A Special Sort of Terrifying
Hazel Milla I know you’re trying to communicate something when you say your red shirt hurts on the radiator, but I’m sorry, I’m still struggling to interpret that one and a host of other ’isms that only you could come up with and the scattered words of the semi-vocal and the gestures of those who don’t speak with their mouths. I’m trying to interpret all I’ve learned like how ableist slurs shouldn’t feel as familiar on my ears as they do, like how seeing someone who’s terminally ill and seeing someone who’s actively dying are vastly different experiences and the latter is a special sort of terrifying and people close to the end who are on morphine might scratch themselves bloody and aren’t very aware of their surroundings but stay close anyway because no one should die alone.
-Hazel Milla is a senior from Chapel Hill, NC, pursuing a major in Neuroscience and a minor in Creative Writing.-