Making Web Money July 2024

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MWM editors letter

Welcome to the JULY 2024 Issue of our monthly “Making Web Money” Online Digital Marketing magazine - where every month we show you how real people, just like you, are making web money – online. This month we have MORE great articles and personal success insights, interviews, plus some ONLINE opportunities for you.

- MWM Series on Business Help - IfSellingInformation is Dead, What DoYouSell Instead?

- MWM Interview – Alan Clayton

- The End of the Internet Marketing Cookie Trail

- How to Save 20% on Domain Registrations and Renewals with NameCheap

- The Ingenious Money-Making Gambit: How a Simple Credit Card Offer Turned into a $300,000 Windfall

- Opinion: Why Marketers Should Embrace Reddit

- LinkedIn Introduces New Video Ad Formats and Expands Ad Options

- MWM Wants You to Know - HowtoQuicklyEstablishYourselfina NewMarketorNiche

- MWM Q & A - Nostalgia Marketing: How Throwback Vibes Are Dominating Social Media

- This Month’s Marketing CLINIC - Back to Basics –10 Marketing Lessons Hidden Inside the Spam Folder

- MWM Success Guide - YouTube Begins Live Testing of 'Dream Screen' AI Background Generator

- MWM Ask the Expert - Social Media Success on a Busy Schedule: Your Strategy to 100,000 Followers

I hope you enjoy this month's magazine. Thanks for reading.

– Check out our 148 Great Back Issues of Making Web Money!

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Google Redesigns Its Search Engine with AI at the Core

Google is overhauling its search engine by integrating AI into nearly every aspect of the search process. This transformation includes the introduction of "AI Overviews," formerly known as the Search Generative Experience (SGE).

Users in the US, and soon globally, will see AI-generated summaries at the top of many search results.

Liz Reid, Google's new head of Search, highlights that generative AI allows Google to handle much of the searching process, enabling users to focus on their specific tasks or areas of interest. This update marks a significant shift in how search functions, making the experience more streamlined and efficient.

Study: 96% of Sites in Google's Top 10 Have 1,000+ Unique Domain Backlinks

A new study from Internet Marketing Ninjas reveals that 96% of websites in Google's top 10 search results have over 1,000 backlinks from unique domains. The analysis also shows that only 0.3% of these top-ranking sites have fewer than 100 backlinks, and none have 50 or fewer.

Can You Rank in Google's Top 10 with

Few Links?

According to the latest findings, ranking in the top 10 on Google with minimal backlinks is extremely rare. Here's what the study found:

• Over 96% of top-ranking websites have more than 1,000 backlinks from unique domains.

• Only 0.3% have fewer than 100 backlinks.

While Google has stated that links are no longer among the top three ranking signals and that pages need very few links to rank, this study suggests otherwise. Websites that perform well in search results tend to have a high number of backlinks. Conversely, well-ranking pages naturally attract more backlinks due to their visibility and authority.

PSA: Google Will Still Index NonMobile-Friendly Sites

There's been significant confusion about Google's upcoming changes regarding site indexing. To clarify, Google will continue to index sites that are not mobile-friendly. However, if your site is entirely inaccessible on a mobile device, meaning it won't load at all, Google will not index it.

The reason behind this is Google's switch to using its Googlebot Mobile user agent. If your site blocks this user agent, which mimics an Android mobile phone, Google won't be able to access your site and, consequently, won't index it.

This does not mean that sites lacking a mobile interface or those that are not mobile-friendly will be excluded. Google will still index desktop-only sites as long as they load on a mobile device.

Tim Cook Uncertain About Preventing AI Hallucinations

Apple CEO Tim Cook has expressed reservations about the ability to completely prevent AI hallucinations within the company's new Apple Intelligence system.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Cook admitted that while extensive efforts have been made to ensure the technology’s reliability, he cannot guarantee it will be entirely free from generating false or misleading information.

“We’ve done everything we know to do, deeply considering the readiness of the technology for the areas we’re using it in,” Cook stated.

“I’m confident it will be of very high quality, but I would never claim it’s 100 percent foolproof.”

Starting today you can enroll in my new monthly coaching program where I will teach you how to turn PLR content into spendable cash using several underground methods.

Each and every month you'll get a new lesson showing you a different way to profit with the PLR products you already have. Each month will be a different lesson (sometimes delivered as a stepby-step PDF and sometimes delivered as video tutorial lessons, and even sometimes a mixture of both) that you can download, view, and then implement to start making money with PLR content.

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YouTube Begins Live Testing of 'Dream Screen' AI Background Generator

YouTube has started live testing its new "Dream Screen" AI background generator, a feature initially announced last September. Selected users can now experiment with Dream Screen to create custom background videos or images for their Shorts by inputting text prompts.

As detailed by YouTube:

news in the creative industries without having to search through dozens of websites.

Each email includes links to the best content from your favorite sources and new and trending articles.

"You can type an idea into the tool to generate new images to include in your Shorts. For example, if you want the background of your next Short to be an enchanted rainbow flower forest, or a fancy hotel pool on a tropical island, you would type 'enchanted rainbow flower forest' or 'fancy hotel pool on a tropical island' into the tool and watch your imagination come to life." 4: Google Trends

This innovative tool is expected to generate significant interest among Shorts creators, enhancing their creative options and making Shorts a more engaging and dynamic element of the app.

Google Trends is a great way to see what people are searching for on the internet. And as you might expect, the search data can be a great source of content ideas.

While generative AI technology continues to advance, Dream Screen could offer even more creative possibilities, allowing users to customize and create unique video clips limited only by their imagination.

To get started, simply type in a keyword or phrase, and see what's trending. You can then use those trends as the basis for your own content.

Currently, the feature is available to a limited number of Shorts creators, with a broader rollout planned for later this year. To check if you have access, use the "Green Screen" mode in the "Create" section of the YouTube app. If available, you will see a "Create a video or an image" option, enabling you to type a prompt for your video background.

Social Media Success on a Busy Schedule: Your Strategy to 100,000 Followers

Does the idea of a daily content strategy overwhelm you? You're not alone. The idea of posting daily seems daunting. But what if you could build a social media following with just a little time each day?

I got the tip from someone who works a 60 hour week in their professional job, and yet as grown their following to over 100,000 in a relatively short period of time using this exact method.

Here's the secret: Focus on consistency over complexity. Forget the pressure to pump out endless content. Instead, implement a sustainable strategy that fits your busy life.

Step 1: Batch Your Content Brainstorming

We all know multitasking is a productivity killer. The same goes for constantly switching between content strategy and creation. Here's the fix:

Pick a dedicated planning day. Dedicate 2 hours once a week to brainstorm content ideas, research trends, and schedule your posts. This focused planning prevents daily context-switching and keeps your energy flowing.

Plan for the long haul. Outline your content strategy for the next 3 months based on that planning session. This way, you have a clear direction and avoid spending hours tweaking things every day.

Step 2: Prioritize Sustainability Over Volume

Building a social media following is a marathon, not a sprint. Aim for long-term growth with a realistic routine you can maintain.

Set achievable goals. Instead of aiming for "x posts per day," consider your lifestyle. Maybe a daily tweet or a thoughtful thread a few times a week works best.

Focus on quality over quantity. It's not about bombarding your audience. Deliver valuable content that resonates with them.

Step 3: Sharpen Your Skills, Not Just Your Schedule

While consistency is key, continuous improvement is what truly sets you apart. Here's how to refine your craft: Dedicate time to daily practice. Even an hour a day, 5-6 days a week, can significantly improve your writing, storytelling, or whatever content you create.

Focus on intentional practice. Actively seek ways to improve your craft. Read industry blogs, take online courses, or engage with mentors.

Remember: It's about the content, not the schedule.

The most important thing is to share valuable ideas, stories, and experiences that connect with your audience.

Instagram To Expand Story-Sharing Feature To Whatsapp

Instagram users looking to share their stories with a wider audience will soon have a new feature to look forward to.

The app will now include an option to share stories on WhatsApp, similar to the existing feature for Facebook.

Study: 96% of Sites in Google's Top 10 Have 1,000+ Unique Domain Backlinks

A new study from Internet Marketing Ninjas reveals that 96% of websites in Google's top 10 search results have over 1,000 backlinks from unique domains. The analysis also shows that only 0.3% of these top-ranking sites have fewer than 100 backlinks, and none have 50 or fewer.

Can You Rank in Google's Top 10 with Few Links?

According to the latest findings, ranking in the top 10 on Google with minimal backlinks is extremely rare. Here's what the study found:

• Over 96% of top-ranking websites have more than 1,000 backlinks from unique domains.

• Only 0.3% have fewer than 100 backlinks.

While Google has stated that links are no longer among the top three ranking signals and that pages need very few links to rank, this study suggests otherwise. Websites that perform well in search results tend to have a high number of backlinks. Conversely, well-ranking pages naturally attract more backlinks due to their visibility and authority.

If Selling Information is Dead, What Do You Sell Instead?

If you're aiming to build an audience and monetize your expertise by teaching others, it's time for a reality check. Packaging and selling information alone doesn’t sell as well now as it did 5 years ago.

No, information selling isn’t dead, it’s just far more competitive thanks to information overload and the rise of AI.

If you want a true advantage, you might consider a different route from information selling so that you’re not just surviving online but thriving.

The Decline of Information Sales

During the pandemic in 2020, the demand for online courses soared as people were confined to their homes. However, as the world reopened, there was a notable decline in course sales. The market became oversaturated with information, leading to "information fatigue" among consumers.

Don’t get me wrong, courses and information still sell, especially if it’s something that is not easily found for free online. It just doesn’t sell as well as it used to, and the decline in information sales is likely to continue.

Why Information Alone No Longer Works

The sheer abundance of free information online has devalued it. In the past, selling information was lucrative because it was scarce. Today, the same information can be easily accessed for free. With the flood of content available, people no longer see value in paying for information alone.


People Truly Value Today

Ahh yes, now we get to the nitty-gritty.

The key to success in today’s market is to understand what people now find valuable: Time and results.

In a world where information is ubiquitous, people are willing to pay for solutions that save them time and help them achieve tangible results. This shift has led to a new focus on selling implementation rather than just information.

Three Winning Strategies

To adapt, consider these three approaches to providing value:

1. Do It for Them (Service)

Offering a service where you do the work for your clients is a direct way to provide value. This approach addresses the lack of time or expertise that many people face.

It’s a quick way to generate revenue, and while it might not be passive, it can be scaled through hiring and developing an agency model.

2. Do It with Them (Coaching/Consulting)

Coaching or consulting involves guiding clients through the process, providing them with the necessary information and helping them implement it.

This model leverages accountability, a critical component that traditional online courses lack. By working closely with clients, you ensure they achieve their desired outcomes.

3. Do It with Others (Community/Cohorts)

Creating a community or running cohort-based courses allows clients to learn and implement together. This model fosters accountability and support, significantly improving completion and success rates. Communities offer a structured environment where participants motivate each other and share their progress, enhancing the learning experience.

Case Study: SPI Pro and All-Access Pass

In 2020, SPI Pro, a community for high-level entrepreneurs, and later the All-Access Pass for beginners, were launched. Surveys showed that the least desired aspect of these communities was more content; members wanted connection and collaboration.

And their accelerator programs, which run on fixed schedules rather than traditional self-paced courses, have shown a remarkable 36% completion rate, much higher than traditional online courses.

Converting Convenience

People value convenience. Your offerings need to provide convenience and structure that free resources lack. This includes bundling information in an easily accessible format and providing additional resources and support to ensure success.

Differentiate Your Offerings

Clearly differentiate your offerings from the free information available online.

Highlight what makes your service unique, whether it's the implementation support, the accountability structures, or the community aspect. Make it evident why someone should pay for your solution. Support your claims with real-life case studies and proof of success. If you’re starting out and lack testimonials, find one person, solve one problem, and achieve one result. Use this success as proof to attract more clients.

Bottom Line

In today’s information-overloaded world, selling mere information is becoming more difficult. Instead, focus on providing implementation, accountability, and results.

Your Key Takeaway Stop selling information; start selling transformation.

How to Save 20% on Domain Registrations and Renewals with NameCheap

NameCheap is already known for being a cost-effective option for registering domain names, but with a little insider knowledge, you can save even more. The best part? You can score these savings not only when registering new domains but also when renewing them.

Here’s how you can consistently save 20% on your NameCheap transactions.

Steps to Save 20% on Domain Registrations and Renewals

1. Registering a New Domain:

- Use the coupon code: COUPONFCNC when registering your new domain to instantly save 20% on your basket.

- Apply the coupon code at checkout to enjoy immediate savings.

2. Preparing for Domain Renewal:

- Turn Off Auto-Renew: Make sure your domains are set NOT to auto-renew to avoid paying the full price.

- Go to your NameCheap account settings and disable auto-renew for all your domains.

- Plan Ahead: Keep track of your domain renewal dates. Mark these dates on your calendar to ensure you don’t miss any.

3. Manually Renew Your Domains:

- Log in to NameCheap: A few days before your domain's expiry date, log in to your NameCheap account.

- Expiring Domains: Navigate to the 'Expiring Domains' section in the left-hand panel.

- Add to Basket: Select the domains you want to renew and add them to your basket.

- NameCheap allows you to view domains that will expire within the next 30 days, so you can do this monthly to manage renewals easily.

- Apply Coupon Code: Use the same coupon code: COUPONFCNC to save 20% on your renewals.

4. Transferring Domains to NameCheap:

- If your domains are registered with another provider, transfer them to NameCheap.

- Follow the same renewal process to enjoy the 20% discount on future renewals.

Enjoy those savings!

The End of the Internet Marketing Cookie Trail

This "cookieless future" might seem like a hurdle, but it's a chance to ditch intrusive tactics and forge stronger bonds with your audience.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

So how do we navigate this cookieless landscape? The answer lies in a fundamental shift in approach. Move away from chasing scattered user data and focus on building trust with your target audience.

• Create high-quality, informative content that educates and entertains your audience. Attract them with valuable insights, not creepy tracking.

• Be upfront about the data you collect and how you use it. Offer clear opt-in options and empower users to control their information.

• Use the data you do have (website behavior, email signups, purchase history) to personalize your marketing messages. This fosters a sense of connection and increases engagement.

First-Party Data: The New Gold Standard

Instead of relying on external trackers, prioritize collecting valuable first-party data directly from your audience.

• Collect information through website forms, surveys, polls, and interactive content. Offer incentives for users to share their preferences and interests willingly.

• Use the data you've gathered to segment your audience and personalize your marketing efforts. This could be targeted email campaigns, website content recommendations, or social media advertising.

• Consider investing in a Customer Data Platform to centralize and manage all your customer data. This allows you to create a unified customer profile and gain a deeper understanding of your audience.

Beyond the Cookie: Alternative Targeting Strategies

The "cookieless future" is definitely a challenge for internet marketers, but it also presents an opportunity to focus on more sustainable and effective marketing strategies.

Here are some ways marketers can adapt.

Building Strong Customer Relationships

Focus on Value - Move away from intrusive ad tracking and focus on creating valuable content that attracts and educates your target audience.

Personalization - Use the data you do have (website behavior, email signups, purchase history) to personalize your marketing messages and offers. This makes them more relevant and increases engagement.

Loyalty Programs - Reward repeat customers and incentivize them to share their data willingly. Offer exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or personalized recommendations.

Community Building - Foster a sense of community around your brand. Encourage user-generated content, host contests, and respond to comments and messages. This builds trust and loyalty.

Alternative Targeting Strategies

Contextual Targeting - Serve ads based on the content of a webpage rather than user behavior. This ensures your ads are relevant to the user's current browsing session.

Focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Optimize your website content for relevant keywords to improve organic search ranking. This allows you to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products or services like yours.

Leverage Social Media Marketing - Build a strong presence on social media platforms and utilize their targeting options based on demographics and interests. Engage with your audience and use social listening tools to understand their needs and preferences.

Embrace New Technologies

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems - Use a CRM to track customer interactions, manage sales leads, and personalize your outreach efforts.

Marketing Automation Platforms - Automate repetitive tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and lead nurturing. This frees up your time to focus on strategic initiatives.

The cookieless future is not a cause for panic, but a call to action. By prioritizing user privacy, building trust, and collecting valuable first-party data, you can create a sustainable and successful marketing strategy.

By providing value, collecting valuable first-party data, and implementing alternative targeting strategies, you can ensure your marketing efforts remain effective and achieve long-term success.

This new era is brimming with potential for deeper connections, more meaningful interactions, and a future where marketing goes beyond chasing elusive user data and focuses on creating genuine value for your audience.

Needmorehelpnavigatingthecookielessworldof online marketing? Here are five articles from expert sources that discuss marketing without cookies: Cookieless Attribution: Marketing Without Cookies by Neil Patel (

ThisarticlebySEOandmarketingexpertNeilPatel dives into the concept of cookieless attribution and different techniques marketers can use to track conversions without relying on third-party cookies.

TheUltimateGuidetoAdvertisingWithoutThirdParty Cookie by Nativo (

Nativo, a provider of programmatic advertising solutions, offers a comprehensive guide on advertising strategies that don't depend on thirdparty cookies. This article explores contextual targeting, cookieless audience segments, and leveraging first-party data.

Marketing Without Third Party Cookies by Healthlaunchpad (

Healthlaunchpad, a digital marketing agency specializing in the healthcare industry, provides a practical approach to marketing without third-party cookies. They discuss strategies like building a strong email list, leveraging website analytics data, and focusing onfirst-party data collection.

HowCanAdvertisersNavigateFurtherWithout Cookies? by Forbes ( 023/05/02/how-can-advertisers-navigate-furtherwithout-cookies/)

This Forbes article features insights from marketing experts on how advertisers can adapt to the cookieless future. The piece explores the potential of solutions like contextual targeting, privacy-preserving measurement techniques, and leveraging first-party data partnerships.

A Marketer’s Guide to Navigating A Cookieless FuturebyMcKinsey&Company (

Management consulting firm McKinsey & Company offers a strategic perspective on navigating the cookieless future. Their article explores the challenges and opportunities presented by this shift, emphasizing the importanceofbuildingcustomertrust,focusingon first-party data, and embracing new marketing technologies

e-Commerce is growing like never before!

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In Their Own Words: What Young People Wish They’d Known About Social Media

If you’re using social media to market to young people, you might like to learn what they’re thinking.

We now have a generation who grew up with a phone in their hand, watching TikTok and it’s predecessor before they could even read. During the pandemic their connections with friends were almost exclusively through their phones, causing even social media resistant children to scroll endlessly instead of living their lives in the real world.

Now kids coming of age are sharing what they wish they had know when they first got online:

Now you can create full image variations inspired by your original ad

Now you can create full image variations inspired by your original ad creative with text overlay capabilities, generating improved backgrounds around product images

Instagram Tests 'Unskippable' Ads

Instagram has confirmed it is experimenting with unskippable ads, following the circulation of screenshots showcasing the new feature on social media.

These ads will feature a countdown timer, preventing users from browsing more content on the app until the ad is fully viewed, according to the informational text seen within the Instagram app.

This update aligns Instagram more closely with the free version of YouTube, which also requires users to watch ads before and during video content.

• Viral Marketing

• Joint Ventures

• Social Networking

• And more! m55ccTk&feature=related

MWM Interview

AAlan Clayton



Today, we are joined by Alan Clayton, a prominent figure in the world of digital marketing, particularly in the realm of affiliate marketing. Through his platform, Clayton Digital, which you'll find on Facebook, he mentors aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them to transition from traditional employment to a thriving online business. His courses and resources aim to simplify marketing and provide actionable strategies for achieving online success. Alan, welcome. It's great to meet you.

Alan Clayton:

Nice for having me here. Thanks. Thanks. Appreciate it.


Well, it's good to have you here. Maybe we could start with just a little bit about your journey from offline to online business.

Alan Clayton:

Well, it's quite a story. Not easy to keep it short. But overall, we all know what happened back in 2020. I used to be in the restaurant business almost all my life. Then, COVID came, and it just smashed my offline business, like my restaurants, completely. I just had no other choice than give it a shot online because, back in the days, we all know. We were in the lockdowns. The only thing that was truly working was the internet. It came natural to me to look into online stuff and give it a shot there.


You're in the restaurant business for how long?

Alan Clayton:

Oh, for two decades, I would say. That's what I was doing.


Wow. I mean, that's such a transition as well to go from the restaurant business into online marketing. How did you decide to make that transition? What was the pivotal moment for you?

Alan Clayton:

Aside from COVID... I live in Paris. We all know what happened here in the past years, all the problems we had with terrorism, with the street riots and everything. There's always something happening in the city.

As a local business owner, you're constantly impacted by these things, see. I was sick of it. I wanted to dive into a business model where, no matter what's going on out there/outside of my door, I could be fully focused on what I was doing. I found that online business is perfect for that. We really have full control around things, and it's just between us and the screen. I definitely went for it. The transition was tough. Nothing to do what I was doing back in the days. But when I saw it working and how it worked for me, it gave me that confidence and that validation that the concept was working. I just went for it, all in.


Had you dabbled with online business before leaving the restaurant trade?

Alan Clayton:

No, no, no. Not at all. Not at all. I barely knew that it existed, specifically Facebook, where I am. By the way, That's how you find me. Well, I was never using Facebook for my personal life back in the days. But I was introduced to this opportunity. Although I was a complete newbie back in the days, I just reached out to someone who was two steps ahead of me. I told him, "Hey, just show me how things work." That's where things shifted for me. Only six/seven weeks since I started from scratch, I was able to close my first highticket sale. I was blown away when I saw it. I realized back then that I was actually dealing with a real business model. I decided to go all in once again.


That's great. I mean, it's one of those businesses, isn't it, where a lot of people think it can be quite tough to get started. It's going to take years to get started. I guess you'd set yourself a bit of a challenge right from the start to go... Again, the restaurant business has closed down because of the pandemic. I need to make this work. Was that motivation for you?

Alan Clayton:

Well, the motivation was feeding my family, basically. I'm going to be straight up with you. Once again, the situation was critical. But I was always intrigued with this. I just never thought that it was for me. See, I always viewed online business as something that was reserved for those IT guys with some heavy technical skills. As it turned out, nothing's further from the truth.

It is about skill., but I wasn't using any tech. Until this day, I don't use much tech. My entire income is coming out of my Facebook profile. I've never spent a dime on traffic, see. Also, what gave me the confidence was this quote that I heard from Brian Tracy, one of my favourite businesspeople, who kept repeating that all the business skills are learnable, see.

It's something that people need to hear. Talent has nothing to do with it. Everything is learnable. Even the most difficult thing, stuff like coding or... I don't know, something that feels completely strange to you, you could become expert at it if you put your mind to it and you fully commit to it, see. That was my choice.


I think one of the interesting points here is the fact that you've chosen to use Facebook primarily as the base for your business: that you've built an entire business now on the Facebook platform. I guess that means that you've not had to get too involved in the tech side of things. How easy did you find it to get started?

Alan Clayton:

I wouldn't say easy. I would say simple, see, which is not the same term. Well, there are not 150 ways how to drive traffic to your offers. Either you pay for it... In that case, it's a paid advertisement, or you do it organically. In both cases, there's a cost involved to it. There's this massive myth online that you can do something for free.

It's a myth. The quicker people understand it, the quicker they will start making money. What I preferred, given that there still is that budget, that upfront investment in order to get started, I would rather put that money into my knowledge rather than blowing it on ads, see, because, in this case, you can literally say that money goes down the drain. See, it gives you some results, but it's only temporary. Whereas if you're invested in your skills, well, the skills end up paying your bills, see. That's what I'm seeing. I did heavily invested in myself. But I've never paid for traffic.



Alan Clayton:

I strongly advise everyone to take this route, honestly, because it's working.


Absolutely. I mean, you've stumbled across something here that does seem to be working for you. Maybe you could tell us a bit about how your business looks now. Obviously, 48 months in terms of the life of setting up a business isn't a huge amount of time. But most businesses maybe can last a couple of years and then disappear away again. You've now built a successful online brand within the last four years. What is your business looking like these days?

Q & A

Nostalgia Marketing: How Throwback Vibes Are

Dominating Social Media

Remember the days of typewriters, word processors, dial-up Internet, and flip phones? These elements of the past are not just memories but powerful marketing tools in today's social media landscape. Since 2020, nostalgia has been making waves on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, tapping into the collective yearning for simpler times. Surprisingly, this trend hasn't faded like acid-wash jeans but has grown so significantly that it now has its own terminology: Social Media Nostalgising.

What is Social Media Nostalgising?

It’s is the phenomenon of posting and engaging with nostalgic content online.

This trend involves sharing memories from past decades, recreating old styles, and celebrating cultural milestones that evoke a sense of nostalgia.

From retro fashion trends to vintage tech, users are flooding social media with content that harks back to the ‘70s, '80s, '90s, and early 2000s.

The Power of Nostalgia in Marketing

Nostalgia marketing leverages these sentimental connections to create compelling campaigns that resonate deeply with audiences. Here’s why it works:

• Emotional Connection: Nostalgia triggers positive memories and emotions, making consumers more receptive to messages. It creates a strong emotional bond with the brand.

• Engagement: Nostalgic content often prompts higher engagement rates. People love to share and comment on posts that remind them of their past, increasing interaction on social media platforms.

• Broad Appeal: Nostalgia transcends generations. While Millennials might reminisce about their childhood, Gen Z might be fascinated by the trends they never experienced. This broad appeal makes nostalgia a versatile tool.

• Trust and Loyalty: Brands that successfully tap into nostalgia can build trust and loyalty. Consumers feel understood and appreciated when their fond memories are acknowledged.

Examples of Nostalgia Marketing

Several brands have successfully used nostalgia in their marketing strategies:

Nike - By re-releasing classic sneakers and using retro-themed advertisements, Nike has continually tapped into the nostalgia of its longtime fans.

Netflix - Shows like "Stranger Things" have capitalized on '80s nostalgia, not just through storytelling but also through marketing campaigns that evoke the era’s aesthetics.

Coca-Cola - The "Share a Coke" campaign brought back names on bottles, reminiscent of personalizing products which were popular in the past, creating a sense of connection and nostalgia.

Why is the Y2K Era Especially Popular?

The early 2000s, or the Y2K era, is a significant focus of current nostalgia trends.

This period is characterized by distinctive fashion, emerging technology, and pop culture phenomena that resonate strongly with today's young adults, who were children or teenagers at the time.

The quirks and unique style of Y2K offer a rich vein of content for nostalgising.

Of course it will depend on who you are targeting. Baby Boomers, for example, are especially fond of nostalgia from the 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s.

How Brands Can Leverage Nostalgia on Social Media

• Authenticity: Ensure that the nostalgic elements used in campaigns are authentic and resonate with the target audience. Forced nostalgia can feel disingenuous.

• User-Generated Content: Encourage followers to share their own nostalgic moments. This not only increases engagement but also provides a wealth of authentic content.

• Multimedia Approach: Use a mix of photos, videos, and even music from the era to create a more immersive nostalgic experience.

• Limited Editions: Launch limited edition products or packaging that hark back to earlier designs or popular items from the past.

Nostalgia is more than a fleeting trend; it’s a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal. By understanding and tapping into the emotional pull of the past, brands can create more meaningful connections with their audiences.

Pro Tip: Don’t think of nostalgia as just a trip down memory lane you’ve got to use it strategically to create profound brand loyalty and increased engagement.

Whether you're reminiscing about the Y2K era or earlier decades, the key is to evoke those cherished memories in a way that feels authentic and connects deeply with your audience.


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How to Quickly Establish Yourself in a New Market or Niche

Entering a new market or niche can be daunting, but with the right strategies, you can quickly establish yourself and build authority. Whether you're starting something brand new or transitioning from another area, these tips and strategies can guide you through the process.

1. Understand the Nuances of Your New Space

Before diving into content creation, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the new space you're entering. This means becoming part of the community, observing, and engaging. Just like moving to a new neighborhood, you wouldn't buy a house without first exploring the area. Similarly, join relevant communities, participate in discussions, and observe the key players and trends.

When entering the niche of sustainable living on Instagram, Green Living Co. understood the importance of comprehending this new space before launching their content.

They began by immersing themselves in the sustainable living community, following key influencers, and actively participating in discussions on popular posts. They observed the types of content that resonated most, such as DIY eco-friendly projects, zero-waste lifestyle tips, and plant-based recipes.

By engaging with followers and understanding trending hashtags and popular topics, Green Living Co. was able to tailor their content strategy to effectively connect with their target audience, resulting in a more authentic and successful entry into the niche.

2. Identify What Makes

You Unique

In any niche, it's essential to stand out. Ask yourself what unique angle or value you can bring to the space. This differentiation is your driving force and helps you provide unique value. For instance, during the boom of blogging, many new bloggers simply repeated existing content. Today, uniqueness is key.

When launching their YouTube channel focused on home cooking, Tasty Traditions identified their unique angle by focusing on lesser-known family recipes passed down through generations. Unlike other cooking channels that often showcased popular or trendy recipes, Tasty Traditions emphasized the cultural heritage and personal stories behind each dish.

This unique focus on tradition and storytelling not only set them apart from the countless other cooking channels but also created a deep emotional connection with their audience, who appreciated the rich history and authenticity that each recipe represented.


Experiment and Iterate

When starting out, focus on quantity to gather data on what resonates with your audience. As you produce more content, you will begin to understand what works and what doesn’t. This approach allows you to quickly iterate and improve. For example, in the Pokémon community, experimenting with storytelling and different content formats can help you discover what engages your audience most effectively.

In the realm of Pokémon content creation, PokéPals embarked on a journey of experimentation and iteration to refine their YouTube channel. Initially, they produced a variety of content, including pack openings, gameplay tutorials, and Pokémon history videos.

By closely monitoring their audience engagement metrics and feedback, they discovered that their audience particularly enjoyed their "Challenge Accepted" series, where they attempted unique Pokémon challenges within the games. Recognizing this trend, PokéPals shifted their focus to create more content in this format, leading to increased viewer interaction, longer watch times, and ultimately, a more loyal and engaged fanbase.

This iterative process allowed them to tailor their content strategy to better align with their audience's preferences and interests.

4. Leverage Storytelling

Good storytelling is a powerful tool. Craft stories that resonate with your audience, showcasing both challenges and triumphs. This human element can make your content stand out. For instance, successful YouTubers often use narrative arcs in their videos to keep viewers engaged.

In the world of cooking, ChefTales understood the power of storytelling to captivate their audience. Rather than just sharing recipes, ChefTales weaves compelling narratives into their cooking videos, recounting the origins of each dish, the inspiration behind it, and the challenges faced during preparation.

By incorporating personal anecdotes and experiences, ChefTales creates a deeper connection with their viewers, making the cooking process not just about the recipe but also about the journey and emotions involved. This storytelling approach sets ChefTales apart from other cooking channels, attracting a loyal following who are not only interested in learning recipes but also in experiencing the chef's storytelling prowess.

5. Build a Community

Engaging with your audience and fostering a sense of community is vital. Encourage interactions, host live events, and create common language or insider elements that make your audience feel connected.

As noted in the book "Superfans" by Pat Flynn, creating a sense of belonging can significantly boost your brand's growth.

In the realm of fitness coaching, FitFam Trainer recognized the importance of engaging with their audience to foster a sense of community and connection. They regularly host live Q&A sessions on social media, encouraging followers to ask questions and share their fitness journeys. Additionally, FitFam Trainer creates unique challenges and workout plans tailored to their audience's needs and goals, fostering a sense of inclusivity and camaraderie among participants. Through these efforts, FitFam Trainer has cultivated a loyal following who not only seek fitness guidance but also feel valued and supported within the community.

As emphasized in "Superfans" by Pat Flynn, this sense of belonging has been instrumental in driving the brand's growth and establishing a dedicated community of fitness enthusiasts.

6. Focus on Quality Over Time

While quantity is important initially, gradually shift your focus to quality as you understand what your audience values. High-quality content that delivers real value can enhance your reputation and attract a loyal following.

In the realm of fitness blogging, FlexGuru initially prioritized churning out a high volume of content to gain traction in the competitive market. However, as they gained insights into their audience preferences through analytics and feedback, FlexGuru gradually transitioned towards a focus on quality over quantity. They began investing more time and resources into creating in-depth workout guides, scientifically backed nutrition advice, and visually appealing content.

This shift towards high-quality, informative content not only improved FlexGuru's credibility as a reliable source of fitness information but also garnered a dedicated following of health enthusiasts seeking trustworthy guidance.

By prioritizing quality over time, FlexGuru cemented its position as a leading authority in the fitness niche.

7. Optimize for Platforms

Understand the platforms you’re using and optimize your content accordingly. This includes creating compelling titles and thumbnails for YouTube or engaging headlines and visuals for blog posts.

According to Mr. Beast, one of YouTube's top creators, having a strong thumbnail and title package is crucial for attracting viewers.

A prime example of understanding platform nuances, Mr. Beast emphasizes the importance of captivating thumbnails and engaging content right from the start to maintain viewer interest.

Mr. Beast then advised ChefChop on the importance of platform optimization to maximize their content's reach. They meticulously crafted eyecatching thumbnails featuring tantalizing dishes and paired them with compelling titles that promised quick and delicious recipes.

By following Mr. Beast's advice on the significance of thumbnails and titles, ChefChop significantly improved their click-through rates and overall visibility on the platform. As a result, their videos garnered more views and engagement, ultimately expanding their audience and establishing ChefChop as a go-to destination for mouth-watering culinary inspiration.

Bottom Line

By immersing yourself in the new space, identifying what makes you unique, and consistently creating and refining content, you can quickly establish yourself in any market or niche. Focus on storytelling, community building, and quality to build a sustainable and engaging presence.

Embrace these strategies, and you'll not only establish yourself quickly but also build a loyal audience that supports your growth and success.

Google Integrates Social Media Posts Into Google Business Profiles

"Discover The Steps On How To Start Your Very Own Recurring Membership SiteAnd Get Paid MonthAfter Month"

• Google now automatically displays social media posts on Google Business Profiles.

• Businesses can manage which social

• You can connect one account per social media platform to your Google Business Profile.

In This Course, You'll Find Out How To Get Started With Your Own Membership Site, How To Structure it, What Type of Content To Provide, Pricing And Much more

This update aims to give customers a more comprehensive view of a business’s online activity and engagement.

Why Should You Create a Membership Site?

According to a Google media links with their GBP may now find their social media posts automatically surface on their profiles.

Essentially, a membership site is a site that users pay to subscribe to. This normally works by first enticing the reader with some free content and showing them the kind of entertainment/information/value that you’re capable of providing. posts-into-google-business

Once they’re hooked, you then make sure they know that they need to subscribe in order to gain access to your very best content and to get frequently updated. So what’s so different about this? Well for starters, it means that you can much more easily convert visitors to paying customers seeing as they’re not having to put down a large amount of money and seeing as they know what they’re getting right away. This means the money is recurring and much more predictable.

Welcome to the Metaverse: A Portal to a Virtual Future

Just like a scene ripped from a sci technological advancements have propelled us towards increasingly immersive virtual worlds.

These worlds are accessed through various portals: cryptocurrency games, social networks teeming with digital collectibles (NFTs), and augmented reality apps that blend the physical and digital. These innovations, along with others, are fueling the growth of a vast, virtual frontier.

The metaverse, though still young, holds immense potential. It's not just about popular games like Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox digital landscape, from cutting marketing and finance.

Membership Authority includes the following:

• The main eBook

• FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Checklist

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But the big questions remain: What exactly is the metaverse? How do we enter this virtual realm? Is there a clear path, or just a need for the right gadgets? And most importantly, how will it transform our world?

I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide with you, and I know you’ll be very happy with the results. The comprehensive and valuable insights you need to finally achieve online success! Click Here Today

Back to Basics –10 Marketing Lessons Hidden Inside the Spam Folder This Month’s Marketing CLINIC

Every now and then, I like to dive into my spam folder just to see what’s lurking. Today, aside from winning numerous lotteries and spotting several phishing attempts, I stumbled upon some notorious gems you’ll no doubt recognize. For me these serve as essential reminders to never, ever forget the basics of marketing.

Bold Claims Attract Attention (But Don’t Overdo It)

Spam Subject Lines: "Lose 50 pounds in 30 days!" or "Make $100,000 a week from home!"

The Takeaway: While bold claims can grab attention, make sure your promises are realistic and credible to establish trust.

Personalization (Even If It's Ridiculous)

Spam Subject Lines: "Dear [Your Name], your friend told us you need this miracle cream!"

The Takeaway: Personalization is powerful when used correctly, but ensure it is accurate and contextually appropriate to avoid looking foolish. Also, did they really need to insult me by saying my ‘friend’ says I look bad?

Honestly, I racked my brain trying to come up with a decent headline that used the words, “Miracle Cream,” and they all sounded like spam. I’d suggest they begin by renaming their product into something that sounds credible.

Urgency and Scarcity Sell

Spam Subject Lines: "Only 3 left! Act now or miss out forever!"

The Takeaway: Creating a sense of urgency can drive action but use it sparingly and genuinely to avoid sounding desperate or pushy. This tactic is overused and lacks specificity – 3 of what??

Subject lines that are somewhat better:

• "Exclusive Offer: Only 3 Left! Grab Yours Before They’re Gone!"

• "Last Chance! Secure Your Spot with Only 3 Remaining!"

• "Hurry! Just 3 Left of Our Best-Selling Item"

• "Don't Miss Out: Only 3 Units Left of [Product Name]"

Flashy Graphics and Colors Draw Eyes

Spam Subject Lines: Emails full of flashing banners, neon colors, and exclamation points.

The Takeaway: Visual appeal matters, but balance it with readability and professionalism. Too much flash can be overwhelming.

If you’re old enough to remember what the internet looked like in the late 90’s and early 00’s, it was filled with flashing banners, cramped text and lousy graphics. Unless you’re selling a nostalgia item, keep it fresh, modern and clean.


Spam Subject Lines: "You won’t believe what this celebrity did!"

Real Lesson: Piquing curiosity can increase engagement but ensure that the content delivers on the headline to avoid disappointing your audience.

Rather than a generic, “this celebrity” reference, a more specific and therefore better subject line might be, “Watch what happens when Brad Pitt goes grocery shopping at 2am”.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Spam Subject Lines: "Last chance! Don’t miss out on this oncein-a-lifetime opportunity!"

The Takeaway: FOMO is a strong motivator. However, it's important to use it honestly to maintain credibility.

When I read this subject line, I heard, “blah, blah blah” in my head because we’ve all heard this a million times. And again, it’s not specific. Miss out on what? And why should I care?

Everybody Loves a Good Discount

Spam Subject Lines: "Get 90% off on your favorite brands, today only!"

The Takeaway: Discounts and promotions can drive sales, but they should be realistic and sustainable for your business.

Also, how do they know what my favorite brands even are? Mention a brand I purchase often and I’m interested. But brands in general? It’s almost never something I want, so why bother?

Over-Promise and Under-Deliver

Spam Subject Lines: "Guaranteed results in 24 hours or your money back!"

The Takeaway: It's better to under-promise and over-deliver. Over-promising sets unrealistic expectations and can lead to disappointment and distrust.

And the non-specificity of these subject lines is driving me crazy. What results? I understand they want me to open to the email to find out what they’re talking about, but when it’s this generic, I simply couldn’t care less.

Grammatical Errors and Typos Matter

Spam Subject Lines: "Congratualtions! Youve won a prizze!"

The Takeaway: Attention to detail in your copy shows professionalism and builds trust. Always proofread your marketing materials.

And if your first language is something other than the language you’re writing in, get a native speaker to proofread it before sending.

This email had a total of 5 different calls to action with five different links. Confuse your reader and you’ll lose your reader. By the way, that’s a good marketing mantra. Say it with me…

Confuse your reader, lose your reader

Confuse your reader, lose your reader

Confuse your reader, lose your reader

A Few More Observations from My Spam Folder…

For the past month someone with two first names has been sending me multiple emails every single day telling me to get on his one-time only webinar. Yeah. Right.

Someone named “Internet Millionaire” is sending me a dozen emails a day. You’d think this person would have better things to do, like counting his millions.

If the ‘from’ field reads, “support,” I’ll read the subject line every single time. I can’t seem to help it. Don’t overuse the tactic or you may annoy some subscribers.

If there’s an emoji or symbol in the subject line, I will almost always skip over it. Ironic, considering marketers use them to get more eyeballs, not fewer.

The subject line, “Automate Anything. Automate Everything.” Is freaking awesome because, even though I don’t believe it for a second, I still opened it with high hopes.

The next time you’re looking at email, take a few minutes to see what ‘treasures’ are lurking in your spam folder.

The Ingenious MoneyMaking Gambit: How a Simple Credit Card Offer

Turned into a $300,000 Windfall

You never know when an opportunity might fall right into your lap. When it does, just remember to pay your taxes.

Meet Constantine Anev, a physicist with a doctorate from Connecticut, whose chance encounter with an online ad led to a lucrative discovery.

While browsing the internet, he came across an offer from a credit card company promising 5% cash back on purchases made with an American Express card.

Inspired by this opportunity, Anev devised a clever plan. First, he used his American Express card to buy a $500 prepaid Visa card.

However, prepaid cards couldn't be easily converted into cash, so Anev used the prepaid Visa card to purchase a $500 money order, which he then deposited into his bank account.

With the cash, he paid off his American Express bill, earning the 5% cash back reward. After accounting for fees, Anev made a tidy $19 profit.

Just $19? Big deal, right? Not so fast…

He then replicated this strategy over time, accumulating a substantial turnover of $6.4 million and a profit exceeding $300,000.

Whoa. That’s a major chunk of change.

However, it seems Anev didn’t declare this profit on his taxes and his success attracted unwanted attention from the IRS.

I think the real lesson here is that if you offer some sort of rewards program in your business, be sure someone like Anev can’t take unfair advantage of it.

Opinion: Why Marketers Should Embrace Reddit

Reddit, despite its misunderstood reputation, is a goldmine for marketers. With 73.1 million daily active users and over 100,000 active subreddits, it offers unparalleled opportunities for market research, community engagement, and amplified reach.

• Community Engagement: Reddit’s active users, averaging 1.2 million posts daily, value authenticity. Brands can build strong relationships by engaging genuinely and avoiding overt advertising.

• Amplified Reach: With 267.5 million weekly active users, Reddit's up-voting system can exponentially increase content visibility. Marketers should research and engage in trending discussions to maximize reach.

• Market Research: Despite past API issues, Reddit remains accessible for social listening tools. It's an excellent resource for industry insights and opinions, crucial for shaping content and product strategies.

• Partnerships: Collaborating with established Reddit users can boost credibility and visibility. Partnering with trusted sources helps brands gain traction on the platform.

Read the editorial here…

LinkedIn Introduces New Video Ad Formats and Expands Ad Options

LinkedIn is rolling out new advertising formats to help marketers engage with its 930 million members and its expanded Audience Network in innovative ways.

Firstly, LinkedIn is introducing pre-roll and mid-roll video ads within Audience Network videos. These ads will appear at the beginning (pre-roll) and in the middle (mid-roll) of long-form video content on trusted publisher sites, available across both mobile and desktop platforms. This move aims to enhance the full-funnel marketing experience by allowing marketers to extend their campaign reach and connect with professional audiences across various publisher sites on LinkedIn's Audience Network.

According to LinkedIn:

“To support a full-funnel experience, marketers can tap into In-Stream Video ads to scale their campaign reach and connect with professional audiences across our network of publishers. These ads, which will appear on mobile or desktop apps and sites, will play at the beginning (pre-roll) and middle (mid-roll) of long-form video content on trusted publisher sites across the LinkedIn Audience Network.”

Additionally, LinkedIn has long offered in-feed video ads, but this update provides marketers with new avenues to broaden their video content reach via longer formats on partner sites. Leveraging LinkedIn’s Audience Network targeting capabilities, this can significantly boost brand exposure to relevant audiences.

Furthermore, starting in July, LinkedIn is expanding access to its Conversation Ads and Thought Leader Ads, making these powerful engagement tools available to more advertisers.

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