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Best ofCINEMA 4D Gallery
from PDFJuneIssue2005f
by Hiba Dweib
Best ofCINEMA 4D
Some ofthe best artists around the world using CINEMA4D
Image: Wonders of Nature Artist: Stefan Butterling Country: Germany Website: http://home.arcor.de/stefanbutterling/ Date created: 5-21-05 Software:CINEMA4D 9.1 + Photoshop for some postwork Artist Comments: When I think about nature, I have something like this in my mind.
Image: Kugelhalle Artist: Georg 'sad' Niedermeier Country: Germany Website: http://www.sadbatu.de Date created: January 2003 Software:CINEMA4D R8.5 + Painter 5 Artist Comments: There is no particular message in the picture. The textures on the walls and floor are plain colors. Structure and texture are created automatically while rendering process. It´s a balance of radiosity settings good enough not to look cheap and bad enough to produce the interesting texture.
Image: Aspidium Artist: Axel Ritter Country: Germany Date created: May 2005 Software:CINEMA4D XL9.1 Artist Comments: Modeling with the CINEMATools / Subsurface Scattering (CINEMAShader ) Photoshop used for some Postwork .
Image: Bella Italia Artist: Nikolaus Vuckovic Country: Austria Website: www.immortal-arts.com Date created: May 2004 Software:CINEMA4D, Photoshop Artist Comments: I hope you like my pictures :)
Image: Seious Black Artist: Thomas Pasieka Country: UAS Website: www.3dattack.net Date created: 05-22-05 Software:CINEMA4D R9, Sketch&Toon Plugins: FinalTouch, PathDeformer Artist Comments:
This picture is one of a series that I’m going to create. I’m not sure if this will include characters yet but we will see what Ican come up with. Itried to create something that is different from what you usually see.
Image: Rela Glass Artist: Maurice "MUCK-ONE" Jochem Country: Hamburg-Germany Website: www.muckone.com Date created: 4-23-05 Software:CINEMA4D 9.1 Artist Comments: “In the beginning it was only a Test Scene I created, which grew into a nice looking image.”