Making Web Money June 2022

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7.5 Influencer Marketing Tips For Beginners Let’s start at the beginning… Influencer Marketing is a term that’s bantered about a great deal like it’s some magic fairy dust that leads to overnight sales and huge upturns in conversions. The thing is, all of those things are true when influencer marketing works. Influencer Marketing in our case simply means teaming up with someone else – another marketer, a blogger, a video maker, a social media icon, a well known person in your niche – and getting your product or service presented by them to their audience. For example, Sally Sue has a super loyal following of 100,000 on your favorite social media platform. Her audience would have an interest in your product, if only they knew about it. You strike a deal with Sally Sue to influence her audience to purchase your product. The deal might be a payment, a commission on products sold, or whatever works between the two of you. And her endorsement can include whatever you agree upon. Perhaps she does some short videos or presents your product during her commercial break on her podcast or sends out messages via social media and email. As you see, the possibilities are nearly endless. But the trick isn’t to find random influencers who will take your money. Rather, it’s to determine where your best audience is - the ideal prospects for your product – and then find influencers already in touch with your ideal audience. For example, it won’t do you any good to work with an influencer of video gaming males in their 20’s if your product is how to lose weight for women over 40. How do you, as an online marketer, go about using influencer marketing to gain more followers, readers, subscribers and sales? Here are 10 tips to get you started in the right direction. #1 – Know What You Want What is your goal? Is it to increase your social media following? To get email subscribers? To hand out free trials? Just as you must know your audience and who is in touch with your audience, you must also know up front what your goals are, because that can determine how you approach influencer marketing. And once you know your goals, you can then choose your key performance indicators that are specific and measurable. This is how you will know if a particular influencer is having a positive impact in reaching your targets.

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