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有關釜山國際電影節 About the Busan International Film Festival


1996年,釜山國際電影節(BIFF)作為韓國首個國際電影節成立,至今已發展成亞洲最大型兼全 球首屈一指的影展。多年來, BIFF除了把釜山塑造成國際文化藝術都市外,亦在提升韓國電影的 全球地位、推動國際文化交流、改善國內電影製作和發行環境起了關鍵作用,從而在促進韓國電影 發展中擔任著重要的角色。

透過包羅不同類型、不同產地的電影, BIFF 儼然成為世界瞭解電影工業最新趨勢的窗口。與此同 時,影展又為亞洲電影預視未來的方向,發掘並支持亞洲新進導演和電影。

作為引領電影工業走向未來的力量,釜山國際電影節將透過舉辦聯合電影投資市場和支持亞洲電影 人才,繼續致力促進亞洲電影之發展。

Since its beginning as the first international film festival in Korea in 1996, the Busan International Film Festival has grown into Asia’s largest and the world’s most dynamic film festival. The festival plays an important role in enhancing the international image of Busan as a cultural and artistic city. BIFF bolsters the status of Korean films in the global cinema industry as well as invigorates international exchanges through film. It also improves the condition for film production and distribution to act as a genuine driving force for the development of Korean cinema.

The Festival is a place to view and monitor the latest film industry trends through various film genres and origins. The festival presents a vision for Asian cinema as well as discovers and supports new talented Asian directors and films.

As a future leading power in the film industry, the Busan International Film Festival will continue its efforts for Asian cinema by promoting a joint investment market and supporting new productions of Korean and Asian filmmakers.

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