Furthermore, the wall unit counts as an “issue” all by itself, making 7 issues total. So far we’re up to 7 units times $59.98 each. But wait, you pay more! Because the even tinier print (I had to hold this in full daylight to make it out) says that each edition is going to cost an additional $10.99 for shipping and ‘service’. Now we’re up to a total of $496.79. Lesson #3: In case someone does the math, make it come out to less than a round number – in this case, less than $500 – to make it appear less expensive. And what do you get for almost $500? A few bits of plastic shaped and colored like Snoopy and Woodstock. And I bet they are selling like hotcakes, too. Why? Who doesn’t love Snoopy and Woodstock? Lesson #4: Relating this to online marketing, when possible, attach your product to a known celebrity, or even make your product about that celebrity. Of course, almost no one would pay $496.79 up front for this calendar without a heck of a lot more selling and arm twisting than this postcard is capable of doing. But heck, it’s only $29.99 to get started, right? Everyone can afford that. Lesson #5: When possible, offer easily affordable payments. And notice that they NEVER tell you how much this will cost altogether. That’s something you have to figure out for yourself, and they’re betting that most people won’t do it. Lesson #6: If you’re offering payments or a monthly membership, then maybe there is NO NEED to talk about the total price. Instead, just focus on that low and totally manageable monthly payment. When you flip this card over, you see that the bottom half of it is a tear off postcard with the postage paid by the addressee, which in this case is the Bradford Exchange in Illinois. This makes it super easy for a person to order. All they do is enter their name and address and mail the card. Or if they prefer, there is a URL where they can order. Lesson #7: Make it super easy for the customer to BUY your stuff. And there are bonuses, too. There is a Snoopy doghouse on which the monthly figurine is placed (adorable!) and you can, “Customize your calendar with 77ofMicro Habitsdate, to Change the incredible assortment tiles including holiday and special event tiles!” Whoo-hoo and party on!!!