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神女觀音 The Bacchus Lady
from 新浪潮.新海岸:釜山國際電影節 New Waves, New Shores: Busan International Film Festival
by Hong Kong Arts Centre - Moving Images é¦æ¸¯èè¡ä¸å¿ï¼æµåå½±å
27/11 (Sat) 02:30pm
南韓 South Korea | 2016 |111 mins|DCP|彩色 Colour 韓語對白,中、英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Director 李在容 E J-yong
演員 Cast 尹汝貞、全茂松、尹啟相 Youn Yuh-jung, Chon Moo-song, Yoon Kye-sang
獎項 Awards 2016 亞太電影大獎評審團大獎 Jury Grand Prize, Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2016 2016 奇幻電影節最佳劇本及最佳女主角 Best Screenplay and Best Actress, Fantasia Festival 2016
提名 Nominations 2016 亞太電影大獎最佳女主角 Best Actress, Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2016 2016 青龍電影獎最佳女主角 Best Actress, Blue Dragon Film Awards 2016
影展 Festival 2016 柏林國際電影節 Berlin International Film Festival 2016
患淋病的年長性工作者素英(尹汝貞 飾)為籌兒子大學學費出賣肉體,求診 時醫生被菲律賓情婦刺傷,情急之下把 他們的私生子帶回家,與為鄰的身障青 年及跨性別夜店歌手相濡以沫。憑《農 情家園》(2020)奪奧斯卡最佳女配角 的尹汝貞縱橫影壇五十多年,在本片普 渡慾海眾生。導演李在容擅長發掘女演 員特質,貫徹《挑情寶鑑》(2003)和 《女演員們》(2009)中的女性意識。 本片反映當代韓國社會長者困境、同時 側寫新移民、殘障及性小眾等弱勢社群 眾生相,流露人文關懷。
李在容1991年與邊赫合導短片《詭影奇 錄》。1998年自編自導首部長片《婚外 初夜》,2000年再次起用李政宰主演《純 愛譜》,兩部作品均在釜山國際電影節 上映。《女演員們》(2009)及《鏡頭背 後》(2013)則集結多位韓國女星,尹汝 貞在兩部作品中大放異彩,為二人在本片 的合作鋪下良好默契,三部作品均在釜山 國際電影節中上映。
映前映後 Before and After To pay for her son’s university tuition, 65-year-old So-young (Youn Yuh-jung) works as an elderly prostitute. While getting treated for an S.T.D., her doctor is attacked by his Filipina mistress over their illegitimate son. In a panic, So-young takes the boy to her home and ends up forming an unusual surrogate family with her amputee neighbour and transgender landlord while caring for the boy. Before becoming a globally recognised star with her award-winning performance in Minari (2020), Youn was already a five-decade veteran actress best known at home for her daring performances. An expert in drawing out incredible female performances with films such as Untold Scandal (2003) and The Actresses (2009), director E J-yong lends a humanist touch with an empathetic look at struggles faced by the elderly, sexual minorities, the disabled and immigrants in contemporary Korean society.
E J-yong first became known for his 1991 short, Homo Videocus (co-directed by Daniel H. Byun). He made his feature directorial debut in 1998 with An Affair, an infidelity drama about female desire that became his first film screened at BIFF. He reunited with An Affair star Lee Jung-jae two years on Asako in Ruby Shoes (2000). His two mockumentaries, The Actresses (2009) and Behind the Camera (2013), featured some of Korea’s greatest actresses in hilarious, self-effacing satires of the local film industry that also vividly depicted complex dynamics between women. His collaboration with Youn Yuh-jung on those two films paved the way for The Bacchus Lady, their finest collaboration to date. All three films were also screened at BIFF.