Making Web Money October 2021

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This Month’s Marketing CLINIC 7 Ways To Overcome Self-Sabotage As An Online Marketer The number one reason aspiring online marketers fail isn’t because they didn’t have the right product or reach the right audience, although both of those are crucial, too. I believe the number one reason new marketers fail is because of self-sabotage. The inner critic loves to play games with us and mess with our minds, and if we’re not vigilant, we’ll begin to believe these seeds of doubt that tell us we’re not good enough or smart enough to build our own businesses. Here are 5 ways to keep yourself on track and prevent your subconscious mind from self-sabotaging your efforts. 1: Stop comparing yourself to others. There’s that marketer on Facebook who turns everything he touches into gold. He never makes a mistake, never loses a dime and makes money hand over fist. And it’s all B.S. Everyone has to go through a learning curve. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone is human. Which is why you shouldn’t believe everything you see on social media. People want to project a distorted image of themselves to make themselves feel better about their own lives and make you feel like you don’t measure up. When you stop comparing yourself to others and instead simply focus on your personal growth as well as the growth of your business, it no longer matters that Joe Marketer is supposedly earning a quintillion dollars per second while you’re only making a thousand dollars a week. 2: Focus on the things that matter the most. Most of the distractions you’re facing are just trivial bits of flotsam that will derail your progress if you let them. When you get up in the morning, see if you can set everything else aside that isn’t important to your business. Spend the first hours working on your business and leave everything else for later in the day. Doing the important stuff first is crucial to your success. If you spend most of the day focusing on things that don’t matter, by the time you get around to working on your business you’ll be too worn out to get anything done.

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