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but addressed to me. Then the Author opened my eyes, my mind understood the when’s and whys. With burning guilt, I gazed at the red ink flowing from His side horrifically. I realised my letter was Godliness from calvary. The post stamp on the letter was forgiveness, the post was Bethlehem. The recipient was me. It all started there for me. The Postman pointed to my gold edged letter, it had my name inscribed in blood. Pages woven by many Angels, countless secrets written in blood

to reveal and to forgive in its mercy flood. A letter of many chapters and Godly wisdom. A finger of fire wrote the ten Commandments. They blaze throughout the letter. The Father promised to all, this letter Behold, I held the letter to my heart. The letter was the Blood-man. The letter was the sacrificial Lam. The letter became the Word and Christ became the Word. I read the letter, but it read me. Bethlehem’s letter returned to Heaven, via the victory at Calvary. A precious copy was left for me in the beauty of its holiness seven times seven,

MJJ van Rensburg 2021

27 December


159 Nongqai Vol 13 No 2

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