Issue #103
September 2020
MWM Marketing
CLINIC 15 Ordinary People Who Turned Dismal Failure Into Extreme Success What’s in a Pandemic Name? Making Web Money MARKETING INTERVIEWS
James Malinchak
The Simple Jeff Walker 6-Figure Blueprint
What Are Seth Godin’s 10 Rules For Your Success?
MWM Ask the Expert Shocking Statistics, Idea Sex and Lucrative Questions
Learn How People Are Making Web Money Online Today
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I'm not making empty promises. One thing you will not find on this site is a promise of "easy riches". I make no claims of how much you can make. I make no claims that you'll make any money at all. I don't know you. I don't know if you're a thinker or a doer. How can I promise you'll make X dollars? I can't. And I don't. That SHOULD be a sign of trust to you. There are many others out there making crazy income claims. I won't promise riches. I won't promise any results. I'll simply tell you that I will show you things you can do to get your online business rocking and rolling! There is absolutely no risk. I'm even going to take away ALL RISK for you. It's pretty simple: if you don't like the Training, you don't pay. Period. You have nothing to risk and everything to gain. Let me say it a different way...
MWM contents
MWM 4 [ SEPTEMBER 2020 ]
6 MWM Editor’s Letter SEPT 2020 7 MWM Inbox 8 In The NEWS 9 MWM New Product Feature FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer 12 MWM Success Guide – What are Seth Godin’s 10 Rules For Your Success? 14 Weird Website Trick Increases Conversions in Any Market 15 Dynamic Digital Software Store Want A FREE Website?
FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer
16 Subscribe For FREE 17 MWM Ask The Expert: Shocking Statistics, Idea Sex And Lucrative Questions 20 Membership Authority Sites 21 Business HELP - What’s in a Pandemic Name? 22 #1 Problem Plaguing New Launches (and How to Fix it) 23 $2,500 Profit a Month to Build Your Own Email List 24 Introducing 6FigZ - New Product 25 The Simple Jeff Walker 6-Figure Blueprint 26 Creating a Website You Can Sell for $500,000 29 SHOPZPRESSO MEGA STORE 31 Advertise in MWM 32 How to Launch a Digital Product Business
Introducing 6FigZ
MWM contents
MWM 5 [ SEPTEMBER 2020 ]
Features … 36 MWM Interview – with James Malinchak
39 The Functional Strength Guide 41
MWM Q&A: How to Sell 50% More with One Check Box
43 Covert VIDEO Press 45 Internet Marketing Made Easy 47 FLAT Graphics BlackBox 3.0
59 New Product
48 Massive Traffic Blueprint 51 MWM wants You to Know - Gaining The Invisible Edge
KETO Power Boost
52 Unlock My Secret Traffic Methods 53 My Blog Profits Coaching 54 The VENUS Factor 55
This Month’s Marketing CLINIC 15 Ordinary People Who Turned Dismal Failure Into Extreme Success
58 A Big Money Maker You Are Completely Missing
59 New Product KETO Power Boost 60 YouTube Ads Made Easy
Are you trying to keep track of the latest Covid-19 Corona Virus News ? WE have ALL the INFO in one place for you
Corona Virus News
MWM editors letter Welcome to the SEPTEMBER 2020 Issue of our monthly “Making Web Money” Online Digital Marketing magazine where every month we show you how real people, just like you, are making web money – online.
This month we have MORE great articles and personal success insights, interviews, plus some ONLINE opportunities for you. - Weird Website Trick Increases Conversions in Any Market - MWM Series on Business Help - What’s in a Pandemic Name? - Unlock My Secret Traffic Methods - MWM Interview – JAMES MALINCHAK - #1 Problem Plaguing New Launches (and How to Fix it) - $2,500 Profit a Month to Build Your Own Email List - New Product - Introducing 6FigZ - FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer - The Simple Jeff Walker 6-Figure Blueprint - MWM Wants You to Know – Gaining The Invisible Edge - Creating a Website You Can Sell for $500,000 - New Product SHOPZPRESSO MEGA STORE - A Big Money Maker You Are Completely Missing -This Month’s Marketing CLINIC - 15 Ordinary People Who Turned Dismal Failure Into Extreme Success
- MWM Success Guide - What are Seth Godin’s 10 Rules For Your Success?
- MWM Ask the Expert - Shocking Statistics, Idea Sex And Lucrative Questions - MWM Q&A: How to Sell 50% More with One Check Box I hope you enjoy this month's issue of the magazine – Check out our 102 Great Back Issues of Making Web Money!
MWM 6 Subscription enquires: Order the printed edition: Advertising enquires:
Making Web Money Magazine Published 12 times per year. Copyright
All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher Making Web Money Online Marketing Magazine Editor Harry Crowder
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MWM inbox
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QUOTABLE.. “Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth frameworks.” Neil Patel, New York Times Bestselling Author and Marketing Expert QUOTES
QUOTABLE.. Help Businesses Are In Dire Need of Marketing
“Every emailtoissurvive a customer survey of your target A hot business right now is helping brick and mortar businesses and even thrive during this time. market, b testing they vote on what resonates best with them.”
As an online marketing expert, you have the knowledge to help them with their online presence.
– Kath Pay, Founder and Senior Consultant at Holisti
And you can use a company such as SharpNet Solutions’ white label digital marketing fulfill your orders for Email to Marketing services like SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content and Website Design.
They’ll provide training if you need it and they will communicate with your clients as if they are your employees. They’ll even jump on the call to help you close the sale.
Podcasting Interview Cheat Sheets This free PDF from Paul Hollins reveals several insider tips to doing interviews on your podcast as well as giving you two pages of interview questions for your guests. Frequent podcast questions it answers include: • What kind of questions should I ask? • What if I ask something STUPID? • What if I RUN OUT of questions? • What is the ideal duration for an interview? • What should you ask your interview subject to provide ahead of time? • And how do you wrap up the interview without sounding awkward? The two pages of questions to get you started are absolute gold and should be in every podcasters’ bag of tricks.
MWM New Product
MWM 09
MWM 10
How COVID-19 Has Changed Social Media Engagement You can use this information to update your strategy and get a sense of how audiences’ priorities and interests have changed during the course of this global pandemic.
The African Alibaba? You’re probably familiar with Alibaba and its sister sites, Taobao and Tmall. This is where you go to find products from millions of different merchants that you can then sell at a mark-up to customers through your own website or places like Amazon and eBay. brings African merchants together with buyers in much the same way. And because WaysToCap and their African trading partners are somewhat newer on the international trading scene, it can be easier to find good deals that will yield plenty of profit.
Starting today you can enroll in my new monthly coaching program where I will teach you how to turn PLR content into spendable cash using several underground methods. Each and every month you'll get a new lesson showing you a different way to profit with the PLR products you already have. Each month will be a different lesson (sometimes delivered as a step-by-step PDF and sometimes delivered as video tutorial lessons, and even sometimes a mixture of both) that you can download, view, and then implement to start making money with PLR content. This 12 month coaching program can help you feel good about every PLR purchase you've made (even those "junky" ones because I will show you how to polish them 'til they shine!). The PLR Profits Coaching Club can justify every penny you've spent. It can make those purchases worth something to you because you can put that content to work making money for you. Click Here to Start
MWM success guide What are Seth Godin’s 10 Rules For Your Success? Here are Seth’s 10 Golden Rules for Your Success. 1: Do it Your Way. Seth has a blog but until very recently he didn’t have a podcast. He still doesn’t have Twitter. Or video. Or even comments on his blog. Seth decided that it would just be him and his blog, one post per day, and we wasn’t going to pay attention to what other people told him he was ‘supposed’ to be doing. As he says, you don’t have to like his blog, but it’s the only one like it because he did it his way instead of copying what others are doing. Seth has chosen not to focus on his blog stats, either, because he doesn’t want to work towards having a more popular blog. Instead he wants to receive the kind of emails that say, “I’ve been reading your blog for six weeks and look what I changed in my life. Thank you for inspiring me to do that.” 2: Tell Your Story. Tell a story that resonates with your audience. People remember stories that match the way they want to see the world. When Seth meets smallbusiness people, he’s not interested in their balance sheet. He wants to know their story. Clever. ……….. And it gets better. Why should the customer pick you? Why should the customer care about what you’re doing? 2% better than your competitor doesn’t win you the business. Having your own unique story that sets you apart from everyone else does. 3: Be Patiently Impatient. Or perhaps impatiently patient. Do what you have to do to succeed and do it fast if at all possible. But realize that success can take time. You set up a brand new social media channel in no time at all, but no one is using it – should you close it down and do something else? It took Twitter 2 years to catch on. Imagine if they had given up after a few weeks or months. 4: Refuse to Settle for Average. Anyone can be average, and any business can be average. But what’s the point? No one has ever said, “Oooh, that business is so average, let’s use them!” You can choose to stand out in your field, or you can choose to create an entirely new field. Either one works.
MWM 12
5: Your Product is Your Marketing. Did Google advertise? Did Facebook, Amazon or eBay advertise? No. But what they did do is make something people talked about. If you can come up with a profitable idea that gets people talking then you’ll never have to advertise. 6: Spread Your Ideas. Hold your idea close, tell no one and soon you’ll see another business using that very same idea to make their next fortune. “Hey, they stole that idea from me,” you’ll say. Nope. Ideas are everywhere and your ideas are not exclusive to you. Other people are having the exact same great idea you’re having. That’s why when you have a great idea, you should act upon it immediately and spread it in such a way that people take notice and pass it forward to others. 7: Choose Carefully. There are an infinite number of things you could be doing now, tomorrow, next week. And there are an almost infinite number of businesses you can start, choices to make, roads to follow… choose carefully. But once you choose something, don’t second guess your choice. 8: Life is a Series of Dips and Rises. Things won’t always work out perfectly. You might make a mistake so big it looks like things are over. But as long as you get back up one more time than you fall, you’ll be better than okay. 9: Navigate without a Map. Going to work for one company and retiring there 40 years later is what your grandpa did, not you. For the last 2 -3 decades, Fortune 500 companies have created zero jobs. The future is being built by people like you – entrepreneurs. There are no rule books and no maps, except for this one: Help others get what they want and you can get what you want. 10: Create Something Remarkable. Remarkable means quite literally, something worth remarking about. Something worth telling others. A black and white cow is not remarkable, but a purple one is. Be the purple cow.
Weird Website Trick Increases Conversions in Any Market You’re going to think this is too simple to work. Big mistake. Certain website designs attract certain target markets. The design that attracts gardeners, for example, is going to be different than the design that attracts electrical engineers. Knowing this, the question becomes, “How do you design a website that you KNOW will attract your target market like no other?” And how do you do this without a lot of market research, testing, trial and error and so forth? It’s so simple, I’m almost embarrassed to tell you. Look at the successful websites in your market. And then do what they do. See? I told you this was simple. There is zero need to waste your time or money conceptualizing what your site could look like. You don’t need to make a dozen mockups and drive traffic to see which site people stay on. You don’t need to hire fancy web designers to create an artsy site. See what’s working, learn all you can and then create your own familiar design without copying. If you use any site design other than the type favorited by your target market, you’re going to lose traffic. And conversions. People trust a good-looking site that feels somewhat familiar. Using a professional, familiar design boosts trust, reputation and authority. The visitor won’t realize why they trust your site, only that they do. And that’s all that counts.
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MWM ask the expert
MWM 17
Shocking Statistics, Idea Sex And Lucrative Questions e Fortunes are made when people think out of the box and ask questions no one else is asking. What happens when you pair X with Y to make Z? Sometimes nothing happens and other times fortunes are made. Pairing two ideas together to make a third is ‘idea sex.’ I don’t know who coined the term, but I’ve heard James Altucher use it often. The founder of Netflix had to pay Blockbuster $50 for a long overdue movie. Then he went to the gym, got on the treadmill and started thinking. His gym membership was always the same amount of money, regardless of how often or how seldom he went to the gym. Why couldn’t a movie membership work the same way? Movie membership (X) plus gym payment system (Y) equaled Netflix. What if you combine pop culture with art? Andy Worhol asked that question and became famous. What if you pair the keto diet with intermittent fasting? You get Speed Keto, a Clickbank program that I’ve heard is doing half a million dollars of business every month. Sometimes it’s simply about asking the right questions: Zip Car bought a fleet of cars and then allowed members to drive them around town. What if you had a car business like Zip Car but you didn’t own the actual cars? Uber was born. Walt Disney was struggling. He had two movies made and reviews were awesome, but it was the depression and people weren’t going to the movies. What if you put Mickey Mouse on a watch? They sold something like 3 million of them in the first year. And guess what? Walt Disney had to be talked into doing it by an entrepreneur who thought it was a good idea. Merchandising was born that day because someone asked the question, “Why not put a famous character on a watch?” Ask yourself questions no one else is asking and you might find some surprising answers. Where do you get ideas? Everywhere. Right now, I’m looking at Worldometer.
I was going to ask you to put on your marketer / entrepreneur hat while we review some stats, but I realized that many of them are moving too fast to pin down. I simply could not type the stat as fast as it changed, and by the time you read this they will have multiplied again anyway.
The public education expenditure number for today alone is moving so fast I can’t read the last 6 digits, but so far it’s $9 billion. For. The. Day.
So, I’m going to simply give you the link, and then make a few observations:
If you’re not comfortable teaching, pair up with a teacher who is and make virtual courses that you then market. Notice the world’s population and how it’s rapidly increasing.
The company Teachable produces millionaires every year just from posting courses on their site.
Yes, even with coronavirus, the world’s population is out of control. This means we have an ever-increasing market for certain things…
Twice as many bicycles are being produced than cars. If you’re knowledgeable about cycling, this is a HUGE market you can tap into.
…things like food.
Then there’s videogames. So far today $279 million has been spent on video games, while there are 801 million people with no access to safe drinking water.
Notice that there are over 842 million undernourished people in the world. There are also over 1.7 billion overweight people in the world, and 756 million obese people. With YouTube you can get more views, and with Vimeo you can get more engagement. You decide which one works for you, or better still, use both as needed. Something is wrong here.
Maybe you can make courses for children.
You could work with a video game manufacturer to donate money from every game to build wells. Or perhaps you produce your own video games (you can hire people to make the actual games) and as each player unlocks levels in the games, money is donated for wells. The players would get the immense satisfaction that playing the games is actually helping people in the real world.
As a marketer, can we find ways to help the overweight people to eat less, and to get the food in the hands of the undernourished people at the same time?
Last of all, only 937,810 new book titles have been
Certainly we can sell weight loss programs. As I write this, $181 million has been spent TODAY on weight loss programs. Perhaps if we take the $181 million per day for weight loss programs and use half that money to give food to the poor, we might be making a fantastic income while changing the world.
Can you write a book? Can you write several books? By having more than one book, if one becomes a best seller then readers will naturally want to read your other books, too.
What if you were to start a weight loss membership site that does exactly that? So far today as I write this, 731 million tweets have been sent, along with 247 billion emails. Imagine if you could make one tenth of one penny on every email – what might that look like?
published so far this year. Compared to a lot of the other numbers, this one seems low to me.
There are all kinds of interesting stats on the Worldometer page, but this is just one website. Ideas are everywhere. Try idea sex, which again is taking two ideas to come up with something new. And ask off the wall zany questions no one else is asking and then find the answers.
How could you make it happen?
As James Altucher says, finding good ideas is easy when you exercise your idea muscle.
Look at the numbers on water and energy. There are some shocking stats here – what questions can we ask that lead us to think in new, profitable and life changing ways?
Just write down 10 new ideas every day. EVERY day. It’s not easy at first because you’re not used to thinking this way.
Take a look at the health numbers. Health and wellness is a huge market. People need help knowing how to be healthy and how to stay safe. Is there something here you can do?
But keep at it, and pretty soon the ideas will be falling like rain. And in those ideas is a million dollars, or maybe a lot more. You just have to find the idea and then act on it.
Did you know:
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MWM Business HELP What’s in a Pandemic Name? The next time you name a website or product, you might want to think about the co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. Bill and Melinda Gates have spent years helping to eradicate diseases in Africa. The man knows a thing or two about pandemics and about marketing. In 2015, he gave a Ted Talk in which he told the world that the next pandemic was coming. Few people paid attention. Fast forward to April 23rd, 2020, and Bill Gates posts an entry in his blog entitled, “The First Modern Pandemic.” Buried near the bottom of that post – and quoted widely in the media – is a sentence in which he gives a name to this pandemic. Before I reveal the name, let me ask you this: If you, as a marketer, were charged with ensuring people remain highly aware that another pandemic can occur at any time and that they we need to be READY for it the next time it happens, what would you do? Would you write long blogposts and articles telling people to remember we need to be ready next time? Create YouTube videos with the same message? Send out a mailer to everyone on the planet? Remember, Bill Gates tried the video method in 2015 with his Ted Talk. That video received millions views, and yet very little was done to get ready. Bill Gates has apparently learned from this, and now he’s given a name to this pandemic that tells us in the clearest form possible that this is the FIRST of MORE pandemics to come. Yes, there was a major clue in that last sentence. Bill Gates wrote, “Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents’ generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic – the first modern pandemic – will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic I will ever forget it. And it is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.” Pandemic I. We are living in Pandemic I. I cannot think of a clearer, more articulate or succinct way to tell the world that this is just the first pandemic chapter. If people in the “Great War” had known at the time that a day would come when it was instead called, “World War I,” would they have done more to avoid the second world war? I’d like to think so. Naming your product or website might not make the difference in whether or not people are ready for the next life-threatening event. But it can make a huge difference in how people perceive your product, what emotions and thoughts it brings forth, and ultimately whether or not they buy it. To read Bill Gate’s entire essay, go here:
MWM 21
#1 Problem Plaguing New Launches (and How to Fix it) If you were to guess the #1 problem marketers face when launching a new product – what would you say? Not having enough information? There are products, courses and programs galore that teach how to create and launch a new product. Lack of technical know-how? Anyone can hire the technical help they need online. The #1 reason why marketers – and especially new marketers – fail to launch new products is fear. Not fear that they will screw up, or fear that the launch will be a disaster. Those problems are easy to fix. Just figure out what you did wrong and don’t do it next time. The #1 thing holding them back from launching is fear of what others will think. This includes fear of what customers think: “What if they don’t like my product? What if they think it’s rubbish?” And also fear of what more established marketers will think. “What if a big marketer doesn’t like my product? What if they tell the world I’m a failure and a fake? What if they don’t like my sales funnel or my sales copy or worse yet, they don’t like ME? I can tell you from experience that not everyone will like you or your product. There will always be someone who says your product is rubbish and that customers should by their product instead. And do you know what? That’s okay. Take any movie or show that’s a smashing success, and you will find people who don’t like it. In fact, there will be people who HATED it. Yes, even Star Wars. But those movies and shows still made a lot of people happy and they made the producers a ton of money. Criticism is part of any business. When you put yourself, your opinions and your products out there for the world to see, someone will respond negatively. Here’s how to get past the fear of what others will say or think: First, forget about other marketers and your peers when creating content and products. It doesn’t matter what they say because they don’t ultimately pay your bills. Second, everything you produce, whether it’s content, products or whatever, should be produced for YOUR customers and not for anyone else. Know your audience and produce thing things your audience loves. And when I say ‘customers’, I mean YOUR customers. If your target market is women over 50 who need to lose weight, then don’t give a second thought to what a 30 year old woman or a 50 year old man will think of your sales letter. Who cares? They’re not your customers. When you do this, you’ll find it’s incredibly easy to create awesome content in your own voice that speaks to your audience, as well as products your customers will love to buy.
$2,500 Profit a Month to Build Your Own Email List I’m not sure if I recommend this or not, but it is interesting and certainly something to consider. There’s a marketer who offers to build you an email list of 1,000 brand new subscribers for $1,000. He takes on 3 or 4 clients at a time, charging each of them $1,000. Each client supplies a quality lead magnet, and all of the lead magnets are displayed on one squeeze page.
So let’s say the lead magnets are a video on driving traffic, a PDF on list building, a course about making money on Amazon and a book about affiliate marketing. All of these are displayed on the squeeze page, and when someone enters their email address on that page, their email address is then added to all 4 autoresponders. Thus, each person who paid $1,000 gets a list of 1,000 new subscribers, but all four of them get the same list. The guy who is doing this also adds the new subscribers to his own list as well. He is in effect getting paid to build his own list. He buys solo ads to drive the traffic to build the lists, but this could also be done with any other traffic method. That’s why I said the profit is $2500 a month, which assumes $1500 to build the lists, which should be plenty more than enough. Of course, then each marketer needs to start emailing their own list and warming them up. I think this would work best if all marketers involved offered free items in the same niche. For example, if all of them were about making money in Facebook Groups, or driving traffic, or creating awesome videos. It would be more targeted that way, and thus the lists would be much more focused. A more general niche that could work is simply online for newbies. If you try this, there’s no reason you couldn’t ramp it up to doing it several times a month, always with 3 to 5 freebies offered as a package on one page.
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It’s a 3 in 1 business in a box. Customers are getting everything I personally use to make six figure per month A complete on-demand automatic traffic generating cloud-based software Readymade high converting sales page User rights – Customers can use the software and get traffic anywhere they want Agency rights – Customers can put their bi buttons on the done for uses page and sell the software as service to their clients and make money as and agency Completely cloud-hosted – the software and the service page is hosted in our server. customers don’t need to use their own domain or server Nothing to download or upload – it’s totally cloud-hosted. so there is nothing to upload or download Completely newbie friendly – simple to use software comes with step by step, over the shoulder training module
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The Simple Jeff Walker 6-Figure Blueprint Can you imagine making six figures from writing just ONE report? Believe it or not, that’s essentially how many marketers do earn 6 figures, or even 7 figures. No doubt you’ve seen marketers launch a really good $10 product that sells like crazy. And then they do it again. And again. And again. They come up with a topic, write a report or create a product, do everything necessary to launch it, and then start all over again. That’s work. But let’s say you write that report and it sells like gangbusters. Your next step shouldn’t be to start all over. Instead, make that topic your ‘thing.’ Jeff Walker realized “How to Launch a Product” was a hot topic. And that’s what he teaches. In fact, that’s all he needs to teach to earn his living. Choose ONE topic that sells fantastically well. Just one. Become an expert in that one topic. And then make everything you do from that point on about that one topic. Write the report. Record videos. Offer coaching. Record the coaching and turn it into a course. Refine it, improve it and so forth. Charge more for the course than you do for the initial product. Charge even more for group coaching. Charge more than that for one-on-one coaching. Offer personal consulting or speaking for an even higher price. But don’t stray from your key concept. Become THE go-to expert in your niche, whatever that might be. Here’s what will happen: You’ll become known as THE EXPERT. Everyone else will look like imitators. Sales will become easier. If someone wants to learn that ONE thing that you teach, who will they turn to? You of course. Your life and your business will be so much simpler. You’ll no longer have to bounce from one topic to another to another. You can laser focus on your ONE thing. You’ll have more time, less stress and more income. Start with one report teaching your core concept, and then go deep, not wide.
Creating a Website You Can Sell for $500,000 Imagine you build a website, drive traffic, monetize the heck out of it, list build, drive more traffic, and then sell the whole thing off. How much can you get? That’s going to depend on a lot of factors, including the niche you’ve chosen, how big and responsive your email list is and how much money your website earns. Usually ordinary money-making websites are valued at 2x or 3x annual income. But if you’ve built a large responsive list to go with the website, you can easily double that figure or more. As an example, you build a site on how to plan financially for retirement. You monetize it 5 different ways, meaning you have 5 separate streams of income from this one website. You also aggressively build your email list. You might earn more from the email list than the website, or vice versa. But let’s say that the list and the site together are earning you $100,000 a year. 3 times $100,000 is $300,000 to sell the site. But you’ve chosen retirement financial planning, an extremely lucrative topic. Financial companies and advisors would kill to have your list and your site. In that case, you might be able to sell it for $500,000 or more. How do you build one of these sites? Your first step is to choose your niche. At the end of this article I’m going to list out some popular and lucrative niches to get you started. Once you have your niche, you build an information site with plenty of relevant articles and content and update it on a regular basis. You also create one or more lead magnets to build your email list. Next you’ll be monetizing the site. Depending on your niche, you might consider any combination of the following methods: • Pay-per-click advertising – you get paid every time someone clicks an ad. Adsense is a good example • Native advertising – things like sponsored blogposts or discovery platforms. This sort of advertising fits seamlessly into the content that surrounds it. US advertisers spent $44 billion on native advertising in 2019, which is $8 billion more than they did in 2018. • Video ads – these are sponsored and recommended videos placed on the website. Publishers sell video ads by cost-per-completed view or cost-per-thousand. As an example, Taboola video ads generate over 3 billion views per month among US audiences. • Selling Ad Space – publishers can make money by selling ad space to advertisers directly or through an ad network. If your site’s topic is your local community, you might want to sell ad space directly to local advertisers. • Affiliate marketing – advertising products in exchange for a commission on sales.
• Your own product sales – create products or even paid memberships of your own to sell to your readers. • Generate leads – as the publisher you’re acting as a matchmaker by introducing two parties who can benefit each other. Back to the financial planning for retirement site – there are plenty of investment firms that will pay you handsomely for each lead you send them. And you can use a third party service such as MaxBounty, NeverBlue or PeerFly to find those advertisers. • Donations – if you have a loyal fan base who loves you, let them ‘buy you a cup of coffee’ for your efforts. Better yet, sustaining patrons sign up for a recurring monthly donation to your site. • Sponsored content – a form of native advertising, this content looks exactly like regular content except it’s written by the sponsor and includes a ‘sponsored’ disclaimer. • Paywall – we mentioned creating a membership site under ‘your own product sales,’ but another option is to place your primary site behind a paywall. Visitors can read, for example, 3-5 pieces of content before they’re required to subscribe to read more. • Build an email list – this one is generally the most important monetization method of all, since you can continue to market to your list and repeatedly bring them back to your website as well. Then in 1 to 5 years when it’s growing strong and you’re bored stiff with the site, you’ll sell it for 5 or 6 figures. Or possibly even 7 figures, but only if you’re very, very good at building traffic and value. Your first task – your VERY first task – is to choose a NICHE. You might choose a larger niche with several smaller niches inside of it and make one big authority type of website. Or you might really niche it down and focus in on your target market. Here is my own niche list to get you started. Some of these niches are HUGE and others are much smaller. All, in my estimation, are profitable. But it is up to you to research the niches you’re interested in to find out how popular they are, how they can be monetized and if they are right for you
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MWM Interview James A Malinchak Interview
Editor: [00:00:00] Welcome to another interview. And I have a feeling that today's interview is going to be rather engaging, fun and extremely motivational because James Malinchak is one of America's leading keynote speakers and business coaches. USA today named him the world's premier speaker, trainer and coach is also been featured on ABC's hit show, 'Secret Millionaire', and now James, it's a great pleasure to welcome you to the interview. James Malinchak: [00:00:24] Hey, thanks for having me. I truly appreciate it. Editor: [00:00:26] It's great to have you with us. As, I mentioned in the introduction, you're widely regarded as one of the best motivational speakers in the world. Can I start by asking? Was that always an ambition? James Malinchak: [00:00:37] No, it wasn't actually, um, Uh, I just remember saying, man, but if I can make two, $2,000, when I was getting out of school, I made $2,000 a month. I'll be set for the rest of my life. Yeah, that's it I'll pay my rent, pay my car insurance. I'm good. Right. And, um, I have a friend who is a, kind of a celebrity pretty here in the U S he's a former pro football player. His name is Joe Theismann. A legendary quarterback for the Washington Redskins. And I want to see him speak back in 1995. I'd never seen a speaker before. And, uh, I just loved what he did. Like he got up there and told stories. He motivated, inspired folks. And we went out to lunch after and I asked him not knowingly, very ignorantly. I said do they pay you to be out here? And he looked at me like, yeah. And I, said, well, what they pay you like $50 or something? He looked at me, I got nine heads. He said, "no they paid me $10,000!" This was back in 1995. And I almost fell off the chair. "So they paid you $10,000 to do what? He said, "to deliver that speech." I mean, Joe's $25-$30,000 now. And I was like, what? They paid you to talk for 45 minutes? And Joe is the guy that started explaining the speaking industry and how it's really a business and I’m the kind of guy you don't have to hit me in the head with a two by four, twice.
I catch it the first time he did right. And I can help people. I can inspire them, and they will pay me? Oh my gosh, I'm going to do this. And I did. And my first talk was, well, actually it did about 80 for free. Cause I didn't know anything about the business side of speaking. And then my first aid talk. Was $50 and a free dinner. And that's how I got started. Editor: [00:02:29] And which did you enjoy the most? The $50 or the free dinner? James Malinchak: [00:02:32] Well, I'll take the free dinner because I actually had to drive about three and a half hours one way. And I emceed an event for about four hours and then I drove three and a half hours back. So I think I used the $50 up in gas. I think the free dinner when I got there was better. Editor: [00:02:50] Well, you'll from a small town in Pennsylvania. So how did you go from such humble beginnings to becoming one of the world's most revered authors, speakers and business coaches?
James Malinchak: [00:03:00] Well, you know, I think growing up in that smalltown environment, Had a lot to do with it. Um, wonderful, great people. We had about 6,000 people in our town and we didn't have much. Dad work in the steel mill, uh, on the trains, hauling coal and all kinds of scrap metal. And moms was a lunch mother at the schools, meaning serving lunches to kids going to school. So we didn't have anything. And, um, I think growing up in that environment, well, the blessing I had was I had a cousin. It was very successful. It came from that town and he would always invite you. You need to New York city to, uh, live with him. It was a commodity trader on the commodity exchange in New York and these gold, silver and merch and top pits and a very wealthy guy. And, and he was the guy that showed me what's possible. And that it doesn't matter where you start in life. It matters where you decide to finish and that you could be doing have anything you want life. And it's something. My father taught me that if, if you can do anything you want life. If you listen, if you don't lose it, the people will tell you, you can't do something, and you just believe in yourself. And so I think, and this is what I think is so important today for folks, you know, folks are doing certain things. They may want to do a bigger goal or a bigger dream, and they don't think it's possible. Cause they've never been shown the way or have the door cracked open and had some light coming in. And I think that's what my cousin did to me. You know, he was, I mean, I saw this whole world, you know what I mean? Like this guy had like rolls Royce and things like that. I mean, I was a steel mill town kid. I didn't even know that was even possible for somebody like me, but because he cracked the door and showed me just a glimmer of light. Now what I tell people all the time, people will give you a crack door with a glimmer of light and an opportunity, or, you know, some advice, but then you've gotta get off your ass and do something with it. You know, like, I, I was just fortunate that I followed and bid exactly. Here's my rationale. If this man is successful and very wealthy and has tons of celebrity people that look up to him, maybe I ought to listen to him and do what he says. Editor: [00:05:19] Yeah. Yeah. James Malinchak: [00:05:20] And so that's all I did. You know, my, my part was easy. I just had to execute on the. Plan or the past that he already created for himself. I just had to do for me. I don't want to say it was easy. It was a lot of long hours and things like that, but I didn't have to kind of create it. I just, so I was, so folks look for somebody who already has what you have. They've already figured it out and then go up and ask them to mentor you. If you have to pay them to consult or coach for you, you do that because they're, they will not cut your learning curve in half. They'll cut it back 90%. Cause they already figured it out. Yeah. Editor: [00:05:56] I mean, a lot of people talk about luck as being a key element here.
No, I'm not, I'm not lucky enough or also on. So what would you say James, um, about luck is, has it played a part in your success, would you say? James Malinchak: [00:06:12] Absolutely not. No. So saying, you know, relying on a that's an easy way out. That's like saying, you know, I watched the movie, the secret in the universe is going to give me everything. So I don't actually have to do anything. I'll just sit on my couch and I'll wait for customers to come in or I'll wait for money to walk in or I'll wait for the love of my life. Know, crawl through the window because I'm giving it up to the universe. Come on, let's get real. If somebody believes and they believe that it's just luck that gets handed them. I mean, you're better off waiting for more Mo Larry or currently from the three Stooges to bring this up. No, it was when preparation meets opportunity and then you get off your butt and you do something about it. No, I absolutely do not believe it's luck. Editor: [00:07:00] I, I completely agree. So, I mean, in terms of your own business and your own success, how hard do you push yourself? James Malinchak: [00:07:10] Wow. I love this question because I grew up in a steel town and I watched my father who was the hardest working man I've ever known in my life. He, uh, he wouldn't get off a day from the mill and he would like, you know, put a fence around the yard. That's his day off. Right. Or he would get a day off and he would dig up swore pipes from the, uh, sanitation for the soar. Like he would do some work, like hard manual labor. And I used to believe that hard work is what it takes and. So it wasn't until I got out on my own and started being a, an artist and thinking things through that, I realized something, um, it's not about working harder. It's about working and most people say smarter, and I said, that's absolutely correct.
Note from the editor: This is a bridged version of the full interview which is available to listen to separately.
To Listen to it Please CLICK HERE
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MWM Q & A How to Sell 50% More with One Check Box Well isn’t that nice of the cashier to ask that? Of course you would like her to do that, and you might even thank her for being so thoughtful. Congrats, you’ve just discovered how to increase the size of your orders on your website. The most difficult part of marketing is getting the sale. But once someone has committed to making the purchase, it’s relatively easy to get them to upgrade. They’ve already decided to buy. That decision is made. Purchasing more simply reconfirms their commitment to that decision. Plus, you’re giving them a great deal, so what’s not to love? Your customer has added your $99 course to the cart. You ask if they would like to add 4 weeks of email coaching for just $49 more, making the total sale $148 instead of just $99. Just to be clear, an order bump happens before someone clicks, “buy now.” It adds an additional item or upgrade to the shopping cart before the checkout is complete. In contrast, an upsell happens after someone When Should You Use Order Bumps vs Upsells? Order bumps work best when the offer is a continuation or upgrade of the current product that is about to be purchased. For example, if you’re selling software, then the order bump might be an extended license that allows the user to own it for a lifetime rather than renewing it each year. Or it could be a set of videos that help the user to install and use the software, in case this sort of thing is new to them. Or maybe it’s resell or PLR rights to the software. On the other hand, 1-click upsells are best when the offer is complementary to the original product. has completed the purchase. The upsell is usually on the thank you page, and it can be done with a single click so the customer doesn’t need to enter their credit card details again. Let’s say you sell a course on how to drive traffic using Facebook. An upsell could be another course on how to drive traffic using TikTok or Instagram.
Examples of Order Bumps When you purchase electronics, you will almost always see an order bump for a warranty plan. For example, when you purchase an iPad you’ll be offered ‘AppleCare’ for two years of tech support and accidental damage coverage.
When you purchase from Omaha Steaks, there is an order bump for Filet Mignon at a discount. The brand Thirty-One uses a slightly different approach in their order bump, placing it on every product page. The visitor has two choices – “add to cart” or “personalize’. They’re selling more by offering the personalization service to increase the value of each sale and they are also subconsciously making their buyers think of who they can send a personalized gift to. The #1 Reason Why Order Bumps are so Effective Just as your customer is about to click the buy button, they get a chance to upgrade their order to something even better. And because the order bump is personalized to exactly what the customer wants, it can make the original offer even more compelling. On top of that, most people are impulsive buyers. Presenting an offer upgrade just as they’re about to buy vastly increases the chance they will accept it. Think about what happens at a new car dealership. The customer might agonize over whether or not to make the purchase. But once they become committed to their chosen vehicle, it’s very easy for the dealership to sell all kinds of add-ons that contribute significantly to the sales price and the customer’s satisfaction. Once people make a decision, they will reaffirm to themselves that they have made the right decision. And taking the order bump is one more way they show themselves that they’re on the right path.
Or if you’re selling a course on something, the order bump might be a 20 page pdf on how to learn anything quickly.
3: Personal Assistance This works especially well if you are selling courses and programs. Your order bump could be something like email support for any questions they have, group conference calls to answer questions, or a private Facebook Group.
4: Community or Partners Again, if you are selling courses and programs, the biggest obstacle is getting your customers to take action on the product they’re purchasing. Offering them a private community they can join where they are in touch with others learning the same material can be extremely helpful. It also provides them with a way to make contacts. And something I don’t see very often but can be even more effective is assigning accountability partners. When you pair two or more people together to stay in touch with each other and keep each other accountable, the work tends to get done at a much higher rate. Why is this important? If your customers are not just buying, but also USING your programs and courses, they are much happier with their purchase and MUCH more likely to purchase more programs and courses from you in the future.
5: Expedited Shipping
The company I purchase supplements from offers expedited shipping for just an additional $2.99. It’s a great deal and I get it every time. Faster shipping can mean two things: Either it gets shipped faster, or it gets shipped by a faster delivery method, such as USPS Priority Mail instead of Ground.
10 Order Bumps to Add to Your Offers While this list is not comprehensive, it does give you an excellent starting point in figuring out what offers you can make to your customers in the form of order bumps. 1: An Additional, Different Format This one is so simple – for example, if your customer is purchasing a pdf, offer them an audio version or even a physical copy in addition to the pdf. 2: Related Accessories This should be something that enhances the function of the original product. For example, if you’re selling a course on how to approach the right people at companies in a specific niche in order to do deals, the order bump might be the contact info for 100 of these executives.
6: Auto-Delivery If you sell anything that requires repeat purchases, such as foods, supplies, or supplements, you can offer monthly delivery through an order bump. This won’t increase the size of the initial order, but it will increase the number of times something is ordered.
7: Maintenance or Support Does your product require maintenance? Upgrades? Support? Electronics and cars almost always have order bumps for extended warranties. Which of your products needs these things, too? Warranties and protection plans are similar and also a great thing to offer as order bumps.
8: Preferred Members Group You could create an insider’s circle or preferred members program that offers discounts, free shipping, exclusive deals and so forth. Amazon Prime is a good example of this. And many companies offer a 10% discount on all purchases made within a year of purchasing a preferred membership. 9: Upgrades This can mean so many different things. For example, if someone purchases a resell license, you can offer a PLR license as an upgrade. Or let’s say you offer 2 or 3 different versions of your product, software or service. If they choose one of the lesser versions, on the order page you can present them with a bump up to the next level. Odds are they were on the fence anyway, so asking them if they wouldn’t like to move up one level will often get a yes, especially if you throw in some small incentive. 10: Bulk Discounts If you’re selling tangible products, then this can work really well. Offer them 3 of the item they’re purchasing for a reduced per item unit. Or offer them the second unit for half price. In some cases this can work with digital, too. Let’s say you have a series of videos or books. Maybe it’s a series of 5 books, each building on the other but also acting as standalone products. Your customer adds one book to the cart, and on the order page you offer a special deal to get all 5 books right now. Because odds are they will be back for more anyway, so why not grab them now? Final Notes on Order Bumps The tricky part is to keep the order bump simple while still doing your best to sell it. 1: Go for a clear and concise message that covers the big benefit of getting the order bump. Use a short headline that grabs attention. Be ultra-specific in what they’re getting. Show how it is useful to the purchase they are already making. Create a sense of urgency that this is THE time to grab the offer – not later. And if applicable, show how it is unique. That’s a lot to fit into 2 to 4 sentences. You’ll have to play with this until you get it just right, then test it and adjust accordingly. 2: Try placing your order bump in a box outlined in a bright contrasting color, such as red or orange. 3: If the number is over 50%, make a note of what percentage of people take the order bump.
6: To say yes to the offer, have your customers check a box that says something like, “Yes! Upgrade My Order”. You might highlight these words and the checkbox in pale yellow to make them stand out.
7: Using a picture in the order bump box can work well, if appropriate. For example, if the order bump is for a book, use a pic of the book cover.
8: If appropriate to your order page, try placing the order bump box directly in line with the order form itself, with a button underneath that says to ship your order now. This makes it seem a very natural part of the ordering process.
9: You might start the sales copy of your order bump with something like, “One time offer, only $12.95” in red and underlined. Test everything.
10: Keep the cost of the order bump lower than the cost of the original product, usually 50-60% lower. There are exceptions, such as if you’re offering a special deal on 3 of the item instead of just the 1 they added to cart.
11: As mentioned earlier, test. Changing the look, position and ad copy of the order bump can sometimes make a tremendous difference in conversions.
One note: Some marketers are afraid that by offering an order bump they will be chasing away sales. While I’ve found this is very seldom true, it is important that you frame your order bump in such a way that it appears to be a very good deal for your customer, and also something they can easily turn down by simply ignoring it.
If you do add an order bump and sales do decline (possible but HIGHLY unlikely) it might be that you’ve made the wrong offer. Start over with a different offer and see what happens.
Bottom Line: If you’re not already testing order bumps on all of your sales, maybe it’s time you started.
Depending on the offer and the price, it’s entirely possible you could add as much as 10-50% to your bottom line simply by mastering the order bump process.
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MWM wants You to Know Gaining The Invisible Edge Some online marketers just naturally do far better than others. Why is that? They get heard, they are remembered from one week to the next, they are followed socially online and they sell stuff. A LOT of stuff. So the question is, how do they stand out from everyone else in their niche? How do they keep from looking like everyone else, and thus becoming nearly invisible like everyone else? I’ve been watching, and here are three things I’ve noticed that they all have in common and how to apply them in your own marketing. To stand out… 1: Say something no one else is saying, but then again, don’t be a contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian. What is every other marketer doing or saying? And what is the opposite of that? See if you can legitimately take a firm stand in the other direction from everyone else. Make your case with studies, data, experience and anything else you have on hand. Guaranteed you’ll get noticed. 2: Differentiate your content through your personal stories. Don’t be afraid to open up. Share everything that is relevant. Your stories are yours and yours alone. They make you who you are, and they also make you real, compelling and interesting. Use stories to illustrate your points and show the real you to earn the trust of your readers. 3: Always remember that your website, your products, your content and your message isn’t about you. I know it seems like it is, and I appear to be contradicting what I just said about being different and telling your own stories. But everything in your marketing – even your personal story – is about your customers. When creating anything, always think of your customer sitting right in front of you. This is the person you are speaking to and the entire reason for your business to even exist.
Make Money With Your Blogs
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MWM 55
15 Ordinary People Who Turned Dismal Failure Into Extreme Success Did you just lose your job?
Did your business just close?
Are you feeling like less than a success?
You’re not alone -and in fact, you’re in very good company. These folks all experienced failure before reaching their ultimate success. 1: This guy dropped out of Harvard and co-owned a failed business called Traf-o-Data. Not an auspicious start. But then Bill Gates went on to build the world’s largest software company.
2: This aspiring writer received this rejection notice: “We are not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell.” His first novel was rejected by 30 different publishers, causing him to give up and throw it in the trash. His wife retrieved it and urged him to submit it yet again. Stephen King has since published more than 50 books, all worldwide bestsellers.
3: This 9-year old student was told by teachers that he was slow in the head. Then he was expelled from school for being rebellious, and Zurich Polytechnic School refused to admit him as a student. But Albert Einstein went on to revolutionize physics and win the Nobel Prize.
4: This young performer was told by his own manager, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin’ a truck.” Fortunately, Elvis ignored the manager, believed in himself and the rest is history.
5: This young boy was told by his teachers that he was too stupid to learn anything. Then he was fired not once but twice for not being productive. But if you’ve got a light on in your room right now, you can thank Thomas Edison for not believing his critics.
6: This young man from the Bahamas was told by a casting director, “Why don’t you stop wasting people ‘s time and go out and become a dishwasher or something?” Ignoring the director, Sidney Portier went on to become the first black actor to win the Oscar for best actor.
7: This basketball player missed more than 9,000 shots, lost almost 300 games, and 26 times he was trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. Of course, we’re talking about Michael Jordan, who scored 32,292 points in the NBA.
8: This aspiring movie creator was rejected from the University of Southern California 3 times because of his poor grades in high school. But he’s directed 51 films and won three Oscars. Steven Spielberg’s wealth is estimated to be $3 billion, and he’s now a trustee and honorary degree recipient of the university that refused to take him as a student.
9: This newscaster was publicly humiliated when she was removed from her job and demoted to host of a low-rated talk show because she was, ‘too emotional for news’. She then became so famous, she only needs one name – Oprah. 10: This baseball player struck out 1330 times, more than any other player in Major League Baseball. But Babe Ruth also hit 714 home runs and even today, every baseball fan knows his name.
11: This aspiring entertainer was told he couldn’t act, couldn’t sing, was going bald and could only dance a little. Fred Astaire used those criticisms as the fire upon which he built his colossal film, singing and dancing success.
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12: This singing group was rejected for a recording contract because the label Decca Records said, “We don’t like their sound and guitar music is on the way out.” EMI signed the Beatles and they became the bestselling music group of all time. 13: This young man dropped out of Oregon’s Reed College after just one semester. Then he quit his job and backpacked around India while taking psychedelic drugs. Finally, when he started a company, he accepted a salary of just $1. Yet when Steve Jobs died in 2011, he was worth $8.3 billion.
14: This 22-year old was fired from a Missouri newspaper for “not being creative enough.” His venture called Laugh-o-Gram Studios went bankrupt. But Walt Disney went on to be nominated for 59 Academy Awards, winning 32 of them. He still holds the record for the most Oscars won by an individual.
15: This person hit hard times during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. But they persevered and went on to unparalleled success in the months and years that followed. I am, or course, referring to you, and you get to write the rest of your own story, starting right now.
A Big Money Maker You’re Completely Missing There’s a marketer I know who launches a new funnel with a new product every 3 months or so. He pays 100% commission on the front end as well as 100% commission on all of the upsells, too. AND he runs an affiliate contest that pays thousands of dollars. This brings in a LOT of affiliates who promote the new product hard and it builds him a brand new list of buyers. How does he make his money? First, he promotes the funnel to his own list. I suspect the commission he earns from this is probably enough to cover the contest prizes. But his real income happens after the launch is over. The day after the one-week promotion ends, he starts a brand new promotion to his brand new list of buyers. This new promotion also runs for a week, and it promotes a much more expensive affiliate product that is an awesome match for the product that buyers purchased the previous week. For example, if last week’s product was how to make money on YouTube, the much more expensive product might be an entire course on how to create awesome videos that get millions of views. This much more expensive product pays out exquisitely large commissions, earning him a substantial profit. I don’t know his exact numbers, but when the second week ends I’m guessing he’s cleared a bare minimum of $20,000 in profit and much more likely 2 to 5 times this much. He reverse engineers his process, choosing his high ticket affiliate product FIRST, and then creating his own product that is an excellent compliment to the high ticket item. Then he fills in the rest of his funnel with products that do not compete with the high ticket item he’ll be promoting the following week. This might be too much work and investment for you right now, but if you have a list then I highly encourage you to find at least one high ticket item to promote to your list as soon as possible. Create an email series that you send out every day for 7 days promoting this high ticket item and see what happens.
MWM New Product
It is called it KetoPower Boost… …an extremely potent, highly effective and completely 100% all-natural Keto fat burner that catapults your body’s metabolism into ketosis…
YouTube Ads Made Easy!
Still burning your midnight lamps to get targeted traffic to your offer? Would you be surprised to know that YouTube Ads are the magic stick to tap into a goldmine of targeted traffic and increase profits without making a hole in your pocket?
Now, let me prove that advertising on YouTube is the ULTIMATE need of the hour...
Training Guide
See you next month!
This is an all-in-one guide to generate massive traffic and conversions with YouTube ads that you’ve ever seen before.
It will take you by the hand and show you how to generate as much targeted traffic as you could ever want with YouTube advertising.