing hair, chances are that there could be a number of reasons behind the same. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to rely on the chemical infused products for your hair growth. There are enough natural sources around us which are more than enough to help stop your hair loss without any issues. Let us take a look at some, shall we? 11

It is a hit or miss among people. While some believe that the same helps, some believe that it does no good to the hair and impacts the hair negatively. But, experts suggest that washing the hair regularly with a mild shampoo does have amazing benefits in helping keep your hair and the scalp clean, thus preventing unnecessary hair fall. Not just that, it is also quite beneficial for the ones who struggle with dandruff and scalp infections because of the extremely oily scalp.


Noone needs a separate introduction to let one know that one of the best ways to help promote faster and healthier hair growth is by opting for oil massage. This has been found to be quite beneficial


BEAUTY in nourishing the scalp and helping improve the overall hair growth and prevents unnecessary hair breakage that you might have been complaining about. This has been found to stimulate the scalp effectively and improve the overall thickness of the hair in the long run as well. It can also help in relieving the unnecessary tension that you are struggling with.


If you have been having a hard time with your hair loss, there are chances that the same is happening because of the vitamin imbalance in the body. In such cases, it is very important to ensure that you either get the condition checked out by a professional before or you can also supplement with the natural vitamin sources to further ensure the best impacts on your overall well being and to even strengthen your hair follicles from the roots itself. Vitamin A, C and E contribute a lot to the same.



As weird as this might sound, the use of aloe vera for helping with the hair growth is something that has been happening for years at end. More and more people found the same effective enough in helping promote the regrowth of the hair and prevent the issues regarding the brittle hair and the consistently helps promote better strength of the hair strands, right from the roots. If you have been consistently struggling with hair fall, applying aloe vera gel on the roots can effectively help with the condition.


One of the most effective ways to stop hair fall the natural way is by consuming more protein in your day

to day diet. Protein is the building block of the cells and help in improving the overall strength and the shine of the hair. If you have been struggling with persistent hair loss, eating a diet with healthy proteins can help restore the hair growth, prevent unnecessary hair fall and even help in strengthening the brittle hair strands that break apart quite easily. It also does help improve the overall strength of the hair.


If you want to stop your hair loss in an effective way without using harsh chemicals even further, one of the best ways for that is by avoiding brushing wet hair. You might not know this but your hair is the weakest when it is wet. So, when you brush your wet hair, chances are that you are enhancing the risks of the hair breakage even further. This is the reason why it is important that you avoid brushing wet hair and ensure that you at least let it dry down before 12

you comb through the strands. This also causes less pull on the strands, helping reduce hair breakage even further.


The use of onion juice for hair loss is a treatment that has been in the works for decades now. If you have been looking for effective natural ways to restore the hair luster and the hair volume, onion juice does help out a lot with the condition. The only thing that you need to do is ensure that you look through the available options and check whether it is allergic to your skin or not. The sulphur and the protein content in the onion juice is what is believed to help reverse the impacts of the condition for the better and prevent hair loss and even hair breakage that many tend to complain about.






accordance to the kind of water level in your body. If you struggle with dehydration, chances are that the same could reflect on the body in the long run. Not only will it affect the body functions, chances are that the same will end up affecting your overall body functions for the worse as well. It affects the roots of the hair, making them dry and very weak, thus contributing further to the hair fall that you have been complaining about. This is the reason why it is important that you do consume enough water in a day.


The use of lemon might not seem like a very plausible option but the same has been found to have amazing benefits in helping improve the overall hair quality and even promote hair growth

unlike anything else. The antioxidant property of the lemon has also been found to be quite effective, further helping ensure the best results unlike anything else. Lemon also helps in keeping your scalp clean, further helping keep your complaints of hair loss to a bare minimum.


The use of green tea for the hair is yet another effective way to keep your complaints of constant hairfall in check. It has been found to be quite beneficial in helping improve the growth and even helps restore the shine that you might have lose because of the chemical exposure and the constant issues with the pollution around. If you want your hair to grow back fast, rubbing on a green tea paste or rub on the scalp can further come a lot in handy for the condition.


8 Reasons Why Women Should Masturbate For Good Health



Masturbation is a source of experiencing pleasure and it is a reflex action for all the happy hormones to take over and make you feel positive through the process. In some parts of the world, women shy away from masturbating despite feeling like. A few of them ponder over the act of masturbation being morally correct or not forgetting that it is totally good for health. It is as simple as a process of exploring, understanding and appreciating your own body. In other words, a deep level of pleasure that’s good for the mind and body. Researchers have found masturbation to be beneficial for a woman’s well-being. According to research done by Indiana University’s National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior, only 7.9% of women between the age of 25 and 29 masturbate, this isn’t a great number when compared to the percentage of men masturbating. It is the most empowering form of pleasure where you just get to be yourself and don’t have the pressure to give it your best shot, it is all about what you like and don’t. Since we know it is good for the mind and body. Let’s read through its benefits!

NO 1 – Destresses The Mind

Stress is common and a bit of it is running through all our minds always. Experiencing 15

an orgasm through masturbation will make you fly into another world. You can understand it better if you have had the smallest of romantic experience with a man. The touch of his fingers, he grabbing you by your waist or massaging you would have caused that adrenal rush. Likewise, it goes the same with masturbation. When you masturbate, all work and home stress disappear, and you get to relax.

NO 2 – Endorphins Are Released And Mood Is Boosted

When an effective orgasm can keep stress off your mind, this paves a better way for positive hormones to play their part. That being said, studies say that a good physical activity or when you tend to feel good, endorphins are released from your body. If endorphins are released, your mood automatically gets better and there is no chance that you would experience unstable mood swings. Thus, for the sake of feeling high spirited, you must not shy away from trying masturbation. Apart from this, with the release of endorphins, your mind tends to stay positive and peaceful.



To Accept Your Body

Masturbation will give you happiness through pleasure. Besides, you will even learn how to love and accept yourself better. It is essential that every woman is happy and satisfied with her own body. Appreciating your own-self is victory. The reason you must focus on exploring yourself is that you get confidence. Confidence is the key for the best mental health.

No 4 - Helps You Have Better Sex

building the bond between your partner and you.

No 5 - Improves Quality Of Sleep

A lot of women in stress might be finding it difficult to sleep every night. Some might be stressed or the rest aren’t tired enough to dropdown. Just as sex is engaging and tires you, the same is the case with masturbation. Your muscles squeeze and the rate of heartbeat increases, while these things happen in your body, you tend to feel tired and want to rest. Therefore, masturbation does help in dealing with insomnia. According to one of the scientists at the University of Sydney, masturbation can help in eliminating the problem of cystitis and with this prostate cancer can be prevented.

No 6 - Boosts Libido Through masturbation, you would have understood what are your interests and what you are not fond of. So when you have sex, it gets easier to understand what are your partner’s expectations and align your interests with his. Besides, you are more sure of conducting your body. Confidence is crucial in bed. It might not seem to be a necessary factor. However, it helps in WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


Masturbation is known to boost libido. While it might not seem major, this is one factor to help the magic happen between your partner and you. Libido is your interest to have sex. Right off the bat if you want to experience an orgasm and have sex. You might not be able to understand how it feels unless you have masturbated and witnessed how you feel.

Menopause is truly a difficult phase to deal with, all the reproductive hormones don’t get produced and lack of estrogen and progesterone can make you feel physically and mentally weak. Usually, during menopause the vagina dries up. By masturbating you can enable better blood flow and this will help in lubricating the vagina.

No 7 - Strengthens Final Word The Pelvic Area

Don’t shy away from masturbating, you must experience it to know your desires, to read your body and improve sex drive.

The pelvic region constitutes the bladder and uterus. You need to have a strong pelvic region so that you don’t find it tough to take the pressure of coughing or sneezing. Masturbation involves several contractions in your pelvic floor muscles. These contractions are necessary for the pelvic area to have enough movement and remain strong. Apart from masturbation, you can even try kegel exercises to keep your pelvic area strong.

No 8 - Makes Menopause Easier


Masturbation not just helps you build a bond with your partner. However, it teaches you to build a bond with yourself by boosting your morale and teaching you the quality of self-admiration. Its health benefits such as improving sleep, bettering blood flow, keeping your heart healthy and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles are enough for you to understand its profound impacts on your body.



Effective Weight Loss Tips for Hypothyroidism


Hypothyroidism is a condition that is characterized by the underactive thyroid gland functions. People suffering from this condition tend to struggle with labored metabolism and have a hard time losing weight. This is one of the reasons why people struggling with an underactive thyroid gland need to work a little extra to ensure that their weight loss is actually evident. We have sorted out some of the best ways to lose weight with hypothyroidism here.






Get rid of the simple carbs from the diet One of the worst things that you could eat that has the possibility to abstain you from losing weight are the simple carbs and refined sugar. Instead of the simple carbs, doctors do suggest consuming the complex carbs which are broken down over the period of time and provide with sustained energy and don’t make you crash or store the excess glucose as fats. The doctors believe that eating something that has a very high glycemic load tend to have direct impacts on the overall rate of inflammation that the body experiences, further worsening the condition even further. This is the reason why it is important that you do eat enough calories but at the same time, ensure that you also cut out the simple carbs from the diet.

Enrich the diet with anti-inflammatory foods

People struggling with hypothyroidism have a risk of developing issues with their mental and physical state. What this means is the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

fact that they are likely going to undergo signs of depression followed by excessive inflammation in the body which doesn’t sit well with their body at all. This is the primary reason why it is necessary that you do focus on consuming foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory properties because those tend to have better impacts on the weight loss results in the long run. Not only do they curb the excess inflammation in the body, they also do tend to hamper the immune system, further making the weight loss journey worse.

Eat smaller and frequent meals

Yet another amazing way that promotes faster weight loss in people with hypothyroidism is by eating smaller portions but more meals during the day. If you have been eating 3 full meals every day, cut it down to five smaller meals in a day. This helps in keeping the glucose levels in the blood stream in check which has been found to have positive impacts in helping promote faster weight loss. But, eating smaller meals doesn’t correlate to calorie restriction. It is important that even if you do eat smaller portions, you focus on the nutrient balance that you are putting into your body. That is what makes all the difference. The last thing you want is to devoid your body of something that it needs, especially when it comes to hypothyroidism.


Maintain a food journal

One of the most important and effective ways to lose weight with hypothyroidism is by keeping a track of what you are eating in a day. Not only does it help you count the calories that you are consuming, it also does help you keep a track on your eating habits throughout the time. This can help you understand how you can change your diet to help promote better weight loss results. This can allow you to go back and make changes so it is a lot easier for you to handle the final weight loss results as well.

Indulge in some exercise

Even though your diet does play a very crucial role when it comes to losing weight 21

with hypothyroidism, know for a fact that it is very important that you indulge in some physical movement as well. Exercise is mandatory if you want to not just lose weight but tone down your body too. This helps in kickstarting and boosting your metabolism which is often very labored otherwise. It is very important that one should focus on looking into the exercises and the yoga stretches that work well for the condition of hypothyroidism because that matters a lot too.

Take the medication on time and as directed

One of the most neglected and possibly the most important factor for weight loss with hypothyroidism is to ensure that you always take your medication on time. This is a necessity above anything else. It is important that you do regulate your functions and the medication is what helps keep your well being in check. If you do want to keep a close eye on your overall well being and lose weight successively with hypothyroidism, it is best suggested that you don’t skip out on the medication. Additionally, get the tests done every six months to notice the levels so the doctors can switch the medicines accordingly.













Effective lifestyle changes to

prevent diabetes



According to the reports from the Diabetes Research Institute, it suggests that 30.3 million people in the US suffer from diabetes. The numbers are consistently rising and hence are the deaths associated with it. Diabetes is a disease that is either relayed on because of the issues with genetic predisposition or even because of the lifestyle habits. Recently, it is the unhealthy lifestyle habits that are paving way for the heightened risks surrounding this condition. All that aside, if one wants to keep the condition in check and prevent further risks, it is a necessity that they do bring forth lifestyle changes. It doesn’t have to be something drastic but even taking small steps can have bigger impacts in the long run.

Start with a healthy diet What you put into your body is how your body is going to react. If you eat healthy, chances are that your body is going to be happy about it. Lack of nutritional eating is often 27

considered one of the most common reasons behind the condition of diabetes. If you are consistently eating unhealthy and junk food, chances are that the same will end up projecting negatively on your health as well. People often tend to follow a restrictive diet with diabetes but to be honest, that is not a necessity at all. Nothing is off limits if they are eaten in moderation.

Indulge in some physical activity Leading an active lifestyle is key when it comes to diabetes. If you do want to eradicate the condition for good and prevent unnecessary signs of the same, it is important that you do indulge in persistent physical activity on a daily basis. This has been found fruitful in helping boost the insulin sensitivity in the body and even prevent the unnecessary risks associated with the dysfunction of the pancreas which is associated with insulin secretion. You can either indulge in moderate physical training or high intensity, depending on your likings.



Lose weight

It goes without saying that if you want to keep your diabetes in check, it is a necessity that you keep your weight in check as well. One of the most common risks of diabetes stems from obesity. The excess fat deposition has been found to have direct impacts on the risks of insulin resistance, further elevating the levels of the blood glucose levels in the body. Aside from that, weight loss also enhances the insulin sensitivity in the body, further helping improve the overall regulation of the condition.

Include protein in the meals Protein is one of those WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

macronutrients which are essential for keeping your blood sugar levels stable. If you have been looking for ways to regulate your blood glucose levels, try and include protein in every meal. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something very complicated but even a boiled egg sometimes helps a lot. On the contrary, ensure that you don’t end up overdoing the same as well. This is another common issue that many people do. You need to keep a check on the amount of protein

that you are consuming. Too much of anything is not good for your health. So, ensure that you don’t overdo that too.

make the situation worse. This is the reason why it is best suggested that you keep your primary drink as water. Not only does it keep your hydration levels in check, it also ensures to prevent the unnecessary spikes in the blood glucose levels. If you are tired with the taste of plain water, add a few slices of lemon and that should be enough to keep your health and diabetes in check.

Reduce the alcohol intake

Focus on drinking water Soda is your enemy when you are struggling with diabetes. The last thing you want is to

While many people might 28

not be able to draw direct correlation between alcohol intake and the regulation of diabetes, the same does have grave impacts. The consumption of alcohol has been found to have direct impacts on your risks of weight gain and even worsen the condition of the triglycerides levels in the body, further impacting the status of diabetes in the body. If you can’t quit alcohol, we would suggest you limit the consumption to 1-2 glasses a day and not more than that.

Manage your stress levels

Stress is your biggest enemy, especially if you are struggling with diabetes. The high levels of cortisol in the blood stream is likely going to impact your body functions, further heightened the 29

uncontrolled blood glucose levels in the body. Constant signs of stress are likely going to affect your well being, making it harder for you to keep a check on the other regulatory measures, making it harder for you to lead a healthy life with diabetes. If you are looking for constructive ways to handle your stress levels, opt for yoga or meditation which has amazing benefits in helping boost your overall state of mind.

with the heightened risks of diabetes. Gradual quitting of this habit has been found to have positive benefits on the health and in regulating the signs of diabetes.

Keep an eye out on the portion size

Quit smoking

If you are actually serious about experiencing better changes to your lifestyle and to regulate your diabetes, smoking is a habit you need to get rid of. Smoking enhances the risks of a number of chronic diseases and labours the overall metabolism of the body. Not just that, studies have also found links between the second hand smoking

Overeating is one of the most common triggers when it comes to risks of diabetes. If you want to keep the condition in check, the best way is to keep an eye out on the portion size. The last thing that you want is to overeat and further contribute to the risks of obesity. Instead of eating a heavy meal once, it is better you eat smaller meals throughout the day. The same has been found to have amazing benefits in helping keep your glucose levels sustained. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


7 Healthy Summer Fitness




Working out in summer is awesome. You get to burn many calories and the body doesn’t feel as lazy as it does during winter. During winter, we all want to warm up and in summer most of us are pumped up.

If you love the heat and exhaustion, exercising in summer is great fun. On the other hand, it is quintessential for you to stay updated with ways of being fit during summer. The problem with exercising in summer is that you are at risk of getting a heat stroke or feeling extremely dehydrated. So it is always better to be on a safe side and follow some rules when exercising during summer. Take a look at useful summer witness tips!

Tip 1 - Sip On Sufficient Water It is important to sip on sufficient water during summer. Water helps in taking care of the body temperature. During summer, you tend to sweat too much and a lot of heat gets accumulated.


To cool your body down and feel fresh, it is necessary to stay hydrated. If you are a hardcore fitness fanatic, your water consumption should be a little more. Ensure to avoid having aerated drinks, stick to only fruit juices.



Tip 2 - Protect Your Skin With A Sunscreen If your way of being fit is by going for a run or cycling. It is highly essential that you protect your skin from sunlight. You need a little sunlight for Vitamin D. However, anything excess can be damaging to your skin. Look for a sunscreen moisturizer that has enough SPF protection. During summer the sun rays are quite bright and strong. There is no chance you can miss out on applying a sunscreen moisturizer.

Tip 3 - Exercise At The Right Time For people working out outdoors, it is a must that they exercise at the right time as it can have adverse effects on one’s health to work out when it is too hot. It can bring down sugar levels in the body. You are likely to get a heat stroke if you exercise after 12 in noon during summer. If you exercise at sunrise, it will do good to your body as well as keep you fit. The best decision you can take is that of exercising early in the morning or evening.

Tip 4 - Keep A Water bottle Handy If you are into exercising regularly, it is important for you to stay hydrated and at the same time carry an extra water bottle with you. During summer, there are higher chances to feel thirsty every now and then. Don’t gulp water while you are working out. When you relax, that’s when you can sip some water. Go slow!

Tip 5 - Start Exercising Slowly It is always good to start a workout slow and then take further steps. On a given day you might have the best energy. However, it doesn’t mean you can be fast while exercising. If you begin with 10 minutes of jogging every day, you can increase the time by 5 more minutes after a few days. Don’t do it immediately. Let it be a steady process. Don’t exhaust your body, take small steps.

Tip 6 - Wear Cotton Clothes According to seasons, it is essential to wear comfortable outfits while



exercising. When you work out during summer, it is a must to wear loose clothes and cotton clothes. Usually, work out outfits are synthetic fabrics that will make you sweat more. Wearing synthetic fabrics can cause rashes due to sweat. So, avoid them and choose better clothing.

Tip 7 - Eat Hydrating Foods Given that you are likely to sweat too much during summer, it is important for you to eat foods that will keep your body hydrated.


Your body will need sufficient electrolytes to keep up with hydration levels and your body needs it to feel energetic. Some of the best water foods are tomatoes, cucumber, apples, spinach, etc. In summer, make all these fruits and vegetables a part of your diet.

Conclusion Staying fit during summer is easier as you have a better tendency to burn calories. To be fit during summer, drink sufficient water, eat foods rich in electrolytes, wear loose clothes and sleep well. What’s special about summer fitness is that you are more fit and at the same time, there is an equal risk of getting dehydrated if you don’t take care of yourself well. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


10 Healthy Ways To Add More Veggies To Your Diet If you are someone who doesn’t like eating vegetables, especially the green ones, chances are that you are missing out on a lot of nutrients that your body needs. The vegetables are not just loaded with essential nutrients, they are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which is one of the primary reasons why they are touted as a must have in your diet. This time around, we have some healthy ways to share with you that we know will help you get more veggies in your diet without fail. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020





1- Add them to your breakfast The first and possibly the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Not only is it satiating, it is also quite good for your overall day. So, if you want to get over your daily fix of veggies, start by adding them in your breakfast. You can either eat a side salad with your main breakfast or throw some into your smoothie and blend it up. Trust us, when you have a lot of fruits in a smoothie, you can hardly taste the veggies in it. This is one of the best ways to get in the necessary nutrition in no time at all. You can even drink some veggies broths, if that suits you.

2- Try some soups Soups are always nice and hearty and one of the best ways to include more veggies in your diet is by making plant based soups. You can include a number of vegetables that you like and even throw in some meat, if that is something you are craving. These kinds


of soups are not just filling but very healthy as well, ensuring that you are getting your veggie fix but at the same time, not eating something that you don’t like. Try and make the broth for the soup from scratch to add more flavour to it.

3- Include them as snacks Another amazing and creative way that can help you add more vegetables into your diet is by eating them as snacks. You can eat fresh cut veggies as a snack and eat them with a side of hummus or any homemade dip so it is not that boring. You can even make a salad with the basic veggies and throw in a simple dressing and have that as a snack while you are hungry at the odd hours. It is not just a healthier variant, it is also a better version of the fried unhealthy snacks that you get around.

4- Try vegetable noodles If you are looking into ways to add more veggies

into your diet that taste good too, try converting them into noodles. All you have to do is get a vegetable noodle maker and you can pretty much make noodles out of many vegetables including zucchini and even carrots, if that is something you like. Just ensure that you wash the veggies very thoroughly and blanch it once in some boiling water to get rid of the extra bite and chew and make it more pliable for digestion and eating in general.

5- Try some wraps Instead of eating something unhealthy and processed when it comes to wraps, you can switch to the all natural lettuce wraps which doe come with a very fresh and unique taste. They are an amazing way of adding leafy greens to your diet and at the same time, taste pretty amazing as well. Make sure that you use fresh lettuce for these for that added crunch and good taste. Avoid putting the filling warm as it might make the lettuce soggy. Add it once it has cooled down. 36

6- Make a veggie based sauce One of the sneaky but tasty ways to add more veggies to your diet is by adding them into your sauce. This has been found to be quite beneficial and can even help you get the best results when you are done cooking it. The vegan Bolognese sauce is possibly one of the best examples for that. You can add in chopped mushrooms, carrots, zucchini and even some potatoes if that is something that floats your boat. It is all on you on how creatively you cook and prep things around.

7- Healthier chips You might not like kale but you will love kale chips. One of the best ways to turn your veggies into a healthier but tastier snacking option is when you turn them into chips. These might not seem like a very healthy option but trust me, they do steal the show. All you need to do is slice or 37

cut the veggies into thin chips like shapes and put them in the oven as per the recipe with some spices and seasoning for that added flavour and taste. Try out carrot and beet roots too, they also taste quite amazing.

8Cauliflower crust Not only does it taste good and is healthy, this is also the perfect option for the individuals who are on a keto diet as it is low on the carbs. This can be a hard one to master right off the bat but once you are down doing it for a few times, you will get a hang of it. Try and make it at home because that is cheaper and healthier as well. According to statistics, 100 gms of cauliflower contains just 5 grams of carbs which is insane and the perfect option for the keto enthusiasts.

9- Eat a veggie omelet Instead of making a plain omelet, why not try something that is healthy and a better version

of the normal ones. Adding in veggies to an omelet is an amazing way to get your veggie fix for the day but at the same time, also helps in making your breakfast a lot more filling than what a standard omelet would bring. You can add a whole lot of veggies to the omelet, including capsicum, onions, shredded carrots, spinach, spring onions etc. Add some cheese too for that added taste and flavour.

10- Get some grilling done Grilled veg not just tastes good but is also a good way to add more veggies in your diet. All that you need to do is wash the veggies and season them and throw them on the grill and call it a day. This is actually an amazing way to get in more veggies into your body in a tasty way. If you struggle with your veggies on a daily basis, this is actually a good way for you to get some good amount of vegetables in without you having to complain about the taste all along.




Ways To Be

Happy While Going Through Pain WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


Are you feeling hurt with an incident of the past or troubled with what’s happening with you right now? Don’t take it much to your heart. We all go through pain, it is a part and parcel in life. 39



Happiness is a gift and you can give that to yourself despite being in pain. Situations are temporary and not in your control but your reaction is. Yes, being happy in pain doesn’t sound practical. You would not want to fake a smile when you are torn apart. However, by staying sad you are not going to feel any better. If you look at it from the learning perspective, without pain you will never learn to be a better version of yourself and for that matter ever dive deep and understand the value of time, relationships and blessings. Since pain is bound to come your way, it doesn’t mean you stop yourself or forget being happy. To lead a sensible life, you have to balance both emotions. Happiness will be your biggest strength to withstand pain. Always remember this. Read this article and find ways to smile through your pain.

Tip 1 - Peep Into The World’s Sadness WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

Not Wrong To Be Happy When You Are Sad In life, everyone is going through their part of hardships which doesn’t last forever. The moment you feel sad, just peep around and look at the world’s sadness. You will find yourself in a better place.

Who says if you are going through problems, you have to go deep or forget what it is to relax and be happy. You are not restricted or bound to be unhappy.

We all crib and cry over our pain. For a change, if we look at how the others suffer, we wouldn’t have much to crib or complain about. For instance, maybe you are worried about not being able to make enough money and when you look around, you will find people suffering to get one meal. “I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet” - Mahatma Gandhi. Reflecting on this quote will open your eyes to make peace with your pain and be happy with whatever you have.

Tip 2 - It Is

Feeling your pain is one part of the phase on the other end, there is no wrong in experiencing other emotions. For instance, if you are sad because of a bad break up. It doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself and stop giggling. Life cannot come to a standstill with just one bad experience, right? As mentioned earlier, happiness is a gift and you should give it to yourself without boundaries. If by being happy you feel


stronger to face pain, why stop yourself? Never hesitate! Just be as happy as you can.

to feel it. Sometimes, it is fulfilled expectations that give happiness. But, that isn’t how happiness is defined.

How? If you are in a bad mood and you feel low in your energy, just go for a nice walk in the open and give your soul a bit of happiness that it deserves.

For instance, if it is your aim to achieve good results in an exam, don’t keep your happiness for later. The time you have is while you are preparing for the examination. If you get a chance to be happy during that time, why not?

Tip 3 Happiness Is Not Expected, It Is Felt

All of us have a real misconception about happiness. We think that happiness comes after achievement and we tie a state of mind/feeling to expectations. This is exactly where we are going wrong.

Happiness is a state of being, you don’t need an expectation to be fulfilled


Therefore, the same logic goes with pain as well. If you are having a bad time, tell yourself that you will feel happy in the little things that come your way instead of waiting to be happy after the problem is solved.

Tip 4 - Make Positive Choices Amidst The Pain

It is not that you have to smile through the pain. However,

you can choose to keep your mind peaceful no matter how tough the situation is. Going through a bad phase isn’t something you would ever want to choose for yourself. But, the way you let it affect you is a choice. If life is throwing problems at you, cry over it if it makes you feel better and approach it positively. This is how you make good choices for yourself. For instance, if you are upset about giving your best at work and not getting the recognition you deserve, it is disappointing. So the best you can do is to tell yourself that maybe you need some more time and there is better coming your way. This way you are not letting yourself feel the disappointment more and learning to accept failure too.

Tip 5 - You Are Not Responsible For Everyone’s Happiness At times we are in pain when



a person starts to expect too

much from us and we cannot give back the same to them. So, it is for us to understand that we cannot cater to everyone’s happiness in this world. One set of people would be satisfied while the rest may not be. Stop letting that bother you. You take care of what makes you happy and they will take care of what makes them happy. Being happy or not is an individual choice. Don’t let others unfulfilled expectations from you pull you down. It is okay to say No. The person who really wants to understand you will, there is no question of explaining or feeling bad.

Tip 6 - Don’t Push Pain Away, Face It You got to be a superhuman if you can smile through the pain. Practically, most of


us cannot feel happy when in pain. The philosophy of trying to be happy in pain doesn’t reduce pain, it just gives you the strength to deal with it.

All of us need a fall back when we are sad. One way of feeling better when you are sad is by thinking of all the happy times.

So, when you are in pain, don’t push yourself too much with the idea of being happy. If you want to live with the pain for a while, just feel the pain and move on once you start feeling better.

Old good times are nostalgic and a great way to divert your thoughts. Thinking of these times might not solve your problem, however, it will bring a bright smile on your face. Whenever you are in a bad mood or extremely sad, you can watch your old pictures or go back to funny videos and think of the days you were appreciated by your close people.

In the end, you just have to remember through this journey in life, you will get to experience every emotion. Therefore, go through both happiness and pain.

Tip 7 - Think Of Old Good Times

Conclusion To be happy in pain doesn’t just mean that you have to be in a mood to celebrate or literally smile. It just means that you must learn to stay peaceful through the pain. Positive thinking, making good choices, letting yourself feel the pain and allowing yourself to be happy are the best ways to face all your pain in life. Always believe that time is never the same and situations change. Remember that your pain will no longer exist after a while. 42 ALL ABOUT PETS & PETCARE










Having good hair is an asset. How would it feel to wake up to the next morning and see a bunch of hair rolling down your bed? It is almost like a disaster if you are madly in love with your hair.

What is a dosha? Dosha is an element responsible to take care of our hair and the rest of the body. So, when a dosha is imbalanced, you are likely to experience problems with your hair.

Amla has natural properties to improve the strength of your hair. Thus, it controls hair fall to a large extent.

To tame this problem and get your hair to the right track, you can try the Ayurveda style of improving hair growth and strengthening your roots. While you have an option to take medicines or try natural remedies of your choice. It is advisable to go the ayurvedic way to allow your hair to reap good benefits.

Therefore, Ayurveda focuses on a healthy lifestyle, good diet and home remedies to solve hair fall concerns. If you want to go the Ayurveda way then you will need to follow basic rules.

See why Ayurveda thinks amla is good to keep hair fall in control!

Whether your hair fall is due to stress, pollution or it is hormonal. Every remedy you pick from the ayurvedic form of treatment has a purpose and every remedy provides a solution to all hair concerns.

What Is The Ayurveda Perspective Of Looking At Hair Loss? Firstly, it is essential for you to understand that Ayurveda strongly believes in the logic that when one of the elements in the body gets disturbed, everything else can go haywire. Ayurveda has coined a term known as Dosha 45

Therefore for hair, Ayurveda treatment focuses on eating healthy fruits, vegetables, drinking excess water, giving the body necessary sunlight and resting well. So do all of these and you will notice a difference in your hair. Besides, pay attention to ayurvedic remedies that help fight against hair loss issues. Take a look!

No 1 - Apply Amla On Your Hair

Why is it good?

It has the following nutrients l Iron l Vitamins l Gallic acid l Carotene

What do these nutrients do? l Boosts the strength in your hair follicles l Brings back the natural color of your hair l Improves blood circulation in your scalp l Cleans dirt and dandruff

How to use Amla You can either eat amla, apply amla oil, make an amla paste or use an amla shampoo for your hair.

Method to use 1. If you are eating amla. You


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE can grind its powder and mix a spoon of honey in it. 2. If you are using amla oil, you can heat it up for a few seconds and apply it on your scalp and hair three times a week. 3. If you are using shampoo, you can wash your hair with it three times a week. 4. If you are using a paste, you will just need to grind the amla, add a little water to the powder, give this a good stir, leave it on your hair for 30 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.

No 2 - Apply Bhringraj Oil

See why Ayurveda thinks Bhringraj is good for your hair! It has the following nutrients l Vitamins

What do these nutrients do? l It boosts strength in your hair follicles l Intensifies the shine in your hair l Softens your hair texture l Brings back the natural color of your hair

Method to use

Why is it good? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

No 3 - Apply Shikakai On Your Hair

l Amla juice l Brahmi juice

l Treats scalp Folliculitis

Bhringraj oil is being used by women having hair fall problems for years now. The nutrients in this oil are as effective as they used to be.

lukewarm water.

1. If you are using Bhringraj leaves, dry them in the sunlight, crush them and transfer it in the oil you apply for a few hours. Later, apply this Bhringraj mix oil and enjoy the benefits of these leaves. 2. If you want to directly use the oil, you need to apply 1012 drops of bhringraj oil into your roots and hair. Leave it for an hour, use a mild shampoo and wash it with

Shikakai powder is yet another effective home remedy to strengthen your weak roots and soften the hair texture.

Why is it good? See why Ayurveda thinks shikakai powder is good for your hair! It has the following nutrients l Vitamin A,C,D,E,K l Macro-nutrients l Antioxidants l Anti-bacterial l Anti-fungal properties

What do these nutrients do? 46

l Treats problems such as psoriasis, scabies, and eczema

l Cleanses the scalp

Method to use

l It is a natural cleanser and eliminates the greasiness on your scalp

1. You can boil curry leaves in coconut oil and allow the leaves to remain there overnight. You can apply coconut oil two times a week.

l Keeps hair fall in control l Saves your hair from dryness and split ends

Method to use

Why is it good?

1. If you are using shikakai powder as a mask, you need to take 2 tsp powder, add warm water, sit the mixture and apply it on your hair. Leave it for about 30 minutes and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

See why Ayurveda thinks coconut oil is good for the hair!

2. If you are mixing shikakai powder with oil, use coconut oil. Mix the two, apply it on your hair, leave it for an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. 3. If you don’t have time to mix the powder, you can directly buy a shampoo that has shikakai as its main ingredient.


cater to all your hair needs.

It has the following nutrients l Anti-bacterial properties

2. Fill 1/4th bowl coconut oil, heat it for 10 seconds, apply it in your roots and on the hair. Let it remain for an hour and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

No 5 - Apply Reetha On Your Hair

l Anti-fungal properties l Saturated fats l Vitamins l Proteins

What do these nutrients do? l It saves your hair from free radical damage

No 4 - Apply Coconut Oil On Your Hair

l Strengthens the hair roots

Coconut oil has pure and medicinal properties that

l Controls hair loss

l Adds shine to your hair l Eliminates frizz

Reetha is an ayurvedic herb, it is known as soapnut or soapberry. This powder works excellent on the hair.

Why is it good? See why Ayurveda thinks reetha is good for the hair! It has the following nutrients WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

l Potassium

1. If you are using oil, then you can mix neem oil and coconut oil. Heat it up for a few seconds and then apply it on your hair.

l Vitamin A,C l Iron l Protein

What do these nutrients do? l It keeps dandruff in control l Strengthens your hair roots l Softens the hair l Boosts shine in your hair

Method to use 1. If you are using reetha seeds, you can soak the seeds in warm water for an hour or boil it for 15 minutes. You will notice a lather in the water. Mix this water while diluting your shampoo to have a good hair wash. 2. If you are using reetha powder, you can mix it with shikakai, add water, stir this mixture well, apply it on your hair, leave it for 30 minutes and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

No 6 - Apply Neem On Your Hair When neem leaves smell so lovely, you can be sure of how it does good to your WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


Why is it good? See why Ayurveda thinks neem is good for your hair! It has the following nutrients l Amino acids l Phosphorous l Minerals l Vitamin C l Proteins

What do these nutrients do? l Treats dryness in your hair l Keeps the scalp clean l Strengthens hair roots l Cleans dandruff, lice and scalp infections l Brings back the natural color of your hair

2. If you are using neem leaves, for 15 minutes you can boil it in water, allow this water to cool down and use it to dilute your shampoo. 3. If you are using neem leaves powder, add water and make it a paste, apply it on your hair, leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Conclusion Ayurvedic treatment pays attention to the natural ways of getting rid of hair problems. Remedies such as shikakai, neem leaves, reetha powder, coconut oil, amla, and bhringraj oil have effective nutrients to boost the strength, shine, and texture of the hair. Apart from this, if you want hair fall to stop, you need to sleep well, drink sufficient water and eat healthy food.

Method to use 48

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One Egg A Day Keeps Heart Diseases Away Doctor’s Say



We are all well-versed with the profound impacts of eating eggs. It is one of the best protein food. Let’s look at what researchers have to say about how eating one egg a day is good for preventing heart diseases. This study has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition One of the leading authors from the McMaster University of Canada, Mahshid says, that eating just one egg a day is neither bad for your heart nor will it put people having cardiovascular diseases at risk of dying. After studying what was conducted at PHRI, there were three other studies made by Mahshid’s group and they included people from various continents who earn different. All of them felt confident and safe about having one egg per day. This question of whether eggs are healthy or not has come up as different studies say different things. Study’s claimed that eating more than three eggs a week can cause cardiovascular diseases. One of the doctors contradicts this keeping in mind the size of eggs. He believes that three small eggs cannot make enough difference to one’s health and it is not unsafe.


A doctor from the cardiovascular health at the Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in NY says “This very large study has clearly demonstrated that people can have one egg a day without any cardiovascular consequences.”

Highlights 1. According to renowned doctors, here are some points about the benefits of eating one egg a day 2. Eggs might have cholesterol levels, however, they are nutritious. 3. Eggs have essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, phosphorous and Iron. 4. This protein food doesn’t have preservatives, added sugars or any food dyes. So you can understand when it has nothing harmful, it cannot be bad for health. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


How A Toxic Relationship Affects Your Health



A relationship is a great companionship until it doesn’t start to make you unhappy. A person can deal with being unhappy and find some means to make things alright. What about those times when things go out of reach and get toxic? In this situation, couples get affected mentally, physically and emotionally which is bad for health. You might feel that a physical workout and a healthy diet are all that you need to keep going. But, the quality of your relationship shows its effects on your health too. If you are in a happy relationship, you are healthy and when toxicity creeps in, it can totally bog you down. You will truly know your state of mind while you are in a relationship.

Sign 7 - When you are never appreciated and you feel low about yourself when your partner is around.

and comfortable when your partner is around. Sign 2 - You don’t have anything in common to smile about. Sign 3 - When your partner doesn’t make you feel secure anymore. Sign 4 - If you need to change yourself more than required and it is affecting you. Sign 5 - When you feel your life is being controlled. Sign 6 - When you feel emotionally, mentally and physically unsafe with your partner.

Sign 8 - When you don’t get good or positive vibes in your partner’s presence. No relationship is born toxic, it either becomes bad over the time or it was always like that and you must have been too engrossed to even notice. Where there is fear, anger, selfishness, sense of insecurity, pain and no trust, that relationship is clearly toxic.

Health Risks Of Being In A Toxic Relationship

Signs Of A Toxic Relationship Take a look at these signs and assess if you are in a happy and healthy zone or are you at risk of feeling sick in a relationship. Sign 1 - You don’t feel light 53


LOVE & SEX Just as eating the wrong food can have a repercussion on your body, it goes the same with your mind as well. Whenever you feel negative emotions like fear, anger, or pain, your mind gets to know and starts sending certain signals to your body. The hormones understand these signals and tend to react to your body. Take a look at how is being in a toxic relationship risky for your health

So, one of the biggest health risks of being in a toxic relationship is feeling physically and mentally weak.

No 1 - Triggers No 2 Fight Or Flight Hormones Get Imbalanced Hormones The fight and flight hormone passes on signals to the brain when we take the stress of any kind. When the brain gets this signal, the response it throws at your body is not a good place to be in as it is not doing any good for your health. Generally, people in toxic relationships are highly stressed. The flight and fight hormones are triggered and this affects an individual’s mental well-being and physical strength. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

Have you noticed how fast your heart beats in fear? Same way when you are unhappy and stuck in a toxic relationship, it first affects all your hormones. It is so obvious that an imbalance in the mind is likely to disturb the way your hormones function.

No 3 - Sadness Affects Your Mind It is enough for one toxic relationship to change your world and turn everything upside down for you. That being said, when you are emotionally affected and sad, it takes a toll on your mental and psychological health.

The two hormones that are activated when stressed are cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones go haywire in your body and this would make you feel depressed or you might fall sick. 54

What happens? A person has sleepless nights and their entire routine is at a stake, this affects immunity. Blood pressure can go high and the muscles get strained. So you can see how a bad relationship can worsen living?

No 4 - You Tend To Have Gastrointestinal Problems What’s in the mind shows up on the stomach and that’s true. When you are emotionally drained out, you get to see its negative outcome in your stomach. When you are stressed, you 55

don’t feel like eating much, the stomach bloats up, you experience cramps and inflammation.

No 5 - You Are Likely To Get Obese

It is beautiful to be in a relationship until it gets toxic and makes you go through emotional stress. Did you know emotional stress can make you put on weight?

Conclusion Constant efforts to stay healthy is important. What’s even more important is to be free in the mind, feel happy from within and be part of a relationship that empowers you. The result of a toxic relationship is adverse. It affects your immunity, blood pressure levels and leads to excess weight gain. If you are in a toxic relationship, make peace and move one!

Sadly, anxiety or any form of stress is proven bad for your health because the stress hormone cortisol goes through pressure and affects your metabolism resulting in excess weight gain. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


Mushroom Could Lower The Risks Of Prostate Cancer, New Study Suggests



According to statistics, it is said that 1 out of 9 men in the world could be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. This itself is a very big revelation. No wonder, more and more researchers are


working to find a therapeutic approach to keeping this condition at bay. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Tohoku University found

that the men who consume mushrooms in their daily diet are less likely to experience the risks of prostate cancer. The study was conducted with 36,000 Japanese for a better understanding.


MEN HEALTH The incidence of prostate cancer is caused when the cells inside the prostate gland, start proliferating at an uncontrolled rate. Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer witnessed in men. Reports suggested that 1.8 million men worldwide were diagnosed with the same in 2018.

The consumption and use of mushrooms have been very proactive in Asia, where it is even used for its medicinal benefits. Shu Zhang, an assistant professor of epidemiology in the Department of Health Informatics and Public Health at Tohoku University School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine in Japan, who is also the lead author of the study stated saying that test tube studies and studies in general with living organisms have found that mushroom does have the capability to reduce the risks of prostate cancer. But, the possible impacts of the consumption of mushroom and reduction of the prostate cancer risks in humans have not been investigated prior to this. This specific study is the very first cohort study conducted with human population to get a better perspective of things and to see whether or not the non-clinical trials prove right for the clinical trials or not. Even though the researchers have concluded from the study that the daily consumption of mushrooms can prove beneficial for helping reduce the risks of prostate cancer, WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

Zhang also emphasises on the fact that it is necessary for individuals to balance out their meals with all the essential nutrients to further prevent unnecessary risks of the cancer. For this specific study, the researchers focused on studying two cohorts of participants including 36,499 men in total in between the age group of 40-79 years. The two sections were analysed in Miyagi and Ohsaki in the years of 1990 and 1994 respectively. The follow up for the Miyagi cohort was done on December 31, 2014, extending the study for 24.5 years. The follow up for the Ohsaki cohort was later done on March 31, 2008, extending the study for 13.25 years. For the study, the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire answering correctly about their daily lifestyle and the kind of diet they follow. They were asked about the mushroom consumption on a daily basis along with physical activity, smoking and drinking habits and their overall family and medical history.

This was what helped the researchers evaluate their answers and conclusions better. With the long term follow up for both the cohorts, the researchers found that the regular consumption of mushrooms had positive benefits in helping reduce the risks of prostate cancer in men. The same was predominantly better in the individuals above the age of 50 years and older. The same 58

found to be a better option in comparison to the ones whose diet consisted of meat and dairy products and lesser consumption of fruits and veggies. The analysis found that the consumption of mushrooms on a daily basis compensated for the reduced consumption of fruits and vegetables. Amidst them, only 3.3% of individuals suffered from prostate cancer during the follow up period. The men who consumed mushrooms once or twice a week has a 8% reduced risk of developing prostate cancer in comparison to the men who experienced a 17% reduction by consuming mushrooms more than three times in a week. Zhang suggested saying that mushrooms are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, especially that of


L-ergothioneine which have amazing benefits in helping keep the risks of cancer in check. The same helps fight oxidative stress, thus reducing the risks of free radical damage in the body. According to the study conclusions, the researchers have come to the result that the consumption of mushrooms might help reduce the risks associated with prostate cancer in men. The researchers do need to go further in depth into it to learn more about the dietary intake and the other hidden issues behind this. Zhang suggests that since a normal individual on a daily basis consumes a lesser amount of mushroom each day, which is around 5 grams per day in comparison to the individuals in the study who consumed 7.6 gm per day, increasing the mushroom intake by a little could impact potential positive benefits.



One pot spaghetti with roasted vegetables Pasta, more importantly, spaghetti is one of the staples in every home. If you don’t want the hassle of cooking and want something quick and easy with meal prep, this one pot pasta dish is one of the best options. This can also be eaten by the people on a vegan diet, with a few twists accordingly.

Ingredients ·

One packet of spaghetti


One canned tomato








Bell pepper




Salt and pepper


Olive oil




How to make? Start by preparing the vegetables for roasting You want to cut them up into cubes and then toss them with some salt, pepper and olive oil Line them up in a baking tray and then roast them in the oven for 30-45 minutes For the pasta, you want to boil water in a deep bottomed pan and add some salt to it Add the pasta to the boiling water and 60

cook it till it has a bite to it Drain the pasta and keep it aside To a pot, you want to add 2-3 tbsp of olive oil and let it warm up a little To that, add a few cloves of crushed garlic and sautee it for a few seconds Once done, add in the onions and sautee again Add the canned tomato puree to that and then add the seasonings to it 61

Once done, let the sauce come to a boil and then add the roasted veggies to it and coat everything together Let it simmer for a few minutes and then add the pasta to the pot Toss everything together and bring everything to a boil Top the dish with some chopped parsley and serve it hot



Jan u Si Benefits, Steps, Variations, And Precautions



irshasana Janu sirshana is referred to as head to knee forward bend. ‘Janu’ is knee and ‘Sirsa’ means head. This asana results in strengthening the knees and spine. This forward bending and twisted seating posture is a good stretching exercise.





are stretched and this relieves you from all the pain in your back.

If there is pain in your pelvic region or you have problems with your pancreas or kidney. This effective asana will help in healing all those disorders.

No 2 - Good For The Spine, Hamstrings, No 5 - Aids Groin, And Better Shoulders Digestion When you have a strong spine, other parts of the body are well controlled. Strengthened hamstrings boost energy and save you from major leg injuries. You can easily carry weights with strong shoulders.

As you know Janu sirshasana is good for the knee and spine, look at its other benefits on your mind and body!

No 1 Alleviates Back Pain While doing janu sirshasana you need to stretch your body forward. While you stretch forward, the back muscles



No 3 - Aids Weight Loss With continuous stretching and movement, you lose out on excess fats in your body. If you wish to lose weight, then this is a perfect asana.

No 4 - Heals Disorders In Your Lower

As Janu Sirsasana involves bending and stretching forward all the internal organs are stimulated and in case you are facing digestion problems, it all gets solved. All in all, if you want your organs to function well and alleviate pain or strengthen your shoulders, back, hamstrings and groin. You must try this asana.

Steps Take a glance at the steps to perform Janusirsasana! Step 1 - Roll a mat on the floor and sit straight with your legs stretched out. Step 2 - Take a deep breath 64

and relax. Let your right leg remain stretched and its toes pointing whatever is in front of you. Step 3 - Fold your left leg in a way that the sole touches your right thigh. By doing this, the groin is stretched out. Step 4 - Keep your back straight, close your eyes,

Step 6 - To go back, take your hands up and sit straight.


You will need to repeat the same procedure with the other leg. To gain from this asana, you must do it two or three times a week.

Keep in mind these points before you begin to practice this asana!


No 1 - This asana is not applicable to pregnant women as it can affect the baby. No 2 - A person suffering from sciatica, pain in the knees or slip disc should strictly keep away from this asana. No 3 - One should not overstretch while doing this asana as it can cause a muscle pull. No 4 - Individuals having asthma or diarrhea should keep away from this asana.

Final Word inhale and slowly start to lift both your hands up. Step 5 - Slowly bend forward and get both your hands down, bend in a way that your forehead touches the knees and your fingers get locked behind the toes.


In the variation posture instead of lifting your hands up and bending forward, you will place one hand beside you, lift the other hand and stretch on either side. Apart from this, there are similar variations to this asana.

For energy in your shoulder spine and lower body, you can look forward to practicing Janu Sirsasana. Ensure to do this asana when your stomach is empty and individuals with health concerns must avoid this asana.



Your Child Doesn’t Owe You For Raising Them WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


Parenthood is one of the most beautiful experiences in a person’s life. But, with the beauty of this new experience comes its challenges. “Be thankful to us, we brought you to this world”, how often do you come across this phrase? To be honest, quite often, doesn’t it? But, it is also true that there are implications that your child is not here to serve you or even be thankful for the life you gave them because they didn’t ask for it. It is true that we all expect our children to be respectful and even scold them when they are stepping out of their decorum. But, to be fair, respect is something that is earned. You just can’t expect people to be okay with respecting someone, if the same is not reciprocated back. If you want your child’s upbringing to be fruitful, it is very important that you have realistic expectations from them. There is no point having unrealistic expectations from them and imposing your wishes upon them just because you gave birth to them and brought them to this world.


Irrespective of whether you see them as a legal or even a moral obligation, it is necessary for parents to know that your child are not obligated to fulfill your needs and wishes. Much like how you expect them to respect you, the same goes out for them as well. It is a two way street that you need to pay attention to.

the issues behind the outburst, the same does end up taking a toll on their mental health and makes them suppress their feelings instead of expressing them. Encourage them to be vocal about their conflicts and let them come to you for solutions. This is one of the best ways to harbor a good relationship with your kids.

Give them the much required space and the lenience to help them mould themselves to the kind that they want to. The last thing that you want is to push them to pursue their own dreams rather than them doing what you program them to do.

It is important for a parent to balance out being lenient and being firm whenever the same is needed. The balance is what helps shape the child into a good human being later in life. If you don’t want your child to become arrogant and stubborn, give them the free space and form of expression to ensure that they don’t feel obligated to do things.

Often, we tend to draw conclusions that if a child is being rude or disrespectful, it is likely because of the kind of influence they have around them. Don’t be so quick to pass judgements because that doesn’t sit well with your child. Instead, focus on working in better understanding what is causing them to feel like they way they are. Being rude and disrespectful is often because the child is experiencing something in their life that is causing them frustration. If you are being angry with them and not understanding

There are a number of ways in which you can teach responsibility to your child. Remember that your child didn’t ask to be born, it was you who brought them to this world but that doesn’t give you an upperhand. Treat your child like an equal and contribute to their responsibility and maturity levels.



Rejuvenating Health Benefits Of Giving Up On Caffeine A cup of hot coffee right after you wake up or a sip or two while discussing work is a mind-blowing refreshment. It is vital to get this boost, we all need it to kick start our day or for that matter feel active and fresh.

Did you ever know that drinking caffeine too much can spoil your health? Well, when you take it in a limited quantity it is never going to hamper your health. If it hampers your health, why drink it too much? You can reduce it and get over this habit after reading through the health benefits of quitting caffeine.

No 1 - Ditch The Craving To Break The Addiction People go gaga over the taste and smell of caffeine. You can understand it better if you are



caffeine can worsen those moods. Generally, people used to drinking too much coffee in the morning or during the day tend to see a shift in their moods too quickly. They can get mad and feel happy too soon. So if you don’t want your moods to be unstable, you must quit on having caffeine. You will see stability in your mood.

No 3 - Anxiousness Decreases Feeling anxious isn’t a great feeling. Other parts of your body are triggered and that does bad to your health. If you are getting anxious often and not able to figure out the real reason behind feeling that way it means you are probably consuming too much caffeine and you should stop right there.

totally in love with coffee. There are people who cannot move on with their day without coffee. Nothing can be as amazing as fulfilling your coffee craving, however, controlling it and getting over that addiction can be even better. So, once you make up your mind to stay away from caffeine, it won’t be tough to break the addiction and this will teach you how not to have a strong addiction for anything else.

There is a hormone known as fight or flight that’s affected when you take too much caffeine. This is a signal from the nervous system to the body. In this condition, people get frightened and feel uncomfortable. Therefore, just give up on excess caffeine and get the anxiousness in control. This will do good for your mind and body.

No 4 - You Get Your Beauty Sleep

No 2 - Saves You From Being A Slave To Mood Swings Tell me about moods, all of us come in terms with it every second day of our life and if you didn’t know, then you should be aware that




You can imagine that tiredness when you don’t get to sleep well or fall asleep on time. If you are going through this right now, you need to cross-check if you are drinking too much caffeine these days. Studies have proven that drinking excessive coffee can make people feel lazy during the day and spoil their peaceful sleep cycle. Therefore, if you don’t want your sleep getting targeted, get rid of drinking caffeine and you will see how well you sleep every night.

diseases. There was a study conducted to check if reducing the consumption of caffeine can reduce the risk of heart diseases or not and they found that people who were used to drinking around 4 cups of coffee were at risk of having heart diseases when compared to those who didn’t drink coffee.

By any chance is it sensible to spend money on caffeine that can spoil your health? It is not worth spending that money.

If your blood pressure is in control everything else is in place everything else is good and one way of keeping your blood pressure in control is by reducing your caffeine intake.


No 7 - You Get To Save Money

No 6 - Blood Pressure Can Be Controlled

No 5 Cardiovascular Diseases Likely To Stay Away

It is highly essential to take care of your heart. Negligence with food and lifestyle can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Especially consuming too much caffeine can put you through the risk of suffering from cardiovascular

Thus, keep away from caffeine if you want to keep control over the levels of blood pressure.

You won’t lose out on anything if you quit caffeine. On the other hand, it will just do you good. Your nervous system will come in control and this is a great way of keeping a check on your blood pressure levels. If this is in control, your heart is also at a benefit.

If you are used to drinking coffee, you might be hanging out at places that sell the best coffee and when you stop drinking coffee, you get to save that money. So, caffeine can be a reason you are spending more than required. Its never too late, you can immediately stop drinking caffeine to save money.

No 8 - Digestion Gets Better The going gets tough when digestion is impacted. Drinking too much caffeine 70

is bad for your digestive system. Nothing like it if you can stop drinking too much coffee, your digestive system will do good.

about the bad it does to your teeth. Caffeine is known to cause stains on the teeth. Besides, even tea is bad for your teeth. Why? There is an agent known as tannin. This decays the tooth enamel and causes that odd look on your teeth.

No 10 - Body Is Healthier Why is coffee bad for digestion? Caffeine leads to indigestion because you end up suffering from heartburns. So why wait? If you don’t want digestive problems to get out of this habit.

No 9 - Saves Your Teeth From Getting Bad

It is a must to have good teeth. It is awkward when there are horrible stains on the teeth, isn’t it? If you love caffeine then you will be disheartened to know 71

Drinks that have caffeine do have a small number of preservatives in them. So if you wish to stick by a healthy diet, avoid having too much caffeine. Come what may, caffeine it might boost you up and keep you awake. However, it is not a healthy source of staying fit. When you eliminate it from your diet, you are likely to be healthier. Take healthy fruits, vegetables, and juices instead of caffeinated drinks.

No 11 - You Won’t Need To Go To The Washroom Often

Imagine what a pain it is if you have to go to the washroom every now and then while you are busy at work? Drinking too much caffeine will make you visit your washroom every now and then. It has been studied that drinking too much caffeine is the cause of incontinence. So, don’t you think quitting caffeine can make you feel better for real and not be the reason for interruption when you have important things to do?

Conclusion : If you want to sleep better, be healthier, save yourself from heart diseases, keep your blood pressure levels in control and feel boosted. It is important that you stop being addicted to caffeine and look for ways to avoid it as much as you can. The benefits are right in front of you, quit it and see how it turns out for you.



World’s Most

Rare Diseases

You Didn’t Know of

The last week of February marks as the week of World’s Rare Disease Week. With the new types of diseases being discovered every now and then, it isn’t a surprise that we are not even aware of half of the diseases that are likely going to affect our well being. Majority of these rare diseases are either detected at birth or end up affecting the person later in their lives. The Rare Disease Week is celebrated across the world to raise better awareness surrounding these diseases. The reason why they are termed as a rare disease is because of the lesser number of people being affected by it. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020


1 - HutchinsonGilford Progeria

The Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria, also often known as Progeria is a very rare genetic condition which makes the individual age a lot faster than the normal time. The same is caused because of a genetic mutation that facilitates quicker aging in the childhood. Even with all the constant research and the trials being conducted, the scientists have still not been able to find a proper cure for Progeria. Some trials with anti growth hormones and even anticancer drugs have been administered by none of them have provided with genuine results.

2- Methemoglobinemia

Also Blue 73

known Skin

as the Disorder,

Methemoglobinemia is characterized by the abnormal bluish appearance of the skin. The same is caused because of the abnormal production of methemoglobin which is a type of hemoglobin that is responsible for carrying iron in the blood. While the normal range is the presence of 1% methamoglobin in the blood stream, the ones suffering from Methemoglobinemia have 10-20% in their blood. These individuals are also at risk of developing heart conditions and can even experience the risks of premature death.

3 - Field’s disease

Named after the first twins who showcased the signs, Field’s disease is a condition that affected Catherine and Kristie Fields from Wales in the United Kingdom. Even though the doctors are still not sure what to call this disease, they believe that the same is characterized by the gradual neuromuscular degeneration in the body of the individual. The condition causes gradual deterioration of the muscles in the body that later end up

restricting the movement in the individuals. Further studies are needed to assess the cause behind the condition and find a suitable therapeutic approach for the cure.

4- Kuru

The reason why Kuru is considered such a rare disease is because of the fact that it is localized to a certain area in the remote region of New Guinea among the Fort tribe. Even though this is termed as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, it is not likely for you to experience that unless you are in that area. The condition is believed to be caused because of a unique group of proteins, known as the prions which contributes to brain tissue buildup that later contributes to the persistent risks of brain damage. Majority of the researchers and experts believe that the only way to contract this disease is if one eats the brain of the affected individual.

5 - Fibrodysplasia Ossificans WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020



Yet another one of the rare diseases that affects just a percentage of the world population is the Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. This disease eats away at the connective tissue, causing deformities to the bone structure in the body. Even this one can be detected at birth or later on in life. One of the most common signs of this condition is the deformed big toe. With the complications that this condition brings along, it affects the day to day activities in the lives of the affected individual. It gravely affects their mobility. As of now, there is no proper treatment for this condition as removal of the buildup does stop from new growth of the connective tissues.

6 - Von HippelLindau As weird as the name might sound, Von Hippel-Lindau is a very rare and serious hereditary condition that causes unprecedented WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MARCH 2020

tumour formations in the various organs in the body. Majority of the tumourous growths that are witnessed in the affected individuals are either benign tumours or the ones that have blood vessel supply surrounding it. These tumors are also termed as hemangioblastomas and can grow anywhere in the body, enhancing the risks associated with the normal body functions. It often does affect the brain, spinal cord, and even the retina.

loss, and constant fatigue as well. Doctor’s often do even regard this as something that’s affecting the individuals psychologically. There are no treatments or drugs available for this condition at the moment.

8 - Microcephaly

7 - Morgellons disease

When it comes to the rarest of rare diseases, the Morgellons disease is considered one of them. The condition is a very misinterpreted one that even doctors are finding hard to describe. Many doctors believe this to be a chronic infectious disease wherein the affected individual constantly feels the of itching, biting, irritation and a very uncommon crawling sensation on their body. Many people also showcase signs of lesions, memory

Detected at birth, Microcephaly is a very rare condition characterized by the smaller circumference of the head of the baby than what’s normal. The condition affects the growth of the baby and is believed to be very common in individuals who might have exposure to hazardous chemicals and radiation. The condition can even occur because of the premature births. Usually, the children affected with Microcephaly tend to also showcase symptoms of Down Syndrome. Majority of the individuals affected with this condition showcase signs of dwarfism, balance and posture related issues, speech problems and even hyperactivity in some of the kids.


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