Media Kit Hola 2015

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Canada 2015 Women World Cup

Arkansas’ Premiere Bilingual Newspaper





ÂżSe retira MĂŠxico de Miss Universo? ÂĄHola! Arkansas MĂŠxico City, MĂŠxico

Donald Trump la semana pasada. La ex Miss Universo Lupita Jones, quien se convirtiĂł en la primera mexicana en ganar la corona en 1991, dijo en Twitter que ella estĂĄ preocupada por la participaciĂłn de su paĂ­s en el concurso anual despuĂŠs de que el candidato presidencial dijera durante su lanzamiento de campaĂąa que MĂŠxico no envĂ­a a sus mejores a los EE.UU., en lugar el paĂ­s envĂ­a drogas, delincuencia y violadores. Jones es la directora nacional de Nuestra Belleza MĂŠxico, que elige a la representante de Miss Universo de su paĂ­s.

La mujer a cargo de la organizaciĂłn que elige a Miss MĂŠxico estĂĄ sacando al paĂ­s del certamen de Miss Universo debido a los polĂŠmicos comentarios de

ÂżConoces la historia del 4 de julio?


Celebramos el dĂ­a de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos el cuarto dĂ­a de julio de cada aĂąo. Pensamos que el 4 de julio de 1776, VER 4 DE JULIO PĂ gina 6A

Do you know the story of July 4th? We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. See JULY 4th Page 6A

La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos aumentĂł las protecciones disponibles para inmigrantes indocumentados en proceso de deportaciĂłn, VER CORTE PĂ gina 6A

Supreme Court ups protection for undocumented The U.S. Supreme Court increased the available protections for undocumented immigrants in deportation proceedings, See COURT Page 6A

ÂĄHola! Media Group

ÂżA dĂłnde se han ido todos los mexicanos? Where have all the Mexicans gone?

Volumen No. XIV • Volume XIV • Publicado desde Octubre 2000 • Published since October 2000 • • JUNIO 26 - JUNE 26, 2015

Corte Suprema eleva protecciĂłn a los indocumentados


Galvis recibe premio de la Barra de Abogados Galvis receives award from Arkansas Bar Association

Lupita Jones Miss Universe 1991 y/ and Ximena Navarrete Miss Universe 2010

Is Mexico pulling out of Miss Universe pagent? ÂĄHola! Arkansas Mexico City, Mexico The woman in charge of the organization that chooses Miss Mexico said she is pulling the country from the Miss Universe pageant because of Don-

ald Trump’s controversial comments last week. Former Miss Universe Lupita Jones, who became the first Mexican to win the crown in 1991, said on Twitter that she is concerned about her country’s participation in the annual com-

petition after the presidential candidate said during his campaign launch that Mexico doesn’t send its best to the U.S., instead the country sends drugs, crime and rapists. Jones is national director of Nuestra Belleza Mexico, which chooses

its country’s Miss Universe representative. “Following the first statements made by Donald Trump, See UNIVERSE Page 3A

UAMS recibe $40,000 del Consulado de MĂŠxico para el programa de Ventanilla de Salud ÂĄHola! Arkansas Little Rock, AR

do presentĂł el cheque en UAMS al canciller Dan Rahn, MD, en apoyo de la Ventanilla de Salud, que incluye apoyo financiero del gobierno mexicano a UAMS para llevar a cabo exĂĄmenes de educaciĂłn y salud para los mexicanos en Arkansas. “La investigaciĂłn reciente de nuestra propia universidad UAMS de Salud PĂşblica indica que hay mĂĄs de $100 millones de dĂłlares en costos directos en gastos mĂŠdicos en Arkansas debido a las desigualdades de salud para nuestra poblaciĂłn hispana.

La Escuela de Salud PĂşblica Fay W. Boozman de la Universidad de Arkansas para las Ciencias MĂŠdicas (UAMS, por sus siglas en inglĂŠs) recibiĂł $40,000 dĂłlares del Consulado de MĂŠxico en Little Rock para continuar una colaboraciĂłn iniciada en el 2010 que ofrece educaciĂłn para la salud, exĂĄmenes y referencias de proveedores de atenciĂłn mĂŠdica para las personas que necesitan los servicios entre los 30,000 que visitan el consulado cada aĂąo. El cĂłnsul David Precia-

Consul David Preciado y/and Dr. Jim Raczynski, Ph.D.


UAMS receives $40,000 from Mexican Consulate to continue Community Health Partnership ÂĄHola! Arkansas Little Rock, AR The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health today received $40,000 from

the Mexican Consulate in Little Rock to continue a partnership begun in 2010 that provides health education, screenings and referrals to health care providers for those with needed services for more than 30,000

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visitors to the consulate each year. Consul David Preciado presented the check at UAMS to Chancellor Dan Rahn, M.D., in support of the Ventanilla de Salud, or Health Window Program,

which includes ongoing funding support from the Mexican government for UAMS to conduct education and health screenings for Mexicans in Arkansas. See CONSULATE Page 4A

Herrera primer poeta laureado hispano de EE.UU. ÂĄHola! Arkansas Washington, D.C. Juan Felipe Herrera, hijo de trabajadores agrĂ­colas migrantes en California, creciĂł hablando espaĂąol y le daba vergĂźenza hablar inglĂŠs en la escuela. AsĂ­ que dejĂł de hablar. Con el tiempo encontrĂł su voz uniĂŠndose a los coros en la escuela intermedia y secundaria.

Juan Felipe Herrera

La biblioteca del Congreso anunciĂł que ha nombrado a Herrera como el 21o poeta galardonado de la naciĂłn del aĂąo 2015 hasta el aĂąo 2016. Herrera de 66 aĂąos, cuyos padres emigraron de MĂŠxico, se convertirĂĄ en el primer poeta laureado latino de la naciĂłn desde que la posiciĂłn fue creada en 1936. La autora dominicana Julia Ă lvarez dijo en un comunicado que ella estĂĄ “emocionadaâ€? por “la bellaâ€? noticia. VER POETA PĂ gina 6A

Herrera first Hispanic U.S. poet laureate ÂĄHola! Arkansas Washington, D.C. Juan Felipe Herrera, the son of migrant farm workers in California, grew up speaking Spanish and became ashamed to speak at school in English. So he shut down. He eventually found his voice through joining choirs in middle school and high school. The Library of Congress announced it has appointed Herrera as the nation’s 21st poet laureate for 2015 through 2016. Herrera, 66, whose parents emigrated from Mexico, is set to become the nation’s first Latino poet laureate since the position was created in 1936. Dominican-American author Julia Alvarez told in a statement that she is “tickledâ€? by the “beautifulâ€? news. Herrera said he is humbled and overwhelmed to receive the appointment. “Yes, I am the first Latino poet laureate in the United States, but I’m also here for everyone and from everyone. See POET Page 6A

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udiantes os honrĂĄ estAC Henry Cisner de Becas LUL en la Gala s honored students ero Henry Cisn olarship Banquet Sch at LULAC


s de o bajo y Negocio Feria de Tra as enfoque comunitari ÂĄHola! Arkansas Career & Business ÂĄHola! Arkans on community EXPO focuses


a: Obtenga ciĂłn Abiert 2015 Inscripura de seguro hoy cobert Enrollment: Apply 2015 Open rance coverage today for insu



er BER 14 14- NOVEM Newspap VIEMBRE .com • NO Bilingual -Arkansas ’ Premiere www.Hola 2000 • Arkansas October ed since

No. XIII Volumen

• Volume

do 14 celebranidad ĂĄ t s e s a mun kans ÂĄHola! Arinformar a la co e d aĂąos

de licado des XIII • Pub

Publish 2000 • Octubre

opornos da la anizaciĂłn editode continu os do 100 % tunidad embarcarn do ofrecien os idiomas, Inte mente s. rial en amb l durante los lĂ­der y fuen como el raĂąo catorce aĂąo ubre de 2000, Esp info y e s s. glĂŠs icia Desde oct ha ido camansas catorce aĂąo s que de not bilingĂźe Ăşltimos ÂĄHola! Ark AR ansas sabemo de lo maciĂłn k, ÂĄHola! Ark “Nosotros la! Arkansas definiciĂłn licacomunidad Little Roc la la a do ÂĄHo par , de bian pub el ĂŠxito debido a de habla hispana empresa primer n par te ansas, el que una iĂłdicos es. , nueses en gra ÂĄHola! Ark ngĂźe del estacomunidad dora de per envolvimiento s bili IO su dĂŠperiĂłdico VERSAR , nuestra ores, y nuestro Debido al celebrando ario de yo VER ANI comunidad tros lect PĂ gina 6A do, estĂĄ tinuo apo al en la rto anivers tido person pionero y nuestro clientes. El con stra orgacimo cua en nue ansas fuer te sen as. esfuerzo Ark un er bido la! ÂĄHo ans promov el reci dad en Ark estĂĄ liderazgo o como dad soli de comuni a equipo se ha con unidades “Nuestro serv ir a lĂ­der en las com la! Arkanulloso de muy org pana de las que sirve. ÂĄHo dad His ofrecer la la comuni de octubre del sas se esmera en de notides Arkansas expresĂł Maura mejor cobertura ambos 0,’ dadora ana les en aaĂąo 200 fun sem cy, cias lĂŠs y esp Lozano-Yan ansas. mas ing Ark os a idio prensa escrita, de ÂĄHola! agradecem Ăąol en web. “Nosotros de Arkansas ne y en el sitio primera y dad Actriz Dia: la comuni irnos ser par te “Como la tal, Guerrero fue por permit s diarias, y es- Ăşnica, a nivel esta ltiilia vida de mu de sus “Mi fam â€? ar de ĂŠsta organizaciĂłn diris continu s da aĂąo amo Arkansas rta s per en depo tenemedia por mucho hispanos, al en manera gida por agregĂł. person mĂĄsâ€?, ella Ă­a hispa- mos un interĂŠs ana de compaĂą la hisp o dad Com unicao, la comuni ios de com resu ltad na de med igua de Arkan- Arkansas. Como en ant vertido ciĂłn mĂĄs l estatal, nos hemos con nente y nive a ca sas y la Ăşni os par te de la la elecciĂłn preemi hasta som llegar o de nosotros s da para ana . Com ciĂłn, uno dad hisp - preferi unidades hispana uni con os La Inmigra com candentes o, nos hem prefe- las com as “, dijo Lozano los temas so en resu ltad la elecciĂłn a lle- en Arkans gre en el Con vertido en par muy iones Yancy ento, es minente ansas vers in Areste mom la rida y pro unidad hispana ÂĄHola ! Ark web ha estamunities al caso de o com la ama sitio en panic com Lozano-Yancy y cercano gar ÂĄHola! impresa Arkansas ne Guerrer â€? said t and actriz Dia is the New it serves. vide kansas, y latina de por los Ăşltimos ansas prin e munities been ÂĄHola! Ark ves to pro de “Orang anja es el bos idiomas spaper, en- Arkansas stri coverage of ions has nar new vers (El al l in site Blackâ€? ly bilingu with our the best weekly lish web % editoria ro). readers nection ring 100 es, Eng lish both Eng Nuevo Neg 14 aĂąos, gage our ura l con ducts and news in and offe uag de and cult ics and Latinos mu lti-media pro ertisers loca l in print the last both lang Ăł de la A la edad nish lleg for o adv Spa pan rrer ss of our Spanish ansas for His e and Diane Gue a encontrarse, y and as regardle ncy,â€? provide ÂĄHola! Ark AR st possibl rs. onl ans ine. nge yea onl par Ark n and stro k, in ficie ansas fourtee oldest escuela stment.â€? with the lish pro Little Roc ÂĄHola! Ark NE wned “As the their Eng Lozano-Yancy, return on their inve 0, ÂĄHola! VER DIA “We know in great par t Hispanic-o on state’s ura ober 200 statewide PĂ gina 4B said Ma ansas the organizati - success is due nities, our Arkansas. Since Oct e been changÂĄHola! Ark first bilingual mu of ÂĄHola! ltimedia a per founder our com clients. as hav Arkansas t a mu ansas, we have and as’ to tes 14 our premier thank the wing us Arkans definition of wha Ark ans bra and in s Ark “We cele allo in the reader ne spaper, ing the a stronpany is. nity for al stake . As a ily new IVERSARY Actress Dia promoting nity in commu t of their lives and newspaper com community son Community the See ANN years of : “My fam its Hispanic ard to become to be par Page 6A of commu Due to Guerrero edâ€? ing forw eer apwe have ger sense ferred are look ent, pion dership resu lt, ad,â€? she t and pre Hisud we involvem years ahe rea was deport Arkansas. preeminen g the is very pro as the many and its of the e grown proach for reachin ans “Our team tion, one ansas hav com- choice tinues, the Ark added. Ark con Immigra topics in ing e la! cy ÂĄHo in the of serv nity sinc Lozano-Yan is simple, to a leader hot-button t now, hits e ic Commu be to pan prid tegy righ His kWe “Our stra Congress 2000. “Orange uality wee the ulti- deliver a hig h-q October home for ieron ess in being close to as que nac y los Blackâ€? actr ourselves for information las person is the New rce Unidos iones rrero. mate sou Estados cubriencomunicac s, bi- en los Diane Gue 14, emigrado of NE bi-culturale espa- que han s en espaĂąol y en At the age See DIA en icia y sinot Ăźes 4B do ling Page de sus sub licadores a travĂŠs . Ăąol y pub Arkan- Ing lĂŠs operativas de ÂĄHola! er pe- diarias paùía tambiĂŠn ha ansas La com er CaEstatus de sas, el prim ngĂźe ÂĄHola! Ark AR do el prim ansas, bili n k, ncia ciĂł Roc ico le anu riĂłd Ark Litt Protec do le dan nal de Salud de con dos extendido del esta Temporal gua ida a Teas DrT V k del Villar, la bienven Arkan- Arkans DrT V-Little Roc Edgardo iopara Nicara or nac afiliados ille. Este lemundo presentad iciero Tedos pri- y DrT V-Fayettev proceso Not sas, con el nal del Seciones paso en Fin de meras esta Tele- es otro iĂłn de ÂĄHola! Melemundo cionarios l, ans fun Ă­a se en espaĂąo Little de exp compaĂą mana y La ncia up. anu r a las mundo-14 mun- dia Gro naciona les zamiento en conecta Tele en lan Rock, . enfoca ias hispanas ron el Aretteville mundo do-16 Fay Media audienc en las mĂş ltiples ad de Tele ante una as rede Segurid ÂĄHola! - Arkans mas como imp kansas dur de cor te Secretario Johnson fue crea ia l eh medios platafor Group ceremon Naciona a, mĂłv il, promola Feria lĂ­ne Estatus de , a en el en n par ial, rĂĄ sa, soc rado del listĂł extende Temporal (TPS y Negofortalecer de comunicaciĂłn ver y mĂĄs de 20 de Trabajo ArkanProtecciĂłn as en inglĂŠs) boraciĂłn, dio, televisiĂłn y la! unidad. la cola cios de ÂĄHo com enpor sus sigl ionales y la io de s nac intercamb o entre evento sas. ua para los Media mundo, de Nicarag Villar, Tele do. tendimient ÂĄHola! ional elegibles ardo del empresa Ă­odo adic a nsas, Edg ez, Telemun Group, una anizaciĂłn por un per cast Arka do and Paul Gom es, efectivo ano, Com lĂ­der y org Arley Liev Gutierrez, Telemun de 18 mes de enero de tota l6 Ricardo mu ltimedia grada y partir del 5 de julio inte ta mente 2015, has is da en las lle. This ARAGUA especia liza 2016. V-Fayettevi the process VER NIC and DrT PĂ gina 4B step in ted States a! Media another n in the Uni e immigrated ion at ÂĄHol of expans company focusTele- bor hav y Protected Spanish The welcomed two those who Arkansas’ spaper news in Temporarended for r- Group. g new first ting ope as erin s nec its ans cov ugh Ark Busines on mules in con mundo Telemun- and English thro eer and Status ext audiences print, stations, kansas Car nHispanics h as sidiaries. a Spanish le Rock, Telemu Nicaragua eland ating sub pany has also tiple platforms suc al media, ansas Expo. ia Group, soci do-14 Litt ville. ÂĄHola! Ark AR of Hom The com ÂĄHola! Med fully integratansas’ first online, mobile, and over 20 ette Secretary Johnson up was ced Ark V do-16 Fay le Rock, on Gro and oun DrT Litt visi Jeh ia tion y ann ing tele l, lead Securit radio, ary organiza Channe ÂĄHola! Med promote and ts. national ed multimedia nd Tempor ) Affiliates community even Health ’s bi-cultural, created to will exte aboration, Arkansas two k and Telemundo scast anchor, specialized in Status (TPS Roc hening coll nish com andProtected nationals of ittle nakend new al and Spa publisher strengt e and underst e DrT V-L itional wee o del Villar and the bi-lingu for eligible exchang who wer s and ced for an add Edgard munication ansas the state’s ing among people ers announ Nicaragua effective , tional offic gual ndo Arkan- of ÂĄHola! Ark bilin mu ugh Tele 18 months first thro launch of a ribbon cutting premier and 6, 2015, January sas during 6. ÂĄHola! ArJuly 5, 201 See NICARAGUA y at the ceremon Page 4B



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JANUARY 02 New Year’s Resolution | NEW YEAR 2015 Issue 09 Luther King | HEALTH Issue Martin 16 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue 23 Go College | EDUCATION Issue 30 Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue

FEBRUARY 06 Your Heart | VALENTINE’S Issue ! 13 College Goal | EDUCATION Issue 20 Children Dental Health | HEALTH Issue " # $ % & 27 Your Health | HEALTH Issue

MARCH ' ( % 06 Auto Guide | FINANCIAL Issue # " 13 Career & Business | EDUCATION Issue 20 Your Money | TAXES issue Easter 27 | FAMILY Issue

JULY + 3 4 03 Auto Guide | FINANCIAL Issue 566 10 College Opportunities | EDUCATION Issue ) 17 Health Careers | EDUCATION Issue , " 4 # + % 24 Banking & Finances | FINANCIAL Issue 31 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue

" " %4 1% AUGUST ) 07 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue , 566 14 College Guide | EDUCATION issue 21 Career Opportunity | BUSINESS Issue 28 Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue - ' ( %

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SEPTEMBER , % # (*6 * ! 04 Career Resources & Employment | EXPO Issue - 6 % 11 Hispanic Heritage Month I SPECIAL Issue 18 Citizenship Day | BUSINESS Issue . 6 % 77 25 Hispanic Heritage Month II I HISPANIC PROFILE

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OCTOBER 02 Latino AIDS | HEALTH Issue '7!1 09 Women Health | FAMILY Issue " % 16 Breast Cancer | HEALTH Issue # ! 23 Halloween & Dia de Los Muertos | FAMILY Issue # # $%& ' # $( 4h

APRIL 03 Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue 10 Weddings & Parties | BRIDAL & QUINCE issue 17 Minority Health | HEALTH issue * " 24 Cinco de Mayo | HISPANIC CULTURE Issue ) % # + MAY 01 Mother’s Day | WOMEN Issue 08 College Education | EDUCATION Issue - ! 15 Riverfest | FAMILY Issue ( % 22 Summer School | EDUCATION Issue . / 0 29 Children & Young Adults | FIFA 2015 WOMENS SOCCER Issue 1 ** 1% JUNE 05 Auto Guide | FIFA 2015 WOMENS SOCCER Issue . # ' 12 Father’s Day | HEALTH Issue + ! 19 Legal Matters | LEGAL Issue " 26 July 4th | FAMILY Issue


30 ¡Hola! Arkansas (2000-2015) | 15 ANNIVERSARY Issue

NOVEMBER + * 06 Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue 13 Go College | EDUCATION Issue + * " " 20 Family Matters | THANKSGIVING Issue 27 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue ) " %4 1%

DECEMBER 04 Christmas Holiday | FAMILY Issue 11 Auto Guide | FINANCIAL Issue , * 18 Family Matters | HEALTH Issue 25 Career Resources & Employment | NEW YEAR 2016 Issue

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(501) 771-5007 | Call Free: 1-844-300-HOLA | |

A leading Hispanic media & publishing company specialized in Bi-cultural, Bilingual and Spanish communications.

Print | Television | Digital | Online | Mobile | Events PO Box 25743 Little Rock, AR 72221-5743 1-844-300-HOLA | 501-771-5007



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