紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2022優勝者演出暨頒獎禮Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022 Winners' Performance cum Award Ceremony

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主辦 Presented by 製作 Produced by 大賽2022 BAUHINIA CUP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS舞蹈 贊助人 Patron 鳴謝 Acknowledgements 資助 Supported by 合作夥伴 Collaborating Partner 現金券贊助 Cash Coupon Sponsor 區永熙先生 SBS, JP Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP 優勝者演出暨頒獎禮 Winners’ Performance cum Award Ceremony 1-2.10.2022 (六、日Sat-Sun) 7:30pm 沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall

1.10.2022 (六 Sat) 7:30pm

小紫荊盃 - 爵士舞 (群舞) 銅獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup - Modern Jazz (Group) Bronze Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 時尚女郎 Vogue Girls

團體名稱 Dance Group: ZECA Dance Crew

編舞 Choreographer: 張怡 ZHANG, Elaine 舞蹈簡介:

前衛、時尚,是我們的代名詞!踏著自信的腳步,踩著酷炫的音樂節奏,讓我們帶你享受一次不同 凡響的舞台表演。和我們一起瘋狂起舞吧!

Dance Description:

Upbeat, and fashionable, we don’t follow trends. We set them with our confidence and teamwork. Let’s show them how it’s done, girls!


徐樂宜 SUI Lok-yee, Jasmine

曹汶慧 CHO Man-wai

曾楚喬 TSANG, Chor-kiu

張日然 CHEUNG Yat-yin, Jeannie

姚僖霖 YIU Hei-lam

高芷澄 KO Tsz-ching

周綽珩 CHOW Cheuk-hang, Valerie

小紫荊盃少年組 - 芭蕾舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Teenagers - Ballet (Solo, Duo, Trio)

Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Flower Fairy

團體名稱 Dance Group: 青躍體藝中心 - 陳采楹

Teens Sport And Art Centre - CHAN Tsoi-Ying, Chloe

編舞 Choreographer: 梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

Dance Description:

As spring arrives, flowers start to bloom. Leaves and petals float in the air with the spring breeze freely and elegantly.


陳采楹 CHAN Tsoi-Ying, Chloe

小紫荊盃少年組 - 芭蕾舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Teenagers - Ballet (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 優雅的薔薇 The Ethereal Rose

團體名稱 Dance Group: 招慧心 CHIU, Ashley


Dance Description:

The flower buds in the garden are swaying in the wind, and an ethereal and elegant rose gradually grows in the sun. She quietly releases her fragrance, which well matches the peaceful scenery of nature.

CHIU, Ashley

節目 Programme
Choreographer: 吳雪梅 NG, Violet 舞蹈簡介: 園中的花蕾處處,隨風擺動,一朵飄渺優雅的玫瑰,曬日中漸漸成長。她悄悄地綻放芬芳,恰好配 上了林中大自然靜謐的風景。
演員名單Dancer(s): 招慧心

Junior Bauhinia Cup - Chinese Dance (Group) Bronze Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 四季 Four Seasons

團體名稱 Dance Group: 春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop

Choreographer: 陳紀賢CHAN, Grace

Dance Description:

In Spring, the flowers bloom, and grasses are green. The warm spring passes, and hot summer comes. Trees are tall and full of leaves; everything is full of vitality. The Autumn breeze blows, and flowers wither. Winter snows, and the nature goes back to sleep. Life is like the seasons, always changing and unpredictable.

張喬雅 CHEUNG Kiu-nga 鄧唯 TANG Wei

黃思熒 WONG Sze-ying 廖文樂 LIU, Isaac 陳雅滺 CHAN Nga-yau, Anya 胡己萱 WU Kei-huen, Yoanna 黃寶琪 HUANG Bonnie

王采彥 WANG Tsoi-yin, Amy 謝康喬 TSE Hong-kiu 蕭愷瑩 SIU Hoi-ying 談敏晴 TAM Man-ching 邱穎浵 YAU Wing-tung 譚晞兒 TAM Hei-yi 陳康晴 CHAN Hong-ching 李宛怡 LI Yuen-yi 謝穎 TSE Wing 談敏蔚 TAM Man-wai 陳雅雯 CHAN Nga-man 許霈琳 HUI Pui-lam 馮梓熒 FUNG Tsz-yong 李瑋殷 LI Wai-yan 區樂兒 AU Lok-yee 梁傲雪 LEUNG Ngo-suet, Ashley 李晞兒 LI Xier


小紫荊盃 - 中國舞(群舞) 銅獎
舞蹈簡介: 春暖花開,綠草如茵,夏樹蒼翠,枝葉茂密,萬物充滿生機;秋暮涼風,黃花孤落,冬雪霏霏,松柏傲 寒,大地昏昏沉睡;四季更迭,人生如是。
紫荊盃 - 爵士舞 (單項) 銀獎、最佳表演獎 Bauhinia Cup - Modern Jazz (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award, Best Performance Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: ~念Sometimes I Wonder 團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 - 王偉權 Hibiscus Dance - WONG Wai-kuen 編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey 舞蹈簡介: 念念不忘,必有迴響。只要心存信念,終有被回應的一天,哪怕暫時無果,日後也必當有所收穫。 Dance Description: Sometimes I wonder, if your wandering thoughts wonder about me. 演員名單Dancer(s): 王偉權 WONG

- 爵士舞 (單項) 金獎

Bauhinia Cup - Modern Jazz (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Blood on the Dance Floor

團體名稱 Dance Group: 憙舞臺 Danza A’more Stage

編舞 Choreographer: 鄧駿銘 TANG, Zero 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description: Wanted to bring more stage performance into the environment. 演員名單Dancer(s):

李芷霖 LEE Tsz-lam

小紫荊盃兒童組 – 中國舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 晨曦 At Dawn

團體名稱 Dance Group: 許樂瑩 HUI Lok-ying

編舞 Choreographer: 陳紀賢CHAN, Grace 舞蹈簡介:

晨羲載曜,萬物鹹覩。。。旭日初昇、霧氣迷濛,透氣空曠,神清氣朗,既是江水之浩淼,也有天穹之 高遠;傣家姑娘的美態頓成為山水間的點綴。

Dance Description:

At dawn, the sun brings light to the earth. Everything on the earth comes into view. The rising sun, hazy mist, pure air and boundless view, a spirit of freshness, the vastness of the river as well as the grandness of the sky are embellished with the graceful carriage of the Dai girls.


許樂瑩 HUI Lok-ying 小紫荊盃兒童組 – 中國舞 (單項) 銀獎


scholars study hard in the summer night, so diligently but without candles; when they encounter fireflies, they practise holding fireflies in their pockets and use the light of the fireflies

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 螢火光光 Firefly Light 團體名稱 Dance Group: 佛教林炳炎紀念學校 Buddhist Lam
Yim Memorial School 編舞 Choreographers: 卜白鸝、洪柏詩 BU Bai-li, HUNG Pak-sze 舞蹈簡介: 窮書生夏夜裏刻苦夜讀,勤學而無燭,遇上螢火蟲,便練囊盛螢,借螢火蟲的微光來讀書。 Dance Description: Poor
to read. 演員名單Dancer(s): 郭苑晴 KWOK Yuen-ching 張梓晴 ZHANG Tsz-ching 李心悅 LI Sum-yuet 3

– 芭蕾舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers – Ballet (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 小海盜記 Journey of a Little Pirate

團體名稱 Dance Group: 青躍體藝中心 - 梁遠星

Teens Sport And Art Centre - LEUNG, Neptunus

編舞 Choreographer: 梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti 舞蹈簡介:

海盜給人的印象是凶巴巴的、會搶掠的。大家有沒有想像過,迷你小海盜的生活又是怎樣的呢?勇 敢的、貪玩的、愛尋寶的…一起去他的旅程!

Dance Description:

Pirates give the impression that they are fierce and will plunder. Have you ever imagined what the life of mini pirates is like? Brave, playful, seeking.... Let’s join his journey! 演員名單Dancer(s):

梁遠星 LEUNG, Neptunus

紫荊盃 - 中國舞 (群舞) 銀獎

Bauhinia Cup - Chinese Dance (Group) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 劍‧行 Sword

團體名稱 Dance Group: 儂情舞集 Forever Dance Troupe

編舞 Choreographer: 蘇潔明 SO Kit-ming


有說劍是君子的品位,有說劍是殺手的武器,不管什麼年代、什麼人、怎麼說,都無礙我們對劍的 傾慕與好奇。

Dance Description:

It is said that the sword is the grade of a gentleman. It is said that the sword is the weapon of the killer. No matter what era, who it is, and what is said, none of this hinders our admi ration and curiosity about the sword.


梁可怡 LEUNG Ho-yee 蘇潔明 SO Kit-ming 黎雅詩 LAI Nga-sze, Christine 方愛琳 FONG Oi-lam 容汶鑫 YUNG Man-yam, Audrey 羅雅麗 LAW Nga-lai 陳麗嬋 CHAN Lai-sim 周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan 鄭麗芬 CHENG Lai-fun, Terry 魏玉欣 NGAI Yuk-yan 莊澤芸 CHONG Chak-wan 袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk


- 芭蕾舞 (群舞) 銀獎

Bauhinia Cup – Ballet (Group) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Pineapple Poll

團體名稱 Dance Group: Entree Space

編舞 Choreographer: 林婉嫻 LAM, Yvonne 舞蹈簡介:

剛上岸的船長與帶著鮮花的Pineapple Poll及所有漂亮的女孩一起快樂地跳舞。歡樂氣氛滿佈全 個廣場,就好似嘉年華會一樣。

Dance Description:

The Captain who just got ashore is dancing happily with the Pineapple Poll with flowers and all the beautiful girls. The whole square is filled with a joyous atmosphere, just like a carnival.


敖溢希 NGO Yat-hei

梁芷榕 LEUNG Tsz-yung

王逸詩 WONG Yat-sze

蔡灝欣 CHOI Ho-yan, Sherry 呂恩桐 LUI Yan-tung

謝菁嵐 TSE Zhena

董敏樂 TUNG Man-lok

黎樂晞 LAI Lok-hei, Constance 陳栢希 CHAN Pak-hei

簡卓琳 KAN Cheuk-lam

小紫荊盃兒童組 – 公開舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children – Open (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 明天...您好嗎? Bonjour Demain! 團體名稱 Dance Group: 郭凱茵、郭凱晴 KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa, KWOK Hoi-ching, Adela 編舞 Choreographer: 林昭蓉 LIN Chao-jung 舞蹈簡介:

明天是未知的挑戰。即使荊棘滿途,但最美麗的風景將在那遼闊的遠方守候。只要我們相互陪伴, 定能戰勝一切,用勇敢自信跟隨夢想飛越明天⋯⋯

Dance Description:

Tomorrow is an unknown challenge.The most beautiful scenery will be waiting in the vast distance even the path is beset with thorns. As long as we accompany each other, we will be able to overcome everything. Following our dreams with courage and confidence, we will fly over tomorrow ⋯


郭凱茵 KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa 郭凱晴 KWOK Hoi-ching, Adela


– 公開舞 (單項) 金獎

Bauhinia Cup – Open (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Reflection of Heart 團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 - 王偉權 Hibiscus Dance - WONG Wai-kuen

編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

Quiet your mind. Enter into the communication with my heart .


王偉權 WONG Wai-kuen

小紫荊盃 - 爵士舞 (群舞) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup - Modern Jazz (Group) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Grease Lightening

團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Dance

編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey

Dance Description:

Are you ready to rock with us! Come on, you will love it!


林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying 王譽澄 WONG Yu-ching 鄭巧澄 CHENG Hau-ching 李茜程 Perreux Celeste Charlotte Crystal 李樂程 Perreux Calypso Cassiopee Crystal 駱晞藍 LOCK Hei-nam 黃曉瑩 WONG Hiu-ying 劉琛兒 LIU, Chloe 甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce 陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna 陳芷君 CHAN Tsz-kwan 張子慧 CHEUNG Tsz-wai, Kara 蘇巧賢 SO Hau-yin 黃紫穎 WONG Tsz-wing 葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching 譚晴 TAM Ching


Junior Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Group) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 鹿·災 Deersaster

團體名稱 Dance Group: 韵情舞坊 Kidance

編舞 Choreographers: 方愛琳、周子恩、袁穎玉

FONG Oi-lam, CHOW Tsz-yan, YUEN Wing-yuk 舞蹈簡介:

樹林裡小鹿天真可愛,常一起玩耍,可惜因氣候暖化,林木不時發生火災,小鹿在火場中掙扎求 存,幸大雨過後終於逃離火海。

Dance Description:

Adorable deers used to have fun together in the woods, but devastating fire caused by global warming changed everything. Deers struggled to survive in the blazing wood, and fortunately fled from the wildfire at last after heavy rain. 演員名單Dancer(s):

吳淑清 Ng Shuk-ching 劉芯萍 LAU Sum-ping, Angelina 廖子蕎 LIU, Ammi 林穎姿 LIN Ying-zi, Gigi 陸芷悠 LUK Tsz-yau 吳紫盈 NG Tsz-ying 任愷澄 YAM Hoi-ching 王子心 WANG Zixin 蔡子琪 TSOI Tsz-ki 莊琬琦 CHONG, Robin 賴映旻 LAI Ying-man 鄺穎桐 KWONG Wing-tung 吳若妃 NG, Yvette 温芷裳 WAN Tsz-sheung 張慧芳 ZHANG Wai-fong 洪潁彤 HUNG Wing-tung 蔡依君 TSOI Yee-kwan 陳紀旻 CHAN Kei-man, Kate 施莜薇 SZE You-mei, Givoanna 黃樂宜 WONG Lok-yi, Joyce 盧璦昕 LO Oi-yan 王暟彤 WONG Hoi-tung

小紫荊盃 - 中國舞 (群舞) 金獎、最佳表演獎
中場休息 Intermission 特邀演出團體 Guest Performers 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 樓台會(《梁祝》選段)Lou Tai Hui (Excerpts from LiangZhu) 團體名稱 Dance Group: 北京舞蹈學院 Beijing Dance Academy 編舞 Choreographer: 李恆達 LI Hengda 舞蹈簡介: 《梁祝》於2018年北京首演,由李恆達作總導演。《樓台會》為舞劇的選段,由兩位於北京舞蹈學院 畢業的青年舞蹈家竇率方及王帥演繹,舞蹈以意境化的方式、現代化的手法和簡約的舞臺視覺呈 現,展現中國古典舞蹈魅力和東方文學藝術的獨特意蘊。作品亦曾多次於海外巡演,屢獲殊榮,包 括:第十五屆北京舞蹈大賽舞劇、舞蹈詩評獎暨北京舞蹈學院舞蹈藝術“學院獎”等等,深獲好評。 7

Junior Bauhinia Cup – Open (Group) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 這是一場遊戲 It’s a Game

團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Dance

編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description: Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. 演員名單Dancer(s):

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

王譽澄 WONG Yu-ching

鄭巧澄 CHENG Hau-ching

李茜程 Perreux Celeste Charlotte Crystal

李樂程 Perreux Calypso Cassiopee Crystal

駱晞藍 LOCK Hei-nam 黃曉瑩 WONG Hiu-ying 劉琛兒 LIU, Chloe

甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

陳芷君 CHAN Tsz-kwan

張子慧 CHEUNG Tsz-wai, Kara

蘇巧賢 SO Hau-yin 黃紫穎 WONG Tsz-wing 葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching 譚晴 TAM, Ching

紫荊盃 – 中國舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 韶華白首 In an Instant 團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 - 王偉權 Hibiscus Dance - WONG Wai-kuen 編舞 Choreographer: 何皓斐 HO Ho-fei 舞蹈簡介: 韶華白首,不過轉瞬。勿忘初心,方得始終。

Dance Description: Life is short and time is like an arrow. The very beginning mind itself is the most accom plished mind of true enlightenment.


王偉權 WONG Wai-kuen

小紫荊盃 – 公開舞 (群舞) 金獎、最佳表演獎

– 中國舞 (單項) 銀獎

Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 追憶 Nostalgia

團體名稱 Dance Group: 鄧思寧 TANG Celine, Laurelle

編舞 Choreographesr: 黃聞捷、李涵 HUANG Wenjie, LI Han 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

Sentimentality and unforgettable memories are vividly recognized as exquisite historic narration, nevertheless reminiscences are seldom cherished by and large.


鄧思寧 TANG Celine, Laurelle

小紫荊盃兒童組 – 公開舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children – Open (Solo, Duo, Trio)

Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: I Love You Mommy!

團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈圑 - 黃以斐 Hibiscus Dance - WONG Yee-fei

編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey

Dance Description:

Thank you for all your love and support. I’m a lucky kid to have someone like you as my mother.


黃以斐 WONG Yee-fei

小紫荊盃兒童組 – 爵士舞 (單項) 金獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children – Modern Jazz (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: So you wanna dance?

團體名稱 Dance Group: Dreamworld - 蔡知恩 CHOI Venice Chi-yan

編舞 Choreographer: 張曉嵐 CHEUNG, Jessica

Dance Description:

So you wanna dance with me?


蔡知恩 CHOI Venice Chi-yan

小紫荊盃 – 公開舞 (群舞) 銅獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup - Open (Group) Bronze Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: My Type

團體名稱 Dance Group: Quarter

編舞 Choreographer: 莫卓妍 MOK, Sa


QuaRTer ~ 4位女孩組成的女團,將會帶給大家POWER!!

Dance Description:

QuaRTer ~ A group composed of 4 girls will bring you POWER!!


林希 LAM Hei

林妃 LAM Faye

黃凱梨 WONG Hoi-lei, Kimberly

黃琛媃 WONG Sum-yau, Scarlett


Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Group) Merit Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 瑪朗 Blessing

團體名稱 Dance Group: 韵情舞坊 Kidance

編舞 Choreographers: 黃靖殷、周子恩 WONG Ching-yan, Connie, CHOW Tsz-yan 舞蹈簡介:

天災、人禍、總總的一切我們都不能控制,卻能夠把握現在,走好腳下的每一步。願大家一切安好, 扎西德勒。

Dance Description:

Tashi Dele. Disasters are unpredictable. We cannot foresee the future but to grasp the present and take every step at our feet though. Carpe diem!


周曉思 Biagtan Jane Khara B. 陳思睿 CHAN Sze-yui, Michelle 莊澤芸 CHONG Chak-wan 莊菀琛 CHONG Yuen-sum 周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan 徐浠林 CHUI Hei-lam 何詠詩 HO Wing-sze

黃樂宜 HUANG Lok-yi 關敏琪 KWAN Man-ki, Megan 梁可怡 LEUNG Ho-yee 雷洱月 LUI Yi-yuet

黃靖殷 WONG Ching-yan 余珮怡 YU Pui-yee, Priscilla 袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk 容汶鑫 YUNG Man-yam, Audrey

紫荊盃 – 中國舞(群舞) 優異獎、最佳表演獎


Bauhinia Cup - Open (Group) Silver

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 昶 The Light of Hope

團體名稱 Dance Group: 保良局董玉娣中學 PLK Tang Yuk Tien College

編舞 Choreographer: 林昭蓉 LIN Chao-jung


天命之年我們仍砥礪前行,在逆境中尋找心靈一隅平靜,以匠人的堅定之心撒下那被殘存的種 子。它從石縫間萌芽,奮力向上,揉捏生之意志,孕育出蓓蕾初綻的晨曦迎向光明。

Dance Description:

When we stride forward during turbulent times, we try to find a piece of peace in our souls amongst all the adversities. We sow the remaining seed, with the determination of a car penter, in the hope that it will sprout from the cracks, strive to grow tall.


陸曉悅 Luk Hiu-yuet, Edna 黎伊桐 LAI Yi-tung

李莃晴 LEE Hei-ching, Hayley 潘曉彤 POON Hiu-tung

曾蔚姍 TSANG Wai-shan, Teresa 張早藍 CHEUNG Cho-lam 黃耀均 WONG Yiu-kwan

陳嬈 CHAN Yiu

孔懿雅 HUNG Yee-nga, Elvia 陳敏澄 CHAN Man-ching 王偉權 WONG Wai-kuen 潘伽瑩 PUN Ka-ying 欒子瑄 LUEN Tsz-huen, Jessie 梁鎮武 LEUNG Chun-mo 何瑞晴 HO Sui-ching 王穎浠 WONG Wing-hey

紫荊盃 – 公開舞

芭蕾舞 (群舞) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup - Ballet (Group) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 仲夏圓舞曲 Garden Waltz

團體名稱 Dance Group: 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet

編舞 Choreographer: 曾沛瑜 TSANG Pui-yu 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

A piece of classical waltz ballet in celebration of the summer. 演員名單Dancer(s):

張芷柔 CHEUNG Tsz-yau, Raziya

許詠瑜 HUI Wing-yu

楊斯晴 YEUNG Sze-ching

呂凱琳 LUI Hoi-lam

林穎澄 LAM Wing-ching

洪芷晴 HUNG Tsz-ching

卓瑤 CHEUK Agatha

李佩樺 LI Pui-wa

陳楚蕎 CHAN Chor-kiu

張倬瑜 CHANG Cheuk-yu

李悠 LYANNE Yau-li

黃梓瑩 WONG Tsz-ying

陳思霖 CHAN Sze-lam

譚敏芊 TAM Man-chin

廖梓瑜 LIU Tsz-yu, Yuli

何雅妍 HO Nga-yin

黃雅柔 WONG Nga-yau

余旻蒑 YU Man-yan

李綺宸 LEE Yee-sen

凌菱 LING Ling

鄺希如 KWONG Hei-yu

Award Ceremony

小紫荊盃 –


2.10.2022 (日Sun) 7:30pm

(群舞) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup - Ballet (Group) Gold Award, Best Performance Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 花節 Fête des Fleurs

團體名稱 Dance Group: 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet

編舞 Choreographer: 吳雪梅 NG, Violet 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

A glimpse of the beauty of nature, full of life. Blooms in spring and bears fruit in autumn. The flowers are full of smiles. They herald the coming of our good life.


張芷瑩 CHEUNG Tsz-ying, Kasey

盧芷穎 LO Tsz-wing, Ashley 范濼詩 FLATT, Chloe Amelia 蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui 李穎喬 LEE Wing-kiu, Kristy 周殷悅 CHOW Yan-yuet 陳哲雅 CHAN Chit-nga, Hayley 馮寶瑩 FUNG Po-ying 黃日晴 WONG Charis

鄭梓澄 CHENG Tsz-ching 曾巧潼 TSANG Hau-tung, Valerie 何卓鳹 HO Cheuk-ling, Chloe 盧芷叡 LO Tsz-yui, Alisha

陳哲韻 CHAN Chit-won, Hannah 陳湛圓 HAN Cham-yuen, Clione 招慧心 CHIU, Ashley 黎樂炘 LAI, Clarice 胡叡希 WU Yui-hei, Belle 陳禧誼 CHAN Hay-yee, Haylie 王綽潁 WONG Cheuk-wing, Alice 鄭恩樂 CHENG Yan-lok, Bernice 李思智 LI Si-zhi, Nicole 小紫荊盃少年組


ZHANG, Elaine

(Solo, Duo,


Dance Description: She has inexplicable attraction, strong resilience and blooming beauty, touching you deeply like vines straggling over the fences.


姚僖霖 YIU Hei-lam

節目 Programme
– 芭蕾舞
- 爵士舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎
Bauhinia Cup Teenagers - Modern Jazz
Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 盛開的薔薇 Bring It On 團體名稱 Dance Group: ZECA Dance Crew 編舞 Choreographer: 張怡
舞蹈簡介: 她有著一種莫名的吸引力,及其堅強的韌性和小花朵朵盛開時的美豔,像一種蔓藤爬籬笆般觸及


Junior Bauhinia Cup Children - Modern Jazz (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Conga

團體名稱 Dance Group: SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院- 梁樂心、張恩悅、郭凱茵

SDM Jazz and Ballet Academie - LEUNG Lok-sum, CHEUNG Yan-yuet, KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa

編舞 Choreographer: 陳善蘅 CHAN Sin-hang

Dance Description:

The three dancers shake their bodies when they hear the music, expressing their passion for dance with body language, and at the same time leading everyone into the world of dance mania.


梁樂心 LEUNG Lok-sum

張恩悅 CHEUNG Yan-yuet

郭凱茵 KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa

紫荊盃- 芭蕾舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Bauhinia Cup - Ballet (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 爭執 Dispute

團體名稱 Dance Group: Gravity Ballet 成人芭蕾舞學校

編舞 Choreographer: 俞孟君 YU Meng-chun


兩人爭執的分合,和諧又或衝突。人與人之間的矛盾關係,要怎樣才能得到平和?又或只是一方的 勝利?

Dance Description:

The on-off situation between 2 peoples dispute in either harmony or dissonance. Explor ing how contradictory relationship between people can be moderated, or is there only victory for one side?


黃顗蓁 Wong, Ivana 林靖淳 LAM Ching-shun

紫荊盃- 芭蕾舞 (單項) 銀獎



LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

Dance Description:

The coldness in winter is regarded as a state of stillness and dormancy, whereas breeding the momentum of reviving growth. When winter passes, spring germinates vitality and everything grows.


梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

小紫荊盃兒童組 - 爵士舞
Cup -
(Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Awakening Season 團體名稱 Dance Group: 梁穎姍
編舞 Choreographer: 梁穎姍
舞蹈簡介: 冬天的寒冷,萬物處於沉寂,同時,也在孕育著即將復甦生長的勢態;冬去春來,春天萌發勃勃生 機,萬物生長。

中國舞 (群舞) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Group) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 愉快的一天 A Joyful Day

團體名稱 Dance Group: 碧華舞蹈團 Alan and Becky Dance Group

編舞 Choreographer: 劉碧琪 LAU Pik-ki



Dance Description: Cheering under the breezy blue sky, the girls and a flock of sheep spend a day of joy together!


杜恩琳 TAO Yan-lam

陳頴怡 CHAN Wing-yee 陳思悅 CHAN Sze-yuet, Megan

陳婉姍 CHAN Yuen-shan

黃靖桓 Wong, Hazel

劉曉柔 LAU Hiu-yau

李慕君 LEE Mo-kwan

司徒巧晴 SZETO Hau-ching, Hazel

李倩兒 LEE Sin-yi

梁笑晴 LEUNG Siu-ching

郭樂然 GUO Le-ran

郭樂揚 GUO Le-yang

李星澤 LI Sing-chak

黃紫珉 WONG Tsz-man

湯芷瑜 TONG Tsz-yu 林詩諾 LAM Sze-lok

黎芷如 LAI Tsz-yu

張貝盈 CHEUNG Pui-ying 張紫蒑 CHEUNG Tsz-yan

小紫荊盃幼童組 – 公開舞 (單項)

小紫荊盃 –
銀獎 Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers - Open (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 最好的禮物 The Best Gift 團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 - 黃晞純 Hibiscus Dance - WONG Hei-Shun 編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey 舞蹈簡介: 重要的不是我們分享多少,而是我們在分享之中,放進了多少愛。 Dance Description: It isn’t how much we give, but how much LOVE we put into giving. 演員名單Dancer(s): 黃晞純 WONG Hei-Shun 15

– 公開舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers - Open (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: Shooting Stars

團體名稱 Dance Group: WOW FACTOR - 蔡雙如 CHOI Sheung-Yu 編舞 Choreographer: 毛嘉琪 MO Ka-ki 舞蹈簡介:

小女孩於睡夢中驚醒看見流星,半夢半醒之際發現自己身處雲端,輕盈地起舞,一片玩耍過後,又 回歸睡夢當中。

Dance Description:

The Little Girl woke up and saw meteors. She found that she was dancing lightly on the clouds. After dancing, she fell back to her sleep.


蔡雙如 CHOI Sheung-Yu

小紫荊盃少年組 – 中國舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Teenagers – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio)

Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 一雙 A Pair

團體名稱 Dance Group: 廖文樂 LIU, Isaac 編舞 Choreographer: 李涵 LI Han 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

Putting on a pair of shoes, dancers are having fun. A pair of cloth shoes manifests the love between a father and a son.


廖文樂 LIU, Isaac

小紫荊盃少年組 – 中國舞(單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Teenagers – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 月夜竹下 Beauty of the Night

團體名稱 Dance Group: 鄧唯 TANG Wei 編舞 Choreographer: 黃聞捷 HUANG Wenjie 舞蹈簡介

明月初上,倒映水中;風起,竹葉沙沙,仿佛置身夜的空靈。你,像月亮般潔淨,在我的心中漫舞,奔 向那皎潔的明月。

Dance Description:

The moon arises and reflects in the water; the wind rises and the bamboo leaves rustle. As if in the ethereal spirit of the night. you, as clean as the moon, dances in my heart and runs to the bright moon.


鄧唯 TANG Wei


Becky Dance Group



Dance Description:

We make the first step to create our paths from the day we leave the cradle. Living in good times and bad, the everyday ups and downs are nothing but we face. In the moments of confusion, fear and frustration, we are yet grateful for our predecessors’hard work. Could we follow suit and lead the way?


陳樂靖 CHAN Lok-ching 陳芷婷 CHAN Tsz-ting 杜天晴 TO Tin-ching 吳晶華 NG Ching-wa

吳美娟 NG Mei-kuen, Kathy 方晴 FONG Ching

潘靜鎔 PUN Ching-yung

李星澤 LI Sing-chak

陳穎琪 CHAN Wing-ki

余卓熹 YU Cheuk-hei

丘怡揚 YAU Yi-yeung

方心愉 FONG Sum-yu 趙爾納 CHIU Yi-nap

張焯瑤 CHEUNG Cheuk-yiu 湯巧彤 TONG Hau-tung 盧心瑜 LO Sum-yu

余柏儀 YU Pak-yee

呂依蕎 LUI Yee-kiu

黎芷如 LAI Tsz-yu

紫荊盃 - 公開舞 (群舞) 銅獎 Bauhinia Cup - Open (Group) Bronze Award 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 領路人 Pioneer 團體名稱 Dance Group: 碧華舞蹈團 Alan and
編舞 Choreographer: 劉碧琪 LAU Pik-ki 舞蹈簡介:
高有低,時而崎嶇,時而平坦;正因為這些令到我們產生疑惑,恐懼和焦慮;我們感恩前人的付出 和犧牲引領我們前行。現代社會事情千變萬化,在這個高速發展的巨浪中,我們又是否能成為新

Bauhinia Cup - Open (Group) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 從今·以後 From Now / On 團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Dance

編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

From now on, there is neither worry nor demand. The story is bland, but it’s enough for me, as I have you.


林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

李希雪 LEE Hei-suet

王譽澄 WONG Yu-ching

劉琛兒 LIU, Chloe

李茜程 Perreux Celeste Charlotte Crystal

周芯悅 CHAU Sum-yuet

陳芷君 CHAN Tsz-kwan

李莃晴 LEE Hei-ching, Hayley

欒子瑄 LUEN Tsz-huen, Jessie

王千晴 WONG Chin-ching

雷芷柔 LUI Tsz-yau, Vanessa

吳楚翹 NG Cho-kiu, Chris

談諾澄 TAM Lok-ching 陳穎琳 CHAN Wing-lam 王偉權 WONG Wai-kuen

甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

駱晞藍 LOCK Hei-nam 龍家惠 Nugteren Madalena Isabella 周天晞 CHOW Tin-hei, Heb

Dance Description:

Sense the power of nature through the bodyHong Kong Dance Company draws on the image of nature under the brush, painting an inner world beyond the confines of time or space through dance. The dancers’bodies become the brush’s dots, dashes and vigorous strokes; they are the artist’s eye for rhyme, rhythm and internal beauty. Sense the power of nature through the body, take in worldly beauty and meditate on the origins of life. Pass through mountains and over waters, and with a full heart, let the limits of the self and the physical world dissolve.

紫荊盃 - 公開舞 (群舞) 金獎、最佳表演獎
中場休息 Intermission 特邀演出團體 Guest Performers 舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 《如六・君子》(《山水》選段) “Six Men of Virtue”(excerpt from ShanShui:AnOdetoNature) 團體名稱 Dance Group: 香港舞蹈團 Hong Kong Dance Company 編舞 Choreographer: 楊雲濤 YANG Yuntao 舞蹈簡介: 香港舞蹈團與中國山水畫邂逅,取墨下自然為素材,以舞蹈藝術搭建一方跨越時空的精神世界。 舞者的身體是點、是線、是筆尖的一抹蒼潤;是韻、是律、是心靈美感的關照。奇幻靈巧,且元氣淋 漓;心有萬象,而物我兩忘。讓我們穿山引水,以肢體重新感知大自然的力量,賞萬物之美態,靜思 生命本源。

Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Group) Bronze Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 影 Shadow

團體名稱 Dance Group: Jay舞團 Jay Dance Company

編舞 Choreographer: 胡錦明 WU Kam-ming



Dance Description: Don’t live in others’shadow, control your own destiny and be reborn.


黃燕晴 WONG Yin-ching, Helen

余㬢文 YU Hei-man

甘佩珊 KAM Pui-shan

熊敏兒 HUNG Man-yi

陳澤恩 CHAN Chak-yan

沈淑儀 SUM Shuk-yee

繆海婷 MOW Hoi-ting

陳家琦 CHAN Ka-ki

左惠珠 CHO Wai-chu

梁慧姸 LEUNG Wai-yin

余安琪 YU On-ki

鍾鎧汶 CHUNG Hoi-man, June

陳蘊聰 CHAN Wan-chung, Ruby 胡錦明 WU Kam-ming

Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers - Modern Jazz (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 包租婆大戰包租公!The Landlady and the Landlord 團體名稱 Dance Group: MEIZI DANCE STUDIO 編舞 Choreographer: 馮美姿 FUNG Mei-zi 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

In the early 90’s, there was a quirky couple who often quarrelled over trifles but some times sang the same tune. The landlady was dominant but gentle and the landlord was stupid but kind. See how funny they were


陳芊雅 CHAN Chin-nga

HO Chor-fung, Jarvis

紫荊盃 - 中國舞 (群舞) 銅獎
小紫荊盃幼童組 – 爵士舞(單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎
公,常常為一點小事而吵吵鬧鬧,但有時候又一唱一和,非常合拍有默契,古靈精怪的他們將會展 開一場滑稽的故事。

– 中國舞(單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 小娃娃 Dolly

團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 - 黃琬庭 Hibiscus Dance - WONG Yuen-ting

編舞 Choreographer: 屈美娟 WAT Mei-kuen 舞蹈簡介:




Dance Description:

Dressed beautifully and dancing freely, the cute dolly wishes everyone health and happiness! 演員名單Dancer(s):

黃琬庭 WONG Yuen-ting

小紫荊盃幼童組 – 中國舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 俏妞兒 Little Pretty Girl

團體名稱 Dance Group: 小水點舞蹈團 - 林筠喬 Hibiscus Dance - LAM Kwan-kiu

編舞 Choreographer: 何祖宜 HO, Joey 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

The Uyghur little girl wearing her new dress, looking in the mirror full of joy, is ever so pretty!


林筠喬 LAM Kwan-kiu

小紫荊盃幼童組 – 中國舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Toddlers – Chinese Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

小水點舞蹈團 - 陳迦迦 Hibiscus Dance - CHAN Gaga

何皓斐 HO Ho-fei

Dance Description:

The cute little girl shakes the splash drum in her hand, dancing with love and happiness.


陳迦迦 CHAN Gaga

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 咚!咚!Blessing 團體名稱 Dance Group:
編舞 Choreographer:
舞蹈簡介: 可愛的小女孩,搖動著手中的潑浪鼓,舞出熱愛,舞出快樂。

Junior Bauhinia Cup Teenagers – Open Dance (Solo, Duo, Trio)

Silver Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 往日的曙光 Dawn of the Past

團體名稱 Dance Group: 廖文樂 LIU, Isaac

編舞 Choreographer: 岑智頤 SHUM, Henry 舞蹈簡介:


Dance Description:

Recall the past; let the glimmer of light turn into the traces of time. 演員名單Dancer(s):

廖文樂 LIU, Isaac

小紫荊盃兒童組 – 芭蕾舞 (單項) 金獎、最佳表演獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children - Ballet (Solo, Duo, Trio) Gold Award, Best Performance Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 夢幻的春天 Spring Fantasy

團體名稱 Dance Group: 陳哲雅 CHAN Chit-nga

編舞 Choreographer: 吳雪梅 NG, Violet 舞蹈簡介:

春天來臨,花朵們都爭相綻放顯現各自的絢麗奪目,令花園猶如仙境般美艷,小仙子愉悅而不自 覺地穿梭其中翩翩起舞,躍出春天的舞步!

Dance Description:

On the arrival of Spring, flowers are beginning to bloom and compete to show their own unique side of beauty, which has made the garden look like a fairyland. The fairy is de lighted and unconsciously dances among the blossomed flowers with steps of Spring.


陳哲雅 CHAN Chit-nga 小紫荊盃兒童組 – 芭蕾舞 (單項) 銀獎

Junior Bauhinia Cup Children – Ballet (Solo, Duo, Trio) Silver Award

Name of Dance: 春天的低語 Whisper of Spring

Dance Group: 蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui

Choreographer: 吳雪梅 NG, Violet

Dance Description:

When the spring breeze blows, have you ever found that the breath of spring contains the most moving message?


蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui

小紫荊盃少年組 – 公開舞 (單項) 銀獎、最佳表演獎
舞蹈簡介: 春風輕吹,你可曾發現春天的氣息,蘊含著最動人的寄語。


Junior Bauhinia Cup – Open (Group) Silver Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 網絡世界 Cyberspace

團體名稱 Dance Group: 碧華舞蹈團 Alan and Becky Dance Group

編舞 Choreographer: 林昭蓉 LIN Chao-jung 舞蹈簡介:

疫情肆虐將我們推進網絡的世界中。文字、符號擴散在虛擬空間裡,時而吸引,時而浮誇。但e世代 的我們不依賴、不沉迷,讓科技引領我們努力邁向理想。

Dance Description:

The pandemic has driven life online. In the virtual world, the presence of words and sym bols is often tempting yet exaggerating. Utilising technology to lead tomorrow, we the Gen Z pursue our dreams with great care in the cyberspace.


杜恩琳 TAO Yan-lam

陳頴怡 CHAN Wing-yee 陳思悅 CHAN Sze-yuet, Megan 陳婉姍 CHAN Yuen-shan 黃靖桓 WONG, Hazel 劉曉柔 Lau Hiu-yau

李慕君 LEE Mo-kwan 司徒巧晴 SZETO Hau-ching, Hazel 李倩兒 LEE Sin-yi

梁笑晴 LEUNG Siu-ching 郭樂然 GUO Le-ran 郭樂揚 GUO Le-yang 陳以心 CHAN, Issy 黃紫珉 WONG Tsz-man 梁家敏 Leung Ka Man 林詩諾 LAM Sze-lok 黎芷如 LAI Tsz-yu 張貝盈 CHEUNG Pui-ying

小紫荊盃- 公開舞(群舞)

中國舞 (群舞) 金獎

Bauhinia Cup – Chinese Dance (Group) Gold Award

舞蹈名稱 Name of Dance: 白草河畔聽羌風 Maidens of Qiangzu - Joy of Spring

團體名稱 Dance Group: 春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop

編舞 Choreographer: 李涵 LI Han


草樹知春不久歸,東風花溪綻蓓蕾。羌族少女就像久久含苞的辛夷花一般,絢爛綻放,隨風舞動, 變幻著心情和祈盼。

Dance Description:

Trees may grow in the returning spring, and flowers may blossom near the brook. There the Qiang maidens stand tall and fair, beyond the blooming flowers with the sweetest air, dancing in the wind, changing their mood and expectations freely.


袁奕彤 YUEN Yik-tung

黃頌惠 WONG Chung-wai

葉鎧瑩 YIP Hoi-ying

鍾慕瑩 CHUNG Mo-ying

李明熹 LEE Ming-hei, Rachel

陳穎怡 CHAN Wing-yi

姚逸桐 YIU Yat-tung

張思敏 CHEUNG Sze-man

曾佳蔚 CHEUN Kai-wai

葉熙渝 IP Hei-yu

區婥瑩 AU Cheuk-ying, Charlotte

程嘉盈 CHENG Jiaying

王健羽 WANG Angelina-jianyu

鄧唯 TANG Wei

頒獎禮 Award Ceremony






承蒙下列機構及人士支持及協助,特此致謝。 We wish to thank the following people and organizations for their kind support: 特邀演出團體 Guest Performers 北京舞蹈學院 Beijing Dance Academy 香港舞蹈團 Hong Kong Dance Company 紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽 國際合作單位 Worldwide Partners 澳門舞蹈協會 Associacao de Dancas de Macau 北京舞蹈學院 Beijing Dance Academy 中國舞蹈家協會(香港分會) Chinese Dancers Association Hong Kong Branch 美國恆達舞蹈學院 Hengda Dance Academy 韓國舞蹈聯合會 Korea Dance
新加坡表演藝術協會 Performing Arts
馬來西亞全舞協會 Quan Wu Dancing
Malaysia CSTD 澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會 The Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 中華舞蹈學會 The National Dance Association (按英文字母排序 In Alphabetical Order) 製作人員 Production Team 所有參與團體、演員、編導及工作人員 All participating groups, dancers, teachers and assisting members 鳴謝 Acknowledgements 舞台監督 Stage Manager: 胡潤龍 WU Yau-lung 燈光設計 Lighting Design: 陳佩儀 CHAN Pui-yee, Claudia 24

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