Making Web Money August 2020

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Issue #102

August 2020

MWM Marketing

CLINIC 11 Tips for Retaining Customers for Life Introducing 6FigZ Making Web Money MARKETING INTERVIEWS

Mike Filsaime

TikTok Marketing In a Nutshell

Marketing Done Right with Joe Biden

Businesses Booming During Covid-19

Learn How People Are Making Web Money Online Today

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You Asked and We Listened. HELP is HERE

How Would You Like To Get Your Hands On My Proven Marketing Strategies That Have Created A Multiple Six Figure Online Business? Now You Too Can Explode Your Business Income With

Monthly Internet Marketing Training And Coaching! If You Are Serious About Changing From A Failing Online Business To An Uber Profitable Online Business I Can Help You! Listen, I know what it's like to have a strong desire to have a successful online business but have no real idea of HOW to market it...

I'm not making empty promises. One thing you will not find on this site is a promise of "easy riches". I make no claims of how much you can make. I make no claims that you'll make any money at all. I don't know you. I don't know if you're a thinker or a doer. How can I promise you'll make X dollars? I can't. And I don't. That SHOULD be a sign of trust to you. There are many others out there making crazy income claims. I won't promise riches. I won't promise any results. I'll simply tell you that I will show you things you can do to get your online business rocking and rolling! There is absolutely no risk. I'm even going to take away ALL RISK for you. It's pretty simple: if you don't like the Training, you don't pay. Period. You have nothing to risk and everything to gain. Let me say it a different way...

MWM contents


6 MWM Editor’s Letter AUGUST 7 MWM Inbox 8 In The NEWS 9 MWM New Product Feature FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer 12 MWM Success Guide – Marketing Done Right by Joe Biden 14 Life in Crisis – Done is Better Than Perfect 15 Dynamic Digital Software Store Want A FREE Website?


16 Subscribe For FREE

FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer

17 MWM Ask The Expert: Vimeo vs. YouTube – What’s the Difference? 20 Membership Authority Sites 21 Business HELP Businesses That Are Booming During Covid-19 22 Pandemic Readers’ Unprecedented Demand 23 TikTok Marketing In a Nutshell 24 Introducing 6FigZ - New Product 25 When Keeping 10% Pays You 1,000% 26 How To Build a Real Business Right Now 28 Master Resell Rights Membership Site 29 SHOPZPRESSO MEGA STORE 31 Advertise in MWM 32 How to Launch a Digital Product Business


Introducing 6FigZ

MWM contents


Features … 36 MWM Interview – with MIKE FILSAIME


39 The Functional Strength Guide 41

MWM Q&A: Stop Writing Blogposts and Articles – Do This Instead

43 Covert VIDEO Press 45 Internet Marketing Made Easy 47 FLAT Graphics BlackBox 3.0

59 New Product

48 Massive Traffic Blueprint 51 MWM wants You to Know - Kindle’s Clue on Retaining Subscribers

KETO Power Boost

52 Unlock My Secret Traffic Methods 53 My Blog Profits Coaching 54 The VENUS Factor 55

This Month’s Marketing CLINIC 11 Tips for Retaining Customers for Life

58 Painting an Awesome Product Picture

59 New Product KETO Power Boost 60 YouTube Ads Made Easy

35 MIKE FILSAIME MWM INTERVIEW Are you trying to keep track of the latest Covid-19 Corona Virus News ? WE have ALL the INFO in one place for you

Corona Virus News

MWM editors letter Welcome to the AUGUST 2020 Issue of our monthly “Making Web Money” Online Digital Marketing magazine where every month we show you how real people, just like you, are making web money – online.

This month we have MORE great articles and personal success insights, interviews, plus some ONLINE opportunities for you. - Life in Crisis – Done is Better Than Perfect - MWM Series on Business Help - Businesses That Are Booming During Covid-19 - Unlock My Secret Traffic Methods - MWM Interview - MIKE FILSAIME - Pandemic Readers’ Unprecedented Demand - TikTok Marketing In a Nutshell - New Product - Introducing 6FigZ - FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer - When Keeping 10% Pays You 1,000% - MWM Wants You to Know – Kindle’s Clue on Retaining Subscribers - Painting an Awesome Product Picture - New Product SHOPZPRESSO MEGA STORE - How To Build a Real Business Right Now - Let Your Paid Members ‘Steal’ to Increase Your Revenue -This Month’s Marketing CLINIC - 11 Tips for Retaining Customers for Life - MWM Success Guide - Marketing Done Right with Joe Biden - MWM Ask the Expert - Vimeo vs. YouTube – What’s the Difference? - MWM Q&A: Stop Writing Blogposts and Articles – Do This Instead


I hope you enjoy this month's issue of the magazine – Check out our 101 Great Back Issues of Making Web Money!


[ AUGUST 2020] Subscription enquires: Order the printed edition: Advertising enquires:

Making Web Money Magazine Published 12 times per year. Copyright 

All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher Making Web Money Online Marketing Magazine Editor Harry Crowder

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Advertising: See Above Contributors Various experts in their fields

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MWM inbox

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QUOTABLE.. “Authenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the Web.” Rick Levine, Author of The Cluetrain Manifesto


QUOTABLE.. Affordable Book/Website Illustrations

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Any illustrations you commission come with full rights, meaning they cannot be reused by the artists and you do not have to ask permission to reuse them yourself. – Kath Pay, Founder and Senior Consultant at Holisti

Email Marketing

This means your illustrations can pull double duty, not only making your book more valuable but also appearing on other merchandise you sell. Illustrations are just $45 each with $0 royalties and no hidden costs. And the examples are gorgeous.

How to Add Original Artistic Images to Your Site for Free Use the Google Arts and Culture app to turn your photos into works of art. A new feature called, “Art Transfer” that lets you apply various art styles to your own photos has been added to the app. To use the Art Transfer feature: • Open the Google Arts and Culture app • Tap the Camera icon in the bottom-center • Click Art Transfer. • Either take a new photo or choose one from your current photos • Choose an art style to apply to your photo. For example, that landscape photo you took could become a bold, swirling Vincent van Gogh-like painting.

MWM New Product

MWM 09

MWM 10

Do You Have an Idea to Combat Covid-19? Here’s how to find partners and investors by establishing credibility and proving that you can move fast.

My 4 Favorite Reverse Image Search Apps Have you ever needed to identify a picture or an item? These apps let you upload an image to search instead of entering text.

CamFind – take a picture, upload the image and CamFind identifies the object.

Google Lens – Google’s visual search engine analyzes the image and gives you a link to the Google image search page in the results.

Photo Sherlock – upload the image, optionally crop the image to focus on the main element, then let the app fetch your results.

TinEye – this is an online tool, so you’ll need to download a dedicated app. Search an image by URL or by sharing a file. You can sort the results by best match, most changed, biggest image, newest or oldest.

Starting today you can enroll in my new monthly coaching program where I will teach you how to turn PLR content into spendable cash using several underground methods. Each and every month you'll get a new lesson showing you a different way to profit with the PLR products you already have. Each month will be a different lesson (sometimes delivered as a step-by-step PDF and sometimes delivered as video tutorial lessons, and even sometimes a mixture of both) that you can download, view, and then implement to start making money with PLR content. This 12 month coaching program can help you feel good about every PLR purchase you've made (even those "junky" ones because I will show you how to polish them 'til they shine!). The PLR Profits Coaching Club can justify every penny you've spent. It can make those purchases worth something to you because you can put that content to work making money for you. Click Here to Start

MWM success guide

MWM 12

Marketing Done Right with Joe Biden It’s safe to assume that since Joe Biden is running for President of the United States, he has recruited some of the best marketing brains on the planet to help him win this office. Which is why I took a look at his website. The first thing I found is what you and I know of as a landing page or squeeze page. On the right side of the page is a photo of Joe – no surprise there. And on the left side of the page they asked for my email address, without ever actually asking for my email address. Here’s what was on the page: Sign Now: Join our campaign! Joe Biden is running for President. Sign your name to stand with him: Followed by three fields to fill in. Notice his marketing people are not saying, “Give us your email address.” They’re asking me to sign my name, which serves as a small token of commitment on my part, making it easier to ask for something bigger later. (For the uninitiated: The Cialdini “commitment concept” is something like the old-school “foot-in-the-door” idea, where accepting a small idea or buying a small item changes a “prospect” into a “customer.” What's more, reaffirming the earlier choice begins to build trust. The marketer can now begin asking for bigger and bigger commitments or sales.) Smart. But… the three fields they ask you to fill in are email, zip code and phone, with email being the only required field. Notice there is no field for name. And yet the headline is asking me to sign my name. Wow. So simple. So slight of hand. And so effective. The visitor isn’t even thinking about the fact they are handing over their email address. Clever. ……….. And it gets better.

On the next page are 5 top issues - each with a check box - and they want to know which ones are most important to you. “Check all that apply.” Why? The inference is they are taking a poll to see what matters most to the American people. They want the reader’s help in shaping policy. The reality is they’re figuring out which buttons to push when they ask the reader (aka new subscriber) to donate. Is climate your big issue? They’ll talk about climate when they email you. Is it health care? The Supreme Court? Whatever you choose is what they’ll use in their fundraising emails to you. Testing their system, I used the sixth option which was fill-inthe-blank and I wrote in a popular issue that wasn’t even listed. Guess what the very first email I received talked about? The issue I’d written into the blank space. Oh yes, and would I donate to help Joe with that exact cause? These guys are good. They capture email addresses under the guise of asking you to ‘sign your name to stand with him.’ And they segment their list to optimize contributions. Are you segmenting your lists? Imagine if you knew the hot button of everyone who joins your list – how much more effective would your marketing be? (Curious what happens when you go to Donald J Trump’s website? I was. On the day I visited the site, the first thing I encountered was some sort of loading error. There was a barely perceivable phantom pop up that severely dimmed the rest of page. Once I finally located it and clicked it away, I was offered the opportunity to sign a waiver that said I would not hold Donald J Trump liable for contracting Covid-19 when I attended at his Tulsa, Oklahoma rally.

Ummm… no thanks.)

Life in Crisis – Done is Better Than Perfect

With the world essentially turned upside down right now, maybe it’s a good time to forget about getting things perfect and instead simply concentrate on getting them done. Whatever your specialty is, reach out to people on social media and see who you can help. I think you’ll find that people are much more open right now to receiving help from a kind stranger. Offer two ears to listen and one mouth to offer solutions to whatever they are facing. In other words, do more listening than talking. And when you find someone who needs more help than just a social media chat, offer your services. You don’t need fancy sales pages to do this, you simply need to be yourself and show that you can truly help them. Whatever it is that you are choosing to do right now, focus far more on getting it done than getting it perfect. And when the crisis is over, I think you’ll find this new skill of getting things done quickly by whatever means you have on hand will continue to reap rewards for you.

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MWM ask the expert

MWM 17

Vimeo vs. YouTube – What’s the Difference? e

Vimeo is YouTube’s closest competitor, but it’s not a YouTube clone. Because there are very real differences between the two, you might find that Vimeo is sometimes the better choice for your videos. Prestige – When someone says, “YouTube video,” what do you think of? And when someone else says, “Vimeo video,” what do you think of now? Anything and everything is on YouTube. There are no quality filters to speak of which is why anything and everything is uploaded there, including junk. But Vimeo is strict about what it allows to be posted. This is good and bad for you. While you can’t post just anything on Vimeo, what you can post will automatically be considered higher quality and more prestigious than if you posted it on YouTube. Staff Pick Potential – Vimeo loves high-quality and one of the ways they show it is to select certain videos to receive the Staff Pick badge of honor. Entire video careers have been launched after being discovered by curators on Vimeo. Technical Quality – YouTube processes 500 hours of footage every single minute. Is it any wonder why they have to prioritize compression speed over compression quality? But because Vimeo has stricter guidelines for acceptable videos, its processing load is far lighter which means the quality is far better. Try uploading the same video to both YouTube and Vimeo at the same resolution, and then see which version looks better. Better Audiences – because Vimeo is picky about what can be uploaded to their site, it attracts a more sophisticated and engaged audience than YouTube. Youtubers are notorious for short attention spans, whereas Vimeo viewers will watch entire films of slower, more thoughtful content. Even the comments are better on Vimeo, with more mature, insightful thoughts being left for the video creator.

Features – Vimeo has some practical advantages over YouTube as well. For example: Replace video but keep URL: If you update a video on YouTube, you lose all of your likes, comments and stats. But on Vimeo, you can upload a new video while keeping the same URL, the same comments, stats and likes, and without breaking any embeds on third-party sites. Passwords – Vimeo lets you set passwords on any video, so that only people with the password can view it. YouTube does not have this feature. Membership videos – You can set which domain(s) are allowed to embed your videos on a per-video basis. This way you can hide your videos from the public and only allow access on a particular site, such as a membership site. Branding the web player – Embedded Youtube videos always look the same and they always end with a myriad of suggestions you did not choose. But Vimeo lets you alter the appearance of the web player with your own logo and branding, making it look fantastic on your website. Pay-per-view – with Vimeo on Demand, viewers pay to watch your videos. You keep 90% of the revenue and there are no ads. You pay for no ads – While YouTube is funded by ads, Vimeo has several video plans to choose from, starting at free and going up to $75 a month. Between YouTube and Vimeo, which is the right choice for you? That depends on your goals. If you want to crank out videos quickly to reach as many people as possible, YouTube is likely your choice. If you want to embed to a membership site, charge for quality content, restrict who sees your videos or focus on short films, documentaries and interviews, then Vimeo might be your answer. With YouTube you can get more views, and with Vimeo you can get more engagement. You decide which one works for you, or better still, use both as needed.

Did you know:

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Why Should You Create a Membership Site? Essentially, a membership site is a site that users pay to subscribe to. This normally works by first enticing the reader

with some free content and showing them the kind of entertainment/information/value that you’re capable of providing. Once they’re hooked, you then make sure they know that they need to subscribe in order to gain access to your very best content and to get frequently updated. So what’s so different about this? Well for starters, it means that you can much more easily convert visitors to paying customers seeing as they’re not having to put down a large amount of money and seeing as they know what they’re getting right away. This means the money is recurring and much more predictable.

Membership Authority includes the following: • • • •

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MWM Business HELP Businesses That Are Booming During Covid-19 Here’s a list of businesses that are doing exceptionally well during this pandemic: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Nearly anything and everything healthcare related Natural supplements Nearly anything food related except some restaurants grocers, farmers’ markets, produce stands, convenience stores Restaurants that deliver or offer takeout Food cultivation such as plants, seeds, farming Organizations providing social services Media of every type – newspapers, television, radio and internet Hardware stores – people are fixing things at home and doing projects they’ve been putting off Shipping and mailing services as well as delivery services Distance learning – including and especially online courses of every type Business that supply or support working from home (think Zoom) Survivalist info, kits, food, tools, water filters, camping gear Pandemic supplies – obvious items like masks and hand sanitizer are selling like crazy online Toilet paper – both in stores and purchased online First aid supplies Gun supplies and security services – got to protect that TP, right? Therapy and life coaching Home activities for kids to keep their parents sane Almost anything pet-related – pets still need food and care, plus people are spending more time with pets and are looking for toys, training, etc. Stocks and currency trading – people need help making sense of what’s happening in the markets and what to do next Marketing advice and help for struggling small businesses that are trying to survive Online businesses, especially those that supply the physical products people want, and those that are teaching new skills like how to build an online income

MWM 21

Pandemic Readers’ Unprecedented Demand What is it that readers are searching for like crazy right now? Hint: It’s not toilet paper. It’s not the latest novel or diet book, either. According to National Geographic, demand for this right now is unlike anything they’ve seen before. Upworthy has seen an unprecedented level of growth for this in the past four weeks, with 65% growth in followers on Instagram and 47% increase in on-site page views in March. We are, of course, talking about good news. Desire for uplifting stories and news has seen unprecedented levels. At the end of March, actor John Krasinksi introduced his weekly show, “Some Good News” on YouTube and within a week had over 1.5 million subscribers and 25 million views. The Washington Post and The New York Times have both increased their good news stories to meet unprecedented demand. While a good movie or book can distract people from the pandemic, what people want more than distraction is a genuine sense of hopefulness. They want to see people coming together and helping each other, as well as any glimmer of positivity from what’s happening such as pollution levels decreasing. Can you spread some good news among your readers? You might find it becomes the most popular section on your website and your most shared content on social media.

TikTok Marketing In a Nutshell TikTok is growing fast – it’s been downloaded 1.5 billion times and has 500 million active users who spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the platform. 90% of active users access TikTok at least once per day. Users are overwhelmingly young, with 66% of users under the age of 30. Yet just 4% of marketers use TikTok. TikTok users upload videos of 15 seconds or shorter or create and share 60 second stories-type videos. Users don’t need to follow anybody – they can simply open their app and start playing videos or search by preferred topic. Marketing on TikTok You’ve got three main options for marketing on TikTok: 1: Create your own channel and upload relevant videos 2: Work with influencers to reach their audience 3: Pay to advertise You can also do a combination of any and all of the above. Hashtag Challenges These are highly popular and a great way to engage users. Create a challenge along with an appropriate #-tag name. Users then upload videos doing the challenge. It’s not unheard of to get 5,000 to 10,000 submissions and 10 million engagements if this is done by a celebrity or

if it really catches fire. If you’re not a celebrity, work with an influencer to get your hashtag challenge launched. User-Generated Content TikTok users like the full immersive experience. They don’t want to just watch; they also want to participate. Encourage your customers to share videos of themselves using or interacting with your products in some way to get a high buy-in. Traditional Influencer Marketing Find influencers that are a good match for your product and then leave it to them to create the content. Don’t expect the content they generate to look ultra-professional. To your marketer’s eye it’s going to look downright amateurish, but originality and fun are what work best on TikTok, not high production values. Paid Advertising Infeed native videos are 9 to 15 seconds long and support website clicks and app downloads. Impact of video is measured by number of clicks, impressions, CTR, video views, play duration and video interactions of shares and comments. Brand Takeovers These are exclusive to one brand every day. Images, animated GIFs and videos can be used with embedded links connected to landing pages or challenges and hashtags within the platform. Bottom Line: If your audience is under 30 and you have products that are a good fit for video, TikTok could be the next best place for you to go.

Introducing 6FigZ

WHAT IS IT? Only 3 Things Needed To Make Money Online • • •

A Digital Product ( Preferably Cloud-based Saas Product) High Converting Sales Page Traffic

This is a proven 6 figure per month business model Product owners are doing it with great success on Clickbank, JVZoo, Warriorplus and hundreds of other marketplaces Unfortunately none of the above is easy to get. But good news – we are giving away all the three above as a complete 3 IN ONE BUSINESS IN A BOX with agency license • • • • • • • • •

It’s a 3 in 1 business in a box. Customers are getting everything I personally use to make six figure per month A complete on-demand automatic traffic generating cloud-based software Readymade high converting sales page User rights – Customers can use the software and get traffic anywhere they want Agency rights – Customers can put their bi buttons on the done for uses page and sell the software as service to their clients and make money as and agency Completely cloud-hosted – the software and the service page is hosted in our server. customers don’t need to use their own domain or server Nothing to download or upload – it’s totally cloud-hosted. so there is nothing to upload or download Completely newbie friendly – simple to use software comes with step by step, over the shoulder training module

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When Keeping 10% Pays You 1,000% There is an old piece of advice that says you should always, ALWAYS pay yourself first. Take 10% off the top of everything you earn and save it, invest it and most of all, keep it for yourself. You save this 10% off the top before you pay any bills, before you pay taxes, before you buy food or pay the mortgage. And over time, that 10% will add up to significant money and even financial freedom. But there’s another 10% I want to talk about, and it’s time. If you’re spending the best 10 hours of your day working for someone else, or even staying home with the kids during this unusual time in history, I’d like to suggest the following: Spend the first hour of every day working towards your big goal. If your big goal is your own business, then spend that hour making progress on your business. Nothing gets in the way of this hour because this hour belongs to YOU - not to the kids, your spouse, the boss or to your emails. You are paying yourself first with this hour. I’ve seen people build entire businesses and quit their jobs by being iron-clad adamant that this hour – every single day – is used for nothing but growing their business. Maybe your goal is fitness oriented. Use the hour to work out. Or maybe your goal is learning a language or new skill. Whatever the goal, commit the first hour of the day – when you are freshest and the ideas and solutions come quickly – to work towards your goal. And six months from now you’ll probably need a new goal because you will have (finally!) achieved your current goal. And there you have it – 7 ways to start earning money online while you’re selfisolating at home.

How To Build a Real Business Right Now This is for everyone who has procrastinated on building an at home business and suddenly finds they have the time and the inclination to do it… …but the thought of creating products, building funnels and recruiting affiliates is just too much. Step 1: Pick a small, hot niche. Weight loss for women is too big. Weight loss for women over 50 who work from home and hate dieting and workouts might be good. Step 2: Write your compelling story. This is YOUR story of why YOU are in this niche. For example, when you were 55 you were diagnosed with diabetes and the doctor said you were going to die in 5 years if you didn’t change your ways. Because you were working from home and had NO motivation to workout or eat right, this stuff was HARD, but here’s what you did… and now look how far you’ve come! Your story can also be someone else’s story – your parent, partner, sibling, best friend, whatever. But you need a compelling story of why you are spending your time in this niche. It will connect you to readers in a way nothing else can. Step 3: Create great content to give away for FREE. In fact, give away ALL of your content. Use it to get subscribers, to engage people on social media, to get them on your blog and other people’s blogs and so forth. Give it all away. This way you have ZERO pressure to create products and funnels but you are still perceived as being the expert. Step 4: Sell affiliate programs. Find the programs that deliver excellent value and perfectly suit your readers. These are the programs you can recommend 1000% percent to your list because you know they do what they way they do. Then use the ‘know, like and trust’ you’ve been building with your audience to promote these programs. Step 5: Have fun with what you’re doing. If it isn’t fun then you’re not doing it right. I don’t mean ‘Friday night get drunk’ fun, I mean the exhilarating satisfaction of putting out another piece of content that gets raves, helps someone and so forth. Find your reasons to keep doing this and review those reasons often to stay motivated and keep your content interesting and exciting. Step 6: Optional – create your own courses, coaching and so forth. Do this if and when you want to. If things are going well, I venture that in 6 to 12 months you will be itching to make your own product. By then you will have enough experience in your niche to know what people want, what can sell and how you will sell it.

Let Your Paid Members ‘Steal’ to Increase Your Revenue Okay, to be fair your paid members aren’t truly ‘stealing’, even though it might feel that way to you. I recently joined a paid monthly membership that consists of hundreds of videos. As I was browsing the site, a pop-up box with a one minute video appeared, showing me how to share videos with my friends. I paid to be a member. My friends are NOT paid members. And yet I can send them a link to any video I choose with the full blessing of the membership site company. Now why would they let me do that? One reason – it’s the best possible advertising they could have, and it costs them NOTHING. Do you have a paid membership? Can you let your members share a video or module or lesson of their choosing with a friend? You might need to get a special script to make this happen, but if you’ve got great content, it could be well worth the one-time price.

IM Alert – Don’t Be This Person I received an email from someone promoting a plugin that helps a website become compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). It looks really easy to use, and if it conforms to the ADA law, then I’m sure it would have been a good deal. But here’s where it all went wrong for me. After watching a short video on how the plugin works and what it looks like when it’s installed on a website, I searched high and low on the sales site for the symbol that says the plugin is there. And it wasn’t there. If this person is telling me how fantastic his plugin works and how foolish I would be to not have it on my own site… then WHY is it not on his site? Obviously, I didn’t buy it, because if he doesn’t believe in it enough to put it on his own site, why would I want it on mine? It’s bad enough when affiliates don’t use the products they recommend. But when product creators aren’t using their own products then maybe it’s time they promote something they do believe in.

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MWM New Product World’s First 3-in-1 Online MegaStore Creator that combines Physical Products, Software Products and Licenses + Affiliate Marketing into ONE. MWMWMM 26

Launch Your BRAND NEW 3-in-1 Online MegaStore in Just 3 Simple Steps STEP 1 Access your ShopZPresso Account STEP 2 Import or Add products in one click STEP 3 there is no step-3… enjoy profit BOOM! Your Online MegaStore Launched IN LESS THAN 60 SECONDS

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e-Commerce is growing like never before! You would be amazed to know a proven and tested system to easily and quickly create a profitable online store, and boost your profits in a hassle free manner.

Dear Online or Offline Business Owner, I am about to disclose an important piece of information that will enable you to MMM 26 7 boost your business and leave your competitors far behind.

But first, let me ask you two simple questions: - Are you still trying to sell your products and services physically? - Have you spent a lot of money and time, but never achieved your objective?

Be honest!!! Are you actually achieving your desired goals? … are you saying NO? (it’s o.k.)

Look at astonishing stats: - U.S. Online sales will be $523 Billion by 2020 - E-Retail spending to go up by 62% this year - 51% of U.S. consumers plan to do most of their online shopping at

- eCommerce salaries in the UK have increased by over 14,000 euros in 2015, - The average amount spent by each consumer is expected to rise from $1,207 per annum to $1,738 per person.

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Easy” Training Guide. Be ready to apply these really easy-to-follow strategies right away before your competitors do! Quotable … Did you would takeHere 76 work days hours a day) for the average “Google only lovesItyou when everyone else(8loves you first.” Click know person to read the Terms and Conditions they agree to in a year. – , Blogger and Artist

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MWM Interview MIKE A FILSAIME Editor:


Hello and welcome. This time we're chatting with a true game changer, someone who has become a legend in internet marketing circles. These days. He's known as a digital marketer, an author, a speaker, a software developer, an online marketing educator, and marketing consultant. It's a real honour for me to welcome to the show Mike Filsaime. Mike Filsaime: Probably the best intro I've ever gotten, what a true professional. So happy to be here excited to give out some great content. Editor: You're too kind. Well, you've become one of the biggest names in internet marketing, there's no arguing with that. Was that always an ambition for you, Mike? Mike Filsaime: Wow, I think I have to be completely transparent here. I've never been asked that question. When you meet me I'm probably the guy that when people finally meet me, especially in person, they'll say, "What a nice guy. What an easygoing guy, very unselfish." Different types of things. I only say that because I've heard that. I'm kind of laid back, but boy, deep inside, there is a driver of me that wants to be number one, at everything I do. I'll just give you a couple examples. I was the type of guy that when we would play foosball in my office, I'm going to try to say this as PG as I can, I would win nine out of 10 games. I used to sing the Cranberries song when I would start doing the comeback on somebody, I'd start singing, "I'm in your head, I'm in your head," and I'd score another goal. I would relish kind of the way Michael Jordan did in winning a game. And when I'd lose, I'd put this big smile and go, "You got me high five," [inaudible 00:01:49] I would go into my office and grab a pillow and scream "Fu*k!" The F word right? Make sure nobody heard it. But yeah.

There's a competitive nature to me. I think part of it comes from wanting to fit in and wanting to prove. It's not something I don't talk about much. Maybe I've spoken about it once or twice or to a couple of different people. It's just something that me and my brother have recently come to realise. I don't think I've ever spoken about it publicly. But, my dad and my mom were born in Haiti. You give me a Dominican, and anybody that's Dominican, especially, I'm from New York, and it's hey, Dominican. You talk about an Italian, Italian pride, "kiss me I'm Irish." People have this pride of their culture to be Russian, to be whatever it is, right? Puerto Rican, Jamaican man, all these different things right? And then to be Haitian, I'm sure was the same thing, not when I grew up. I grew up born 1967. I'm in high school in ninth and 10th grade, and this virus comes out called the AIDS virus. You could imagine, you didn't have the 24 hour news cycle, the internet and everything like that. It came on a little bit slower than the Coronavirus. But this thing if you're old enough to remember it, it scared the hell out of people. When people didn't know, especially when people didn't know if you can get it by touching someone, by looking at someone. We didn't know that it was through, bodily fluids and intercourse and blood and things like that. My dad was a very well respected person in the automotive industry, and he went for an interview one day. It was a Mercedes Benz dealership and they're loving him.

All of a sudden they bring the staff in and all the staff is like, "Lionel your accent, where are you from? Is that French or Canadian?" He's like, "No, actually, I'm from Haiti. It's a French accent that you're hearing," [inaudible 00:04:13]. "Oh, wow that's beautiful." All of a sudden, one lady goes, "Haiti. Isn't that where aids comes from?" Everyone's like, everybody's face just went pale. Then my father, they said, "Lionel, are you from Haiti?" And so my dad lied, and said, "Oh no, my parents were from Haiti. I'm ..." They were like, "Oh good, we got a little scared there." My dad came home and told me my brother, "Right now with the AIDS virus..." This was years before Magic Johnson. "Do not tell people that you're from Haiti." Then Believe it or not, my friends had known and I started hearing things from my friends, like their parents weren't allowed to play with me anymore and stuff like that, and I'd be like, "Hey, what's going on?" And, kids will be kids. "It's because your family has AIDS." I'd be like, "What?" I'm talking 10th grade, not seven years old. Right? So I had to hide about from who I was. My brother, we recently had a talk about that. I said, "When did you start telling people you're Haitian?" He says, "Maybe three years ago." We had this thing that we would say we were French Canadian, or Martinique, or something like that. When you would ask me, it was like this thing that you knew you were a fraud, talk about imposter syndrome. Somebody would ask you ... Because if you look at me, I could pass for a Dominican, a Puerto Rican, a Mexican, an Iranian, a Persian, an Iraqi, Middle Eastern, a Hawaiian, or a Filipino." You put me in that environment, if I walk into a bodega and Hempstead New York, they're going to start talking to me in Spanish. If I'm in Dubai, I'm going to look ... I have this very, very worldly ethnic Look, it's probably ... People, they look at me and they say, "Mike you have a very interesting look, do you mind if I ask where you're from?" And then I say, "What do you think?" Then they're saying, I don't know, either Filipino, Arab, it's really tough to tell." When I say Haitian, and they're like, "Oh, my god, never would have guessed." I had that question my whole life. As soon as I started seeing that question, I would start sweating. I'd want to get off of it very, very quick, because I didn't know if they knew something different. Or there'd be another friend around that would go, "That's not true, you're Haitian." Right? Oh, my goodness. I can't even tell you how tough this was for me." Yeah, so I think that that created something inside of me that wanted to fit in on a deep level. So I could talk to you about the things that I was competitive at. I've wrestled in high school. I wrestled my brother, my friends all time. It was the most important thing in the world to me. I wasn't the best wrestler in practise, but I worked really hard. There was always this guy, Mike [Dell-Poehler 00:07:25]. He was the varsity guy and I was the junior varsity guy. He had more experience in me. He was varsity the previous year, but I knew I'd practise a certain move, and I knew he was a better wrestler than me, but we used to have these things called wrestle offs, because the best man wrestles on Friday night, that's the way it is, or Saturday whenever we'd wrestle, so they were very fair that way.

There was none of this participation trophy stuff right? Back then you earned your spot on the varsity team. I would go on the wrestle off, I'd walk up there very shy. I would play a play very, very coy. Then as soon as we would go in, I would blast and I beat this kid every single week, every single week, and he'd beat me up in practise. The coach I remember the coach's face would go. "All right, [Filsamaith 00:08:17]," because I wasn't Filsaime back then, that's an internet marketing thing. That's for another story. They say, "All right, Filsamaith varsity, Del Polar junior varsity." He'd throw his sneakers at the wall and take off his headband. I had the same mentality going into the wrestling match. I wrestled my high school year I went 18-0-1. When I was 18-0, I had never been pinned. I can tell you that the very last match that I had, I went on to this guy. His name was Craig Redding. He went to the States. My very, very last match this kid taps the handshake thing. We start going, about two and a half seconds in I was blinded by him doing a fireman's carry his arm and bicep when ... He tucked in and his arm and bicep right into my crotch, pretty much nearly knocked me out. I saw stars and I heard, and I got up and I said to my coach, it's the most embarrassing thing ever. I said, "What happened?" He goes, "You got fucking pinned, that's what happened." It was my last match of my wrestling career. I never played in college or anything like that. Telling that story today completely, completely haunts me that I was 18-0 and I ... Being on a wrestling team, I don't know if you did any high school or college sports or something. To me I wasn't in the military, but I can only say it had this camaraderie of there was some brotherhood that was going on there. To walk off in "disgrace" those things lived with me ... I remember bowling a perfect game almost nearly and I missed the strike by one pin in the 10th frame, and like how I ... I cried for days about that, my dad was trying to tell me, he'd call me Kik, "Kik, please get over it. You have to get over it." I couldn't come out of my room.

Note from the editor: This is a bridged version of the full interview which is available to listen to separately.

To Listen to it Please CLICK HERE

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MWM Q & A Stop Writing Blogposts and Articles – Do This Instead You’re going to think I’m splitting hairs on this one. And maybe I am. But if you’re tired of writing articles and blogposts, I’d like to propose a mind shift that’s helped me out immensely. Instead of writing articles, write a column. If you’ve read newspapers and magazines, then you’ve seen columns all your life. Ann Landers and Dear Abby and Dave Barry are all columnists. So are (or were) Erma Bombeck, Maureen Dowd, Amy Goodman, Marilyn vos Savant, Noam Chomsky, Jesse Jackson, Garrison Keillor, William Safire, Salman Rushdie, Bob Woodward and too many others to list. When you’re writing an article, you’ve got to start from scratch to prove you know what you’re talking about. You have to be an authority or at least quote authorities. You’ve got little or no foundation to stand on because an article, by its very definition, is a stand-alone piece. This puts pressure on you to prove yourself. Every. Single. Time. And as you’ve probably experienced, that gets really old really fast. You feel like you are standing on the street corner going, “Hey, over here, look at me!” Who needs that?

But when you’re a columnist, you’re no longer on the street corner vying for attention with thousands of other article writers. Instead, you’re in your office writing a personal one-to-one piece to your favorite reader. It’s just you and the person you are talking to. They know you. They like you. And they trust you. Plus, they look forward to reading what you have to say today. This is a mind shift. Yes, your columns might look a lot like articles, if articles are written with the confidence of someone who KNOWS people want to read his or her words. You can think of article writing as having to make a formal presentation to a large group of people who have barely heard of you, versus writing a column as having an intimate conversation with a trusted friend over a cup of coffee. I can’t tell you what a difference this small shift of perspective has made in my life. The blank screen no longer scares me. In fact, I can’t wait to sit down and write my latest idea. I have more confidence as I put words to paper. My writing is faster and more stream of consciousness because I no longer feel the hot breath of my creative writing professor breathing down my neck. Imagine you’ve had a much-loved column in your favorite newspaper or magazine for the last decade. Imagine today you’re writing your latest column. Imagine people eagerly reading it the moment it hits the newsstands or their mailbox. And then write. Am I splitting hairs? Maybe. But give it a try and see what being a columnist does for you. And to get you started, I’ve made a list of some of my favorite column topics. Pair these ideas together with your niche and start writing your next column now. Column Ideas News – Your personal take on the biggest news in your niche today. Their Mistakes – What well known person or company is making a BIG mistake? Why is it a mistake and what should be done instead? Or what are the top 3 mistakes that new people or seasoned pros are making? Your Mistakes – What bone-headed thing have you done – past or present – and what were the consequences and lesson learned?

Quotable … “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” Andrew Davis, Bestselling Author and Keynote Speaker

Rants – What is driving you absolutely batty in your niche? Why is it driving you crazy, and what should – in your opinion – be done instead? 3 Things to Avoid – What should be avoided and why? 3 Things to Do – Who should do them and why? What’s the benefit of doing them and the consequences of not doing them? True Stories – Any great story in your niche. Play up the drama if possible but keep the facts accurate (no embellishing.) Bonus for surprise endings or heartstrings tugged. Steps to X – What are the steps to achieve something awesome? Monday Morning Quarterback - If you knew then what you know now. Look back on your experience in your niche and find something that you would change if you could. Pain – Your pain, someone else’s pain or some big problem. Has there been a resolution? Write about it. No resolution or solution yet? Find one or ask your readers for their ideas and then write a follow-up column. Experiments – Try something such as a new method or technique, take notes and then report on what happened. True or False – Choose something that everyone believes to be true. Investigate it and determine if it’s real or a myth. Current Events – Take something that is happening in the world and then tie it to your niche. Pose a Radical Question – This is a question most people have never thought of, but when you bring it up, it will spark thought and conversation. For example, why are or were things done a certain way? Or what if you combine X with Z? Or what if you take something in a whole new direction? Secrets – Real secrets, not just things that many people already know. People LOVE secrets and they don’t have to yours. For example, relate how a real-life espionage operation from 20 years ago accidentally impacted your niche in the present in a truly unforeseen way. Goals – Your goals, their goals, famous people’s goals. How are they achieved? How do people screw up goal setting and goal-getting? Controversy – Decide in advance how controversial you’re willing to be. Then take a stand and watch the sparks fly. Tips – But not just any tips. Weird tips. Little known tips. Surprising tips. Warning Signs – What are the warning signs in your niche that something bad is about to happen? What do you do when you see these signs? Challenge – Create a challenge for your readers. Make it easy enough that they will do it but challenging enough that it is interesting. Have them report their results to you and write about it in a follow-up column. You’re not an article writer or a blogpost writer – you’re a columnist. And I can’t wait to read what you write next.

MWM 45

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MWM wants You to Know Kindle’s Clue on Retaining Subscribers Amazon’s Kindle has a program called Kindle Unlimited. For $9.95 a month, you can ‘rent’ 10 Kindle books at a time. It used to be a better deal than it is now, because fewer books are available on Kindle Unlimited, but it’s still a pretty good deal if you read a lot and you don’t want to keep copies of the books you read. Personally, I tend to buy my Kindle books so that I have access to them in the future, which is why I decided to unsubscribe from Kindle Unlimited today. But… I didn’t unsubscribe. Amazon convinced me to remain a member, at least for another month. How did Amazon do it? When I clicked the unsubscribe button, it took me to a ‘special offer’ page. The offer was for one free month of Kindle Unlimited, after which time they would again charge me the $9.95 a month. I took the offer. And they retained a subscriber. True, they make no money on me this month. But I’ve been procrastinating about unsubscribing, so they’re taking the gamble that true to nature, I will continue to procrastinate and remain a member for a while longer. Do you have a subscription program? What do you offer subscribers when they want to cancel? If you’re not offering some sort of special deal, you are losing out. You could make the same offer Kindle gave me, or you could give a special rate, such as 12 months membership for the price of 6 months. You might even entice them with what you have planned for the membership in the coming weeks and months without offering any discount whatsoever. Don’t let your paying membership subscribers go without some sort of offer to keep them. They are far too valuable to you and you worked too hard to get them.



Make Money With Your Blogs

This Month’s Marketing CLINIC

MWM 55

11 Tips for Retaining Customers for Life You already know that it’s far easier to sell to a customer you already have, than it is to get a new customer. Then again, it can sometimes be easier to get a new customer than to retain the old ones, depending upon the mistakes you’re making. But if you can avoid the mistakes and do things right the first time, your job will be that much easier and customers will stick with you through thick and thin. Here’s how to hook those customers you’ve worked so hard to win over, so they become loyal fans and die-hard buyers for life. 1: Get Their Email Addresses I’m sure you’re already doing this, right? But just in case you’re not, capture your customers’ email addresses through any means possible, including bribes (known as lead magnets.) Then stay in touch via email, keeping them updated on new products, showing them how to get the most out of the products they’ve purchased, sending special tips and gifts and discounts, and basically staying in their level of awareness until they are ready to make their next purchase. 2: Share Their Values Being generic milk toast is not going to cut it these days. You’ve got to have a personality in your marketing as well as sharing your values to attract customers who feel the same way or look at the world through the same lens as you do. According to one study, 64% of respondents said they continue to patronize the same businesses in part because of shared values. Tell them what you stand for and let your fans come forth and follow you and your brand. 3: Use Social Proof Always, always, always be collecting customer testimonials and stories from your customers of how your products have improved their lives. Social proof is perhaps the very best way for new prospects to learn about your products and services because it breaks down sales barriers and almost instantly takes you from unknown to trusted expert. 4: Provide Awesome Customer Service This one is so basic that we shouldn’t need to say it. Then again, maybe we better. When a paying customer writes to you with a question, complaint or even suggestion, ANSWER them. It doesn’t much matter if it’s you or your virtual assistant, so long as they hear back from you and get awesome service. Is there a problem? Fix it. It doesn’t matter if the problem happened because of the customer’s mistake; fix it anyway. Make it easy for customers to get in touch with you with a clearly displayed email address, phone number and social media account. Wow them by going above and beyond. And never, ever get into a conflict of any kind on social media with a disgruntled customer. Fix the problem beyond the customer’s expectation and you’ll never have to worry about legitimate negative word-of-mouth. 5: Be Transparent Is the product not going to ship on time? Is there a problem or some sort of bad news? Did you get sick and can’t do the live training? Be transparent and tell your customers what’s happening. Everyone knows that stuff happens, and by keeping your customers in

Be transparent and tell your customers what’s happening. Everyone knows that stuff happens, and by keeping your customers in the loop you’ll also be keeping your customers happy. 6: Create a Tribe More than just a random jumble of customers, you want to create a tribe with a real sense of community. Apple’s products are not necessarily better than others, but because of the sense of being a part of the tribe, they enjoy extremely loyal followers who will stand in lines for hours to pay princely sums for products with the Apple name. Ask your customers to share stories, testimonials and pictures of themselves using your products. Give your tribe a name, as well as a name for members of the tribe. Encourage your customers to act as your own brand ambassadors on social media and let them feel like they are part of a community of like-minded people. 7: Exceed All Expectations You’ve heard the term, “Under promise, over deliver.” Strive to always exceed expectations. If you’re selling an info product, include a special unadvertised bonus. If you’re answering a customer service email, reply back in 2 hours instead of the stated 24 hours. If you’re offering a service, offer more service than you advertised. Find small but meaningful ways to exceed the expectations of your customers and they’ll be happy to buy from you again and even tell their story on social media. 8: Be Painfully Honest I say ‘painfully,’ because sometimes this hurts. But if you made a mistake, own up to it immediately and then correct it. If you’re called out on social media for making a mistake, don’t get sensitive about it. Own up to the mistake by taking full responsibility and correct it immediately. Does your product have a shortcoming? Admit it and then find a way to fix it. “It’s been pointed out to me that I forgot to cover ‘how to set up your payment system’ in the course. For everyone who has sent me a message about this, you’re right. I totally forgot to cover this crucial step of the process, and that’s why I’m recording a brand new video that answers all your questions about taking payments in your new business. Thank you everyone for letting me know about this omission. I’ll be sending the video out to you tomorrow morning, so please watch for it.” See how easy that is?

9: Be the Expert You can be a sales person or you can be an expert. Frankly, being an expert will get you many more sales than simply being the sales person.

Fifth, those insider’s often make great affiliates and brand MWM 57 advocates.


Let’s say someone wants to purchase a course on how to successfully publish on Kindle. If you’re simply putting your sales letter out there for your course, you’ll get a few sales. But if you’re also teaching and answering questions through blogposts, social media posts and webinars, people will get a chance to see that you really are the expert. Now making sales to both new and established customers gets a whole lot easier. 10: Make Your Content Interesting You might be able to grab the first sale by simply stating facts, but to keep customers interested and reading your content and buying more of your products, you’re going to have to be interesting, too. Think of dating – anyone might be enamored of you on the first date (or the first sale.) But if they realize you’re boring, they’re soon going to tire of you and move on. However, if you’re interesting, they’ll want to keep seeing you (and buying your products.) 11: Establish an Insider’s Club This is a simple concept that can dramatically increase sales to existing customers. Once someone makes a purchase, they are now in your insider’s club. From that day forward, they get discounts on every product you offer. It could be as small as 10% or perhaps as high as 50% or more – it’s up to you. The benefits here are: First, they feel like they are part of the ‘in’ group or tribe, and they stay tuned to your emails and offers because of it. Second, knowing they’ll get a discount on future products can incentivize them to make that first purchase. Third, they’re more likely to purchase from you than from an affiliate. Fourth, you can offer your new products to your insider’s club members first to get testimonials which you’ll use when you launch to the general public.

All 11 of these tips are dynamite for customer retention, but did you notice the last one? It’s especially potent and done correctly, it can grow your business exponentially with only a very little bit of extra work on your part.

Painting an Awesome Product Picture The next time you’re describing your product or service to your customer, remember this example of how to paint a pretty picture of what your customer is getting: When you store something online, where is it? In the cloud, of course. Cloud storage, cloud computing, cloud everything. Clouds. How wonderful! And how untrue. There is no storage place high in the fluffy white and blue sky. It’s actually a bunch of old computer racks in a dusty warehouse in a back alley of some rundown industrial area in a country far, far away. Now that doesn’t paint a pretty picture at all, does it? But the clouds? Now THAT you can charge money for.

3 Quick Zoom Tips While people are getting better at Zoom meetings, there are still a few things we can do to improve the experience for everyone: 1: Don’t use your built-in microphone and speaker. They’re designed to pick up as much information as they can, which will include background noises and voices. Instead, use a wired headset, preferably with a boom mic, because it will pick up just what is in front of the mic. 2: When you are speaking, look a little to the side of your screen. When we look directly at the screen or camera, we get easily distracted by the faces and find it more difficult to formulate what we’re trying to say. 3: Be a little more dramatic and expressive. Theater actors are aware that they have to play to the back row seats, meaning they need bigger facial expressions and gestures to get their point across than if they were playing to an audience of one. When we’re on Zoom, things like subtle eye cues, nods and chuckles might not be noticed. To give feedback to the speaker that they can see and hear, you’ll want to grin instead of smile, give a thumbs up instead of nodding and laugh instead of chuckling. Subtlety does not come across well in online meetings, so play things up a bit and become a little more dramatic and expressive to let others know you’re paying attention and not checking your email or zoning out.

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