江豚的微笑 (作者︰洪家耀) The Smile of the Finless Porpoise (Author: Samuel Hung)

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江豚在香港的歷史 Their history in HK 香港人大多都不知道江豚的存在,這相信跟江豚怕 人的性格有關,因而令人難以觀察牠們。事實上, 雖然漁農自然護理署(漁護署)在過去多年搜集了不 少江豚的擱淺資料,但直至過去十多年間我們才開 始慢慢認識牠們,而這些知識主要來自在1998年漁 護署資助、針對江豚種群生物學的深入研究。這項 長期監察江豚的研究仍在進行中,這本小書所介紹 的江豚資料正正是這些研究的珍貴成果。 Most people in Hong Kong are not aware of the existence of local finless porpoises. This general lack of awareness is mainly due to the porpoises’ cryptic behaviour at sea, which makes them extremely challenging to observe from a boat. In fact, there have been many records of stranded porpoises since the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) started to collate information on cetacean stranding events, but our understanding about them has been poor until fairly recently. In 1998, AFCD funded a comprehensive research study to investigate various aspects of population biology of finless porpoises in Hong Kong. As a result, our knowledge about the local porpoises has grown significantly in the past decade. The research on this mysterious sea creature in our waters is still on-going and what you are about to learn here are the fruitful results of this long-term study.

香港政府部門漁農自然護理署在多年來搜集江豚擱淺的資料 The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong SAR Government has collected information from stranded finless porpoises for many years

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