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毒戰寒流 Believer
#本節目亦將放映《毒戰》 This programme will also screen Drug War
南韓 South Korea | 2018 |123 mins|DCP|彩色 Colour 韓語對白,中、英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles
11/12 (Sat) 07:30pm*
*導演李海暎將出席視訊映後談 Director Lee Hae-young will attend the after-screening talk virtually.
導演 Director 李海暎 Lee Hae-young
演員 Cast 趙震雄、柳俊烈、金成鈴 Cho Jin-woong, Ryu Jun-yeol, Kim Sung-ryoung
獎項 Award 2018 青龍電影獎最佳男配角及最佳音樂 Best Supporting Actor and Best Music, Blue Dragon Film Awards 2018 2018 大鐘獎最佳男配角及最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress, Grand Bell Awards 2018 2018 韓國電影製作人協會獎最佳女配角,最佳剪接及最佳音樂 Best Supporting Actress, Best Editing and Best Soundtrack, Korean Film Producers Association Awards 2018
提名 Nominations 2018大鐘獎最佳男主角、最佳攝影、最佳美術指導、最佳配樂及技術獎 Best Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Music and Technical Award, Grand Bell Awards 2018 2019 百想藝術大賞最佳導演、最佳男配角、最佳女配角、最佳女新人演員及藝術獎 Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best New Actress and Technical Award, Baeksang Arts Awards 2019
合導《少年壯士麥當娜》(2006)的李海暎翻 拍杜琪峯得獎破格之作《毒戰》(2012),韓 版充滿驚險懸疑。遵循原作,一隊以元昊(趙震 雄飾)為首的專業刑警抓到販毒集團成員樂(柳 俊烈飾),相信這是千載難逢的機會,可藉此搗 破勢力龐大的幕後黑手。然而,他們對神秘主腦 「李先生」的執著,令他們付出龐大代價。由與 朴贊郁多次合作的編劇丁瑞慶聯合改編,李海暎 的韓版比原作更暗黑辛辣,更驚心動魄。加上攝 影指導Kim Tae-kyung(《銀嬌》、《思悼》) 及配樂Dalpalan(《哭聲》)助陣,李海暎創造 了一場充滿活力的視覺盛宴,令本片注入其獨特 之處。
在為數部電影擔任編劇後,李海暎首次聯合導演 另類喜劇《少年壯士麥當娜》,獲青龍電影獎最 佳新導演獎。其後單獨執導電影類型甚廣,從喜
映前映後 Before and After Like a Virgin co-director Lee Hae-young brings Johnnie To’s acclaimed thriller Drug War (2012) to Korea with this breathtakingly suspenseful remake. Like the original, Believer follows a team of dedicated detectives – led by Won-ho (Cho Jin-Woong) – who thinks they have a oncein-a-lifetime chance to take down the notorious drug kingpin known as Mr Lee when they capture Rak (Ryoo Joon-Yeol), a member of the drug ring. However, their obsession with stopping Mr Lee will cost them more than they can afford. Co-written by Chung Seo-kyung, longtime screenwriter for director Park Chan-wook, Lee’s take on the award-winning police procedural thriller is even more morally murky and thrilling than the original film. With cinematographer Kim Tae-kyung (A Muse, The Throne), and music composer Dalpalan (The Wailing), Lee also creates a vibrant and visually stylish palate that makes this remake uniquely his own.
劇《Foxy Festival》(2010)到恐怖驚慄片《京 城學校:消失的少女們》(2015),更拍了這部 動作片《毒戰寒流》。他目前正在製作由薛景求 (《薄荷糖》)和朴素淡(《上流寄生族》)主 演的間諜驚慄片 《幽靈》。
After working on several films as a screenwriter, Lee Hae-young made his feature directorial debut as the co-director of offbeat comedy Like a Virgin (2006), for which he won Best New Director from the Blue Dragon Film Awards. He has experimented with genre boundaries as a solo director, going from comedy Foxy Festival (2010) to horror-thriller The Silenced (2015) before landing on the action genre with Believer. He is currently working on Phantom, an espionage thriller starring Sol Kyung-gu (Peppermint Candy) and Park So-dam (Parasite).