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Tourney Welcome
Tourney Welcome 3 HNIBStaff 4 Tourney History 5-11 2020 Showcase Review 12-13 Showcase Schedule 14-15 HNIBCoaches 17 HNIBProfile Series 19-29 Black Bears East 30-31 Black Bears North 32-33 Black Bears South 34-35 Black Bears West 36-37
Capital District 38-39
Central/West 40-41
Coastal Connecticut/NY 42-43 44-45
East Coast 46-47
Essex Greater Boston Mass West Metropolitan MidAtlantic Middlesex 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 Northeast Northern NE North Shore Soph.AllStars South Shore Southern NE Suburban 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73
HNIB’S 47TH ANNUAL BOYS SHOWCASE HNIB Welcomes Players, Coaches, Scouts, Fans To 2021 Event
Hockey Night In Boston welcomesyoutoour47thannual Summer Showcase being held again this year at the Valley Forum, a beautiful two-rink facility in Haverhill, MA (25 miles north of Boston). with a handful of games slated for the LawrenceValleyForum.
This year’s Showcase will feature 22 teams. Action begins on Wednesday, July 28th with a unique format sure to please the scouts in attendance. Each of the 22 teamswillplayfivegamesagainstfivedifferent opponents over a four-day period. College,Junior,PrepandNHLScoutswill beabletoseeprospectsplaytheiropening game on Wednesday, and then four more games Thursday and Friday, and for some teams-Saturdaymorning.
The nucleus of six select teams of Massachusetts /RI top players –
Greater Boston, South Shore, North Shore, Middlesex, Southern NE and
Central/West - were chosen in April/May. Players were invited by the HNIB staff based upon their previous winter’s scholastic hockey season and HNIB participation. Remaining spots were filled from a series of Festivals HNIBheld in July.
The 36th annual New YorkConnecticut-Mid-Atlantic Festival from June 25-27 featured for teams of players fromtheTri-Statearea..Theplayerscompeted for spots on two teams in the HNIB Showcase: Mid Atlantic and Connecticut/NY. Others were chosen for at-largespotsonotherclubs.
Over 200 skaters signed up for the 35th annual Northern New England FestivalinHaverhill,MA fromJuly6th8th, which was held this year in conjunction with our HNIB Mass North HS Fetival.
The result was two select teams, Northern New England and Northeast, that represent players from Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, as well as many rosters spots filled on the Massachusetts select teams.
HNIB’s third annual Southeast Festival was held July 13-14 at The Bog in Kingston, MA.After two days of solid competition, players were drafted to fill spots on three teams - South Shore, Southern NEand Suburban.
Fourteen teams of sophomores competed in the unique HNIB Sophomore All-Star Tournament from July 9-13. Also, over 275 junior high players participated in their own festival as a stepping stone to their initial exposure at HNIB. The final Sophomore All Stars was chosen after the tournament’s All-Star Games on July 14th.
Returning to HNIB this summer is defending champion Mass West, coached by Kevin Kervick. Veteran head coach Matt Lavallee is bringing a team again, called Metropolitan.
After a successful first season at HNIB last summer, Essex is back for another big year, put together by head coach Sean Roach.
Making their debuts this summer are East Coast, put together by coach Karl Bonawitz, and Coastal, a squad which Hebron Academy coach Jack O’Brien has constructed. Both should be very competitive from the outset.
Back after a one-year hiatus is Capital District, coached by Ben Hammock and featuring the nucleus of its players from the Washington, DC metropolitan region.
And, no less than four squads from the Black Bears Summer Academy, led by Alex Moody, hope to challenge, one team playing in each division.